MTOAW :: Volume #5

#421: Real illusory

Chapter 421: Real illusory 第421章:真实还是虚幻 Enters the cavern, the dim space subconscious feel fear, what a pity faces is having different fire Dongfang Yan, this minor matter simply does not have any influence, did not say Divine Sense, the flame emitted same can look gently neat. 进入洞穴,昏暗的空间让人下意识的感到害怕,可惜面对着拥有异火的东方焱来说,这点小事根本没有任何的影响,不说神识了,火焰放出一样能看的轻轻楚楚。 Walks in this cavern, chill/yin cold as well as the intense malignant influences and resentment read are also more and more serious this actually make the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle tightly. 行走在这洞穴中,一股阴寒以及强烈的煞气和怨念也是越来越凝重这倒是让东方焱眉头紧皱了起来。 Flame, inside ......... May have the risk.” “焱,里面………可能会有风险。” Soul Strength is stronger than Dongfang Yan, naturally Yao Lao had also discovered in unusual, on the face is having the serious expression, although the treasure is good, but must have the life to take, is just like your money many also to have the life to go to the flower again. 灵魂力量东方焱强,自然药老也是发现了里面不同寻常的一幕,脸上带着严肃的表情,宝贝虽好,可是也要有命去取啊,就好比你钱再多也要有命去花。 Dangerous often/common Ban opportunity, moreover this type of quenching body formidable day material treasure I do not want to give up, Akame they need this type of thing, therefore their I goes certainly back to try for Akame.” “危险常伴着机遇,况且这种淬体强大的天材地宝我也不想放弃,赤瞳她们正是需要这种东西,所以为了赤瞳她们我是一定回去试试的。” Firm taking step, unties the suppression of gravity bracelet to Battle Qi, Divine Sense is at the tight condition, the different fire protected oneself Heaven and Earth Sword, Wang Quan Sword also takes in the hand. 坚定的迈出步伐,解开重力手镯对斗气的压制,神识处于紧绷状态,异火护身就连天地一剑,王权剑也被拿在了手里。 Also is, has the opportunity in your method.” “也是,以你的手段还是有机会的。” looks at entered the readiness condition Dongfang Yan, Yao Lao feels the chin to whisper release once more soul Strength, this time saw was that occupied the woods white skeleton of entire cavern ground. 看着进入备战状态的东方焱,药老摸着下巴嘀咕了一路再次的释放出灵魂力量,这次所看见的却是那占据了整个洞穴地面的森白骸骨。 This is ............ “这是…………” The skeleton of shocking woods white in cavern, reflects the pale gloss to have one bunch of rays to fall, the cold light of bright ray and dim skeleton forms the conspicuous contrast. 震惊森白色的骸骨在洞穴,反射着惨白的光泽正中间有一束光芒落下,明亮的光芒与昏暗骸骨的寒光形成显眼的对比。 Nine bite the soul to be colored quiet!!” “九幽噬魂花!!” looks at that appears the exceptionally gently beautiful flowers under the light beam, Yao Lao was also shocked, but thinks that its characteristics were also flustered. 看着那在光束下显得异常柔美的花朵,药老也被震惊了一下,不过一想到它的特性却又慌张了起来。 Flame is careful its attack!!” “焱小心它的攻击!!” Fierce turning around actually discovered that Dongfang Yan already vanished does not see, Axi who this lets a Yao Lao face, helpless expression. 猛的转过身却发现东方焱早已消失不见,这让药老一脸的阿西吧无奈表情。 Flame your this fellow, I am the soul body approach bite the soul flower without doubt am the behavior of courting death, but also has the means.” “焱你这个家伙,我可是灵魂体靠近噬魂花无疑是找死的行为,不过也不是没有办法。” This is ......... “这是………” A face compels ignorant, when a moment ago white light flashes through together opens eyes once more, a skeleton of place actually turned into the crowded street, on nearby street also has to howl, but automobile. 一脸的懵逼,刚才一道白光闪过再次睁开眼时,原本一地的骸骨却变成了人来人往的街道,一旁的马路上还有着呼啸而过的汽车。 Elder Brother, you how?” 哥哥,你怎么了?” The lower hem corner was drawn Dongfang Yan subconscious lowering the head of doubts to look at the past, a bright and intelligent Fei'er face curious looked at to be in the hand Wang Quan Sword actually turned into Fei'er's small hand. 衣角被人拉了拉疑惑的东方焱下意识的低头看过去,水汪汪的菲儿正一脸好奇的望着自己原本应该是自己手中王权剑却变成了菲儿的小手 Fei'er?” 菲儿?” Knits the brows, Dongfang Yan emits Divine Sense to try to investigate the securable result is present Fei'er and periphery all is real, but Dongfang Yan actually knows that this is false, actually does not know how should eradicate. 皱着眉,东方焱放出神识试图侦查可得到的结果却是眼前的菲儿和周围的一切全都是真实的,可是东方焱却知道这是假的,却又不知道该怎么去破除。 Un, is Fei'er, how Elder Brother are you uncomfortable?” “嗯,是菲儿哦,哥哥你怎么了是不舒服吗?” Tilts the head, shows the Fei'er routine doubts expression, this makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle tightly 歪着头,露出菲儿习惯性的疑惑表情,这让东方焱眉头更加的紧皱起来 Real illusory? 真实的虚幻? Also or is...... 亦或者是…… Illusory reality. 虚幻的真实。 Elder Brother walks quickly, Akame-nee they were waiting for us.” “呐哥哥快走吧,赤瞳姐姐她们正在等我们了。” On the contrary, Fei'er holds Dongfang Yan's to run to think Dongfang Yan of matter toward the front, whatever Fei'er draws to run, looks at that back knows freely this possibly is false is actually not willing to see through an affair. 相反,菲儿则是拉着东方焱的手朝着前方跑过去想着自己事情的东方焱任由菲儿拉着自己奔跑,看着那背影尽管知道这可能是假的却又不愿意去拆穿。 Observed the surrounding environment to develop here is the present world runs one then to see that already to wait for own one line of Fei'er probably, the Dongfang Yan's heart to be touched. 观察周围的环境发展这里好像是现世跟着菲儿跑了一会便看见那早就等着自己的一行人,东方焱的心被触动。 You may be really slow, must be late including the appointment also is really disappointing.” “你可真慢,连约会也要迟到还真是差劲了。” Draws out Jane|treasure treasure bead of mouth, Kotori is familiar both hands holds tsundere of shoulder as before, but the looks at familiar person Dongfang Yan's feeling is different, one with a smile put out a hand to rub the head of Kotori slightly. 拔出嘴里的珍宝珠,琴里依旧是熟悉的双手抱肩的傲娇着,不过看着熟悉的人东方焱的感觉却不一样,微微一愣笑着伸手揉了揉琴里的脑袋。 Sorry, was I makes a mistake Kotori is that lovable.” “抱歉,是我错了不过琴里还是那么的可爱啊。” Stupid, Idiot!” “笨,笨蛋!” Small face one red, 小脸一红, Does intentionally with raw hate wipes out Dongfang Yan to find the clue make the hand that but in the eye is actually such does not abandon. Ara ara, the flame should.” 故作凶狠的打掉东方焱摸头的手可是眼中却是那么的不舍。“阿拉阿拉,焱该出发了。” Narrows the eye to smile, while does not pay attention to move sideways then to pull Dongfang Yan's from the person to depend affectionate on the shoulder to make nearby Tohka not be glad on hand immediately, shouts and wrangles is grabbing Dongfang Yan's another hand angrily stares is not paying attention to her Kurumi. 眯眼一笑,趁着从人不注意闪身便亲昵的挽着东方焱的手头靠在肩上让一旁的十香顿时不乐意起来,大呼小叫着一把抓住东方焱的另一只手气鼓鼓的盯着根本不理会她的狂三 Master.” “master。” On the contrary, Ikaros is calmly stands side Dongfang Yan as before, were not many said that anything is only in the eye presents permits some to long. 相反,伊卡洛斯依旧是静静地站在东方焱身旁,不多说什么只是眼中出现了许些渴望。 Flame also was really happy, so many girl gathered round you, Elder Sister was also very happy.” “焱还真是幸福了,有这么多的女孩子围着你,姐姐也很开心。” In the eye hits the faint smile, Mana is putting out a hand to pull Yoshino small hand not to go to struggle with their several people. 眼中打着浅笑,真名伸手牵着四糸乃小手也没有去和她们几人争。 Hateful, why I and Elder Sister are must stand in the one side that first and flame knows obviously.” “可恶啊,明明我和姐姐是最先和焱认识的为什么要站在一旁。” Is holding Akame's, Kurome very unsatisfied stamping the feet, particularly on Kurumi that face the delightful smiling face coordination focuses on the self-satisfaction making Kurome very discontented. 挽着赤瞳的手,黑瞳很不满意的跺了跺脚,尤其是狂三那脸上甜美的笑容配合着眼中的得意让黑瞳很不满。 Was good, rare everybody gathers together came out to play in this issue do not do again excessively discussed that a bit faster walked, earlier can also play to the destination earlier.” “行了,难得大家聚在一起出来玩就不要再这种问题上做过多讨论了,还是快点走吧,早点到目的地也能早点玩。” Shook the head, very helpless Saeko Busujima has to come out to remind, this makes everybody peaceful only have Dongfang Yan very helpless looks at actually at present tearful eyes tearful Fei'er. 摇了摇头,很无奈的毒岛冴子只好出来提醒道,这倒是让大家安静了下来只有东方焱很无奈的看着眼前泪眼汪汪的菲儿 Walks, didn't the words that does not walk have the time are not must play?” “走吧,再不走的话就没时间了不是还要去玩吗?” The look tries to comfort Fei'er, effect not big one line are what a pity enormous and powerful, noisy walks toward the destination, falls into confused Dongfang Yan to forget gradually present whether real, missing of heart changes to the barrier to cover Dongfang Yan to ponder that the present all are whether real. 眼神试图安抚菲儿,可惜效果不大一行人浩浩荡荡,吵吵闹闹的朝着目的地走去,陷入迷茫的东方焱逐渐忘记眼前的是否真实,心底的思念化作屏障遮挡着东方焱去思考眼前的一切是否真实。 The mouth holds sugar face discontented Kotori, pout(ed) Tohka angrily, charming moving Kurumi, peaceful Ikaros, is bringing Yoshino of delightful smiling face, fills helpless Saeko, holds Elder Sister Akame to be full of the complaint Kurome, the vision is staring at own Tohru, narrows the eyes to focus on as before with a smile, with praying that nearby sacrifice chats, draws Fei'er is being similar to the child spring summer, both hands holds shoulder calm Esdeath, similarly follows to chat several Yuechu in one side calm, is listening to Younger Sister complaint Akame, peaceful and Ikaros as well as must assist in together Arisa. 嘴里含着糖一脸不满的琴里,嘟着嘴气鼓鼓的十香,妩媚动人的狂三,安安静静的伊卡洛斯,带着甜美笑容的四糸乃,充满无奈的冴子,抱着自己姐姐赤瞳充满怨言的黑瞳,目光盯着自己的托尔,眯着眼依旧笑着的露科亚,与一旁祭聊着天的祈,拉着菲儿如同孩子般的春夏,双手抱肩淡定的艾斯德斯,同样淡定跟在一旁是不是聊上几句的初月,听着自己妹妹埋怨的赤瞳,安安静静和伊卡洛斯在一起的亚里沙以及须佐。 The destination, the vast sea, the blue sea seems like such only beautiful, particularly reflects the wave light clear appearance under sunlight, UU reads 目的地,一望无际的大海,碧蓝色的海洋看起来是那么的唯美,尤其是在阳光下反射出波光粼粼的样子,UU看书 Improves on perfection. 更是锦上添花。 Arrived, then everybody changes a swim suit to be what kind of together.” “到了,那么大家一起去换一件泳衣怎么样。” Narrows the eyes to focus on the looks at sea, the happy Kotori start to talk proposition said, this makes the people not have the objection actually. 眯着眼看着大海,心情不错的琴里开口提议道,这倒是让众人没有异议。 As for Dongfang Yan, after arriving at the swim suit shop, is thrown in one side very helpless him has had to change the sand beach trousers then calmly to wait for them at will. 至于东方焱,来到泳衣店后就被扔在了一旁十分无奈的他只好自己随意的换了条沙滩裤便静静等待着她们。 „The flame, do you think this what kind of?” “呐焱,你觉得这件怎么样?” Slenderly fairly is similar to the pearl tender arm grasps itself from behind, the oriental cherry supple lip stays behind the trace on own cheek gently, puts down mild-mannered black hair Kurumi to wear the red bikini to have the charming smiling face to stand in Dongfang Yan at present, this made a Dongfang Yan vision size up this time Kurumi. 纤细白皙如同珍珠般柔嫩的手臂从身后抱住自己,樱花般的柔唇轻轻在自己的脸颊上留下浅浅的痕迹,放下了柔顺黑发的狂三身穿着红色比基尼带着妩媚的笑容站在东方焱眼前,这让东方焱不由的一愣目光打量着此时的狂三 The red bikini is matching Kurumi fairly that like the pearl flesh, looked like has been full of the enticement and sex appeal. 红色的比基尼配着狂三那白皙如珍珠般的肌肤,看起来充满了诱惑与性感。 Un, was very suitable you.” “嗯,很适合你了。” Takes back the vision, Dongfang Yan sends the praise of innermost feelings saying that this makes Kurumi very satisfied smiling of pull on own arm face to show the delightful smiling face. 收回目光,东方焱发着内心的赞美道,这让狂三很满意的笑了笑挽着自己的手臂脸上露出甜美的笑容。 Exchanges Kurome and Akame of swim suit, looks at that is pulling the Dongfang Yan arm, the milk-white bosom somewhat compressed feeling, this makes the Dongfang Yan heart say, this whole life sprinkled the family/home value!!!! 换上泳衣的黑瞳赤瞳,看着那挽着东方焱手臂,酥胸都有些被压扁的感觉,这让东方焱心底直呼,这辈子洒家值了!!!! „The flame, you looked that I and Elder Sister swim suit are what kind of?” “呐焱,你看一下我和姐姐的泳衣怎么样?” Arrives in front of Dongfang Yan decisively, the Kurome vision actually stares at speaking of Kurumi, in the eye was disclosing some warning is the same, what a pity Kurumi is actually complete does not pay attention. 果断来到东方焱面前,黑瞳目光却是盯着狂三的说到,眼中透露着某种某种警告一样,可惜狂三却是完全的不理会。 The hearing this Dongfang Yan vision is sizing up Kurome and Akame, Akame wears the black bikini, Kurome puts on with the Elder Sister same funds, but the chest scale is actually not Level, perhaps is intentionally, the Kurumi corners of the mouth are bringing the chuckle pastes tight Dongfang Yan, the milk-white bosom also by direct compressing, this makes Kurome envy read remnantly. 闻言东方焱目光打量着黑瞳赤瞳,赤瞳穿着黑色比基尼,黑瞳穿着与姐姐同款可是胸部的规模却不是一个等级,或许是故意的,狂三嘴角带着轻笑的更加贴紧东方焱,酥胸也被直接的压扁,这让黑瞳更加的嫉妒残念起来。
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