MTOAW :: Volume #5

#416: Difference

Chapter 416: Difference 第416章:区别 The front is the strength are all kinds , has weakly simply has not placed Dongfang Yan in heart to face more than 40 people of attacks is also appearing with ease has a head point chooses observes temporarily. 面前是实力各种各样的,有强有弱不过根本没有放在心中的东方焱面对着40多人的进攻还显得轻轻松松有脑袋一点的都选择暂时观察。 The strength not strong person actually walloped actually has happen to worked as others' board game piece. 倒是实力不强的人却一个劲的猛冲正好当了别人的棋子。 I indeed so could not feel how his concrete strength old Su you sees.” “我尽然感觉不到他具体的实力老苏你怎么看。” A short old man looks at fist or a foot hit to fly Dongfang Yan, feels the inquiry of beard to say. 身材矮小的老者看着一拳或者一脚打飞一个的东方焱,摸着胡子的询问道。 „It is not clear, but gives my feeling unable over to fight the sovereign, it is estimated that in fighting king and fights the spirits.” “不清楚,不过给我的感觉不会超过斗皇,估计在斗王和斗灵之间。” in the hand grasped the old man of scepter to say that accurate of feeling, is at present the Dongfang Yan's strength is actually fighting the spirit true battle efficiency possibly continually to fight the sect also to fight even/including Kua to fight the king, fought the sovereign two-level. 手中握着权杖的老者不得不说感觉之准确,却是目前东方焱的实力在斗灵不过真正的战斗力可能连斗宗也能一战连跨斗王,斗皇两级。 If it seems like Lin picked treasure 17, eight -year-old talent youngster can bring any new legend.” “看来若琳捡到宝了才17,八岁的天才少年会不会带来什么新的传奇了。” The vision looks on the direction ratio ringside, more than 40 people currently estimated also only then about half. 目光看向比赛台上,原本40多人现在估计也就只有一半左右。 Calmed down crowd looks at is the Dongfang Yan cold sweat of strolling has braved as before, the reason got online them also to understand the Dongfang Yan's strength now. 冷静下来的人群看着依旧是闲庭信步的东方焱冷汗冒了出来,理智上线现在他们也明白了东方焱的实力。 But person on the spectators'stand is dumbfounded does not dare to believe that each was hit the person whole body clothes that flies or tramples fly from the sky to explode to reveal the bright and clean skin by him. 而观众台上的人也是一个个目瞪口呆不敢置信,每一个被他打飞或者踹飞的人浑身的衣服都会在空中爆开露出光洁的皮肤。 A clothes fragment of place made the person who plan also originally flushed hesitant. 一地的衣服碎片让原本的还打算冲的人犹豫了。 Has saying that your strengths actually not, good I played then have hoped greasily you can also stand.” “不得不说你们的实力却是不咋的,好吧我玩腻了接下来希望你们还能站着。” Shook the head, after the vision looked at eye that to be lost in various weapon of ground, the left hand extends before a resounding sound referred, weapon of place completely vanishes. 摇了摇头,目光看了眼那被遗落在地上的各种武器,左手伸在前响亮的一个响指过后,一地的武器全部消失。 When appears again actually hung in Dongfang Yan's behind, this was the shocking four directions also only then small immortal was cheering Father to be quite fierce. 再次出现时却挂在了东方焱的身后,这一手可谓是惊艳四方也就只有小仙儿在欢呼着爸爸好厉害。 This, this fellow had the child ......... “这,这个家伙都有孩子了啊………” On spectators'stand, countless person corners of the mouth unconscious twitches, looks at and age similar somebody was looking to sit in two child middle Xiao Yixian, it may be said that was a face does not dare to believe. 观众台上,无数人嘴角不自觉的抽搐起来,看着和自己岁数差不多的某人在看了看坐在两个小孩中间的小医仙,可谓是一脸的不敢置信。 Was only 17-18 years old is two children's Father, my God were these two children particularly 5 or 6-year-old about in other words 11 or 12-year-old had the child? 才十七八岁就是两个孩子的父亲了,我的天尤其是这两个孩子还是五六岁左右也就是说难道十一二岁就已经有孩子了嘛? My God, this is how possible!! 我的天啊,这怎么可能!! This is the idea of people at present. 这就是目前众人的想法。 But no matter Dongfang Yan in battlefield actually these, the back weapon unceasing start sends out the light ray, looks like weapon can also be sufficiently heart unconscious sending is generally cold in the Dongfang Yan opposite crowd. 而战场上的东方焱却不管那些,背后的武器不断的开始散发出淡淡的光芒,就像是武器充能一般在东方焱对面的人群却也是一个个的心底不自觉的发寒起来。 Greets the trial!” “迎接审判吧!” Hangs various weapon unification behind Dongfang Yan has aimed at present one crowd, so long as Dongfang Yan issued an order, will be similar to the greedy person will throw the food to crash in the crowd generally. 挂在东方焱背后的各种武器统一对准了眼前的一群,只要东方焱一声令下,就会如同饿狼扑食一般冲进人群。 Everybody resists his attack quickly together, absolutely do not make him prevail!!!” “大家快一起抵挡他的进攻,绝对不要让他得逞!!!” Does not know that was who shouted had shouted, immediately several speeds very quick approached toward Dongfang Yan, other people were condense are preparing to resist the Dongfang Yan's attack together. 不知是谁喊了大喊了一句,顿时有几个速度挺快的朝着东方焱靠近,其余人则是凝聚在一起准备抵挡东方焱的进攻。 Ruling day spirit!” “裁决・天灵阵!” Along with Dongfang Yan to front one finger/refers, the surrounding environment is centered on Dongfang Yan starts to change, the sky turned into blood red, in the ground has been full of the projections of various weapon, hangs is similar to various weapon of sky the arrow arrow overruns toward the crowd, from the beginning by various weapon is hit toward the person who Dongfang Yan flushed instantaneously, made them desperate like raindrop weapon densely and numerously. 随着东方焱对着面前一指,周围的环境以东方焱为中心开始改变,天空变成了血红色,地面上充满了各种武器的投影,挂在天空的各种武器如同箭矢般朝着人群冲过去,一开始朝着东方焱冲过来的人瞬间被各种武器打了回去,密密麻麻如雨点般的武器让他们绝望。 Only can resisting with hardship, but weapon hits defense formidable Strength of people to have part of penetrations to enter, shakes inside person to be miserable beyond description. 只能苦苦的抵挡,而武器击中众人的防御强大的力量会有一部分穿透进入,震得里面的人苦不堪言。 But loses the energy weapon to return to Dongfang Yan behind to save Strength. 而失去能量的武器就又会回到东方焱身后重新积蓄着力量 Ah!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!” The strength attacks under the domain of first wave of trial compared to the quite weak person is projected the competition stage, but present Dongfang Yan without doubt is the focal point, 实力相对于比较弱的人在第一波的审判之领域下进攻中被射出比赛台,而现在的东方焱无疑是焦点, The domain is not the average person can have. Yo good, how long that makes me have a look at you to be able anti-.” 领域可不是一般人能拥有的啊。“呦不错嘛,那就让我看看你能抗多久。” The corners of the mouth are bringing teasing, when was weapon is full of the energy to insert once more vanished in weapon of ground does not see appears again is to actually join originally in dense and numerous weapon. 嘴角带着戏谑,再次为武器充满能量原本应该插在地面的武器消失不见再次出现时却是加入到了本就密密麻麻的武器之中。 This because, in behind weapon flashes to leap arrives in front of Dongfang Yan to form a giant sword lotus to rotate slowly. 本因在身后武器一个闪跃来到东方焱面前形成一个巨大的剑莲缓缓的转动着。 Govern sword Secret Art ten thousand Jiangui celestial burial!” “御剑诀・万剑归天葬!” The sword lotus erupts, one light shadow lets not be shocked to transfer Battle Qi the crowd of panting for breath to resist the eruption of sword lotus hastily, the sword shade that originally only then more than ten people of crowds were erupted by the sword lotus divided the innumerable blocks. 剑莲爆发,一把把的光影让本就还没有得到喘息的人群震惊起来连忙调动着斗气抵挡着剑莲的爆发,本就只有十多人的人群被剑莲爆发的剑影分割成了无数块。 Similar to some cat play mouse actually as before people cannot block this attack to be rumbled to fly to be broken smooth falling to fall into the stupor in the airborne clothes by the sword air/Qi outside. 如同猫戏老鼠般却依旧有人挡不住这次的进攻被轰飞在空中衣服被剑气震碎光溜溜的落在场外陷入昏迷。 Smooth the stupor under the big courtyard audience on the ground thinks that is not noticeable difficultly. 在大庭观众之下光溜溜的昏迷在地上想不引人注目都难啊。 This fellow, but also is really is not reaching an agreement don't too under heavy hand.” “这个家伙,还真是的不是说好的别太下重手了啊。” rolled the eyes that the elegant face cannot bear, looked at the eye already to be told after the good law enforcement team brought the person got down, looks at that is Dongfang Yan that killed by mistreatment is very simply helpless. UU reads 俏脸忍不住的翻了个白眼,瞄了眼被早就被吩咐好的执法队带人下去后,看着那简直是虐杀的东方焱很无奈。UU看书 Compared to Xiao Yixian, although is also rebukes, thinks to be all right, actually small immortal was using the sweet Loli sound to say to that group of people and despised. 相对于小医仙来说,虽然也是嗔怪不已,却也觉得没什么事啊,倒是小仙儿对着那群人用着甜甜的萝莉音说着羞羞和鄙视。 This caused a person face that actually these wake ashamed and resentful, regarding Dongfang Yan hatred, but the situation on looks at that competition stage recognized instigates. 这倒是引得那些醒过来的人一脸的羞愤啊,对于东方焱更加的憎恨起来,不过看着那比赛台上的情况又认怂了。 You have been better compared with these people without doubt, but also such one lost at most, the spicy chicken should treat in the trash can.” “你们比起那些人无疑要好了很多,不过顶多也就强了那么一丢丢,辣鸡就该待在垃圾桶里。” Waves, sword lotus originally vanishes, what replaces it is dense and numerous, flying sword of all-around non- dead angle surrounding crowd starts to send out the sword cry. 挥手间,原本的剑莲消失,取而代之的是密密麻麻,全方位无死角包围人群的飞剑开始散发出剑鸣。 Also living the person all as if by prior agreement hit on the trembling face to have the regret expression along with the flying sword heartless falling explosion, living the person lay down instantaneously 还活着的人全都不约而同的打了个寒颤脸上带着后悔的表情伴随着飞剑无情的落下爆炸,原本还活着的人瞬间躺下 Has continued nearly five minutes of bombing fully, weapon then shatter to become Kuai who a moment ago collects, falls a place domain to retreat. 整整持续了近五分钟的轰炸,刚才所收集的武器这才破碎成块,掉落一地领域退去。 Stays behind, person who only then artillery crater bumpy as well as the whole body burned black belch smoke. 留下的,只有炮弹坑般的坑坑洼洼以及浑身焦黑冒烟的人。 Goes forward, the vision looked at the referee of originally to see him is the expression that has not recovered does not trouble his to begin from the one side to put out had already prepared the good gambling stake, several thousand points fires can be the shares of 40 people have saying that the difference of outer court and inner courtyard also was really big. 上前,目光看了眼原本的裁判员见他还是一副没回过神来的表情也就不麻烦他的自己动手从一旁拿出了早已准备好的赌注,才几千点的火能还是40个人的份不得不说外院和内院的区别还真是大了。 This war, Dongfang Yan has composed the legend of outer court, if did not have anything has the feeling Teacher Lin because also recruited Dongfang Yan this student treatment to rise superiorly. 这一战,东方焱谱写了外院的传说,就连原本一直没什么存在感的若琳导师也因为招收到了东方焱这个学生待遇优升啊。 The picture trades happily from the whole face the school uniform/subdue where if Teacher Lin brings, wears the Canaan school blue white clothes Xiao Yixian has given a Dongfang Yan another aesthetic sense. 画换好从满脸开心的若琳导师哪里拿来的学院制服,身穿迦南学院蓝白色衣服的的小医仙给了东方焱另一种美感。 This is distinguishes and Yuechu their beauty, or in the Dongfang Yan heart, present Xiao Yixian conformed to itself to the cognition of past immortal hero World beautiful woman. 这是区别与初月她们的美,或者说在东方焱心底,现在的小医仙才符合自己对以往仙侠世界美女的认知。
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