MTOAW :: Volume #5

#436: The competition starts

After complying with the request of Ya Fei, is away from the so-called elixir normal university to compete also three days, these in three days, Dongfang Yan enjoyed to come the star treatment, went out is stopped up, so long as appears on the street by so-called fan surrounding. 在答应了雅妃的请求后,距离所谓的炼药师大会比赛还有三天的时间,这三天里,东方焱享受到了来着明星般的待遇,出门被堵,只要出现在街上就会被所谓的粉丝给围观。 Finally has to change the strength of existence simply, but was actually fumigated the discovery, has remembered some once one time, for fumigating the apology does Dongfang Yan to put the unique skill. 最后索性只好改变存在之力,可是却又被薰儿发现,想起了曾经的某一次,为了给薰儿道歉搞得东方焱只好放绝招。 Kisses, fumigates the instantaneous face to be red, this is makes Little Ai extreme one cut by biting to ice Tanghulu. 一吻下去,薰儿瞬间脸都通红起来,这可是让小爱极度的一口咬断冰糖葫芦 Today, is the scene of elixir normal university meeting, but was propagandized Dongfang Yan by the Ya Fei high-sounding talk is really ......... 今天,正是炼药师大会的现场,只不过被雅妃高调宣传东方焱真的是……… Good Elder Brother Yan, this you went on stage, remembers complies to fumigate, must attain first.” “好了焱哥哥,该你上场了,记得答应薰儿的哦,一定要拿到第一名。” Covers mouth titter, fumigates puts out a hand to push the Dongfang Yan's back to go out of the conference site, this makes Dongfang Yan very speechless actually white her eyes, looks at her smart-alecky is spitting the tongue to shake the head to step onto prepares the good stage for oneself. 捂着嘴偷笑不已,薰儿伸手推着东方焱的后背走出会场,这倒是让东方焱很无语的白了她一眼,看着她俏皮的对着自己吐了吐舌头摇了摇头只好走上为自己准备好的高台。 This, is of Dongfang Yan we Mitel Auction room great support Xiao talent Young Master, has the world different hot strength rarely is to fight the spirit, couple days ago cured ironing of Naslin senior general to be poisonous by the prestige of different fire, the quenching body ichor that now our Mitel Auction room trades is by this talent Young Master development, this type of ichor under has very big help already to quench the body to fighting also to cultivation, his entering step version, in view of fighting use.” “这一位,就是我们米特尔拍卖行大力支持的萧家天才少爷之一的东方焱,身怀罕世异火实力更是斗灵,前几天更是以异火之威治好了纳兰老将军的烙毒,现在我们米特尔拍卖行所贩卖的淬体灵液都是由这位天才少爷开发的哦,这种灵液对斗者之下有着很大的帮助既能淬体也能修炼,还有他的进阶版,针对斗者使用的。” Stands in the stage, Ya Fei was introducing loudly complies for the Mitel Auction room refinement medicine, currently on the spot a piece of noise has buys the medicine has the shout that because the Dongfang Yan face value issue brings, is not inferior to the star concert. 站在高台上,雅妃大声介绍着答应为米特尔拍卖行炼制的药,现在现场一片喧嚣有买药的也有因为东方焱颜值问题引来的呼喊声,并不亚于明星演唱会。 Xun on stand as well as Xiao Yixian and the others looks at Dongfang Yan that very not naturally expression as well as stiff movement, is covers mouth titter, this lets Naslin actually sweet is also so. 看台上的薰儿以及小医仙等人看着东方焱那很不自然的表情以及僵硬动作,也是捂着嘴偷笑着,这倒是让纳兰嫣然也是如此。 Second is charmed myriad young girl being all the rage youngster, willow Ling simultaneously he is our pill king Guhe love disciple three elixir Masters.” “第二位就是迷倒万千少女的风靡少年,柳翎同时他还是我们丹王古河的爱徒三品炼药师哦。” A big flower petal drops from the clouds, is long the pretty good beautiful youngster mouth to hold in the mouth the rose to descend slowly, the vision saw with Naslin sits together sweet Xun shines at present, is taking the flowers with the hand, gently toward fumigating and the others the directions flew. 一大片的花瓣从天而降,长得还不赖的美少年嘴里叼着玫瑰花缓缓降落,目光看到了与纳兰嫣然坐在一起的薰儿眼前一亮起来,用手拿着花朵,轻轻的朝着薰儿等人的方向飞了过去。 Beautiful flowers grant beautiful you, please refuel for me, fellow beautiful young ladies.” “美丽的花朵赠与美丽的你,请为我加油吧,各位美丽的小姐。” The flowers that looks at flutters, fumigate and the others to stare slightly, Xiao Yixian waved the bright flowers to wither this to bring to the attention of some people directly instantaneously actually, but saw her is the Naslin senior general in has not said anything together, but once for a while looked at the vision in the past. 看着飘过来的花朵,薰儿等人微微一愣,小医仙更是直接挥手原本鲜艳的花朵瞬间枯萎这倒是引起了一些人的注意,不过见她是个纳兰老将军在一起也就没有多说什么,只是时不时的把目光看过去而已。 Must refuel Elder Brother Yan!!!” “要加油哦焱哥哥!!!” Come on the flame, won the first words to you reward.” “加油啊焱,赢得第一名的话给你奖励哦。” Father refuels!!!” 爸爸加油!!!” „The Dongfang (east) elder brother must refuel, absolutely do not lose?.” 东方哥要加油啊,绝对不要输?哦。” Otou-sama obtains first words Little Ai also to give you reward!!!” 父亲大人得到第一名的话小爱也会给你奖励的!!!” Every large or small five people are refueling to Dongfang Yan, this lets turn looks at Dongfang Yan that two that actually grey white willow Ling cannot bear had not spoken. 大大小小的五个人给东方焱加油着,这倒是让原本变成灰白色的柳翎忍不住的多看了两眼一直没怎么说话的东方焱 Then invited last seeded player Sanjou|go on stage, in Gama Empire history obtains three elixir Master titles at the minimum age moon/month small Princess.” “那么有请最后一位种子选手登场,加玛帝国史上以最小年纪获得三品炼药师称号的月儿小公主。” With the cheers, an exquisite Loli appearance slowly before the people, this makes Dongfang Yan actually narrows the eyes to focus. 伴随着欢呼声,一位小巧的萝莉缓缓的出现在众人面前,这倒是让东方焱不由的眯着眼起来。 This is Dongfang Yan, thanked you to cure the ironing poison of Naslin senior general to refine that type to quench the body ichor to think that refine potion evenly above me, hopes that you continued to try hard for Gama Empire to make many contributions.” “这就是东方焱吧,感谢你治好纳兰老将军的烙毒能炼制那种淬体灵液想必炼药水平在我之上吧,希望你继续努力为加玛帝国做出更多的贡献。” The vision looks to Dongfang Yan, small Princess moon/month reveals noble air full smiling face start to talk saying that this makes Dongfang Yan unconscious actually smiled looks at her came the interest. 目光看向东方焱,小公主月儿露出贵气满满的笑容开口道,这倒是让东方焱不自觉的笑了笑看着她不由的来了兴趣。 Hehe, poisonous achievement sweet Elder Brother's of Mr. Naslin my naturally will rescue, but Gama Empire and my what does/works?” 呵呵,纳兰老爷子的毒作为嫣然哥哥的自然会救,不过加玛帝国与我何干?” Is bringing the chuckle, 带着轻笑, Dongfang Yan that turns around decisively had not actually discovered appearance that behind moon/month small Princess frowns tightly, although like Loli, to is not Little Girl likely moon/month small Princess such Loli, does not care in the Dongfang Yan eye. Dissolute!!” 果断转身的东方焱却没发现身后月儿小公主紧皱眉头的样子,虽然自己喜欢萝莉,不对是小女孩不过像月儿小公主这样的萝莉,在东方焱眼中根本不在意。“放肆!!” Nearby Jia Xingtian heard the Dongfang Yan impolite words has drunk one coldly, just about to goes forward to prepare to his lesson, moon/month small Princess was actually holds on his clothes to prevent his behavior. 一旁的加刑天听见东方焱无礼的话更是冷喝了一声,刚要上前准备给他一点教训,月儿小公主却是一把拉住了他的衣服阻止了他的行为。 Good too grandfather you in this cannot next time you with, but Dongfang Yan, although I do not know that you have any prejudice me to hope to Empire you can do not make extremely matter after all here out of the ordinary are also your hometown.” “行了太爷爷你在这样下次就不许你跟来,不过东方焱是吧,虽然我不知道你对帝国有什么偏见不过我还是希望你能不要做出太过于出格的事情毕竟这里也是你的故乡。” Persuades to quit Jia Xingtian that must lose one's temper, moon/month small Princess tranquil speaking, this makes Dongfang Yan not shake the head actually many paying attention, stands is waiting for the start of congress in own position. 劝退了一副要动怒的加刑天,月儿小公主平静的说到,这倒是让东方焱摇了摇头没有过多的理会,站在属于自己的位置上等待着大会的开始。 My hometown is not this place.” “我的故乡可不是这个地方。” Shook the head, when a loud and clear announcement elixir normal university will start, Dongfang Yan also took back the thoughts to hit looks at front black crystal vision to look at Ya Fei in stage, saw her to blink very helpless appearance however to make nearby willow Ling to oneself sneer again and again. 摇了摇头,当一声洪亮的宣布炼药师大会开始,东方焱也就收回了心思打着哈切的看着自己面前的黑色晶体目光看了眼高台上的雅妃,见她对自己眨了眨眼很无奈的样子但是让一旁的柳翎冷笑连连。 Hehe I thought that you were exaggerated, looked that your this type will not have including the medicine cauldron of elixir, if so asked me, perhaps I will borrow you one.” 呵呵我看你啊只是被夸大其词而已,看你这个样不会是连炼药的药鼎都没有吧,如果是的话求求我,说不定我会借你一个。” Dongfang Yan that looks at has not begun slowly, willow Ling puts out gold(en) builds the medicine cauldron to come, from this cauldron thinks that product Jie will not be low, as pill king Guhe love disciple estimate is also. 看着迟迟还不动手的东方焱,柳翎拿出一个黄金打造般的药鼎多来,从这个鼎来看想必品阶不会太低吧,作为丹王古河的爱徒估计也是。 Your this medicine cauldron is very valuable, the feeling of shining can sell a lot of money the appearances.” “你这个药鼎很值钱吧,金闪闪的感觉能卖很多钱的样子啊。” looks at willow Ling that medicine cauldron, a Dongfang Yan surprised appearance stirred up willow Ling the corners of the mouth to twitch intentionally actually, particularly that can sell a lot of money the words to make in willow Lingxin not scold a country folk on own initiative. 看着柳翎那个药鼎,东方焱故意一副惊奇的样子倒是惹得柳翎嘴角抽搐不已,尤其是那句能卖很多钱的话让柳翎心中不自觉的骂了句乡下人。 That is natural, only then the cauldron of so beautiful magnificent and expensive wild rose can match on my such handsome man, long experience country folk.” “那是当然,只有如此美丽华贵的蔷薇之鼎才能配的上我这样的美男子啊,长点见识吧乡下人。” Was shaking the head, after hearing the rule of first round competition, willow Lingbian to Dongfang Yan does not pay attention to the Dongfang Yan selfish start the refinement, but from a moment ago Dongfang Yan to moon/month small Princess that pays attention actually felt that did not suit looked at two that could not bear, but saw him appears bored hits appearance is being the delicate eyebrows cannot bear wrinkled, shook the head secretly then starts to refine with single-hearted devotion. 对着东方焱摇了摇头,听见第一轮比赛的规则后柳翎便不理会东方焱自顾自的开始了提炼,而从刚才起就对东方焱留意的月儿小公主却是感觉不对劲忍不住的多看了两眼,不过见他还是显得无聊打着哈切的样子也是秀眉忍不住的皱了起来,暗自摇了摇头便开始专心提炼。 I truly do not have the cauldron, because my elixir never needs that type of thing.” “我确实是没鼎,因为我炼药从不需要那种东西。” The chuckle, is stretching out finger, wipes the flamelet then to appear in the fingertip, a Dongfang Yan refinement crystal stone, the flame swallows the crystal stone gently instantaneously, this makes the complete people on the scene be surprised, took the fire also to open the eye as Fa Ma that the way of cauldron was to let fall asleep directly. 轻笑着,伸出手指,一抹小火焰便出现在指尖,东方焱轻轻一点提炼晶石,火焰瞬间吞噬晶石,这一幕让在场的全部人都是大吃一惊,直接以火为鼎的方式更是让原本睡着的法犸也是睁开了眼。 Young fellow, gives them a color to have a look, who said does not have the medicine cauldron unable the elixir.” “好小子,给他们一点颜色看看,谁说的没有药鼎就不能炼药。” Yao Lao in space ring is also makes a fist extremely angry speaking. This made the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth turn upwards actually has wiped the smiling face. 就连空间戒指中的药老也是握拳愤愤的说到。这倒是让东方焱嘴角翘起了一抹笑容。 Does not need to use the different fire then to complete by the beast fire of amethyst wing Lion King regarding this small refinement directly, the purple flame is burning down the black crystal stone slowly. 对于这种小小的提炼根本不需要动用异火直接以紫晶翼狮王的兽火便能完成,紫色的火焰在缓缓的焚烧着黑色的晶石。 Under the combustion of flame, the black crystal stone turned into the purple slowly, the words that carefully does not look at could not have looked. 在火焰的燃烧下,原本黑色的晶石缓缓的变成了紫色,不仔细看的话还看不出来。 But at this time most people still in a terrible fix are refining relaxed incomparable Dongfang Yan feeling very bored is hitting, about looked to shake the head stamped the feet gently, black hole then appeared on the behind ground, the Tohka throne then emits from this black hole, immediately the steady appearance in the ground, was similar to existed general. 而此时大部分人都还在焦头烂额的提炼着轻松无比的东方焱感觉道很无聊不由的打着哈切起来,左右看了看摇了摇头轻轻跺了跺脚,一个黑洞便出现在身后的地上,十香的王座便从这个黑洞冒出,随即稳稳的出现在地面,就如同原本就存在一般。 Sat directly, the left hand supports the face, the right hand on the throne arm rest has the rhythm is very striking, but purple flame such static float is burning down in his front slowly, but shock that this time Dongfang Yan brings is not small, is only that sudden throne makes people not think simply. 直接坐了上去,左手撑着脸,右手在王座扶手上十分有节奏的敲打着,而紫色的火焰就这样静静的悬浮在他的面前慢慢的焚烧着,而此时的东方焱带来的震撼可不小,光是那突然出现的王座就让人觉得不简单。 Let alone absolutely did not have attentively is refining, this lets act as the illustration Ya Fei not to know how should say, as for willow Ling and moon/month small Princess this by direct shocking being dumb as a wooden chicken, the rapidness that responded, must lose the qualifications. 更何况还根本就没有用心的在提炼,这让充当解说的雅妃也是不知道该怎么说,至于柳翎和月儿小公主更本被直接震惊的呆若木鸡,要不是反应的快,就得失去资格了。 Along with passing of time, those present almost refine complete has purple also has the blue color, but the majority purple is a Lord, but the seeded player three people above stage, actually still in the refinement along with passing of time, a moon/month little young master refine the first azure, then willow Ling is green. 随着时间的流逝,在场的人差不多都提炼完成其中有紫色的也有蓝色的,不过大部分还是紫色为主,而高台之上的种子选手三人,却还在提炼只是随着时间的流逝,月儿小公子率先提炼出第一枚青色,接着柳翎则是一枚绿色的。 How are their colors with our same?” “诶他们的颜色怎么跟我们的一样啊?” „Is this behind-the-scenes plotting?” “难道这是黑幕嘛?” „Is, why the color meets is different.” “就是就是,为什么颜色会不一样啊。” Hehe, one group of hicks.” 呵呵,一群土包子。” On the contrary, looks at eye these to discuss regarding result very satisfied willow Ling who oneself refine why the color meets is different is coming the person to shake the head says with a smile lightly, moon/month is also the looks at in the hand azure crystal stone reveals the forced smile. 相反,对于自己提炼的结果还是很满意的柳翎看了眼那些讨论着为什么颜色会不一样来着的人摇了摇头轻笑道,就连月儿也是看着自己手中的青色晶石露出苦笑。 Really is not simple.” “还真是不简单啊。” As the narrator, Ya Fei explained at this moment on exit|to speak, difficult to bear, but also looked at the vision that this made these refine the person who ashamed purple crystal stone blushes instantaneously to Dongfang Yan, this time he sat on the throne in front of looks at was burning the purple flame. 作为解说员,这一刻雅妃就出口解释起来,这让那些提炼出紫色晶石的人瞬间脸红的羞愧难当,只不过同时也把目光看向了东方焱,此时的他还是坐在王座上看着面前燃烧着的紫色火焰。 Time will draw near, UU reads “时间就快到了,UU看书 Do not disappoint me...... ” 可别让我失望啊……” Comes regarding Dongfang Yan such manner facing this competition, Ya Fei at heart is wants to cry but no tears can be shed, if lost that very to lose face. 对于东方焱这样的态度来面对这种比赛,雅妃的心里是欲哭无泪的,如果输了的话那岂不是很丢人。 Time was up.” “时间差不多了吧。” Non- scar looked at the person in some eye corner, sets out to take back the throne cultivation to disperse the front purple fire, reveals is actually a burned black object, when this lets willow Ling is also is similar to drinks water be choked almost not to have Puff to smile generally. 不留痕迹的看了眼某个角落里的人,起身收回王座修炼散掉面前的紫火,露出的却是一个焦黑的物体,这让柳翎也是如同喝水时被呛到一般差点没噗呲笑出来。 Moon/Month small Princess is also does not have the reason should not looks at Dongfang Yan, as for Ya Fei, was the heart can not say by the hand-held volume forced smile. 就连月儿小公主也是一副没理由不应该啊的看着东方焱,至于雅妃,则是心底以手扶额苦笑不得的说着完了。 Hahaha, it seems like that the this first round winner was my.” 哈哈哈,看来这第一轮的优胜者是我的了。” Is covering the belly, willow Ling after by oneself good was being suppressed happy expression looks at Dongfang Yan diligently, that provocative self-satisfied appearance makes Dongfang Yan not know whether to laugh or cry. 捂着肚子,努力让自己好点后的柳翎强忍着笑意的看着东方焱,那挑衅得意的样子让东方焱也是哭笑不得。 Who said that a moment ago has taken a nap a meeting, does not know that what fired, how to say also compared with you.” “谁说的,刚才只是小睡了一会,也不知道烧成什么样了,不过在怎么说也比你强。” The chuckle is putting out a hand a ball that burned black crystal stone, under the people shocking vision, the burned black semblance was stave, blooms the dazzling orange ray, this made willow Ling look like eats the fly to be ordinary, the self-satisfied smiling face solidified/coagulated instantaneously, at this moment also let a scene ebullition. 轻笑着伸手一弹那个焦黑的晶石,在众人震惊的目光下,原本焦黑的外表破碎,绽放出耀眼的橙色光芒,这让柳翎就像是吃了苍蝇一般恶心,原本得意的笑容瞬间凝固,这一刻也让现场一片沸腾。 Orange, unexpectedly is the orange, can refine the orange in the so careless situation, worthily is talent Young Master, then I announced the first round winner ......... “橙色,居然是橙色,在如此漫不经心的情况下还能提炼出橙色,不愧是天才少爷,那么我宣布第一轮的优胜者………” Hehe wait|etc Ya Fei, the first round winner is not I, but is that side that you.” 呵呵等等雅妃,第一轮的优胜者可不是我,而是那边那位兄台。” Shows the meaning unclear smiling face, Dongfang Yan looked that spoke to somewhere the person chuckle in corner, that person was also the coordination has put out own crystal stone. 露出意味不明的笑容,东方焱看向某处角落里的人轻笑说到,那人也是配合的拿出了自己的晶石。 Excuse me talent Young Master, this first round winner I impolite accepting.” “不好意思啊天才少爷,这第一轮的优胜者我就不客气的收下了。”
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