MTOAW :: Volume #5

#440: Test

Goes out of slightly the somewhat dim channel, the dazzling ray lets Wu Hao and the others the inertia closing one's eyes pupil, puts out a hand to block that ray, 走出微微有些昏暗的通道,刺眼的光芒让吴昊等人惯性的微闭着眼眸,伸手挡住那道光芒, After a while, felt almost after good, opens slowly, the scene that at present presents is actually startled gets up. 过了一会后感觉差不多好了之后缓缓睁开,眼前出现的场景却是吃惊就起来。 In front, is a mountain valley, the steep mountain wall upwardly extends, finally until the end of line of sight, in three cliffs, just has an occupying land area extremely broad open area. 面前,是一处山谷,陡峭的山壁一路向上延伸,最后直至视线的尽头,在三面峭壁之中,刚好有着一个占地极为宽阔的空地。 A stone bridge of separation lets the person surprise, in that open area, has one to be huge somewhat makes the heavy/thick plain pavilion that one is flabbergasted. 一条从中断开的石桥让人诧异,那空地上,有着一幢庞大得有些令人咋舌的厚重古朴楼阁。 This is the book collection pavilion! 这便是藏书阁! The old men move toward the book collection pavilion gradually, when will soon enter its 20 meters distance, actually suddenly anchors, is holding the fist in the other hand to say to the book collection pavilion direction. 老者缓步走向藏书阁,在即将进入其20米距离时,却是突然停住,对着藏书阁方向抱拳道。 This inner courtyard selects pre-game five born, according to the custom, I leads them to come here, but also asked various to open the door!” “这一届内院选拔赛前五名已经诞生,按照规矩,我带他们来到此处,还请诸老开门!” The words of old man were being carried by Battle Qi, in small valley, paces back and forth unceasingly, for a very long time is not loose. 老者的话被斗气所携带着,在小山谷间,不断徘徊,久久不散。 Actually sudden Power of Space makes tranquil Dongfang Yan narrow the eye, looks at has put on the two people of black and white clothing at present separately gently snort/hum. 倒是突然出现的空间之力让原本平静的东方焱眯起了眼,看着眼前分别穿着黑白服饰的两人轻轻的哼了哼。 This is this year's first five? How three girls.” “这便是今年的前五?怎么有三个女娃子。” The white robe person looks at the eye three female two male also to feel at present interesting, the vision looked to Xiao Yixian actually yes well the sound. 白袍人瞄了眼眼前三女两男也是感到有趣,目光看向小医仙却是咦了声。 Calamity poisonous body? Unexpectedly will present the strength merely to fight the Master to be interesting here.” “厄难毒体?居然会出现在这里实力才仅仅只是斗师有趣。” Feels the chin white robe person not to pay attention regarding some calamity poisonous body special physique surprise. 摸着下巴白袍人也就不理会了只是对于厄难毒体这种特殊体质有些诧异而已。 Was good, you remember everyone double-hour the time, the thing in energy ball is various types of treasures, wants to obtain the treasure first to open the energy ball is the precious thing energy ball is also formidable, no matter you opened many energy balls to obtain many treasures, you can only bring to be the same corruptly, remembered many by yourself are only turned poor.” “好了,你们记住每个人都有一个时辰的时间,能量球里的东西就是各种珍宝,想要得到珍宝首先就得打开能量球越是珍贵的东西能量球也就越是强大,不过不管你打开了多少能量球获得了多少珍宝,你只能带出来一样,记住过多的贪只会让自己变成贫。” black and white two people distinguish the putting out a hand left and right hands to tie seal, in the flagging of separation presented a mirror. 黑白两人分别伸手左右手结印,原本是从中断开的石板路中间出现一面镜子。 The mirror surface was shattered, the fragment of dispersing makes Wu Hao and the others put out a hand to resist subconsciously, a suction presents the people not on own initiative in the book collection pavilion toward mirror flew. 镜面破碎,飞散的碎片让吴昊等人下意识的伸手抵挡,一股吸力出现众人不自觉的朝着镜子里的藏书阁飞了进去。 „After a double-hour, sees.” “一个时辰后见。” For those fumigating start to talk saying that felt interesting Dongfang Yan to the hauling of suction, finally does not know where has arrived, but others have the prediction as well as the appraisal, Dongfang Yan a few words do not have direct disappearance obstinately. 对着薰儿开口道,感到有趣的东方焱也就任由吸力的牵引,最后不知道开到了哪里,只是别人都有预言以及评价,东方焱愣是一句话都没有直接的消失。 This situation or first time appearance this also let the old man shock that the black and white two elders as well as lead. 这种情况还是头一次的出现这还让黑白两位长老以及带队的老者震惊。 Heart of hearts hides the darkness that is dreading continually dark, the Canaan school must destroy in his hand.” “内心深处隐藏着连黑暗都畏惧的黑暗,迦南学院必毁于他手。” The sudden sound makes three people shock, Dongfang Yan that looks at vanishes does not know that is thinking anything. 突然出现的声音让三人震惊,看着消失的东方焱不知道在想什么。 Entered the book collection pavilion as for Dongfang Yan, the surroundings then revolve innumerable treasure this to make Dongfang Yan narrow corners of the mouth to turn upwards actually wipe smile evilly. 至于东方焱进入了藏书阁内部,周围便围绕着无数的珍宝这倒是让东方焱眯起了眼嘴角翘起一抹邪笑。 These many good things, it seems like to be cheap I.” “这些多的好东西,看来都要便宜我了。” The back is the lake surface presents the intermittent ripples likely, Gate of Babylon appears, both hands revolution of intermittent ripples gradual start revolving formed an vortex finally. 背后像是湖面般出现阵阵涟漪,王之财宝出现,双手一转原本阵阵的涟漪逐渐的开始旋转最后形成一个漩涡。 Similar to the green energy ball that the firefly presents is no exception to be swallowed, as for obtaining any thing Dongfang Yan however was not worried. 如同萤火虫般出现的绿色能量球无一幸免全都被吞了进去,至于得到些什么东西东方焱但是不担心。 Can take in book collection pavilion by the Canaan school as the selection before the game five reward thing energy balances? 能被迦南学院收进藏书阁作为选拔赛前五奖励的东西能差吗? If actually makes outside black and white two people know that the book collection pavilion was experiencing a looting estimate already to make a move to stop. 倒是如果让外面的黑白两人知道藏书阁正在经历一场洗劫估计早就出手制止了吧。 However this must be lucky this book collection pavilion is the opening in the space crevice, this is fights to revere to stay behind, outside black and white elder is responsible for opening the door, inside thing they are also helpless, moreover they also believe that this ban that fights to revere to suppose. 不过这也要多亏了这个藏书阁是开辟在空间夹缝中的,这是斗尊留下的,外面的黑白长老只是负责开门而已,里面的东西他们也无能为力,况且他们也相信这个斗尊设下的禁制。 The region when Dongfang Yan after was ransacked, the use collapses the moon/month dimension blade technology to shuttle back and forth to another region, where arrived in any case, where will become empty. 东方焱所在的区域被洗劫一空之后,利用崩月次元刀技术穿梭到另一个区域,反正到了哪里,哪里就会变得空空荡荡。 Last time of double-hour has been less, Dongfang Yan also has to acknowledge fights big of as well as Canaan that school innumerable years space crevice expert opens collection. 最后一个时辰的时间还是少了,东方焱也不得不承认斗尊强者开辟的空间夹缝之大以及迦南学院无数年来的收藏之多。 „, The time has been less, if gives me again one day, not the half-day time I can evacuate this book collection pavilion absolutely thoroughly.” “啧啧,时间还是少了,如果再给我一天,不半天的时间我绝对能彻底搬空这个藏书阁。” Feels Item Dongfang Yan some dissatisfied shaking the head of in own Gate of Babylon piles up. 感受到自己王之财宝里堆积如山的物品东方焱还是有些不满足的摇了摇头。 Took one to be called the haughty red lotus Secret Art casually the fighting technique after hand when strength of the repel appeared then stopped plundering of Gate of Babylon appearing. 随便的拿了一个叫做傲世红莲诀的斗技在手当一股排斥之力出现后这才停止王之财宝的掠夺出现。 Un...... This boy ............ “嗯……这小子…………” looks at Dongfang Yan's appears, the white robe long manager felt where has not to suit, but has does not know that is anything how, therefore however does not know should start to talk. 看着东方焱的出现,白袍长老总感觉有哪里不对劲可是有不知道是什么因此但是不知道该怎么开口 Hot chromatic polarization is blue, like lotus flower, if has not guessed that wrong should be the blue lotus pent-up anger.” “火色偏青,型如莲花,如果没猜错的话应该是青莲地心火吧。” Intentionally the exposed blue lotus pent-up anger, as well as hidden very good Fallen Heart Flame had not been discovered as for Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame actually. 故意暴露青莲地心火,至于灭妖神火纯质阳炎以及被隐藏的很好的陨落心炎倒是没有被发现。 Afterward fumigates as well as Xiao Yixian also has Wu Hao, amber also all comes out this to make Dongfang Yan not think actually. 随后薰儿以及小医仙还有吴昊,琥嘉也全都出来这倒是让东方焱没想到啊。 Elder Brother Yan, you obtained anything.” “呐焱哥哥,你得到了什么啊。” The both hands back in behind, narrows focuses on smiling Xun smart-alecky bending the waist to collect side Dongfang Yan inquires, this has caused Wu Hao as well as the amber fine curiosity actually. 双手背在身后,眯着眼微笑着的薰儿俏皮的弯腰凑在东方焱身旁询问道,这倒是引起了吴昊以及琥嘉的好奇。 Not anything, but is called the haughty red lotus Secret Art the heart law to fight the technique.” “没什么,只是一个叫做傲世红莲诀的心法斗技而已。” At will the in the hand scroll fumigating, this made the black and white elder surprise get down actually. 随意把手中的卷轴给薰儿,这倒是让黑白长老诧异了一下来着。 youngster is good, but this haughty red lotus Secret Art the step middle rank heart law as well as fought the technique.” 少年不错嘛,这傲世红莲诀可是地阶中阶心法以及斗技了。” What!!!” “什么!!!” First time heard that is heart law is to fight technique Wu Hao and the others of fully is shocking looks at Dongfang Yan, but remembered his terrifying the strength also to smile on Hehe. 第一次听说即是心法又是斗技的吴昊等人满是震惊的看着东方焱,只不过一想起他那恐怖的实力也就呵呵一笑了。 Quite fierce, fumigated only obtained place step low level heart laws of one volume of nine heavy phoenix hot knacks.” “好厉害,薰儿只获得了一卷九重凤火诀的地阶低级心法而已。” Own takes, can obtain this formidable fighting technique heart Xun regarding Dongfang Yan is also very happy, itself has the different fire to add on this step middle rank the heart law to fight the technique again, without doubt were also many a formidable skill. 把自己的拿出来,对于东方焱能获得这种强大的斗技心法薰儿也是很高兴了,本身就具有异火再加上这地阶中阶的心法斗技,无疑又是多了一个强大的技能。 That was also very good, if fumigated wants to give you is, but Xiao Yixian you.” “那也很不错了,要是薰儿想要给你便是了,不过小医仙你了。” Rubs head that has fumigated, but, half a word words make Xun shake the head and express hastily oneself had these nine heavy phoenix hot knacks to be good, but one side the vision saw Xiao Yixian this that smiled not to speak actually curiously. 揉了揉薰儿的脑袋,只是后半句话让薰儿连忙摇头并表示自己有这九重凤火诀就好了,只是目光看见一旁笑而不语的小医仙这倒是好奇了起来。 Hee hee, this is the secret.” 嘻嘻,这是秘密。” Smart-alecky smiles to go forward to fall down in the Dongfang Yan bosom this to let the black and white elder actually one regarding the terrifying of calamity poisonous body they is also knows that but was knowing with the amber dry conversation numerous, has not thought unexpectedly also has the person who such does not fear death to exist. 俏皮的一笑上前扑倒东方焱怀中这倒是让黑白长老一愣对于厄难毒体的恐怖他们也是知道的,可是在和琥乾的交谈众得知,没想到居然还有这么不怕死的人存在。 You are booing, were really not many like me the good thing, finally has only attained five demon Jing seeds, owed.” “你们倒好,不像我实在太多好东西了,最后只拿到了五颗魔荆种子,亏死了。” Amber who a face puts in great inconvenience the appearance is also the complaint that cannot bear, this makes Dongfang Yan feel that actually looks at Wu Hao's curious asking that eye just awoke funnily. 一脸委屈样子的琥嘉也是忍不住的埋怨起来,这倒是让东方焱感到好笑看了眼一副刚睡醒的吴昊好奇的问到。 You? Obtained any good thing.” “你了?得到了什么好东西。” I?” “我?” Wu Hao who stretched oneself sees people all curious looks at, smiled to put out demon nuclear corners of the mouth to turn upwards the satisfactory smiling face. 原本伸着懒腰的吴昊见众人全都好奇的看着自己,也就笑了笑拿出了一个魔核嘴角翘起满意的笑容。 This demon nucleus happen to suited quenchings my weapon also to designate it.” “这个魔核正好适合淬炼我的武器也就选定了它。” Takes out one just like the bloodstone same demon nucleus, Wu Hao satisfies this to make amber depressed extremely actually. 取出一枚宛如血晶一样的魔核,吴昊极其的满意这倒是让琥嘉更加的沮丧。 Was good, reward has attained, then also this set embarked to go to the inner courtyard to go back to tidy up.” “好了,奖励拿到了,那么也该集合出发前往内院了回去收拾一下。” Sees the people to come out, waves three lion vultures to appear from the horizon slowly descends before the people. 见众人全都出来,一挥手三头狮鹫缓缓从天边出现降落在众人面前。 Dongfang Yan leaps gently sits carries on the back to put out a hand in the lion vulture, fumigates understandingly stretches out tender and delicate small hand to place Dongfang Yan in the hand similarly, draws to fly to take off and land gently into the Dongfang Yan bosom. 东方焱轻轻一跃坐在狮鹫背上伸出手,薰儿会意同样伸出娇嫩的小手放在东方焱手中,轻轻一拉就飞起落入东方焱怀中。 Sees this, fumigates is also so finally Xiao Yixian sits in the forefront, the middle is fumigates as for Dongfang Yan is on the fragrant shoulder that the head builds in fumigating toward the outer court. 见此,薰儿也是如此最后小医仙坐在最前面,中间是薰儿至于东方焱则是头搭在薰儿的香肩上朝着外院出发。 Because actually small immortal as well as Little Ai joining, in the bosom hug finally as before are being Little Ai that dragon corner/horn Dragon's Tail appears, front is Xun who covers mouth titter as well as Xiao Yixian, sits as for small immortal in the Xiao Yixian bosom. 倒是由于小仙儿以及小爱的加入,最后怀中抱着依旧是龙角龙尾现出来的小爱,前面则是捂着嘴偷笑的薰儿以及小医仙,至于小仙儿则是坐在小医仙怀中。 Bosom of Otou-sama.” 父亲大人的怀抱。” Engages in self-examination to sit in the Dongfang Yan bosom, UU reads 反身坐在东方焱怀中,UU看书 Is embracing Dongfang Yan Little Ai unceasingly rubs gently the Dongfang Yan chest to send out gu hehe the laughter. 搂抱着东方焱小爱不断的磨蹭着东方焱胸膛发出咕嘿嘿的笑声。 This lets a heavy line of Dongfang Yan forehead actually, went back well asks to understand after the Little Ai more and more serious situation Dongfang Yan decision. 这倒是让东方焱一脑门的黑线,对于小爱越来越严重的情况东方焱决定等回去后就好好的找露科亚了解一下。 As her of feather snake God regarding dragon, no matter East and West can understand. 作为羽蛇神的她对于龙不管是东西方都能了解吧。 However does not know that is because this time appears Dragon's Tail dragon corner/horn reason, does not have an demon beast to present this to let the thousand elders all the way is actually very the surprise. 不过不知道是不是因为此时显出龙尾龙角的缘故,一路上没有一个魔兽出现这倒是让苏千长老很是诧异。 Finally the group all treat as picnic same looks at this forest once for a while commentary two. 最后一行人全当做郊游一样看着这片森林时不时的评论两句。 „, In front of wait|etc, but waterfall Ah!!!” “等,等等前面可是瀑布啊!!!” The sudden screams let Dongfang Yan are also looked, three straight next 3000 chi (0.33 m) Grand Falls that the vision could not bear appears in the people together at present. 突然出现的惊呼声让东方焱也是目光忍不住的看了过去,一道三流直下3000尺的大瀑布出现在众人眼前。 „, Must run upon!!!!” “啊,要撞上了!!!!” A troop person is calling out in alarm, this lets Dongfang Yan is also the brow selects, puts out a hand a barrier to protect and the others after the lion vulture throws into the waterfall then and the others completely exposes oneself, one group of people were rushed to a limestone cave following the waterfall, lion vulture calm and steady landing that only then Dongfang Yan sits, this lets one group of people are startled stares very much, the Su thousand elders are also so. 一大群人惊呼着,这让东方焱也是眉头一挑,伸出手一道屏障保护着自己等人当狮鹫一头扎进瀑布里后便是把自己等人全部抖落,一群人顺着瀑布被冲到一个溶洞,只有东方焱坐着的狮鹫安安稳稳的降落,这让一群人很是惊愣,就连苏千长老也是如此。 Arrived, us has gotten down.” “到了,我们下去吧。” After seeing the lion vulture stop, Dongfang Yan then holds Little Ai gently leap to stand in the ground, fumigates and Xiao Yixian is also so. 见狮鹫停稳后,东方焱便抱着小爱轻轻一跃站在地上,薰儿和小医仙也是如此。 But the surrounding person was all moistened in a moment ago was coming. 只不过周围的人全都在刚才被打湿了来着。 Was good, everybody is listening, goes out of this limestone cave in passing through a outside forest arrives in the inner courtyard, but here forest does not have the demon beast not to have any danger, has one crowd merely wants to rob your in the hand fire to be able the inner courtyard student, everybody's Quest are held or not defeated them by them, as soon as possible achieves the person in inner courtyard to have reward.” “好了,大家听着,走出这个溶洞在穿过外面的一片森林就抵达内院,不过这边森林里没有魔兽也没有任何的危险,仅仅只是有着一群想要抢夺你们手中火能的内院学生而已,大家的任务就是不要被他们抓住或者打败他们,还有就是尽快达到内院的人有奖励。”
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