MTOAW :: Volume #5

#424: The center of the earth quenches the body breast

Chapter 424: The center of the earth quenches the body breast 第424章:地心淬体乳 Gate of Death, the road to Hades, forgets the Sichuan river, Naiheqiao, the natural or man-made height, the predestined relationship, is reincarnated the reincarnation one to smile.” “鬼门关,黄泉路,忘川河,奈何桥,望乡台,三生石,转世投胎不过一场笑尔。” Disdains to smile, the seal of liberation king, found the weakness use that Yao Lao said to collapse the technology of moon/month dimension blade to sneak across instantaneously with ease smoothly successfully. 不屑一笑,王之印解放,瞬间找到药老所说的薄弱之处利用崩月次元刀的技术轻松顺利偷渡成功。 Enters the inner courtyard first is the vast forest, patted dust Dongfang Yan to let loose Divine Sense to seek is burning the position of day refining tower. 进入内院首先便是一望无际的森林,拍了拍身上的灰尘东方焱放开神识寻找着焚天炼气塔的位置。 Flame, expert mostly I in inner courtyard do not facilitate, so long as were not the crisis time must depend on you.” “焱,内院里的强者大多我也不方便出来,接下来只要不是危机时刻都要靠你自己了。” Hid the aura to hide in the ring Yao Lao passes message to Dongfang Yan, after all as inner courtyard expert naturally was not the outer court can compare. 隐藏气息躲在戒指之中药老传音给了东方焱,毕竟作为内院强者自然的不是外院能比。 Un, I had also found the position.” “嗯,我也找到了位置。” Leaps gently, twinkling ten thousand miles Dongfang Yan stands above the treetop the vision looks into the tower in distant place, eyes of naturally king can see that was being imprisoned Fallen Heart Flame to roar, is angry. 轻轻一跃,瞬息万里的东方焱站在树梢之上目光眺望远方的塔,王之眼自然的能看见那被囚禁着的陨落心炎在咆哮,在愤怒着。 If some people in the lighthouse, my son do not hit him, finally also has an alpha, in the mirror also has, I want to link him to hit together.” “如果有人在灯塔,我儿来不打他,结果还有个阿尔法,镜子里还有个贝塔,我想连他一块打。” Listens song that Yao Lao was singing, Dongfang Yan almost kneeling, speechless rolled the eyes has relied on space changing positions just to prepare to move a fluctuation of Battle Qi to transmit from own north, this made Dongfang Yan curious. 听着药老唱的歌,东方焱差点没给跪了,无语的翻了个白眼凭借着空间换位刚准备行动一股斗气的波动从自己北方传来,这让东方焱好奇了一下。 In the past had a look?” “过去看看嘛?” Falls into hesitant, fluctuation this that once again Battle Qi erupts let be hesitant Dongfang Yan sighed to move sideways to arrive spread Battle Qi to fluctuate here. 陷入犹豫,又一次斗气爆发的波动这让原本还是犹豫的东方焱叹了口气一个闪身来到了传出斗气波动这里。 At present is several people gather round a cavern unceasingly sends out various attacks, but the cavern also likely is general that the ice makes, inside unceasing has the ice piece to depart, each ice piece will fall to the ground will make the ground be frozen part. 眼前是几个人围着一个洞穴不断的发出各种进攻,而洞穴也像是冰做的一般,里面不断的有冰块飞出,每一次冰块落地都会让地面被冻结一部分。 Interesting, here indeed so had the existence that these people of snow demon day ape definitely for that thing.” “哦有趣,这里尽然有雪魔天猿的存在那么这几个人肯定是为了那个东西了。” Yao Lao in ring by ring naturally can also see outside situation, who looks merely from the appearance of cavern is as well as some any things, has saying that worthily is experienced medicine revering. 戒指之中的药老透过戒指自然的也能看见外面的情况,仅仅从洞穴的样子就看出来是谁以及有些什么东西,不得不说不愧是见多识广的药尊者啊。 I know, the center of the earth quenches the body breast.” “我知道,地心淬体乳而已。” Smiled, Dongfang Yan optional backs on the tree trunk to hide aura looks at that secretly to gather round the hole entrance resigned-looking several people intentionally. 笑了笑,东方焱随意的背靠着树干故意隐藏着气息偷偷的看着那围着洞门口一脸无奈的几人。 Han moon/month is your definite information accurate?” “韩月你确定情报准确?” Is long a extremely attractive somebody face forced looks at cavern, hits the demon beast that such long in has protected the treasure not to come out one time, named Han moon/month beautiful young girl could not hang quickly. 长得极其好看的某个人一脸牵强的看着洞穴,打了这么久里面守护宝物的魔兽都还没出来过一次,名为韩月的美少女也快挂不住了。 Is sorry everybody, the information possibly contains errors we to remove first.” “抱歉各位,情报可能有误我们先撤吧。” Very embarrassed start to talk, Han moon/month was apologizing to other people, this made other people also very discontented, discontented was also suppressed under that somebody's start to talk, one group of people were bringing not willingly departure, this actually cheap Dongfang Yan. 很不好意思的开口,韩月向其余人道歉着,这让其余人也很不满,不过在那个某人的开口下不满也就被压制了,一群人带着不甘心的离开,这倒是便宜了东方焱 This walked, it seems like really did not have the meaning, then I am impolite.” “这就走了,看来还真是没意思了,那么我就不客气了。” The corners of the mouth bring to select lightly, moves sideways to go from the cavern Dongfang Yan that directly, but has not cared about is actually discovered by Han moon/month who has not turned head exactly willingly, but the speed too has not seen clearly that quickly actually real. 嘴角带着轻挑,直接闪身从洞穴进去而没在意的东方焱却被恰好不甘心回过头的韩月有所发现,不过速度太快没看清楚那倒是真的。 Goes back, after waiting for strength promotion, comes again.” “回去吧,等实力提升之后再来吧。” Sees appearance that Han moon/month frowns, somebody is not cruel enough, making noise comfort this makes the Han moon/month get back one's composure to show the forced smiling face actually to cover up to say. 见韩月皱着眉头的样子,某人也是不忍心,不由的出声安慰道这倒是让韩月回过神露出牵强的笑容遮掩道。 But Dongfang Yan after going in cavern, the back presents roaring wind, has not cared directly, whatever this roaring wind raids toward oneself. 只不过进去洞穴后的东方焱,后背出现一股破风声,也没在意直接的任由这道破风声朝着自己袭来。 Bang!!!!” “嘭!!!!” Similar to the explosion sound resounds, Dongfang Yan departs to lie down on nearby ground, the human form object presents red both eyes stared was dying Dongfang Yan cold -ly snorted and said together. 如同爆炸般的响声响起,东方焱飞出躺在一旁的地上,一道人形的物体出现通红的双眼盯着死掉般的东方焱冷哼道。 Greedy human, dares to intrude my territory, is really live is impatient.” “贪婪的人类,竟敢闯入我的领地,真的是活的不耐烦了吧。” The sound that despises extremely conveys, Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth upwarping wipes to sneer this to let snow demon day ape turning around surprise looks at that turns around to be about to leave he. 极其藐视的声音传来,东方焱嘴角不由的翘起一抹冷笑这让转身准备离开的雪魔天猿一愣转过身诧异的看着他。 Hehe, 呵呵, Live is impatient I not to know, but I know that you ended actually! ” Fills the sound that teased to transmit from own behind, should actually vanish in present corpse(s) does not see, the snow demon day ape pupil contracted fist of fierce turning around and Dongfang Yan to bumping, finally was actually flown to hit by direct hitting on the wall, trembling arm naturally saw the injury of receiving was not small. 是不是活的不耐烦了我不知道,不过我知道你倒是完了!”充满戏谑的声音从自己身后传来,原本应该在眼前的尸体却消失不见,雪魔天猿瞳孔收缩猛的转过身与东方焱对碰一拳,结果却是被直接的打飞撞在墙上,发抖的手臂自然的看出受到的伤害不小。 You .................. “你………………” Silent, very not the clear snow demon day ape did not understand that Dongfang Yan should not be hit by oneself, how to be all right, even if, Strength will not be so big. 沉默,十分不明白的雪魔天猿不理解东方焱不是应该被自己打中了吗,怎么会没事,就算如此,力量也不会比自己还大吧。 Hehe, very surprise? However the demon beast worthily is demon beast, adds on Strength that the octupole octopole collapses to shoulder by my Monster Power Divine Confusing looks like the center of the earth quenches the body breast is really a good thing.” 呵呵,很诧异吗?不过魔兽不愧为魔兽,以我怪力乱神加上八极崩的力量都能扛下来看来地心淬体乳果真是个好东西啊。” Flung the waving the arms about corners of the mouth to bring chuckle, present snow demon day ape mortal body defense is good, indeed so can receive this fist this to make Dongfang Yan recognize under own sneak attack the center of the earth quenched body breast good thing to come. 甩了甩手嘴角带着轻笑,眼前的雪魔天猿肉身防御不错,尽然能在自己的偷袭下接下这一拳这让东方焱认定了地心淬体乳这个好东西来着。 Your this fellow, center of the earth quenches the body breast is my, will not give you!!!” “你这个家伙,地心淬体乳是我的,不会让给你!!!” The build rises suddenly, becomes the snow demon day ape of mildew big diamond makes Dongfang Yan stare instantaneously, personally sees the brought feeling is also very different, is just like the green giant changes before you body is the same. 体型暴涨,瞬间成为白毛大金刚的雪魔天猿让东方焱一愣,亲眼所见所带来的感觉又很不一样了,就好比绿巨人在你面前变身一样。 Build was actually big much, but strength promotion actually does not drop, such selected the strength not to blame me to bully the animal.” “体型倒是大了不少,不过实力提升的却不咋滴啊,这么点实力就别怪我欺负动物了。” The gravity bracelet takes back Gate of Babylon, the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth brings to tease Hundred Grand Techniques, Monster Power Divine Confusing coordinates the octupole octopole to collapse adds on Eight Celestial Divination Gates to open three doors continually, this fist will possibly want the short remaining life of mildew diamond. 重力手镯收回王之财宝,东方焱嘴角带着戏谑百豪之术,怪力乱神配合着八极崩加上八门遁甲连开三门,这一拳可能会要了白毛金刚的老命。 Fights with the fists on the snow demon day ape after wild, formidable Strength makes it fly upside down directly, but dashes the cavern to lie down in not far away place motionlessly does not know the life and death. 一拳打在狂暴后的雪魔天猿身上,强大的力量直接让它倒飞而出撞破洞穴躺在不远处的地方一动不动不知生死。 Center of the earth quenches the body breast is my, UU reads “地心淬体乳是我的,UU看书 Since you can the start to talk speech think that certainly has existence of demon nucleus, therefore, must blame to blame itself being too small and weak 你既然能开口说话那么想必一定有魔核的存在吧,所以,要怪就怪自己太弱小了” Appears in instantaneously lying down fights with the fists in the front of snow demon day ape the ground has not restored the primary form, in the hand appears together by long spear of flame formation, in the snow demon day ape had not responded when then a spear/gun inserts its chest, a big blood spurted came out Dongfang Yan. 瞬间出现在躺在地上还没恢复过来的雪魔天猿的面前被一拳打回原形,手中出现一道由火焰形成的长枪,在雪魔天猿还没反应过来之际便一枪插进它的胸口,一大口的鲜血喷了出来东方焱 Sorry, your demon nucleus I also wanted.” “抱歉,你的魔核我也要了。” Sewed the snow demon day ape on ground, the squatting lower part of the body left hand penetrated the brain of snow demon day ape directly, along with Dongfang Yan slowly took to make a move, the pupil of snow demon day ape started gradual being defeated and dispersed, but were many in Dongfang Yan's in the hand blue demon nucleus. 把雪魔天猿钉在地上,蹲下身左手直接穿透了雪魔天猿的大脑,随着东方焱缓缓的拿出手,雪魔天猿的瞳孔开始逐渐的溃散,而在东方焱的手中则是多了个蓝色的魔核。 Good the flame to have gone in the center of the earth quickly quenches the body breast to take walked quickly, some people came.” “好了焱快进去把地心淬体乳拿了快走,有人来了。” , is bringing already dies thoroughly snow demon day ape corpse(s) that Yao Lao made noise the reminder, Dongfang Yan looks in front of the eye to approach the silhouette chuckle that several silhouette flashed passes to stay behind. 药老出声提醒,东方焱瞄了眼前面靠近的人影轻笑了几声身影一闪即逝留下的只有带着已经死透了的雪魔天猿尸体 Enters the cavern, does not want to directly soar the place that the induction is , the center of the earth that was surrounded by the skeleton quenched the body breast unable to entice the Dongfang Yan's interest. 进入洞穴,没有多想直奔感应所在的地方,那被骸骨所包围的地心淬体乳勾引不了东方焱的兴趣。 The vision looks at stalactite upwards directly, rises with a spring to fly high to stand is putting out a hand to the stalactite root, Yao Lao has not seen a law emergence, the pure energy makes Dongfang Yan quiet Cultivation Technique change. 目光直接看向上方的钟乳石,一跃而起凌空而立对着钟乳石根部伸手,一个药老所没见过的法阵出现,精纯的能量让东方焱原本沉静的功法有所异动。 Dongfang Yan that however already discovered may, no matter that many preoccupied part to say again, under had been diluted the center of the earth quenched the body breast not to let off. 不过已经被人发现的东方焱可不管那么多先取出一部分再说,就连下方被稀释过的地心淬体乳也没放过。 How not to take completely must leave behind the strategy protection.” “怎么不全部取走还要留下阵法保护。” Dongfang Yan that looks at sneaks off, Yao Lao the tone inquiry that uses to have doubts very much. 看着开溜的东方焱,药老用着很疑惑的语气询问。 Myriad things all have mystical powers, did not say that objectively I am a good person, works to keep one, in the future will meet well, has taking advantage, has not borrowed again difficultly. The callow rookie has become an old pro, three chapters do not need reason.” “万物皆有灵,不客观的说我是一个好人,做事留一线,日后好相见,正所谓有借有还,再借不难。一回生,二回熟,三回不需要理由。”
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