MTOAW :: Volume #5

#419: Was chased down as before

Chapter 419: Was chased down as before 第419章:依旧被追杀中 Wakes up, hits big to feel a strong resentment to read Dongfang Yan is startled the doubts just opened eyes, had any thing to poke to arrive on own face. 醒来,打着大大的哈切感受到一股浓烈的怨念东方焱不由的一怔疑惑的刚睁开眼,就有什么东西戳了上来抵在自己的脸上。 Otou-sama is good excessively, good excessively ......... “啊父亲大人好过分,好过分………” The resentment read, making the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth pull out pulling out ruthlessly, Little Ai in bosom was the resentment reads as before fully. 浓浓的怨念,让东方焱嘴角狠狠的抽了抽,怀中的小爱依旧是怨念满满。 Feels another household of gaze to raise the head looked, sees on the small immortal lovable small face to have curious and doubts. 感受到另一户注视抬起头一看,就看见小仙儿可爱的小脸上带着好奇和疑惑。 Father, how Little Ai Elder Sister this was.” “呐爸爸,小爱姐姐这是怎么了。” Is pedalling the foot, small immortal small hand supports own head not clear appearance to let Dongfang Yan very much is also blushes with shame. 蹬着脚丫子,小仙儿小手撑着自己的脑袋很不明白的样子让东方焱也是一阵汗颜。 This ......... “这个………” Does not know how should say, since Little Ai reduced the build, present she always felt that is not very normal, Little Ai actually does not pay attention to that many, as before is sticking to one's own way of doing things to the Dongfang Yan resentment was reading fully is rubbing, this made Dongfang Yan very helpless. 不知道该怎么说,自从小爱缩小了体型后,现在的她总感觉很不正常啊,小爱却是不理会那么多,依旧是我行我素的对着东方焱怨念满满的蹭着,这让东方焱很无奈。 You also know when to stop to me!!!” “你也给我适可而止吧!!!” Holds down the head of Little Ai, after turning over/standing up gets out of bed , a looks at Little Ai that discontented revolt Dongfang Yan face to blush with shame directly, shaking the head of has no alternative has to put out a hand to find the clue make to kill the comforting revolt Little Ai. 一把按住小爱的头,直接翻身起床后看着小爱那不满的反抗东方焱一脸汗颜,无可奈何的摇了摇头只好伸手摸头杀安抚反抗的小爱 The vision is sizing up the room, sees Xiao Yixian to disappear Dongfang Yan also very much to have doubts. 目光打量着房间,见小医仙不见了东方焱也是很疑惑。 Small immortal, where Mother went.” “小仙儿,妈妈去哪里了。” Mother? Was called by small jade Elder Sister.” “诶妈妈嘛?被小玉姐姐叫走了。” Sets out, to Dongfang Yan putting out a hand small immortal earnest speaking, but the movement that coordinates to seek to hold is really a fierce face blood. 起身,对着东方焱伸手小仙儿认真的说到,只不过配合着求抱抱的动作真的是猛的一脸血啊。 Exited ......... “出去了啊………” Puts out a hand to grasp small immortal affectionate is arriving at the forehead interaction of small immortal with forehead, smelled on the small immortal light delicate fragrance, has embraced tightly takes a breath of small immortal that Dongfang Yan could not bear on that fresh-faced neck, stirred up small immortal giggle smiled tenderly again and again, this made nearby Little Ai narrow the eye, the resentment read was heavy a point. 伸手抱住小仙儿亲昵的用额头抵着小仙儿的额头互动,闻到小仙儿身上的淡淡幽香,东方焱忍不住的搂紧了小仙儿在那粉嫩的脖子上吸了口气,惹得小仙儿咯咯咯的娇笑连连,这让一旁的小爱眯起了眼,怨念又重了一分。 That... We go to ask her to be good.” “那…我们出去找她好不好。” Own clothes were drawn, after Dongfang Yan looked at Little Ai, only felt that is very helpless, what to do clamps in two daughters among me should Ah!! 自己的衣服被人拉了拉,东方焱看了眼小爱后只感觉很无奈啊,夹在两个女儿之间的我该怎么办啊! The left hand draws Little Ai, the right hand is pulling small immortal, on the Dongfang Yan face is having slightly a little not the naturally smiling face, this time Little Ai does not have looks at freely, but that is full of the feeling of hidden bitterness to exist. 左手拉着小爱,右手牵着小仙儿,东方焱脸上带着略微有点不自然的笑容,尽管此时的小爱没有看着自己,可是那股充满幽怨的感觉还是存在啊。 Walks on the road, is listening to talking in whispers of surrounding person, although does not care about direction like animal to make Dongfang Yan not be feeling well, brow slightly wrinkles. 走在路上,听着周围人的窃窃私语虽然不在意可是像个动物一样的指指点点还是让东方焱不爽,眉头略微的一皱起来。 He is that Dongfang Yan, single Tiao our outer court forty individuals also has won very much, it seems like next time will enter the opportunity in inner courtyard more difficult.” “他就是那个东方焱,一个很单挑了我们外院四十几个人还赢了,看来下次进入内院的机会更困难了。” Un un, but he very grows is actually graceful, you see not to have, that golden eyes Little Girl is quite lovable, is really ......... It is not good gives me quickly the first-aid packet......” “嗯嗯,不过他长得倒是挺帅的,你看见没,那个金色眼睛小女孩好可爱,真的是………不行了快给我急救包……” Another also good, now after such attractively grows up , the estimate is a birth of goddess.” “另一个也不错啊,现在就这么漂亮长大后估计又是一位女神的诞生。” You are silly, that the person who called Xiao Yixian although was not the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, but the good and evil can also arrange a first five beautiful woman.” “你们是傻得吧,那个叫小医仙的人虽然算不上倾国倾城,但好歹也能排个前五的美女啊。” Hey hey, first five are impossible, at least is also first three.” 喂喂,前五不可能的,至少也是前三啊。” You let alone, what a pity others the precious flower had to advocate, moreover had you to lose heart including the children, I thought that golden eyes girl actually very lovable.” “你们别说了,可惜别人已经名花有主了,况且连孩子都有了你们还是死了这条心吧,我倒是觉得那个金色眼睛的女孩挺可爱的啊。” Listened to the surrounding person's discussion, the Dongfang Yan brow to select Little Ai turning around golden color dragon pupil looks at that to say particularly own lovable person, narrowed the eyes to focus a dragon prestige gradual crush this let originally fortunately good him in the past unconscious trembles, instinct was vigilant, is let he unconscious swallowing saliva by the feeling that any beast of prey fixed the eyes on. 听着周围人的讨论,东方焱眉头一挑尤其是小爱转过身金色龙瞳看着那个说自己可爱的人,眯着眼一股龙威逐渐的碾压过去这让原本还好好的他不自觉的一颤,本能的警惕起来,一股被什么猛兽所紧盯的感觉让他不自觉的咽了咽口水。 Good Little Ai, we walk.” “好了小爱,我们走吧。” Shot a look at eye that person, Dongfang Yan has drawn Little Ai small hand, afterward let loose Divine Sense to discover before long the Xiao Yixian trail brought two small Loli to leave. 瞥了眼那人,东方焱拉了拉小爱小手,随后放开神识不一会就发现了小医仙的踪迹带着两个小小的萝莉离开。 That dragon prestige the person back of crush already moistened the both legs not on own initiative is trembled to do person actually to be bewildered. 只是那个被龙威所碾压的人后背早已打湿双腿都不自觉的发颤起来搞得身旁的人倒是莫名其妙。 Was here.” “就是这里了嘛。” The looks at present front door, closed one's eyes Divine Sense to discover decisively in inside Xiao Yixian decisive put out a hand to open the door, all frightens Xiao Yixian in the hand was taking the black powder to fall on the ground. 看着眼前的大门,闭上眼神识果断的发现了在里面的小医仙果断的伸手推开门,吓得小医仙手中拿着的黑色粉末全都掉在了地上。 ............... “……………” Their four items of relative, Xiao Yixian awkward smiling of one completely grips to hide the in the hand also remaining black powder in behind hastily. 两人四目相对,小医仙尴尬的笑了笑连忙把手中还剩下的黑色粉末一把全部握住藏在身后 Directly goes forward to arrive at the Xiao Yixian front general, looks at she just like the child making the mistake matter lowered the head does not dare to look own Dongfang Yan actually performance ten points tranquil. 径直的上前来到小医仙的面前,看着她宛如小孩子做错事情一般的低下了头不敢看自己东方焱却表现的十分的平静。 Five star...... Said that and has eaten many.” “五星斗者……说吧又吃了多少。” Looked at the black powder of ground, woods white flame braved to come out to swallow the powder suddenly instantaneously, the sudden flame also frightened Xiao Yixian to jump. 瞄了眼地上的黑色粉末,一股森白色的火焰突然冒了出来瞬间吞噬了粉末,突然出现的火焰还吓了小医仙一跳。 ..................... “…………………” Raised the head, sees Dongfang Yan very tranquilly is looking at itself, the Xiao Yixian lowering the head small face of again blushes. 抬起头,见东方焱十分平静的望着自己,小医仙又重新的低下了头小脸发红起来。 You did not say that I also moe to look, this time combustion time before was slower, your strength promotion too has eaten the beforehand five times quickly. UU reads “你不说我也萌看出来,这次的燃烧时间比以前慢了一些,还有你的实力提升的太快是不是吃了以前的五倍。UU看书 The calm analysis, saw on the appearance face that Xiao Yixian was startled to show really such expression, sighing that had no alternative, put out a hand to hug her gently in the bosom middle course. 冷静的分析,见小医仙一怔的模样脸上露出了果然如此的表情,无可奈何的叹了口气,伸手轻轻把她搂在怀中道。 I did not mean can't eat? Why must hide the truth from me to steal food, even if eats at least must after I completely solve your physique problem, before has not solved absolutely do not bump these things, we did not reach an agreement before had not found the solution was protected you by me, no matter any danger your only needing stood in my behind is good.” “我不是说了不能在吃了嘛?为什么要瞒着我偷吃,就算是吃至少也要在我彻底解决你体质问题后,在没有解决前绝对不要碰这些东西,我们不是说好了嘛在没有找到解决办法前由我来保护你,不管任何的危险你只需要站在我身后就好了。” The Dongfang Yan's words make Xiao Yixian eyes is moist, snuggles Xiao Yixian in the Dongfang Yan bosom nods once more said accordingly. 东方焱的话让小医仙眼睛不由的湿润起来,依偎在东方焱怀中小医仙再次点头应声道。 Un.” “嗯。” Has been replied, Dongfang Yan lets loose Xiao Yixian, looks at she put out a hand, its meaning is self-evident, Xiao Yixian was observing the Dongfang Yan's complexion after hesitant one second cautiously, simultaneously has given Dongfang Yan the surplus black powder. 得到回答,东方焱放开小医仙,看着她伸出了手,其意思不言而喻,在犹豫了一秒后小医仙小心翼翼的观察着东方焱的脸色,同时把剩余的黑色粉末交给了东方焱 Remembered, has me certainly to punish again next time your yo.” “记住了哦,再有下次我一定会惩罚你的呦。” Has blown under Xiao Yixian that exquisite bridge of the nose Dongfang Yan also very helpless spoke of in the hand suddenly to present the flame to burn down, this made in the Xiao Yixian eye reveal actually has not abandoned. 刮了下小医仙那小巧的鼻梁东方焱也很无奈的说到手中突然出现火焰烧掉,这倒是让小医仙眼中露出了不舍。 Was good, first finds a place to have the breakfast, is strolling this school.” “好了,先去找个地方吃早餐吧,然后在逛逛这个学院。” Pinched the cheek of Xiao Yixian to stir up her Dongfang Yan decisively to draw Xiao Yixian small hand shyly toward already discontented Little Ai in the past. 捏了捏小医仙的脸蛋惹得她羞涩不已东方焱果断拉着小医仙小手朝着早就不满的小爱过去。 The second kills finding the clue make killing made Little Ai turn over to the discontented food to show the enjoyment expression discontentedly, daytime brought Little Ai small immortal, Xiao Yixian to stroll the school, in the evening arrived at Little Ai to lord over Dongfang Yan situation. 秒杀般的摸头杀让小爱不满归不满饭还是露出了享受的表情,白天带着小爱小仙儿,小医仙逛学院,晚上就到了小爱独霸东方焱身旁的情况。 Sometimes small immortal also will rub the bedding, this makes Dongfang Yan very helpless, finally does rubs including Xiao Yixian, how the small makeshift bed on the ground can satisfy four people. 有时候小仙儿也会蹭被窝,这让东方焱很无奈,搞得最后连小医仙都来蹭,小小的地铺如何能满足的了四个人。 Finally Dongfang Yan has to move to with the Xiao Yixian same place. 最后东方焱不得不搬到和小医仙一起。
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