MTOAW :: Volume #5

#427: Appearance

Your this brat!” “你这个臭小子!” Mysterious person forehead presents the blue vein, but actually endured, but Yao Lao is to this person felt that curious has not come. 神秘人额头出现青筋,不过却还是忍了下去,而药老则是对这个人感到好奇也就没有现身。 Hehe, the boy I thought that your body has the different fire that to know this is anything.” 呵呵,小子我看你身具异火那么可知这是什么。” Very immature flame appears in in the hand of mysterious person, during this makes abstain outside actually Yao Lao surprise whisper unexpectedly really also Fallen Heart Flame Dongfang Yan is actually the accidental/surprised tranquility. 一朵十分幼小的火焰出现在神秘人的手中,这倒是让纳戒之中的药老诧异的嘀咕居然真的还有一顿陨落心炎东方焱却是意外的平静。 Venerable this needs help from me, how otherwise to treat as the bait to take intentionally this type of thing.” “老先生这是有求于我吧,不然怎么会把这种东西故意当做诱饵拿出来。” Tittered smiles, although knows wish teasing old man, but Dongfang Yan could not bear, looks at his awkward embarrassed smiled Dongfang Yan to shake the head to take out Yao Lao to raise the raising soul saliva that the soul used warm, threw to the mysterious old man, this made him the eye shine immediately. 噗嗤一笑,虽然知道但东方焱还是忍不住的想要打趣老者,看着他尴尬的尬笑东方焱摇了摇头取出药老温养灵魂用的养魂涎,扔给神秘老者,这让他顿时眼都亮了起来。 Young people you were very good, decide.” “年轻人你很不错,决定了。” After absorbing has raised the soul saliva, obviously the somewhat transparent old man obtains part of congealing realities has looked like is actually insufficient to be worried by the wind to be blown off anything. 吸收了养魂涎后,明明有些透明的老者得到了一部分的凝实看起来倒是不至于担心会被风吹散什么的。 Old man named luminary day fire, is called day fire revering, the old man feels air/Qi of compounded drug to think that from you you surely is a Level not low elixir Master, therefore the old man is willing to take an oath by the soul, if the boy you are willing to patch my soul old man not to be disadvantageous to you, grants every request, simultaneously guarantees your three years, must know my revering.” “老夫名为曜天火,人称天火尊者,老夫从你身上感受到一股丹药之气想必你定是一位等级不低的炼药师,所以老夫愿意以灵魂起誓,若是小子你愿意修补我的灵魂老夫绝不会对你不利,有求必应,同时保你三年,要知道我可是尊者哦。” Is having the tone of misleading, luminary day fire perhaps thought that the condition insufficiently was beckoning one volume to fight the technique to fly to the skeleton of behind. 带着蛊惑的语气,曜天火或许是觉得条件不够对着身后的骨骸一招手一卷斗技飞了出来。 This is my becoming famous fights the technique, five rounds leave the dry method, said that is fights technique more accurate is one controls the dry method Secret Art actually, five again by wolf, leopard, lion, tiger, flood dragon discrimination, if comprised of the fire to work the different fire, may become five rounds leaves the fire formation, the might endures compared with the day step fights the technique.” “这是我的成名斗技,五轮离火法,说是斗技其实更准确的来说是一个控火法诀,共有五重以狼,豹,狮,虎,蛟区分,若是由异火组成火灵,可成五轮离火阵,威力堪比天阶斗技。” looks at luminary day fire is spurting the introduction of saliva own fighting technique, Dongfang Yan is actually very awkward smiles, because he as if sees the person who on the street that indulged in self-glorification to be the same. 看着曜天火喷着口水的介绍着自己的斗技,东方焱却是很尴尬的一笑因为他仿佛看见了街上那自卖自夸的人一样。 This ............... “这个嘛……………” scratched the cheek, Dongfang Yan was actually shows a faint smile to open hand behind Yao Lao to put, but Yao Lao just came out, luminary day fire opened inconceivable and shocking of both eyes face. 挠了挠脸颊,东方焱却是微微一笑张开手身后药老就放了出来,只不过药老刚一出来,曜天火就已经睁大了双眼一脸的不可思议和震惊。 Medicine revering!!!!” “药尊者!!!!” „? Do you know me?” “哦?你认识我?” Just entered the stage is handed over calls, the expression that Yao Lao is also did one very much have doubts looks at luminary day fire we who knows? 刚一出场就被人交出称呼,药老也是一愣很疑惑的看着曜天火一副我们认识的表情吗? Hehe, the elixir of medicine revering asked the state to be strongest at that time, many people asked the medicine not to see the person, the biography smell medicines revering because of refining a compounded drug died have not thought that unexpectedly will meet here, was really ......... Too lucky!!!” 呵呵,药尊者的炼药求可是当时中州最强的,多少人求药而不见人,传闻药尊者因炼制一种丹药而身亡没想到居然会在这里遇见,真的是………太幸运了!!!” start to talk said again and again, listening to luminary day fire to say itself, Yao Lao also as if returned to the past to show the smiling face generally, but after hearing, half a word words were in the eye low-spirited are incomparable as well as angry. 连连开口道,听着曜天火说着自己,药老也仿佛回到了从前一般露出了笑容,只不过听见后半句话则是眼中黯然无比以及愤怒。 Then Teacher your plan.” “那么老师你的打算了。” Sees Yao Lao that desolate appearance, Dongfang Yan to go forward start to talk to try to separate his attention hastily. 看见药老那落寞的样子,东方焱连忙上前开口试图分开他的注意力。 Un, since you knew that I am so easier to do.” “嗯,既然你认识我那么就好办多了。” Understands that the Dongfang Yan intention in the Yao Lao heart had consoling, look that throws after his being all right the vision looks to the present luminary day fire, this let in luminary day fire shock and Dongfang Yan's status actually. 明白东方焱意图的药老心中有了慰藉,投给他一个没事的眼神后目光看向了眼前的曜天火,这倒是让曜天火震惊与东方焱的身份中。 Different fire, we wanted, fought the technique we also to want, you, was.” “异火,我们要了,斗技我们也要了,你,也是。” both hands fork waist, Yao Lao very aggressive speaking, but such remarks Dongfang Yan then stares, luminary day fire is also a looks at Yao Lao look is also strange. 双手叉腰,药老很霸气的说到,只不过此话一出东方焱便是一愣,就连曜天火也是一愣看着药老的眼神也是怪怪的。 Teacher, you like male unexpectedly, good abnormal.” 老师,你居然喜欢男的,好变态。” The both hands chest protector, a face despises looks at Yao Lao that and shuts out intentionally, after this lets Yao Lao one, responded the corners of the mouth cannot bear before pulling out has drawn up, was to grab the Dongfang Yan's ear anger exclaims. 故意双手护胸,一脸鄙视和嫌弃的看着药老,这让药老一愣后反应过来嘴角忍不住的抽了抽上前就是抓着东方焱的耳朵怒吼道。 Brat, for Master this not for hello/you good, although this old fogy soul strength ratio I also miss but you also to understand that my status is special, later has any matter to make him do, even if exposed has also been able to work as the shield with him, “臭小子,为师这不是为了你好,虽然这个老家伙灵魂强度比我还差但你也明白我的身份特殊,以后有什么事都可以让他去做,就算暴露了也可以用他来当挡箭牌, Also he a little had not spoken incorrectly, free fights expert, when the bodyguard has anything not to be good. ” A face expects too much, Yao Lao looks at Dongfang Yan is effort that cannot bear twists the Dongfang Yan's cheek, this lets blushing with shame of nearby luminary day fire face actually, but in the heart has also decided that must with this boy, medicine revering elixir technique that be ready proper fierce, moreover can be received by him for the disciple also looks at this intimate appearance, ironclad is when the biological son treats. 再说了他有一点也没说错,免费的斗尊强者当保镖有什么不好的。”一脸恨铁不成钢,药老看着东方焱又是忍不住的用力一拧东方焱的脸蛋,这倒是让一旁的曜天火一脸的汗颜,不过心中也是决定了,一定要跟着这个小子,药尊者的炼药术那可是妥妥的厉害啊,况且能被他收为弟子并且看这亲密的样子,铁定是当亲儿子对待啊。 Therefore, luminary day fire has decided that even if brazen-faced and shameless must with this youngster. 所以,曜天火决定了,就算是死皮赖脸的也要跟着这个少年 „Is is, Teacher very pain.” “是是是,老师很疼的啊。” The nod, saw Yao Lao as if temporarily to forget hastily after a moment ago painful event, started to beg for mercy, how not clear this made Yao Lao actually, looked on the letting go vision of knowing when to stop to luminary day fire. 连忙点头,见药老似乎是暂时忘掉了刚才的伤心事后,开始求饶起来,这倒是让药老怎么不明白,也就适可而止的松手目光看向了曜天火。 Gives you to patch soul this not to have any issue actually, even if the recast mortal body also yes, but you also saw the present situation, my good disciple merely is only a weak fighting king, has many things to threaten him in this mainland, therefore you know how should do.” “给你修补灵魂这倒是没什么问题,就算是重铸肉身也是可以的,不过你也看见了现在的情况,我的好徒儿仅仅只是一个势单力薄的斗王而已,在这片大陆上还有很多的东西能威胁到他,所以你知道该怎么做吧。” When looks at luminary day fire, Yao Lao as if returned to once some people to seek the medicine manner, the vision not to bring a looks at luminary day fire of feeling tranquilly, just the final that look actually showed the expression that you understood. 看着曜天火,药老仿佛回到了曾经有人求药时的态度,目光平静不带一丝感觉的看着曜天火,只不过最后的那个眼神却是露出了你懂的表情。 This is naturally, is willing to offer all family belongings to give the little friend obsolete, and takes an oath by the soul, in the future will be settled dominated by Xiaoyou.” “这是自然,老朽愿意献出所有的家当给小友,并且以灵魂起誓,日后定当以小友为主。” Only wants to patch the soul well on luminary day fire heard Yao Lao saying that even recast mortal body, this let his stingy ruthless beat, naturally understands the meaning that Yao Lao said was anything, but luminary day fire wants not to think complied, UU read 原本只想修补灵魂就好了的曜天火听见药老说甚至重铸肉身,这让他的心狠狠的跳动了一下,自然明白药老所说的意思是什么,不过曜天火还是想都没有多想的答应下来,UU看书 Nothing but is loyal, can become the subordinate who medicine revering passes on the disciple, 无非就是忠诚而已,能成为药尊者亲传弟子的手下, From one side is also the Yao Lao subordinate, this is the matter that many people have a dream cannot obtain, the future compounded drug and achievement will decide however not few this actually real. 从侧面来说也就是药老的手下,这可是多少人做梦都得不到的事情,日后的丹药和成就定然不会少这倒是真的。 Un is very good, then pledge.” “嗯很好,那么誓约吧。” The satisfactory nod, luminary day fire is also the straightforward pledge, possibly not to be how clear regarding luminary day hot straightforward Yao Lao, but has not cared how, if displays to recognize this subordinate. 满意的点头,曜天火也是耿直的誓约,对于曜天火的耿直药老怎么可能不明白,不过也没在意如果表现好的话认他这个手下又如何。 Also, in the future Dongfang Yan will leave, then he remains certainly some people will protect, the luminary day hot good and evil will be revering in the future will have the words that the opportunity strength will restore cannot become fights the emperor, half Saint or revering also sufficed. 再说了,日后东方焱离开,那么他所留下来的就一定会有人来守护,曜天火好歹也是个尊者日后有机会实力恢复的话就算成不了斗帝,半圣或者尊者也够了。 Received subordinate of a revering smoothly, because just too long time soul also had been obliterated by the years, therefore to raising Yao Lao of soul saliva not anything demand decisively natural oneself with remaining the raising soul saliva has given luminary the day fire, this lets luminary day fire affected being grateful actually. 顺利收了一个尊者的手下,只不过因为太久的时间就连灵魂也被岁月磨灭了很多,所以对养魂涎没什么需求的药老果断大方的把自己用剩的养魂涎都给了曜天火,这倒是让曜天火感动的感激涕零。 Fallen Heart Flame that this breeds you have what plan.” “这朵才孕育出的陨落心炎你有何打算。” Absorbed to raise the luminary day fire of soul saliva to return to own ring to digest huge, his complete family belongings also left Dongfang Yan, naturally received to blow the later sunlight day hot ring only remaining his skeletons, in the future will have the medicinal herb to refine to live the bone to melt blood pill such luminary day fire can also calculate on is Rebirth. 吸收了庞大养魂涎的曜天火回到自己的戒指之中消化去了,他的全部家当也都留给了东方焱,自然收刮了之后曜天火的戒指只剩下他自己的骨骸,日后有药材就可以炼制生骨融血丹这样曜天火也可以算的上是重生了。 Plan?” “打算吗?” looks at in the hand Fallen Heart Flame, Dongfang Yan slightly smiles, closes one's eyes to take Fallen Heart Flame as to gather the spirit intermittent eye, spirit power in system space such as river general injection in, but Fallen Heart Flame likely has also hit rapid of hormone general growth. 看着自己手中陨落心炎,东方焱微微的一笑,闭上眼以陨落心炎为聚灵阵阵眼,系统空间中的灵力如河一般的注入其中,而陨落心炎也像是打了激素一般成长的迅速。 However it does not think that blue lotus pent-up anger needs to breed generally, because it has bred, but the blue lotus pent-up anger is actually completely breeds by spirit power. 不过它不想青莲地心火一般需要孕育,因为它已经孕育出来了而青莲地心火却则是完全由灵力孕育而出的。
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