MSBIBTC :: Volume #6

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In immortal residence, Wen Jing facial features half in clear(ly) and half in dark, the thinking in eye and anxious had not retreated. 洞府中,文净面容一半在明、一半在暗,目中的思索与忧虑一直未曾退却。 Words to be honest, she is actually somewhat nervous. 说实话的话,她其实是有些慌的。 Was subdued by Star Monarch Great White secretly from oneself until now, had passed such long Time ; 自己太白星君暗中收服到如今,已过去了这么久的岁月; Most starts, at that time Star Monarch Great White or Sea God, restrained burning incense Karmic Virtue in Shore of South Sea, made the preparation before soaring into the sky. 最开始,那时太白星君还是海神,在南海之滨收敛香火功德,做一飞冲天前的准备。 At that time oneself does not know why stared by Sir Star Monarch, at this time wants to come, should be oneself scheme matter of the small Passing Immortal Gate. 当时自己不知为何就被星君大人盯上了,此时想来,应该是自己算计了小小度仙门之事。 She, well-known figure in Primordial Chaos Vicious Beast, Blood Sea Big Sister, does not dare to annoy Old Ancestor Ming He in Blood Sea in the past, didn't expect folds finally on nonchalant small scheme. 她,鸿蒙凶兽中的佼佼者,血海大姐头,当年在血海也就不敢惹冥河老祖,没想到最后折在了一场不经意的小算计上。 Daoist Wen Jing still remembered oneself initially that pitiful bitter experience. 文净道人还记得自己当初那悲惨的遭遇。 First was unfathomable mystery met Zhao Gongming, Zhao Gongming poured without delay, Jasper Firmament weeping endlessly from side came, making her caught unprepared, very puzzled ; 先是莫名其妙遇到了赵公明,赵公明二话不说就倒下去了,琼霄哭哭啼啼的就从旁来了,让她措手不及、很是不解; Although pretends finally the kindhearted female escaped, the Way Heart imbalance, easily was actually broken through the heart to guard by Sea God...... 虽最后假装良善女子逃了出来,却道心失衡,被海神轻易攻破了心防…… Is scheme! 都是算计 This is method of Sir Star Monarch! 这就是星君大人的手段 Wen Jing has felt, Western Cult numerous Saint disciple adds, insufficient Sir Star Monarch scheme. 文净一直觉得,西方教圣人弟子加起来,都不够星君大人算计的。 Facts showed that also truly so. 事实证明,也确实如此。 These name unimportant Old Daoist do not need to raise, from Jin Chanzi to Emptiness Bodhi, to Kṣitigarbha and Maitreya, which wasn't done to do by Sir Sea God again does remnantly distressedly? 那些名字不重要的老道都不必多提,从金蝉子虚菩提,再到地藏弥勒,哪个不是被海神大人搞死搞残搞狼狈? If there is gambled, crossed again in 1800, it is estimated that Western Cult Saint core disciple will all lose. 若是一直博弈下去,再过个千八百年,估计西方教圣人核心弟子全都会折戟。 Naturally, the primary cause of her Wen Jing to Human Cult loyal and devoted, is the own big imperial concubine...... 当然,她文净人教忠心耿耿的主要原因,还是自己的大妃…… Wen Jing covers the lip to smile several crazily, stands continues entranced in cave entrance. 文净捂着嘴唇痴笑几声,站在洞口继续出神 But, in day that in Western Cult continues to ambush, own position when production costs rise, prices rise too, even already achieved the position of shadow member. 可,在西方教继续潜伏的日子中,自己的地位水涨船高,甚至已经做到了暗部一把手的位置。 Although the matter of life and death or Lord Saint a few words, but the situation that only then core disciple can participate, oneself can also. 虽然生死还是圣人老爷一句话的事,但很多只有核心弟子能参加的场合,自己也能去了。 Hadn't already to so the situation, why Sir Star Monarch let oneself take action? 已经到了这般地步,星君大人为何还不让自己出手 Even, each time some of her driving belt/bring valuable information past tenses, Sir Star Monarch will also urge her, making her not need to worry about these trifle, the relieved ambush and cannot cause the Saint suspicion. 甚至,每次她主动带一些有价值的情报过去时,星君大人还会叮嘱她,让她不用操心这些小事,安心潜伏、莫要引起圣人怀疑。 In other words, Sir Star Monarch the matter that wants her to do, is more important than hundred times inform secretly and thousand times. 换而言之,星君大人要她做的事,比通风报信重要百倍、千倍。 With it relative, the danger and difficulty, feared that must be higher than a lot of times. 与之相对的,危险与难度,怕是也要高出千百倍。 How this and can this not be unhurried? 这、这如何能不慌? Daoist Wen Jing really cannot think, oneself has what ability, can let Sir Star Monarch so regard highly, does not know is what heavy responsibility, presses, in she plays musical instruments on shoulder that may break the fair translucent sexy charming reveal to come out to have the queen style. 文净道人实在是想不到,自己有什么本领,能让星君大人如此器重,将不知是何的重任,压在她吹弹可破白皙透亮性感迷人露出来就有女王风范的肩上。 sister-in-law impossible. 师嫂做不到呀。 At the present heavenly soldiers encircles Spirit Mountain directly, just Heavenly Court army aggressive of destruction Monster Race main force, state clearly must with Spirit Mountain settle an old grudge. 而今天兵直接围了灵山,刚覆灭妖族主力的天庭大军气势汹汹,摆明了是要与灵山清算旧账 Daoist Wen Jing have no choice but to thinks...... 文净道人不得不多想…… Even, she also quite anticipated, anticipated oneself can obtain wisp of sound transmission at this time, how urged her to handle affairs later ; 甚至,她还颇为期待,期待自己此时就能得到一缕传声,叮嘱她稍后如何如何行事; Produces the evidence of so many year of collection, announces to the public these matters that Spirit Mountain secretly does. 拿出这么多年搜集的证据,将灵山暗中做的那些事公布于众。 Afterward, Grand Pure Saint announced that allows her to enter Grand Pure Monastery to make small Way Child, in 1800 has rushed to Profound Capital City. 随后,太清圣人宣布让她进入太清观做个小道童,过个千八百年赶赴玄都城 Fights to the death with Phoenix Race that Kong Xuan! 凤族那个孔宣决一死战! Snort! 哼! How this Lord Queen will slightly lose to that just decided the sex...... the female!’ ‘本女王大人怎么会输给那个刚决定性别的小……女子!’ Suddenly! 突然间! Whistle sound resounds in heart, Daoist Wen Jing mind shakes, stands in cave entrance vigilant takes a fast look around about, calmly closed the double pupil. 一阵笛声在心底响起,文净道人精神一震,站在洞口机警地扫视左右,淡定地闭上了双眸。 Shore of South Sea, in the secret sand beach, good-looking young girl is playing the bamboo flute somewhere. 南海之滨,某处秘密沙滩上,一名俊俏‘少女’吹着笛子。 Soon, several sea-monsters to the shoal, the young girl were being played to sea-monster sound transmission, said eight characters. 不多时,几条游鱼到了浅滩,那少女在吹奏中对游鱼传声,说了八个字。 Is patient, protects oneself first.】 【稍安勿躁,自保第一。】 Afterward, this young girl form escapes into the under foot reef, vanishes does not see. 随后,这少女身影遁入脚下礁石,消失不见。 That several sea-monsters also turn around to belong to the sea, stays behind without the whereabouts. 那几尾游鱼也转身归于大海,毫无行迹留下。 The Spirit Mountain foot, in some secret immortal residence, Daoist Wen Jing only feels the dizziness vertigo, several delicate fingers hold the forehead, the red lips are opening lightly, a little above. 灵山山脚,某隐秘洞府中,文净道人只感觉头晕眼花,几根纤指扶着额头,朱唇轻启,有点上头。 Really...... 果然…… Sir Star Monarch is really makes oneself ding the face of Saint! 星君大人果然是让自己去叮圣人的脸吧! Today this weaponry has nothing to do with her, except for letting her falls Saint face directly, she really does not know, oneself can also, be Way Sect and does anything for Human Cult for Sir Star Monarch...... 今天这阵仗都与她无关,除了让她直接去落圣人颜面,她是真不知道,自己还能为人教、为道门、为星君大人做些什么…… What Western Cult Deputy Cult Master is always impossible to make her make, is not at home while Great Cult Master, announced that Spirit Mountain does dismiss? 总不可能让她去做什么西方教副教主,然后趁着大教主不在家,宣布灵山解散吧? āi.” 。” Daoist Wen Jing somewhat sighed depressed, facial features many were somewhat sad. 文净道人有些郁闷地叹了口气,面容多少有些感伤。 Wen Jing.” 文净。” The shout makes noise from the ear by, Daoist Wen Jing delicate hands shiver , the standing figure, sinks later immediately the enchanting curve, both hands overlaps before the abdomen, supple sound said: 呼喊声自耳旁作响,文净道人纤手哆嗦了下,随后立刻站直身形、凹出妖娆曲线,双手交叠在腹前,柔声道: Second Lord, Wen Jing.” 二老爷,文净在。” Un,” that voice complied with the sound, as if somewhat is also scruple, said: Later Heavenly Court launches an attack, needs you to make the incident.” “嗯,”那嗓音应了声,似乎也有些迟疑,又道:“稍后天庭发难,需你做一事。” Second Lord please tell although, Daoist Wen Jing sighed gently, among this Heaven and Earth, if did not have this place, feared that did not have Wen Jing the institute of taking shelter.” 二老爷请尽管吩咐,”文净道人轻轻一叹,“这天地间,若无此地,怕是都没文净的容身之所了。” That voice silent, then continued sound transmission to urge several. 那嗓音沉默一阵,而后继续传声叮嘱了几句。 Daoist Wen Jing looked suddenly, with a smile promise, in the eye full was firm, just right revealed the meaning of several points of thinking. 文净道人面露恍然,含笑答应了下来,目中满是坚定,又恰到好处流露出了几分思索之意。 After all like this character, even if the assignment of Saint confession, direct promise and shed one's blood and lay down one's life, that really has the issue. 毕竟像她这种人物,哪怕是圣人交代的差事,直接一口答应抛头颅洒热血,那才是真的有问题。 At this time look multi- a little bit hesitates, matches several points of hesitation, makes the somewhat helpless compromise in the hesitation again. 此时眼神多一点点迟疑,搭配几分犹豫,再在犹豫中做出有些无奈的妥协。 Worthily is the Great Desolate movie queen most advantageous competition candidate, one. 不愧是洪荒影后最有利的竞争人选,之一。 ...... …… Another side, Li Changshou just now on own initiative to Paper Daoist of Daoist Wen Jing signalling melts after the ashes, then begins to arrange the following all things. 另一边,李长寿将方才主动对文净道人传信的纸道人融为灰烬后,便着手安排后续诸事。 Photo Ball that Golden Roc takes carry back, Li Changshou had seen, the effect is very good, looked is Golden Roc, Great Master and Kong Xuan cooperates. 金鹏拿回来的留影球,李长寿已看到了,效果很不错,一看就是金鹏大法师孔宣通力合作。 The sole shortcoming does not have the backup, was damaged easily. 唯一的缺点就是没有备份,容易被损毁。 Good Li Changshou has developed Photo Ball content duplication magical powers, made 99 backups to these three Photo Ball. 还好李长寿早就开发出了‘留影球内容复制’神通,给这三颗留影球做了九十九颗备份。 Tells the truth, Great Desolate not video clip view, therefore these Photo Ball cannot cheat. 有一说一,洪荒没有‘视频剪辑’的说法,所以这些留影球都是做不了假的。 In the half year, Li Changshou after careful deliberations, elects the military officer who a number of courage and wisdom high, dared to challenge in Heavenly Court, and informed Yang Jian one especially, making Yang Jian go to Spirit Mountain observing and emulating observing and emulating today. 这半年,李长寿深思熟虑,在天庭选了一批胆识高、敢打敢拼的将领,并格外通知了杨戬一声,让杨戬今日去灵山观摩观摩。 Li Changshou Immortal Sense looked in seclusion Ling‘e, calculated under Ling‘e at this time the Way Foundation compactness, satisfactorily nods very much. 李长寿仙识看了看正在闭关灵娥,计算了下灵娥此时道基的坚实度,很满意地点点头。 Afterward, main body carries Dark-Yellow Pagoda and Parting Earth Flame Light Banner, flutters from Great White Palace riding the clouds, assigns/life Golden Roc to bring that dozens Heavenly General first step to hurry to nearby Spirit Mountain, oneself hidden the whereabouts, falls toward Mount Emei. 随后,本体携着玄黄塔离地焰光旗,自太白宫驾云飘出,命金鹏带着那数十位天将先一步赶去灵山附近,自己则隐藏行迹,朝峨眉山落去。 Pink clouds accompanying, from time to time immortal crane circumduction. 一路彩云相伴,时而仙鹤环行。 Before that Floating Gauze Cave, Li Changshou flung horsetail whisk, takes Jade Talisman that Older Brother Zhao Gongming last time is giving, escapes into great array. 到得那罗浮洞前,李长寿甩了甩拂尘,拿着赵公明老哥上次给的玉符,遁入大阵之中。 The Mount Emei scenery is pleasant, distant mountains like forest and clouds and mist sea, as Great Desolate top grotto-heaven and blessed land, here immortal residence occupancy is quite astonishing, but the best section was occupied by Zhao Gongming so almighty, no one dares to say anything. 峨眉山风光宜人,远山如林云雾似海,作为洪荒顶级洞天福地,这里的洞府入住率相当惊人,不过最好的地段都被赵公明这般大能占了,也没人敢说什么。 Compares in certain almighty that proclaims strange mountain, Zhao Gongming so occupies the immortal residence behavior, is very genial. 相比于某些自封奇山的大能,赵公明这般只是占个洞府的行为,已是十分和善。 —— here has not raised Spiritual Vulture Peak. ——这里并没有多提灵鹫山 Just entered Zhao Gongming great array, Li Changshou saw, man who two lay down in Dongqian...... 刚进赵公明大阵,李长寿就看到了,两个躺在洞前的男人…… But cannot misunderstanding, this is Zhao Gongming is teaching Bian Zhuang some, with unique posture of Great Desolate evil force struggle. 莫要误会,这是赵公明在传授卞庄一些,与洪荒恶势力斗争的独特姿势。 The Zhao Gongming single-handed side stay, said with a smile: 赵公明单手侧撑,笑道: Little Zhuang, you train again, has a look to Brother Changgeng.” 小庄啊,你再演练一遍,给长庚老弟看看。” That Bian Zhuang quickly grasped the meaning of something to jump, at this time noticed Li Changshou’s to arrive, made way greeting to salute hastily. 卞庄一个激灵跳了起来,此时才注意到李长寿的到来,连忙做道揖行礼。 Li Changshou warm sound said: How to study?” 李长寿温声道:“学得怎么样了?” Bian Zhuang hastily said: humble general spells to go all-out, only strove for being able to study some Senior Gongming fur/superficial knowledge, at the present always misses the point.” 卞庄忙道:“末将拼尽全力,只求能学得公明前辈些许皮毛,而今始终不得要领。” Yeah, was modest,” the Zhao Gongming big hand wields, praised: This field of endeavor, Little Zhuang has resulted in the god marrow.” “哎,谦虚了,”赵公明大手一挥,赞道:“此道,小庄已得神髓。” Bian Zhuang smiles, both hands and outside thigh, do not dare the manner to be arrogant. 卞庄腼腆一笑,双手并在大腿外侧,丝毫不敢神态倨傲。 Li Changshou said with a smile: Such being the case, such as Older Brother said, first trains the drilling.” 李长寿笑道:“既然如此,就如老哥所说,先演练演练。” Yes!” “是!” Bian Zhuang complied, just wants to give Li Changshou to move the stool, Li Changshou beckons with the hand, speaking the situation is urgent, does not need to be strenuous. 卞庄答应一声,刚想去给李长寿搬凳子,李长寿就摆摆手,言说事态紧急,不必多费力。 After a little while, Zhao Gongming sets out to converge with Li Changshou, Bian Zhuang stands in front of immortal residence, holds the breath with rapt attention and adjustment condition, is seeking for that subtle feeling. 少顷,赵公明起身与李长寿汇合,卞庄站在洞府门前,屏息凝神、调整状态,寻找着那微妙的感觉。 The Zhao Gongming shoulder hit under Li Changshou, said with a smile: Later does this poor Daoist also take a stroll?” 赵公明肩膀撞了下李长寿,笑道:“稍后贫道也去溜达一圈?” Older Brother you must evade disaster to hide the tribulation.” 老哥你要躲灾躲劫。” „Can this hide?” Zhao Gongming said with a smile, poised walked would rather everywhere, predestined fate came calmly dealt.” “这躲得过去吗?”赵公明笑道,“倒不如大大方方四处走走,劫数来了从容应对。” Li Changshou asked: Senior Apprentice Sister Golden Spirit disciple that right, Older Brother last time said that calls Wen Zhong that how does Older Brother look?” 李长寿问:“对了,老哥上次说的金灵师姐弟子,就是叫闻仲的那个,老哥看着如何?” Zhao Gongming set upright the thumb immediately, „ moral character is good, the perception is good, moreover inborn magical powers, can distinguish the right and wrong, quite good...... 赵公明顿时竖了个大拇指,“品性上佳,悟性上佳,而且天生神通,能辨别是非对错,相当不错…… He in Emerald Jade Floating Palace cultivation, Golden Spirit passed on selected Way Method not multibarreled, future creation/good fortune feared that was not low. ” 他在碧游宫修行,金灵传了点道法也没多管,今后的造化怕是不低。” Li Changshou nods with a smile, had not said that side Bian Zhuang is raises hand to hint oneself to prepare appropriately. 李长寿含笑点头,并未多说,那边卞庄已是举手示意自己准备妥当。 Grand Preceptor Wen, has the men of three eyes, a strength supports last years Great Shang, truly is a character. 闻太师嘛,同样是拥有三只眼的男人,一力匡扶末代大商,确实是个人物。 Pitifully only...... face value is inferior to Yang Jian. 只可惜……颜值不如杨戬 And looks at Bian Zhuang, at this time takes a deep breath, the expression is very gently calm, the vision does not have the focus, forwarded at will two steps. 且看卞庄,此时轻轻吸了口气,表情很平静,目光也没有焦点,随意向前走了两步。 Suddenly! 突然! Li Changshou as if heard ka a light sound, as if saw blood light hits the Bian Zhuang heart lineage/vein, Bian Zhuang subconsciously lifts the left hand to cover the chest, the back of the hand blue vein sticks out suddenly, the knuckle of blanch to grip the tight collar, the figure somewhat lies crooked weak softly, but actually...... 李长寿仿佛听到了‘咔’的一声轻响,似乎看到了一道血光击中卞庄心脉,卞庄下意识抬起左手捂住胸口,手背青筋暴起、发白的指节攥紧衣领,身形有些无力地斜躺、软倒…… —— —— The blood froth flutters about, the person's shadow is thin and pale, in both eyes has the anger, to bring being unwilling, lies down slowly, in the mouth is also muttering worn out: 血沫纷飞,人影憔悴,双目中带着愤怒、带着不甘,缓缓躺倒在地,口中还有气无力地喃喃着: Sir, we go back, their influence is too strong......” “大人,咱们回去吧,他们势力太强……” What kind of?” “怎么样?” The Zhao Gongming thumb shook shaking, what this boy really its female is a talent!” 赵公明大拇指晃了晃,“这小子真其母的是个天才!” Un, had that taste.” “嗯,有那味了。” Li Changshou satisfactorily nods, along with even greeted one: „ Under tidies up, later looks at me to give this hand signal, whoever before you, performs so the program directly. 李长寿满意地点点头,随即便招呼一声:“起来收拾下,稍后看我打出这个手势,无论谁在你面前,就直接上演这般戏码。 Does not need to be worried, Heavenly Way shields guard you. ” 不必担心,天道护着你。” Understood!” “明白!” Bian Zhuang complied with the sound in high spirits, the figure rise with a jump. 卞庄兴冲冲地应了声,身形一跃而起。 This, is he studies the unique skill that a half year just grasped painstakingly! 这,是他苦学半年刚掌握的绝技! But makes Li Changshou feel what is somewhat improper, Older Brother Zhao is determined to go together, secretly hides the figure, goes to Spirit Mountain to watch the fun. 但让李长寿感觉有些不妥的是,赵老哥执意要一同前往,暗中躲藏身形,去灵山看个热闹。 Li Changshou understands, Zhao Gongming was worried he rushes to Spirit Mountain to encounter the problem later, crucial moment he can come out to take a stand on behalf of Section Cult, resists with West. 李长寿自是明白,赵公明担心他稍后去闯灵山会遇到麻烦,关键时刻他能代表截教出来表个态,与西方相抗。 But a lot, Li Changshou in one or two words could not explain. 但很多事情,李长寿一言两语解释不清。 This time goes to Spirit Mountain, he do not raise what great war, Heavenly Court does not have this strength at this time, does not have qualifications so. 这次去灵山,他并不是要掀起什么大战,天庭此时既没有这个实力,也没有这般资格。 He goes to Spirit Mountain, to some Spirit Mountain development proposals and ensure heartfeltly the Great Desolate environment is harmonious, will establish on the road of new order in next Heavenly Court, Spirit Mountain will not stretch out it too long arm. 他去灵山,也就是衷心地给灵山一些发展建议,确保洪荒大环境和谐,在今后天庭建立新秩序的路上,灵山不会伸出它太长的臂膀。 The long arm had jurisdiction over that wrap/sets, previous life does not work in Blue Star. 长臂管辖那套,上辈子在蓝星都行不通了。 About could not calm down Zhao Gongming, Li Changshou took Jade Talisman simply, wrote conveniently Great White Palace Specially Invited Guest Official, gave the Zhao Gongming Heavenly Court background by this. 左右劝不住赵公明,李长寿干脆拿了一枚玉符,随手写了个‘太白宫特邀客卿’,以此给赵公明天庭背景。 Zhao Gongming joyfully promise, but has not cared this status obviously, squeezes in Jade Talisman the sleeve, urges Li Changshou to hurry to act. 赵公明欣然答应,但显然没把这个身份放在心上,将玉符塞入袖中,就催着李长寿赶紧行动。 A Li Changshou brow wrinkle, urged several...... 李长寿眉头一皱,还是多劝了几句…… After the moment, Li Changshou riding the clouds, a Zhao Gongming become Heavenly General appearance, Bian Zhuang also changes the armor, follows with Zhao Gongming one on the left and other on the right in Li Changshou behind. 片刻后,李长寿驾云,赵公明化作一名天将模样,卞庄也换上盔甲,与赵公明一左一右地跟在李长寿身后。 On the road, Zhao Gongming repeatedly urged Bian Zhuang should not be anxious, did not anxious Bian Zhuang anxious. 路上,赵公明反复叮嘱卞庄不要紧张,把原本并不怎么紧张的卞庄搞的紧张了起来。 But, Bian Zhuang also has own energy. 但,卞庄也有自己的一份底气。 Who knows that he does come in the half year? 谁知道他这半年是怎么过来的? Spits blood to spit! 吐血吐过来的! In order to achieve that the most perfect effect, Bian Zhuang put together own all, each blood, shook from within the body. 为了达到那一声‘噗’的最完美效果,卞庄拼上了自己的一切,每一口鲜血,都是从体内震出。 Solemn Heavenly Immortal Realm late stage Qi Refiner, almost on poor blood! 堂堂一名天仙境后期炼气士,差点就贫了血! From Mount Emei to the Spirit Mountain road, although is long, but regarding Bian Zhuang, shook the god to see powerful mountain that Golden Light covered. 峨眉山灵山的路虽长,但对于卞庄而言,一个晃神就见到了那金光覆盖的雄威大山。 Western Ox Hè Continent peak, West Spirit Mountain. 西牛贺洲最高点,西方灵山 Bian Zhuang, starts to cut into the mood.” 卞庄,开始切入情绪。” Li Changshou sound transmission said the sentence, Bian Zhuang heavily nodded, holds waist sword, in the eye clear and bright. 李长寿传声道了句,卞庄重重地点头,扶着腰间佩剑,目中一片清朗。 The parents, milk and these later oneself will meet, but does not have shadow Fairy Maiden Big Sister now, his Bian Zhuang, today prospect! 爹、娘、奶、那些以后自己会遇到但现在还没影的仙子姐姐,他卞庄,今天出息了! Immediately goes to Western Cult to bump! 马上就去西方教碰一碰! The immortal lives the peak, just so-so. 仙生巅峰,不过如此 Is the man, if cannot spend like the dense/woods, must achieve some world-shaking great accomplishments! 做男人如果不能花开如森,就要做些惊天动地的大事! In Bian Zhuang none flashes, complexion instantaneously becomes incomparably pale, the forehead brings little cold sweat, the vision is also starting lax, figure rickets. 卞庄目中精光一闪,面色瞬间变得无比苍白,额头带着少许冷汗,连带着目光也开始涣散,身形佝偻了许多。 Beginning severe wound, origin qi has not replied. 重伤初愈、元气未复。 At this time, streams of light flies from the side by, first is Golden-Winged Roc, is crowding around the Li Changshou three people, falls together toward Spirit Mountain. 正此时,道道流光自侧旁飞来,最前便是金翅大鹏鸟,簇拥着李长寿三人,一同朝灵山落去。 Looks at Spirit Mountain again, at this time the Golden Light writings, dozens Saint disciple and several hundred old , middle-aged and young Daoist, look the smile to stand before the Spirit Mountain front door, the surface is friendly. 再看灵山,此时金光大作,数十名圣人弟子、数百名老中青道者,面露微笑站在灵山的大门前,表面和气。 This: 此正是: The Changgeng roll-call bumps Spirit Mountain, various bosom thoughts fight the god to be busy. 长庚点将碰灵山,各怀心思斗神忙。 As Li Changshou brings dozens Heavenly General to arrive in the Spirit Mountain foot, on mountain road that winds half step on, ten side heavenly soldiers simultaneously prompt forward, vast Heavenly Prestige are suppressing in all directions. 随着李长寿带数十名天将抵达灵山山脚,于那蜿蜒的山路上快步而上,十方天兵齐齐向前推进,一股股浩瀚天威在四面八方镇压而来。 But Golden Light above Spirit Mountain remains unmoved completely, Saint pressure that among mixes with, resists with Heavenly Prestige faintly. 灵山之上的金光完全不为所动,其内夹杂的圣人威压,隐隐与天威相抗。 The Golden Roc half step the line, before taking the lead one step to step Spirit Mountain mountain gate , the last stair, in this moment that handsome facial features was wooden, but said: 金鹏快步而行,率先一步迈上灵山山门前最后一道台阶,此刻那英俊的面容上毫无表情,只是道: Heavenly Court Sir Star Monarch Great White presents Your Majesty Jade Emperor Decree, comes to investigate thoroughly my Heavenly River navy Vice-Commander by the Western Cult disciple internal injury incident, asking Western Cult disciple Maitreya to go out to reply.” 天庭太白星君大人奉玉帝陛下旨意,前来彻查我天河水军副统领西方教弟子暗伤一事,请西方教弟子弥勒外出应答。” Comes straight to the point, Golden Roc takes the lead the group. 开门见山,金鹏率先开团。 Some Old Daoist submissive, knit the brows forward: „ This matter feared that has anything to misunderstand. 老道向前拱手,皱眉道:“此事怕是有什么误会。 Because in Great Desolate was previously widely known Senior Apprentice Brother Maitreya is ancient times extremely wicked disciple Roc second Spiritual Body, therefore Senior Apprentice Brother Maitreya has shunned the world cultivation, I and others does not know the senior apprentice brother whereabouts. 因此前洪荒中盛传弥勒师兄上古极恶之徒鲲鹏的第二元神,故此弥勒师兄一直避世修行,我等也不知师兄行踪。 But internal injury Heavenly General this matter, wants to come, Senior Apprentice Brother Maitreya makes not go out to come. 但暗伤天将这种事,想来,弥勒师兄是做不出来的。 His natural disposition is arrogant, then wants take action fighting method, should be so has long standing grudge expert to be right to Great White Golden Star. ” 他生性高傲,便是要出手斗法,也应是对太白金星这般有旧怨的高手才对。” Golden Roc brow slightly wrinkle, opposite party doesn't hurt and doesn't tickle several words actually quite brilliant. 金鹏眉头微皱,对方不痛不痒的几句话倒是颇为高明 But he follows to have not the short year in Li Changshou behind, somewhat way, indifferently said: Is and is not, making him come out to confront an apparent result.” 但他跟在李长寿身后已有不短的年头,也有几分应对之道,淡然道:“是与不是,让他出来对质一番便知结果。” Also there is Old Daoist to say with a smile: „ Although my Western Cult is weak now, aimed by a Star Monarch Great White strength, but in the final analysis, here as before is Saint Way Field. 又有老道笑道:“虽如今我西方教微弱,被太白星君一力针对,但说到底,这里依旧是圣人道场 Didn't could it be, including have to the Saint most basic respect? 各位莫非,连对圣人最基本的敬重都没了? This Great Desolate Heaven and Earth, feared must instead. ” 洪荒天地,怕是要反了吧。” Golden Roc is just about to open the mouth, hears one to sigh lightly. 金鹏正要开口,身后传来一声轻叹。 Actually sees Li Changshou to raise horsetail whisk to come gradually, sighed: 却见李长寿提着拂尘缓步而来,叹道: Tosses about to the respect of Saint, said over and over again Saint face, why everyone cannot feel the conscience to think, Western Cult two Younger Uncle-Master's face, were lost many by you, went bad many.” “翻来覆去对圣人的敬重,说来说去还是圣人面皮,各位为何不能摸着良心想一想,西方教两位师叔的面皮,被你们丢了多少,又坏了多少。” Numerous Old Daoist looks at each other one. 老道对视一眼。 as the saying goes don't repeat the same mistake again and again, Li Changshou comes Spirit Mountain is not three times, every time compared with previous time excessive some. 正所谓事不过三,李长寿前来灵山已非三次,每一次都比上一次更过分一些。 But this time, Western Cult numerous Old Daoist was ready ahead of time, discusses all strategic points that today's Li Changshou possibly launched an attack, and elected six Old Daoist, formed ‚the Western Cult best discuss the Way team, met head-on Great White Golden Star. 但这次,西方教老道提前做好了准备,探讨了今日李长寿可能发难的一切要害,并推选出了六名老道,组成‘西方教最佳论道队’,迎战太白金星 At this moment, before Li Changshou had arrived., that six Old Daoist forward self-confidently 此刻,李长寿已到了台前,那六名老道自信向前。 The wind blows them or grayish white, or the silver white long hair, stroked the lower hem corner of their body crack patch robe, that type unflustered, that plan in advance, so sparkled unexpectedly honored. 风吹起他们或灰白、或银白的长发,拂起了他们身上破洞补丁袍的衣角,那种从容不迫、那种胸有成竹,竟是如此光彩闪耀。 Come, debated! 来吧,一辩! Today even if your Great White Golden Star says the boundless Great Way principle, their six can also push, so long as bites to death Senior Apprentice Brother Maitreya is not in the mountain, this matter they do not know the circumstances of the matter, Heavenly Court, how cannot take them! 今日哪怕是你这太白金星说出无边大道理,他们六个也能推打回去,只要咬死弥勒师兄不在山中,此事他们也不知情,天庭,就不能拿他们怎么样! A Old Daoist driving opens the mouth: Star Monarch Great White......” 老道主动开口:“太白星君……” May I ask, two Younger Uncle-Master in mountain?” “敢问,两位师叔在山中吗?” Li Changshou is knitting the brows, deeply worried and sick at heart asked the sentence, later then sighed: 李长寿皱着眉,忧心忡忡地问了句,随后便叹道: Today I come, actually does not want any contradiction. “今日我来,其实不想闹出任何矛盾。 I know, previously was my some are extremely aggressive, holds Western Cult taint to enlarge, had misunderstanding to a certain extent to Western Cult. 我知道,此前是我有些太过咄咄逼人,抓住一点西方教污点就放大,对西方教也有一定程度上的误解。 Can the Sanctification person position, be Heavenly Way approval great virtue and great sage, two Younger Uncle-Master that are also a person of virtue and prestige Antiquity expert, was selected by Heavenly Way, becomes the Heavenly Way's six big cornerstones. 成圣人果位,自是天道认可的大德大贤,两位师叔那也是德高望重远古高人,被天道选中,成为天道的六大基石。 Today, I hold the solution matter, to clearly recognize that the contradictory sincere attitude, comes to seek an interview two Younger Uncle-Master. 今日,我是抱着解决事情、认清矛盾的诚挚态度,前来求见两位师叔 Other are not many discussed, is to make Younger Uncle-Master investigate thoroughly, Spirit Mountain minimum part of disciple of runs amuck and disrupts the Heavenly Court calm and steady matter. 其他也不多谈,就是让师叔彻查一下,灵山极小一部分的弟子胡作非为、扰乱天庭安稳之事。 Everyone, whether notify? ” 各位,可否通传一声?” That six Old Daoist you have a look at me and I to have a look at you, knits the brows respectively, a silence. 那六名老道你看看我、我看看你,各自皱眉,一阵默然。 This script, how with them previously thinks that completely not by? 这剧本,怎么跟他们此前想的,完全不挨着? Spirit Mountain disciple said with a smile: Why Star Monarch uses so method, dark did satirize?” 灵山弟子笑道:“星君何必用这般手段,暗里讽刺?” Li Changshou sincere say/way: 李长寿正色道: as the saying goes, in your eye brings anything color light/only, looks at this Heaven and Earth is what color. 正所谓,你眼中带着什么颜色的光,看这个天地就是什么颜色的。 cannot by the heart of your oneself, the aware each life such as you are ordinary. 莫要以你自身之心,自觉每个生灵都如你一般。 My Li Changgeng, what asked has a clear conscience, Heaven and Earth pure brightness, was among Heaven and Earth establishes the order, ended from disorderly Time that Antiquity and ancient times came, enabling each life exactly enough their fate. 李长庚,求的是问心无愧,天地清明,是天地间建立起秩序,终结自远古上古来的无序岁月,让每个生灵都能活够他们的命数。 This, is the behest of Pangu God. 这,也是盘古神的遗志。 The life has the dream, respective splendid! 人生有梦,各自精彩! Whether now for my notify one, to ask whether Lord Saint can see me? ” 现在可否替我通传一声,问问圣人老爷是否要见我了?” Spirit Mountain one crowd of Saint disciple are dumbfounded, obviously thought that the Li Changshou words are not very right, but could not find the place to refute suddenly. 灵山一群圣人弟子大眼瞪小眼,明明觉得李长寿话语很不对劲,但一时间也找不到地方去反驳。 Silent, is today's Spirit Mountain. 沉默,是今日的灵山 A Li Changshou brow wrinkle, shoulders both hands slightly, when shouts loudly, actually made in the back ‚’ hand signal. 李长寿眉头微微一皱,背负双手,正待高声呼喊,却在背后做了个‘耶’的手势。 Bian Zhuang lifts the hand to cover the chest suddenly, in instant the expression draws fully, lowered the head to spurt a blood. 卞庄突然抬手捂住胸口,一瞬间内表情拉满,低头喷了口鲜血。 —— —— Afterward figure on the verge of collapse, by several Heavenly General supporting helter-skelter by side. 随后身形摇摇欲坠,被侧旁几名天将七手八脚的扶住。 General Bian! General Bian!” 卞将军卞将军!” General Bian you awake! You insist General Bian!” 卞将军你醒醒!你坚持住啊卞将军!” Spirit Mountain!” 灵山!” Zhao Gongming become Heavenly General jumped, points at mountain gate to shout abuse, tiger, stares to angrily rebuke with tears: „ The executioners of your harbor fierce people! 赵公明化作天将跳了出来,指着山门破口大骂,虎目含泪、瞠目怒斥:“你们这些包庇凶恶之徒的刽子手! If General Bian has an accident, must your one to compensate the life for him surely! ” 卞将军有个三长两短,定要让你们一人为他赔命!” Li Changshou also collected at this moment kindly, fed Bian Zhuang to take medicinal pill, later the racket the Bian Zhuang shoulder, turns around, gaze Spirit Mountain numerous Old Daoist. 李长寿此刻也关切地凑了上去,喂卞庄服下了一颗丹药,随后拍拍卞庄肩头,转过身来,注视灵山老道 „Isn't everyone, willing seriously for my notify one? Your Majesty Jade Emperor can't Decree, enter Spirit Mountain mountain gate?” “各位,当真不肯替我通传一声吗?玉帝陛下旨意,难道就进不了灵山山门吗?” This......” “这……” āi.” 。” Sighed lightly, Spirit Mountain located Golden Light to sway respectively, one after another Golden Lotus phantom floated, Daoist Receive and Lead phantom appeared in the Spirit Mountain main hall. 一声轻叹,灵山各处金光摇晃,一朵朵金莲虚影漂浮开来,接引道人虚影出现在了灵山大殿内。 „In asked Star Monarch Great White to enter chats.” “请太白星君入内叙话。”
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