MTOAW :: Volume #5

#414: Chapter 414: Gambling stake

Chapter 414: Gambling stake 第414章:赌注 Was right, do you let Akame and Kurome they go to your Buddhist temple not to have the issue really?” “对了,你让赤瞳黑瞳她们去你的道场真的没问题吗?” Does not know that has remembered anything, asking of Kotori excessive looks at Saeko Busujima doubts, after all Akame and Kurome, but the elite assassinates the member of squad, they have not planned to stir up trouble in this World. 不知道想起了什么,琴里偏过头看着毒岛冴子疑惑的问到,毕竟赤瞳黑瞳可是精英暗杀小队的成员,在这个世界她们也没打算惹事来着。 Does not have the issue, Akame and Kurome are only beamed with joy, will not have any issue, this Buddhist temple is I plans to reopen the Busujima Buddhist temple.” “没问题,赤瞳黑瞳只是来露个脸而已,不会有什么问题的,这个道场可是我打算重开毒岛家道场的了。” Shows the smile, regarding Kotori said how Saeko Busujima possibly is not also clear, slightly after smiling, answered. 露出微笑,对于琴里所说毒岛冴子又怎么可能不清楚,微微的一笑后解释道。 Was casual you to be good, if met the trouble that anything could not solve to look for us, you must know that fellow was not at home, you also had our troop person.” “随便你好了,要是遇见什么解决不了的麻烦就来找我们,你要知道就算那个家伙不在家,你还有我们一大群人了。” , helpless nodded, the similar table vision that after looking at eye that come has swept the eye already starts mouth-watering Tohka, earnest speaking. 点了点头,看了眼那已经来的差不多的桌子目光扫了眼已经开始流口水的十香后无奈又认真的说到。 Un I know that I do not want everybody increases not necessary to trouble, the words that therefore I can solve make me come.” “嗯我知道的,我也不想给各位增添不必要的麻烦了,所以我能解决的话还是让我来吧。” Similarly saw Saeko Busujima of that group of people to show a more moving smile, in the heart actually also rejoicing very can meet Dongfang Yan. 同样看见了那群人的毒岛冴子露出更加动人的微笑,心中却也十分的庆幸能遇见东方焱 Was right, where your Buddhist temple has the time we also to go to you where to have a look.” “对了,你的那个道场在哪里有时间我们也去你哪里看看。” In leaving home not far away place, at present the Buddhist temple what are most is one calls tung oil tree valley Zhiye and spring xiao thousand and girl, will also sometimes have one girl who called Gui Yanye came to here.” “就在离家不远处的地方,目前来道场最多的是一个叫桐谷直叶和春咲千和的女孩,不过有时候也会有一个叫桂言叶的女孩来这里。” It seems like your Buddhist temple is not much.” “看来你的道场还不怎么样啊。” Shows the vague smiling face, this made Saeko Busujima smile bitterly actually very much reluctantly. 露出若有若无般的笑容,这倒是让毒岛冴子很无奈的苦笑了一下。 This does not have means that at present can achieve standard also only then thousand , the words of straight leaf when having a vacation can come, said the leaf say nothing, probably was the time that because family's reason came will not be long.” “这个也是没办法的,目前能达到标准的也就只有千和了,直叶的话只有在放假时才能来,言叶更不用说了,好像是因为家里的缘故来的时间也不会太久。” You try hard, everyone is seeking for own matter.” “那你努力吧,每个人都在寻找着自己的事情。” Un, this I know, you had issued actually ahead of time the theme song of Spirit story is the news that prays to initiate, doesn't have the issue really?” “嗯,这个我知道,倒是你提前发布了精灵物语的主题曲是祈主唱的消息,真的没问题吗?” Has not related, prayed does not like in any case beaming with joy this also to maintain the mystery is also having Mana unable to have any problem in estimate of praying.” “没关系的,反正祈又不喜欢露脸这样也能保持着神秘感况且还有真名在祈的身边估计也出不了什么问题。” ........................ …………………… Somebody in another World, although small immortal, Xiao Yixian, dejected jade they cannot understand to pray is singing anything, however the gentle singing sound makes them wallow as before. 另一个世界中的某人,尽管小仙儿,小医仙,萧玉她们听不懂祈在唱什么,但是温柔的歌声依旧让她们沉迷。 Unknowingly, that is situated the Canaan school in Battle Qi mainland west area black angular region must arrive. 不知不觉,那坐落在斗气大陆西面地区黑角域中部的迦南学院就要抵达。 Crossed here, front on the Canaan school.” “过了这里,前面就正是迦南学院了。” dejected jade looks at that head rest the Xiao Yixian thigh, in the bosom is holding Little Ai and small immortal somebody has almost not borne really go forward to give him two big boxes on the ear. 萧玉看着那头枕着小医仙大腿,怀中抱着小爱和小仙儿的某人真的是差点没忍住上前给他两个大耳巴子。 The vision looked at Xiao Yixian actually to see her secretly is only in the small face sending pinkeye slightly is bringing gently, the appearance that also has not rejected let in dejected pure heart the curling the lip at heart acid. 目光偷偷的瞄了眼小医仙却见她只是小脸微微的发红眼中带着温柔,也是没有拒绝的样子让萧玉心里不由的撇了撇嘴心里酸酸的。 Has patted Little Ai and small immortal in bosom gently, after setting out to sit up, put out a hand to pinch the cheek of Xiao Yixian to be gentle. 轻轻拍了拍怀中的小爱和小仙儿,起身坐起后伸手捏了捏小医仙的脸蛋温柔到。 Was laborious.” “辛苦了。” Regarding this, Xiao Yixian elegant face slightly red, shows the docile smiling face to shake the head, gently by the smiling face of corners of the mouth on the Dongfang Yan shoulder even more happy. 对此,小医仙俏脸微红,露出温顺的笑容摇了摇头,轻轻的靠在东方焱肩上嘴角的笑容越发的甜蜜。 From the disposition perspective, Xiao Yixian and Menjou Hare are very similar, the gentle disposition makes Dongfang Yan open the heart. 从性格方面来说,小医仙校条祭真的很相似,温柔的性格让东方焱敞开心扉。 On the contrary, ate dog grain dejected jade actually unable to bear, this was really speechless. 相反,吃了一路狗粮的萧玉却是受不了了,这真的是让人无语啊。 After rolled the eyes, sees that to stand in the school entrance crowd knows that definitely was pats the back of lion vulture the teacher arranged to refer to that crowd of person sites descending. 翻了个白眼后看见那站在学院门口的人群就知道肯定是自己导师安排的拍了拍狮鹫的后背指了指那群人所在地降落。 Falls to the ground, the left hand holds the small immortal right hand to pull side Little Ai with a Xiao Yixian gold/metal pupil looks at present troop person brow wrinkles. 落地,左手抱着小仙儿右手牵着小爱身旁跟着小医仙金瞳看着眼前的一大群人眉头不由的一皱起来。 „Is this that talent that the teacher said? Feels not much.” “这就是导师所说的那个天才吗?感觉不怎么样啊。” Does not know the sound where broadcasts makes the crowd blast open, 不知道从哪里传来的声音让人群炸裂, Disdaining and doubts one after another unceasing transmits this to make Little Ai not be glad the radiant golden dragon Tong indifferent looks at present crowd gradual dragon prestige that narrows eye one unable to resist to start actually partly visible along with Little Ai. 一声接着一声的不屑和疑惑不断的传来这倒是让小爱不乐意起来璀璨的金色龙瞳冷漠的看着眼前的人群随着小爱逐渐的眯起眼一股无法抗拒的龙威开始若隐若现。 Appearance, but the feeling the Little Ai difference, Dongfang Yan has pinched Little Ai small hand gently, this lets Little Ai doubts leaning looked did not understand excessively to own Father, but sees oneself Father to oneself shaking the head after slightly then silent received partly visible dragon prestige. 的出现,而感觉到了小爱的异样,东方焱轻轻的捏了捏小爱小手,这让小爱一愣疑惑的偏过头看向自己的父亲不理解,不过见自己父亲对自己微微的摇了摇头后这才沉默的把原本若隐若现的龙威收回来。 Puts down small immortal to give nearby Xiao Yixian then small hand to go forward a step vision tranquil looks at present troop person. 放下小仙儿把小手递给一旁的小医仙这才上前一步目光平静的看着眼前的一大群人。 „Are you so-called Canaan school students? The feeling does not drop, did not have the mole cricket demon beast that I meet to be fierce.” “你们就是所谓的迦南学院学生吗?感觉不咋滴啊,还没有我遇见的土狗魔兽厉害啊。” Your this fellow!!!” “你这个家伙!!!” bastard you are courting death!” 混蛋你这是在找死!” Everybody on gives him a lesson to dare to despise our Canaan school together unexpectedly!!” “大家一起上给他一点教训居然敢小看我们迦南学院!!” The Dongfang Yan's words flash made opposite crowd explode, was similar to the vengefulness for father's murder general was shouting to Dongfang Yan this made dejected jade not understand, in her impression, Dongfang Yan was not such person. 东方焱的话一瞬间就让对面人群炸了,一个个如同杀父之仇一般的对着东方焱大喊着这让萧玉也是不理解,在她的印象中,东方焱可不是这样的人啊。 Yo newbie very crazy, comes, on the duel stage makes the school leader teach you custom.” “呦新人挺狂的啊,来来来,决斗台上让学长教你规矩。” Does not know that is whose fellow pinches the fist corners of the mouth to bring harboring evil intentions smiling face looks at Dongfang Yan, what is accurate is his behind Xiao Yixian. 不知道是谁的家伙捏着拳头嘴角带着不怀好意的笑容看着东方焱,准确的是他身后小医仙 Narrows the eyes to focus, the looks at present person listens to the front to spread the news about this person to disdain to say with a smile at present. UU reads 眯着眼,看着眼前的人听着前方传来关于眼前这个人的消息不屑一笑道。UU看书 In my eyes, you do not match the trash the mole cricket.” “在我眼里,你连土狗都不配啊渣渣。” Your this fellow!!!” “你这个家伙!!!” The clay figurine fire, the rabbit anxious also will have bitten, how was working as many people of despising and taunts by Dongfang Yan, thinks he who some strengths is also erupts Samsung fights strength this to make dejected jade complexion change actually hastily keeps off in cold -ly snorted and said who in front of Dongfang Yan ablazes with anger. 泥人都有一把火,兔子急了也是会咬人的,被东方焱当着怎么多人的鄙视和嘲讽,自认为有些实力的他也是爆发出三星斗师的实力这倒是让萧玉脸色一变连忙挡在东方焱面前怒气冲冲的冷哼道。 vermilion Gang you must do!!” “朱刚你要干什么!!” Hehe, do I want to do?” 呵呵,我要干什么?” The person who was called vermilion Gang sneers to walk toward Dongfang Yan, the vision fills looks at Dongfang Yan that despises to sneer to say. 被叫做朱刚的人冷笑着朝着东方焱走过去,目光充满鄙视的看着东方焱冷笑道。 Boy you are not very crazy? How now to hide in the woman back, were you also the man are the man come out to hit itself certificate with me to the duel stage on.” “小子你不是挺狂的嘛?现在怎么躲在女人的背后了,你还是不是爷们了是爷们就出来跟我到决斗台上打一架证明自己。” The present person makes Dongfang Yan almost not smile, but does not know that remembered anything's him keeping off dejected Yula before body arrives at behind, looks at opposite vermilion Gang says with a smile. 眼前的人让东方焱差点没笑死,不过不知道想起了什么的他把挡在身前的萧玉拉到身后,看着对面的朱刚一笑道。 „Am I the man you am not the best proof? However I did not acknowledge that has your such stature, silly looks at fights one to be able disgraced actually does not have the gambling stake not to have the meaning very much.” “我是不是爷们你不就是最好的证明?不过我可不承认有你这么个儿,傻里傻气的看着丢人不过啊打一架倒是可以的只是没有赌注岂不是很没意思。” Your this fellow!!!! What do you want to bet?” “你这个家伙!!!!你想赌什么?” The corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, the looks at Dongfang Yan's vision have filled to kill the fist joint that intent got hold to turn white, deeply after shouting takes a breath, understood attempt of opposite party, diligently was been tranquil the inquiry to say by oneself, but the heart already decided on the duel stage to him hit half dead. 嘴角抽了抽,看着东方焱的目光更加的充满了杀意握紧的拳头关节都发白起来,深呼吸了口气后也明白了对方的企图,努力的让自己平静下来询问道,只是心底早已决定决斗台上一定要把他打个半死。 What bet is good? This is an issue.” “赌什么好了?这是个问题。” Reveals the ponder intentionally the expression, afterward has thought suddenly the common right hand makes a fist to pound on the left hand palm says with a smile. 故意露出沉思的表情,随后一副突然想到了一般右手握拳砸在左手手掌上微笑道。 Your complete fire can with all clothes.” “你的全部火能和身上的所有衣服。”
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