MTOAW :: Volume #5

#439: Going

Experiences, anything is true falling thunder!” “见识一下,什么才是真正的落雷吧!” The hand downward falls once more, 再次手往下一落, The person who wild falling thunder heartless falling, these flee from the arena has to feel to rejoice for the intelligent decision, otherwise like these will lie down the person, in the ground falls into the stupor withstands bombing of crazy thunder once more, these time unmanned nobody besides Dongfang Yan stands. 狂暴的落雷无情的落下,那些逃离竞技场的人不得不为自己聪明的决定感到庆幸,不然就会像那些躺在地上陷入昏迷的人一样再次承受一把狂雷的轰炸,这一次除了东方焱外无人无人站立。 I have won, then announced.” “我赢了,那么宣布吧。” Waved to disperse the thunder clouds, the sky restores to the blue sky, the Dongfang Yan vision looks at Su thousand elders to reveal chuckle this to make the thousand elder corners of the mouth once more pull out pulling out ruthlessly. 挥手散掉雷云,天空再次恢复到蓝天白云,东方焱目光看着苏千长老露出轻笑这让苏千长老嘴角狠狠地抽了抽。 You have won, I announced that the first round competition Dongfang Yan wins, tomorrow will carry on the second round selection.” “你赢了,我宣布第一轮比试又东方焱获胜,明天进行第二轮选拔。” Satisfied smiling, stretched oneself looked Xun who to standing as well as Xiao Yixian find the clue make then pull two people to leave, but a sudden gaze made Dongfang Yan narrow the eye. 满意的笑了笑,伸了个懒腰看向站起来的薰儿以及小医仙摸了摸头便牵着两人离开,只是一股突然出现的注视让东方焱眯起了眼。 Ended the competition, small immortal sat on own shoulder excited window-shops, looks at Dongfang Yan's Student all has been all the way full of the awe, regarding the respect as well as fear to his strength of expert. 结束比赛,小仙儿坐在自己肩头上兴奋的一起去逛街,一路上看着东方焱的同学全都充满了敬畏,对于强者的尊敬以及对他实力的恐惧。 Especially that waved is falling thunder this method already did not fight technique Cultivation Technique to achieve, grasped the thunder to be the same just like itself, but most made that thousand cared keep off the space blockade of Wu Hao a sword. 尤其是那挥手便是落雷这种手段早已不是斗技功法能做到的,宛如本身就掌握着雷霆一样,不过最让苏千在意的还是那挡下吴昊一剑的空间封锁。 Words whole-heartedly, are grasping Emperor of Time of Power of Space as well as time, in addition Hundred Grand Techniques cloudy seal thorough untying and Eight Celestial Divination Gates full three flame card in a hand numerous Dongfang Yan, even if were fights the sect also only to kneel. 全力以赴的话,掌握着空间之力以及时间的刻刻帝,再加上百豪之术阴封印彻底的解开和八门遁甲全开三种火焰底牌众多的东方焱,就算是斗宗也只能跪了。 First day so leisurely and carefree pass also had a look at the competition next day bored, that two rounds of falling thunder of yesterday cleaned up many people probably, several hundred participants now only remaining 100, the remaining people without doubt are the strength quite strong people. 第一天如此悠闲的度过第二天无聊也就去看看比赛,不过昨天的那两发落雷好像清理掉了不少人,原本几百个的参赛者如今只剩下100来个,不过剩下的人无疑都是实力比较强的人。 However when Dongfang Yan brings to fumigate Xiao Yixian Little Ai small immortal to sit down, the person who the surroundings sit also all meets the god of death common complete get out of the way, this makes Xun cover mouth titter actually. 不过当东方焱带着薰儿小医仙小爱小仙儿坐下,周围原本坐着的人也全都是遇见死神一般的全部闪开,这倒是让薰儿捂着嘴偷笑着。 Vision that group of people, looked at each other one next instantaneously their one crowd kneeling after it is said on the difference ask to let off, but the person in arena saw to hit that Dongfang Yan cannot bear to tremble. 目光那群人,与之对视了一下后瞬间他们一群给跪了就差说求放过,而竞技场上的人看见东方焱也是忍不住的打了个寒颤。 Does not have the suspense, this time first five besides the Dongfang Yan three people on remaining amber, Wu Hao snow-capped mountain that fellow by the special accommodation one had been estimated 34 days have not waked, but so made him miss perfectly entered the opportunity in inner courtyard, dejected jade this girl was actually poor. 毫无悬念,本次前五的除了东方焱三人外就剩下琥嘉,吴昊白山那个家伙被特殊照顾了一下估计没个34天醒不过来,不过正是如此让他完美错过了进入内院的机会,倒是萧玉这个小妞子差一点啊。 After the inner courtyard selects had finished, the so-called farewell party tonight will carry on, this made Dongfang Yan come the interest actually. 内院选拔结束后,所谓的欢送会将在今晚进行,这倒是让东方焱来了兴趣。 Returned sometime from evening's congress, Dongfang Yan has also refined the compounded drugs of various promotion strengths for dejected jade, this touched that girl did not want. 距离晚上大会还有一段时间,东方焱也是为萧玉炼制了各种提升实力的丹药,这让那个小妞子感动的不要不要的。 The farewell party, is similar to the ordinary meeting generally does not know that is because oneself reason a person when place that place will be silent in any case, just like was pressed the suspension key to be the same. 欢送会,就如同普通的聚会一般不过不知道是不是因为自己的缘故反正自己每到一个地方那个地方的人就会闭口不言,宛如被按了暂停键一样。 This lets Dongfang Yan indifferent smiling of actually, regarding this also makes Xun Xiao Yixian they play, a person sits in the corner silently is drinking own liquor. 这倒是让东方焱无所谓的笑了笑,对此也就让薰儿小医仙她们自己去玩,一个人坐在角落里默默的喝着自己的酒。 Teacher, this is the expert note that you said is lonely.” 老师,这就是你所说的强者注孤独吧。” The chuckle, is seeing to fumigate and Xiao Yixian as before are once for a while the vision to look that lifts oneself in the hand cup to hint to be all right moon of looks at sky to say with a smile lightly. 轻笑着,见薰儿和小医仙依旧是时不时的把目光看过来举了举自己手中的杯子示意没事看着天空的月亮轻笑道。 Hehe, was not is extremely strong, waved is Thunder Dragon that your boy displayed arrives, this method worthily was you, in this mainland, can achieve this degree of me to estimate in your this strength coming that very few hand can count.” 呵呵,还不是你小子表现的太过强势了,啧啧挥一挥手便是雷龙降临,这种手段不愧是你,在这片大陆上,能在你这个实力做到这种程度的我估计少之又少一只手都能数的过来。” Similarly chuckle, regarding coming to foreign country, is so-called different World Dongfang Yan, is more curious regarding outside World, especially those strange eating played makes Yao Lao care very much. 同样轻笑着,对于来着外域,也就是所谓异世界东方焱,对于外面的世界是更加的好奇起来,尤其是那些奇奇怪怪的吃的已经玩的让药老很在意。 luminary day fire also so, mixed ripe also had regarding the Dongfang Yan's status had understood, but knows freely part may see these Ability unable to bear dumbfoundedly. 就连曜天火也是如此,混得熟了对于东方焱的身份也就有了一些了解,但尽管知道一部分可看见那些能力还是忍不住目瞪口呆。 What's wrong? To do the matter?” “怎么?想搞事情嘛?” Is drinking own liquor, does not need to look that also knows is the opening that whose Dongfang Yan does not care about said that this made the future silent one several, Dongfang Yan put out a hand to be truncated the apple of skin actually to fall into in the hand. 喝着自己的酒,不用看也知道是谁的东方焱根本不在意的开头道,这倒是让来者沉默了一下唰唰唰的几下,东方焱伸出手一个被削好皮的苹果落入手中 I certainly become stronger, I also will ask in the future you to compare notes, therefore you are I the goal that wants to surmount.” “我一定会变得更强的,日后我还会找你切磋,所以你将是我所想要超越的目标。” Sits side Dongfang Yan directly, took up another bottle of liquor to drink mouth earnest speaking of directly, this let Dongfang Yan very helpless smiling of actually. 直接坐在东方焱身旁,拿起另一瓶酒直接喝了口认真的说到,这倒是让东方焱很无奈的笑了笑。 I am actually indifferent, but your strength was too weak insufficiently has hit.” “我倒是无所谓,只是你的实力太弱了不够打啊。” Does not care bit an apple, Dongfang Yan looked at a side the person said to with a smile lightly, this let rolled the eyes that Wu Hao could not bear actually. 不在意的咬了一口苹果,东方焱看了眼身旁的来人轻笑道,这倒是让吴昊忍不住的翻了个白眼 A farewell party has however hauled in cognition between Wu Hao and Dongfang Yan, was complying with Wu Hao's later duel farewell party to announce finished, the people went various home respectively. 一场欢送会但是拉进了吴昊与东方焱之间的认知,在答应了吴昊以后的决斗这场欢送会宣布结束,众人各回各家。 Plays also happy?” “玩的还开心吗?” Holds Little Ai, Dongfang Yan is vacating one to trace her head inquiry saying that this makes Xun shake the head actually. 抱着小爱,东方焱空出一手摸了摸她的头询问道,这倒是让薰儿摇了摇头。 Elder Brother Yan is not, possibly to be how happy.” 焱哥哥不在,怎么可能会开心。” Hears this saying, Dongfang Yan however one to collect the face to leave behind gently a kiss, this made Xun the small face fill rebuking actually red. 听见这话,东方焱但是一愣凑过脸留下轻轻一吻,这倒是让薰儿小脸通红充满了嗔怪。 Next morning, fumigates then waking up early then to discover oneself do not know when was treated as held the pillow, was thrown as for Little Ai in the one side, since separated later this hugging pillow to go to sleep almost does not have the opportunity. 第二天一早,薰儿便早早的醒来这才发现自己不知道何时被当做了抱枕,至于小爱都被扔在了一旁,自从分开以后这种抱枕式入睡几乎就没有机会了。 Again was treated as to hold the pillow, besides the shyness remembers fondly nearness Dongfang Yan quietly, naturally wanted to awaken lazybones clearly is how difficult Xun the small head pastes in the Dongfang Yan's bosom. 再一次被当做抱枕,除了羞涩之外还有一股怀恋悄悄的靠近东方焱,自然明白想要叫醒一个懒虫是多么困难的薰儿小脑袋贴在了东方焱的怀中。 The appearance of timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness is really lovable, Xiao Yixian that but wakes similarly hits she not to forget to go to the book collection pavilion this morning. 小鸟依人的模样煞是可爱,只是同样醒过来的小医仙则是打着哈切她可没忘记今天早上可是要去藏书阁的。 Flame got up, today must go to the book collection pavilion.” “焱起来了,今天还要去藏书阁了。” Rubs eye that have not been awaking, has pushed that back to own back, after seeing anything has not affected, helpless shaking the head. 揉着自己都没睡醒的眼,推了推那背对着自己的后背,见没什么作用后无奈的摇了摇头。 Flame, we must go to the book collection pavilion today, even if has a long lazy sleep must divide the time.” “焱,今天我们可是还要去藏书阁的,就算是睡懒觉也要分时候啊。” Braces oneself, Xiao Yixian knows that if nobody asked him this fellow to rest at noon. 提起精神,小医仙可是知道的,如果没人叫他的话这个家伙可以睡到中午。 Also, yesterday evening had broken up enters the book collection pavilion to receive first five reward this morning that the outer court chief said to the library set. 再说了,昨天晚上散会时外院院长才说的今天早上到图书馆集合进入藏书阁领取前五的奖励 No, in...... Rests one again...... Meets......” “别,在……再睡一……一会……” Embraces tightly Xun in bosom, buries to fumigate under the jade neck this to let the drop blood that the face Xun blushes directly, but actually does not dare to move heedlessly pair of small hand to get hold of the Dongfang Yan's chest front clothes. 搂紧怀中的薰儿,直接把脸埋进薰儿玉颈之下这让薰儿脸红的滴血,可是却又不敢乱动一双小手不由的握紧了东方焱的胸前的衣服。 Flame!!” “焱!!” Not only feels to have a headache and feels helpless Xiao Yixian, just wants to make an effort, finally the side has the formidable resentment, lowering the head makes the person unable to see clearly this time expression, Little Ai holds somebody's quilt to lift, does not give a thought to the tender call that fumigates, is only brow slightly wrinkle Dongfang Yan makes Little Ai narrow the eyes to focus merely, the golden gold(en) dragon pupil reveals the blackening vision, a foot stepped in the Dongfang Yan's face. 既感到头疼又感到无奈的小医仙,刚想用力,结果身旁出现强大的怨气,低着头让人看不清此时的表情,小爱一把抓住某人的被子掀开,不顾薰儿的娇呼声,仅仅只是眉头微皱一下的东方焱小爱眯着眼,金色的黄金龙瞳露出黑化般的目光,一脚丫子踩在了东方焱的脸上。 This lets Xiao Yixian as well as Xun is shocking looks at Little Ai, small immortal also rubs the appearance that own eye has not been misreading. 这让小医仙以及薰儿都是震惊的看着小爱,就连小仙儿也是揉着自己的眼一副没看错吧的样子。 Otou-sama, didn't you big person, this appearance think disgraced? Even if so can so treated, only then a Little Ai person was good, said again Otou-sama today do not receive an award? Has been late the words very lose face.” “呐父亲大人,您都多大的人了,这个样子不觉得丢人吗?就算如此能被如此对待的只有小爱一个人就好了,再说了父亲大人今天不是要去领奖吗?迟到了的话岂不是很丢人。” Is stepping on the Dongfang Yan's face, Little Ai Hehe is laughing foolishly, this lets feel that not good Dongfang Yan woke, loosens the hand to narrow the eyes to enlarge ones vision then happen to with gold(en) dragon Tong who disclosing must go to the blackening morbid state, this made the Dongfang Yan whole body hit to tremble, put out a hand to pick off the Little Ai foot hastily, looks at she is breathing heavily the gasosaurus corner/horn as well as Dragon's Tail gradual appearance forehead presented the cold sweat gradually. 踩着东方焱的脸,小爱呵呵的傻笑着,这让感觉到不好的东方焱醒了过来,松开手眯开眼便正好与透露着要去黑化般病态的黄金龙瞳,这让东方焱浑身不由的打了个寒颤,连忙伸手拿掉小爱的脚丫子,看着她喘着气龙角以及龙尾逐渐的出现额头渐渐出现了冷汗。 Why aren't Otou-sama many rests a meeting? The way that Little Ai can love awakens Otou-sama.” “呐父亲大人干嘛不多睡一会?小爱可是会爱的方式叫醒父亲大人的。” Even more not normal Little Ai makes Dongfang Yan feel that troublesome, this let Xiao Yixian as well as Xun has fallen back on one side, looks at that was pressed by Little Ai Dongfang Yan of strong kiss under the body, stared in a big way the eye, Dongfang Yan were also dumbfounded. 越发不正常的小爱东方焱感觉到了麻烦,这让小医仙以及薰儿都是退到了一边,看着那被小爱压在身下强吻的东方焱,瞪大了眼,就连东方焱自己也是目瞪口呆。 Is depressing is too long, eruption that Little Ai cannot bear thoroughly? Any matter stimulated her, unexpectedly was so bold. 难道是压抑的太久,小爱彻底忍不住的爆发了?还是什么事情刺激到了她,居然这么大胆。 Covers mouth, Xiao Yixian as well as Xun of thorough red drop blood looks at that sit on Dongfang Yan, hugs his neck to make the sound unceasingly 捂着嘴,彻底红的滴血的小医仙以及薰儿看着那坐在东方焱身上,搂着他脖子不断发出啧啧声音的 ............ ………… In the light and bright room, on the bookshelf has chocked up all kinds of plain books, but at this time, in the central place of this room, two people Zhengan static is standing, after their front tables, sends to all white old man slowly peruses the looks at in the hand material, UU reads the entire room, is in a silent atmosphere. 宽敞明亮的房间之中,书架上摆满了各种各样的古朴书籍,而此时,在这所房间的中央处,两人正安静的站立着,在他们面前的桌后,一名发须皆白的老人正缓缓的翻看着手中资料,UU看书www.uukanshu.com整个房间,都是处于一种寂静氛围。 You come may be really slow.” “你们来的可真慢。” both hands overlapping looks at comes the person, this lets Xun as well as Xiao Yixian is the apology smiles, but that silent letting person felt that looked like active volcano same Dongfang Yan has however brought to Wu Hao's attention. 双手交叉看着来人,这让薰儿以及小医仙皆是歉意的一笑,只是那沉默的让人感觉就像是一座活火山一样的东方焱但是引起了吴昊的注意。 How was this?” “他这是怎么了?” The brow selects lightly, Wu Hao feels the chin vision is actually looking pensive was fumigating as well as Xiao Yixian the body of looks at this to stir up two females to install actually calm. 眉头轻挑,吴昊摸着下巴目光却是若有所思的在薰儿以及小医仙的身上瞄了瞄这倒是惹得两女强装淡定。 Was good, the time early here did not say to you, the inner courtyard was less relaxed than the outer court, in inner courtyard law of the jungle that was basic, whose fist was hard who can obtain the best cultivation condition, where any background was useless, only then own powerful was most important.” “好了,时间也不早了那么在这里给你们说一下,内院可不比外院轻松,在内院弱肉强食那是基本的,谁的拳头硬谁就能得到最好的修炼条件,任何的背景在哪里都没用,只有自己的实力强大才是最重要的。” Closes the book, old man looks at present five people of earnest and serious speaking, this lets Wu Hao nod approval actually, as for Dongfang Yan as before is silent, just like somebody said, did not die in the silence erupts in the silence. 把书合上,老者看着眼前的五人认真又严肃的说到,这倒是让吴昊点头赞同,至于东方焱依旧是沉默,正如某个人所说,不在沉默中死亡就在沉默中爆发。 The old men look to Dongfang Yan, this is his first time with three times selects dozens over a hundred people of peak highest quality people to live looking at each other only, the tranquil vision makes the person unable to completely understand that at this time his thoughts, this type tranquil is also considered as on is indifferent, despises all indifferences. 老者看向东方焱,这还是他第一次与三次单挑几十上百人的巅峰尖子生对视,平静的目光让人看不透此时他的心思,这种平静也算得上是冷漠,藐视一切的冷漠。 This type lets the old man heart indifferently is also sends coldly, just like wickedness after absolute good reverse, when is similar to the sun same bright reverse, that is similar to the abyss darkness. 这种冷漠让老者心底也是发寒,正如绝对的善良反转之后的恶,当如同太阳一样的光明反转,那是如同深渊般的黑暗。 In that tranquil, is hiding the bloodthirsty wild darkness, but has not erupted thoroughly. 在那份平静之下,隐藏着嗜血狂暴的黑暗,只是没有彻底爆发而已。 Perhaps waits for him to reverse words, World insufficiently he destroys. 或许等他反转一次的话,世界都不够他毁灭。 Arrives under a bell with the old man, is the looks at old man does not know doing, bell slowly reveals a jet black channel separatedly, the front of channel is together white light. 跟着老者来到一个大钟之下,看着老者不知道在干嘛,大钟缓缓的分开露出一条漆黑的通道,通道的前方是一道白光
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