MTOAW :: Volume #5

#417: Leisurely and carefree

Chapter 417: Leisurely and carefree 第417章:悠闲 Father, attractive?” “呐父亲,好看吗?” Similarly wears Little Ai of small No. 1 uniform/subdue, sees own Father vision repeatedly looked that to Xiao Yixian is also jealous draws Dongfang Yan's to make him look the vision hardly to oneself. 同样身穿小一号制服的小爱,见自己的父亲目光频频的看向小医仙也是吃醋般的硬拉着东方焱的手让他把目光看向自己。 The elegant face flood red whole person who although Xiao Yixian looked by Dongfang Yan has filled charmingly, but does intentionally is pulling Dongfang Yan's arm looks at present Little Ai and small immortal that acts with constraint. 尽管小医仙东方焱看的俏脸泛红整个人都充满了娇羞,但还是故作矜持的挽着东方焱的手臂看着眼前的小爱和小仙儿。 Un, is very good Little Ai.” “嗯,很不错哦小爱。” Takes back the vision, after the body of Little Ai has walked randomly to Little Ai earnest speaking, this made Little Ai also happily smile, can obtain the appreciation of oneself Father is best reward. 收回目光,在小爱的身上游走了一遍后对着小爱认真的说到,这让小爱也是开心笑了,能得到自己父亲的赞赏就是最好的奖励 Was right, does not know that here does have to sell to eat, some these many fires can not know completely should do.” “对了,不知道这里有没有卖吃的,有这么多火能完全不知道该干嘛啊。” The looks at in the hand fire can the Dongfang Yan heart also smile bitterly, has disregarded talking in whispers of surrounding person, is bringing Little Ai small immortal as well as Xiao Yixian and dejected jade toward does not know that is where place walks. 看着自己手中的火能东方焱心底也是苦笑了起来,无视了周围人的窃窃私语,带着小爱小仙儿以及小医仙和萧玉朝着不知道是哪里的地方走过去。 Hey Hey Hey, do you come to here to do?” 喂喂喂,你来这里干什么?” Sees Dongfang Yan toward trading the area walks, dejected jade went forward one step to hold in his hand face to have the doubts expression to inquire, must know that here very mixed anything thing had. 看见东方焱朝着贩卖区走过去,萧玉不由的上前了一步拉住他的手脸上带着疑惑的表情询问着,要知道这里可是很杂的什么东西都有。 Is just like the antique market to be ordinary, the coexistence of Luck and strength. 就好比古董市场一般,运气与实力的共存。 ......... The fire can too many I want to eat meal first, after letting, buys several clothes anything for Little Ai and small immortal Xiao Yixian, if can have any good point medicinal herb I also to try the new compounded drug.” “呃………火能太多了我想先去吃个饭,让后给小爱和小仙儿小医仙买几件衣服什么的,如果能有什么好一点的药材我也想试试新的丹药了。” scratched the cheek, the Dongfang Yan's words let dejected jade direct rolled the eyes, must result in the school wears the uniform/subdue saying that you also want to buy several clothes unexpectedly and so on, does not know how really should say. 挠了挠脸颊,东方焱的话让萧玉直接的翻了个白眼,在学校必须得穿制服的说,你居然还想买几件衣服之类的,真的是不知道该怎么说。 „If eating meal I knows a good place actually, as for medicinal herb, only then went to the special place to have a look, although here also had, but needs to depend entirely on Luck.” “如果是吃饭的话我倒是知道一个不错的地方,至于药材的话,也就只有去专门的地方看看了,虽然这里也有,不过需要全靠运气啊。” The hot energy that wait|etc, which the outer court comes I go!!!!!! 等等,外院哪来的火能啊我去!!!!!! Do not care about these details 嘛,不要在意这些细节问题吗 Un good, the eating meal place had found since that came to come to look to consider to window-shop.” “嗯好吧,吃饭的地方找到了那么既然来都来了就找一下好了就当是逛街。” Put out a hand to pinch Little Ai cheek one line of then to enter this under the vision of difference so-called by the Luck place, entered this just like the market place, Dongfang Yan was also the eyebrow first choice selecting, how should say worthily was the most mixed place. 伸手捏了捏小爱的脸蛋一行人便在异样的目光下走进这个所谓靠运气的地方,一走进这个宛如市场般的地方,东方焱也是眉头挑了挑,该怎么说了不愧是最杂的地方。 Is pulling one with Xiao Yixian one person, the side also with dejected jade, walks in some tide of people crowded stall warm appearances lets dejected jade slightly is the supercilious look repeatedly. 小医仙一人牵着一个,身旁还跟着萧玉,走在略微有些人潮拥挤的摊位温馨的样子让萧玉可谓是白眼频频。 You are that one person only select forty new student Dongfang Yan is right.” “你就是那个一人单挑四十几个的新生东方焱对吧。” The back appears murderous aura, Dongfang Yan footsteps one has turned around charming youngster of looks at red clothes to fill calm. 背后出现杀气,东方焱脚步不由的一顿转过身看着一身红衣的帅气少年充满了淡定。 What's wrong? To try to rectify an embarrassing situation?” “怎么?想要找回面子?” Protects Xiao Yixian and small immortal in behind, Dongfang Yan goes forward corners of the mouth of step keeping off before two people to bring looks at of smiling face he. 小医仙和小仙儿护在身后,东方焱上前一步的挡在两人面前嘴角带着笑容的看着他。 Face is makes, I am only interested in expert, come makes me have a look at you with my war really so to be strong.” “面子是自己挣得,我只对强者感兴趣,来吧和我一战让我看看你是不是真的有那么强。” The back broadsword inserts in the ground, coming on the face also to show the disdaining expression then is also fighting intent of face as if is only interested in being ordinary to the fight. 背后一把大刀插在地上,来人脸上也是露出了不屑的表情接着又是一脸的战意似乎只对战斗有兴趣一般。 Sorry, to fight I to be possible not to have the time now.” “抱歉,如果想打架的话现在我可没有时间。” Shrugs, after a Dongfang Yan embarrassed appearance lets the person brow wrinkled hesitant one next, receive the blade to turn around actually to say. 耸了耸肩,东方焱一副不好意思的样子倒是让来人眉头一皱起来犹豫了一下后收刀转身道。 Also right, after all you are on the new student 3 : 00 pm duel stages see, my Wu Hao is waiting for your arrival, certainly hot energy is also so.” “也对,毕竟你是个新生那么明天下午三时决斗台上见,我吴昊等着你的到来,当然火能也是如此。” Then, said Wu Hao's person then selfish departure, this let Dongfang Yan is looks to dejected jade who rolled the eyes did not pay attention directly. 说完,自称吴昊的人便自顾自的离开,这让东方焱可谓是翻了个白眼直接不理会的看向了萧玉。 Un, he is Wu Hao is the member of our outer court law enforcement team, the strength approximately in nine star about.” “嗯,他是吴昊是我们外院执法队的成员,实力大约在九星斗者左右。” To direction who Wu Hao is leaving pouting, dejected jade also simply said that 对着吴昊离开的方向努了努嘴,萧玉也是简单的介绍了一下, This lets Dongfang Yan very speechless smiling of actually. Is so weak, he is the courage of which coming comes with my single Tiao, forget about it, no matter he eats meal first.” 这倒是让东方焱很无语的笑了笑。“这么弱,他是哪来的勇气来和我单挑,算了算了不管他先去吃饭。” Shook the head, why should not care Wu Hao's words on why Dongfang Yan, has window-shopped, has eaten meal just to prepare to seek for the place convenience of lodging to see, if Teacher Lin be with smile on the face walks toward oneself, one wants to understand that slightly is what intention. 摇了摇头,该干嘛就干嘛的东方焱一点也没有把吴昊的话放在心上,逛过街,吃过饭刚准备去寻找住宿的地方便看见若琳导师面带微笑的朝着自己走过来,微微一想就明白是何用意。 Good, it seems like had the small jade not to need me to lead you to go to the familiar environment.” “好吧,看来有小玉也不需要我带你去熟悉环境了。” Speaking of teasing, actually if Teacher Lin cannot bear looked at two Dongfang Yan, in the eye was bringing the joy, because of today's this war, lets, if the vacation of Teacher Lin has not resulted in ran, and can throw out the chest to raise the head in the colleague. 打趣的说到,若琳导师倒是忍不住的多看了两眼东方焱,眼中带着浓浓的欣喜,因为今天这一战,让若琳导师的假期没得跑了,并且在同事中能挺胸抬头起来。 No longer like the past felt that does not have face anything very much. 不再像从前那样感觉很没面子什么的。 „The rest place that Hehe, after the teacher is leads us to go, to live.” 呵呵,导师是来带我们去以后住的休息的地方吧。” Smiling of does not care about, Dongfang Yan said actually directly comes out this to let, if Teacher Lin nod acknowledgment. 不在意的笑了笑,东方焱倒是直接说了出来这让若琳导师点头承认。 „The place that un right, after walking went finding you, lives in first.” “嗯没错,走吧先去把你们以后住的地方给找到。” Is having the smiling face, if Teacher Lin puts out a hand to hold Dongfang Yan's, this makes the Little Ai instantaneous vision concentrate, Xiao Yixian is also such looks at she, if what a pity Teacher Lin has not actually seen general departure. 带着笑容,若琳导师伸手拉着东方焱的手,这让小爱瞬间目光一凝,就连小医仙也是如此的看着她,可惜若琳导师却是没看见一般的离开。 Brings is playing mentality, this made Dongfang Yan have the new understanding regarding the outer court actually, originally was this dark reddish purple. 带着游玩般的心态,这倒是让东方焱对于外院有了新的了解,原来是这个酱紫的。 The house that at present gradually presents makes Dongfang Yan cannot help but narrowed the eye, looked like good, was drawing the hand of hand and Little Ai of Xiao Yixian, but Xiao Yixian was holding the small immortal hand, followed, if Teacher Lin behind, although very surprised behind youngster actually has not cared. 眼前逐渐出现的房屋让东方焱不由自主的眯起了眼,看起来不错啊,拉着小医仙的手和小爱的手,而小医仙则是拉着小仙儿的手,跟在若琳导师身后虽然很惊讶身后少年可是却也没在意。 Goes straight arrives at one before the villa similar house, UU reads 直走来到一栋和别墅差不多的房子前,UU看书 If Teacher Lin has turned around looks at Dongfang Yan Xiao Yixian to say with a smile. 若琳导师转过身看着东方焱已经小医仙微笑道。 „After good this is you, lived in the place that in the outer court.” “好了这就是你们以后在外院住的地方了。” Un.” “嗯。” The nod, the vision looked at around the eye the tranquil environment Dongfang Yan heart to smile afterward stares. 点头,目光看了眼周围宁静的环境东方焱心底笑了笑不过随后又是一愣。 wait|etc, you say us?” 等等,你是说我们?” Has not listened to trouble you to say time expression looks at clearly again, if Teacher Lin, Xiao Yixian is also then complexion slightly flood is red. 一副没听清楚麻烦你再说一次的表情看着若琳导师,就连小医仙也是一愣接着脸色微微泛红起来。 What issue right has?” “对啊有什么问题吗?” Nod, if Teacher Lin were also done some doubts by Dongfang Yan's this expression, subconsciously looks at the eye has not been feeling well just like slightly being jealous dejected jade. 点头,若琳导师也是被东方焱的这个表情搞得有些疑惑,不由下意识的看了眼微微不爽宛如吃醋般的萧玉。 .................. “………………” Silent, having nothing to say in reply Dongfang Yan looks at Xiao Yixian that the eye entered blushes to be silent, Little Ai is is very unsatisfied, can be together with Father obviously alone, actually for this reason became the bubble. 沉默,无言以对的东方焱看了眼进入脸红的小医仙沉默,就连小爱也是很不满意,明明可以和自己父亲单独相处,却因为这个原因成为了泡影。 Resentment that the Little Ai heart area south of Yellow River had read a point in a big way. 小爱心中原本就存在的怨念有大了一分。 „Aren't you husbands and wives? Therefore has any relations, good tonight similar tomorrow my vacation must also come first to walk.” “你们不是夫妻吗?所以有什么关系,好了今晚也差不多了明天我的假期就要来了就先走了。” Waved to Dongfang Yan and Xiao Yixian, is decisive simple draws dejected jade to leave, this makes two people suddenly silent actually. 对着东方焱小医仙挥了挥手,然后果断干脆的拉着萧玉离开,这倒是让两人一时间沉默起来。 Good, it seems like that this is my opportunity.” “好吧,看来这是我的机会。” Corners of the mouth upwarping slightly, looked around the eye to enter charming Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan approaches, in the Xiao Yixian sweet and delicate voice called out in alarm to hug, lowered the head looks at Xiao Yixian that even more ruddy small face unconscious smiling. 嘴角微微的翘起,看了眼一旁进入娇羞的小医仙,东方焱靠近在小医仙的娇声惊呼中一把抱起,低头看着小医仙那越发红润的小脸不自觉的笑了笑。 Small immortal Little Ai, walked us to go home.” “小仙儿小爱,走我们回家了。” „, The Father good indeed so disgraced own daughter hugs other people to go home excessively, Otou-sama is belongs my!!!” “呜,父亲好过分尽然丢人自己的女儿抱着其他的人回家,父亲大人是属于我的!!!”
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