MTOAW :: Volume #5

#430: Challenge

Where leaves Medusa, flies directly fast in the direction of Canaan school, flying sword of under foot is similar to the flowing light, looked from afar looks like has the trailing meteor to be the same. 离开美杜莎哪里,直接朝着迦南学院的方向快速飞过去,脚下的飞剑如同流光,远远看去就像是一颗拥有拖尾的流星一样。 Approaches the Canaan school, had not planned that alarms Dongfang Yan one of the other people to crash in the white barrier, appears again is, in the Canaan school. 靠近迦南学院,没打算惊动其余人的东方焱一头冲进白色屏障里,再次出现是,就在迦南学院之中。 Un.” “嗯。” Enters the spoiled gate deep as sea, an admittance institute then felt that some people are observing themselves, brow unconscious wrinkles not to know that is being Dongfang Yan of what intention is not good to begin to treat as directly does not know same walks toward own house. 一入腐门深似海啊呸,一入学院便感觉到有人在观察着自己,眉头不自觉的一皱不知道来着是何用意的东方焱也不好直接动手只好当做不知道一样的朝着自己房子走回去。 Dongfang Yan this bastard, which you ran!” 东方焱这个混蛋,你跑哪去了!” Suddenly was called bastard, Dongfang Yan expressed is not feeling well very much, but felt what the sound somewhat familiar-soundingly has turned around then just in time to see dejected jade to pant are more was angry. 突然被人叫混蛋,东方焱表示很不爽,不过感觉声音有些耳熟转过身便正巧看见萧玉气喘吁吁不过更多的还是愤怒。 In broad daylight, you eat the wrong thing? Took the wrong medicine.” “大白天的,你这是吃错东西了?还是吃错药了。” looks at runs up to itself in front to support dejected jade who knee is panting, suddenly the gaze of another household of vision makes Dongfang Yan looked toward the one side, perhaps leads the person of eyeglasses is being realized generally, retracted after hastily the tree. 看着跑到自己面前撑着膝盖气喘吁吁的萧玉,突然另一户目光的注视让东方焱不由的朝着一旁瞄了过去,一位带着眼镜的人或许是察觉到了一般,连忙的缩回了树后。 Your asking for it, eats the wrong thing to eat wrong medicine matter compared with me, you a bit faster follow me.” “你讨打是不是,比起我吃错东西还是吃错药这种事情,你还是快点跟我走吧。” Cannot bear rolled the eyes, dejected jade grabs Dongfang Yan's toward, if did not remember incorrectly should be the arena direction overtakes. 忍不住翻了个白眼,萧玉一把抓住东方焱的手朝着如果没记错的话应该是竞技场方向赶过去。 What situation is? Why to take me to run toward the arena.” “到底是什么情况啊?干嘛拿着我朝着竞技场跑。” Dongfang Yan looks at dejected jade back doubts that very does not understand, inquiry. 不理解的东方焱看着萧玉的背影十分的疑惑,不由的询问起来。 You added that you did not comply with Wu Hao that fellow duel? Where these three days you went.” “你还说,你不是答应了吴昊那个家伙决斗的吗?这三天你去哪里了。” Does not return, speeds up dejected jade very ill-humored speaking of speed, but this makes Dongfang Yan stare, three days? Did oneself leave for three days? 头也不回,加快速度的萧玉很没好气的说到,只不过这让东方焱一愣起来,三天?自己已经离开三天了? Haha, my this does not tease his you to think that he is victorious I?” “啊哈哈,我这不是逗他的吗你觉得他打得过我吗?” Is hitting speaking of Haha, a recollection, in magma World dull too for a long time forgot that the time has trained the time that Fallen Heart Flame spends to be too much, thinks that not clear Dongfang Yan was also disinclined to think Divine Sense looked toward the arena, immediately the face changed. 打着哈哈的说到,一回想,难道是在岩浆世界呆的太久忘记时间了还是培养陨落心炎花的时间太多了,想不明白的东方焱也就懒得想了神识朝着竞技场看去,顿时脸都变了。 Now does not say this time, because this matter Xiao Yixian, for you complied with the amber fine challenge.” “现在可不是说这个的时候,因为这件事小医仙为了你答应了琥嘉的挑战。” I know, I saw.” “我知道,我已经看见了。” Somewhat flustered Dongfang Yan saw Xiao Yixian to use not to belong to this World Martial Arts to fight, the appearance of dancing lightly seems like Graceful Steps upon the Wave, but the powder purple smog actually likely is some Princess entangling slight wind. 原本有些慌张的东方焱看见小医仙用着不属于这个世界武功战斗着,翩翩起舞的样子看起来像是凌波微步,可是粉紫色的烟雾却又像是某个公主的缠风丝。 This type of entangling slight wind can attach in that side on spiritual qi, so long as the member directs world spiritual qi to enter the body to be poisoned, the toxicity will make the person whole body feel weak unable not greatly to move, crosses waits for the toxin to vanish a while well. 这种缠风丝在那边是可以依附在灵气上,只要修士引天地灵气入体就会中毒,毒性不大只是会让人浑身乏力无法动弹而已,过一阵子等毒素消失就好。 Looked at the eye to a person of place, Dongfang Yan somewhat understood, Divine Sense looked to the Little Ai direction, saw small immortal to cheer Mother to be quite fierce, but Little Ai was induces to look in the Dongfang Yan's direction generally. 望了眼到了一地的人,东方焱有些明白了,神识看向小爱方向,见小仙儿正欢呼着妈妈好厉害,而小爱则是感应到了一般朝着东方焱的方向望了过来。 Otou-sama came back, then did not need me to make a move.” 父亲大人回来了,那么就不需要我出手了啊。” Gradually takes back Strength that holds, planned receives Xiao Yixian of hand to feel suddenly Strength that in addition holds vanishes, looked that toward Little Ai one wants to understand slightly should be he comes back. 逐渐收回加持的力量,原本就打算收手的小医仙突然感觉到加持的力量消失,朝着小爱看过去微微一想就明白应该是他回来了。 Looks amber who a brace has been well-grounded struggles desperately to take back the powder purple entangling slight wind. 看了眼撑着地苦苦挣扎的琥嘉还是收回了粉紫色的缠风丝。 What this doll uses is poisonous?” “这个女娃用的是毒吧?” On the contrary, when Xiao Yixian starts to fight with the poison, has caused outer court elder and the others the attention. 相反,自从小医仙开始战斗用毒时,就已经引起了外院长老等人的注意。 Yes, from the elixir is the information where must come, is poisonous, rather is one type can let the person gas paralysis.” “是的,从炼药系哪里得来的情报,与其说是毒,倒不如说是一种能让人麻痹的气体。” Feels the gray beard, an old man looks at arena was saying the latest information. 摸着花白的胡子,一位老者看着竞技场说着最新的情报。 If this is utilizes in the wartime of life and death, instead kills also has possibly.” “如果这是运用在生死之战时,反杀也不是没有可能。” Un, this is also good, this can rub the amber fine that cunning and unreasonable temper actually, “嗯,这样也好,这倒是可以磨一磨琥嘉那个刁蛮的性子, But you said where Dongfang Yan that boy did go to? Three days have not seen him to appear. ” As having beautiful wife, as well as the lovable daughter's Canaan first person, Dongfang Yan's this name already ripe cannot be ripe, first day entered school person of single Tiao almost to say is the outer court majority of elites, but the undefeated legendary character disappeared entire three days. 只不过你说东方焱那个小子去哪里了?三天没看见他出现。”作为拥有美丽妻子,以及可爱女儿的迦南第一人,东方焱的这个名字早就熟的不能再熟,第一天进校一人单挑了几乎说得上是外院大部分精英而不败的传奇人物消失了整整三天。 Some people said that is closing up cultivation, some people said seek and enjoy nature in the spring, but also some people said that has tempered, various types of editions vary, but has become one of the Canaan popular gossip. 有人说是在闭关修炼,也有人说寻花问柳,还有人说出去磨炼了,各种版本不一但是成了迦南的热门八卦之一。 In Shimohakusan, does not want to mount the stage because actually promised others, therefore has to come up, please grant instruction.” “在下白山,本不想上台却因为答应了别人所以不得不上来,请赐教。” in the hand is taking long spear, thinks somebody who elegant bearing mounts the stage this to make the Xiao Yixian brow select actually, since he came back only to need to hide in his behind on the line. 手中拿着长枪,自认为风度翩翩的某人上台这倒是让小医仙眉头一挑,既然他回来了那么自己只需要躲在他身后就行了。 Xiao Yixian, the wife of flame please advise.” 小医仙,焱的妻子请指教。” Although does not understand why he has not appeared, since this fellow does not know good from bad at present slightly a suffering is so good to him. 虽然不明白为什么他还没出现,不过既然眼前这个家伙不知好歹那么就稍微给他一点苦头好了。 Fights the Masters are not the strength to comply with the challenge of snow-capped mountain by oneself at present, so long as is not strength disparity too generally speaking Xiao Yixian can maintain by oneself greatly the undefeated. 以自己目前连斗师都不是的实力答应白山的挑战,只要不是实力差距太大一般来说小医仙都可以让自己保持着不败。 Already knows that Xiao Yixian has one type the poison that makes the person whole body feel weak, what a pity my fighting technique is the poisonous difficult adversary, meets to incur, eight Qi present!!” “早就知道小医仙拥有一种让人浑身乏力的毒,可惜我的斗技正好是毒的克星,接招吧,八岐现!!” Comes to add buff snow-capped mountain behind to present purple for oneself, UU reads 一来就为自己加buff的白山身后出现一条紫色,UU看书 The toxin that the great snakes of eight heads, Xiao Yixian sends out was all swallowed by this fuzzy great snake, but swallowed the great snake transparent body of toxin also to congeal, this made Xiao Yixian stare. 八个头的巨蛇,小医仙所发出的毒素全都被这模糊的巨蛇所吞掉,而吞了毒素的巨蛇原本透明的身体也凝实了起来,这让小医仙一愣。 Facing other person of Xiao Yixian entangling slight winds without doubt is best, what a pity the snow-capped mountain has the poisonous anti- attribute. 面对其他人小医仙的缠风丝无疑是最好的,可惜白山可是拥有毒抗的属性。 Xiao Yixian, you called that turtle, I do not believe that fellow was cultivating.” 小医仙,你还是把那个缩头乌龟叫出来吧,我可不相信那个家伙是在修炼。” spear head pointed at Xiao Yixian, in snow-capped mountain eye was appearing unwilling as well as regretted why such good Younger Sister can be his wife unexpectedly, but also TM had the kid. 枪尖指着小医仙,白山眼中出现了不甘以及惋惜,为什么这么好的妹子居然会是他的妻子,还TM生了娃。 You said that who is turtle?” “你说谁是缩头乌龟?” The sudden sound lets the snow-capped mountain pupil contraction, fierce wields the spear/gun backward, was held the collar to throw directly exited numerous falling on the ground. 突然出现的声音让白山瞳孔收缩,猛的向后挥枪,却被一把抓住衣领直接扔了出去重重的落在地上。 Came back late, tonight will not make me rest the floor.” “回来晚了,今晚不会让我睡地板吧。” Princess hugs, looks at startled undecided Xiao Yixian, the Dongfang Yan chuckle speaking, this is letting the Xiao Yixian elegant face actually one red, but dejected jade is subconscious handshake. 一个公主抱,看着惊慌未定的小医仙,东方焱轻笑着说到,这倒是让小医仙俏脸一红,而萧玉则是下意识的握了握手。 How a moment ago also the person directly vanishes to disappear by oneself are drawing, this makes dejected jade have doubts very much. 刚才还被自己拉着的人怎么直接就消失不见了,这让萧玉很疑惑。 Puts me to get down, many people of looks at.” “放我下来吧,好多人看着。” Was easy shy Xiao Yixian, although enjoys Princess to hug very much, but also obtains the clear place, but here the arena, surrounds, although are not many makes her feel embarrassedly shy. 本就容易害羞的小医仙虽然很享受公主抱,可是也还分得清地方,这里可是竞技场啊,围观的虽然不多却还是让她感觉难为情的羞涩啊。 What's wrong? Has been shy, has not related their this is envies.” “怎么啦?害羞了,没关系他们这是嫉妒了。” Direct squish, this makes the Xiao Yixian small face instantaneously crimson, looks at Dongfang Yan that smiling face bashfully was angry directly to bury the chest the face. 直接吧唧了一下,这让小医仙小脸瞬间绯红,看着东方焱那笑容可是羞嗔不已直接把脸埋进了胸膛。 My person is not good to bully, don't you want to challenge? Good, today all wants to challenge does not need lining up to come, on direct, can bump into me to calculate that you win.” “我的人可不是那么好欺负的,你们不是想要挑战吗?好,今天所有想挑战的不用排队一个个来,直接上,能碰到我算你们赢。”
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