MTOAW :: Volume #5

#429: Visiting

The vision is sizing up the surrounding wilderness, could not find the direction near completely the Dongfang Yan ear completely is the Yao Lao endless ridicule, the ashamed also soon explosive table in heart, whole person lowering the head makes the person unable to see this time expression, the both hands naturally sagging in body previous such as the colleague corpse same condition, in addition the inexplicable tranquility, just like entering half blackening condition is ordinary. 目光打量着周围的荒漠,完全找不到方向的东方焱耳边尽是药老无尽的嘲笑,心中的羞耻度也即将的爆表,整个人低着头让人看不见此时的表情,双手自然下垂在身前一副如同行尸一样的状态,加上莫名的宁静,宛如进入半黑化状态一般。 Actually this makes Yao Lao be tactful shuts up hastily. 这倒是让药老识趣的连忙闭嘴起来。 Well, where the boy of human, happen to we bored might as well look for a pleasure how.” “咦,哪里有一个人类的小子,正好我们无聊不如找点乐子如何。” Walks in the wilderness, by the distant place upper part manner, was left to start from the both legs is the snake person of snake tail stares, Dongfang Yan's footsteps any stay as before has not been slow walks toward the front. 行走在荒漠,被远处上半身为人,从双腿出开始是蛇尾的蛇人所盯上,东方焱的脚步没有任何的停留依旧是缓慢的朝着前方行走。 Hey the boy, the words that does not want dead furiously escape!!” “喂小子,不想死的话就奋力逃跑吧!!” The fierce appearance in front of Dongfang Yan, the snake person grins fiendishly was saying, what is just a pity was they had decided oneself live was impatient. 猛的出现在东方焱面前,蛇人狞笑着说道,只不过可惜的是他们决定了自己活的不耐烦了。 Is very good, since there is appearing and disappearing of snake person to think that should in Gore desert, look makes me understand in you where oneself places forgives you dead.” “很好,既然有蛇人的出没那么想必应该就是在塔戈尔沙漠了,看在你们让我明白自己身处何方就饶你们一死吧。” Raised the head to reveal king change/transform eyes, gradually flood red light both eyes made the snake person breathe has forgotten, was pressed the suspension key likely stiffly generally in former place. 抬起头露出王化的眼睛,逐渐泛起红光的双眼让蛇人呼吸都忘记了,像是被按了暂停键一般僵硬在原地 Said does not know the Medusa cultivation how ......... Was the time goes back to have a look.” “不过说起来不知道美杜莎修炼的怎么样了嗯………是时候回去看看了。” Sees the snake person, naturally remembered that to say is possession Medusa, the white barrier appears embezzles entire silhouette, but also was in Medusa in cultivation is sudden feel front space somewhat is unusual, opens eyes. 看见蛇人,自然想起那个可以说得上是自己所有物的美杜莎,白色的屏障出现吞没整个身影,而原本还处于修炼之中的美杜莎却是突然的感到面前空间有些异样,睁开眼。 A white barrier in oneself at present, this lets her amethyst wing Lion King is also so, but small amethyst wing Lion King is looking fierce. 一个白色的屏障在自己眼前,这让她不由的一愣就连紫晶翼狮王也是如此,而小紫晶翼狮王更是龇牙咧嘴着。 Has the situation.” “有情况。” After seeing has any white barrier, to have silhouette Medusa to make noise the reminder saying that the direct tail has pulled out, amethyst wing Lion King was also prepares the tail beast jade where studied from Dongfang Yan to aim at silhouette after white barrier. 看见有什么白色屏障后有一个人影美杜莎出声提醒道,直接一尾巴抽了过去,就连紫晶翼狮王也是准备好了从东方焱哪里学来的尾兽玉对准着白色屏障后的人影 It seems like this time has not made a mistake, I said that so long as I am earnest this matter not to divide the minute to solve.” “看来这一次没有弄错了,我就说嘛只要我认真起来这种事情还不是分分钟解决。” One holds the tail that Medusa pulls out steadily, fuzzy silhouette gradual clear, Dongfang Yan's silhouette appears before them, small amethyst wing Lion King that looked fierce also revealed the cheerful smiling face has been similar to a puppy equally direct toward Dongfang Yan to throw. 一把稳稳抓住美杜莎抽来的尾巴,模糊的人影逐渐的清晰,东方焱的身影出现在她们面前,原本龇牙咧嘴的小紫晶翼狮王也是露出了欢快的笑容如同一只小狗一样直接的朝着东方焱扑了过去。 But prepared the tail beast jade was also swallowed by amethyst wing Lion King went back in the eye to show the doubts expression, only has Medusa looks at he. 而原本准备好了的尾兽玉也被紫晶翼狮王吞了回去眼中露出了疑惑的表情,只有美杜莎愣愣的看着他。 How you always mysteriously appear and disappear, if you came out step I to attack at the evening.” “你怎么老是神出鬼没的,你要是在晚出来一步我就攻击了。” Lies on the rug, amethyst wing Lion King very lazy hits saying that this makes Dongfang Yan trace the head speechless say/way of small amethyst wing Lion King actually. 重新趴在地毯上,紫晶翼狮王十分慵懒的打着哈切道,这倒是让东方焱摸了摸小紫晶翼狮王的脑袋无语道。 Frightened you that also really to sorry, next time I ahead of time will make noise this time came back is only my space shift had problems, just met two interesting snake people to remember Medusa then in Gore desert to come to have a look.” “吓到你了那还真是对不起了,下次我会提前出声的不过这次回来只是我的空间转移出了点问题,刚好在塔戈尔沙漠遇见了两条有趣的蛇人想起了美杜莎这才过来看看而已。” The vision looked that to the one side does not know this not knowing what to do Medusa, Dongfang Yan shook the head the body of Medusa to reduce with a smile now is on the other hand is quite huge. 目光看向一旁不知道该如何是好的美杜莎,东方焱笑着摇了摇头现在美杜莎的身体有所缩小不过还是相对来说比较庞大。 Said, after I leave has not met any issue.” “说起来,在我离开之后没有遇见什么问题吧。” The vision is sizing up Medusa, the impolite directness uses Divine Sense to observe her within the body is also not being very pure monster pill sees any major problem not to decide to help her. 目光打量着美杜莎,不客气的直接动用神识观察着她体内还不是很精纯的妖丹见没什么大问题也决定帮帮她。 .................. “………………” Opened mouth, actually does not know that should say anything's Medusa looks at that did not ask Dongfang Yan that own opinion begins directly, that is similar to the touched feeling makes the elegant face of Medusa flood red, shyly and gets angry in the heart bashfully coexists. 张了张嘴,却又不知道该说什么的美杜莎看着那更本不问自己意见直接动手的东方焱,那股如同被触摸的感觉让美杜莎的俏脸泛红起来,羞涩与羞怒在心中共存。 Takes back Divine Sense, uses the fire as cauldron, under the arrange/cloth gathers spirit, takes out the hot bead refinement extraction energy of collection, is joined to temperate spiritual qi to add on several types of special raw materials for medicine again. 收回神识,以火为鼎,布下聚灵阵,取出收集的火珠炼制提取能量,配上温和的灵气再加上几种特殊药材。 The feeling missed anything's Dongfang Yan brow to wrinkle the wrinkle, 感觉差了什么的东方焱眉头皱了皱, The vision sees curious Medusa to awaken immediately. Looked for several times not to have the appropriate thing when Gate of Babylon, while cannot how, nearby corner of the eye actually seeing almost and Medusa equally big amethyst. 目光看见好奇的美杜莎顿时醒悟过来。在王之财宝中找了几次都没有合适的东西,正当不可奈何时,眼角却不由的看见一旁差不多和美杜莎一样大的紫水晶。 Good, it seems like evened up.” “好吧,看来找齐了。” Shows a faint smile is beckoning to the amethyst, latter then swayingly flutters, used the refiner technique to transform an appearance of cauldron to look at eye very curious Medusa directly to put out a hand to hold her tail directly, has filled her with ease. 微微一笑对着紫水晶招了招手,后者便晃晃悠悠的飘过来,直接动用炼器术改造成一口鼎的样子看了眼很好奇的美杜莎直接伸手一把抓住她的尾巴,轻松把她塞了进去。 bastard, you court death Ah!!!” 混蛋,你找死啊!!!” Medusa that is angry directly just stretched out one immediately pressing by big group water that the overhead drops from the cauldron mouth. 直接生气起来的美杜莎从鼎口刚伸出一个头随即又被当头落下的一大团水给压了下去。 less nonsense, gave you to refine the ichor of this quenching body rarely specially you to acceptance that I the feeling grateful belt thanked.” 少废话,难得特意给你炼制了这种淬体的灵液你就给我感恩带谢的接受吧。” Refines the good ichor to lose a moment ago, gathers the spirit shift in the crystal pot, took out a jade bottle brow to wrinkle the meat pain extraction beaded glass similar center of the earth to quench the body breast to be joined to the strength of pent-up anger the ichor as well as obtained to throw into finally has been very boiling in the Medusa pot. 刚才炼制好的灵液丢进去,聚灵阵转移在水晶锅里,取出一个玉瓶眉头皱了皱最后十分肉痛的取出玻璃珠差不多的地心淬体乳配上灵液以及才得到的心火之力丢进了煮着美杜莎的锅里。 Delicate fragrance of heading on makes person be startled, this makes small amethyst wing Lion King looks at boil Medusa pot one to want the mouth-watering appearance, making the Medusa delicate eyebrows beat fiercely. 一股扑面而来的清香让人为之一怔,这让小紫晶翼狮王看着煮着美杜莎的锅一副要流口水的样子,让美杜莎秀眉剧烈的跳动着。 Places near the pot white hands closely to grab gradually, if the gnash one's teeth appearance the vision can kill people, Dongfang Yan already did not know many times. 放在锅边的玉手逐渐紧紧抓着,咬牙切齿的模样如果目光能杀人的话,东方焱早就不知道死了多少次了。 „, Well why does not know, suddenly to hit the person ......... “啊,不知道为什么,突然好想打人啊………” Finally looks at calm Dongfang Yan, Medusa has not borne has fought with the fists, actually steady holds the powder fist, the same fist that another hand refuses to admit being inferior shouted the past, the result was needless to say much, directly by the Dongfang Yan easy control, 看着淡定的东方焱,美杜莎最后还是没忍住的一拳打了过去,却被稳稳的抓住粉拳,另一只手不甘示弱的同样一拳呼过去,结果不用多说,直接被东方焱轻而易举的控制住, But Dongfang Yan was actually lowers the head to observe was fusing various types of raw materials for medicine and ichors as well as the center of the earth quenches the soup of body breast, was similar to the steam common gas systematic was not being absorbed by Medusa on own initiative. 东方焱却是低头观察着融合了各种药材和灵液以及地心淬体乳的汤,如同水蒸气一般的气体井然有序的被美杜莎不自觉的吸收着。 Your this bastard!!!” “你这个混蛋!!!” Lowers the head, because of the reason of pot, what this time Medusa lowered the head happen to sees is the Dongfang Yan's back of the head, shames angry her completely to forget the seal on back of the hand just about to getting angry whole body to start to feel to give off heat. 低头,因为锅的缘故,此时的美杜莎低下头正好看见的是东方焱的后脑勺,羞怒不已的她全然忘记了手背上的封印刚要发怒浑身开始感受到发热起来。 I am a fiendish person, will enrage the fiendish person fate is very generally speaking miserable, but you good also to enjoy your anything as my possession mood, this pot was perfect makes up the soup to you greatly the good deed you to acceptance that I the feeling grateful belt thanked.” “我可是魔王,触怒了魔王一般来说下场都会很惨的,不过你作为我的所有物心情好也是能赏你点什么的,这锅对你来说是十全大补汤的好事你还是给我感恩带谢的接受吧。” Lets go, looks at shames angry unusual Medusa, UU reads 松手,看着羞怒异常的美杜莎,UU看书 Dongfang Yan sits in the pot extends right hand, index finger lifts the chin corners of the mouth of Medusa to bring to smile evilly, but the vision has actually filled undeniably, this remises he has looked at each other Medusa subconsciously one actually afterward the body gradually gives off heat. 东方焱坐在锅边伸出右手,食指抬着美杜莎的下巴嘴角带着邪笑可是目光却充满了不容置疑,这倒是让与他对视了一下的美杜莎下意识的一愣随后身体逐渐的发热起来。 Your this fellow, has made anything to me!” “你这个家伙,到底对我做了什么!” both hands subconscious chest protector, Medusa cheek flood red, but look actually unusual shaming anger. 双手下意识的护胸,美杜莎脸颊泛红,可是眼神却是异常的羞怒。 What was you unable to see? I know that you have many issues, but I thought that now do not waste this opportunity to be quite good, because I said this pot makes up the soup perfectly greatly to present you are very important. Gives you an advice, the limit of king is limited, do not handle the matter that enrages the king, particularly as me of fiendish person.” “做了什么你还看不见?我知道你有很多的问题,不过我觉得现在你还是不要浪费这个机会比较好,因为我说了这一锅十全大补汤对现在的你来说可是很重要的。给你一个忠告,王的限度可是有限的,不要做一些触怒王的事情,尤其是作为魔王的我。” The eyes of king do not bring any sentimental looks at Medusa, but was shamed her who the anger occupies is actually the sudden feeling a coldness, the looks at Dongfang Yan vision unconscious looks at each other with him, the next second is actually the face whiten. 王之眼不带任何感情的看着美杜莎,而原本被羞怒占据的她却是突然的感觉到了一股寒冷,看着东方焱目光不自觉的与他对视,下一秒却是脸色苍白起来。 Because she sees that foot to step on innumerable corpse(s), strikes conveniently is cuts the day of crack place the person of sword air/Qi. 因为她看见那脚踩无数尸体,顺手一击都是斩天裂地的剑气的人。 Suddenly did not speak is similar to falls silly same Medusa has made the Dongfang Yan brow stares, hastily remove the eyes of own king, the latter was similar to the person who will soon suffocate breathes the air fiercely generally was panting for breath. 突然不说话如同傻掉了一样的美杜莎东方焱眉头不由的一愣,连忙撤掉自己的王之眼,后者如同即将窒息的人呼吸到了空气一般剧烈的喘息着。 Gives you an advice, the pent-up anger that I leave behind is Fallen Heart Flame, its function I think that I was needless saying that then this pot you used me to teach your cultivation method cultivation, I estimated that monster pill can the preliminary condensation success, when the time comes you also be able to change from, but you must remember that the demon nucleus that can take the origin of your demon beast Strength partially, monster pill turns into the person later origin, how transformed me unclear between the demon beast and person, when the time comes remembers in any case the Canaan school looked for me on, I where only then three years..” “给你一个忠告,我留下的心火是陨落心炎,它的作用我想我不用多说了吧,然后这一锅你用我教你的修炼方法修炼,我估计妖丹就能初步的凝聚成功,到时候你也能化形,不过你可得记得魔核的那部分会作为你魔兽力量的来源,妖丹则是变成人之后的来源,如何在魔兽和人之间转化我也不清楚,反正到时候记得来迦南学院找我就对了,不过我在哪里只有三年的时间。哦。”
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