MTOAW :: Volume #5

#412: Preparation

Chapter 412: Preparation 第412章:准备 Snort, hateful woman, this World is I and Father, do not want to participate.” “哼,可恶的女人,这个世界是我和父亲的,你别想插足进来。” Stands out the room, the golden dragon pupil looks at door puts out a hand the weak ray to disperse the ban that Dongfang Yan leaves behind to be opened, the sound conveys. 站在房间门外,金色的龙瞳看着房门伸出手微弱的光芒散动东方焱留下的禁制被打开,声音传来出来。 You, how you can like this!!” “你,你怎么可以这样!!” less nonsense, you are come or want me to help you.” 少废话,你是自己来还是要我帮你。” Halts, I, I escape am not good.” “站住,我,我自己脱还不行吗。” „Did that ask you quickly good?” “那就拜托你快一点行吗?” You, do you transfer first?” “你,你先转过去行吗?” Has any relations, I looked in any case have not missed this time, you in did not escape me to carry out the violence.” “有什么关系,反正我都看过了也不差这一次,你在不脱我就执行暴力了哦。” wait|etc!!!” 等等!!!” The sound transfers this to let the Dongfang Ai direct petrification in former place, originally curious with Xun is also so, only then Xiao Yan as well as Xiao Ning and dejected Mei very awkward in former place does not know that should do. 声音转出来这让东方爱直接石化在原地,就连原本好奇跟过来的薰儿也是如此,只有萧炎以及萧宁和萧媚很尴尬的在原地不知道该干嘛。 Good, good.” “好,好了。” The embarrassed sound lets behind unceasing appearance black air/Qi condensation of Dongfang Ai gradually a ghosts and gods formidable resentment. 略带难为情的声音让东方爱身后不断的出现黑气渐渐的凝聚成一股鬼神般的强大怨气。 From the beginning a little will be sore, but endured to be good, then very comfortable.” “一开始会有点疼,不过忍一下就好了,接下来就会很舒服的哦。” Un.” “嗯。” As this saying comes out, in the air is filling a terrifying pressure and formidable black soars to the heavens the resentment, fumigates was also infected general to be stiff to send out the resentment to read. 随着这话出来,空气中弥漫着一股恐怖的威压和强大的黑色冲天怨气,就连薰儿也是被感染了一般的僵硬着散发出浓浓的怨念。 That ......... Haha, I, I think suddenly Father asked me also to have the matter, first walked, one will say goodbye.” “那个………啊哈哈,突然间我,我想起来父亲找我还有事了,就先走了,一会再见啊。” Xiao Yan that the decisive feeling to preparing to start to travel draws complexion flood red dejected Mei to flee the scene, but after Dongfang Ai gazed after he left , the vision looks to another side. 果断感觉不对准备开始跑路的萧炎拉着脸色泛红的萧媚逃离现场,而东方爱目送了他离开后把目光看向了另一边。 This ......... Haha I and friend also had approximately first walked, when I have not come.” “这个………啊哈哈我和朋友还有约了就先走了,当我没来过好了。” Xiao Ning also directly escapes, after all is the pressure of Little Ai desirably suppression is also his institute is resistless, thereupon in back soaked situation, braves to fall into woman that the resentment read momentarily to rip the fragment was staring in the situation, Xiao Ning has also chosen escaping. 萧宁也是直接逃跑,毕竟就算是小爱刻意压制的威压也是他所不能抵抗的,于是乎在后背被浸湿的情况下,冒着被陷入怨念的女人随时撕成碎片盯着的情况下,萧宁也是选择了逃跑。 Damn woman!!!” “该死的女人!!!” In the eye bursts out a named angry vision, grabs small hand of pillar to scratch and tear the pillar directly, the behind blackening ghosts and gods are also getting more and more obvious. 眼中迸发出一种名为愤怒的目光,抓着柱子的小手直接把柱子抓破,身后的黑化鬼神也是越来越明显起来。 What kind , the feeling is good, is very comfortable.” “怎么样,感觉还不错吧,是不是挺舒服的。” Sits in the one side, pulls one leg on the other to narrow the eyes to focus on face satisfied looks at that bubble only revealing person meaning unclear speaking of head in the wooden barrel. 坐在一旁,牵着二郎腿眯着眼一脸惬意的看着那泡在木桶之中只露出一个头的人意味不明的说到。 Had comfortably a little, but a moment ago was very pain.” “舒服是有那么一点了,不过刚才还真的很疼了。” Sits cross-legged dejected Yuqiao face in wooden barrel flood blushing, only reveals an appearance of head outside, feels Battle Qi that own present absorbs to compare with before also is really the day badly leaves. 盘坐在木桶之中的萧玉俏脸泛着红晕,只露出一个头的样子在外,感受到自己现在所吸收的斗气跟以前比起来还真的是天差地别了。 That huge and continuously toward Battle Qi that own within the body wells up, that continually packing complete Battle Qi cyclone Xiao Yuqing's clear feeling own boundary is promoting, body unconscious relaxes to turn into the expression that the satisfied closing right up against wooden barrel has shown to enjoy to make the Dongfang Yan brow select. 那股庞大并且源源不断朝着自己体内涌来的斗气,那不断填充圆满的斗气气旋萧玉清晰的感觉到自己的境界在提升,就连身体也不自觉的放松下来变成了惬意的靠着木桶露出享受的表情让东方焱眉头一挑起来。 That is good, it seems like did not have what major problem me to walk first.” “那就好,看来没有什么大问题那么我先走了。” Smiled, Dongfang Yan drinks up the last tea to set out then to leave, is immersing as for dejected jade in the joy of strength promotion at this time, has to wash marrow pill, builds pill, gathers spirit, strengthens the version gathering air/Qi powder to think that did not promote difficultly this actually to make Dongfang Yan confirm a matter. 笑了笑,东方焱喝完最后一口茶起身便离开,至于萧玉此时正沉浸在实力提升的快乐中,有着洗髓丹,筑基丹,聚灵阵,强化版聚气散想不提升都难不过这倒是让东方焱确认了一件事。 spiritual qi can be replaced by Battle Qi, then said that does not permit Medusa also really possibly to succeed. 灵气可以被斗气所代替,那么说不准美杜莎还真的可能会成功。 Opens the door, on the face brings Little Ai of sweet smiling face to make Dongfang Yan have doubts the small face flood red expression also really lets liking that the person cannot bear as for nearby Xun. 推开门,脸上带着甜甜笑容的小爱东方焱疑惑至于一旁的薰儿小脸泛红的表情还真是让人忍不住的喜欢。 Father, this really? Throws own daughter at the same time and other woman will be together angry in Little Ai, even if Akame they hunger and thirst here won't have lovable Little Ai in the Father such hunger and thirst?” “呐父亲,这样真的好吗?把自己的女儿扔在一边和别的女人在一起小爱可是会生气的,就算赤瞳她们不在父亲也不会这么饥渴吧就算那么饥渴这里不是还有一个可爱的小爱嘛?” Narrows the eyes to focus, 眯着眼, The back resentment changes to the ghosts and gods appearance to stare at Dongfang Yan, this lets Dongfang Yan at the same time feels to blush with shame. Little Ai you were saying anything.” 背后的怨气化作鬼神般的样子盯着东方焱,这让东方焱一愣的同时又感到汗颜。“小爱你在说什么了。” Puts out a hand to make an effort is rubbing the head of Little Ai, the heart is also having simultaneously doubts, how oneself saw to sexually harass her who dejected jade that girl cannot bear. 伸手用力的揉着小爱的头,同时心底也在疑惑着,自己到底是怎么了看见萧玉那个小妞子就忍不住的想要调戏她。 Otou-sama, Otou-sama, Little Ai, Little Ai also wants Otou-sama love Ah!!!” “呐父亲大人,父亲大人,小爱,小爱也想要父亲大人的爱啊!!!” Rises with a spring, directly is similar to bradypus tridactylus hanging on Dongfang Yan, face unceasing is rubbing the Dongfang Yan's face. 一跃而起,直接如同树懒般的挂在东方焱身上,脸不断的蹭着东方焱的脸。 Good Little Ai. Quickly was skinned by you in this way the face.” “好了好了小爱。在这样下去脸都快被你蹭破了。” The powerful suppression, started for three months that in Little Ai general attack started, Dongfang Yan felt unable to bear. 强势镇压,在小爱发动总攻开始的三个月了,东方焱是真的感觉受不了。 Really my Younger Sister where is so lovable, to this simply is not my black belly love father and daughter. 果然我的妹妹哪有那么可爱,不对这简直就是我的腹黑恋父女儿啊。 Near the cliff of back side of the mountain, Dongfang Yan, Little Ai, fumigates, small immortal, Xiao Yixian, Xiao Yan, Naslin is sweet, dejected jade, Xiao Ning, dejected Mei several people gather round a prill to be cheerful and lively. 后山的山崖边上,东方焱,小爱,薰儿,小仙儿,小医仙,萧炎,纳兰嫣然,萧玉,萧宁,萧媚几人围着一个烤架有说有笑着。 Consideration how.” “考虑的怎么样了。” Is eating baking of in the hand, Dongfang Yan asking that in a soft voice dejected jade vision looks at that baked, one month two star became four stars, this one month. 吃着手中的烧烤,萧玉把目光看着那正在烧烤的东方焱轻声的问到,一个月的时间了原本二星斗者成为了四星,这才一个月的时间啊。 Canaan school ............ “迦南学院啊…………” Baking gives has depended after own Little Ai, UU reads 把烧烤递给一直赖在自己身旁的小爱后,UU看书 The vision looked to dejected jade of being without turning a hair, simultaneously in the brain transferred the proposition of Yao Lao to nod to comply finally. 目光看向了面不改色的萧玉,同时脑中转来了药老的提议最后点头答应下来。 This may go bad dejected jade happily, finally persuaded this not only loathful and helpless fellow, if by her is known what expression Dongfang Yan must go in the Canaan school to be. 这可把萧玉高兴坏了,终于说动这个既让人讨厌又让人无奈的家伙了,要是被她知道东方焱本就要进去迦南学院的话又会是什么样的表情。 Good, the day after tomorrow will walk with me.” “那好,后天就和我一起走吧。” Extremely happy dejected jade eats in the hand the smiling face on delicious baking face not to stop, this makes Little Ai be very discontented snort/hum. 极其开心的萧玉吃着手中本就好吃的烧烤脸上的笑容就没有停下过,这让小爱可是很不满的哼了哼。 Elder Brother do you want to walk?” 哥哥你又要走嘛?” On the contrary, hears Dongfang Yan to comply with immediately very suffering from injustice looks at Dongfang Yan in Dongfang Yan another side Xun, this makes Dongfang Yan smile is putting out a hand to find the clue make to comfort her. 相反,在东方焱另一边的薰儿听见东方焱答应下来立马十分委屈的看着东方焱,这让东方焱微笑着伸手摸头安抚着她。 Un, I go to school to have a look if possible to wait for the adult ritual that side first I to come back, comes back to take you to go to the school to play.” “嗯,我先去学院看看如果可以的话等成人礼那边我会回来的,回来接你去学院玩玩。” Fumigates does not want Elder Brother to leave, Elder Brother do not walk?” “可是薰儿不想要哥哥离开,哥哥不要走好吗?” Buried small hand that in the Dongfang Yan bosom fumigated to grab his clothes were bringing extremely not to abandon this face directly to make Dongfang Yan use many agreements to make Xun comply. 直接把脸埋进东方焱怀中薰儿的小手抓着他的衣服带着极度的不舍这可让东方焱用了好多的约定才让薰儿答应下来。 That Xiao Yixian, small immortal, can Little Ai, follow me together?” “那小医仙,小仙儿,小爱,要跟我一起走吗?” Wants, to want, to want!!” “要,要,要!!” hearing this also planned after Little Ai that said hears, was saying immediately happily, peacefully ate is baking shows the recollection expression, smiles to focus gently brings Xiao Yixian of tender feelings also to stare, is then calm. 闻言原本还打算说的小爱听见后立马开心的说着,就连原本安安静静吃着烧烤露出回忆表情,温柔笑着眼中带着柔情的小医仙也是一愣,接着淡定下来。 Un.” “嗯。” Then together will walk the day after tomorrow.” “那么后天就一起走吧。” Putting out a hand movement gentle wipes off the grease stains of Xiao Yixian corners of the mouth, making her small face one red trace small immortal under the Xiao Yixian shy appearance the head. 伸手动作轻柔的擦掉小医仙嘴角的油渍,让她小脸一红在小医仙羞涩的模样下又摸了摸小仙儿的头。 Fallen Heart Flame, I came!” 陨落心炎,我来了!”
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