MTOAW :: Volume #5

#425: Zi Yan

The determination has brought to the attention Dongfang Yan not to have first toward burning the day practices breathing exercises the refining tower to overtake, but obeys the arrangement of Yao Lao while convenient to receive to blow the medicinal herb in remote mountain, short less than several hours then collected several types of precious raw materials for medicine. 自觉已经引起注意的东方焱没有第一时间朝着焚天练气炼气塔赶过去,而是听从药老的安排顺带收刮着深山里的药材,短短不到几个小时的时间便已经收集到了十几种珍贵药材。 Flame, Dongfang (east) has one purple to model the body to be colored spirit, has to break the body limit development potential the drug efficacy, coordinating your washing marrow pill perhaps possibly to have the major function.” “焱,东方有一株紫灵塑体花,有打破身体限制开发潜能的药效,配合着你的洗髓丹或许可能有大作用。” The soul sensation strength compared with Dongfang Yan does not know that many time of Yao Lao pass on the sound said, just received good fire spirit grass then direct turning around space changing positions to go to the place that Yao Lao marks. 灵魂感知力比东方焱强了不知道多少倍的药老传音道,刚收好火灵草便直接转身空间换位来到药老所标记的地方。 „Who are you?” “你是什么人?” The sudden sound had a scare Dongfang Yan, but calm purple models the body flower to receive spirit well to turn around. 突然出现的声音把东方焱吓了一跳,不过还是淡定的把紫灵塑体花收好才转过身。 „A rhizotomist of passing by.” “一个路过的采药人而已。” Stares pleasant, the future is one with Little Ai Fei'er almost big Little Girl, purple beautiful hair throws over after the brain, the spacious sleeves block from small hand, exposes the calf to be slender, on the face had expression angrily, the wing of behind actually to betray her status. 入眼一愣,来者是一个和小爱菲儿差不多大的小女孩,紫色的秀发披在脑后,宽大的衣袖遮住小手,裸露着小腿纤细白皙,脸上带着气鼓鼓的表情,身后的翅膀却是出卖了她的身份。 Rhizotomist? No matter who I you are, in brief hands over a moment ago that flower.” “采药人?我不管你是谁,总之把刚才那朵花交出来。” Zi Yan looks at Dongfang Yan, small face angrily seems a Dongfang Yan face blood that really moe lovably. 紫妍看着东方焱,气鼓鼓的小脸看上去煞是可爱萌的东方焱一脸血。 Hehe, why must hand over to know that this is I discovers first.” 呵呵,为什么要交出来要知道这可是我先发现的哦。” looks at Zi Yan, Dongfang Yan cannot help but smiles wish that cannot bear she. 看着紫妍,东方焱不由得一笑出来忍不住的想要逗逗她。 But in order to grows up, I need to eat many things therefore, cannot give you.” “可是为了能长大,我需要吃很多的东西所以,就不能让给你了。” Suffering from injustice speaking , is a face earnest appearance makes Dongfang Yan feel oneself were shot several arrow generally small and exquisite Loli, making the Dongfang Yan heart soft. 委屈的说到,接着又是一脸认真的模样让东方焱感觉自己被射了几箭一般小巧玲珑的萝莉,让东方焱心都软了下来。 Does not select food is good to be familiar with, but your such one stuttered unable to add many energies by physique of your demon beast, therefore I did not have as the gift on first meeting well any delivered you, gave you this.” “不挑食是一个好习惯,可是就算你这样一口吃下去以你魔兽的体质也加不了多少能量,所以作为见面礼我也没什么好的送你,就给你这个吧。” Swept the Gate of Babylon discovery also to have unexpectedly previous time buys wave lollipop remaining existences for Yoshino, Divine Sense relates spirit power in system space, the utilization is gathering the spirit very intensive condensation and compression integrates in the wave lollipop. 扫了眼王之财宝发现居然还有上次给四糸乃买波棒糖剩下的存在,神识联系着系统空间中的灵力,运用聚灵阵高强度的凝聚与压缩融入波棒糖之中。 Takes, spirit power on wave lollipop sent out the Zi Yan exquisite nose then on own initiative not to smell smelling, the eye has shone immediately, spirit power of Dongfang Yan intentional control revelation, Zi Yan this young glutton estimated that directly gave the heck with throw. 一拿出来,波棒糖上的灵力一散发紫妍小巧的鼻子便不自觉的嗅了嗅,顿时眼都亮了起来,要不是东方焱故意的控制泄露的灵力,紫妍这个小吃货估计都直接不管三七二十一得扑过来了。 What is this? Very powerful big energy.” “这是什么?好强大的能量。” Swallows the saliva, somewhat sane Zi Yan vision is fixing the eyes on the Dongfang Yan in the hand wave lollipop, as if entire World only remaining it generally, the saliva flowed. 咽了咽口水,还是有些理智的紫妍目光紧盯着东方焱手中的波棒糖,仿佛整个世界都只剩下它了一般,口水都流了出来。 Wants?” “想要吗?” Is rocking intentionally the in the hand wave lollipop, looks at Zi Yan lovable rotates Puff that head Dongfang Yan is being cannot bear to smile to go forward along with the Polish lollipop to arrive at the Zi Yan front to bring gentle smiling face start to talk to say. 故意晃动着手中的波棒糖,看着紫妍可爱的随着波棒糖转动着脑袋东方焱也是忍不住的噗呲一笑上前来到紫妍的面前带着温柔的笑容开口道。 Delivered you.” “送你了。” Un?” “嗯?” The present wave lollipop makes Zi Yan stare, doubts raising the head looks at Dongfang Yan, that gentle smiling face and favored the vision that drowned to make the Zi Yan heart be touched, this was her first time sees this smiling face and vision, gave shelter to own that person not to compare. 眼前的波棒糖让紫妍一愣,疑惑的抬起头看着东方焱,那温柔的笑容和宠溺的目光让紫妍心都被触动了,这还是她第一次看见这种笑容和目光,就连收留自己的那个人也比不上。 Really?” “真的?” Zi Yan subconscious receiving wave lollipop, the vision is very puzzled is looking at Dongfang Yan, after all looks like the wave lollipop of this high-strength condensation and compression is not the raw materials for medicine in these mountains can compare to present Zi Yan. 紫妍下意识的接过波棒糖,目光还是很不解的望着东方焱,毕竟像这种高强度凝聚和压缩的波棒糖对现在的紫妍来说可不是那些山里的药材能比的。 Last week of measuring of this wave lollipop quickly can go against. 这一个波棒糖都快能顶的上一个星期的量了。 Naturally, has tried, has a look to like.” “当然是真的了,试试吧,看看喜不喜欢。” Putting out a hand that Dongfang Yan that was sprouted cannot bear finally has rubbed the head of Zi Yan, finds the clue make killing to make Zi Yan stare completely, never has the feeling appears in the heart, there is that little enjoyment, kills in Dongfang Yan full level finding the clue make, Zi Yan was also narrows the eye to reveal has been similar to the kitten expression. 被萌到的东方焱最后还是忍不住的伸手揉了揉紫妍的脑袋,一个摸头杀让紫妍完全一愣,一股从未有过的感觉出现在心中,有那么一点点的享受,在东方焱满级的摸头杀下,紫妍也是眯起了眼露出了如同小猫般的表情。 Un.” “嗯。” both hands is holding the wave lollipop, cautiously stretches out the exquisite attractive small tongue, 双手捧着波棒糖,小心翼翼的伸出小巧诱人的小舌头, Gently licked on the luster bright wave lollipop, Zi Yan instantaneous eyes shone such as to regard the treasure to lick the wave lollipop cautiously. This makes Dongfang Yan sprouted does not want, in the heart said lovably, was good to think take home. 轻轻的在色泽鲜艳的波棒糖上舔了一下,紫妍瞬间眼睛都发亮起来如视珍宝般小心翼翼舔着波棒糖。这让东方焱又是被萌的不要不要的,心中直呼好可爱,好想抱回家。 Hey Hey Hey, your this abnormal Lolicon disciple, should walk.” 喂喂喂,你这个变态萝莉控徒儿,该走了。” Yao Lao that is unable to continue watching passes message hastily to Dongfang Yan, is only a pity present Dongfang Yan already by Zi Yan that lovable appearance thorough subduing. 看不下去的药老连忙传音给东方焱,只可惜现在的东方焱已经被紫妍那可爱的模样所彻底的折服。 „, I am not abnormal, I quite like the lovable radish...... The girl, Teacher your thought is very dangerous.” “咳咳,我不是变态,我只是比较喜欢可爱的萝……女孩而已,老师你的思想很危险。” Takes back the awkward performance hastily stern-faced, sees Zi Yan to regard like the treasure is licking the wave lollipop, bringing some not to abandon Dongfang Yan to put out two different tastes once more wave lollipops, after the similar way condensation and compresses spirit power takes, this lets Zi Yan is looks at. 连忙收回尴尬的表现一脸的严肃,见紫妍还是视如珍宝般舔着波棒糖,带着一些不舍东方焱再次拿出两个不同口味的波棒糖,用同样的方式凝聚与压缩灵力后才拿出来,这让紫妍又是一愣的看着自己。 These give you, should suffice you to digest some time, I also very important matters must do, then said goodbye.” “这些给你,应该够你消化一段时间了,我还有一件很重要的事要去做,那么就此别过。” Does not abandon touches the head of Zi Yan once more, under the expression that in Zi Yan some do not abandon turns around to leave. 不舍的再次摸了摸紫妍的脑袋,在紫妍有些不舍的表情下转身离开。 Was right, I called Zi Yan, in inner courtyard, if some people bullied you to remember that reported my name, I was very strong list first yo!!” “对了,我叫紫妍,在内院如果有人欺负你的话记得报我的名字哦,我可是很强的强榜第一呦!!” Looks the direction that Dongfang Yan is leaving, Zi Yan shouts hastily, no matter also Dongfang Yan has heard, holds a moment ago to give itself and a moment ago wave lollipop, Zi Yan wants to pursue not to have much. 望着东方焱离开的方向,紫妍连忙喊到,也不管东方焱听没听见,抱着刚才递给自己和刚才的波棒糖,紫妍很想追上去却没有。 Un, I knew.” “嗯,我知道了。” The response that does not return to said, UU reads 头也不回的回应道,UU看书 Because Dongfang Yan feared oneself cannot control to pick up the speed to leave toward the destination. 因为东方焱怕自己控制不住只好加快速度朝着目的地离开。 Had forgotten to ask his name.” “遭了忘记问他名字了。” Gazes after Dongfang Yan to leave, until not being able to see the back, Zi Yan then thinks that has not known his name, wanted to pursue lost silhouette Dongfang Yan to make Zi Yan give up this idea, having some moods of losing to open the wing to leave slightly. 目送着东方焱离开,直至看不见背影,紫妍这才想起来还不知道他的名字,想要去追可是已经失去了身影东方焱只好让紫妍放弃了这个想法,带着微微有些失落的心情张开翅膀离开。 These should enough I digest for one month, it seems like I can one month not use the thing that eats these to be unpalatable. Rhizotomists? Is he elixir Master? Then looked for some raw materials for medicine to treat as to return a courtesy.” “这些应该足够我消化一个月的时间了,看来我可以一个月不用吃那些难吃的东西了。采药人?他是炼药师嘛?那么就找一些药材当做回礼好了。” Looks down eye have been holding three Polish lollipops, the whisper that Zi Yan thought aloud said, also decided found a time to walk into the mountain to collect the medicinal herb to treat as to return a courtesy. 低头看了眼自己抱着的三根波棒糖,紫妍自言自语的嘀咕道,同时也决定找个时间进山收集一下药材当做回礼。 Does not know that he names this matter to make Zi Yan care actually very much. 只是不知道他叫什么名字这件事倒是让紫妍很在意。 On the contrary, arrives at Dongfang Yan of destination is actually knits the brows looks at that to burn the day to practice breathing exercises the refining tower, by eyes of naturally king the intensity of where space ban can see as well as space blockade clearly, wanting the silent penetration space to block this not to have the issue actually, the key was Fallen Heart Flame had own spirit wisdom, it like that was not bred by oneself spirit power like the blue lotus pent-up anger. 相反,来到目的地的东方焱却是皱着眉看着那焚天练气炼气塔,透过王之眼自然的能清晰看见哪里的空间禁制以及空间封锁的强度,想要无声的穿透空间封锁这倒是没问题,关键在于陨落心炎已经有了自己的灵智,它不像青莲地心火那般由自己的灵力所孕育而出。 Swallows its words certainly to initiate the fight, but has the fight inevitably to cause very big stir, these fellows who when the time comes these elders as well as the black angular regions in inner courtyard peep at the different fire will certainly not let up this opportunity. 吞噬它的话一定会引发战斗,而一发生战斗势必会引起很大的轰动,到时候内院的那些长老以及黑角域窥视异火的那些家伙一定不会放过这个机会的。 How therefore to capture different fire this is an issue. 所以如何夺取异火这是个问题。 „The wait|etc flame, the Fallen Heart Flame situation is not probably right.” 等等焱,陨落心炎的情况好像不对。” Has suddenly discovered the difference for Yao Lao that this matter worries, immediately Yao Lao also thought this is an opportunity. 为这个事情发愁的药老突然发现了异样,顿时药老也是觉得这是一个机会。 Un, looked, but this my goal was not it but another Fallen Heart Flame under it.” “嗯,看出来了,只不过这一次我的目标不是它而是在它之下的另一朵陨落心炎。”
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