MTOAW :: Volume #5

#420: Going

Chapter 420: Going 第420章:前往 Sits cross-legged to sit on the bed, supports face looks at elegant face flood red Xiao Yixian, the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth is having the vague happy expression along with dissipation of time, Xiao Yixian gradual lowering the head. 盘腿坐在床上,撑着脸看着俏脸泛红的小医仙,东方焱嘴角带着若有若无的笑意只是随着时间的消逝,小医仙逐渐的低下了头。 Then I left first, Little Ai and small immortal asked Xiao Yixian you.” “那么我先离开了,小爱和小仙儿就拜托小医仙你了。” Puts out a hand to find the clue make to kill to deliver, this makes nod that hastily Xiao Yixian blushes be only nearby Little Ai is not glad, grabs the Dongfang Yan's clothes tearful eyes dim appearance to let the forced smile that Dongfang Yan cannot bear. 伸手一个摸头杀送上,这让小医仙脸红的连忙点头只是一旁的小爱不乐意了,抓着东方焱的衣服泪眼朦胧的样子让东方焱也是忍不住的苦笑起来。 I exit, Little Ai first they together play with Xiao Yixian, quick comes back.” “我只是出去一下,小爱就先跟小医仙她们一起去玩吧,很快就回来的。” Holds Little Ai, squish one under the vision that in Little Ai extremely does not abandon starts to leave, only then Xiao Yixian looks at Dongfang Yan secretly opened mouth anything not to say. 抱起小爱,吧唧了一下在小爱万分不舍的目光下开始离开,只有小医仙偷偷的看着东方焱张了张嘴却什么都没说。 ............... “……………” Vanishes, Father that Little Ai looks at vanishes at present, from originally did not abandon turns into the resentment to read gradually, the peak of head dragon corner/horn and tail started to send out the light black air/Qi, this made Xiao Yixian very helpless actually, looks at eye that to rest fragrant small immortal Xiao Yixian to hesitate. 消失,小爱看着眼前消失的父亲,从原本的不舍逐渐的变成了怨念,头上的龙角和尾巴的顶端都开始散发出淡淡的黑气,这倒是让小医仙很无奈,看了眼那睡得香甜的小仙儿小医仙犹豫了。 Dongfang Yan after as for departure, the strength of change existence then uses to turn into the induction unceasing being far away foreign aid where Otaku's Yao Lao studies. 至于离开后的东方焱,改变存在之力便用着变成宅男的药老哪里学来的感应不断的远离外援。 „Can Teacher, using Power of Space touch the taboo of inner courtyard.” 老师,动用空间之力会不会触动内院的禁忌。” Not well-known mountain range, the aura of opening eyes different fire in inside, but ravine actually space barrier, although has confidence to own space understanding is not actually able to guarantee that can have other any existences. 不知名的山脉,睁开眼异火的气息就在里面,可是山间却有一股空间屏障虽然对自己的空间理解很有把握却无法保证会不会有什么其他的存在。 Where Fallen Heart Flame in burning the day practices breathing exercises tower, if not enter the inner courtyard not to have the opportunity to be close, but my previous time comes time remembers that resembles the barrier of place to be good to be weaker, perhaps here can be a breakthrough mouth.” 陨落心炎在焚天练气塔哪里,如果不进入内院的话是没有机会接近的,不过我上次来的时候记得好像有一个地方的屏障好弱很多,或许这里会是一个突破口。” In the space ring, the mouth bites spicy strip eyes is braving the blood threads is fixing the eyes on at present on computer, once for a while can also listen to complain. 空间戒指中,嘴里咬着辣条眼睛冒着血丝的紧盯着眼前电脑上,时不时的还能听出埋怨来着。 Then please ask that place that Teacher you said where.” “那么请问老师你所说的那个地方在哪里。” Blushes with shame, does not know that makes Yao Lao contact different World game these, has made the mistake anything, present Dongfang Yan is very helpless. 汗颜,不知道让药老接触异世界游戏这些,是不是自己做错了还是什么的,现在的东方焱很无奈啊。 That place ............ “那个地方…………” Movement stop of finger, eyes unprecedented puts aside from computer, lazy stretched oneself appears side Dongfang Yan, since the mountain forest made Yao Lao narrow the eye to have that suddenly did not adapt. 手指的动作停顿,眼睛破天荒的从电脑上移开,慵懒的伸了个懒腰出现在东方焱身旁,久违的山林让药老眯起了眼有那么一时间的不适应。 „Did you decide? That place will possibly have some troubles regarding present you.” “你决定了吗?那个地方对于现在的你来说可能会有一些麻烦。” Un, now I need to promote the strength, why even if there is Cultivation Technique independent refinement not to know, is longing at heart always for Strength, but affects regarding me in this World so-called day material treasure possibly is not very big, useful are not many, besides different fire type of special thing can for me bring the estimate of strength promotion not to be many.” “嗯,现在我需要提升实力,就算有着功法自主的提炼可是不知道为什么,心里总是渴望着力量,而在这个世界所谓的天材地宝对于我来说作用可能不是很大,有用的也不多,除了异火这种特殊的东西外能为我带来实力提升的估计也不多。” Reveals the forced smile, Dongfang Yan stretches out to summon the flame to be very helpless, but comes this World to be possible not only for oneself. 露出苦笑,东方焱伸出召出火焰很无奈,但是来这个世界可不仅仅只是为了自己而已。 Now, Akame they will also live in the space, will lead also a pious life to pass to their Cultivation Technique, although effect not such formidable, but is also considerable. 现在,赤瞳她们也会在空间中居住,同时也会修行传给她们的功法,虽然效果没有自己这么强大但也是可观的。 At least now Akame, Kurome, Saeko, Esdeath their strengths can side by side this World fighting king. 至少现在赤瞳,黑瞳,冴子,艾斯德斯她们的实力就可以比肩这个世界的斗王。 Prays after Mana, because the status strength is to also be able be underestimated, almost fights the king for the peak. 祈和真名因为后的身份实力也是不容小觑的,差不多为巅峰斗王。 Kurumi, Tohka, Kotori, Yuechu, Ikaros they are fight the sovereign to be similar, but fights the sect also to fight continually even massacres, but must differentiate. 狂三,十香,琴里,初月,伊卡洛斯她们就是和斗皇差不多,不过连斗宗也能一战甚至杀掉,不过也是要区分的。 As for Arisa and sacrifice ......... They were the rear services, the words strength promotion that but offered a sacrifice to can also work as a curer. 至于亚里沙和祭………她们就是后勤了,只是祭的话实力提升也能当一个治疗者。 If insists to calculate, oneself can also with fighting the sect contrast, but for the system of concise energy but is deputing unceasingly. 如果硬要算的话,自己也是可以和斗宗对比的,只是为了凝练能量的体系而不断的提纯着。 Each Hundred Grand Techniques cloudy seal the energy of seal will be refined to save, but must do merely is only the packing. 每一次百豪之术阴封印所封印的能量都会被提炼存储起来,而现在要做的仅仅只是填充而已。 Good game also played to suffice, “好吧游戏也玩够了, Should do the proper business, so long as meets don't too troublesome the understanding and effect on Power of Space does not have the issue by you theoretically. ” Moved the body, Yao Lao started to narrow the eyes to focus to recall that far long memory. 该搞正事了,只要遇见的别太麻烦以你对空间之力的理解和作用理论上是没问题的。”活动了一下身体,药老则开始眯着眼回忆着那份远久的记忆。 „If there is not remembered incorrectly...... Should in this direction.” “如果没记错的话……应该在这个方向。” Leaves the general direction with finger, this makes Dongfang Yan rolled the eyes look like a fist to stick very much on his face, sighed Divine Sense to launch, the seal of king appeared in the under foot silver white space synchronously presents this to let the Yao Lao surprise, this was his first time sees the different World domain. 手指出大概的方向,这让东方焱翻了个白眼很像一拳糊在他脸上,叹了口气神识展开,王之印同步出现在脚下银白色的空间出现这让药老诧异了起来,这可是他第一次看见异世界的领域。 The silver white ribbon scatters from under foot the India , China of king, curious Yao Lao subconscious puts out a hand to move to scatter the silver white ribbon that familiar Power of Space also mixes with has never been seeing the thing. 白色的丝带从脚下的王之印中飘散而出,好奇的药老下意识的伸手去触碰飘散的银白色丝带,熟悉的空间之力还夹杂着一股从未见过的东西。 On the contrary, by Divine Sense that the seal of king starts regarding the induction of Power of Space also even more clear, periphery the environment 11 in his Divine Sense prints, until the Divine Sense end cannot discover that banned Dongfang Yan brow wrinkles. 相反,透过王之印发动的神识对于空间之力的感应也越发的清晰,在他的神识中周围的环境11印入,直到神识的尽头也没能发现禁制东方焱眉头不由的一皱起来。 Perhaps was too far, entered look.” “或许是太远了,走进了看看。” Gives own guess, Yao Lao also somewhat has doubts should not, should obviously here. 给出自己的猜测,药老也是有些疑惑起来不应该啊,明明应该就在这里啊。 Un perhaps.” “嗯或许是吧。” Proceeds to leap, after arriving about instantaneously another place has sized up one, releases the strength of king not to respond once more as before the brow wrinkles tightly. 往前一跃,瞬间来到另一处地方左右打量了一眼后再次释放王之力依旧是毫无反应眉头紧皱起来。 How can, be repaired?” “怎么会,难道被修复了?” Feels the chin, UU reads 摸着下巴,UU看书 Puzzled Dongfang Yan release Power of Space once more, the instantaneous strange thing enters in Divine Sense, curious Dongfang Yan subconscious will pass a dangerous sudden emergence to make Dongfang Yan toward that thing movement leap in the future. 一脸不解的东方焱再次的释放空间之力,瞬间一股奇异的东西进入神识中,好奇的东方焱下意识的朝着那个东西移动过去一股危险突然的出现让东方焱往后一跃。 What is this?” “这是啥?” looks at likely is the snake, actually like does not know that is anything's thing actually gives Dongfang Yan one to have the feeling of danger. 看着像是蛇,却又不像不知道是啥的东西却给东方焱一股有危险的感觉。 Profound jade boa constrictor!” “玄玉王蛇!” On the contrary, Yao Lao is different, saw the status of this thing, on the face also brought serious. 相反,药老就不一样了,一眼就看出了此物的身份,脸上也带起了凝重 Flame you must pay attention, this snake has very strong toxicity to be nipped one by it is to fight the king must kneel.” “焱你要注意了,这种蛇有很强的毒性被它咬一口就算是斗王也得跪。” Un.” “嗯。” serious, the flame is encumbered to form one to protect the shield halo present boa constrictor also merely is only vision gloomy and cold looks at Dongfang Yan waits for the opportunity to act. 凝重,火焰缠身形成一道护盾般的光环眼前的王蛇也仅仅只是目光阴冷的看着东方焱伺机而动。 Can make the profound jade boa constrictor appear here, should have any day of material treasure to be right, under a flame direct pointing its head “能让玄玉王蛇出现在这里,应该是有什么天材地宝才对,焱一会直接瞄准它的脑袋下方” Un.” “嗯。” The right hand condenses Power of Space, looks at present profound jade boa constrictor Dongfang Yan conveniently is one round collapses the moon/month dimension blade. 右手凝聚空间之力,看着眼前的玄玉王蛇东方焱顺手就是一发崩月次元刀。 The blade of space approaches profound jade boa constrictor, was actually opened by not a well-known Strength ball, this makes Dongfang Yan stare. 空间之刃靠近玄玉王蛇,却被一股不知名的力量弹开,这让东方焱一愣起来。 I remember that inner courtyard not in outer court, on the road is also the danger numerous, but can also collect the demon nuclear medicinal herb and so on.” “我记得内院不在外院之中,所去的路上也是危险重重,不过也能借此收集一下魔核药材之类的。” Feels the chin, tests the different fire to go the second to kill this boa constrictor, what a pity the result with collapsing the moon/month dimension blade same was shot to open, this made Yao Lao silent actually. 摸着下巴,试着用异火去秒杀这条王蛇,可惜结果和崩月次元刀一样被弹开,这倒是让药老沉默了起来。 Perhaps, has the thing that I want not to be uncertain in his behind that cavern.” “或许,在他身后的那个洞穴里有我想要的东西也不一定。” The corners of the mouth show the smiling face, Dongfang Yan that is earnest flickers moves to the appearance to hold its neck how in the boa constrictor directly, whatever the boa constrictor revolts useless. 嘴角露出笑容,认真起来的东方焱直接瞬移般的出现在王蛇身旁一把抓住它的脖子任由王蛇如何反抗都没什么用。
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