MTOAW :: Volume #5

#411: dejected jade

Chapter 411: dejected jade 第411章:萧玉 The aloneness belongs to dejected jade room, Dongfang Yan calm drinks in the hand tea looks at to be embarrassed at present does not know how should start to talk dejected jade Hehe has smiled. 独属于萧玉的房间之中,东方焱淡定的喝着手中的茶看着眼前不好意思又不知道该怎么开口的萧玉呵呵的笑了起来。 What then leads the goal of me to here coming is?” “那么把我带到这里来的目的是什么?” Remembers itself to be drawn by her hardly is arriving at her room, this made Little Ai at the scene be similar to the frightened kitten generally has had a fit of bad temper, fumigated and Xiao Yixian is also bad looks at she, no matter but that time dejected jade that many held in the Dongfang Yan non- reason avenue anybody's vision fast walks toward the room that oneself did not have for a long time. 一想起自己被她硬拉着来到她房间,这让小爱可是当场如同受惊的小猫一般炸毛了起来,就连薰儿和小医仙也是不善的看着她,不过那个时候的萧玉可是不管那么多一把拉住东方焱不理由大街上任何人的目光快速的朝着自己好久没有回来的房间走过去。 Dongfang Yan has stopped the Little Ai movement, it is estimated that dejected jade was already killed. 要不是东方焱制止了小爱的动作,估计萧玉早就被弄死了啊。 Uh-huh.” “嗯哼。” Extends the slender white hands in front of Dongfang Yan, looks at dejected jade who puzzled he blinked, looks at her flood red small face and has that some not to dare to look own vision is unable to bear has smiled. 伸出纤纤玉手在东方焱面前,不解的他眨了眨眼的看着萧玉,看着她那泛红的小脸和有那么一些不敢看自己的目光也是忍不住的笑了起来。 Then uh-huh is What does it mean?” “那么嗯哼是什么意思?” Shot a look at the eye she, Dongfang Yan drank the in the hand tea to close one's eyes the inquiry to say once more leisurely and carefree, this appearance made dejected jade extremely angry gnash one's teeth get up actually. 瞥了眼她,东方焱再次悠闲的喝了口手中的茶闭着眼询问道,这幅模样倒是让萧玉愤愤的咬牙切齿起来。 Your this fellow!!!” “你这个家伙!!!” In the heart grasping is very crazy, how even if the heart in wants to hang to brush to be a pity that with the leather whip him that also can only think. 心中十分的抓狂,就算心底在怎么想把他吊起来用皮鞭抽打可惜那也只能想想而已。 ............ “呼…………” Deep breath one breath, diligently returned to normal by own mood, exchanges asking that somewhat forced smiling face dejected jade is also embarrassed speaks frankly. 深呼吸一口气,努力的让自己心情平复下来,换上有些牵强的笑容萧玉也是不好意思直说的问到。 That did recently have to refine anything to quench body ichor anything, needs me to give you to test.” “那个最近有没有炼制什么淬体灵液什么的,需不需要我来给你实验一下。” .................. “………………” Narrowed the eyes was seeing the eye appeared very forced dejected jade, Dongfang Yan was also smiling of being driven beyond the limits of forbearance, but did intentionally the calm appearance to let originally in the heart ashamed explosive table dejected jade ashamed, where the whole person was stiff on eye looks at that face the forced smiling face quickly to be smiled to replace by gan. 眯着眼看了眼显得十分牵强的萧玉,东方焱也是忍无可忍的笑了笑,不过还是故作淡定的样子让本就心中羞耻爆表的萧玉更加的羞耻,整个人都僵硬在哪里眼看着那脸上本就牵强的笑容都快被尴笑所代替。 Dongfang Yan then long drank tea calm start to talk to say. 东方焱这才悠悠的喝了口茶淡定的开口道。 Has, happen to this is I idles bored is dispersing and builds pill the gathering air/Qi as well as washes the quenching body ichor that marrow pill refines together becomes, is much better compared with the previous that type, suits the fighting use.” “有啊,正好这是我闲着无聊把聚气散和筑基丹以及洗髓丹一起炼制而成的淬体灵液,比起上次那种要好的多,同时也适合斗者使用。” Puts out the ichor that was mentioned does to forget, Dongfang Yan narrows speaking of that with a smile focuses on, this makes dejected jade stare actually, looks at that jade bottle beautiful eyes flashes. 拿出要不是被提起就搞忘的灵液,东方焱眯着眼的笑着说到,这倒是让萧玉一愣起来,看着那玉瓶美丽的眼睛扑闪扑闪的着。 „, Then there are to experience, if no that I push someone take on a difficult job experiences the drug efficacy to be how what kind of you.” “咳咳,那么有没有体验过,如果没有的话那我勉为其难的为你体验一下药效如何怎么样。” Is covering up the innermost feelings hastily excitement, on dejected jade face changed into the delightful smiling face, but narrows the eyes to focus on the smiling face on calm drinking tea dejected jade face along with Dongfang Yan gradual could not hang. 连忙遮掩着内心的的激动,萧玉脸上换成了甜美的笑容,不过随着东方焱眯着眼淡定的喝茶萧玉脸上的笑容逐渐的挂不住了。 Does not need.” “不需要了。” Although in the heart titter, but on the Dongfang Yan's face cannot see any mood, some are only tranquil. 尽管心中偷笑不已,但是东方焱的脸上还是看不出任何的情绪,有的只是平静而已。 Why ......... “为什么………” Saying of subconscious one wants not to think, dejected jade does not know why only felt now is at heart good to put in great inconvenience, but is puzzled looks at Dongfang Yan. 下意识一愣想都没想的说出了口,萧玉不知道为啥只感觉现在心里好委屈啊,不过还是不解的看着东方焱 Because ......... “因为啊………” Puts down the teacup to set out to arrive in front of dejected jade, looks at that pair filled doubts eyes, the corners of the mouth has shown the smiling face of evil charm to put out a hand to touch her face gently, this made dejected jade subconscious wish excessive, was being held the face by Dongfang Yan strong both hands, looks at that pair of golden pupil and face dejected jade with a smile blushes. 放下茶杯起身来到萧玉面前,看着那双充满了疑惑的眼睛,嘴角露出了邪魅的笑容伸手轻轻的触摸着她的脸庞,这让萧玉下意识的想要偏过头,却被东方焱强硬的双手捧着脸,看着那双金色的瞳孔和笑着的脸萧玉脸红了。 Because, because of anything.” “因为,因为什么啊。” The vision does not dare to look at that pair of eyes, dejected Yuzhi felt that at this time heartbeat the rapidness of quite, the face also starts to feel hot, ashamed in heart rises fiercely is speaking is not agile. 目光不敢去看那双眼睛,萧玉只感觉此时心跳的好快,脸也开始发烫起来,心中的羞耻度剧烈的上升着就连说话也不利落了。 „If you wants, I can give you.” “因为如果是你想要的话,我都可以给你哦。” Collects excessively, in a soft voice was speaking to dejected jade ear, this let dejected jade was similar to the receiving an electric shock general whole body unconscious tremble actually, the ear nearby steam let in dejected Yuxin shy with boiling hot of cheek as well as root of the ear. 凑过头,对着萧玉的耳边轻声说到,这倒是让萧玉如同触电一般浑身不自觉的一颤,耳边上的热气让萧玉心中更加的羞涩和脸颊以及耳根的滚烫。 Really, real?” “真,真的吗?” Whole body in the Dongfang Yan's bosom restless is swaying from side to side, dejected jade felt suddenly own good happy wish head by in the Dongfang Yan's bosom, is almost having the ashamed and shy mentality is inquiring very much carefully. 浑身在东方焱的怀中不安的扭动着,萧玉突然间感觉自己好幸福不由的想要把头靠在东方焱的怀中,几乎是带着羞耻和羞涩的心态很小心的询问着。 Naturally is ......... “当然是………” Feels dejected Yu's hope, Dongfang Yan is very the tender feelings spoke of both hands to hug her slender waist to look at each other with her gently is narrowing the eyes to focus to say under dejected jade performance extremely shyly. 感受到萧玉的渴望,东方焱很是柔情的说到双手轻轻搂着她的细腰与她对视着在萧玉极其羞涩的表现下眯着眼道。 Impossible.” “不可能的啦。” „...” “呃…” Stares, the expression that dejected jade I have not misunderstood is on the rise in the doubts looks at Dongfang Yan eye startled let smiling that Dongfang Yan could not bear. 一愣,萧玉一副我没听错的表情抬起头疑惑的看着东方焱眼中的惊愣让东方焱忍不住的笑了。 Buttocks insufficiently curl upwards, the chest is not very big, the stature is considered as reluctantly, face long also will calculate on, with fumigating to compare has exploded really weakly, but feel good this was also worth praising.” “屁股不够翘,胸不够大,身材算得上勉强,脸长的还算将就,和薰儿比起来真的是弱爆了,不过手感还不错这个值得表扬。” Begins grasps on dejected Yu's outstanding buttocks as well as chest, Dongfang Yan feels the earnest expression of chin to make dejected jade stand in former place, simultaneously the shy as well as ashamed direct conversion in heart was angry as well as suffering from injustice. 动手在萧玉的翘臀以及胸脯上抓了抓,东方焱摸着下巴的认真表情让萧玉石化般的立在原地,同时心中的羞涩以及羞耻直接转换成了愤怒以及委屈。 East!!!!!! Flame!!! Your bastard!!!!” “东!!!方!!!焱!!!你个混蛋!!!!” Wields an angry fist to stick toward his face on, what a pity she faces but must dozens times of Dongfang Yan, therefore the powder fist direct holds, but on the Dongfang Yan face also brings was teasing the chuckle, this made dejected jade ashamed and resentful. 挥动着愤怒的一拳朝着他脸上糊去,可惜她所面对的可是比自己还要强了几十倍的东方焱,所以说粉拳被直接的抓住,而东方焱脸上还带着戏谑般的轻笑,这让萧玉更加的羞愤。 I have killed you!!” “我杀了你!!” The feeling does not have the face to see toward the Dongfang Yan attack that dejected Yudai of person initial affected is bursting into tears, what a pity the effect greatly is not coming. 感觉没脸见人的萧玉带着最初的感动流着泪的朝着东方焱进攻,可惜效果不大来着。 Good, does not crack a joke as for is really.” “好了好了,不就开个玩笑而已嘛至于吗真是的。” Blocks dejected jade powder fist one after another, sees the comparison that she bursts into tears also on own initiative opens to go too far, heart slightly sighed holds dejected jade both hands to collect start to talk of face once more. 接连拦住萧玉的粉拳,见她流着泪也是自觉开的比较过火,心底微微的一叹再次抓住萧玉的双手凑过脸的开口 Cracks a joke? Snort, hmph hmph I to kill your this bastard today.” “开个玩笑而已?哼,哼哼今天我一定要杀了你这个混蛋。” Hears this saying, tears unconscious falling of dejected jade innermost feelings painful corner of the eye once more slightly, UU reads 听见这话,萧玉内心微微的一痛眼角的泪水不自觉的再次落下,UU看书 Remembers a moment ago, indeed so is only the joke dejected jade looks at present face that others open is also coldly snorted, even if both hands were held is the opens the mouth has also nipped. 一想起刚才的自己,尽然只是别人开的玩笑萧玉看着眼前的这张脸也是冷哼一声,就算双手被抓住也是张口咬了过去。 Hey Hey Hey, has sufficed the words, otherwise I may get angry.” 喂喂喂,够了话不然我可发火了。” Blocks dejected jade attack with forehead hastily, the direct wall thump her Dongfang Yan could not bear. 连忙用额头拦住萧玉的进攻,直接壁咚了她的东方焱也是受不了了。 Lets loose me, this rogue bastard!!” “放开我,这个流氓混蛋!!” Even if by the wall thump, dejected jade vigorously were also being revolted, but the effect not greatly elegant face flood is slightly red. 就算被壁咚,萧玉也是极力的反抗着,不过效果不大俏脸微微泛红着。 Good good, I have made a mistake inadequately.” “好吧好吧,我错了还不成吗。” In the heart self-ridiculed Dongfang Yan that takes the consequences for own actions why does not know, is sees to sexually harass that dejected jade this girl cannot bear, finally was incautiously excessive. 心中自嘲自作自受的东方焱也是不知道为啥,就是看见萧玉这个小妞子就忍不住的想要调戏一下,结果一不小心就过头了。 Snort.” “哼。” Sees the revolt to be fruitless, dejected jade is also decisive does not need to fill to kill looks at Dongfang Yan that in the revolt the beautiful pupil of intent coldly, if has neglected the root of the ear that that flood red elegant face and felt hot to say that this also really made people think was discourteous. 见反抗无果,萧玉也是果断的不在反抗只是用着充满杀意的美眸冷冷的看着东方焱,如果是忽略了那泛红的俏脸和发烫的耳根不得不说这还真是让人觉得是非礼了。 Helpless, a wooden barrel flew to come out in dejected Yujing vision to decline suddenly in the one side, afterward vacated one not to know that to the wooden barrel along with Dongfang Yan was gesticulating anything, dejected Yuzhi felt in any case surrounding Battle Qi all welled up probably toward the wooden barrel. 无奈,一个木桶突然的飞了出来在萧玉惊愣的目光中落在一旁,随后随着东方焱空出一手对着木桶不知道在比画啥,反正萧玉只感觉周围的斗气好像全都朝着木桶涌过去。 Under vision that the water indeed so appearance of a little bit baseless then in dejected jade is perplexed, blue green is similar to the agate same quenching body ichor falls into the wooden barrel, the water in wooden barrel was dyed blue green. 一滴滴的水尽然凭空的出现接着在萧玉不明所以的目光下,碧绿色如同玛瑙一样的淬体灵液落入木桶之中,木桶中的水被染成了碧绿色 Was good, this is you wants, to try to promote to that situation.” “好了,这就是你想要的,来试试能提升到那个地步。” Decisively rapidly the uniform/subdue of Canaan school takes off dejected jade, under expression that in dejected jade shy and is furious decisive has thrown entry directly. 果断飞速脱掉萧玉的迦南学院的制服,在萧玉羞涩和震怒的表情下果断的直接的扔了进入。
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