MTOAW :: Volume #5

#432: Future

Bang!!!!! 轰!!!!! The startled day huge explosive sound transmits from arena, silhouette of troop one after another flies from the arena. 惊天巨大的爆炸声从擂台上传来,一大群的人影接二连三的从竞技场中飞出来。 But as the maker of explosion, Dongfang Yan actually departure arena place slowly, arrives in front of dejected jade the in the hand jade bottle to fall into her hand Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth to bring to say with a smile slowly lightly. 而作为爆炸的制作者,东方焱却是缓缓的离开竞技场这个地方,来到萧玉面前手中的玉瓶缓缓落入她手东方焱嘴角带着轻笑道。 This did not need me to say much you also knew.” “这个不用我多说你也知道的吧。” Traces dejected jade cheek gently, the vision of that gaze mixed with a jealousy this to make Dongfang Yan narrow the eye actually, has not cared to return to discontented in front of Little Ai to put out a hand completely to rub her head not to say anything. 轻轻的摸了摸萧玉的脸颊,那股注视的目光夹杂着一股浓浓的醋意这倒是让东方焱眯起了眼,完全没有在意回到不满中的小爱面前伸手揉了揉她的脑袋没有多说什么。 Father good fierce to have defeated many people all of a sudden.” 爸爸好厉害一下子就打败了好多人。” Swoops the Dongfang Yan's bosom, small immortal lovable acting like a spoiled brat let Dongfang Yan is the heart is softened, hugged small immortal to show the firm smiling face to say. 飞扑进东方焱的怀抱,小仙儿可爱的撒娇让东方焱又是心都被软化了起来,搂着小仙儿露出坚定的笑容道。 That is natural, how if Father were not fierce protects small immortal and Mother.” “那是当然,如果爸爸不厉害的话怎么保护小仙儿和妈妈了。” Has rubbed the small immortal cheek gently, the slender waist of direct both hands cradling small immortal places on oneself neck, the left hand pulls side Little Ai to take is bringing Xiao Yixian of gentle smiling face, leaves toward the arena outside, was only a pity. 轻轻蹭了蹭小仙儿的脸蛋,直接双手托住小仙儿的细腰放在自己脖子上,左手牵着小爱身旁跟着带上带着温柔笑容的小医仙,朝着竞技场外离开,只可惜。 Always some defiant people want to harm me. 总有刁民想害朕。 behind has had a gaze, having Xiao Yixian one to turn around to vanish under that gaze, this makes that person instantaneous one very curious after nearby big tree has stood. 身后一直有着一股注视,带着小医仙一个转身消失在那股注视之下,这让那人瞬间一愣很好奇的从一旁的大树后站了出来。 Is you continuously with me? Said that a reasonable explanation my mood is perhaps good to start the limelight to me, otherwise is tactless I to fear that kills you.” “就是你一直跟着我嘛?说吧给我一个合理的解释或许我心情好下手会注意点,不然没轻没重我怕打死你啊。” Backs on that big tree that he is hiding, the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth bring to tease both hands to surround speaking of alternately. 背靠着他所隐藏的那颗大树,东方焱嘴角带着戏谑双手交叉环抱着说到。 When!!!” “什么时候!!!” Compared with silent Dongfang Yan, coming person to have a scare, sudden disappearance then sudden appearance this may make the cold sweat appear in forehead, not naturally has pushed the eyeglasses. 比起无声无息的东方焱,来人可是吓了一跳,突然的消失然后又突然的出现这可让来着冷汗出现在额头,不自然的推了推眼镜。 You ......... Is the elixir Master.” “你………是炼药师吧。” Always the attire, obviously is the person of elixir department, after having remembered such person, had the guess instantaneously regarding this person of status at present. 从来着的衣着来看,明显就是炼药系的人,瞬间想起了那么一个人后对于眼前这人的身份也就有了一些猜测。 Hehe, right is the land herd Canaan school magazine company editors-in-chief knows below.” 呵呵,没错在下是陆牧迦南学院杂志社主编认识一下。” Has pushed the eyeglasses, said the person who land Mu actually does not lose the politeness was introducing oneself awkwardly to Dongfang Yan. 推了推眼镜,自称陆牧的人尴尬却又不失礼貌的对着东方焱自我介绍道。 „, I know that dejected jade that girl has said you to me, you are that compile my scandal gossip person.” “哦,我知道萧玉那个小妞子跟我说过你,你就是那个编写我绯闻八卦的人吧。” Pinched the knob, the corners of the mouth brought cruel sneering to approach land Mu gradually slowly, after the subconscious heart a cold land herd wanted, retreated to discover oneself cannot move this to make him panic-stricken. 捏了捏手,嘴角带着残忍的冷笑一步一步缓慢靠近陆牧,下意识心中一寒的陆牧想要后退却发现自己根本就动不了这让他惊恐了起来。 Only can looks at Dongfang Yan helplessly arrive at itself in front , the unconscious swallowing saliva reveals the pitiful smiling face entreaty to say. 只能眼睁睁的看着东方焱来到自己面前,不自觉的咽了咽口水露出凄惨的笑容哀求道。 Don't apply makeup?” “别打脸可以吗?” Facing the entreaty of landing herd, Dongfang Yan was amused immediately pinched the knob to issue the card to scratch the sound that the card scratches once more, sneers to say. 面对着陆牧的哀求,东方焱顿时被逗乐了再次捏了捏手发出卡擦卡擦的响声,冷笑道。 I as far as possible under deft, fires off stops work for the day.” “我尽量下手快一点,打完就收工。” Ah!!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!!” The aloneness is land Mu the pitiful yell sound to get up, after is unable to move the land herd of one punches fat, warned one happy walks toward the room of dejected jade that girl, the idea of after all temporarily obtaining, Dongfang Yan some did not feel relieved. 独属于陆牧的惨叫声响起,对着无法动弹的陆牧一顿胖揍之后,警告了一番心情不错的朝着萧玉那个小妞子的房间走过去,毕竟是临时得出的想法,东方焱还是有些不放心。 Unknowingly before arrives at dejected jade room gate, does not have the indication as before suddenly shoves open dejected jade room, hearing the flustered screams, becoming accustomed to Dongfang Yan to close entered dejected jade bedroom directly. 不知不觉中走到萧玉的房间门前,依旧是毫无征兆的突然推开萧玉的房间,听见慌张的惊呼声,习以为常的东方焱关上门直接走进了萧玉的卧室。 Before this time dejected jade as before is such as, freely cheek is like that red , but also is calm free. 这一次的萧玉依旧是如以前那般尽管脸颊通红但也是镇定自如。 Wants suddenly fighting.” “想不想突然斗者。” looks at closes one's eyes cultivation appearance dejected jade start to talk, this lets also install calm her not to be calm, who grows stronger not to think that but quite somewhat embarrassed her whole face helpless also the red complaint said. 看着闭着眼修炼样子的萧玉开口,这让原本还强装镇定的她不淡定起来,变强谁不想啊,不过颇有些难为情的她满脸无奈又通红的埋怨道。 Hehe, who grows stronger not to want I, I and Xiao Yixian who is more attractive. 呵呵,变强谁不想不过我,我和小医仙比起来谁更漂亮。 Says directly, this makes dejected jade of recovering be also startled to be ruddier on flood red cheek, does not have the face to see the appearance of person. ”直接说出口,这让回过神来的萧玉自己也是一怔原本就泛红的脸颊更加的红润起来,一副没脸见人的样子。 This also with saying was my family/home Xiao Yixian is certainly more attractive, ......... “这还用说当然是我家小医仙更漂亮,不过嘛………” The corners of the mouth are bringing teasing, the both hands chest protector that goes forward her who arrives at dejected jade bathtub to visit to shame and get angry to say with a smile lightly. 嘴角带着戏谑,上前来到萧玉的澡盆边看的她又羞又怒的双手护胸轻笑道。 Does not know that whom here and she compares to be better.” “不知道这里和她比起来谁更好。” The finger imaginary point several dejected jade that full chest, heard color/look disciple rolled the eyes that in Yao Lao transmits. 手指虚点了几下萧玉那饱满的胸脯,听见眼中药老传来的色徒翻了个白眼 You!!!!!” “你!!!!!” A beautiful pupil tread, looked angrily at Dongfang Yan to fill both eyes of charm to that pair, the anger transformed ashamed, the appearance that has to close one's eyes being deliberately bad did not cover up simply. 美眸一蹬,怒视着东方焱可是对上那双充满了魔力的双眼,怒火又转变成了羞耻,只好闭着眼一副自暴自弃的样子索性也不遮掩起来。 „, By you were looked in any case I have not only married this whole life to depend on you, you did not ask that I do think the breakthrough bucket? That hurries to help me.” “啊啊啊,反正都被你看光了我也嫁不出去了这辈子就赖着你了,你不是问我想不想突破斗者嘛?那就赶紧帮我啊。” dejected jade of being deliberately bad makes Dongfang Yan be startled, the blockade ring, this made Yao Lao loudly shouted the animal color/look disciple rarely simultaneously Dongfang Yan also awkward one chapter not speak to sexually harass dejected jade hastily to take me to refine an ice crystal to wash the marrow as the cauldron silently to cut down bone pill integrating. 自暴自弃的萧玉让东方焱一怔,连忙封锁戒指,这让药老大呼禽兽色徒同时东方焱也难得的尴尬了一回没有出言调戏萧玉默默的以我为鼎炼制了一份冰晶洗髓伐骨丹给融入其中。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Integrates the ichor ice crystal to wash the marrow to cut down bone pill to enter, dejected jade felt that cool, is similar to the summer soaks is the same in the cool swimming pool, making the person feel urgently comfortable, felt that too crisp dejected jade do not groan on own initiative several, but remembers the side also person immediately the complexion to explode red, the entire body becomes in the by naked eye obvious speed pink gets up. 融入灵液的冰晶洗髓伐骨丹一进入,萧玉就感觉到了一股清凉,就如同夏天泡在清凉的泳池里一样,让人倍感舒服,感觉不要太爽的萧玉不自觉的呻吟了几声,可是一想起身旁还有一个人顿时脸色爆红,整个身体都在以肉眼可见的速度变得粉红起来。 Because in the ice crystal washes the marrow to cut down bone pill to integrate under the ichor that appears fresh-faced really attractively, UU reads 在因为冰晶洗髓伐骨丹融入的灵液下显得粉嫩粉嫩的煞是好看,UU看书 As for dejected Yuzhi felt whole person in fast is feeling hot, the cool ichor also lowered the trend that the body feels hot. 至于萧玉只感觉整个人都在快速的发烫着,就连清凉的灵液也降不下身体发烫的趋势。 Sound is good, is worth praising.” “声音不错,值得表扬。” Has patted clapping, yo good the standard movement is joined to the chuckle of corners of the mouth, this makes dejected jade whole person look like the boiled crab is the same. 拍了拍手,一副啊呦不错哦的标准动作配上嘴角的轻笑,这让萧玉整个人就像是煮熟的螃蟹一样。 You, your this bastard!!!” “你,你这个混蛋!!!” gnash one's teeth, always felt oneself had any thing to break to pieces generally, looks at Dongfang Yan even more was also tranquil, unusual she however made Dongfang Yan feel uneasy that got up. 咬牙切齿,总感觉自己有什么东西碎掉了一般,看着东方焱也是越发的平静下来,反常的她但是让东方焱感到不自在起来。 Then I walked, Xiao Yixian also waited for me to eat meal, did not accompany you to play.” “那么我就走了,小医仙还等着我吃饭了,就不陪你玩了。” Touches dejected jade head, finally Dongfang Yan dodging person speedily, but dejected jade that tranquil appearance makes Dongfang Yan naturally always not feel finally very much has any not good matter to occur to be the same. 摸了摸萧玉的脑袋,最后东方焱一溜烟的闪人,只是最后萧玉那平静的样子让东方焱很不自然总感觉有什么不好的事要发生一样。 Certainly was I wants to be many, went back first.” “一定是我想多了,还是先回去好了。” Reveals the forced smile, deeply shouted takes a breath to shove open in a gate familiar silhouette fierce investment own bosom, this made Dongfang Yan one not respond actually, the vision looked one side to do intentionally calm Xiao Yixian as well as both eyes looks at own Little Ai that used the resentment to read, Dongfang Yan has gotten back one's composure. 露出苦笑,深呼吸了口气推开门一个熟悉的身影猛的投入自己的怀中,这倒是让东方焱一愣没反应过来,目光看了看一旁故作镇定的小医仙以及用着怨念的双眼看着自己的小爱,东方焱回过神了。 „Did Xun, how fumigate you to come?” “薰,薰儿你怎么来了?” This person is not others, that should keep lovable Younger Sister at home, fumigates, meanwhile has Xiao Yan and his fiancee Naslin is sweet. 此人不是别人,正是那原本应该留在家里的可爱妹妹,薰儿,同时还有萧炎和他的未婚妻纳兰嫣然。 Elder Brother Yan is so long does not give to fumigate writes a letter, forgot to fumigate.” 焱哥哥这么久都不给薰儿写个信,是不是忘了薰儿。” Is immersed in the chest, bringing Xun who the similar resentment was reading pair of small hand to hold the Dongfang Yan chest front clothes, that intense grievance made Dongfang Yan not know should not to know what to do, has not said anything, but embraced tightly gently has fumigated. 埋首在胸膛,带着同样怨念的薰儿一双小手抓住东方焱胸前的衣服,那股强烈的委屈让东方焱也是不知该如何是好,没有多说什么,只是轻轻的搂紧了薰儿。 Elder Brother Yan, although very embarrassed, but this time, is thinks that Elder Brother Yan you rescue sweet grandfather.” 焱哥哥虽然很不好意思但是这一次,是想焱哥哥你救一下嫣然的爷爷。”
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