MTOAW :: Volume #5

#422: Competition

Chapter 422: Competition 第422章:比赛 Present troop young girl is also creating a disturbance, Dongfang Yan sat in the one side initiated dull, looked is creating a disturbance several people of Dongfang Yan to fall into confusedly. 眼前的一大群少女在还中打闹着,东方焱坐在一旁发起了呆,望着打闹中的几人东方焱陷入了迷茫。 Elder Brother gets down plays together.” “呐哥哥下来一起玩啊。” Noisily becomes with Menjou Hare one group of Fei'er looks at does not know that is thinking anything's Dongfang Yan lifts small hand to wield happily is shouting greatly, this made was creating also a disturbance several people also stop. 校条祭闹成一团的菲儿看着不知道在想什么的东方焱举着小手挥动着开心大喊道,这让原本还打闹着的几人也是停了下来。 Un, good I came.” “嗯,好吧我来了。” scratched the cheek, sets out Dongfang Yan to run toward the people, but has not arrived splashes water by Fei'er, does not know that has led the audience, one group of people gather round Dongfang Yan to splash water, this lets the counter-attack that Dongfang Yan refuses to admit being inferior. 挠了挠脸颊,起身东方焱朝着众人跑去,只不过还没到就被菲儿泼水,不知道是不是带动了全场,一群人围着东方焱泼水,这让东方焱不甘示弱的反击着。 Was right, Ikaros?” “对了,伊卡洛斯了?” Narrows the eyes to focus on Dongfang Yan of happy looks at that pursued roaming everywhere with a smile, spring the summer observed the situation the people to discover fiercely has probably been short of a person. 眯着眼开心笑着的看着那被追的到处游的东方焱,春夏环视了一下众人猛的发现了好像少了一个人。 Also is, where Ikaros went.” “也是,伊卡洛斯去哪里了。” Hears the Ouma Haruka words, Saeko Busujima also to seek for Ikaros silhouette to be a pity that has not actually seen. 听见樱满春夏的话,毒岛冴子也是寻找着伊卡洛斯身影可惜却没看见。 Can play.” “会不会去玩了。” Asking of Yuechu doubts, but traded people's denial, was absolutely impossible by the Ikaros disposition. 初月疑惑的问到,只不过换来了众人的否定,以伊卡洛斯的性格是绝对不可能的。 While the people had doubts Dongfang Yan actually fierce one afterward looked, the eyes of king had discovered instantaneously that person stands in seabed Ikaros alone, this made the Dongfang Yan heart be touched. 就在众人疑惑的同时东方焱却猛的一愣随后一看,王之眼瞬间发现了那一个人孤零零站在海底的伊卡洛斯,这让东方焱心被触动了。 Has almost forgotten, Ikaros will not swim probably.” “差点忘记了,伊卡洛斯好像不会游泳。” Downward dives, Ikaros had also discovered oneself four items of relative Dongfang Yan picked up the speed, falls on her front. 往下一潜,伊卡洛斯也是发现了自己四目相对东方焱加快了速度,落在她的面前。 Mast ............ “mast…………” Wish of instinct called Dongfang Yan, but opens the mouth sea water on unceasing spilled into the mouth of Ikaros, this made Dongfang Yan have a scare goes forward to grasp Ikaros hastily, contained that pair of supple lip, the strength of swallowing attempts the aspiration sea water. 本能的想要叫东方焱,可是一张口海水就不断的涌进伊卡洛斯的嘴里,这让东方焱吓了一跳连忙上前一把抱住伊卡洛斯,一口含住那双柔唇,吞噬之力试图吸出海水。 But Ikaros was actually frightened by the Dongfang Yan's movement does not dare to move, person but who the looks at belt worries, both hands hesitates behind him. 可是伊卡洛斯却被东方焱的动作吓得更本不敢动,只是看着带着着急的人,双手在他背后犹豫起来。 But the sorption sorption has forgotten Dongfang Yan, space of the waving king isolated the sea water, Dongfang Yan started to taste Ikaros that tender small tongue, this made the Ikaros elegant face ruddy. 而吸着吸着就忘了的东方焱,一挥手王之空间隔绝了海水,东方焱开始品尝伊卡洛斯那柔嫩的小舌,这让伊卡洛斯俏脸红润起来。 M ............ master ......... “m…………master………” Sends out not clearly wū wū the sound, Ikaros put out a hand to grasp Dongfang Yan finally, calmly closed one's eyes to somebody's running amuck. 发出不清楚的呜呜声,最后伊卡洛斯还是伸手抱住了东方焱,静静地闭上眼任由某人的胡作非为。 This fellow!!!!” “这个家伙!!!!” In the eye is bringing ashamed and resentfully, naturally saw this Kotori gnash one's teeth the coldly snorted vision to look to one side has put in great inconvenience Tohru anxiously. 眼中带着羞愤,自然看见这一幕的琴里咬牙切齿冷哼了一声目光看向了一旁委屈巴巴的托尔 Tohru, isn't your main body the dragon? Must restore the main body.” “呐托尔,你的本体不是龙吗?要不要恢复本体。” „?” “诶?” Stares, looks at Kotori of Tohru doubts thinks also to nod to comply afterward, a back wing opens, appears along with a Tohru resounding dragon roar giant western big dragon in airborne, throws into the into the sea|nautical mile, in the eye reveals the comfortable look, looked from afar looked like turns into islands to be the same. 一愣,托尔疑惑的看着琴里想了想随后也点头答应下来,后背一对翅膀张开,随着托尔一声响亮的龙吟一头巨大的西方巨龙出现在空中,一头扎进海里,眼中露出舒爽的眼神,远远看去就像是变成了一座岛屿一样。 But a moment ago Tohru that dragon roar makes Dongfang Yan recovering bring an awkwardness of elegant face flood red Ikaros Dongfang Yan face. 只不过刚才托尔的那声龙吟东方焱回过神来带着俏脸泛红的伊卡洛斯东方焱一脸的尴尬。 Yo came out, I also think that you also wanted some time.” “呦出来了,我还以为你还要一段时间了。” Is having the vague meaning, Kotori tsundere leaning is excessive. 带着若有若无的意思,琴里傲娇的偏过头去。 This ............ “这个…………” Awkward smiles, the corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, moved sideways to arrive in front of Kotori also to frighten her to jump, but was hugged by Dongfang Yan in the bosom rubs the face to say. 尴尬的一笑,嘴角微微翘起,一个闪身来到琴里面前还吓了她一跳,只不过被东方焱一把抱在怀里蹭着脸道。 For a long time has not seen my lovable Younger Sister, controlled as the younger sister also is really neglected duty, the face of Kotori was so soft.” “好久没有看见我可爱的妹妹了,作为妹控还真是失职了,啊琴里的脸还是这么的柔软了。” You, your this Idiot, lets loose me, lets loose me quickly!!!!” “你,你这个笨蛋,放开我,快放开我!!!!” Is revolting unceasingly, but Kotori more is revolts against Dongfang Yan to be also more excited, finally does Kotori to redden all over the face, whole person clever was similar to the Dongfang Yan bosom gives up the revolt being ordinary. 不断地反抗着,只是琴里越是反抗东方焱也就越是兴奋,搞得最后琴里满脸通红,整个人乖巧的靠在东方焱怀里如同放弃了反抗一般。 Flame I was hungry, “焱我饿了, To eat the meat meat. ” Some airhead Akame have drawn Dongfang Yan, felt own belly one hungrily the appearance let Dongfang Yan, helpless. 想吃肉肉。”有些天然呆赤瞳拉了拉东方焱,摸着自己的肚子一副饿了的样子让东方焱无奈了起来。 Un, then comes to a time seashore to have sumptuous seafood feast to be what kind of rarely.” “嗯,那么难得来一次海边就吃一顿丰盛的海鲜大餐怎么样。” Un, words I of seafood feast already want to eat actually.” “嗯,海鲜大餐的话其实我早就想吃了。” Menjou Hare of hearing this nod does not know hastily is somewhat embarrassed or anything, the elegant face some flood is coming slightly red. 闻言连忙点头的校条祭不知道是不是有些不好意思还是什么,俏脸微微有些泛红来着。 Seafood feast, the flame I want!! I want!!!” “海鲜大餐,焱我要!!我要!!!” Hears the feast to flash the bright vision to fix the eyes on Dongfang Yan on the mouth-watering Tohka eye, this makes Dongfang Yan not have the means regarding Tohka this glutton. 听见大餐就流口水的十香眼中闪着亮光的目光紧盯着东方焱,这让东方焱对于十香这个吃货毫无办法啊。 We went to go to sea to pay special attention together.” “那我们大家去一起下海去抓好了。” Gives the proposition, this makes Dongfang Yan approve, looked at the eye to float in Tohru that in the sea level fluttered shows a faint smile, lets go to hold Saeko and sacrifice then leaps steady falling to carry on the back in Tohru. 给出提议,这让东方焱赞同起来,看了眼浮在海面上飘过来的托尔微微一笑,松手抱着冴子和祭便是一跃稳稳的落在托尔背上。 Afterward the complete people were brought to carry on the back to Tohru separately, one group of people start to discuss that the person grasps. 随后全部人分别被带到托尔背上,一群人开始商量起来那么人去抓。 We go, has Yuechu evades the water formation by our strengths, lets offer a sacrifice to and pray them to remain well.” “我们去吧,有初月的避水阵以我们的实力还是可以的,让祭和祈她们留下来就好。” Esdeath gives the proposition, this lets the nod that they approve. 艾斯德斯给出提议,这让她们赞同的点头。 Yuzuriha Inori remains to play, other people seize the seafood, as for Dongfang Yan in Tohru carries on the back to prepare the tool. 楪祈留下来玩,其余人就去抓捕海鲜,至于东方焱则是在托尔的背上准备工具。 Then we come the seafood that whom compares to grasp to be better. UU reads “那么我们就来比比谁抓的海鲜更好吧。UU看书 Warms-up, Saeko Busujima is showing a faint smile looks at every large or small several people of start to talk to say at present, also merely is only everybody promotes the one performance of sentiment like this competition. 活动着身体,毒岛冴子微微一笑看着眼前大大小小的几人开口道,像这种比赛也仅仅只是大家增进感情的一种表现而已。 Ara ara, if only this does not have the meaning merely.” 阿拉阿拉,如果仅仅只是这样多没意思。” The corners of the mouth bring teasing, Kurumi to wave appear Angel Emperor of Time, the body as before is the red bikini. 嘴角带着戏谑,狂三挥手显出天使刻刻帝,身上依旧是红色比基尼。 Your meaning is ......... Can add some gambling stakes?” “你的意思是………要加一些赌注吗?” The brow selects, Kotori looks at Kurumi spoke, such long being together Kotori also naturally understands that the Kurumi disposition, will say this saying generally speaking to have any gambling stake and so on. 眉头一挑,琴里看着狂三说到,这么久的相处琴里自然的明白狂三的性格,说出这话一般来说都会有什么赌注之类的。 Hehe.” 呵呵。” Regarding this, Kurumi smiles not to speak merely, but the people understand, went to sea to stress the minor matter of fish to turn into a competition. 对此,狂三仅仅只是笑而不语,只不过众人都明白,下海抓鱼的这种小事已经变成了一场比赛。 Also right, if only this that is merely senseless, was inferior that some gambling stakes increased some qualities of being worth looking at to be good.” “也对,如果仅仅只是这样那多无趣,不如加一些赌注增加一些看头好了。” Esdeath has approved of the proposition of Kurumi, nodded this actually other silent earnestly including Esdeath start to talk, then the so-called gambling stake certainly will appear. 艾斯德斯赞同了狂三的提议,认真点头道这倒是让其余人沉默下来连艾斯德斯开口了,那么所谓的赌注就一定会出现。 „After might as well bet the flame comes back three days of time to be what kind.” “不如就赌焱回来后的三天时间怎么样。” Does not know that has thought of anything, Saeko Busujima start to talk this once more lets not have any interest Menjou Hare and the others is also inclines the head and listens attentively. 不知道想到了什么,毒岛冴子再次的开口这让原本还没什么兴趣的校条祭等人也是侧耳倾听起来。 Three days of time?” “三天时间?” Several people have looked at each other one, listened to the so-called gambling stake is anything, burnt 7 to get up. 几人对视了一眼,都从中听出了所谓的赌注是什么,一个个的都燃了7起来。 Right, after betting three days of time, except for other person people of achievement cannot disturb what kind of this in these three days.” “没错,就赌回来后的三天时间,在这三天里除了获胜的人其余人不能去打扰这怎么样。” As the gambling stake appears, people was silent to look at each other mutually has done mental arithmetic approved this gambling stake. 随着赌注出现,众人一个个的沉默起来互相对视了一眼算是认同了这个赌注。 Such being the case, the reason of then not having participated.” “既然如此,那么就没有不参加的理由了。”
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