MTOAW :: Volume #5

#428: Departure

First absorbed said again.” “先吸收了再说。” As Fallen Heart Flame swallows the demand sharp drop of spirit power, Dongfang Yan also understands that this should be the upper limit. 随着陨落心炎吞噬灵力的需求大幅度下降,东方焱也明白这应该是达到了上限。 „, These time will make me grow stronger many.” “那么,这一次又会让我变强多少。” Spirit, in the hand Fallen Heart Flame gradual vanishes to integrate in the Dongfang Yan body, perhaps induces anything, Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame and blue lotus pent-up anger also appeared. 精灵化,手中陨落心炎逐渐的消失融入东方焱身体之中,或许是感应到了什么,灭妖神火纯质阳炎与青莲地心火同时出现。 Cannot...... Explosion ......... “不会……爆炸吧………” forehead presents the cold sweat, deeply shouted the takes a breath three flame to melt gradually, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique with burning the Secret Art also started, does not know that was anything's mysterious book also changed several pages. 额头出现冷汗,深呼吸了口气三朵火焰逐渐相融,北冥无相长生功与焚诀同时发动,就连不知道是啥的神秘之书也翻动了几页。 Three flame the situation that melts any difference this side Dongfang Yan not to have relaxed to close one's eyes to sit cross-legged actually to sit feels flame has been melting as well as not had for a long time. 三朵火焰的相融没有任何的异样这倒是旁东方焱松了口气闭着眼盘腿而坐感受着火焰的相融以及许久未曾出现的情况。 Surrounding Battle Qi is centered on this time Dongfang Yan presents the vortex shape, this accident including Yao Lao not to think, under the arrange/cloth the space bans to hide hastily, but the Battle Qi accident lets the concealment function of Yao Lao. 周围的斗气以此时的东方焱为中心呈现出漩涡状,这一变故连药老也是没有想到,连忙布下空间禁制隐藏起来,可是斗气的变故还是让药老的隐匿没有作用。 Huge Battle Qi pours into not before the Dongfang Yan body in phase failure friendly three flame, spirit power is also so, compared to Battle Qi, spirit power is more like a gentle virtuous female is ordinary, making three flame be at the docile condition throughout, because all uncertainties joining of spirit power all vanishes. 庞大的斗气注入在东方焱身前不断相融的三种火焰之中,就连灵力也是如此,相对于斗气来说,灵力更像是一位温柔贤惠的女子一般,让三朵火焰始终处于温顺状态,所有的不定因素因为灵力的加入全都消失。 What first perfect integration has absorbed Yoshino extremely cold domain Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame and blue lotus pent-up anger, the woods white had the pale light greenish blue light flame, because Fallen Heart Flame joined friendly, that wiped the azure light to be even more obvious. 最先完美融合的是吸收了四糸乃极寒领域的灭妖神火纯质阳炎和青莲地心火,原本森白中带有淡淡青光的火焰因为陨落心炎的相融加入,那抹青光越发的明显起来。 Originally feeling somewhat impractical energy nature, because Fallen Heart Flame joins is burnt down, although the strength falls fights initial period the spirit, but cannot bear regarding Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique setting Dongfang Yan spits the trough silently. 原本感觉有些虚浮的能量质度,因为陨落心炎的加入得到焚烧虽说实力跌回斗灵初期而已,不过对于北冥无相长生功的设定东方焱还是忍不住的默默吐槽着。 ............ “呼…………” Opened eyes, stretches out that on right hand looks at fingertip to wipe the flame to show the smile. 睁开眼,伸出右手看着指尖上的那抹火焰露出了微笑。 Why did not know, recently energy in large scale disappearance, saved was also so, because of the Cultivation Technique reason? ......... “不知道为什么,最近能量在大幅度的消失,就连存储的也是如此,因为功法的原因吗?还是………” Thought aloud general, always felt Dongfang Yan that did not suit very much knits the brows to ponder, completely did not remember that in somebody who another World fought unceasingly, purple beautiful hair threw over in behind. 自言自语一般,总感觉很不对劲的东方焱皱着眉思考着,全然没有想起那个远在另一个世界不断战斗的某个人,紫色的秀发披在身后 The in the hand purple looks like the sharp sword that the crystal casts along with her wielding sends out the purple sword air/Qi to cut to strike unceasingly, surrounds her is one crowd wears golden Armor Soldier, although each time sword air/Qi cuts to strike can cut to kill the big piece Soldier. 手中的紫色就像是水晶铸成的利剑随着她的挥动不断发出紫色剑气斩击,包围她的是一群身穿金色盔甲士兵,尽管每一次的剑气斩击都能斩杀大片的士兵 But is facing like sea Soldier, this casualties gap will make instantaneously up. 可是面对着如海般的士兵,这点伤亡缺口瞬间又会补上。 Hehe also is really hard to deal with, did not take away your fire of eternal, why to pursue me not to put, was careful that thinks the fellow retaliation of good person.” 呵呵还真是难缠,不就是拿走了你们的永恒之火而已嘛,干嘛追着我不放,小心那个自认为好人的家伙报复哦。” Soldier that looks at encircles once more, the Dongfang (east) purple corners of the mouth bring on the sneering crystal sword blade to twine the flame, the formidable temperature including the space burnt distortion, Soldier looks at this that two encircled is twining the amethyst sharp sword of flame, is timid. 看着再次围上来的士兵,东方紫嘴角带着冷笑水晶剑身上缠绕着火焰,强大的温度连空间都被烧的扭曲起来,二原本围过来的士兵看着这缠绕着火焰的紫水晶利剑,一个个的都胆怯起来。 „Don't you want to return to the eternal fire? I gave back to you to be good!!!” “你们不是想要要回永恒之火嘛?那我还给你们好了!!!” Exhausts full cutting to strike, average not wonderful flame place visited anything has not stayed behind, the big gap looks like the waning moon is common, quitting when you're ahead Dongfang (east) purple start to talk said hastily. 用尽全力的斩击,平平无奇的火焰所过之处什么都没留下,偌大的缺口就像是残月一般,见好就收的东方紫连忙开口道。 Hey to have no interest, the thing has succeeded in obtaining, sends me to the next place quickly!” “喂无心,东西到手了,快送我去下一个地方!” Un, you also really go all out, doesn't plan to rest?” “嗯,你还真是拼命啊,不打算休息一下嘛?” Also rests anything, hurries to slide, Odin that old fogy I may unable to win now, but spoke of the rest, I also think that dropping demon that many that but the breakthrough protector blocked, now not along these times, at least after waiting for under him World, said Ah! again!” “还休息什么啊,赶紧溜啊,奥丁那个老家伙现在我可打不赢,不过说到休息,我也想啊,可是突破守护者封锁的堕魔那么多,现在可不是顺这些的时候,至少等他下个世界后再说啊!!” Good good, decides in that World that I decide, but said you who splits, will like on your main body unexpectedly, has saying that also was really a narcissistic craziness.” “好吧好吧,就定在我所定的那个世界吧,不过说起来分裂出来的你,居然会喜欢上自己的本体,不得不说还真的是一个自恋狂了。” Hey Hey Hey, you were saying anything, 喂喂喂,你在说什么了, Likes oneself this having any wrong, I obviously am not a abnormal younger sister control as well as Lolicon like that fellow had not acknowledged. ” Therefore said that you compared with his abnormal.” 喜欢自己这有什么错,我可不像那个家伙一样明明是一个变态的妹控以及萝莉控还不承认。”“所以才说,你比起他更加的变态。” Has sufficed, Odin that old codger pursued, slid quickly.” “够了够了,奥丁那个老不死的追上来了,快溜啊。” Has not related, this time you go to one another parallel World Earth, that World was done at sixes and sevens by a dropping demon, powerful they were blocked by the protector, some strengths not strong can only make our day electing process, you first in the past looked at now, best was handled that dropping demon other gives him to be good.” “没关系的,这次你就去一趟另一个平行世界的地球,那个世界被一个堕魔搞得乱七八糟的,实力强大的都被守护者他们拦下来,一些实力不强的就只能让我们天选者去处理了,你现在先过去看一下好了,最好是搞定那个堕魔其余的交给他就好了。” Good.” “好。” The white barrier embezzles silhouette, when appears again what is pleasant is the gunsmoke rises from all directions the city that a giant monster in city slowly is walking, the huge monster, the noisy city, howls, but the fighter aircraft, is performing the concave-convex scene, what a pity here does not have the appearance of giant. 白色屏障吞没身影,再次出现时入眼的是硝烟四起的城市,一个巨大的怪物正在城市之中缓缓的行走着,庞大的怪物,吵闹的城市,呼啸而过的战斗机,所有的一切都在上演着凹凸曼里的场景,可惜这里并没有巨人的出现。 „Is that monster the dropping demon? Hehe was really ugly and disgusting, UU read to make me purify your dirty soul.” “那个怪物就是堕魔嘛?呵呵还真是丑陋又恶心了,UU看书www.uukanshu.com就让我来净化你那肮脏的灵魂吧。” Leaps gently, in the hand by the amethyst sword belt of eternal fire damage east wind sound straight inserting in the monster huge body, the energy of exploding is made the monster call out pitifully instantaneously. 轻轻一跃,手中被永恒之火损坏的紫水晶剑带着东风声直直的插在怪物庞大的身躯上,爆开的能量让怪物瞬间惨叫起来。 The huge wound is similar to the artillery crater is ordinary, the sword air/Qi of scattering in all directions is expanding the injury unceasingly, was exploded the broken crystal sword that flies not to know where flew to go, but these made the huge monster inscribe Dongfang (east) purple. 巨大的伤口如同炮弹坑一般,四散的剑气不断的扩大着伤势,被炸飞的残破水晶剑不知道飞哪里去了,只是这一下让庞大的怪物记上了东方紫。 Hehe, the good weak dropping demon, I want to take a look at you to be able actually the anti- several times.” 呵呵,好弱的堕魔,我倒是想看看你能抗几次。” Was similar to found any amusing general Dongfang (east) purple to fall into my wife to be the same, one big sword air/Qi did not ask for money to resemble to result in pounds on the dropping demon, caused the dropping demon pain. 如同找到什么好玩的一般东方紫陷入了我妻一样,一大把的剑气不要钱似得砸在堕魔身上,引得堕魔痛苦不已。 As for Dongfang Yan, has absorbed Fallen Heart Flame , after successfully a space barrier, strange hot lizard appearance once more, this makes the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth turn upwards actually. 至于东方焱,成功吸收了陨落心炎之后一出空间屏障,奇怪的火蜥蜴再次的出现,这倒是让东方焱嘴角翘起。 Yo humph, a moment ago fights the spirit, the present estimate was to fight the king, was this going in elite Dungeon?” “呦嚯,刚才是斗灵而已,现在的估计是斗王了,这是进去精英副本了吗?” Disdains to smile, what drop is only the surface, thinks in one way and behaves in another perhaps this. 不屑一笑,下降的只是表面而已,表里不一或许这就是吧。 After striking to kill the hot lizard to collect about several hundred , the place that with ease once more returns to Fallen Heart Flame to be, but when Fallen Heart Flame that closed one's eyes in Dongfang Yan appeared, then opened the doubts look however to make Dongfang Yan did not care at all. 轻松击杀火蜥蜴再次收集了大约几百个后回到了陨落心炎所在的地方,而原本闭着眼的陨落心炎东方焱一出现时,便睁开了眼疑惑的眼神但是让东方焱毫不在意。 Ahem, refuels the breakthrough seal, I walked first.” “哼哼,加油突破封印吧,我先走了。” The white barrier appears, embezzles Dongfang Yan to stay behind does not know that is thinking anything's Fallen Heart Flame. 白色屏障出现,吞没东方焱留下不知道在想什么的陨落心炎 As for Dongfang Yan, suddenly in the brain presented the idea of space wormhole, after a shift, does not know where arrived. 至于东方焱,突然脑中出现了空间虫洞的想法,一个转移之后不知道来到了哪里。 Good, it seems like successful shifted not to know that oneself was where place, but has not presented itself that to shift in the awkward matter to wall fortunately.” “好吧,看来成功的把自己转移到了不知道是哪里的地方,不过还好没有出现那个把自己转移到墙里的尴尬事情。”
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