MTOAW :: Volume #5

#435: Complying

Dongfang (east) Elder Brother went in how for a long time had not come out to have an accident.” 东方哥哥进去怎么久了还没出来会不会出什么事啊。” Worried standing in Mr. Naslin outside cave, Naslin sweet both hands grips tightly eyes flood to be slightly red, the little tears hang in the corner of the eye. 着急的站在纳兰老爷子地窖外,纳兰嫣然双手紧握着眼睛微微泛红着,一点点的泪光挂在眼角。 „, The Dongfang (east) elder brother will not be strong will certainly be all right. Must believe the Dongfang (east) elder brother.” “不会吧,东方哥那么强一定会没事吧。要相信东方哥啊。” Puts out a hand to hold in the arms the Naslin sweet shoulder, Xiao Yan makes noise the comfort saying that this made nearby Naslin austere reveal the forced smile actually. 伸手搂住纳兰嫣然的肩膀,萧炎出声安慰道,这倒是让一旁的纳兰肃露出了苦笑。 All right, the flame will certainly succeed.” “没事的,焱一定会成功的。” Is smiling making noise, regarding Dongfang Yan's strength Xiao Yixian can affirm that can suppress to raise including the toxin of calamity poisonous body, will the small ironing poison be more difficult than this? 微笑着出声,对于东方焱的实力小医仙还是可以肯定的,连厄难毒体的毒素都能压制提出来,小小的烙毒会比这个还要难吗? Said is also, does not need to be worried.” “说的也是,不用担心的。” Is smiling speaking, naturally was also reveals delightful smiling face this to make Naslin to Dongfang Yan confident Xun smile sweet. 微笑着说到,自然东方焱充满信心的薰儿也是露出甜美的笑容这让纳兰嫣然笑了出来。 Dongfang (east) Young Master was an elixir Level not low elixir Master, certainly will be all right.” 东方少爷可是一位炼药等级不低的炼药师了,一定会没事的。” The sudden sound makes the people turn the head, pleasant is Ya Fei graceful walks slowly, this is actually incomprehensible. 突然出现的声音让众人转过头去,入眼的便是雅妃优雅的缓缓走来,这倒是让人不解。 Hehe, I am give Dongfang (east) Young Master to deliver the medicinal herb, this is the medicinal herb that he wants also the matter hopes that he complies.” 呵呵,我是来给东方少爷送药材的,这是他要的药材同时还有一件事希望他答应。” Perhaps saw the doubts of people, Ya Fei took out a space ring to give to fumigate simultaneously the vision to look wanted nearby Xiao Yixian, after all was very famous. 或许是看出了众人的疑惑,雅妃取出一枚空间戒指递给薰儿同时目光多看了要一旁的小医仙,毕竟还是挺有名的。 Received the ring to look at the eye, if really after is the medicinal herb, to Ya Fei thanked say/way. 接过戒指看了眼,果真是药材后对着雅妃谢道。 Thanks Ya Fei you to send personally, Elder Brother Yan in does not know that now needs how much money, I come for Elder Brother Yan.” “谢谢雅妃你亲自送来,焱哥哥现在不在不知道需要多少钱,我来替焱哥哥付。” Hehe, fumigates Younger Sister this not to use, the earnest money that because he gives is the compounded drug, moreover some of my also incident requested.” 呵呵,薰儿妹妹这个就不用了,因为他给的定金是丹药,况且我还有一事相求了。” Covers mouth to show a faint smile, looks at fumigates knits the brows has not cared is only Xiao Yixian actually suddenly arrives at itself in front to give a space ring. 捂着嘴微微一笑,看着薰儿皱眉也没在意只是小医仙却突然的来到自己面前递给自己一枚空间戒指。 This is ......... “这是………” Subconscious receiving ring, the Ya Fei curious looks at Xiao Yixian inquiry said. 下意识的接过戒指,雅妃好奇的看着小医仙询问道。 This is the flame before the old gentleman treats an illness to me, said that to you, should be these compounded drugs.” “这是焱为老爷子治病前给我的,说是给你的,应该就是那些丹药了吧。” Is having the delightful smiling face, the looks at Ya Fei unconscious feeling dangerous this is feeling from love rival, regarding this earlier starts to be quite good. 带着甜美的笑容,看着雅妃不自觉的感觉到了危险这是一种来自情敌的感觉,对此还是早点下手比较好。 ............... “……………” The corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, looks at Xiao Yixian Ya Fei also felt troublesome had not said anything accepted the ring merely. 嘴角抽了抽,看着小医仙雅妃也是感到了麻烦不过还是没有多说什么仅仅只是收下了戒指。 Ah!!!!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!!!!” The sudden cry made the people cover the ear, but Naslin was sweet as well as Naslin austere was the heart has raised. 突然爆发的叫声让众人捂住了耳朵,而纳兰嫣然以及纳兰肃更是心都提了起来。 This, this is the voice of old gentleman, ......... “这,这是老爷子的声音,难道,难道………” The tears filled the eye socket, have cried, Xiao Yixian and Xun who Naslin could not bear sweet were silent. 泪水充满了眼眶,纳兰嫣然忍不住的哭了起来,就连小医仙和薰儿都是沉默。 How I accept the descendant of Lan to cry, really gives the old man to lose face.” “我纳兰家的儿孙怎么可以哭哭啼啼的,真是给老夫丢人。” The sudden sound let hide in Naslin who in the Xiao Yan bosom sobbed lifts the head sweet fiercely, looks at that old man that walked from the cave, has flowed out to put out a hand to erase to run to hug his neck toward old man that the tears could not bear directly. 突然出现的声音让原本躲在萧炎怀中哭泣的纳兰嫣然猛的抬起了头,看着那从地窖之中走出来的老人,泪水忍不住的流出伸手抹掉朝着老人跑了过去正面搂着他的脖子。 Silly thing, drops quickly, this highly improper.” “傻丫头,快放手,这成何体统。” Shameless one red, what to do both hands stiff in airborne does not know should. 老脸一红,双手僵在空中不知道该怎么办。 Others are happy.” “人家高兴吗。” Is immersed in the chest front unceasingly is also rubbing, this makes Naslin Jie unable to bear actually. 埋首在胸前还不断的蹭着,这倒是让纳兰桀更加受不了。 Your this silly thing.” “你这个傻丫头。” Naslin Jie who is tenderhearted also whatever Naslin's sweet dissolute vision has patted her powder back gently, is very satisfied regarding this granddaughter Naslin Jie. 心软下来的纳兰桀也就任由纳兰嫣然的放肆目光柔和的拍了拍她的粉背,对于这个孙女纳兰桀很满意的。 Right Dongfang (east) elder brother.” “对了东方哥了。” Suddenly remembers any same Naslin to be sweet, raising the head fronts the foot to look that to Naslin Jie's back actually discovered nobody this makes the inquiry of Naslin sweet doubts say. 突然想起什么一样的纳兰嫣然,抬起头垫着脚看向纳兰桀的背后却发现没有人这让纳兰嫣然疑惑的询问道。 Boy not in behind?” “那小子不是在身后嘛?” Has turned around, Naslin Jie also discovered that Dongfang Yan in does not gawk, 转过身,纳兰桀也发现东方焱不在也是一愣, How a moment ago also with the person who came out together non- living disappeared. Old gentleman, I here.” 刚才还跟着自己一起出来的人怎么了无生息的就不见了。“老爷子,我在这里了。” Suddenly appears side fumigating and Xiao Yixian, frightens their instinct wants to hide actually directly puts out a hand to fall by Dongfang Yan in the bosom, elegant face one red slightly after struggling to be fruitless, lowering the head of has to blush bashfully. 突然出现在薰儿和小医仙身旁,吓得她们本能的想躲却被东方焱直接伸手落在怀中,俏脸一红微微的挣扎无果后只好羞红着脸的低下头。 Haha, your boy can, the young strength achieve has fought the spirit, controls the stoker law also to reach a high degree of proficiency, if given time the achievement will not lower Yu Dan king Guhe.” “啊哈哈,你小子可以啊,年纪轻轻实力就达到了斗灵,控火手法也炉火纯青,假以时日成就绝不会低于丹王古河。” Treats as has not seen to be the same, regarding the Dongfang Yan's material is also knows that many Naslin Jie has not cared, laughs directly is commending Dongfang Yan. 当做没看见一样,对于东方焱的资料也是知道很多的纳兰桀也没在意,直接开怀大笑着称赞着东方焱 Old gentleman erroneous approved.” “老爷子谬赞了。” On fragrant shoulder that the chuckle, the head has built in fumigating, excessive looks at does not appear naturally Ya Fei slightly smiles. 轻笑了一声,头搭在薰儿的香肩上,偏过头看着显得不自然雅妃微微的一笑起来。 Transaction is closed, as for that matter that you said that I think that I possibly do not have the time.” “交易完成,至于你说的那件事,我想我可能没有时间啊。” Shows a faint smile, this makes the elegant face of Ya Fei more awkward, but decides to be insensitive for Mitel. 微微一笑,这让雅妃的俏脸更加的尴尬起来,不过为了米特尔决定还是厚脸皮一回。 Dongfang (east) Young Master so should not be heartless, the good and evil is to also be acquainted, said again this time elixir normal university meets reward is also very rich can also obtain the directions of five elixir Master Grandmaster Fa Ma, let alone can also have the right as well as the imperial unsurpassed support and the unsurpassed glory elixir teacher's teacher President old level.” 东方少爷别这么无情吧,好歹也是相识一场,再说了这一次的炼药师大会奖励也是挺丰厚的还能获得五品炼药师法犸大师的指点哦,更何况还能得到炼药师公会长老级的权利以及皇家无上的支持和无上的荣耀啊。” Brought to mislead the general tone, Ya Fei decisive said champion reward, felt that bored Dongfang Yan looked at eye face earnest Ya Fei, excessive to was fumigating the inquiry to say. 带着蛊惑一般的语气,雅妃果断把冠军奖励说了出来,感到无聊的东方焱看了眼一脸认真的雅妃,偏过头对着薰儿询问道。 Fumigates, Xiao Yixian you hungry did not have, must meet us to window-shop eats a thing casually.” “薰儿,小医仙你们饿了没,要不要一会我们去逛街随便吃点东西。” Un ............ “嗯…………” Is covering the chest, was attacked the Ya Fei whole person presents grey white, lived not to be possible love appearance this to let smile actually, UU that Xun could not bear read 捂着胸口,一副被打击到了的雅妃整个人都呈现灰白色,一副生无可恋的样子这倒是让薰儿忍不住的笑了出来,UU看书 However felt that hugged own hand to tighten that face on shoulder to narrow the eye particularly, fumigates the small face that could not bear one to spit the tongue to say red. 不过感觉到搂着自己的手紧了紧尤其是自己肩头上的那张脸眯起了眼,薰儿忍不住的小脸一红吐了吐舌头道。 Good Elder Brother Yan, you comply with Sister Ya Fei, you not, when she to the Xiao Yan Elder Brother's help is very many, said again the elixir normal university does meet this matter is not very amusing?” “好了焱哥哥,你就答应雅妃姐吧,你不在的时候她对萧炎哥哥的帮助还是挺多的,再说了炼药师大会这种事情不是很好玩吗?” Puts out a hand to hold down Dongfang Yan's, fumigates the elegant face flood is red rebukes to speak of this to let Dongfang Yan silent looks at actually she. 伸手按住东方焱的手,薰儿俏脸泛红着的嗔怪说到这倒是让东方焱沉默的看着她。 Fumigates quite heartlessly, unexpectedly helps the bystander speak, I am quite sad.” “薰儿好无情,居然帮着外人说话,我好伤心啊。” Changes originally also some unsatisfied Xiao Yixian, this makes Xiao Yixian have a scare actually actually has not revolted, but fumigates is done somewhat flustered by the Dongfang Yan sudden words, the elegant face that but sees that titter the face that cannot bear finally one red. 把头转向原本还有些不满意的小医仙,这倒是让小医仙吓了一跳不过却没有反抗,只是薰儿被东方焱突然的话搞得有些慌张,不过看见那偷笑的脸最后忍不住的俏脸一红。 Elder Brother Yan you were too bad, knows that bullies to fumigate, fumigates can be angry.” 焱哥哥你太坏了,就知道欺负薰儿,薰儿可是会生气的哦。” Does intentionally casts aside excessively, this that is angry made Dongfang Yan happy actually, the slender waist that put out a hand flexure to fumigate gently stirs up to fumigate directly rebukes again and again. 故作生气的撇过头,这倒是让东方焱乐了,直接伸手轻轻挠了挠薰儿的细腰惹得薰儿嗔怪连连。 „The Dongfang (east) elder brother, you helps Sister Ya Fei, Sister Ya Fei also helped our Xiao many being busy.” 东方哥,你就帮一下雅妃姐吧,雅妃姐也帮我们萧家很多的忙了。” Looked at eye face suffering from injustice Ya Fei, Xiao Yan is also the start to talk persuasion said finally, this lets Dongfang Yan rolled the eyes actually. 看了眼一脸委屈的雅妃,萧炎最后也是开口劝说道,这倒是让东方焱翻了个白眼 Right small flame, I remember that you probably were also two elixir Masters, happen to participated while this opportunity.” “对了小炎子,我记得你好像也是一个二品炼药师了,正好趁着这个机会参加好了。” Loosens the hand, traces the head that fumigates to look that to Xiao Yan does not know has remembered anything's start to talk, this makes Xiao Yan somewhat puzzled actually. 松开手,摸了摸薰儿的脑袋看向萧炎不知道想起了什么的开口,这倒是让萧炎有些不解起来。 Also good, good this competed I to participate, not too small flame this was promotes oneself elixir technique the good opportunity, I may not have the time to stay here, where when the time comes came to go to Fa Ma that old man by you for me.” “也好,好吧这个比赛我参加了,不过小炎子这可是提升自己炼药术的好机会啊,我可没时间一直留在这里,到时候就由你来替我去法犸那个老头哪里吧。”
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