MTOAW :: Volume #5

#418: Once more chased down I

Chapter 418: Once more chased down I 第418章:再次被追杀的我 Enters the room, in the simple room makes the Dongfang Yan brow selected to look at eye that spacious bed to look that toward Xiao Yixian discovered she was also one was the flood red small face slightly was red. 进入房间,简朴的屋内让东方焱眉头不由的一挑看了眼那宽大的床朝着身旁的小医仙看过去发现她也是一愣接着又是本就泛红的小脸更加的微红起来。 „, Little Ai together rests the soft bed to be what kind of Xiao Yixian.” “那么,小爱就跟着小医仙一起睡柔软的大床怎么样。” Touches the head of Little Ai, Dongfang Yan smiles is speaking of this to let Xiao Yixian doubts actually looks at he. 摸了摸小爱的脑袋,东方焱微笑着说到这倒是让小医仙一愣疑惑的看着他。 Does not want, where so long as I am resting not to matter with Otou-sama.” “不要,我只要和父亲大人在一起睡哪里都无所谓。” Grasps the Dongfang Yan's waist, Little Ai has not resulted in the appearance that discussed to make Dongfang Yan also very helpless. 一把抱住东方焱的腰,小爱一副没得谈的样子让东方焱也很无奈。 Good good.” “好吧好吧。” Shook the head, Dongfang Yan patted the Little Ai small hand vision to look that to the opens the mouth wants to say anything's Xiao Yixian, showed a faint smile. 摇了摇头,东方焱拍了拍小爱小手目光看向张口想说什么的小医仙,微微一笑起来。 Do not think anything, rested tomorrow's also some to play.” “别多想什么,睡吧明天还有的玩了。” Puts out a hand to trace Xiao Yixian head Dongfang Yan then to prepare to be on the floor, but Xiao Yixian looks at that back did not go forward half step anything not to say on own initiative, was only in the eye somewhat hesitates. 伸手摸了摸小医仙的脑袋东方焱便准备打地铺,而小医仙看着那背影不自觉的上前了半步却什么都没说,只是眼中有些犹豫。 This is the Otou-sama bosom warm? Really good ......... “这就是父亲大人怀里的温暖吗?真好了………” Rests in the Dongfang Yan bosom, Little Ai revealed the crazy female laughter simultaneously unceasingly to rub gently the Dongfang Yan's chest. 睡在东方焱怀中,小爱露出了痴女般的笑声同时不断磨蹭着东方焱的胸膛。 Little Ai, has sufficed.” 小爱,够了哈。” Stops the Little Ai movement hastily, Dongfang Yan very helpless low voice speaking, my daughter possibly so will be how lovable, no, is not good, must bleed. 连忙制止小爱的动作,东方焱很无奈的小声说到,我的女儿怎么可能会这么可爱,不,不行了,要流血了。 Hehe, the Otou-sama warm bosom is only my Dongfang Ai person now, hehe ......... “嘿嘿,父亲大人温暖的怀抱现在只属于我东方爱一个人的,嘿嘿………” Is sticking to one's own way of doing things Little Ai does not pay attention to Dongfang Yan's to stop as before, the movement that Little Ai makes one lose face more and more greatly finally does Dongfang Yan to have both hands to enclasp Little Ai, on the face is bringing, helpless with is not calm. 依旧是我行我素的小爱不理会东方焱的制止,小爱蹭脸的动作越来越大最后搞得东方焱只好双手抱紧小爱,脸上带着无奈和不淡定。 Bosom of Otou-sama, good tight...” 父亲大人的怀抱,好紧…” Enclasped Little Ai has not revolted against instead one to melt general, revealing that dragon corner/horn and Dragon's Tail do not know. 被抱紧的小爱也没有反抗反而一副想要融进去一般,龙角和龙尾都不知道的露了出来。 „, The wait|etc Little Ai tail and corner/horn revealed.” “等,等等小爱尾巴和角露出来了。” Own face by the Little Ai dragon angular point, a flexible tail was being swung this to make Dongfang Yan very not calm, just present Little Ai probably fell into any strange condition unable to awaken. 自己的脸被小爱的龙角顶着,还有一条灵活的尾巴在摆动着这让东方焱很不淡定,只不过现在的小爱好像陷入了什么奇怪的状态根本唤不醒啊。 dragon Xingben is obscene, regardless of the dragon of East and West equally lives nine child to look from the dragon, the Western dragon was needless to say. 龙性本淫,不论东西方的龙都一样从龙生九子中就能看出来,西方龙就不用多说了。 Compared to perhaps only then female dragon is quite normal, if will enter any strange condition natural disposition to expose without doubt. 相对于来说,也许只有母龙比较正常一点,不过如果进入了什么奇怪的状态那么本性就会暴露无疑。 Can look from Tohru, but present Little Ai is also so, even/including Longjiao tail revealed that but compared to Tohru, Little Ai wanted calm many. 托尔就能看出来,而现在的小爱也是如此,连龙角都尾巴都露出来了,只是比起托尔,小爱要淡定的多了。 Perhaps received Tohru influence anything, always felt that will be such getting down Little Ai becomes will be the same with Tohru. 或许是受到了托尔的影响还是什么的,总感觉在这么下去小爱会变得跟托尔一样啊。 Little Ai!!!” 小爱!!!” Looked at a bed, after has seen the response, Dongfang Yan is using sound serious shouting that only then Little Ai can hear. 瞄了眼大床,见没见过反应后东方焱用着只有小爱能听见的声音严肃的喊到。 But Little Ai also at the scene accordingly said that but in the radiant dragon pupil is excited and desire. 小爱也是当场应声道,只是璀璨的龙瞳之中全是兴奋和欲望啊。 Un, what demand does Otou-sama have? No matter any Little Ai can satisfy Otou-sama.” “嗯,父亲大人有什么需求吗?不管是什么小爱都能满足父亲大人哦。” The nod said accordingly, but Little Ai instinct swaying from side to side makes Dongfang Yan rolled the eyes finally helpless decisive hits hard directly. 点头应声道,只是小爱本能般的扭动让东方焱翻了个白眼最后无奈的果断迎头重击。 The head suffers from oneself Otou-sama strikes a mallet, Little Ai only feels one immediately dizzily along with, even if soft lying fell into the stupor on Dongfang Yan. 脑袋遭受来自自己父亲大人的一击头槌,小爱顿时只感觉一阵天旋地转随即便软软的趴在东方焱身上陷入了昏迷。 This has had a bad effect on dragon Xingben by Tohru obscenely ......... “这是被托尔带坏了还是龙性本淫………” Reveals the forced smile, Little Ai that at this time is peaceful was similar to has fallen asleep generally, the tranquil appearance made Dongfang Yan only one sigh the movement gently seems big a point will have awakened by noise Little Ai slightly generally gently the scattered in disorder beautiful hair principle takes care. 露出苦笑,此时安静下来的小爱如同睡着了一般,宁静的样子让东方焱唯有一叹动作轻柔好似稍微大了一点就会吵醒小爱一般轻轻的把散乱的秀发理了理。 Was sideways, unknowingly moved a soft tail, this made Dongfang Yan pinch pinching actually curiously, did not pinch does not know that pinched to have a scare, just had pinched two Little Ai not on own initiative un un two, 侧过身,不经意间触碰到了一条柔软的尾巴,这倒是让东方焱好奇的捏了捏,不捏不知道一捏吓一跳啊,刚捏了两下小爱就不自觉的嗯嗯了两声, Awkward Dongfang Yan has a guilty conscience looked at the eye toward bed, sees appearance that anything has not responded then relaxing. I am somewhat understand why Tohru has made me touch her tail, but the feel is truly good...... Bah thinks anything, sleeps.” 尴尬的东方焱做贼心虚的朝着大床看了眼,见没什么反应这才一副松了口气的样子。“我算是有些明白托尔为啥一直让我摸她尾巴了,不过着手感确实不错啊……啊呸想什么,睡觉睡觉。” Shook the head to want this not normal train of thought flings the brain same afterward Dongfang Yan gently to hug Little Ai to treat as to hold the pillow to close one's eyes to start to rest generally, this time. 摇了摇头想要把这不正常的思绪甩出大脑一样随后东方焱轻轻的搂着小爱当做抱枕一般闭上眼开始去睡,这一次。 Dongfang Yan saw a book, where fills book static fluttering of plain aura looks like was waiting for Dongfang Yan is ordinary. 东方焱看见了一本书,充满古朴气息的书静静的飘在哪里就像是等待着东方焱一般。 ............ “…………” Silent, UU reads, although does not know that had anything, but Dongfang Yan goes forward to arrive at the books the front, what is mysterious is. 沉默,UU看书www.uukanshu.com虽然不知道发生了什么,但是东方焱还是上前走到书本的面前,神奇的是。 Plain book automatic opening, has been printing here of strange design automatic turning to one, has several luminous spots in this strange design. 古朴的书自动的翻开,自动的翻到了一张印着奇怪图案的这里,在这个奇怪的图案上还有着几个光点。 This is ............ “这是…………” Careful looks at that several luminous spots, Dongfang Yan more thought that several luminous spots likely are any things, is only indefinite. 越是仔细的看那几个光点,东方焱越是觉得那几个光点像是什么东西,只是不确定而已。 Another World, small lovable Loli sits on the bed front is one type likely is the virtual screen common thing, in this screen can only with not having the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, has not resulted in the person who forgets to breathe. 另一个世界,小小的可爱萝莉坐在床上面前是一种像是虚拟屏一般的东西,在这个屏幕中还有一个只能用没得倾国倾城,没得忘掉呼吸的人。 What's wrong? Asks me to have any matter.” “怎么?找我有什么事情。” looks at present Loli, on the face in screen has the happy expression also to bring joyfully, but was concealed. 看着眼前的萝莉,屏幕中的人脸上带着浅浅的笑意同时还带着欣喜,只不过被掩饰了下来而已。 Un, a little matter wants you to help.” “嗯,是有一点事情想要你帮忙。” The nod, not having the least bit to be embarrassed, Loli direct start to talk makes the person in screen smile. 点头,没有半点不好意思,萝莉直接的开口让屏幕中的人笑了笑。 „It is honored, then examines the having no interest Sir to need me to make anything for you.” “十分荣幸,那么审无心大人需要我为你做什么。” Brings the earnest slightly serious smiling face, the person in screen not to care about Loli manner issue some to tease. 带着认真又微微严肃的笑脸,屏幕中的人也是没在意萝莉的态度问题有的只是打趣而已。 Helps me look for World, can collect Tears of the Void World.” “帮我找一个世界,一个可以收集至情之泪世界。” On the contrary, Loli was actually direct the multi- companies to need anything to say directly came out this actually in screen one to have doubts to say. 相反,萝莉倒是直接了多连需要什么都直接的说了出来这倒是让屏幕中的人一愣疑惑道。 Tears of the Void? Which type of thing do you want to do?” 至情之泪?你要哪种东西干嘛?” You leave alone, which World that but I said your does there have.” “你别管嘛,但是我说的哪种世界你那里有没有。” This I also require time to look. However if worries here to have a place actually.” “这个我也要时间去找啊。不过如果着急的话我这里倒是有一个地方。” Has not related, I first found, so as to avoid will want next time also to begin.” “没关系的,我只是先找到而已,免得下次还要自己动手。”
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