MTOAW :: Volume #5

#413: Is renewed by me who the title mother chases down

Chapter 413: Is renewed by me who the title mother chases down 第413章:被标题娘追杀的我更新了 Stands before dejected Yu's body, looks at that fills Xun who has not abandoned at present the Dongfang Yan heart slightly does not abandon, puts out a hand hugging gently to comfort in the bosom. 站在萧玉的身前,看着眼前那充满了不舍的薰儿东方焱心底微微的不舍,伸手轻轻的搂在怀中安抚着。 Fumigated the adult ritual time, Elder Brother I will offer the most beautiful gift for you separately am only temporary.” “等薰儿成人礼的时候,哥哥我会为你送上最美丽的礼物分别只是暂时的。” Un, that Elder Brother you must promise me, when adult ritual time must come back.” “嗯,那哥哥你一定要答应我,等成人礼的时候一定要回来。” Timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness snuggling in the Dongfang Yan's bosom, fumigated grasping that did not abandon very much his clothes, besides did not abandon remaining is sad. 小鸟依人般的依偎在东方焱的怀中,薰儿很不舍的抓进了他的衣服,除了不舍外就剩下难过了。 Remembers needs three years later can Elder Brother Yan that sees itself most to love, fumigates sadly at heart. 一想起要三年后才能在见自己最爱的焱哥哥,薰儿就心里难过。 Meeting, certain meeting.” “会的,一定会的。” Smiles, lets go beautiful hair after its forehead that rubbing gently has fumigated chaotically stays behind kisses looks to one side similarly has not abandoned actually very happy dejected battle as well as soul cloud Xi. 一笑,松手轻轻的揉乱了薰儿的秀发在其额头留下一吻后看向了一旁同样不舍却很高兴的萧战以及魂云汐。 Dongfang (east), in that side only then a person cannot put in great inconvenience itself, must look after good immortal well, Little Ai and Xiao Yixian have themselves are also.” 东方,在那边就算只有一个人也不能委屈了自己,一定要好好的照顾好仙儿,小爱小医仙还有自己也是。” Puts out a hand to reorganize the Dongfang Yan's collar gently is being similar to delivers the parents who the child goes to the distant place to make Dongfang Yan subconscious generally smiles. 伸手轻轻的整理着东方焱的衣领如同送孩子去远方的父母一般让东方焱下意识的一笑起来。 Un, you were also this are I you prepare compounded drug small flame the elixir technique to be also similar for the aunt, enough can refine the hemoglutination to disperse with rejuvenation pill these two types of compounded drugs should be enough.” “嗯,你也是这是我为伯母你准备丹药小炎子的炼药术也差不多了,足够可以炼制凝血散和回春丹了这两种丹药应该足够。” Looks Xiao Yan that nearby the eye has not abandoned similarly, Dongfang Yan slightly smiles is hugged by soul cloud Xi finally in the bosom this lets a helplessness of Dongfang Yan face, spring summer that she and Akame at this moment they are together how similar. 看了眼一旁同样不舍的萧炎,东方焱微微的一笑最后被魂云汐拥抱在怀中这让东方焱一脸的无奈,此刻的她与赤瞳她们相处的春夏是多么的相似。 Separated, finally several then left on the flight demon beast that arrives at dejected jade to be at to wave to say goodbye to the people with dejected Zhanliao. 分开,最后和萧战聊了几句便动身来到萧玉所在的飞行魔兽身上对着众人挥手道别。 In the bosom sits Little Ai and small immortal respectively, the side snuggle Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan has been remembering once flower bud Ouna they. 怀中分别坐着小爱和小仙儿,身旁依偎着小医仙,东方焱想起了曾经蕾欧娜她们。 Does not know how present Empire, had the time to go back to have a look actually.” “不知道现在的帝国怎么样了,有时间倒是回去看看好了。” Fell into once recollection, alone sat around dejected jade delicate eyebrows wrinkles actually has not said anything, was only very speechless white eye. 陷入曾经的回忆中,独自坐在一旁的萧玉倒是秀眉一皱不过也没多说什么,只是很无语的白了眼而已。 Right Xiao Yixian I ............ “对了小医仙我…………” Un I know that even if had forgotten has not related, so long as I remember that was good, had said like you had forgotten can also from start newly, starting from nothing.” “嗯我知道的,就算忘记了也没关系,只要我记得就好了,就像你曾经说过就算忘记了也可以从新开始,从零开始。” The sound had the resentment to read did not have that feeling from the beginning, but held the movement of Dongfang Yan arm to tighten, on the contrary Dongfang Yan actually revealed the forced smile excessively to close right up against the head of Xiao Yixian to feel in the bosom the Little Ai disaffection also funnily to pinch her small hand. 声音带着怨念不过却也没了一开始的那种感觉,只是抱着东方焱手臂的动作紧了紧而已,相反东方焱却是露出了苦笑偏过头靠着小医仙的脑袋感受到怀中小爱的不满也是好笑的捏了捏她的小手 Was right, to school I where.” “对了,到了学院我在什么地方。” Thinks suddenly anything's Dongfang Yan toward being in a daze Brother dejected jade asked that this made dejected jade of being in a daze one recover actually. 突然间想什么的东方焱朝着发呆兄弟的萧玉问到,这倒是让发呆的萧玉一愣回过神来。 I am an outer court, my teacher is the river system, if Teacher Lin, if you will want the inner courtyard to have one time first ten to impose into the opportunity in inner courtyard every year, by your strength computation not anything issue.” “我是外院的,我的导师是水系的若琳导师,如果你想要进内院的话每一年都会有一次前十强加入内院的机会,以你的实力估计没什么问题。” looks at Dongfang Yan, dejected jade is also tranquil start to talk said, enters by the strength of Dongfang Yan large wine vessel inner courtyard that is ready proper, is only Xiao Yixian and small immortal as well as Little Ai ............ 看着东方焱,萧玉也是平静的的开口道,以东方焱大斗师的实力进入内院那可是妥妥的啊,只是小医仙和小仙儿以及小爱………… If makes her know, present Dongfang Yan is one fights the spirit rank expert, Little Ai in bosom is one endures the ratio to fight sect expert pure in falling down close to that the estimate can shock, as for Xiao Yixian and small immortal this actually issue. 如果让她知道,现在的东方焱是一位斗灵级别的强者,怀中的小爱更是一位堪比斗宗强者的纯在估计会惊呆的掉下巴吧,至于小医仙和小仙儿这倒是个问题。 Does not have the issue, now I was also fighting.” “没问题的哦,现在我也是个斗者了。” Perhaps knew anything that dejected jade is worried about perhaps, Xiao Yixian to have the persuasive power to reveal the aura of fighting by own words, this makes dejected jade stare actually, but after the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkles, looks at Xiao Yixian. 或许是知道了萧玉担心的什么,小医仙也许是为了让自己的话有说服力露出了斗者的气息,这倒是让萧玉一愣,只是东方焱眉头一皱后看着小医仙 Xiao Yixian!!” 小医仙!!” Has not related, this degree of toxicant also being insufficient makes me erupt.” “没关系的,这种程度的毒药还不至于让我爆发。” naturally understands why Xiao Yixian heart Dongfang Yan this is very happy, to oneself felt that was angry this had proven to own care and caring, this let also want to say anything's Dongfang Yan, helpless, 自然明白东方焱这是为什么的小医仙心底很开心,对自己感到生气这正是证明了对自己的关心和在意,这让原本还想要说什么的东方焱无奈了起来, Only can slightly sighed immediately very firm commitment. From now on will be protected you by me, will not make you bear any pain again, the toxicant is the toxicant really must eat throughout , can only eat me to do.” 只能微微的一叹随即很坚定的承诺到。“从现在开始由我来保护你,不会再让你忍受任何的痛苦,毒药始终是毒药就算实在要吃,也只能吃我做的。” Touches Xiao Yixian cheek, the Dongfang Yan firm tone is making in the Xiao Yixian heart warm, in the eye flood the forcibly nod of tears is complying, is holding Dongfang Yan's arm also effort, the whole person snuggle side him. 触摸着小医仙脸颊,东方焱坚定的语气让小医仙心中温暖起来,眼中泛着泪光的用力点头答应下来,抱着东方焱的手臂也更加的用力,整个人都依偎在了他身旁。 Has not known how long, after idle bored Dongfang Yan took out very long has not used cell phone skilled opening, helpless. 不知道过了多久,闲的无聊的东方焱取出很久没有用过的手机熟练的打开后很无奈起来。 I estimate also uselessly, this place do not say the signal, feared that is not the signal tower does not have continually......” “我估计也没用,这个地方不要说信号了,怕不是连信号塔也没有啊……” Shook the head, after seeing really so, idle bored Dongfang Yan can only have a look at beforehand to have any goods in stock. 摇了摇头,见果然如此后闲的无聊的东方焱只能看看以前的自己有没有什么存货而已。 This is .................. “这是………………” Turned looked, besides the picture do not say that the television the network did not have. 翻找了一遍,除了照片外不要说电视了就连网络也没有啊。 Un this is ............... “嗯这是……………” Discovered suddenly the named Inori-chan folder, curious Dongfang Yan in similarly curious small immortal, Little Ai, Xiao Yixian, under the gaze of dejected jade vision has selected. 突然间发现有一个名为小祈的文件夹,好奇的东方焱在同样好奇的小仙儿,小爱,小医仙,萧玉目光的注视下点了进去。 „Is this small Inori singing song?” “这是小祈唱的歌嘛?” Leads permits some to have doubts, what Dongfang Yan are more is thought, even if in anything light has not been the named Inori-chan folder can make the Dongfang Yan point come, but also truly is ye Inori singing song. 带着许些疑惑,东方焱更多的还是想念,就算里面什么都没有光是名为一个小祈的文件夹就能让东方焱点进来,不过也确实是楪祈唱的歌 Although is only the sound recording, when is the Yuzuriha Inori's singing sound to spread from cell phone alone, four people stare. 尽管只是录音,但是当独属于楪祈的歌声从手机中传出,四人都一愣起来。 The gentle singing sound brings Strength that is inexplicably peaceful, four people have remembered oneself once happiness in this moment, Dongfang Yan also has remembered in this moment and prays in the same place time. 轻柔的歌声带着让人莫名安静下来的力量,四人都在这一刻想起了自己曾经的美好,就连东方焱也是在这一刻想起了和祈在一起的时光。 Only the Little Ai heart sighed, in them , the singing sound that only then prays brings very much irresistibly tranquil. 只有小爱心底感叹,在她们之中,也就只有祈的歌声带着很让人无法抵抗的宁静而已。 The gentle singing sound is the sound of sounds of nature is worth hearing a hundred times also mediocre, in cell phone the only five sound recordings have not accompanied the pure singing sound to conquer Xiao Yixian and dejected jade freely. 温柔的歌声就算是天籁之音百听不厌也不过如此,手机里仅有的五首录音尽管没有伴奏单纯的歌声就已经征服了小医仙和萧玉。 The demon beast originally also just like obtaining the purification was common, the speed of flight speeds up. 就连原本的魔兽也宛如得到了净化一般,飞行的速度加快起来。 This is ............ “这是…………” Serious received good cell phone, dew to embark smiling face Dongfang Yan of innermost feelings to close in a brain the Yuzuriha Inori's appearance unceasing appeared. 郑重的收好手机,露出发着内心的笑容东方焱闭上了眼脑中楪祈的样子不断的浮现出来。 Another World was recording song Yuzuriha Inori actually suddenly to stop singing, has closed both eyes gently, the both hands pray place chest front. 另一个世界原本正在录着歌曲的楪祈却是突然的停止了唱歌,轻轻的闭上了双眼,双手祈祷般的放在胸前。 How praying?” “怎么了祈?” Suddenly stops singing prays this is the first time, this let keep her Kotori to feel the doubts. 突然停止唱歌的祈这还是第一次,这让原本留在她身边的琴里感到了疑惑。 Felt, felt missing of flame.” “感受到了,感受到了焱的思念。” Closes one's eyes, reveals smile Yuzuriha Inori attractive supple lip speaking of gently, this makes Kotori stare actually. 闭着眼,露出微笑楪祈诱人的柔唇轻轻的说到,这倒是让琴里一愣。 Missing of flame?” “焱的思念?” Has that some doubts, but considered that some oneself that abnormal Elder Brother's Ability are does not care slightly, set out to wait for in the one side sound recording suspension peaceful sitting is also being misses the phone call that Dongfang Yan just suddenly has made to make Kotori discontented. 有那么一些疑惑,不过考虑到自己那微微有些变态哥哥的能力也是不在意起来,起身把录音器暂停安静的坐在一旁等着同时也是思念起了东方焱只不过突然打来的电话让琴里不满了一下。 Kotori-chan, theme song about Spirit story how.” “呐琴里酱,关于精灵物语的主题曲怎么样了。” In the earphone has broadcast sound of pleasant to hear, this made Kotori look at Yuzuriha Inori actually subconsciously. 耳机中传来了好听的声音,这倒是让琴里下意识的看了眼楪祈 Not anything, but had the small problem tomorrow, if did not have any issue tomorrow to be OK.” “没什么,只是出了一点小问题明天吧,如果没什么问题的话明天应该就可以了。” This ............ “这样啊…………” In the earphone has spread slightly some expressions of losing, but is an excitement. 耳机中传开了微微有些失落的语气,不过接着又是一阵兴奋。 That can Kotori-chan, tomorrow, that tomorrow call to eat meal Yuzuriha Inori together?” “那个琴里酱,明天,那个明天可以把楪祈叫出来一起吃饭吗?” When the time comes again said.” “啊到时候再说吧。” The vision sees Saeko Busujima to arrive, Kotori is also sets out to open the door is only in the earphone that asked the sound makes Kotori feel helpless. 目光看见毒岛冴子到来,琴里也是起身去开门只是耳机中那拜托了的声音让琴里感到很无奈起来。 How prayed this is?” “祈这是怎么了?” Some doubts looked at this time Yuzuriha Inori, UU has read 有些疑惑的瞄了眼此时的楪祈,UU看书 Saeko Busujima this is first time sees Yuzuriha Inori, when records the song to stop. 毒岛冴子这还是第一次看见楪祈在录歌的时候停下来呢。 Not anything, but prays, when recorded the song saying that felt that missing, was really hateful why only then prayed a person to feel missing of that fellow.” “没什么,只是祈在录歌的时候说感受到了那个的思念,真是可恶为什么就只有祈一个人感受到了那个家伙的思念。” Said the sentence indignantly, in the Kotori eye filled envied afterward vanishes does not see. 愤愤的说了句,琴里的眼中还是充满了羡慕不过随后就消失不见。 This perhaps is because prays is special is uncertain.” “这个或许是因为祈是特殊的也不一定。” Stares, afterward after Saeko Busujima is also looked at Yuzuriha Inori that in the shaking the head eye brings to envy discontentedly very helpless speaking. 一愣,随后毒岛冴子也是摇了摇头眼中带着不满羡慕的看了眼楪祈后很无奈的说到。 Snort that fellow is also, alone threw down us to go to another World, was makes the person fire big really also many things to reorganize.” “哼那个家伙也是,独自丢下我们就去另一个世界了,真的是让人火大啊还有好多的东西都在整理了。” Bites contained in lollipop of mouth, Kotori is also gripping tightly small hand. 一口咬碎原本含在嘴里的棒棒糖,琴里也是不由的紧握小手 Hehe was good, eats meal, as for praying the words make the sacrifice keep us first to get down to eat meal.” 呵呵好了,下去吃饭吧,至于祈的话让祭留一些吧我们先下去吃饭。” Looks at the Yuzuriha Inori present appearance, Saeko Busujima has not planned to break her, in a soft voice was speaking to Kotori. 看了眼楪祈现在的样子,毒岛冴子也是不打算打断她,轻声的对着琴里说到。 Un.” “嗯。” Similarly looked at the eye as before maintained movement Yuzuriha Inori, Kotori shook the head then to exit simultaneously with Saeko Busujima to close to walk toward the hall the gate, here was for the singing recording room that Yuzuriha Inori built specially, inside has from evil World and appointment World most advanced the voice recording equipment. 同样瞄了眼依旧保持动作的楪祈,琴里摇了摇头便跟着毒岛冴子出去同时把门关上朝着大厅走过去,这里是为了楪祈特意打造的唱歌录音室了,里面有着来自罪恶世界和约会世界里最为先进的录音设备。 Was right, has to call eight Gods light and mountain coherence/order the person contribution planned how joins manufactures the named Spirit story to you game room your decision.” “对了,有个叫八神光和远山伦的人投稿打算加入到你制作名为精灵物语的游戏室你的决定如何。” First had a look to say again, even if there is World tree not to need the person to operate to a great extent personally, but must look for something to do to oneself. The World tree is responsible for guaranteeing that the game security and operation were good, plot also has the map character monster I to plan that gives leaf Yuena them to do.” “先看看再说,就算有着世界树很大程度上都不需要人亲自操作,但还是要给自己找一些事做啊。世界树就负责保证游戏安全性和运行就行了,剧情还有地图人物怪物我都打算交给叶月雫她们来做。”
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