MTOAW :: Volume #5

#431: Fight

The aggressive manifesto, making the arena suddenly seethe with excitement, passes on ten, ten pass on hundred the entire arena to be fully occupied before long, including cannot get used to seeing Dongfang Yan's to be rampant, some watch the fun, some come to see that person in the hearsay to hang. 霸气的宣言,让竞技场一时间沸腾起来,一传十,十传百不一会整个竞技场就人满为患,其中有的是看不惯东方焱的嚣张,也有的是看热闹,也有的只是来看一下传闻中的那个人是不是真的那么吊。 Hehe, no matter what, these fought I already to wait to be very long, I got up in any case first.” 呵呵,不管怎么说,这一场战斗我早就等了很久,反正我先上了。” Wipes blood red silhouette to flash, in the arena then presented a whole body to contaminate silhouette of blood, heavy sword numerous inserting of red in the ground, Wu Hao looks at Dongfang Yan could not bear has smiled. 一抹血红人影一闪,竞技场上便出现一个浑身沾染了鲜血的人影,红色的重剑重重的插在地面,吴昊看着东方焱忍不住的笑了起来。 In tranquil putting down bosom Xiao Yixian, looks at comes the person to estimate that in the black angular region as the law enforcement team had to kill several evil people, but regarding this Dongfang Yan do not leave in opinion Xiao Yixian, the decisive brow selected to put out a hand to hold in the arms her slender waist to hug in speaking of that in the bosom disdained very much. 平静的放下怀中小医仙,看着来人作为执法队在黑角域估计有杀了几个恶人,不过对此东方焱也没在意见小医仙要离开,果断眉头一挑伸手搂住她的细腰抱在怀中很不屑的说到。 If only then you alone forget about it, you were too weak.” “如果只有你一个人的话还是算了吧,你太弱了。” In the powerful suppression bosom is angry bashfully Xiao Yixian, looks at her does not have the face to see person same hiding shyly, in own cherishes, formidable resentment reading makes Dongfang Yan stare, subconscious leaning excessive, happen to looked at each other this to let pull out pulling out that with Little Ai the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth could not bear, letting loose Xiao Yixian that has not to abandon very much. 强势镇压怀中羞嗔不已的小医仙,看着她一副羞涩没脸见人一样的躲在自己怀中,一股强大的怨念让东方焱为之一愣,下意识的偏过头,正好与小爱对视这让东方焱嘴角忍不住的抽了抽,只好很不舍的放开小医仙 Hehe, must have the extremely arrogant strength to be good extremely arrogantly, if no that is idiot, I to must have a look at you to have this qualifications.” 呵呵,狂妄要有狂妄的实力才行,如果没有那就是白痴一个,我到要看看你有没有这个资格。” Speaking of the heavy sword, Wu Hao whole person changed to a red shade to flush away toward Dongfang Yan, but on his speed in the eyes of Dongfang Yan king slow looked like the snail is the same. 提起重剑,吴昊整个人化作一条红影朝着东方焱冲去,只不过就他那点速度在东方焱王之眼中慢的就像是蜗牛一样。 Puts out a hand, one group of flame gradual emits this to let originally regarding Dongfang Yan strength curious crowd shock. 伸手,一团火焰逐渐的冒出这让原本就对于东方焱实力好奇的人群更加的震惊起来。 so that's how it is, has the different fire to protect body Wu Hao this boy to approach that is impossible.” 原来如此,有着异火护体吴昊这小子想要靠近那是不可能的了。” Hehe, that may not necessarily, but he can by the fire congealing thing, control fire Ability unexpectedly very strongly.” 呵呵,那可未必,不过他居然能以火凝物,控火能力还挺强的啊。” No matter what, that old fogy estimated can recruit.” “不管怎么说,那个老家伙估计一定会招收的吧。” In the arena, Wu Hao strikes crack to cut the spear/gun of flame the upfront and Dongfang Yan throw conveniently to bump into, the explosion complementary waves shook directly flew he, the explosion complementary waves were moving the Dongfang Yan's lower hem corner, although Wu Hao has not received any injury, bore the impact of explosion complementary waves merely. 竞技场上,吴昊一击裂地斩正面与东方焱随手丢出的火焰之枪相撞,爆炸的余波直接震飞了他,爆炸的余波吹动着东方焱的衣角,虽然吴昊没有受到任何的伤害,仅仅只是承受了爆炸余波的冲击。 Knew the result, but not willingly he actually does not want such to give up. 就已经知道了结果,可是不甘心的他却又不想这么放弃。 bastard! The shade blood flashes!” 混蛋!影血闪!” Besotted, I said that no matter you come many people, so long as can bump into my me to lose.” “执迷不悟,我说了不管你们来多少人,只要能碰到我就算我输。” Side both hands naturally places, the surroundings are twining flame Dongfang Yan steady hiking up, puts out a hand to lift the hand to Wu Hao's direction, from Wu Hao together column of flame fierce raising. 双手自然放在身旁,周围缠绕着火焰东方焱稳稳的飘起,伸手对着吴昊的方向一抬手,自吴昊脚下一道火柱猛的升起。 Wu Hao's pitiful yell sound gets up, was in few people who watches to leap enters the arena to try to break open the flame. 吴昊的惨叫声响起,原本处于观看的一部分人全都一跃进入竞技场试图破开火焰。 Wu Hao, we helps you!!!” “吴昊,我们来帮你!!!” Successively presents 20-30 individuals, disperses to surround Wu Hao's flame, this time his clothes were burnt broken, the skin that reveals also somewhat becomes dark, the whole person can only describe with miserable, looks like beggar is the same. 陆陆续续出现二三十个人,散掉困住吴昊的火焰,此时的他衣服被烧破,露出的皮肤也有些发黑,整个人只能用惨来形容,就像是乞丐一样。 Right flame, is accompanies them to play in any case, happen to gives your controlling dry method Secret Art to practice that old man, I looked under the feeling am very interesting.” “对了焱,反正也是陪他们玩玩,正好把那个老头给你的控火法诀练练,我看了下感觉还是挺有意思的。” The spiral pill of condensation because of the proposition of Yao Lao, felt also well closes one's eyes, the back presents five lines of general marks, what a pity is not the Kaneki (golden wood) water fire clay five lines, but is, wolf leopard Shihu flood dragon five species. 原本凝聚的螺旋丸因为药老的提议,感觉也不错闭上眼,后背出现五行一般的印记,可惜不是金木水火土五行而是,狼豹狮虎蛟五个物种。 Different cremation spirit, five rounds leave the dry method first wolf present!” “异火化灵,五轮离火法第一层狼现!” Extends the right hand to wield, in the back belongs to that some proliferation of wolf to occupy the entire mark, is howling along with a wolf, a azure hot wolf jumped, but is the hot wolf rather is a head picture is two of wolf gathers. 伸出右手一挥,后背中属于狼的那部分扩散占据整个印记,伴随着一声狼嚎,一头青色的火狼跳了出来,只不过与其说是火狼倒不如说是一头像是狼的二合。 „!!!!” “嗷呜!!!!” Under foot under foot azure flame, stands side Dongfang Yan, the scene once silent looked at a side with not too same wolf that oneself think, Dongfang Yan decisive held the nape to raise. 脚下脚下青色火焰,站在东方焱身旁,场面一度沉默看了眼身旁跟自己想的不太一样的狼,东方焱果断一把抓住后颈提了起来。 Teacher, how I felt that was played ......... 老师,我怎么感觉被耍了………” Diligently maintains by oneself is not being angry, 努力的让自己保持着不生气, No matter how looks in the wolf that own in the hand called unceasingly is continuously junior middle school two, how even if to look like again, two attributes were also one see. This ............ 只是在自己手中不断嗷嗷叫的狼不管怎么看都是一直初中二哈,就算再怎么长得像,二哈的属性也是一眼看出。“这个…………” Similarly felt funny Yao Lao diligently was not smiled as for asking any ghost by oneself turns into him not clearly is only pure feel resembles like this. 同样感到好笑的药老努力的让自己不笑出来至于问什么鬼变成这样他也不清楚只是单纯的感到好像而已。 Ok, even if two I can also surpass the evolution.” “算了,就算是二哈我也能超进化。” Sighed, the in the hand fierce eruption one group of flame integrate in two bodies, in the closing one's eyes brain unceasingly the appearance that forms in one's mind to want, after all together the spirit focusing on flame, changes the contour. 叹息了一声,手中猛的爆发出一团火焰融入二哈的身体之中,闭上眼脑中不断的构思着自己想要的样子,毕竟只是一道以火焰为主的灵而已,改变外形还是可以的。 Two ultra evolutions, the Hell three dogs come!” “二哈超进化,地狱三头犬现身吧!” Throws directly two toward the crowd, in airborne, two sends out the azure ray next second of build to start becomes huge, the whole body twines the azure is being similar to the jack-o'-lantern same flame opens mouth to exude the deafening roaring sound, this lets now is a shock. 直接朝着人群把二哈丢过去,在空中,二哈发出青色光芒下一秒体型开始变得巨大起来,浑身缠绕着青色如同鬼火一样的火焰张嘴发出震耳欲聋的咆哮声,这让现在又是一阵震惊。 This method already was not, faced the success evolution that average person can do is being Hell three wolves of dogs spirits, opposite troop people were lose simply should not be miserable, a child did not say, but also was treated as that anything to give to draw directly, UU read 这种手段早已不是一般人能做的到,面对着成功进化为地狱三头犬的狼灵,对面的一大群人简直是输得不要太惨,一口一个小朋友不说,还被当做那啥给直接拉出来,UU看书 The Hell three dog belly one day roaming become are similar to Wu Hao. 地狱三头犬肚子一日游就变得跟吴昊差不多。 But idle is all right dry/does Dongfang Yan, takes out one big to push the medicinal herb that does not care about others' vision and starts to improve own quenching body ichor. 而闲的没事干的东方焱,取出一大推的药材也不在意别人的目光自顾自的又开始改良自己的淬体灵液。 „Is this is doing?” “他这是在干嘛?” Does not know that takes the medicinal herb to come out is not the elixir.” “不知道不过拿药材出来不会是炼药吧。” What! Such strong? Condensed a wolf of first three head with the flame, unexpectedly can also the elixir?” “什么!这么强的吗?用火焰凝聚了一头三个脑袋的狼,居然还能炼药?” Perhaps is reorganizes accept Jie not to be uncertain, how the elixir words possibly do not have the medicine cauldron.” “或许是整理纳戒也不一定,炼药的话怎么可能没有药鼎。” Said is also, wait|etc, which he burnt the medicinal herb.” “说的也是,等等,他把药材哪来烧起来了。” Cannot!!! Treats as the medicine cauldron to start the elixir with the flame to be so strong directly?” “不会吧!!!直接用火焰当做药鼎开始炼药这么强?” „Has this was been doing...” “他这是在干嘛了…” looks at that some raw materials for medicine of looking familiar, dejected jade is the delicate eyebrows that cannot bear wrinkles slightly, looks at he is practicing oneself medicine, why does not know, in the heart suddenly had not a good feeling. 看着那微微有些眼熟的药材,萧玉则是忍不住的秀眉一皱起来,看着他自顾自的练着自己的药,不知道为什么,心中突然有了一股不好的感觉。 Gathers spirit, builds pill, washes marrow pill, the gathering air/Qi disperses the present function not to might as well change into the gathering miracle cure greatly, in addition the ice crystal washes the marrow to cut down bone pill, bell Ruxi the marrow cuts down bone pill to quench the body not to know that the effect can be better.” “聚灵阵,筑基丹,洗髓丹,聚气散现在的作用也不大不如换成聚灵丹,再加上冰晶洗髓伐骨丹,钟乳洗髓伐骨丹淬体不知道效果会不会更好。” Regarding this type of quenching body ichor already does not know that refined many to return, closes one's eyes can practice, but in the gathering miracle cures as well as the latter two types quenched the body compounded drug or Yao Lao collect discovered that does not know melted not friendly going, if cannot melt to owe, after all the center of the earth quenched the body breast only to have a little, particularly the ice crystal washed the marrow to cut down the medicinal herb that bone pill needed all has the ice attribute medicinal herb. 对于这种淬体灵液早就不知道炼制了多少回,闭着眼都能练,只不过聚灵丹以及后两种淬体丹药还是药老收藏里发现的,不知道融不融的进去,若是融不进去那么就亏了,毕竟地心淬体乳只带了那么一点,尤其是冰晶洗髓伐骨丹所需要的药材全都是拥有冰属性的药材。 This time, Dongfang Yan does not dare negligently to have such an idea that also to look for the time peaceful research and development, here obviously is impossible. 这一次,东方焱可不敢大意就算有这么一种想法那也要找个时间安静的研发,这里显然是不可能的。 Good, has a look at the gathering miracle cure fusion , after first will have any effect.” “好吧,先看看聚灵丹融合后会有什么效果吧。”
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