MTOAW :: Volume #5

#438: Commencing of action

The advantage of looks at under foot, Dongfang Yan knit the brows, poisonous crystallization also refined completion, turns around to leave this competition scene, did not have the toxic smoke prevents Jia Xingtian also hastily to go forward the advantage that shatters thoroughly to control, after taking reward returned to the place that fumigates is. 看着脚下的利,东方焱皱了皱眉,就连有毒的结晶也被提炼的完成,转身离开这个比赛现场,没有了毒烟的阻挡加刑天也连忙上前把彻底坏掉的利控制住,在拿了奖励之后回到薰儿所在的地方。 Saw the Xiao Yixian strength to promote to narrow the eye instantaneously, this let Xiao Yixian elegant face flood red lowering the head. 小医仙的实力又提升了瞬间眯起了眼,这让小医仙俏脸泛红的低下了头。 Fumigates must go back with me together.” “薰儿要不要跟我一起回去。” The counting on the fingers ball in Xiao Yixian forehead, the Dongfang Yan vision looked that is smiling start to talk to nearby Xun, this makes Xun one then happy actually has put in the Dongfang Yan bosom directly. 屈指弹在小医仙额头,东方焱目光看向一旁的薰儿微笑着开口,这倒是让薰儿一愣接着开心的直接扑在了东方焱怀中。 Un.” “嗯。” Smiles the surface like the flower, incomparably happy Xun continuously affectionate is holding the Dongfang Yan's arm, as for Little Ai is looks at own Father, looks at each other with it always feels that blackening the appearance also, but was hidden. 笑面如花,无比开心的薰儿就一直亲昵的抱着东方焱的手臂,至于小爱则是看着自己的父亲,与之对视总感觉那股黑化的样子还在啊,只不过被隐藏而已。 This is one fights the Battle Qi crystallization of king lifetime, if his energy can absorb the estimate also to leave the large wine vessel Master not to be far thoroughly, you may probably try hard, otherwise others must surpass you sweet.” “这是一个斗王毕生的斗气结晶,他的能量如果能彻底吸收掉的话估计也就离大斗师不远了,你可要努力啊不然人家嫣然可是要超过你了。” Shows the smile, after having tapped the head of Xiao Yan, made him say that to his parents while convenient as well as reported a safety, afterward then went back toward the Canaan school. 露出微笑,拍了拍萧炎的脑袋后顺便让他给他父母说一声以及报一句平安,随后便朝着迦南学院回去。 Elder Brother Yan, this really?” 焱哥哥,这样真的好吗?” Xun who goes through the motions completely is aware is also very embarrassed, however somewhat is suddenly anxious, this makes Dongfang Yan very funny actually. 完完全全走后门的薰儿也是自觉很不好意思,一时间但是有些紧张起来,这倒是让东方焱很好笑。 What relations has, said that fumigates does not want with me in the same place?” “有什么关系,还是说薰儿不想和我在一起?” Makes the sad expression intentionally, this makes Xun flurried, after looks at fumigates that tense appearance Dongfang Yan shows a faint smile to find the clue make, looked that to Xiao Yixian that did not speak. 故意做出难过的表情,这让薰儿慌乱起来,看着薰儿那紧张的样子东方焱微微一笑摸头后看向不怎么说话的小医仙 Has untied many.” “又解开了多少。” Sighed, poisonous pill regarding Xiao Yixian has not practiced to meet the toxin strong thing not to have automatic control Ability. 叹了口气,对于小医仙来说毒丹没有练成遇见毒素强的东西还真的是没有自控能力啊。 Does not have, is only little.” “也没啦,只是一点点而已。” finger to touching, more was saying that sound smaller Xiao Yixian lowered the head finally, regarding this Dongfang Yan put out a hand to lift the sleeve brow in Xiao Yixian wrist/skill to wrinkle directly tightly. 手指对碰着,越说声音越小的小医仙最后低下了头,对此东方焱直接伸手掀开小医仙手腕上的袖子眉头紧皱了起来。 Hid the truth from me to eat many.” “瞒着我吃了多少。” looks at at present ashamed lowered the head does not dare to look at own Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan sighs slightly puts out a hand to paste prepares to swallow some toxin in its lower abdomen place. 看着眼前羞愧的低下头不敢看自己的小医仙,东方焱微微一叹伸手贴在它的小腹处准备吞噬一部分毒素。 Swallows to start, the toxin that but attracts very few toxin of suppression upwardly had braved on the contrary one, frightened Dongfang Yan hastily to receive hand silent looks at Xiao Yixian. 吞噬发动,可是吸出来的毒素少之又少反倒是原本压制的毒素又向上冒了一节,吓得东方焱连忙收手沉默的看着小医仙 Good, right now may be difficult to manage.” “好吧,这下子可就难办了。” Is covering forehead, an appearance of Dongfang Yan headache lets steal looks at his Xiao Yixian lightly is also biting the lip. 捂着额头,东方焱一副头疼的样子让偷看着他的小医仙也是轻咬着嘴唇。 Boy, here, but the way of powerful suppression calamity poisonous body, you were the husband and wife my this pass to you to be good in any case.” “小子,我这里但是有一个强力压制厄难毒体的方式,反正你们都是夫妻我这就传给你好了。” When should not know in the luminary day fire of deep sleep wakes, sees to link Yao Lao also to appear in appears silhouette that in front of several girls also feels relieved. 原本应该在沉睡的曜天火不知道何时醒过来,见连药老也是出现在几个女孩面前也就放心的现出身影 What method?” “什么方法?” Slightly one happy, but behind words satisfy Xun, Little Ai also stared at him to reveal dangerous vision this to let luminary day fire did not have the reason shiver. 微微一喜,只是后面句话让薰儿很不满意,就连小爱也是盯着他露出危险的目光这让曜天火没来由的颤抖了一下。 First must seek for one to press the counteracting poison body to Yang Zhilie the place, simultaneously must avoid the toxin when concentrates pill, if the toxic gas rebound the consequence is dreadful.” “首先要寻找一个至阳至烈的地方压制毒体,同时要避开毒素不然凝丹时如果毒气反弹的话后果不堪设想。” Hehe, do I know to Yang Zhilie? Does not know where is.” 呵呵,我知道至阳至烈嘛?不知道哪里算不算。” The chuckle, the vision looked that remembers some place Yao Lao to the Canaan school is also the appearance of being suddenly enlighted. 轻笑了一声,目光看向迦南学院想起某个地方就连药老也是恍然大悟的模样。 It seems like must enter the inner courtyard ahead of time, only then such contact burns the day to practice breathing exercises the opportunity in refining tower to be many.” “看来要提前进入内院了,只有这样接触焚天练气炼气塔的机会才多。” Sets firm resolve secretly, unconscious gets hold of in the hand small hand not to know that the heart mesozoic is why cold. 暗自下定决心,不自觉的握紧手中小手不知道为什么心中生寒起来。 Returns to the Canaan school, the arrival that fumigates makes dejected jade be surprised actually, after knowing reason white Dongfang Yan, finally brings to fumigate looks for the teacher, but enters a school a goddess level Younger Sister news to transmit newly, the circle of right ascension powder are innumerable, 回到迦南学院,薰儿的到来倒是让萧玉大吃一惊,不过在得知了来由后不由的白了眼东方焱,最后带着薰儿去找导师,只是新入学一位女神级妹子的消息传来,顿时圈粉无数, This frightened actually has fumigated jumps. In 11 have rejected all people, affectionate bites Dongfang Yan's arm this to let the innumerable outer court student heart in the drop blood. 这倒是吓了薰儿一跳。在11拒绝了所有人,亲昵的咬着东方焱的手臂这让无数外院学生心在滴血。 At the same time especially, Xiao Yixian and Xun as well as Little Ai small immortal, where arrive are appealing existences, in this period also had said the person who much is unable to continue watching looks for Dongfang Yan to be troublesome, but was all killed by the second, this made Canaan gossip magazine company also many many reports. 尤其是一边一个,小医仙和薰儿以及小爱小仙儿跟着,走到哪里都是吸引人的存在,期间还有不少自称看不下去的人来找东方焱麻烦,不过无一不是被秒杀,这让迦南八卦杂志社又多了很多的报告。 A fire, almost burnt land Mu the house to come, ruthlessly has punched his once more. 一把火,差点烧了陆牧的房子来着,狠狠的再次揍了他一顿。 Is fumigating knew that Xiao Yixian and rest in a room, was makes Xun was jealous unhappy for a long time, finally did to fumigate also to move in own room. 在薰儿得知小医仙和自己在一个房间睡,更是让薰儿吃醋般的不开心了好久,搞得最后薰儿也搬进来自己的房间。 The two people on looks at bed, Dongfang Yan helpless very soft hugging pillow, but has Little Ai and small immortal fortunately accompanies itself. 看着大床上的两人,东方焱很无奈柔软的抱枕啊,不过还好有着小爱和小仙儿陪自己。 dragon Xingben is obscene, feels Little Ai even more is not normal, Dongfang Yan cannot bear decisively finally did not attend to fumigating and Xiao Yixian the revolt of rests actually in one. 龙性本淫,感受到小爱越发的不正常,东方焱也是受不了最后果断的不顾薰儿和小医仙的反抗硬是睡在了一起。 Although from the beginning very embarrassed, but gradual was also used to it, but underestimated Little Ai, every day wakes that uncontrolled tail of Little Ai clever resting in the Dongfang Yan bosom to twine the thigh particularly frequently like the snake. 虽然一开始很让人难为情,可是逐渐的也就习惯了,只是还是小看了小爱,每天醒过来小爱都会乖巧的睡在东方焱怀中尤其是那不受控制的尾巴经常缠绕着自己大腿像条蛇一样。 Time unconscious also one year, in this year, the poisonous body of Xiao Yixian has been suppressed does not have the danger but actually temporarily, accompanies them to play idly beside is practicing. 时间不知不觉的也就过了一年,在这一年里,小医仙的毒体得到压制倒也暂时没有危险,陪着她们闲玩之外就是久违的修行。 The energy of inexplicably vanishing also supplements, World returns fights the king, fumigated also to promote to fight the spirit with the Dongfang Yan's help, only then Xiao Yixian merely was only a small fighting Master, this was makes her sadly very long. 原本莫名消失的能量也补充回来,世界重新回到斗王,就连薰儿也在东方焱的帮助下提升到了斗灵,只有小医仙仅仅只是一个小小的斗师,这可是让她心情不好了很久了。 After quite comforts was very long changes, today is the selection enters the day of inner courtyard, very early in the morning the entire arena has then filled the person, as Dongfang Yan as well as Xun of participant and Xiao Yixian, already idle bored is accompanying Little Ai and small immortal on the spectators'stand plays, is waiting for the start of selection. 在好生的安慰了很久之后才变回来,今天便是选拔进入内院的日子,一大早整个竞技场便已经来满了人,作为参赛者的东方焱以及薰儿和小医仙,早就闲的无聊的在观众台上陪着小爱和小仙儿玩耍,等待着选拔的开始。 All gave me to be good, your only needing stood in my behind on the line.” “一切交给我好了,你们只需要站在我的身后就行了。” When the ding resounds, with fumigating Xiao Yixian simultaneously stands Dongfang Yan to put out a hand to hold in the arms two people three people of forehead to paste forehead, Dongfang Yan gentle speaking, this lets also be worried actually own strength issue Xiao Yixian feels at ease to show the charming smile. 当钟声响起,与薰儿小医仙同时站起来东方焱伸手搂住两人三人额头贴着额头,东方焱温柔的说到,这倒是让原本还担心自己实力问题的小医仙安心下来露出迷人的微笑。 Un.” “嗯。” As for fumigating was not worried completely, regarding the understanding of this person strength, fumigates at present is quite clear, so long as therefore protected good Xiao Yixian to suffice. 至于薰儿也是完全不担心,对于眼前这个人实力的了解,薰儿还是比较清楚的,因此只要保护好小医仙就够了。 It looks like the opening ceremony is the same, said one big pushes the later school war to start, Sanjou|go on stage Dongfang Yan draws is fumigating as well as Xiao Yixian small hand steps onto the arena, the complete player of vision tranquil looks at doubts does not attend to the outer court chief direct start to talk of vice-president as well as. 就像是开学典礼一样,说了一大推之后学院战开始,一登场东方焱拉着薰儿以及小医仙小手走上竞技场,目光平静的看着疑惑的全部参赛选手不顾副院长以及外院院长直接的开口 Today, my three people must enter the inner courtyard completely, I select you only completely, no matter anyone of you so long as can bump into my me to lose, the Su thousand elders may promise the boy my request.” “今天,我三人全部要进入内院,我一人单挑你们全部,不管你们谁只要能碰到我就算我输,苏千长老可答应小子我的请求。” Snort the extremely arrogant boy, you may know that altogether many people participate.” “哼狂妄的小子,你可知道一共有多少人参加。” coldly snorted, must announce Su thousand looks at Dongfang Yan loud speaking of contest rule, but trades is actually Dongfang Yan disdains smiles. 冷哼一声,原本要宣布比赛规则的苏千看着东方焱大声的说到,只不过换来的却是东方焱不屑的一笑。 I know, not on several hundred mixed fish, even if comes 1000 10,000 again, I do not fear, whether the Su thousand elders comply actually.” “我知道,不就几百个杂鱼而已,就算再来1000个10000个,我也不惧,倒是苏千长老可否答应。” Disdains to smile, smiling that looks at that big piece of player Dongfang Yan disdains very much, this makes the following person all has gotten angry, was called the mixed fish possibly not to be how angry. 不屑一笑,看着那一大片的参赛选手东方焱很不屑的笑到,这让下面的人一个个的全都怒了起来,被人叫做杂鱼怎么可能不会生气。 Good, since you such have confidence that me also to satisfy you to yourself, remembers oneself said that no matter they who bumped into your you to lose, two years did not permit to participate in the inner courtyard to select.” “好啊,既然你对自己这么有信心那我也就满足你,记得自己说的话,不管他们谁碰到了你你就算输,两年不准参加内院选拔。” To Dongfang Yan's felt extremely arrogantly incomparable funniness, Su thousand accepted his request directly, this made the outer court chief smile actually. 东方焱的狂妄感到无比的好笑,苏千直接答应了他的要求,这倒是让外院院长笑了起来。 „, Really has not thought that the Su thousand this fellows will promise this request this boy also to be crazy unexpectedly enough, unexpectedly dares saying that can bump into his him to lose, Hehe is interesting, interesting.” “哦,真是没想到苏千这个家伙居然会答应这种要求不过这个小子也够狂啊,居然敢说能碰到他就算他输,呵呵有趣,有趣。” Arouses complete participants angry Dongfang Yan to take out two chair as well as one successfully lays aside the cake small table, let Xun as well as Xiao Yixian sits down, looks up a sky to narrow the eyes to focus to take out a handle parasol to place behind the small table happen to block from Xiao Yixian as well as Xun, the cake black tea prepared then to look at that the vision went forward one step to stand to a angrier participant is fumigating as well as Xiao Yixian front putting out a hand of slowly said. 成功激起全部参赛者愤怒的东方焱取出两把椅子以及一个放置糕点的小桌子,让薰儿以及小医仙坐下,抬头看了眼天空眯着眼取出一柄遮阳伞放在小桌子后面正好遮住小医仙以及薰儿,糕点红茶都准备好了这才把目光看向更加愤怒的参赛者上前一步站在薰儿以及小医仙的面前缓缓的伸出手道。 I have said that can bump into me to calculate that you win.” “我说过了,能碰到我算你们赢。” looks at such Dongfang Yan, making people recall twice only the person who that has selected the elite, particularly the second these people recall that shame, all hesitated. 看着这样的东方焱,让众人回忆起了那个两次单挑精英的人,尤其是第二次那些人更是回忆起了那段耻辱,一个个的全都犹豫起来。 Snort, this year time I have also tempered much, how makes you have a look at this time my strength.” “哼,这一年的时间我也磨炼了不少,就让你看看此时我的实力如何。” in the hand takes blood-color big sword Wu Hao looks at to disregard all Dongfang Yan to change to a red shade to overrun toward Dongfang Yan. 手中拿着血色大剑的吴昊看着无视一切的东方焱化作一条红影朝着东方焱冲过去。 in the hand big sword brings roaring wind to divide toward the Dongfang Yan overhead. 手中大剑带着破风声朝着东方焱当头劈下。 Puts out a hand, big sword that chops stops in airborne just like having the barrier of not being able to see protects Dongfang Yan to be ordinary, this will make Wu Hao leap in the future knits the brows. 伸出手,劈下的大剑停在空中宛如有看不见的屏障护着东方焱一般,这让吴昊往后一跃皱着眉。 Puts out a hand slowly, the sky is cloudy bang bang the thunderclap to roar in an instant, blue white once for a while appearance of lightning current above the entire arena affects strength of this world is not a small fighting king can achieve. 缓缓伸出手,天空刹那间乌云密布轰隆轰隆的雷声咆哮着,蓝白色电流在整个竞技场上方时不时的出现牵动天地之力这可不是一个小小的斗王能做到的。 Reason that because now covers up intentionally, at this time to the feeling of person is an ordinary fighting spirit. 况且现在因为故意遮掩的缘故,此时给人的感觉就是一个普通的斗灵而已。 If I am you, I will choose take back weapon immediately, because ......... Electric conduction Ah!!!” “如果我是你,我会选择立马收回武器,因为………导电啊!!!” The thunder in sky forms Thunder Dragon, along with beginning downward to fall, is similar to the Qilins of two pillars falls into the arena generally, the dazzling ray makes all people shut tightly both eyes, if shade if the present pitiful yell were covered Su thousand also hastily to open safety mask on the spectators'stand by formidable lightning current, UU reads 天空中的雷霆形成一条雷龙,随着手往下落,如同二柱子的麒麟一般落入竞技场,刺眼的光芒让所有人都是紧闭着双眼,若影若现的惨叫被强大电流所所覆盖就连苏千也是连忙撑开观众台上的防护罩,UU看书 Only then small immortal and the others were yelling excitedly. 只有小仙儿等人兴奋的大叫着。 Nearby Little Ai has pushed sunglasses self-satisfied smiling on oneself eyes, has this slightly to fight expert of sect also to fear anything as for that deafening sound. 一旁的小爱推了推自己眼睛上的墨镜得意的笑了笑,至于那震耳欲聋的声音有着她这个小小斗宗的强者在还怕什么。 As well as Xiao Yixian smiled bitterly to push the sunglasses on bridge of the nose as for Dongfang Yan behind Xun, was isolated sound their looks at that whole bodies in lightning current burned black to show the whites of the eyes to spit the foam cannot bear has smiled. 至于东方焱身后的薰儿以及小医仙则是苦笑着推了推鼻梁上的墨镜,被隔绝了声音的她们看着那在电流中一个个浑身焦黑翻着白眼口吐白沫也是忍不住的笑了起来。 Waves to diverge the thunder, turned neck many things not to need the feeling to be somewhat irritable, stretched oneself the vision to look to as before was the arena strength that the white smoke rose from all directions small and weak by formidable lightning current is filled body clothes anything in that flash that the Battle Qi safety mask broke did not exist. 挥手散去雷霆,扭了扭脖子好多东西都没有用过了感觉有些别扭了,伸了个懒腰目光看向依旧是白烟四起的竞技场实力弱小的在斗气防护罩破掉的那一瞬间就被强大的电流灌体衣服什么的不存在的。 Already was destroyed by wild lightning current, whole body burned black, the hair also stood upside down is not the explosive warhead is the Saiyan hairstyle. 早就被狂暴的电流摧毁,浑身焦黑,就连头发也是倒立不是爆炸头就是赛亚人发型。 Slightly a little strength under this wild thunder, although eyes felt that was punctured blindly, the ear was shaken deaf actually tenaciously to live, this moment Dongfang Yan's formidable thorough kept in their hearts. 稍微有点实力的在这场狂暴的雷霆之下虽然眼睛都感觉被刺瞎,耳朵被震聋了可是却顽强的活了下来,此刻东方焱的强大彻底的留在了他们心中。 On spectators'stand was also all unconscious swallowing saliva part of Teacher also felt the palpitation. 就连观众台上也是全体不自觉的咽了咽口水就连一部分老师也是感到了心悸。 „... Unexpectedly also has to live.” “呃…居然还有活着的。” Dongfang Yan surprise looks at that white smoke thickest place that thought finish, when the white smoke diverges, a troop gasps for breath palpitation appearance looks at Dongfang Yan, has Wu Hao, amber as well as snow-capped mountain that fellow. 原本以为已经结束的东方焱诧异的看着那白烟最浓的地方,当白烟散去,一大群喘着气一副心悸的样子看着东方焱,其中就有吴昊,琥嘉以及白山那个家伙。 Interesting, that again comes one time.” “有趣,那就再来一次吧。” Smiled gently, the thunder clouds in putting out a hand sky appear again, this makes the person of frightening cried to get up instantaneously toward the arena at-large be exited, was made shadow most people to jump down the arena at heart, this was lets thousand and the others is the corners of the mouth fiercely is also twitching. 轻轻笑了笑,伸手天空中的雷云再次出现,这让原本就被打怕的人瞬间哭了起来一个个的朝着竞技场在逃出去,被打出心里阴影的大部分人全都跳下竞技场,这可是让苏千等人也是嘴角剧烈抽搐着。
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