MTOAW :: Volume #5

#423: 9 quiet underground spring other shore

Chapter 423: Nine quiet underground spring other shore 第423章:九幽黄泉彼岸 Is hugging praying, nearby looks at spring summer fishing Fei'er with oneself Father, the covered up train of thought starts to return knows freely these not real, the present all are miss the illusion, but Dongfang Yan is not willing to wake up. 搂着祈,看着一旁和自己父亲春夏钓鱼的菲儿,被遮掩的思绪开始回归尽管知道这些都不是真的,眼前的一切全都是自己思念所化的幻境,可是东方焱就是不愿意醒来。 At present here nobody raises any doubts about Little Ai, this makes Dongfang Yan understand instantaneously. 眼前这里却没有人提起关于小爱的任何疑惑,这让东方焱瞬间明白。 Perhaps is because Little Ai keeps own side, missing has been melted, therefore in this illusion does not have existence of Little Ai, no matter present they look like how real, false throughout is false. 或许是因为小爱留在自己的身边,思念得到化解所以这个幻境里没有小爱的存在,不管眼前的她们看起来有多么的真实,假的始终是假的。 Prays, can sing that song for me?” “祈,能为我唱那首歌嘛?” Is holding praying tightly, wants to integrate own body to be ordinary her, buries to pray the face above the jade neck that Dongfang Yan is bringing thickly does not abandon and missing said. 紧抱着祈,想要把她融入自己的身体一般,把脸埋进祈的玉颈之上东方焱带着浓浓的不舍和思念道。 Un.” “嗯。” On the contrary, although some doubts but pray or open the supple lip, the gentle singing sound brings is purifying to make Dongfang Yan gently does not abandon. 相反,虽然有些疑惑但祈还是张开柔唇,温柔的歌声带着净化一切的温柔让东方焱更加的不舍。 Finally, stays behind only then many does not abandon and missing, perhaps saw this time Dongfang Yan's condition, prays puts out a hand gently strokes his face gentle sound to bring encouragement. 一曲终焉,留下的只有很多的不舍和思念,或许是看出了此时东方焱的状态,祈伸手轻轻的抚摸着他的脸轻柔的声音带着鼓励。 Does not have the relations, flame also has a more important matter to do, therefore goes back quickly.” “没关系的哦,焱还有更重要的事情要做,所以快回去吧。” Prays?” “祈?” Stares, looks at of Dongfang Yan surprise prays this time praying actually as before is that familiar smiling face closes one's eyes in a soft voice was singing. 一愣,东方焱诧异的看着祈此时的祈却依旧是那熟悉的笑容闭着眼轻声的歌唱着。 Singing sound invisible, actually along with praying the singing sound sky starts the avalanche is similar to the mirror reveals the black hole shatter generally, along with praying gentle singing sound, sky, sea, even Tohru of under foot also all shatter becomes the fragment vanishes. 歌声无形,却随着祈的歌声天空开始崩塌如同镜子破碎一般露出黑洞,伴随着祈温柔的歌声,天空,海洋,甚至就连脚下的托尔也全都破碎成碎片消失。 Inori!!!” 祈!!!” Panic-stricken, had a scare by all of surrounding disintegration, toward praying to look at the past, this time Yuzuriha Inori looked like a person of shattering occasionally, the shatter place revealed the ray looks like ceramics does general. 惊恐,被周围崩碎的一切吓了一跳,朝着祈看过去,此时的楪祈就像是一个坏掉的人偶般,破碎的地方露出光芒就像是一个陶瓷所做一般。 Does not have the relations, currently the flame also has a more important matter to do, must win absolutely.” “没关系的哦,现在焱还有更加重要的事情要做了,绝对要赢哦。” The gentle smiling face frames, puts out a hand to touch the Dongfang Yan's face, what a pity finally was actually bang sonic boom has become enlightened the purple fluorescence, like was firefly disappearance. 温柔的笑容定格,伸手想要触摸东方焱的脸,可惜最后却是嘭的一声爆开成了紫色的荧光,像是萤火虫一样的消失。 Prays ............ When I go back me certainly to lead you to go to the seashore, certain.” “祈…………等我回去我一定会带你去海边,一定的。” Puts out a hand catches to pray the purple luminous spot, in the Dongfang Yan heart fills was grieved and sad, when the ray vanishes thoroughly, Dongfang Yan has stood, faces periphery pitch-dark all fearless Dongfang Yan vision tranquil start to talk to say. 伸手接住祈所化的紫色光点,东方焱心中充满了心痛和难过,当光芒彻底消失,东方焱站了起来,面对着周围黑漆漆的一切无所畏惧的东方焱目光平静的开口道。 Thank you make me see them, although is because that missing in my heart, may probably thank, then you should be without a fight now,” “谢谢你让我看见她们,尽管是因为我心中的那份思念,可还是得谢谢,那么现在你是不是该束手就擒了,” As the Dongfang Yan's words said, was the dark space had transmitted roaring immediately, then various demon beasts appeared in this piece of space. 随着东方焱的话说完,原本是黑暗的空间顿时传来了咆哮,接着各种魔兽出现在这片空间。 The black aura of whole body sending out does not need to look much also understands that this is the dead souls, the resentful spirit that nine was bitten the soul flower to swallow the demon beast soul that changes to quiet, becomes the puppet same thing, whatever nine bite the soul flower obligation quiet. 浑身散发的黑色气息不用多看也明白这就是死灵,被九幽噬魂花所吞噬的魔兽灵魂化作的怨灵,成为傀儡一样的东西任由九幽噬魂花驱使。 Strength compared with before death approximately Samsung about.” “实力比生前大约强了三星左右。” At present various dense and numerous dead souls, Dongfang Yan narrows the eyes to focus on the whole body starting to present the woods white flame, faces roaring of dead souls to belong to Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame to start the gradual eruption the proper strength. 眼前密密麻麻的各种死灵,东方焱眯着眼周身开始出现森白色的火焰,面对着死灵的咆哮属于灭妖神火纯质阳炎开始逐渐的爆发出应有的实力。 Perhaps feels the danger, kept off by the dead souls in behind nine bites the soul to waste to send out the light dim light quiet, that was similar to the evil spirit gaze. 或许是感受到了危险,被死灵挡在身后的九幽噬魂花散发出淡淡的幽光,那是如同恶灵般的注视。 Isn't the dead souls? When really I do not have the means solution.” “不就是死灵嘛?真当我没办法解决吗。” The governing sword Secret Art starts, surrounding Pure Yang Flame changes to the sharp sword to aim at the dead souls of roaring, periphery faces the attack that the dead souls are sending out, Dongfang Yan does not hide does not dodge the fiery red sword shadow band whistling the wind sound/rumor to flush away toward the dead souls, the explosive sound is unceasing. 御剑诀发动,周围的纯质阳炎化作利剑对准着咆哮的死灵,面对着死灵发出的攻击,东方焱不躲不闪周围火红的剑影带着呼呼的风声朝着死灵冲去,爆炸声不断。 Faces is having overwhelming Strength, the dead souls completely do not have point means that if the match is only an demon beast, the side cold domain that demon useful overwhelming Strength of dead souls body, what a pity will be facing continually the soul spirit freeze, in addition has Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire and blue lotus of pent-up anger injury addition to the monster. 面对着拥有压倒性的力量,死灵全然没有一点的办法,如果对手只是一头魔兽,死灵体的魔灵就会有用压倒性力量,可惜面对着连灵魂都会被冻结的极寒领域,再加上对妖怪拥有伤害加成的灭妖神火和青莲地心火。 Nine bite the soul quiet flower...... Throws the street...! 九幽噬魂花……扑街…! More is felt that nine bite soul to be colored quiet, the wind sound/rumor that surroundings that wū wū such as the ghost sobs more was obviously is also rolled to extinguish it of dead souls to face overwhelming victory Dongfang Yan, can only say, artificial knife and chopping block I for fish. 越是感觉九幽噬魂花,周围那呜呜如鬼泣的风声也越是明显不过被团灭了死灵的它面对着压倒性胜利的东方焱,只能说,人为刀俎我为鱼肉。 Is very good, this type of medicinal herb has very big help regarding the soul that patching Teacher is damaged.” “很好,这种药材对于修补老师受创的灵魂有很大的帮助。” Satisfaction during smiles to receive to abstain, the surroundings are similar to nine quiet Hell illusion make a Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle, the in the hand condensation woods white flame wave the illusion to be shattered. 满意的一笑收入纳戒之中,周围还是如同九幽地狱般的幻境让东方焱眉头不由的一皱,手中凝聚森白色火焰挥手间幻境破灭。 , mentioned the round trip seashore also is really a good choice, benifit of seashore, to eating seafood at the same time can appreciate Kurumi their swim suit ............ “呼,说起来去海边还真的是一个不错的选择了,海边的福利,不对吃海鲜的同时能欣赏狂三她们的泳装…………” Falls into the strange fantasy Dongfang Yan is only thinks to think excited, but how that thinks to solve the present matter at present. 陷入奇怪幻想的东方焱光是想想就觉得兴奋,不过目前那嘛还是想想怎么解决眼前的事情。 Yo comes out.” “呦出来啦。” Place that returns to vanish from the beginning, just came out then to see Yao Lao in every possible way bored in such skeleton nearby chaotic revolutions, this made Dongfang Yan reveal actually awkwardly smiled. 回到一开始消失的地方,刚一出来便看见药老百般无聊的在这样尸骸边上乱转,这倒是让东方焱露出尴尬的一笑。 Also is, in your mysterious methods, hard to deal with point medicinal herb was also slightly insufficient to be worried, while you nine were bitten the soul flower carries off quiet, UU reads “也是,以你那些神奇的手段,一个稍微难缠了一点的药材而已还不至于担心,诺,在你被九幽噬魂花拉走的同时,UU看书 the associated underground spring directed spirit grass to be handled by me. ” www.uukanshu.com伴生的黄泉引灵草已经被我搞定了。” Throws a strange grass, blushing with shame of Dongfang Yan subconscious catching latter face, Yao Lao is similar to digs the valuable common appearance to make Dongfang Yan very helpless now. 把一株奇怪的草抛过来,东方焱下意识的接住后一脸的汗颜,现在药老如同挖宝一般的样子让东方焱很无奈啊。 Teacher, are you are doing?” 老师,你这是在干嘛?” Hehe, is treasuring hunt for the Master, nine bite the soul flower and underground spring quiet directs existence of spirit grass certainly also to direct soul flower existence.” 呵呵,为师正在寻宝啊,有九幽噬魂花和黄泉引灵草的存在那么就一定还有引魂花的存在。” Was illustrating for Dongfang Yan, while he had doubts to direct the soul flower was anything the time, Yao Lao found has made Dongfang Yan see the flower appearance. 东方焱解说着,正当他疑惑引魂花是啥的时候,药老的一声找到了让东方焱看见了花的样子。 That likely is blood common flowers, the bright red flowers looked from afar looks like by the blood is cast. 那像是鲜血一般的花朵,鲜红的花朵远远看去就像是被鲜血所铸成。 Directs the soul to be colored, was called the heartless flower, the leaf does not see the flower , the flower does not see the leaf, only then can see the floral leaf coexistence in few situations.” “引魂花,又被人称之为无情花,叶子所在之时不见花,花所在之时不见叶,只有在极少数的情况下才能看见花叶共存。” in the hand held the flower, in the Yao Lao eye is filling dismal does not know whether has remembered anything. 手中捧着花,药老的眼中充满了悲凉不知道是否想起了什么。 „Isn't this other shore flower?” “这不就是彼岸花嘛?” Gawked, listening to the introduction of Yao Lao, Dongfang Yan to think instantaneously that miserable story, as well as was symbolizing the love of sad recollection and death. 一愣,听完药老的介绍,东方焱瞬间想到了那个凄凉的故事,以及象征着悲伤的回忆和死亡的爱情。 „Is other shore flower?” “彼岸花?” On the contrary, hears Dongfang Yan's surprise Yao Lao is also the flowers that comes interest very curious looks at in the hand to bloom gracefully. 相反,听见东方焱的诧异药老也是来个兴趣很好奇的看着自己手中的这朵优雅绽放的花朵。 Un, spends for other shore, this is one type in the ghostdom flowers.” “嗯,花开为彼岸,这是一种开在冥界的花朵。” Silent, looks at Yao Lao in the hand flowers Dongfang Yan told Yao Lao some legends as well as about the other shore flower things that oneself knew, this made Yao Lao sigh. 沉默,看着药老手中的花朵东方焱把自己知道的传说以及关于彼岸花的一些东西都告诉了药老,这让药老感叹了很多。 Other shore flower blossoming other shore, how Naiheqiao how, read the Hell heaven, read the flustered, broken heart person worries broken heart, two lines of resentful tears tears two lines, read the flower to blossom to fall, read the right and wrong, whom spending luxuriant to come, whose mistake the flower fell is.” “彼岸花开花彼岸,奈何桥怎度奈何,一念地狱天堂,一念人心惶惶,断肠人愁愁断肠,两行怨泪泪两行,一念花开花落,一念是非对错,花开正茂谁来过,花落又是谁的错。”
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