MPASLUI :: Volume #10

#958: Five points of patterns, make the dream entertainment!

According to yesterday's combat report statistics, four scavenger squads altogether picked 37 spears/guns. 根据昨天的战报统计,四个拾荒者小队一共捡到三十七把枪。 And, the rifle number are smallest, only then six, the pistol is largest, has 29, surplus two are the submachine guns. 其中,步枪数量最少,只有六杆,手枪数量最多,足足有二十九把,剩余两把为冲锋枪。 The bullet of correspondence total found 275 rounds, mostly scatters the scattered ammunition in ground, sufficiently can collect so many also to see scavenger yesterday to search for is patient. 对应的子弹共计找到二百七十五发,其中大多都是散落在地面上的零散弹药,能凑齐这么多也足以见得拾荒者们昨天搜寻的到底有多么耐心。 Moreover, the Rpg launcher also found one, does not only have the ammunition of correspondence pitifully. 另外,Rpg发射器也找到一杆,只可惜没有对应的弹药。 If wants before these weapon matching in the preparation, in the city and Foreign Race fight fight street-by-street not to have the issue. 如果想要用这些武器搭配上之前的准备,城市里和异族打打巷战还是没问题的。 The enemy but who if deals with is these grasps the indigenous people of Superior weapon. 但要是对付的敌人是那些手持精良武器的原住民. The speech of old say/way no doubt seduces, everyone mind that may present is very clear, not tiny bit above. 老道的发言固然诱惑,可在场的所有人头脑都很清晰,并没有一丝一毫上头。 That said right, but the thing is good we also to have the life to take carry back, if the enemy is like the guards of red spider caravan, puts on to fight vigorously A monster, even if we bullet top up uncertain being victorious others.” “话是这么说没错,但东西再好我们也得有命能拿回来,万一遇到的敌人是和红蛛商队的护卫一样,穿着动力战甲的怪物,那我们就算是子弹加满也不一定打得过人家。” I suggested that if Dahlen really must bring our thorough clear port city today, everyone sticks together as far as possible in together, has to take care of mutually.” “我建议如果达伦今天真的要带我们深入晴港市,大家还是尽量抱团在一起,互相有个照应吧。” Eats up the last soup, male spear/gun elder brother odd/surplus Aozhan. 喝完最后一口汤,男枪哥余敖站了起来。 First handles left the waist is hanging the short saw shotgun, will be hanging the rifle tightened. 先是摸了摸腰左边挂着的短锯散弹枪,又将身上挂着的步枪紧了紧。 On Earth, he once was a coach in shooting club. 在地球上,他曾是一名射击俱乐部的教练。 Naturally, is not that construction in the city, the rest and recreation relaxes to the resident experiences the small-scale place of guns. 当然,并非是那种建设在城市内部,给市民休闲娱乐放松体验枪支的小型场所。 But establishes near the wild outskirts forest, in has that the person walks into the mountain to hunt specially. 而是设置在荒郊野林附近,专门带人进山里狩猎的那种。 Approaches the unpopulated area of West African mainland in that one dull is 56 years. 在那靠近西非大陆的无人区,一呆就是五六年时间。 In long day, odd/surplus Ao marksmanship already not inferior to after special troops of massive training, even in the certain circumstances must. 漫长的日子里,余敖的枪法已经不亚于经过大量训练的特种兵,甚至某些情况下还要更强一些。 Even if the street fighting that may come across is not his strong point is then, he also has the confidence to move out. 哪怕接下来有可能遇到的巷战不是他的长处所在,他也有信心全身而退。 I lead the person to take the lead, when the time comes makes Viagra bring up the rear, you two team in flank guard on line.” “我带人打头阵,到时候让伟哥殿后,你们两个队伍在侧翼掩护就行。” Regardless of the town center has any good thing, we today on a criterion.” “无论市中心有什么好东西,我们今天就一个准则。” Cannot only search!” “只探不进!” Good.” Old and washes dream also to nod. “好。”老道和淘梦者同时点头。 The sidenafil that at the same time keeps silent also nods, hints itself to have no issue. 一边默不作声的西地那非也点点头,示意自己没有任何问题。 Immediately, among four people the concrete cooperation arrangement was also discussing a meeting. 当即,四人之间又就着具体的合作安排商量了一会。 Approximately crossed for about a half hour, sure enough, Dahlen and Joseph of long in coming being satiated with food and wine. 大约过了半个小时左右,果不其然,吃饱喝足的达伦和约瑟姗姗来迟。 Friends, yesterday's harvest has not reached our expected standards, today troublesome is perhaps troublesome you, we must while weather also this meeting, go to a clear port city center point position early as soon as possible, seeks fine calm powder habitat.” “朋友们,昨天的收获没有达到我们的预期标准,今天或许得多麻烦麻烦你们了,我们必须趁着天色还早这会,尽快前往晴港市更中心一点的位置,去寻找优良的冷静粉产地。” I know that you may be worried about the danger, relax, we will arrange 16 guards to accompany, to be responsible for the safety danger that eliminates peripheral 500 meters centered on you possibly to have.” “我知道你们可能会担心危险,放心,我们会安排十六名护卫随行,负责清除以你们为中心周边五百米可能存在的安全隐患。” Knows that scavenger cannot understand the Blue Star language, although Joseph this saying facing everyone said that but the vision is actually straight to Feng Long. 知道拾荒者们都听不懂蓝星语,约瑟这话虽然是面对所有人说的,但目光却是直直的对着封龙 How doesn't know Chief to seal/confer under intent?” “不知道封队长意下如何?” I must ask them.” “我得问问他们。” The Feng Long slight nod, the vision sweeps to standing in the four cleaning scraps teams leader of front row, conveyed Joseph's meaning. 封龙微微点头,目光扫向站在前列的四名拾荒队长,转达了约瑟的意思。 Does not have the issue, our already prepared for them not increasing guard, has not thought that promoted three times unexpectedly.” “没问题,我们已经做好他们不增加护卫的准备了,没想到竟然提升三倍。” That was good, we happen to go to the town center to have a look taking this opportunity.” “那太好了,我们正好借着这个机会去市中心看看。” Old and washes dream two people to look at each other one, on the face swings the happy expression to say hastily. 老道和淘梦者两人对视一眼,脸上荡出喜色连忙说道。 Yesterday's guard added on Dahlen, five people. 昨天的护卫加上达伦,也才五个人而已。 Finally to today, does not know that was these two food eats the people of red spider caravan comfortably, the calm powder output of Xijiao District is not truly able to meet their needs. 结果到了今天,也不知道是不是这两顿饭把红蛛商队的人吃舒服了,还是西郊区的冷静粉产量确实无法满足他们的需求。 Turns into 17 people from five people, especially puts on to fight vigorously A monster. 从五个人变成十七个人,尤其还是穿着动力战甲的怪物。 If this does not enter the clear port city to have a look by the central position, next time will want itself to go, when does not know waits till. 这要是再不进晴港市靠中心的位置去看看,下次想要自己去,不知道得等到什么时候。 They complied, Chief Joseph.” “他们答应了,约瑟队长。” Very good, worthily is Tianyuan Shelter warrior!” Joseph is with smile on the face, all divulges satisfaction. “很好,不愧是天元避难所的勇士!”约瑟面带微笑,话里话外皆是透漏出满意。 This Tianyuan Shelter resident was easy getting along with simply too, the quality endured the resident compared with large-scale agglomeration. 这天元避难所的居民简直太好相处了,素质堪比大型聚集地的居民。 Before seemed like the agglomeration of this scale, the red spider caravan passed by the road each time must spend a lot of time to talk clearly the purpose in coming. 以前像是这个规模的聚集地,红蛛商队每次过路都要花费不少时间才能说清楚来意。 Now, since the opposite party coordinates, Joseph also no longer beats around the bush, straightforward saying: 现在,既然对方这么配合,约瑟也就不再绕弯子,直截了当的说道: Is this, after us the analysis to the calm powder, we discovered last night has quantity many harvests to meet our future needs. Therefore, the amount of assignment over the following six days, I want to promote some again.” “是这样的,经过我们昨晚对冷静粉的研究分析,我们发现得有数量更多的收获才能满足我们未来的需求。所以,接下来六天的任务量,我想再提升一些。” 50 warriors, the amount of assignment increase each person every day to 50 g, the team goal is 2.5 kg!” “五十名勇士,每人每天的任务量提升至50g,队伍目标为2.5kg!” Correspondence, so long as can complete the task, we from two business tickets will rise the wage of each labor to five business tickets, in addition will have the drive rewards of some match output.” “对应的,只要能完成任务,我们会将每一名劳工的薪水从两商券上涨至五商券,另外还会有一些匹配产量的激励奖励。” For example?” Feng Long has not rejected directly, on the face on the contrary is the look that shows to be interested. “比如?”封龙没有直接拒绝,脸上反倒是露出颇感兴趣的神色。 If the Su Mo manager Sir has told you, you should know that on the chariot of our red spider caravan actually carried the industrial manufacturing equipment of some high integration rates, can make some are not that complex small thing.” “如果苏摩管理者大人告诉过你,那你应该知道我们红蛛商队的战车上其实是搭载了一些高集成度的工业制造设备的,能够制造一些并不是那么复杂的小玩意。” I do not beat around the bush, if you need the guns on opponent to re-equip, making its might is bigger, our engineers will be glad to help you promote very much. You need other small thing, so long as in my authority range, I can also help you apply for the tool to make, does not charge any fee completely. If these you do not need, we will draw up one to have the list of attraction very much, the above thing all can purchase with the drive prize.” “我也不绕弯子了,如果你们需要对手上的枪支进行改装,让它的威力变得更大一些,我们的工程师会很乐意帮你们升级。或者你们需要一些其他的小玩意,只要在我的权限范围内,我也可以帮你申请使用设备进行制造,完全不收取任何费用。而如果这些你们都不需要,我们会开具一份很有诱惑力的清单,上面的东西全都可以用激励奖来购买。” „? Can buy to fight vigorously armor?” “哦?可以买动力战甲吗?” Joseph's grinning expression receives, shaking the head sincere say/way: 约瑟笑嘻嘻的表情收起,摇头正色道: Sorry, I must explain ahead of time, each moves fights vigorously armor is the life of guards, is the sharpest lance of caravan.” “抱歉,我得提前说明,每一台动力战甲都是护卫们的生命,是商队的最锋利的长矛。” Before we have not returned to the foundation headquarters understanding clear situation, is unable to sell.” “在我们没有回到基金会总部了解清楚情况之前,无法出售。” Understanding, was I am offensive.” “理解,是我唐突了。” The nod that Feng Long maintains composure, has not continued to closely examine in the so-called drive prize. 封龙不动声色的点头,并没有继续在所谓的激励奖上追问下去。 This is actually an important information. 这其实是一个重要的情报。 It seems like fights vigorously armor thing in Blue Star is not the stall goods of roadside, who can put on to bluff and bluster. 看来动力战甲这玩意在蓝星也不是路边的地摊货,谁都能穿上出来耀武扬威。 The big red spider caravan has so many to move fights vigorously armor, does not want foreign sales one. 偌大的红蛛商队有这么多台动力战甲,也不愿意对外出售一台。 This attitude, already basically can infer these mole men in clear port city, even if in the hand has power armor. 这种态度,已经基本可以推断到晴港市内的这些地鼠佬,就算手上有动力甲。 The quantity absolutely will not be many! 数量也绝对不会多! In conventional combat, everyone's combat way restores the old as before, several hundred years ago is the same. 在常规战斗中,所有人的战斗方式依旧非常复古,和几百年前一样。 However, maintains the restoring the old way also right. 不过话说回来,保持复古方式也没错。 If everyone all puts on to fight vigorously armor to do in the same place, loss of that combat big to what situation? 要是大家全都穿着动力战甲干在一起,那一场战斗的损失得大到什么地步? Perhaps has not really done the anger to come, first projects on the bankruptcy. 恐怕还没真干出火气来,就得先打到破产。 We will collect the calm powder to complete the target task quantity as far as possible, but also asked you to understand, we in the terrain and distribution to clear port city knew nothing, if encountered the danger, please be primarily our resident lives.” “我们会尽量收集冷静粉完成目标任务数量,但还请您理解,我们对晴港市内的地形和分布情况一无所知,如果遇到危险,请以我们的居民生命为主。” „The value of life is higher than the icy death thing forever.” Dahlen walks to go forward to affirm saying: You could rest assured that I with protecting the engineer same protect them.” “生命的价值永远高于冷冰冰的死物。”达伦走上前肯定道:“你放心,我会和保护工程师一样保护他们。” As a combat personnel, this was he as the highest commitment that the team leader can give. 作为一名战斗人员,这是他作为队长能给出来的最高承诺了。 Determined that the good docking information, Dahlen to convene 15 people to leave ranks, brings scavenger along yesterday's direction set off. 确定好对接信息,达伦召集十五人出列,带着拾荒者们又沿着昨日的方向出发 From the western suburbs, everyone will undergo that place break the bridge bottom, has marched forward approximately 600 meters to arrive in the opposite shore. 从西郊,所有人将经过那处断裂的大桥底,一直行进约六百米抵达对岸。 If in the smooth wilderness, 600 meters perhaps is only the distance that several minutes can walk. 如果是在平坦的荒野上,六百米或许只是几分钟时间就能走完的路程。 But vanishes in the waterway, now full is the silt is growing on the river bed of half person of high water plant, not only everyone must worry that these construction ruins that crashes from the bridge whether has the mutant beast to crouch in hiding, but must be worried whether the silt of under foot is the big hole that disguises. 但在水路消失,如今满是淤泥生长着半人高水草的河床上,所有人不仅要担心那些从大桥上坠落下来的建筑废墟后方是否有变异兽蹲伏,还要担心脚下的淤泥是否是个伪装起来的大坑。 Even if the guards who put on to fight vigorously armor, walks on this road is quite difficult. 哪怕是穿着动力战甲的护卫们,在这条路上也走的极为艰难。 Naturally, has to bypass the road in this Duanqiao. 当然,也不是没有绕过这处断桥的路。 But first requires most of the day the time, how long when opposite could not collect to finish. 但一来一回需要大半天时间,等到去了对面采集不了多长时间就得结束。 Dahlen boldness because of one's skill, depends the person of belt/bring to be many, finally made a final decision walked the past route plan from the river bed directly. 达伦艺高人胆大,仗着带的人多,最终还是敲定了从河床上直接走过去的路线规划。 „Does there have the person?” “那里有人?” Walks toward the urban center, just went out of the western suburbs range. 往城市中心走,才刚刚走出西郊的范围。 The old say/way of being sharp-eyed then sees in building ruins, is standing strangely 45 clothes tables at the back of human of guns. 眼尖的老道便看到一处大楼废墟中,正站着四五个衣桌怪异背着枪支的人类。 Their clothes are not the textile fiber make, but probably the leather of animal tans, looks to reflect the glossy ray from afar. On in addition salutes a big hood again, the right hand is inserting in the pocket, probably the early 20 th century cowboy, appeared with the environment of surroundings somewhat is just like incompatible. 他们的衣服并不是纤维制成,而像是动物的皮革鞣制而成,远远看去反射着油亮光芒。再加上头顶带着一个大兜帽,右手插在兜里,活脱脱像是二十世纪初的牛仔,与周围的环境显得有些格格不入。 However. 不过。 Sees to follow moving by team to fight vigorously armor. 望见跟随在队伍旁边的动力战甲们。 Busy that the cowboys display, has not arrived to compare notes the marksmanship boldly. 牛仔们表现的很是忙碌,并没有大胆到上来切磋切磋枪法。 In the ruins their form flashes to pass, then vanished in everyone's line of sight quickly. 废墟中他们的身影一闪而逝,很快便消失在了所有人的视线之中。 Jasper, warned these people, making them should better to change a place to live in the next week.” “加斯帕,上去警告一下这几个人,让他们未来一周内最好换个地方住。” Good, Team leader.” “好的,队长。” A Dahlen instruction, in the guard goes out of one person fast to pursue following the place that the cowboys leave. 达伦一声吩咐,护卫中走出一人快速顺着牛仔们离开的地方追去。 The light mist blocks from the field of vision. 薄薄雾气遮住视野。 This minor matter cannot break the rhythm that the team goes forward, quick everyone then arrived at bridge nearby launching point. 这件小事并没能打断队伍前进的节奏,很快所有人便来到了大桥附近的下水点。 But as team leader, Dahlen walks, while is examining in the foundation through the power armor internal monitor about a clear port city more detailed information. 而作为队长,达伦则一边走,一边通过动力装甲内部的显示器查看着基金会内关于晴港市更加详细的信息。 Because the clear port city once backed on the reason of sea, has the natural place to benefit the advantage, is a trade development extremely prosperous city, inside once has many manufacturing industry to set up the excessive factory, the commodity that makes passes the waterway to the entire star bestly-selling. 晴港市因为曾经背靠大海的缘故,有着天然的地利优势,是一处贸易发展极其繁荣的城市,里面曾经有着不少制造业开办过分工厂,所制造出来的商品通过水路畅销到整个星球。 But as the minute/share factory most centralized north, there was occupied by clear port Shelter, becomes the first influence that deserves. 而作为分工厂最集中的北部,那里正是被晴港避难所占据,成为了当之无愧的第一势力。 With it relative, western suburbs the piece that Pingtan Shelter occupies, is primarily living. 与之相对的,平滩避难所占据的这片西郊,则是以居住为主。 Mainly is some bourgeoise residents who were sick of the city life come here to purchase the villa, or is in some does not have money not to be admitted to the foreign family of town center to purchase the house here, the industry is not developed. 主要是一些厌烦了城市生活的小资居民来到这里购买别墅,或者是一些手里没钱住不进市中心的外来户在这里购买房屋,产业并不算发达。 Through this chain bridge outside, then to five points of clear port city. 通过这处金锁大桥在外内,便是到了晴港市的五环。 This region prospered actually much, mainly takes the western suburbs these local tyrants as the customer goal, developed focusing on the medical and entertainment suitable industry. 这一片区域倒是繁荣了不少,主要以西郊这些土豪为客户目标,发展出了以医疗、娱乐为主的对口产业。 Probably behind bridge that four building of 80 multi-layer, is in the clear port city the famous integrated ultra-large entertainment company. 像是大桥后方的那四座八十多层的大楼,便是晴港市内著名的一体化超大型娱乐公司。 Makes the dream entertainment. 造梦娱乐。 Once most prosperous time, these four buildings can simultaneously accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to conduct the recreational activity, opened much in the novel entertainment project of Blue Star being able to stand in line given name, ground let the new entertainment science and technology that the person loved to talk about much, every year can attract over a hundred million people the traveling visit. 曾经最鼎盛的时候,这四栋大楼内部能同时容纳数十万人进行娱乐活动,开设了不少在蓝星都排得上名号的新颖娱乐项目,又自研了不少让人津津乐道的新娱乐科技,每年都能吸引上亿人来旅游参观。 When the big war was impending, because the first target is the reason of large-scale industry, focused on the making dream entertainment was almost the intact preservation. 大战来临之际,因为第一攻击目标都是大型产业的缘故,主打完了的造梦娱乐几乎是完好无缺的保存了下来。 However relative, after the order total collapse, makes the dream entertainment naturally unable to stay out. 不过相对的,在秩序全面崩溃之后,造梦娱乐自然也不能置身事外。 In the reference material of foundation clear writing out clear/pain had not once had anything, why makes the dream entertainment to collapse suddenly. 基金会的档案资料上并没有清楚的写清楚曾经发生了什么,造梦娱乐为什么会突然崩溃。 But these buildings of present, already by tranquil neutralization moss anomalous form spore moss occupies. 但现在的这几栋大楼,都已经被“平静中和藓”的变体“孢子藓”所占据。 As the lethality top several moss class plant. 作为杀伤力排在前几的苔藓类植物。 So long as above the spore moss contacts the skin of lifeform then to attach automatically, takes root sucks in the nutrition reproduction oneself body in the pore. 孢子藓只要接触生物的皮肤便会自动附着其上,扎根在毛孔中吮吸营养繁殖己身。 They will enter the blood of human, thus goes to take root to the internal organs. 他们会进入人类的血液,从而一路去到内脏中生根。 As long as is catches has not obtained the prompt treatment, the final death process endured compared with the torture. 但凡是染上没有得到及时的救治,最后的死亡过程堪比酷刑。 Human will be multiplied to steal the nutrition by the spore moss step by step, finally opens the body from inside to outside, turns into another form strange life body, waits for the next being predestined friends person to arrive. 人类会被孢子藓一步步增殖窃取营养,最终从内而外撑开身体,变成另一种形式的怪异生命体,等待着下一位有缘人到来。 In material records is making in the dream entertainment building, strategic resources that but must store up much.” “资料上记载着造梦娱乐大楼内,还要不少储存起来的战略物资.” But, has the spore moss protection, who not for a commodity does suffer a relapse to enter?” “不过,有着孢子藓守护,谁也不会为了一点物资犯病进入吧?” Read off about five points of indications, Dahlen lifts in the hand closure the display monitor. 读完了关于五环的表述,达伦抬手关闭内显示屏。 Spore moss thing does not fear the fire, is not afraid of water, below 600 degrees flame can the immunity. 孢子藓这东西不怕火,不怕水,六百度以下的火焰都能免疫。 But is higher than 600 degrees flame, they will adopt gecko -type cutting tail to seek livehood, separate with the link of subfield. 而高于六百度的火焰,它们又会采取壁虎式的断尾求生,断开和子体的链接。 In addition and spore moss another mutant monster of paragenesis, bites the moss mosquito frequently. 再加上和孢子藓经常共生的另一种变异怪物,噬藓蚊。 Compares the so-called strategic resources, sees is the obtained calm powder value must be higher. 相较所谓的战略物资,还是所见即所得的冷静粉价值要更高一些。 „, Waits for you do not wander about aimlessly, as far as possible far away from that four buildings.” “咳咳,等下你们不要乱走,尽量远离那四栋大楼。” Do not try to contact the spore moss, otherwise the therapeutic equipment on caravan, even if can take their subfield, you still withstand a long-term painful recovery period.” “不要试图接触孢子藓,否则商队上的治疗仪器就算能取出来它们的子体,你们也得自己承受一段很长时间的痛苦恢复期。” The worker who in order to avoid this crowd likes cleaning up the trash very much, does not flee to the building in carefully explores. 为了避免这群很是喜欢捡垃圾的工人,不小心窜到大楼内去探险。 Dahlen and bit the moss mosquito material to extract the spore moss, transmitted to Feng Long of team leader. 达伦将孢子藓和噬藓蚊资料提取了出来,传达给领队的封龙 Will cross a bridge, walks toward the east side, there once had two hospitals.” “等会过了桥,往东边走,那里曾经有两座医院。” Calm powder most likes growing in this place, I will lead the person ahead of time in the past, helping you clean nearby danger.” “冷静粉最喜欢生长在这种地方,我会提前带人过去,帮你们扫除附近的危险。”
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