MTOAW :: Volume #5

#426: Skeleton

Another Fallen Heart Flame?” “另一朵陨落心炎?” Yao Lao heard Dongfang Yan saying that the goal was to burn the day practices breathing exercises another Fallen Heart Flame under refining tower, has saying that was shocked, unexpectedly also had another Fallen Heart Flame this to really be compared with discovering the alien must also make Yao Lao shock. 药老听见东方焱说目标是焚天练气炼气塔之下的另一朵陨落心炎,不得不说被震惊到了,居然还有另一朵陨落心炎这可真是比发现外星人了还要让药老震惊。 Yes, but another currently estimated that is the young stage, should breed to appear and disappear how long, therefore sets the goal on it.” “是的,不过另一朵现在估计是幼年期,应该是才孕育出没多久所以才把目标定在它身上。” The nod acknowledged, Dongfang Yan starts to de-archive own Ability gradually, the purple thorn royal crown, behind twines dark red lightning Angel Emperor of Time, the foot is howling the woods white flame that presents, the white barrier appears in Dongfang Yan behind together, proceeded to embezzle the whole person. 点头承认,东方焱开始逐渐解封自己的能力,紫色的荆棘王冠,身后缠绕着暗红色闪电的天使刻刻帝,脚边呼啸出现的森白色火焰,一道白色的屏障出现在东方焱身后,往前吞没了整个人。 This white barrier has shuttle space Strength unexpectedly, the flame boy you have any many card in a hand.” “这种白色的屏障居然有穿梭空间的力量,焱小子你还有什么多少的底牌啊。” Shocking Yao Lao looks at is emitting once more at present the magma of flame, by oneself experienced rich knowledge naturally looks is the strength of very strong space shuttle. 再次震惊的药老看着眼前喷吐着火焰的岩浆,以自己见多识广的丰富知识自然的看出来是一种很强的空间穿梭之力。 Hiss!!!!” “嘶!!!!” If snake general neighing lets Dongfang Yan and Yao Lao raising the head as if by prior agreement upward looked, a whole body is fixing the eyes on two people by the flame great serpentes light that the blue white chains twines. 如蛇一般的嘶鸣让东方焱药老不约而同的抬头往上一看,一条浑身被蓝白色锁链缠绕的火焰巨蛇目光紧盯着自己两人。 „Is this Fallen Heart Flame?” “这就是陨落心炎?” both hands overlapping, narrows the eyes sizes up the somewhat partly visible shackles that focuses, Dongfang Yan looking pensive is getting up. 双手交叉,眯着眼的打量着有些若隐若现的枷锁,东方焱若有所思起来。 Teacher, if feeds Fallen Heart Flame by Strength of my different fire, can make him work loose the seal directly.” 老师,如果以我异火的力量喂养陨落心炎,会不会让他直接挣脱封印。” Suddenly thinks that a very bold idea, the Dongfang Yan's corners of the mouth turn upwards wipe smile evilly. 突然想到一个十分大胆的想法,东方焱的嘴角翘起一抹邪笑。 You said ............ The flame boy your thought is very dangerous.” “你是说…………焱小子你的思想很危险啊。” Guesses directly Yao Lao that stares, later bumped the Dongfang Yan's shoulder to reveal the villainous smile of fox with the elbow. 直接猜出来的药老一愣,之后用手肘碰了碰东方焱的肩膀露出了狐狸的奸笑。 Hehe, therefore said that not objective I am a good person.” 呵呵,所以才说不客观的我是一个好人。” spirit power that the left hand rushes, the right hand blue lotus pent-up anger, spirit power integrated in the lotus flower that the blue lotus pent-up anger formed looks at that just like understanding anything's Fallen Heart Flame corners of the mouth has turned upwards to bring smiling face start to talk of evil charm to say. 左手澎湃的灵力,右手青莲地心火,灵力融入青莲地心火形成的莲花之中看着那宛如明白了什么的陨落心炎嘴角翘起带着邪魅的笑容开口道。 Hey, opens mouth I to help you to break open the seal.” “喂,张嘴我助你破开封印。” Perhaps has not felt the Dongfang Yan's evil intention, or was been long by the seal, wants to work loose the thought of seal to let opening mouth that Fallen Heart Flame is obedient, but Dongfang Yan also on direct toward opening Fallen Heart Flame of big mouth has been throwing the lotus flower. 或许是没有感受到东方焱的恶意,又或者是被封印久了,想要挣脱封印的念头让陨落心炎听话的张嘴,而东方焱也就直接的把莲花朝着张着大嘴的陨落心炎扔了过去。 „When like this waits to swallow Fallen Heart Flame in the future detonates the soul bomb to obliterate the spirit wisdom of tower directly, has to say the flame your quality.” “这样等日后吞噬陨落心炎之时引爆灵魂炸弹直接磨灭掉塔的灵智,不得不说焱你好坏啊。” looks at Fallen Heart Flame closes one's eyes to be peaceful, an expression of Yao Lao your quality was saying to Dongfang Yan start to talk, this makes the Dongfang Yan speechless rolled the eyes counter-attack say actually. 看着陨落心炎闭着眼安静下来,药老一副你好坏的表情对着东方焱开口道,这倒是让东方焱无语的翻了个白眼反击道。 Has his Master to have his disciple. Teacher we, soul bomb is not you puts and you too?” “有其师就必有其徒。老师我们彼此彼此而已,灵魂炸弹不就是你放的吗?” Hehe, good, what I want to take a look at another Fallen Heart Flame to be able actually to be.” 呵呵,好了走吧,我倒是想要去看看另一朵陨落心炎会是什么样的。” Does not intertwine in this issue, Yao Lao shifted attention this to make Dongfang Yan very speechless decisively actually. 不在这个问题上纠结,药老果断的转移了注意力这倒是让东方焱很无语。 Un, but Teacher also asked you to use taking advantage of me the different fire before then.” “嗯,不过在此之前老师还请你把异火借我一用。” Readjusted one own condition, Hundred Grand Techniques cloudy seal untied thoroughly, Strength made Dongfang Yan not move the body on own initiative, parched beans sound resounding one after another, left hand Bone Chilling Flame, the right hand blue lotus extinguished the monster fire( blue lotus pent-up anger + Pure Yang Flame.). 重新调整了一下自己的状态,百豪之术・阴封印彻底解开,久违的力量东方焱不自觉的活动了一下身体,一阵爆豆般的响声接连的响起,左手骨灵冷火,右手青莲灭妖火(青莲地心火+纯质阳炎。)。 The vision looked that jumps down to the place of nearby lava directly, Eight Celestial Divination Gates opened five doors continually, the both hands flame changes to a giant vortex respectively looks like installs two giant turbine engines to be ordinary, Divine Sense was actually unceasing extended toward , a seal of protecting oneself magma point king cannot melt. 目光看向一旁的熔岩之地直接一跃而下,八门遁甲连开五门,双手的火焰分别化作一个巨大的漩涡就像是装了两个巨大的涡轮发动机一般,神识却是不断的向着下方延伸,王之印护身岩浆一点也融不进来。 Looked like enters the fish in water to be ordinary, speed of Dongfang Yan submergence also continuing was rising dramatically, the strength of king separated two parts to make a Dongfang Yan matter the magma of Dongfang Yan and surroundings not have. 就像是进入了水里的鱼一般,东方焱下潜的速度还在持续的飙升着,王之力把东方焱与周围的岩浆分离成了两个部分让东方焱一点事都没有。 „The wait|etc flame, strange living thing appear.” 等等焱,有一种奇怪的生物出现。” Soul Strength is stronger than Dongfang Yan, 灵魂力量东方焱强, naturally early one step had discovered strange lifeform in that magma, this is the biological same body is red, the color of body scale is the same with the surrounding magma, Divine Sense, relies on the words that the naked eye carefully is not looking at not to discover, seems like a lizard actually compared with the lizard savage. Un.” 自然早一步发现了那岩浆之中的奇怪生物,这是生物同体赤红,身上鳞片的颜色和周围的岩浆一样,要不是神识,凭借着肉眼不仔细看的话都不一定能发现,看起来像是一种蜥蜴却比蜥蜴更加的凶残。“嗯。” The sinking sound should, naturally understand that is anything's Dongfang Yan deeply shouts takes a breath, starts standing by. 沉声应到,自然明白是什么的东方焱深呼吸了口气,开始准备战斗。 Chirp chirp!!!” “叽叽!!!” The sharp cry resounds in this piece of space, is any signal is likely ordinary, this lizard are getting more and more, finally assumed to surround Dongfang Yan in all directions, early had preparation Dongfang Yan both hands to gather Bone Chilling Flame and blue lotus extinguishes the monster fire then to form one group of woods white to have tattooing light flying sword. 尖锐的叫声在这片空间中响起,像是什么信号一般,这种蜥蜴越来越多,最后呈四面八方包围住了东方焱,早有准备的东方焱双手一合骨灵冷火与青莲灭妖火便形成一团森白中带有点点青光的飞剑 Govern sword Secret Art ten thousand Jiangui celestial burial.” “御剑诀・万剑归天葬。” Light shell flying sword, flying sword shivers slightly then one two, two four, the Four Modernizations eight ways occupy the entire space gradually, dense and numerous is only looks at lets person creepy feeling. 轻弹飞剑,飞剑微微颤抖接着一化二,二化四,四化八的方式逐渐占据整个空间,密密麻麻光是看着就让人头皮发麻。 Chirp chirp!!!!” “叽叽!!!!” Similar to received the provocation to be ordinary, lizard collective exudes the sharp cry, Dongfang Yan is also kills intent to emerge toward the Dongfang Yan attack was already waiting, goes to the character gently, complete flying sword then explodes shoots to come, is similar to the rainstorm pear embroidery needle same hits the lizard, the second kills a big piece easily. 如同受到了挑衅一般,蜥蜴集体的发出尖锐叫声,一个个的朝着东方焱进攻早就等着的东方焱也是杀意涌现,轻轻一个去字,全部的飞剑便爆射而来,如同暴雨梨花针一样打中蜥蜴,轻易秒杀一大片。 These fellows, although the quantity are very many, but the strength probably is all fighting the spirit.” “这些家伙虽然数量挺多的,可是实力全都大约在斗灵而已。” in the hand grabs one to remain to experience personally the severely wounded lizard intentionally, Yao Lao has not looked at this thing, but has given own some appraisals. 手中抓着一只故意留下来身受重伤的蜥蜴,药老也是没看过这玩意,不过还是给出了自己的一些评价。 Well? What is this?” “咦?这是什么?” After the understanding, kills the lizard directly, was actually attracted the attention by that fiery red bead of lizard within the body, the different fire winding in the hand, Yao Lao also took out the bead surprisedly. 了解后,直接弄死蜥蜴,却被蜥蜴体内的那个火红珠子所吸引了注意力,异火缠绕在手上,药老也是取出了珠子惊讶了起来。 Good rich hot attribute energy, UU reads “好浓郁的火属性能量,UU看书 What a pity extremely in wild, if can directly absorb were too good, but has been a pity, the flame received a moment ago that many lizards little saying that also had several hundred. ” 可惜太过于狂暴,要是能直接吸收的话就太好了,不过可惜了,焱收起来吧刚才那么多蜥蜴少说也有几百个吧。” Un, said accurately is 972, but a moment ago , to cremate under the impact of sword to have part to be burnt down to destroy.” “嗯,准确的说是972个,不过刚才在以火化剑的冲击下有一部分被焚烧毁坏掉了。” Similarly sizes up the in the hand luster is seeming like the red pearl same bead, start to talk said. 同样打量着手中色泽看起来像是红珍珠一样的珠子,开口道。 Continues to dive, these beads have the means refinement regarding the elixir Master, if also met is collecting some are good.” “继续下潜吧,这些珠子对于炼药师来说也不是没有办法提炼,如果还遇见就在收集一些好了。” Gives Dongfang Yan the bead, after receiving, Dongfang Yan then continues to dive, does not know the thing how long shines together made Dongfang Yan narrow the eye. 把珠子递给东方焱,收好后,东方焱便继续下潜,不知多久一道发着光的东西让东方焱眯起了眼。 That is the space banned, has what thing to exist?” “那是空间禁制,难道是有什么东西存在嘛?” Surprise looks at that transparent light cover, as medicine revering, naturally understands that what this is present is anything, but makes this space that he cares ban that brings to do. 诧异的看着那透明的光罩,作为药尊者,自然的明白这是眼前的是什么,不过让他在意的还是这个空间禁制是拿来干嘛的。 Entered has a look not to know.” “进入看看不就知道了。” The corners of the mouth are bringing the chuckle, has moved the shoulder, the straight space shuttle enters pleasant, only then the skeleton that sits cross-legged to sit. 嘴角带着轻笑,活动了一下肩膀,直接空间穿梭进入其中入眼的只有一具盘腿而坐的骨骸。 This is ......... “这是………” The surprise, Yao Lao has not thought that in this space banned that during unexpectedly is skeleton of a revering, this lets the Yao Lao surprise actually at the same time is also pleasantly surprised. 诧异,药老没想到在这空间禁制之中居然是一具尊者的骨骸,这倒是让药老诧异的同时又惊喜起来。 Boy, obviously only then fights the strength of king, why can so skilled utilization Power of Space? I not in these time does Power of Space become so inexpensive?” “小子,明明只有斗王的实力,为何能如此熟练的运用空间之力?难道我不在的这些时间里空间之力变得这般廉价?” The sudden sound makes Yao Lao also stare, silhouette appears from the skeleton together, can look is a soul body. 突然出现的声音让药老也是一愣,一道人影从骨骸上出现,从中也能看出来是一个灵魂体而已。 Because I understand the space compared with you, what naturally is most important is...... I am more graceful than you!” “因为我比你更加了解空间,当然最重要的是……我比你帅!” .................. “………………”
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