MTOAW :: Volume #5

#437: Finished

Suddenly, at the congress is various clamoring sounds is coming the elixir Master of Izumo Province regarding this, Dongfang Yan that being indifferent has also caused the disaffection of audience, under the Ya Fei this merchant's illustration, has all given oneself the faith of victory, this makes Dongfang Yan very helpless actually. 一时间,大会上是各种的叫嚣声对于这位来着出云国的炼药师,一副漠不关心的东方焱也是引起了观众的不满,在雅妃这个商人的解说下,全都把胜利的信念给了自己,这倒是让东方焱很无奈。 Second round is the refine the pill of immortality, but this time formula writes on the paper, therefore wished everybody to try hard.” “第二轮是炼丹,不过这一次的药方是写在纸上的,所以祝各位努力了。” Topic, more or less then had the elixir Master worriedly, as for Dongfang Yan as well as willow Lingyue small Princess as well as the advantage was actually immaterial. 题目一出,或多或少的便有炼药师苦恼了起来,至于东方焱以及柳翎月儿小公主以及利却是无关紧要。 Does respectively various, in the hand purple flame, since refine the pill of immortality that naturally must have gathers spirit, under gathering spirit, Battle Qi between world slowly pours into the purple flamelet. 各做各的,手中紫色火焰一出,既然炼丹那自然少不了聚灵阵,在聚灵阵之下,天地间的斗气缓缓的注入紫色的小小火焰之中。 This accident is stirs up all people on the scene to shock, affects Battle Qi between world, this is not one small two or three elixir Masters can achieve, coherently is also opens mouth surprised looks at Dongfang Yan. 这一变故更是惹得在场的所有人震惊不已,牵动天地间的斗气,这可不是一个小小的二品或者三品炼药师能做到的,就连利也是张着嘴惊讶的看着东方焱 „A person who before looks at he however lets I remembered, met, if were his disciple my Gama Empire may probably melt the dragon really.” 看着他但是让我想起了以前遇见的一个人,如果真的是他的弟子我加玛帝国可真的要化龙啊。” Brings the chuckle, looks at relaxed Dongfang Yan, Fa Ma is also being feels the beard to speak, but Yao Lao already had also discovered he also gradually recalled regarding that boy of past years. 带着轻笑,看着轻轻松松的东方焱,法犸也是摸着胡须说到而药老也早就发现了他对于当年的那个小子也渐渐的回忆起来。 Then that Fa Ma can have the present achievement is also does obeisance Teacher to bestow.” “这么说来那法犸能有现在的成就也是拜老师所赐了哦。” Is listening to the feeling of Yao Lao, Dongfang Yan is also speaking of that cannot bear, this makes Yao Lao shake the head actually. 听着药老的感慨,东方焱也是忍不住的说到,这倒是让药老摇了摇头。 Although also has my some reasons, but this is also he regarding one talent of elixir, can become five elixir Masters is also his achievement.” “虽然也有我的一些原因,不过这也是他对于炼药师的一种天赋,能成为五品炼药师也是他的成就。” Chatted to turn over to chat, is the looks at Dongfang Yan so relaxed appearance advantage is different. 闲聊归闲聊,可是看着东方焱如此轻松的样子利却不一样了。 Snort, how making you win one.” “哼,让你赢一场又如何。” The vision looks to the spectators'stand reveals smiles evilly, afterward opens jelling pill second round does not have the suspense by Dongfang Yan is taken, this lets other people is actually is not very willing also does not have the means. 目光瞄向观众台露出邪笑,随后开始凝丹第二轮毫无悬念的被东方焱拿下,这倒是让其余人很是不甘心却又没得办法。 Third round start, Dongfang Yan and advantage final showdown expansion slowly, Ya Fei announced again the rule as well as the request, the scene bursts into the cheers, this lets Dongfang Yan very helpless beckoning with the hand of actually, but where is Mr. Naslin actually to be wrested away by five people, to Dongfang Yan of location dead center excited is refueling. 第三轮开始,东方焱与利最后的对决缓缓的展开,再雅妃宣布了规则以及要求又,场面爆发出欢呼声,这倒是让东方焱很无奈的摆了摆手,而属于纳兰老爷子哪里却是被五人霸占,对着场地正中心的东方焱兴奋的加油着。 Hehe, unexpectedly is free refinement, Gama Empire's idiots such topic was not equal to that handed over this champion? Hahaha such being the case that I impolite accepts the name of this champion.” 呵呵,居然是自由炼制,加玛帝国的蠢材们出这样的题目不就等于把这个冠军拱手相让了吗?哈哈哈既然如此那我就不客气的收下这个冠军之名。” Waves to emit big precious raw materials for medicine, this lets being able to judge the quality of goods actually all, Yao Lao cannot bear the surprise surprisedly looked at his one eyes. 挥手放出一大片的珍贵药材,这倒是让识货的全都惊讶不已,就连药老也是忍不住诧异的看了他一眼。 Bites the fresh grass, swallows the spirit flower, the monster fruit and flowers are swallow the soul to bite the miracle cure evidently, this is four middle rank compounded drugs, flame here just one compounded drug is four senior you takes away to use.” “噬生草,吞灵花,妖花果看样子是吞魂噬灵丹啊,啧啧这可是四品中阶丹药,焱我这里刚好有一种丹药是四品高阶你拿去用吧。” When two, Yao Lao has passed to some Dongfang Yan idle bored compounded drug that creates, vision actually somewhat curious looks at this type to evil compounded drug. 啧啧了两下,药老传给东方焱自己某次闲的无聊时所创的丹药,目光倒是有些好奇的看着这种至邪丹药。 Hehe, is this World what right? What is wrong? What is just? What is evil? The answer is very simple, that is composes by the victor, won final victory that is just!!!” 呵呵,这个世界什么是对?什么是错?什么又是正义?什么又是邪恶?答案很简单,那就是由胜利者所谱写,赢得最后的胜利那便是正义!!!” Is laughing insolent, this time advantage does not know that to oneself have explicitly self-confident or is anything. 张狂大笑着,此时的利不知道是不是对自己有着很明确的自信又或者是什么。 Right that these words said that is just another alternate name of victory, manages his anything is just anything is evil, I want well happily.” “这句话说的对,正义不过是胜利的另一个别称,管他什么是正义什么是邪恶,我只要自己开心就好。” The medicinal herb departs, regarding Dongfang Yan under three color flame that presents slowly, several types of raw materials for medicine start systematically melts under the azure flame lotus flower slowly, or is feared that the drug efficacy is insufficient. 药材飞出,围绕着东方焱在缓缓出现的三种颜色火焰之下,十几种药材开始井然有序的在青色的火焰莲花之下缓缓相融,又或者是怕药效不够。 Waves once more, one group of black such as the thing of snake appears, but was actually wrapped up by another woods white flame, although this irons poisonously furiously wants to escape from this flame lotus flower, but does not have the function of least bit, can only be built up Xiao Yixian looks at of nihility however distant place ironed poisonously initiated slightly dull. 再次挥手间,一团黑色如蛇的东西出现,不过却被另一朵森白色的火焰包住,尽管这烙毒奋力的想要逃出这个火焰莲花,可是却丝毫没有半点的作用,只能被炼化的虚无但是远处的小医仙看着那烙毒微微的发起了呆。 The appearance that wish was actually given to suppress by recovering, but the innermost feelings look like have kitten general itchy ruthless. 一副想要的模样可是却又被回过神来的自己给压制回去,只是内心就像是有一只小猫一般痒痒的狠。 This flame!!!!” “这股火焰!!!!” On the contrary, Fa Ma feels that familiar flame, a woods white flame point temperature has not been sending out a coldness on the contrary, this let stand, the compounded drug that particularly that refinement technique as well as the flame that Fa Ma could not bear and refined, made Fa Ma smile. 相反,法犸感受到那股熟悉的火焰,森白色的火焰没有一点的温度相反还散发着一股寒冷,这让法犸忍不住的站了起来,尤其是那炼制手法以及火焰和所炼制的丹药,都让法犸笑了出来。 Hateful, this way will possibly lose!!” “可恶,再这样下去可能会输!!” The vision looked at eye that slowly the compounded drug of birth under three types of flame, the advantage clenched teeth pinching quietly to explode already the prepare toxic smoke, suddenly the green toxic smoke filled this to make Dongfang Yan stop gathering actually hastily spirit, the vision looked that was preparing to begin to the auditorium, actually the discovery toxic smoke all flies toward the position that Xiao Yixian was, this made Dongfang Yan one afterward smile, looks at eye these to be done the person of poison by the sudden toxic smoke, helpless sighing split up the flame to refine an antidote finally once more. 目光看了眼那在三种火焰之下缓缓诞生的丹药,利一咬牙悄悄的捏爆了早就布置好的毒烟,一时间绿色的毒烟弥漫这倒是让东方焱连忙停止聚灵阵,目光看向观众席上正准备动手,却发现毒烟全都朝着小医仙所在的位置飞过去,这让东方焱一愣随后笑了笑,看了眼那些被突然爆发的毒烟搞得中毒的人,无奈的叹了口气最后再次分化火焰炼制了一种解毒药。 Hehe, in this situation also dares to divert attention the refinement antidote, it seems like that this champion turned over to me!!” 呵呵,这种情况下还敢分心炼制解毒药,看来这个冠军归我了!!” Reveals smiles evilly, although with own wants to have that little deviation, but the issue is not big, at the worst one will make up one again. 露出邪笑,尽管和自己的所想有那么一点点的偏差可是问题不大,大不了一会再补上一个就可以。 Legare that so thinks of quick the speed of refine the pill of immortality, but Dongfang Yan is so, three appearances of flame had sufficed shockingly, but has not thought that unexpectedly can also simultaneously refine two types of different compounded drugs, this is must how formidable soul Strength as well as refining up the potion draw, this war made the name of Dongfang Yan's talent keep person in the heart on the scene firmly, Mitel Auction room was also so. 如此想到的利加快了炼丹的速度,而东方焱更是如此,三种火焰的出现本就已经够让人震惊的了,可是没想到居然还能同时炼制两种不同的丹药,这可是要多么强大的灵魂力量以及炼药水平啊,这一战让东方焱的天才之名更是牢牢的留在了在场人的心中,米特尔拍卖行也是如此。 On the contrary, tows poisonous looks at in the hand that not pure poisonous Xiao Yixian that the advantage has sent out, although can suppress, the swallowing saliva that may unable to bear, clenched teeth to give moon/month small Princess they to help finally to dispose the antidote directly, but handed over poisonously is Xiao Yixian all kinds does not abandon. 相反,牵引了利发出的毒看着自己手中那并不精纯的毒小医仙虽然能抑制住,可还是忍不住的咽了咽口水,最后一咬牙直接递给了月儿小公主她们去帮忙配置解药,只是递毒是小医仙万般不舍。 Haha, four middle rank swallow the soul to bite the miracle cure become!!!!” 哈哈,四品中阶吞魂噬灵丹成!!!!” Erupts the flame, is printed with the compounded drug of strange design to appear in in the hand of advantage, but Dongfang Yan is also looked that had not looked three types of flame erupt in together, the blue lotus extinguishes the monster fire to bloom, is similar to rains in the hand of ordinary everyone to present azure compounded drug, this makes the person have doubts actually, as for that azure lotus flower from the beginning slowly bloomed to reveal one to have the three mark azure miracle cures of three flame patterns. 爆发出火焰,一枚印有诡异图案的丹药出现在利的手中东方焱也是看也没看三种火焰爆发在一起,青莲灭妖火绽放,接着如同下雨一般每个人的手中都出现一枚青色的丹药,这倒是让人疑惑不已,至于一开始的那朵青色莲花则是缓缓的绽放露出了一枚拥有三条火焰花纹的三纹青灵丹。 Four, four high rank!! This, this is how possible!!!” “四,四品高阶!!这,这怎么可能!!!” The shock, in the situation of refinement that huge quantity can also guarantee that the successes of four high rank compounded drugs, this formidable strength yields profit is also dumbfounded. 震惊,在炼制那么庞大数量的情况下还能保证四品高阶丹药的成功,这强大的实力让利也是目瞪口呆。 Fa Ma, Jia Xingtian, willow Ling, moon/month small Princess these people say nothing , the looks at in the hand compounded drug is only smells has a feeling of refreshing, has dizzy the brain comes instantaneously soberly. 法犸,加刑天,柳翎,月儿小公主这些人更不用说了,看着手中的丹药光是闻一闻就有一股神清气爽的感觉,原本还有着晕乎乎的脑子瞬间清醒过来。 Excuse me, the champion, probably is I.” “不好意思,冠军,好像是我啊。” Shows the smile, this yields profit gnash one's teeth actually, finally laughs insolent. 露出微笑,这倒是让利咬牙切齿着,最后张狂大笑起来。 Hahaha, you win how has been able to live final, only then I!!” 哈哈哈,你赢了又如何能活到最后的只有我一个人!!” Puts out a hand to put out a bead to pinch to explode, immediately a large share toxic smoke appears, the people were calling out pitifully instantaneously, Jia Xingtian that rushed also has to draw back, this poison, has fought the sovereign also to have the fatal danger to this. 伸手拿出一把的珠子捏爆,顿时一大股毒烟出现,人们瞬间惨叫着,就连原本冲上去的加刑天也是不得不退回来,这股毒,已经对他这个斗皇也是有着致命危险的。 Hehe, you think that my pill is white practice, you have a look carefully.” 呵呵,你以为我那丹是白练的,你仔细看看。” Feels funny to advantage laughable behavior, Dongfang Yan shook the head a sound to refer to gently, the medicine that the compounded drug sends out can resist the corrosion of toxic smoke fragrant unexpectedly, this yields profit the shock again. 对利这种可笑的行为感到好笑,东方焱摇了摇头轻轻一个响指,丹药所散发的药香居然能抵挡毒烟的侵蚀,这再一次让利震惊。 You court death!!!” “你这是找死!!!” Spectators'stand that a looks at person is also all right, the advantage becomes angry out of shame immediately, both hands turns into green, bringing the terrifying toxic gas to grasp toward Dongfang Yan, this lets Fa Ma is the anger stares. 看着一个人也没事的观众台,利顿时恼羞成怒,双手变成绿色,带着恐怖的毒气朝着东方焱一抓抓来,这让法犸更是怒瞪起来。 Naive.” “天真。” Shook the head facing grasps, Dongfang Yan octupole octopole collapse Hongfei who the direct fist that the advantage is coming moves forward to meet somebody, this makes the appearance that his face falls silly think aloud. 摇了摇头面对着利呼啸而来的一抓,直接一拳相迎上去的东方焱一记八极崩轰飞利,这让他一脸傻掉的样子自言自语着。 No, is impossible, I fight the king, I fight the king, to lose how possibly to fights spirit......” “不,不可能,我可是斗王,我可是斗王,怎么可能会,会输给斗灵……” When the advantage that looks at shattering, Dongfang Yan shook the head, puts out a hand to snatch his abstention to erase the swallowing soul that the mark found that him to refine to bite in the miracle cure eye reveals just like the blackening the jet black vision, UU reads 看着一副坏掉的利,东方焱摇了摇头,伸手抢过他的纳戒抹掉印记找到那颗他所炼制的吞魂噬灵丹眼中露出宛如黑化时漆黑的目光,UU看书 Takes is swallowing the soul to bite the miracle cure to narrow the eyes to focus on a foot stepping in the arm of advantage, formidable Strength stepped on his arm instantaneously, the huge pain yielded profit opens mouth to call out pitifully. 拿着吞魂噬灵丹眯着眼一脚踩在利的手臂上,强大的力量瞬间踩断了他的手臂,巨大的痛楚让利张着嘴惨叫着。 Swallows the soul to bite the miracle cure, can swallow the user lifetime Battle Qi and essence and blood changes into the crystallization for other people promote Strength to evil compounded drug Hehe, Battle Qi of lifetime has been OK, as for...... Your that dirty essence and blood stays in your within the body.” “吞魂噬灵丹啊,可以吞噬服用者毕生的斗气和精血化为结晶供他人提升力量的至邪丹药呵呵,毕生的斗气就可以了,至于……你那肮脏的精血还是留在你自己的体内吧。” In the palm floats is swallowing the soul to bite the miracle cure, the blue lotus extinguishes the monster fire to appeared refining this compounded drug, was filling toxic smoke sudden was taken away, this made Dongfang Yan have doubts not to care subconsciously, integrates medicinal herb one of the some neutralizations to transform the good swallowing soul to bite the miracle cure then to appear in Dongfang Yan in the hand. 手心中漂浮着吞魂噬灵丹,青莲灭妖火出现提炼着这丹药,原本弥漫着的毒烟突然的被收走,这让东方焱下意识的疑惑了一下不过也没在意,融入一些中和的药材一枚改造好的吞魂噬灵丹便出现在东方焱手中 The jet black compounded drug also turned into dark black, has the light azure. 原本漆黑的丹药也变成了暗黑色,其中还有淡淡的青色。 No, does not want, to let off me ......... No, does not want!!!” “不,不要,放过我………不,不要!!!” Is suppressing the pain of finishing a job, regarding suddenly changes Dongfang Yan that has resembled personally, this made in the thoughts of gain feel a deep fear, panic-stricken start to talk begged for mercy is actually the Dongfang Yan cruel evil that traded smiles, a foot stepped on the advantage once more thigh, the ache yields profit has publicized mouth regarding this Dongfang Yan directly the compounded drug has forced in his mouth. 强忍着断手之痛,对于突然变了个人似的东方焱,这让利心中感受到了一股深深的恐惧,惊恐的开口求饶换来的却是东方焱残忍的邪笑,再次一脚踩断利的大腿,疼痛让利张大了嘴对此东方焱直接的把丹药塞进了他的嘴中。 Finally along with wailing of advantage pain, he of middle-aged person instantaneously was old 50 years old general, turned into old man, but in his chest front is actually a Battle Qi crystallization of green. 最后伴随着利痛苦的哀嚎,原本还是中年人的他瞬间苍老了50岁一般,变成了一个老人而在他的胸前却是一枚绿色斗气结晶。 Hehe, Battle Qi is also bringing poisonously worthily is the poisonous Master of Izumo Province, your life ends in light of this.” 呵呵,就连斗气也是带着毒的不愧是出云国的毒师,不过你的生命就此终结。” Narrows the eyes to focus to size up in the hand green Battle Qi to crystallize, although poisonous, but the good and evil is also one fights lifetime Battle Qi of king, the use regarding present Xiao Yan is very big, was gives to fumigate as for that three mark azure miracle cure naturally. 眯着眼打量着手中绿色斗气结晶,虽然有毒但好歹也是一位斗王的毕生斗气,对于现在的萧炎来说用处还是很大的,至于那个三纹青灵丹自然是送给薰儿了。
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