MTOAW :: Volume #5

#433: Meets again

Sweet grandfather?” “嫣然的爷爷?” Hugs Xun who is not willing to let go as before, the vision looked that is sweet to one side heavyhearted Naslin, the brow slightly wrinkle then remembered afterward. 搂着依旧不愿意撒手的薰儿,目光看向一旁忧心忡忡的纳兰嫣然,眉头微皱随后便想起了。 Then Mr. Naslin? Needs me to do.” “那么纳兰老爷子怎么了?需要我干什么。” Pats back that the racket has fumigated, what trades is acts like a spoiled brat is not willing to let go, helpless Dongfang Yan has selective does not care about her looks at Xiao Yan and Naslin inquires sweet. 拍了拍薰儿的后背,换来的是撒娇般的不愿意松手,无奈的东方焱只好选择性的不在意她看着萧炎和纳兰嫣然询问道。 Is this, when grandfather struck kills the fifth-order demon beast iron poisonous seal python his ironing to be poisonous long ago, has been relying since then on own strength suppression, but now probably with enlargement of age, poisonous suppression of grandfather to ironing somewhat is more and more weak, six months ago the sudden poison sent, finds many people useless, finally towed the help of Teacher to invite pill king Guhe, finally was actually including him not to have the means that but pill king Guhe said that if had one to have the elixir Master of different fire perhaps to rescue grandfather, then I on remembering Dongfang (east) Elder Brother you.” “是这样的,爷爷在很久以前击杀五阶魔兽烙铁毒印蟒时中了他的烙毒,从那时起就一直凭借着自己的实力镇压,不过现在好像随着年纪的增大,爷爷对烙毒的镇压越来越有些弱,半年前突然的毒发,找了很多人都没用,最后拖老师的帮忙请了丹王古河来看,结果却是连他都没办法,只不过丹王古河说如果有一位拥有异火的炼药师说不定可以救爷爷,然后我就想起了东方哥哥你。” Somewhat embarrassed, but Naslin sweet was actually eyes red, Mr. Naslin very important person, this actually made Dongfang Yan ponder for her. 有些不好意思,可是纳兰嫣然却是眼睛都红了起来,纳兰老爷子对她来说可是很重要的人,这倒是让东方焱思考了起来。 Elder Brother Yan ......... 焱哥哥………” Perhaps does not know how should start to talk, after Xiao Yan is start to talk called one, does not know that said anything instructed held Dongfang Yan's to fumigate embraces tightly the Dongfang Yan's waist as if to make him comply general. 或许是不知道该怎么开口,萧炎也是开口叫了一声后不知道说什么指示抱着东方焱的薰儿搂紧了东方焱的腰仿佛在让他答应一般。 Good, our goes back, met me to leave a message to dejected jade that girl makes her ask the teacher saying that also the sweet sister-in-law/little aunt was cool, words small flame that cried again may on heart pain.” “好吧,我们这就回去,一会我留个言给萧玉那个小妞子让她去找导师说一下,还有啊嫣然小姑凉,再哭的话小炎子可就的心痛了哦。” Teased with a smile, complying with this to make Xiao Yan stare actually, slightly is somewhat embarrassed, Naslin sweet is also the elegant face slightly red. 笑着打趣了一下,答应下来这倒是让萧炎一愣,微微的有些不好意思起来,纳兰嫣然也是俏脸微红。 Afterward the group sat the so-called quickest flight mount to pass toward Namibian Lan under the arrangement of teacher. 随后一行人在导师的安排下坐上了所谓最快的飞行坐骑朝着纳兰家过去。 Dongfang Yan and Xiao Yan sit one, Xiao Yixian, Naslin is sweet, Little Ai, fumigates, small immortal they also in another. 东方焱萧炎坐一个,小医仙,纳兰嫣然,小爱,薰儿,小仙儿她们也是在另一个里面。 Chatted to drop around, but insufficiently was also bored, gives Naslin to be sweet at present the quenching body ichor of latest edition as well as Xiao Yan, the situation of but fumigating was not quite same, one wants to estimate slightly is that side the family sends the person. 一路闲聊串门但也不至于无聊,同时也把目前最新版本的淬体灵液交给了纳兰嫣然以及萧炎,只是薰儿的情况不太一样啊,微微一想估计是家族那边派来人了。 Good, what should practice to give to fumigate? Good to trouble asked that Teacher was good.” “好吧,该练什么给薰儿了?好麻烦还是问一下老师好了。” Sighed the sound, remembers Teacher, immediately is startled then hastily to disperse the ban on ring, a resentment read transmits this to make Dongfang Yan extremely awkward actually, had a little does not dare to face. 叹息了声,一想起老师,顿时一怔接着连忙散掉戒指上的禁制,一股浓浓的怨念传来这倒是让东方焱极度的尴尬,有那么一点不敢面对。 Your this color/look disciple, but also remembers for the Master I.” “你这个色徒,还记得为师我啊。” Resentment reading makes Dongfang Yan not know how should explain, finally Yao Lao speechless rolled the eyes spooky sighed. 浓浓的怨念让东方焱不知道该怎么解释,最后还是药老无语的翻了个白眼幽幽的一叹。 Flame, you were really one have also damaged, but you do not need to rebuke oneself, the life of person, always the thing that what needs to protect, otherwise, not wanted not to strive , was that a person? Even if has become expert, that type lonely lonely , can go crazy, therefore some these many female friends perhaps are the reasons that you grow stronger.” “焱,你还真是一个祸害了,不过你也无须自责,人之一生,总是需要什么保护的东西,不然的话,无欲无求,那还是人么?就算成了强者,那种孤独寂寥,也是能让得人发疯,所以有这么多红颜知己或许就是你变强的理由。” What is called not to need to rebuke oneself, Teacher did you come the disaster? Teacher does not know that the human life is not long, does the disaster lose the millenniums?” “什么叫做无需自责,老师你过来祸害怎么了?难道老师不知道好人命不长,祸害遗千年嘛?” rolled the eyes, spitting mortise this ruthlessly made Yao Lao Hehe smile is actually needless saying that but was using a funny expression name name said this to make Dongfang Yan more speechless actually. 翻了个白眼,狠狠的吐槽道这倒是让药老呵呵笑了笑不用多说,只是用着滑稽的表情一个名字一个名字的说出来这倒是让东方焱更无语起来。 Unknowingly, the group arrived accepted Ka Ma holy city that Lan was, most magnificent without doubt was the airborne islands, several islands were connected to compose incomparably magnificent one. 不知不觉中,一行人抵达了纳兰家所在的迦玛圣城,其中最为壮观的无疑是空中岛屿,几座岛屿相连组成无比壮观的一幕。 „, Is this cloud mist sect? Hehe is very magnificent internal actually decayed fierce pitifully, looks like Empire is the same.” “啧啧,这就是云岚宗嘛?呵呵是挺壮观的可惜内部却腐朽的厉害,就像是帝国一样。” looks at cloud mist sect Dongfang Yan shook the head to be a pity the appearance makes nearby Xiao Yan very puzzled much has not asked anything. 看着云岚宗东方焱不由的摇了摇头一副可惜了的样子让一旁的萧炎很不解可是也没多问什么。 „, Is here?” “诶,这里是?” Passed by Mitel Auction room, Dongfang Yan narrows the eyes the eye has not cared just like window-shopping toward Namibian Lan Jia to walk subconsciously, 路过米特尔拍卖行,东方焱下意识的眯了眯眼也没怎么在意宛如逛街般的朝着纳兰家走过去, Before long then saw that atmospheric Lan Residence to oneself family/home, Naslin sweet initiative stood came out to lead people here there to walk Namibian Lan Residence almost strolled. Was sweet you to come back.” 不一会便看见了那大气的纳兰府到了自己家,纳兰嫣然主动的站了出来带领众人这里那里走把纳兰府差不多逛了一圈。“嫣然你回来了。” Strolls is strolling, a middle-aged person then appears in the front, this made Xiao Yan call an uncle to be good actually obediently and honestly, the latter was also nods good. 逛着逛着,一位中年人便出现在面前,这倒是让萧炎老老实实的叫了声伯父好,后者也是点头回了一句好。 Is Father, I came back, this is Dongfang (east) Elder Brother that I said that previous that quenches the body ichor is he refines.” “是的父亲,我回来了,这位就是我说的东方哥哥,上次那个淬体灵液就是他炼制的。” Went forward to pull is coming the arm of person, Naslin sweet this time not to worry that relaxes the appearance that and felt at ease however to let Naslin sweet Father doubts. 上前挽着来人的手臂,纳兰嫣然此时没有了担忧放松和安心的样子但是让纳兰嫣然的父亲疑惑。 This is Dongfang Yan? Hehe previous time quenches the body ichor to sweet that thank you, thinks that the medicinal herb is very precious, will wait a while I certainly to compensate your old gentleman the matter that also to trouble you.” “这位就是东方焱嘛?呵呵谢谢你上次给嫣然的那种淬体灵液,想必药材都很珍贵吧,等一会我一定会补偿你的不过老爷子的事情还得麻烦你了。” Simple polite two, afterward Naslin sweet Father tired tomorrow has rested one late to adjust the reason to let the happiness that at today Dongfang Yan one line of play. 还是简单的客气了两下,随后纳兰嫣然父亲以今天劳累了明天休息一晚调整一下的理由让东方焱一行人玩的开心。 This makes Dongfang Yan not smile bitterly actually, particularly after being many Xun this has stuck the girl of person , the Little Ai resentment to read in a big way. 这倒是让东方焱苦笑不得,尤其是多了个薰儿这个粘人的小妞子后小爱的怨念更大了起来。 Tomorrow I will treat an illness you to have Little Ai and immortal for Mr. Naslin fumigate am sweet they to go out to play, rarely how comes to a time holy city not to stroll that does not need to be worried to spend, gives you casual flower.” “明天我为纳兰老爷子治病你就带着小爱和仙儿跟着薰儿嫣然她们出去玩吧,难得来一次圣城不去逛逛那怎么可以,不用担心花钱,咯给你随便花。” Tender feelings feels cheek gentle speaking of Xiao Yixian, UU reads 柔情的摸着小医仙脸颊温柔的说到,UU看书 this lets the Xiao Yixian elegant face actually slightly red, looks at that favored the gentle look that drowned, in the Xiao Yixian heart is full of the warm feeling also with a smile to nod to comply. www.uukanshu.com这倒是让小医仙俏脸微红,看着那宠溺的温柔的眼神,小医仙心中充满了暖意也就笑着点头答应下来。 Idle Dongfang Yan gazed after Xiao Yixian their departure, a person looks at crowded street unknowingly arrived at Mitel Auction room, the chuckle shook the head, after the strength of existence started hid own face, entered Mitel Auction room. 无所事事的东方焱目送了小医仙她们的离开,一个人看着人来人往的街道不知不觉中又走到了米特尔拍卖行,轻笑了一声摇了摇头,存在之力发动隐藏了自己的脸后走进了米特尔拍卖行。 This mister is prepares to buy anything to trade anything.” “这位先生是准备买点什么还是换点什么。” Just entered the auction room, beautiful young girl then arrived in front of Dongfang Yan to inquire, but let the Dongfang Yan introverted came the person unexpectedly is Ya Fei. 刚进入拍卖行,一个美丽的少女便来到东方焱面前询问道,只是让东方焱内向的来人居然是雅妃 Hehe, trades a medicinal herb or material anything does not know that has.” 呵呵,换点药材或者材料什么的不知道有没有。” Reveals the chuckle, looked that from the delightful smiling face of opposite party has recognized itself, Dongfang Yan does not have ambiguous direct speaking , the medicinal herb but to be insufficient, has Yao Lao and luminary day fire as well as Medusa, the collection medicinal herb of Yin Mountains day desert is not but bad, the material was also so, said that without doubt looked for a pleasure to oneself. 露出轻笑,从对方的甜美笑容中也看出来是认出了自己,东方焱也就没有含糊的直接说到,药材但不至于,有着药老和曜天火以及美杜莎,阴山天漠的收藏药材但也不差,材料也是如此,这么说无疑是给自己找点乐子而已。 Hehe, then this mister wants to trade anything.” 呵呵,那么这一次先生想要换点什么。” Shows a faint smile, has Ya Fei of very bold idea to reveal the moving smiling face inquiry to say to this powerful elixir Master at present. 微微一笑,对眼前这个实力强大的炼药师有着一个十分大胆想法的雅妃露出动人的笑容询问道。 This time I planned that with one type the ichor that quenches the body trades some raw materials for medicine.” “这次我打算用一种淬体的灵液换一些药材。” A paper departs to fall into Ya Fei in the hand, meanwhile after the jade bottle presents this to let Ya Fei vanished to look at the paper, attain the jade bottle actually. 一张纸飞出落入雅妃手中,同时还有一个玉瓶出现这倒是让雅妃消失看了看纸后才拿到玉瓶。 „The effect of this type of quenching body ichor is any mister.” “这种淬体灵液的效果是什么先生。” This type of quenching body ichor has three types, one type in view of fighting, one type in view of fighting, a pure quenching body, if thought that insufficiently I can also refine to gather air/Qi pill, the gathering air/Qi disperse respectively ten.” “这种淬体灵液有三种,一种是针对斗者之下,一种是针对斗者,还有一种就是单纯的淬体而已,如果觉得不够我还可以炼制聚气丹,聚气散各十枚。”
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