MTOAW :: Volume #5

#450: Changing from

Bang!!!!!!!! 轰!!!!!!!! The formidable explosion destroys all, is not accidental/surprised, entire burns around the day refining tower the places in a circumference of several miles to be destroyed. 强大的爆炸摧毁一切,毫无意外,整个焚天炼气塔周围方圆几里的地方都被摧毁。 The entire inner courtyard half were almost destroyed the black and white two elders promptly to appear using the space blockade have imprisoned the majority of explosion complementary waves, it is estimated that the entire inner courtyard will be destroyed by this explosion has the space blockade of black and white elder, must know that Dongfang Yan has Armor Piercing attribute, appointed correct/however has a major part very strong energy to seep, but some explosion energies are mixing with many things. 就连整个内院又一半几乎被摧毁要不是黑白两位长老及时出现利用空间封锁禁锢了大部分的爆炸余波,估计整个内院都会被这一场爆炸摧毁可是就算是有着黑白长老的空间封锁,要知道东方焱可是带有破甲属性的,任然有一大部分很强的能量渗透出来而这部分爆炸能量夹杂着很多的东西。 The strength of king, spirit power, Battle Qi, Power of Spirit, Strength of Thunder, the different fire, let alone opened under the dead gate condition, therefore dies the person under this explosion energy is also several hundred people, but Han Feng brings the habitat that to be many, naturally the people of Canaan school have part. 王之力,灵力,斗气,精灵之力,雷霆之力,异火,更何况还是开了死门的状态下,所以死在这爆炸能量之下的人也是几百人,只不过其中韩枫带来的人居多而已,当然迦南学院的人也有一部分。 Money parents, three times of rewards hurry to lead me to leave here!!!” “金银二老,三倍报酬赶紧带我离开这里!!!” Panic-stricken of face, looks at the black and white elder particularly is also a difficult appearance, start to talk that Han Fengxiang have not thought that but already had the gold and silver parents of retreating idea also directly to draw Han Feng to run, manages as for other people does not have the control. 一脸的惊恐,尤其是看黑白长老也是一副艰难的样子,韩枫想都没想的开口,而早就有了撤退想法的金银二老也是直接拉着韩枫就跑,至于其余人管都没管。 Elder Brother Yan!!!!!” 焱哥哥!!!!!” looks at that is explodes the tumbling in as before the space, fumigates bursts into tears sadly is shouting, after demon, entered completely does not have sentimental condition Xiao Yixian also to shed tears. 看着那依旧是爆炸翻滚的空间之中,薰儿流着泪伤心的大喊着,就连魔化后完全进入没有感情状态的小医仙也是流出了眼泪。 But Little Ai is angry roaring, originally also equally matched situation because instantaneously the bone dragon weakens the Little Ai anger by thorough destroying. 小爱更是愤怒的咆哮,原本还不相上下的情况瞬间因为骨龙变弱小爱的愤怒被彻底的打碎。 Medusa and amethyst wing Lion King is also flame eyes that looks at that has not dissipated as before is moist. 就连美杜莎和紫晶翼狮王也是看着那依旧还没有消散的火焰眼睛湿润起来。 The energy of when exploding diverges thoroughly, in the sky presented three people. 当爆炸的能量彻底散去,天空中却出现了三个人。 A whole body blocked from by the shadow, but a long hair as well as tall Tiaoqian after being raised curls upwards, the perfect stature betrayed her sex. 一个浑身被黑影遮住,只是一头齐腰的长发以及高挑前凸后翘,完美的的身材出卖了她的性别。 Is also pinching whole body shatter looking awful a neck of human form object in her in the hand, but her another hand actually grabs Dongfang Yan that is scarred. 在她的手中还掐着一个浑身破碎的不成样子的人形物体的脖子而她的另一只手却抓着伤痕累累的东方焱 Hehe, but also is really useless, this does not handle on a small dropping demon, future fight danger I thought that you all gave me to be good the body, your not suitable fight.” 呵呵,还真是没用啊,不就一个小小的堕魔而已这都搞不定,将来的战斗更加的危险我看你还是把身体全都交给我好了,你不适合战斗。” Sneering, is grabbing the dropping demon of shatter looking awful, made an effort to grasp directly breaks to pieces his neck, the dropping demon died to work as the inner courtyard not to have the surface of person to put out one group of fireballs to integrate the Dongfang Yan body baseless. 冷笑着,抓着破碎的不成样子的堕魔,直接用力抓碎了他的脖子,堕魔死去当着内院无所人的面凭空拿出一团火球融入东方焱身体。 The vision looked that smiles to crowd Hehe of distant place does not know is jealous or anything, has thrown toward Fallen Heart Flame directly, but Fallen Heart Flame is also the opens the mouth swallows Dongfang Yan then to sink to the place of lava. 目光看向远处的人群呵呵一笑不知道是吃醋还是什么,直接朝着陨落心炎扔了过去而陨落心炎也是张口就吞下东方焱然后重新沉入熔岩之地。 But the action of mysterious person is to let Xiao Yixian without doubt is furious, reckless rushed over toward Dongfang Yan, but fumigated is so does not pay attention to protect own to approach/insult to stop to pursue toward Fallen Heart Flame directly, Medusa was also so. 而神秘人的举动无疑是让小医仙震怒,不顾一切的朝着东方焱冲了过去,而薰儿也是如此根本不理会保护自己的凌老阻拦直接朝着陨落心炎追了上去,就连美杜莎也是如此。 But sees in such mysterious person heart disaffection, only then becomes from Xinhua Loli Little Ai the looks at mysterious person of doubts. 而看见这样神秘人心中更加的不满起来,只有从新化成萝莉小爱略带着疑惑的看着神秘人。 Little Ai, don't you go? This is the good opportunity, perhaps your desire will be realized.” 小爱,你不去吗?这可是好机会,说不定你的愿望会实现哦。” Sees a Little Ai face indefinite appearance to reveal meaning unclear laughter this to make Little Ai understand instantaneously, pursued hastily. 小爱一脸不确定的样子露出意味不明的笑声这让小爱瞬间明白,也是连忙的追了上去。 Sees this, Dongfang (east) purple the space blocks flying sword by her to be thrown down to the position arrange/cloth that under Fallen Heart Flame is, steady falling in the seals, the ray flashes past. 见此,东方紫对着陨落心炎所在的位置布下空间封锁一把飞剑被她丢下,稳稳的落在封印中间,光芒一闪而过。 Does not know that is intentionally or intentionally, Dongfang (east) purple toward the position that Fallen Heart Flame is at has not known that has abandoned any thing. 不知道是故意还是故意的,东方紫还朝着陨落心炎所在的位置不知道扔下了什么东西。 Why your excellency you want ............ “阁下你为何要…………” Why can do this?” “为什么要这样做吗?” Has turned around to interrupt person's inquiry, the Dongfang (east) purple corners of the mouth turns upwards wipes smiles the release pressure evilly, this pressure including the black and white elder is also shocking, this completely is not, from that can resist conveniently on the revision as well as the arrange/cloth under does not know multi- youngster fights seal this point, can know her strength terrifying. 转过身打断来人的询问,东方紫嘴角翘起一抹邪笑释放威压,这股威压连黑白长老也是震惊,这已经完全不是自己所能对抗的了,从那随手就修改以及布下不知道多少年的斗尊封印这一点来看,就能知道她的实力恐怖。 Not why, “没有为什么, That fellow will not die, this is only the tempering, he was too weak. ” start to talk said, this made the black and white elder be also drunk, simultaneously to at present mysterious person's the guess as well as Dongfang Yan guesses. 那个家伙不会死的,这只是磨炼而已,他太弱了。”开口说完,这让黑白长老也是醉了,同时对眼前神秘人的猜测以及东方焱猜测起来。 Right also matter, if you dare to move my person ......... “对了还有一件事,如果你敢动我的人………” Dongfang (east) purple did not speak, but destroyed the day to extinguish the place the pressure looks like the day collapses the general crush in all person hearts, this let the black and white elder regarding the guess of Dongfang Yan status. 东方紫不说话,只是一股毁天灭地的威压就像是天塌下来一般碾压在所有人心中,这让黑白长老更是对于东方焱身份的猜测。 But to approach/insult receives Dongfang (east) purple passes message is the pupil contraction leaves afterward, when departure in the hand left a thing. 而凌老接到东方紫的传音更是瞳孔收缩随后离开,只是离开时手中多出了一个东西。 Since the in the hand dropping demon has swallowed Ichigo Kurosaki, the brow wrinkled subconsciously decisively afterward one grasped has eliminated Ability that his soul forced directly, this was just like in your sober condition looks at puts to death by dismemberment helplessly is the same. 手中的堕魔既然吞噬了黑崎一护,眉头下意识的皱了皱随后果断的一把抓出他的灵魂直接强制的剥夺了能力,这就好比在你清醒状态下眼睁睁看着自己被凌迟一样。 „It is not right, even if because my previous time will borrow too many Strength should not so to be weak, had no interest that fellow to absorb his source to patch own injury? This fellow!!!!” “不对啊,就算是因为我上次借用了太多的力量也不应该会这么弱啊,难道无心那个家伙又在吸收他的本源修补自己的伤势?这个家伙!!!!” Pursues Fallen Heart Flame to enter burns the day refining Thatta bottom, pleasant is the whole body is burning flame Dongfang Yan as well as two 追着陨落心炎进入焚天炼气塔塔底,入眼的便是浑身燃烧着火焰的东方焱以及两位 Protects Yao Lao and luminary day fire before his body. 护在他身前的药老和曜天火。 Also looks at anything , helping us quickly.” “还看什么啊,快来帮我们啊。” Sees to fumigate the appearance that Medusa and the others were in a daze, rolled the eyes start to talk that luminary day fire cannot bear said why does not know, this Fallen Heart Flame went crazy probably was the same, with great difficulty and Yao Lao collaborated to rescue from his belly Dongfang Yan. 见薰儿美杜莎等人发愣的模样,曜天火忍不住的翻了个白眼开口道,不知道为什么,这陨落心炎好像发狂了一样,好不容易和药老联手把东方焱从他肚子里救出来。 Has not thought that left the hot lizard that magma can die is also unceasing throws toward oneself, must kill the Dongfang Yan's appearance, 可没想到,原本离开岩浆就会死的火蜥蜴也是不断的的朝着自己扑过来,一副必须干掉东方焱的样子, „.” “哦。” Has gotten back one's composure, is not hiding own strength, erupts to fight Power of the King to overrun toward the fire lizard, this also rejoiced that the hot lizard will not fight technique Cultivation Technique anything, only knows that the opens the mouth spits the flame and brute force attack. 回过神,不在隐藏自己的实力,爆发出斗王的力量朝着火蜥蜴冲过去,这也庆幸火蜥蜴不会斗技功法什么的,只知道张口吐火焰和蛮力攻击。 Along with joining of Xiao Yixian and Medusa, the hot lizard suddenly died a big piece, but Little Ai just about to moves, actually transmits compared with a Zi Yan more formidable dragon prestige from the place of lava with Zi Yan same, this dragon prestige lets Little Ai is also vigilant. 随着小医仙美杜莎的加入,火蜥蜴一时间死了一大片,只是小爱刚要行动,一股和紫妍相同却比紫妍更加强大的龙威从熔岩之地下面传来,这股龙威让小爱也是警惕起来。 Does not dare to move, because Little Ai can feel clearly, if join this fight, certainly will bring in a bigger danger. 不敢动,因为小爱能清楚的感受到,如果自己加入这场战斗,一定会引来更大的危险。 This pressure ............ “这股威压…………” naturally can feel Xun who this pressure cannot bear the heart be shocked, so terrifying pressure freely not in view of oneself, but sees small hand that the Little Ai that serious expression and grips tightly to know, should aim at Little Ai. 自然能感觉到这股威压的薰儿也是忍不住心底震惊,如此恐怖的威压尽管没有针对自己,可是见小爱凝重的表情和紧握的小手就知道,应该是针对小爱的。 Was careful!!!” “小心了!!!” Strikes to kill Xun who the sneak attack loses concentration the hot lizard, Xiao Yixian is also gasps for breath. 一击击杀偷袭分神的薰儿火蜥蜴,小医仙也是喘气起来。 Has fought from a moment ago now, must resist the high temperature of place of lava except the fight, the Battle Qi large scale consumption makes Xiao Yixian somewhat unable to endure. 刚才一直战斗到现在,除去战斗还要抵抗熔岩之地的高温,斗气大幅度的消耗让小医仙有些吃不消。 I help you.” “我来帮你们。” Since cannot join the fight, when that assisted well, the golden guard ring wrapped three females, resisted the high temperature of place of lava for them, but Yao Lao was also makes luminary day fire constrain Fallen Heart Flame to refine extremely quickly restored the injury, Battle Qi as well as in addition holds the speed, Strength, compounded drug of temperature decrease. 既然不能加入战斗,那就当一个辅助好了,金色的保护圈包裹住三女,为她们抵挡熔岩之地的高温,而药老也是让曜天火拖住陨落心炎极快的炼制了许多恢复伤势,斗气以及加持速度,力量,还有降温的丹药。 This makes Xun three female pressures reduce actually greatly, kills being on fire lizard to come fast. 这倒是让薰儿三女压力大减,杀起火蜥蜴来更加的快速。 Roar!!!!!” “吼!!!!!” A strength appears compared with the strong hot lizard obviously from the beginning, on protective cap that grasps in fumigating, fumigates is repelled, simultaneously the protective cap is also the fierce vibration, this lets Xun in great surprise. 一头实力明显比一开始强的火蜥蜴出现,一抓抓在薰儿的保护罩上,薰儿被击退,同时保护罩也是剧烈的抖动起来,这让薰儿大惊。 Was not good, the hot lizard that fought sovereign rank comes out you to be careful, right the words that paid attention to the hot crystal of hot lizard within the body to collect on collection, had big using.” “不好,斗皇级别的火蜥蜴出来了你们小心,对了注意一下火蜥蜴体内的火晶能收集的话就收集一下,有大用。” One passes the sudden hot lizard strength shortly, must know that now fumigates and Xiao Yixian also fights the king, Medusa also merely is only in the surface fights the sovereign, with fights the sovereign to want truly compared with weak many. 一眼看透突然出现的火蜥蜴实力,要知道现在薰儿和小医仙也就斗王而已,美杜莎也仅仅只是表面上是斗皇,和真正的斗皇想比弱的很多。 Un, that asked Little Ai to collect the hot crystal, we on together.” “嗯,那就拜托小爱收集火晶,我们一起上。” The nod, after collecting Quest gives Little Ai, with Xiao Yixian as well as Medusa looks at each other one then together toward fighting the hot lizard of sovereign rank rushes. 点头,把收集任务交给小爱后,和小医仙以及美杜莎对视了一眼接着一起朝着斗皇级别的火蜥蜴冲上去。 Has the Little Ai protective cap and Yao Lao various compounded drug in addition holds, suddenly arrives will not lose, but drags more disadvantageous for a long time. 有着小爱的保护罩和药老的各种丹药加持,一时间到不会输,只是拖得越久越不利而已。 Is fluttering hot lizard corpse(s) on magma to beckon to that the innumerable hot crystals are similar to the firefly general flies to pile up side Yao Lao, then such as the hill pile is before long same, regarding this is controlling the different fire direct refinement absorbed energy while resists Fallen Heart Flame as for Dongfang Yan where. 对着那飘在岩浆上的火蜥蜴尸体招了招手,无数的火晶如同萤火虫一般的飞起堆积在药老身旁,不一会便如小山堆一样,对此控制着异火直接提炼一边吸收能量一边对抗陨落心炎至于东方焱哪里。 Woods white Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame, blue lotus pent-up anger, Fallen Heart Flame three flame, because burns definitely or the revolution of Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique instinct, or because of existence of Eternal Arms Mastership this Passive Skill. 白色灭妖神火纯质阳炎,青莲地心火,陨落心炎三朵火焰因为焚决或者北冥无相长生功本能的运转,又或者是因为无穷之武炼这个被动技能的存在。 Purple was melted the flame in body by Dongfang (east), is integrating three flame gradually, but the Dongfang Yan's body actually starts to present the fissure same stripe under the fusions of three flame.. 东方紫融进身体中的火焰,正在逐渐的融入三朵火焰,只是东方焱的身体却是在三朵火焰的融合下开始出现裂痕一样的条纹。。 The emergence of Angel Emperor of Time instinct, clock dá dá the rotation, has not been rotating one time fissure to restore, but less than one second appears. 天使刻刻帝本能的出现,时钟哒哒哒的转动着,没转动一次身上的裂痕就会恢复,不过不到一秒又出现。 This also made for a long time Emperor of Time rotate quietly, the Dongfang Yan's body was also collapsing, restore, collapse, in restore. 这也让沉静了许久的刻刻帝转动起来,东方焱的身体也就在崩坏,修复,崩坏,修复中。 In which pain is hard to imagine. 其中的痛苦是多么难以想象。 This situation does not know how long has maintained, after fumigating the hot lizard that three people consumed to fight the sovereign rank, was the artillery ash fire lizard that a big piece fought king Douling the rank. 这个情况不知道维持了多久,当薰儿三人耗死了斗皇级别的火蜥蜴后,紧接着又是一大片斗王斗灵级别的炮灰火蜥蜴。 This does not have the three females of relaxation time is also tired panting, but saw that to close one's eyes is similar to has fallen asleep same Dongfang Yan, bit the lip to insist. 更本没有休息时间的三女也是累的气喘吁吁,可是一看见那个还是闭着眼如同睡着了一样的东方焱,咬着嘴唇坚持着。 Medusa, I help you break open the seal, so long as you can transform the leg to become fight successfully the sovereign truly. UU reads 美杜莎,我帮你破开封印,你只要能成功幻化出腿就能成为真正的斗皇了。UU看书 Little Ai that worries could not attend to that many, a drop of golden blood flew toward her, but a golden blood appearance, the hot lizard was crazier, fumigated and Xiao Yixian catches up hastily, perhaps the blood of this drop of Divine Dragon is not known was that lucky hot lizard swallows. 着急起来的小爱也是顾不了那么多了,一滴金色的鲜血朝着她飞过去,而金色的血液一出现,火蜥蜴更加的疯狂起来,要不是薰儿和小医仙连忙赶上,说不定这滴神龙的血就会被不知道是那个幸运的火蜥蜴吞掉。 Catches the golden blood, feels in the strength of formidable bloodline, Medusa is a face is also joyful, swallows using Dongfang Yan gives own Cultivation Technique revolution, monster pill of continuous Strength from lower abdomen place unceasing spreads toward all around. 接住金色血液,感受到里面强大的血脉之力,美杜莎也是一脸欣喜起来,一口吞下运用东方焱交给自己的功法运转,源源不断的力量自小腹处的妖丹不断的向着四周扩散。 Medusa is also knows that does not have the time to enjoy abundant Strength in the feeling in the body transmitting. 美杜莎也是知道没有时间享受充沛的力量在身体里传递的感觉。 Strength that reassignment monster pill spreads toward the brand mark impact that on own back of the hand was covered up, with the help of blood of Little Ai Divine Dragon, brand mark not accidental/surprised was broken through. 调动妖丹扩散的力量朝着自己手背上被遮掩起来的烙印冲击,在小爱神龙之血的帮助下,烙印毫无意外的被冲破。 More formidable Strength erupts in the body, is centered on Medusa instantaneously presents an energy impact of proliferation, surroundings all hot lizards completely by one move of second. 一股更加强大的力量在身体中爆发,瞬间以美杜莎为中心出现一个扩散的能量冲击,周围所有的火蜥蜴全部被一招秒。 After eruption, when Medusa by a purple light halo package, presents again, is the beautiful woman beautiful woman color scale, the snake tail of both legs place also turned into the slender jade leg 爆发过后,美杜莎被一个紫色的光圈包裹,再次出现时,就是倾城美女彩鳞,原本双腿处的蛇尾也变成了纤纤玉腿 On the face hangs is being full of the happy and joyful smiling face, Medusa shakes hand to feel within the body that formidable Strength, only felt in oneself fights the sect not to be far, the opportunity in the heart happy simultaneously taking revenge is more formidable. 脸上挂着充满开心和喜悦的笑容,美杜莎握着手感受着体内那强大的力量,只感觉自己里斗宗也不远了,心中更加的开心同时复仇的机会更加的强大起来。 Is very good, this is a king should have the strength that truly, Hahaha!!!!” “很好,这才是本王真正应该有的实力,哈哈哈!!!!” Does not know that is because the restoration of strength and changes from the joy of bringing successfully, Medusa extremely happy is laughing, simultaneously fights the hot lizard emergence of sovereign rank once more to throw toward Medusa. 不知道是不是因为实力的恢复和成功化形带来的喜悦,美杜莎极其开心的大笑着,同时一个斗皇级别的火蜥蜴再次的出现朝着美杜莎扑来。 Ahem, takes you to try my new Strength!!!” “哼哼,就拿你来试试我的新力量吧!!!”
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