MTOAW :: Volume #5

#434: Drives the poison

This type of quenching body ichor ......... “这种淬体灵液………” The surprise looks at in the hand blue green ichor, Ya Fei smiles to say. 诧异的看着自己手中的碧绿色灵液,雅妃莞尔一笑道。 You are Dongfang (east) Young Master.” “你是东方少爷吧。” Stares, but Ya Fei sees this also recognized that own guess, where this type of ichor knew in Xiao after all, therefore directly said own answer on somewhat guess Ya Fei. 一愣,只不过雅妃见此也是更加的认定自己的猜测,毕竟这种灵液在萧家哪里得知,所以原本就有些猜测的雅妃直接的说出了自己的答案。 Hehe, good it seems like concealed is also useless.” 呵呵,好吧看来掩饰也没用了。” Shook the head, disperses the strength of existence changes, this made Ya Fei fill surprisedly regarding Dongfang Yan's changed/easy appearance/allow. 摇了摇头,散掉存在之力变回来,这让雅妃对于东方焱的易容充满了惊讶。 Dongfang (east) Young Master this time comes back for the Naslin senior general, these medicinal herb actually not anything difficult matters, but the Ya Fei here actually matter wants to ask Young Master you.” 东方少爷这次回来是为了纳兰老将军吧,这些药材倒不是什么难事,只不过雅妃这里却有一件事想要拜托少爷你。” Regarding the matter of Mr. Naslin, Ya Fei naturally knows, one wants then to understand slightly Dongfang Yan comes back for the matter of Mr. Naslin, happen to will run upon the eighth elixir normal university as a merchant, Ya Fei will have shown the charming smiling face. 对于纳兰老爷子的事情,雅妃自然知道,微微一想便明白东方焱回来是为了纳兰老爷子的事情,正好又撞上了第八届的炼药师大会作为一个商人,雅妃露出了迷人的笑容。 I may not have that many time, the compounded drug I cured later of Mr. Naslin to deliver to you, the thing that I want also asked you to collect, first walked.” “我可没有那么多时间,丹药等我治好纳兰老爷子的之后会给你送过来,我要的东西也请你收集一下,先走了。” The shaking the head direct rejection troublesome matter of little, Dongfang Yan does not want to look for trouble for oneself. 摇了摇头直接拒绝麻烦的事情还是少点啊,东方焱可不想给自己找麻烦。 wait|etc!!!” 等等!!!” Sees firmness that Dongfang Yan walks, Ya Fei has flustered, went forward to hold on the Dongfang Yan's face to show very not the naturally smiling face hastily, this let a Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle actually. 东方焱走的坚决,雅妃不由的慌了一下,连忙上前一把抓住东方焱的手脸上露出了很不自然的笑容,这倒是让东方焱眉头不由的一皱。 Although is disrespectful very much, but also asked Dongfang (east) Young Master to comply, certainly will not disappoint afterward Young Master.” “虽然很失礼,不过还请东方少爷答应,事后一定不会让少爷失望的。” Has a plea, Ya Fei to reveal the vision of hope, is tranquil looks at she is helpless as for Dongfang Yan, finally before the corners of the mouth curl upwards sets out , the direct wall thump, two people face-to-face not over ten centimeters. 带着一丝恳求,雅妃露出祈求的目光,至于东方焱则是平静的看着她无奈,最后嘴角翘起身前直接一个壁咚,两人面对面不超过十厘米。 This made first time the wall thump Ya Fei had such one flustered quickly calm, the elegant face somewhat blushed slightly, but on the face was having slightly some not naturally smiling face. 这让还是第一次被壁咚的雅妃有那么一丝的慌张不过很快就镇定了下来,俏脸微微有些发红但还是脸上带着略微有些不自然的笑容。 Interesting, then said that what afterward won't let my disappointed meaning is? The compounded drug, the medicinal herb, money, fights technique anything's me not to need.” “有趣,那么说说事后不会让我失望的意思是什么?丹药,药材,金钱,斗技什么的我都不需要。” This ............ “这个…………” Is startled, suddenly thinks that at present this person is an elixir Master, is existence of strength crush large wine vessel, now joins the Canaan school Ya Fei not to know at once should be what to do good. 一怔,突然想起来眼前这个人就是一个炼药师,还是一个实力碾压大斗师的存在,现在又加入了迦南学院一时之间雅妃都不知道该怎么办才好。 Therefore , forget about it.” “所以说,还是算了吧。” Puts out a hand to touch the head of Ya Fei, turns around to leave, left the back that makes Ya Fei silent to keep former place to gaze after him to look own in the hand paper slightly smiled. 伸手摸了摸雅妃的头,转身离开,离开的背影让雅妃沉默的留在原地目送着他看了看自己手中的纸张微微的一笑起来。 Also was really overbearing Young Master.” “还真是霸道的少爷了。” both hands put out of one's mind, walks looked at the float of distant place in the lively holy city in the sky islands, Dongfang Yan has to acknowledge that was really on big. 双手放在脑后,走在繁华的圣城之中看了眼远处的漂浮在天空的岛屿,东方焱不得不承认真的是高大上啊。 beautiful is beautiful, what a pity under the beautiful semblance hides is actually ugly Devil, goes beyond compared with millennium lively Imperial Capital.” “美是美,可惜美丽的外表下隐藏的却是丑陋的恶魔,比起千年繁华的帝都来说有过之而无不及。” Shook the head, the side suddenly presented a person this to let Dongfang Yan had no alternative excessive looks at that slightly shy come the person to smile actually has not said anything. 摇了摇头,身旁突然出现一个人这倒是让东方焱无可奈何偏过头看着那略显害羞的来人笑了笑没有多说什么。 Why fumigated can such block find me each time.” “为什么薰儿每次都能这么块找到我了。” Put out a hand to pinch her small hand gently, Dongfang Yan teased with a smile, this made Xun smile actually has not said anything. 伸出手轻轻捏了捏她的小手,东方焱笑着打趣道,这倒是让薰儿笑了笑没有多说什么。 Good, does rare opportunity need to accompany me to window-shop?” “好吧,难得的机会要陪我逛街吗?” Regarding Little Ai how not with, although is also very curious, somewhat cares about Little Ai to bring to fumigate slightly window-shops, two people just like the face value of retrieving once same concerned about fumigating, vision that attracts always that many. 对于小爱怎么没跟过来虽然也很好奇,微微有些在意小爱不过还是带着薰儿逛街,两人宛如找回了曾经一样只是碍于薰儿的颜值,所吸引的目光总是那么的多。 Day of accompanies is fumigating, night returns to accept Lan Residence in the place that under the Naslin sweet leadership arrives at itself to rest, Dongfang Yan that idle being all right puts out cell phone to change the photo album, the smiling face of looks at that picture corners of the mouth has not been stopping. 一天的时间陪着薰儿,夜晚回到纳兰府在纳兰嫣然的带领下来到自己休息的地方,闲的没事的东方焱拿出手机翻动着相册,看着那一张张照片嘴角的笑容就没停过。 Father......” 父亲……” Opening the door sound gently has pulled back the Dongfang Yan's train of thought that 轻轻的开门声拉回了东方焱的思绪, The one who pushes the door to enter is Little Ai, but the present Little Ai whole person always feels quite strangely. How Little Ai?” 推门而入的是小爱,只是现在的小爱整个人总感觉好奇怪。“怎么了小爱?” Sets out, was witnessing she cuts through oneself bedding snuggle in the inquiry that own side Dongfang Yan cares about. 起身,目睹着她穿进自己的被窝依偎在自己身旁东方焱还是关心的询问着。 Why Father your vision always cannot stay on the body of Little Ai, because of the Little Ai status? Other looks at Father and woman in Little Ai, Little Ai are together good to envy, why, why Father cannot stay the vision Little Ai here.” “为什么父亲你的目光总是不能停留在小爱的身上,是因为小爱的身份嘛?看着父亲和别的女人在一起小爱,小爱好嫉妒,为什么,为什么父亲不能把目光停留在小爱这里。” Turns over/Stands up to fall down in the Dongfang Yan bosom, closely grabs his clothes, Little Ai is having the intense envy and grievance this makes Dongfang Yan silent, looks at Little Ai Dongfang Yan put out a hand to embrace tightly Little Ai, collected the mouth to leave behind kiss quietly on that soft oriental cherry lip, this let the Little Ai tears flowed came out both hands closely hug the Dongfang Yan's neck to melt general this to make Dongfang Yan have such flustered actually, has been saying as for that Teacher of animal has shielded directly. 翻身扑倒东方焱怀中,紧紧抓着他的衣服,小爱带着强烈的嫉妒和委屈这让东方焱沉默着,看着小爱东方焱伸手搂紧了小爱,凑过嘴在那柔软的樱花般嘴唇上留下悄悄的吻,这让小爱泪水流了出来双手紧紧的搂着东方焱的脖子想要融进去一般这倒是让东方焱有那么一丝的慌张,至于那一直说着禽兽的老师直接屏蔽了起来。 Has not known how long, left Little Ai supple lip this time Little Ai to be wrapped by the happiness, snuggles in the Dongfang Yan bosom. 不知道过了多久,离开小爱的柔唇此时的小爱被浓浓的开心包裹着,依偎在东方焱怀中。 Little Ai that I know, I also love you.” “我知道的小爱,我也爱你哦。” cheek was being poked by the Little Ai dragon corner/horn, particularly Little Ai that tail makes Dongfang Yan very uncomfortable. 脸颊小爱的龙角戳着,尤其是小爱那条尾巴让东方焱很难受。 Not only has no intention intentionally, present Dongfang Yan was understood in any case, it is estimated that was Little Ai entered the strange condition. 不只是故意还是无意,反正现在的东方焱算是明白了,估计是小爱又进入了奇怪的状态。 Next morning, departure that Dongfang Yan then cannot bear goes to the place that Mr. Naslin is at directly, walks, intermittent chill in the air unceasing from most deep place transmits after personally sees the situation of Mr. Naslin Dongfang Yan also has to knit the brows. UU reads 第二天一早,东方焱便受不了的离开直接来到纳兰老爷子所在的地方,一路走进来,阵阵寒意不断的从最深处传来当亲眼看见纳兰老爷子的情况后东方焱也不得不皱眉。UU看书 The whole person is becoming dark, seemed like spread an African then to be the same by the ink. 整个人都发黑着,就像是被墨水涂了一便的非洲人一样。 The gray hair as well as the beard are light pitch-black. 就连花白的头发以及胡须都是淡淡的乌黑。 It seems like the old gentleman your situation is very serious.” “看来老爷子你的情况很严重啊。” Reveals the forced smile, puts out a hand to extinguish the monster blue lotus fire to appear around Dongfang Yan slowly, regarding Mr. Naslin frozen his cold ice gradual was melted, indoor temperature enhanced much. 露出苦笑,伸出手灭妖青莲火缓缓出现在东方焱周围,围绕着纳兰老爷子冰封他的寒冰逐渐的被融化,就连室内的温度都提高了不少。 Your boy is that Dongfang Yan that the girl said.” “你小子就是丫头说的那个东方焱吧。” Mr. Naslin who the cold ice just a melting closed one's eyes sudden start to talk speech, this made Dongfang Yan stare actually staring. 寒冰刚一融化原本闭着眼的纳兰老爷子突然的开口说话,这倒是让东方焱愣了愣。 It seems like Mr. Naslin to me is some understanding.” “看来纳兰老爷子对我是有些了解啊。” Smiling of slightly, plan originally uses Emperor of Time to start 4th Bullet to make Mr. Naslin directly restore irons the poisonous time, but in an instant one wants to think like this does not need, moreover Mr. Naslin is awaking. 微微的笑了笑,原本的打算是直接动用刻刻帝发动四之弹让纳兰老爷子恢复到中烙毒的时候,可是转眼一想觉得这样没有必要,况且纳兰老爷子还是醒着的。 Hehe, listening to that girl to raise you, that quenches the body ichor is you refines, here old man on many thanks the boy your intention.” 呵呵,听那个丫头提起过你,那个淬体灵液就是你炼制的吧,在这里老夫就多谢小子你的用心了。” Mr. Hehe has spoken discreetly, good old gentleman, then the different fire enters the body detoxication process a little to be pain.” 呵呵老爷子言重了,好了老爷子,接下来异火入体去毒过程可能会有点疼。” The chuckle, cold ice has burnt down after similar, Dongfang Yan puts out a hand the seal of king to appear to Mr. Naslin gradually, a sudden suction pulls Mr. Naslin ironing of Within the body to be poisonous. 轻笑了一声,寒冰都焚烧的差不多了后,东方焱伸手对着纳兰老爷子王之印逐渐出现,一股突然出现的吸力拉扯着纳兰老爷子体内的烙毒。 But irons poisonously actually also wants to be has the life general tight attachment on the bone of Mr. Naslin, this makes Dongfang Yan have to use invisible fire Fallen Heart Flame actually to enter the body finally. 可是烙毒却也想是有着生命一般紧紧的依附在纳兰老爷子的骨头上,这倒是让东方焱最后不得不动用无形之火陨落心炎入体。 It looks like the lukewarm water boils the frog to be ordinary, the strength of swallowing pulls is ironing the poison, Fallen Heart Flame looks like the sharp blade cuts generally is ironing the poison and Mr. Naslin. 就像是温水煮青蛙一般,吞噬之力拉扯着烙毒,陨落心炎就像是锋利的刀一般切割着烙毒与纳兰老爷子。
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