MTOAW :: Volume #5

#441: Ruling. The crime punishes arrives

Understood the rule, one group of people then respectively have various departures, this lets Dongfang Yan very helpless looks at that actually with own two electric lamp bulb rolled the eyes. 明白了规则,一群人便各有各的离开,这倒是让东方焱很无奈的看着那跟着自己的两个电灯泡翻了个白眼 Then you two are What does it mean?” “那么你们两个是什么意思?” Such remarks, amber cannot bear is awkward, but sees nearby Xun one to pull her hand righteous looks at Dongfang Yan to say affectionate. 此言一出,琥嘉就忍不住的尴尬起来,不过看见一旁的薰儿一把亲昵挽着她手理直气壮的看着东方焱道。 Who with you, I with fumigating.” “谁跟着你了,我只是跟着薰儿而已。” rolled the eyes, Dongfang Yan went forward to arrive in front of amber looks at she not to retrocede half step to narrow the eyes to focus in own initiative snatching has fumigated start to talk to say. 翻了个白眼,东方焱上前来到琥嘉面前看着她不自觉的后退了半步眯着眼一把抢过薰儿开口道。 Fumigates, but my person, do you fumigate not quite in me? Good, let alone that many idle talk must know...... I am not the good person.” “薰儿可是我的人,你跟着薰儿不就相当于跟着我?好了别说那么多废话了要知道……我可不是什么好人。” Collects excessively in the amber fine ear began to speak to make the amber fine subconscious whole body to this tremble about his great strength as well as the terrifying appears in the brain this makes amber also just like be frightened generally. 凑过头在琥嘉得耳边开说到这让琥嘉下意识的浑身一颤关于他的强大以及恐怖出现在脑中这让琥嘉也是宛如被吓到了一般。 Good Elder Brother Yan, do not frighten amber.” “好了焱哥哥,你也别吓唬琥嘉了。” Sees the scene to fall into peacefully, fumigates to draw to speak of this that Dongfang Yan's is acting like a spoiled brat to make Dongfang Yan curl the lip toward Xiao Yixian to walk actually, this makes Xun helpless shaking the head of comfort amber finally, has saying that this girl is also the nerve big strip worthily is called the person of tigress, before long then restores also to be able with the Dongfang Yan mutually resentment. 见场面陷入安静,薰儿拉着东方焱的手撒娇的说到这倒是让东方焱撇了撇嘴朝着小医仙走过去,这让薰儿无奈的摇了摇头最后安慰着琥嘉,不得不说这个小妞子也是神经大条不愧是被称为虎妞的人,不一会便恢复过来还能和东方焱互怼。 Noisy, this let amber and Wu Hao actually has discovered other side of Dongfang Yan's, wound also reluctantly to calculate that ripe a friend was good. 一路吵吵闹闹,这倒是让琥嘉和吴昊发现了东方焱的另一面,熟络起来了也就勉强算个朋友好了。 You said that who is a tigress!! I called amber am not a tigress!!!!!” “你说谁是虎妞!!我叫琥嘉不是虎妞!!!!!” Roaring, amber fine in the hand is taking the leather whip to wield toward Dongfang Yan, shaking the head of but is easy holds leather whip looks at that not to be convinced regarding this small matter simply amber who has no alternative. 怒吼着,琥嘉手中拿着皮鞭朝着东方焱挥动着,不过对于这种小事情来说简直是轻而易举一把抓住皮鞭看着那不服气的琥嘉无可奈何的摇了摇头。 Said that you were the tigress you have also taken a seat according to ticket number, do not have the guest to come noisily.” “说你是虎妞你还对号入座了哈,别闹有客人来了。” Shook the head, the vision looked that has turned around this to let Wu Hao as well as amber to one side woods actually stares. 摇了摇头,目光看向一旁树林转过身这倒是让吴昊以及琥嘉都是一愣起来。 Hehe also is really the keen sensation strength, it seems like that this newbie you are strongest.” 呵呵还真是敏锐的感知力啊,看来这一届的新人你们就是最强吧。” The laughter transmits, this makes Wu Hao and the others feel that was actually not wonderful five people to walk afterward came out this to let surprised that amber cannot bear actually. 笑声传来,这倒是让吴昊等人感觉不妙随后五个人走了出来这倒是让琥嘉也是忍不住的惊讶。 Strongest? Right I am strongest, therefore you prepare to be defeated.” “最强?啊没错我就是最强,所以你们就准备好失败吧。” The corners of the mouth turn upwards wipe smile evilly, both eyes unconscious ends to become king, but king change/transform the feeling is more like the blackening. 嘴角翘起一抹邪笑,双眼不自觉的完成王化,只是王化的感觉更像是黑化。 Has pinched finger , since having the strength of flame, almost little began, this makes Dongfang Yan un want to stretch a little bit actually. 捏了捏手指自从拥有了火焰之力后几乎就很少动手了,这倒是让东方焱久违嗯想要活动一下身体。 Rodomontading newbie, it seems like made the school leader teach you one to be well-mannered well.” “大言不惭的新人,看来得让学长好好的教你一下规矩了。” Similarly pinches to begin saying that the person corners of the mouth of school leader bring to sneer toward Dongfang Yan approach, but the vision sees to fumigate and Xiao Yixian instantaneous surprised appearance. 同样捏着手自称学长的人嘴角带着冷笑朝着东方焱靠近,只是目光看见薰儿和小医仙瞬间一副惊讶的样子。 Also dares to divert attention in the fight, it seems like that this school leader does not know how the dead characters have written, made me teach you to be good.” “在战斗的时候还敢分心,看来这位学长不知道死字怎么写了,也罢就让我来教你好了。” Shook the head, Eight Celestial Divination Gates flickers three, starts directly shows Lian magnificent almost to change to remnant shade amber and the others only to see the line to move silhouette that the pitiful yell as well as flies to make amber and the others blush with shame at present high-speed, the pure body technique is also such strong, this kept the Wu Hao deep feeling from surmounting. 摇了摇头,八门遁甲瞬开三门,直接发动表莲华几乎化作残影琥嘉等人只看见眼前有一条线在高速的移动着惨叫以及飞出来的人影都让琥嘉等人汗颜,纯粹的体术也是这么强,这让吴昊深深的感觉到了无法超越。 However has also strengthened own faith. 不过也是更加的坚定了自己的信念。 Inner courtyard is also not much...” “内院也不怎么样嘛…” Threw in the hand the totals of five hot crystal card five people to add also several thousand looks like already some people evil scheme. 抛了抛手中的五张火晶卡五个人的全数加起来也有几千看来已经有人惨遭毒手了。 Seeing has the share, gives you.” “见者有份,给你。” Optional throwing to amber and a Wu Hao hot crystal card, stretched oneself remaining all gave has fumigated then prepares to go all out. 随意的抛给琥嘉和吴昊一张火晶卡,伸了个懒腰剩下的全给了薰儿便准备大干一场。 This is not good ......... “这不好吧………” The subconsciousness catches on hot crystal card looks at several hundred points is also embarrassed. 下意识接住火晶卡看着上面几百的点数也是不好意思起来。 Did not want that to give back to me to be good.” “不要那就还给我好了。” rolled the eyes, after amber also hastily retroceded the fire can transfer accounts, turns into 7 has given Dongfang Yan. 翻了个白眼,对此琥嘉也是连忙后退把火能转账后变成7的给了东方焱 Since you said to me if did not want that very not to you face, did not use.” “既然你都说给我了如果不要的话那岂不是很不给你面子,就不用了。” Hid is fumigating behind to smile amber transferring accounts the later hot crystal card to Dongfang Yan hands over came out this to cause smiling of actually Dongfang Yan could not bear. 躲在薰儿身后对着东方焱笑了笑琥嘉把转账之后的火晶卡交了出来这倒是引得东方焱忍不住的笑了笑。 Was good, five people of one group, altogether ten groups also on 50 people, Hehe some played.” “好了,五人一组,一共十组也就50个人而已,呵呵有的玩了。” Also does not haggle over anything, Eight Celestial Divination Gates opened three doors to demonstrate in any case simply directly own powerful side was good, the Su thousand elders saw the putting out a hand sky thunder clouds gradual formation in any case. 也不计较什么,反正八门遁甲都已经开了三门索性直接展示自己强势的一面好了,反正苏千长老已经看见了伸手天空雷云逐渐的形成。 This change naturally has brought to the attention of all people, naturally the person in outer court sees the so familiar thunder clouds understands all overtaking as if by prior agreement instantaneously. 这一异动自然的引起了所有人的注意,当然外院的人一看见如此熟悉的雷云一个个的瞬间明白全都不约而同的赶过去。 Person who because can put out a hand to draw on the thunder clouds except for that strong abnormal first estimate also nobody, regarding this strength so formidable he without doubt became the hopes of other outer court people. 因为能伸手招来雷云的人除了那个强的变态的第一估计也就没人了,对此实力如此强大的他无疑成为了外院其余人的希望。 Was expecting Dongfang Yan can look is in the situation of outer court student protects itself. 期望着东方焱能看在同是外院学生的情况下保护一下自己。 Suddenly, countless people appear gradually, when sees amber and Wu Hao also horrible to look at lies down in especially those in the inner courtyard student of ground, this lets their believing. 一时间,无数的人逐渐的出现,不过当看见琥嘉和吴昊也在尤其是那些惨不忍睹躺在地上的内院学生,这让他们更加的坚信。 Wū wū, Queen-sama saves a life Ah!!!” “呜呜呜,女王大人救命啊!!!” 56 female student flushed in the amber fine direction, has to chase their five people in their behind, this makes the amber fine one startled take up the leather whip to get ready for action actually. 56个女生朝着琥嘉的方向冲了过来,在他们身后还有着追赶他们的五个人,这倒是让琥嘉一惊拿起皮鞭做好战斗准备。 Fumigates is vision looks at is also chasing their inner courtyard student. 就连薰儿也是目光看着追赶着她们的内院学生。 Bang!!!!!” 轰!!!!!” Heavy stuffy thunder Xia all people jumped together, a blue thunder drops from the clouds happen to hits to chase girl's five inner courtyard students, the instantaneous pitiful yell resounds, when the lightning current ray diverges the hair that five whole body burned black people explode, the mouth spits the black smoke then not to awake, the person who this lets these observations recalls by being struck by lightning fear. 一道沉重的闷雷吓了所有人一跳,一道蓝色的雷霆从天而降正好击中追赶着女孩的五个内院学生,瞬间一股惨叫响起当电流的光芒散去五个浑身焦黑的人爆炸的头发,口吐黑烟接着到底不醒,这让那些观察的人回忆起来被雷劈的恐惧。 „The second group.” “第二组。” For those lying down in five people of ground puts out a hand, five hot crystal cards depart to fly toward Dongfang Yan, this person who lets the thousand elders is also one peeps is also so. 对着躺在地上的五人伸手,五张火晶卡飞出朝着东方焱飞过去,这一手让苏千长老也是一愣就连偷窥的人也是如此。 Comes out, since hopes that I protect your matters to understand, the king will protect his people however to think does not allow the people to defy own will.” “出来吧,既然希望我保护你们那么有一件事就得明白,王会保护他的子民但是觉不允许子民违抗自己的意志。” The words fall, hid is hiding in the surroundings the person all awkwardly walked, this lets Wu Hao as well as amber actually is also the appearance that has not thought. 话语一落,原本躲在周围隐藏着的人全都尴尬的走了出来,这倒是让吴昊以及琥嘉也是一副没想到的样子。 Same as usual this is ......... Came......” “老样子这是………都来了吧……” newbie that looks at permits some are wounded at present, naturally understands that the estimate was attacked, the complete people gather here, naturally goal too thus greatly also attracted the attention of inner courtyard student, but will come one group to be without exception lingering on faintly by the thunder entertainment pitiful yell sound every time. 看着眼前许些带着伤的新人,自然明白估计是被袭击了,全部人都聚集在这里,自然目标太大从而也就吸引了内院学生的注意,不过每来一组无一例外全都会以雷霆招待惨叫声不绝于耳。 By one group of people are ganged up to surround and beaten up by the stalemate paralysis that the thunder chops also is really horrible to look , the unconscious ten groups of inner courtyard students were eliminated half. 被雷霆劈的陷入麻痹又被一群人围殴还真是惨不忍睹啊,不知不觉十组内院学生就被消灭了一半。 But in Dongfang Yan's in the hand, the hot crystal card total was also several thousand several almost must break ten thousand, this also has to say the fire of inner courtyard student to be able the richness. 而在东方焱的手中,火晶卡总数也是几千几几乎要破万了,这也不得不说内院学生的火能之丰厚。 It seems like this champion is newborn, Hehe that boy also is really a freak, whom the method of this control thunder did not have.” “看来这一届的冠军是新生的了,呵呵不过那个小子还真是个怪胎啊,这一手控制雷霆的手段也是没谁了。” Shakes the head, the amber of observation feels the beard of chin to smile bitterly in secret dry. 摇着头,暗中观察的琥乾摸着下巴的胡须苦笑着。 This boy is not simple, a person almost destroyed completely the inner courtyard student looked like the black and white crisis is also to realize generally the thorniness of that boy.” “这个小子不简单啊,一人几乎灭掉了内院学生一般看来黑白关煞也是察觉到了那个小子的棘手。” naturally looks at another elder the Dongfang Yan performance in eye also reveals the forced smile, is the Dongfang Yan's talent and Ability feels the sigh. 自然东方焱表现看在眼中的另一个长老也是露出苦笑,为东方焱的天赋和能力感到感叹。 This champion belongs to newbie, but looked like this strong list must add a person we to paid attention to this brat to start tactless not let him as the major-domo do to kill.” “这一届的冠军非新人莫属,不过看来这一届的强榜要加一个人了不过我们作为监管者还是得注意一下这臭小子下手没轻没重的别让他搞出人命来。” Similarly helpless shaking the head, vision looks at that by one group of huge crowd flat inner courtyard students, how subconscious raising the head looked at thunder clouds in the sky somewhat to have doubts he not to use the different fire. 同样无奈的摇了摇头,目光看着那被一群人海扁一顿的内院学生,下意识的抬头看了眼天空中的雷云有些疑惑他怎么不用异火。 Elder Brother Yan, we such make widely known to bring in besieging of old student.” 焱哥哥,我们这么张扬会不会引来老生的围攻啊。” Can Dongfang Yan of any demand not enable amber to distribute this with Xiao Yixian the fire regarding the fire to let burst into tears regarding Dongfang Yan's impression change that again newbie feel grateful. 对于火能没什么需求的东方焱也就让琥嘉和小医仙把火能分发下去这可让新人们感激的流泪了对于东方焱的印象又再一次的改变。 Hehe extremely arrogant newbie, such being the case makes widely known when really we are good to bully, but the self-respect of tearing outer courts talent every year fire can the custom of congress, the custom not allow to be broken.” 呵呵狂妄的新人,既然如此张扬真当我们是好欺负的啊,撕裂外院们天才的自尊心可是每年火能大会的规矩,规矩绝不允许被打破。” One group of people walk to sneer to say facing Dongfang Yan, UU reads 一群人走出来面对着东方焱冷笑道,UU看书 But Dongfang Yan of being disinclined idle talk puts out a hand to grasp to the inner courtyard old student who is presenting. 而懒得废话的东方焱对着出现的内院老生伸手一握。 With the deafening thunderclap, the thick thunder dropped from the clouds to frighten them to jump generally, responded that a point person had been hit to send out the pitiful yell slowly directly. 伴随着震耳欲聋的雷声,一般粗大的雷霆从天而降吓了他们一跳,一些反应慢了一点的人直接被击中发出惨叫。 I, I go such fiercely ......... “我,我去这么猛………” Dongfang Yan that looks at starts without delay directly, the old student are also blushing with shame of face from enters the Kurome condition newly the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth that turn upwards wipe cruel smiling face start to talk to say gently. 看着二话不说直接开打的东方焱,老生也是一脸的汗颜不过从新进入黑瞳状态的东方焱嘴角翘起一抹残忍的笑容轻轻开口道。 Ruling day spirit.” “裁决天灵阵。” Puts out a hand gently, the old student gate under foot presents a mysterious mark suddenly, the innumerable blood red chains present the instantaneous blockade to imprison the complete people from the under foot to attempt to discover with the old student who Battle Qi revolts against instantaneously oneself Battle Qi was unable to use by the seal probably generally. 轻轻伸出手,老生门脚下忽然出现一道神秘的印记,无数条血红的锁链自脚下出现瞬间封锁禁锢全部人原本企图用斗气反抗的老生瞬间发现自己的斗气好像被封印了一般根本无法动用。 This made the old student instantaneously panic-stricken extremely, the surrounding scene turned into a stretch of desert belt, the innumerable swords inverted on the ground, in the sky was a golden strange clock in tick-tock tick-tock the rotation. 这让老生瞬间惊恐万分,就连周围的场景都变成了一片荒漠地带,无数的剑倒插在地上,天空之中是一个金色的奇怪时钟在滴答滴答的转动。 The surroundings of clock are surrounding the red lightning as well as the woods white flame, even in the sky also hangs seven not to know that is anything's sword. 时钟的周围环绕着红色的闪电以及森白色的火焰,甚至就连天空之中也挂着七把不知道是啥的剑。 Crime punishes. The ruling arrives.” “罪罚.裁决降临。” Puts out a hand to grasp, in the sky appears is similar to water surface ripples, one is condensed flying sword that becomes to be hanging by the woods white flame above the imprisoned old student purely, this made they unconscious swallowing saliva, forehead cold sweat open mouth to say that anything actually discovered oneself only remaining shivered is unable to speak. 伸手一握,天空之中出现如同水面一把的涟漪,一把把纯粹由森白色火焰凝聚而成的飞剑悬挂在被禁锢的老生头上,这让他们不自觉的咽口水,额头一片冷汗张着嘴想要说什么却发现自己只剩下颤抖根本无法说话。 Near.” “临。” As the Dongfang Yan language falls, hangs, in sky innumerable flying sword fall is similar to meteor shower same flying sword falls on the old student, the pitiful yell sound is lingering on faintly, this makes the people who first time sees this move fall directly silly. 随着东方焱语落,挂在天空无数的飞剑落下如同流星雨一样的飞剑落在老生身上,惨叫声不绝于耳,这让第一次见这种招数的众人直接傻掉。 Hides in the hidden place the black and white crisis that prepares to sneak attack is the unconscious swallowing saliva 就连隐藏在暗处准备偷袭的黑白关煞更是不自觉的咽了咽口水
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