MPASLUI :: Volume #10

#957: Enters the city, the escape route and choice!

Speaking of the essential place, old Lu's voice stopped, instantaneously Liu Lv who lets the delay recovers. 说到关键处,老吕的话音停顿了一下,瞬间让呆滞的刘律回过神来。 „Do you have the means to deceive outside Pingtan army?” “你有办法骗过外面的平滩军?” Does not calculate to deceive, but has the loophole that they guard.” “也不算骗过,而是他们看守的有漏洞罢了。” old from the bosom the yellow paper that takes out a very rich age feeling. 老吕从怀中取出一张很是富有年代感的黄色纸张。 Spreads out on the table, Liu Lv glances over looks, is greatly disappointed: „Is this exit|to speak that Shelter these abandon?” 在桌上摊开,刘律扫眼一看,大失所望:“这是避难所那些废弃的出口?” More than 200 years, Pingtan Shelter also has to have the quite serious invasion and civil strife event. 200多年来,平滩避难所也不是没有发生过较为严重的入侵和内乱事件。 In the hearsay the most serious time, already was forced one's way into by the enemy thoroughly, even occupied above several. 传闻中最严重时候,已经被敌人彻底打了进来,甚至占据了上面几层。 But that generation of managers to defend, once used the mutually wounded way, the use blasting explosive blew up many exits. 而那一代的管理者为了防守,曾经使用两败俱伤的方式,使用炸药炸毁了不少出口。 After that drives away the enemy, the abandoned exit|to speak is unable to conduct the restore only to choose the seal, but for the convenience passed in and out in the new place opened the access. 此后赶走敌人,废弃的出口无法进行修复只能选择封闭,但又为了便利进出在新的地方重新开辟了出入口。 Through beforehand abandons to export the outside world? 通过以前的废弃出口去外界? Did not say that can walk to pass. 不说能不能走通。 Once were seized the discovery, that may fall the responsibility for an offense of head directly. 一旦被逮住发现,那可就是直接掉脑袋的罪责了。 But in line with two people is the same front reasons, Liu Lv has not displayed the obvious disappointed expression, opens the mouth to admonish to say on the contrary on own initiative: old , how we biggest problem is not and outside that group of mysterious people trades now, after all must transport some contraband goods to go out saying that difficult also difficult, said that simple also simple, finding the way to have the possibility.” 但本着两人都是同一战线的缘故,刘律并未表现出明显的失望表情,反倒是主动开口规劝道:“老吕啊,现在我们最大的问题不是怎么和外面那伙神秘人进行交易,毕竟要运送一些违禁品出去说难也难,说简单也简单,想想办法还是有可能的。” Is placed in our present biggest problems is, how to explain the goods and materials, as well as facing the interrogation of manager Sir.” “摆在我们眼前的最大问题是,如何解释物资来源,以及面对管理者大人的盘问。” This saying said is clear, no worry. 这话说得是清清楚楚,没有一点顾虑。 In fact, how much seven commodities, truly do not care as the sea otter of Pingtan Shelter manager. 事实上,七层的物资多寡,作为平滩避难所管理者的猎虎确实是一点都不在乎的。 Basic necessities of life. 衣食住行。 As the most primary need of human. 作为人类的最基本需求。 In Shelter has the inheritance from various kind of technologies of pre-war time. 避难所里拥有传承自战前时代的各类技术。 For example the complete industrial system fiber technology, can the mass with basic chemical substance response production textile fiber raw material, thus manufactures the different type color clothes solution to put on the demand. 例如完整的工业制纤维技术,能大批量的用基础化学物质反应生成纤维原料,从而制作出不同种类颜色的衣服解决穿着需求。 Also for example that several starches, protein large-scale preparation machine, so long as the electric quantity in Shelter is enough, basically is equal to the inexhaustible food supply, from the start how does not need to care about maintaining the accomplishments of one's ancestors of indoor plantation. 又例如那几台淀粉,蛋白质大型制备机,只要避难所里的电量足够,基本等同无穷无尽的食物供应,压根不用在乎室内种植园的守成如何。 Grasped human of controllable nuclear fusion technology, already in the life advanced to another level. 掌握了可控核聚变技术的人类,在生活上已经迈向了另一个层次。 Needs to have a headache only, after is the foundation fleet vanishes probably . 唯一需要头疼的,大概是基金会船队消失以后。 Separates for several years to need to supplement that fuel rod is a problem a time, needs to find the way to find the path of purchase as soon as possible. 隔几年需要补充一次的燃料棒成了问题,需要尽快想办法找到购买的路子。 Otherwise once the energy breaks supplies, now seems like that aspect excellent internal environment, will crash absolutely at an exaggerating speed. 否则一旦能源断供,现在看似局面大好的内部环境,绝对会以一个夸张的速度崩塌掉。 old Liu, should not be anxious, studies study the leader of that mysterious tribe.” “老刘,你别急啊,学学那神秘部落的首领。” Turned into old Liu from Liu Cengzhu, the transformation on name, making Liu Lv calm down instantaneously much. 从刘层主变成了老刘,称呼上的转变,让刘律瞬间冷静下来不少。 Two people now truly are person on a front, who will have problems another person to follow. 两人现在确实是一条战线上的人,谁出问题了另外一个人都会跟着下去。 old this person of inborn discrete multi- stratagem, the previous time steals the above several materials, by good fortune has the plan that he makes to succeed. 老吕这人天生谨慎多谋,上次去偷上面几层的材料,幸好有他制定的计划才能成功。 You said the idea, I listen.” “你说说想法,我听。” First, we first test these to abandon the access, finding the way to find one to be able smoothly to the outside world.” “首先,我们先测试这些废弃出入口,想办法找到一个能顺利通往外界的。” old is very patiently full, uses the red pen to iris out three exits on the paper of turning yellow. 老吕耐心很足,在发黄的纸张上用红笔圈出三个出口。 „The past access altogether blew up 13, the exit position that this is I pass through collect the material that analyzes probably. And complementary waves judgment that after the explosion has, three that is most likely to make a connection with.” “当年的出入口一共炸毁了十三个,这是我经过收集起来的资料大概分析出的出口位置。且根据爆炸所产生的余波判断后,最有可能打通的三个。” On six situated in us, another two respectively in First Floor and Third Floor.” “其中一个就位于我们上面的六层,另外两个分别在一层三层。” Pingtan Shelter is strict regarding the level management, without the important matter cannot go to the downward Shelter level basically. 平滩避难所对于层级的管理非常严格,没有要事基本不能前往向下的避难所层级。 But regarding, the limit is not so upward stodgy. 但对于往上,限制就没有这么死板了。 For example seven residents wants to arrive above one to six, only needs to solicit the level Lord agreement, has the pass of promulgation then. 例如七层的居民想要去到上面的一到六层,只需要征求到层主的同意,持有颁发的通行证即可。 But in the position, the following level Lord right to speak must be much higher than the above level lord. 而在地位上,下面的层主话语权也要远远高于上面的层主。 Surveys the access, so long as we can make a connection, that were many to be able at any time the hiding road to outside world. This is we launches the first step of action, is we prepares the first step of escape route.” “探测到出入口,我们只要能打通,那便是多了一条可以随时通向外界的隐蔽之路。这是我们展开行动的第一步,也是我们准备退路的第一步。” Heard the escape route, Liu Lv this got down the interest: Your meaning is 听到退路,刘律这下来了兴趣:“你的意思是” Escape route? This thing he is ripe. 退路?这东西他熟啊。 Before went to and that group of mysterious people meets, was depends on the pipeline that under the ruins extended in all directions to be confident. 之前去和那伙神秘人见面,就是靠着废墟下方四通八达的管道才有信心。 According to old said that if really can make a connection with an unknown route outward 按照老吕所说,如果真能打通一条不为人知的向外路线 Sea otter is not a normal person, he works from the start not the tasteful custom, in the past killed with one's own hand the previous generation manager is the best example. Moreover these years die the trusted subordinate in his hands dozens over a hundred, which did not think that the sea otter will not kill own completely. Even if we all things achieved the pinnacle, does not have any issue, but if this lunatic thought that you have the issue, he is willing rather to kill 100 wrong, will not let off one absolutely.” “猎虎不是个正常人,他做事压根就不讲究规矩的,当年手刃上一代管理者就是最好的例子。而且这些年死在他手里的亲信数十上百,哪个不是觉得猎虎完全不会干掉自己的。我们就算所有事情都做到了极致,没有任何问题,但要是这个疯子觉得你就是有问题,他是愿意宁愿杀错一百,也绝对不会放过一个。” Presses all hopes in him can forget that this matter, improper, we prepare an escape route ahead of time, if he went crazy, can escape to go to that mysterious person tribe.” “把所有的希望压在他能忘记这件事,不妥,我们还是提前准备好一条退路,万一他发疯了,也能逃出去投奔那神秘人部落。” old conversation is clear, the mentality is clear. 老吕言谈清晰,思路清楚。 A Liu Lv pleasant surprise. 刘律一阵惊喜。 Before promoted this old man, when the vice- level was long, before because two people, plotted together to do several tickets reasons. 之前提拔这老头当副层长,只是因为两人之前合谋干过几票的缘故。 Really must say Ability, Liu Lv felt oneself must exceed much, after all the advantage of young people in this. 真要说能力,刘律还是觉得自己要胜过不少,毕竟年轻人的优势在这嘛. But now, has not thought of this old also somewhat thing. 但现在,没想到这老吕还真有点东西。 Then, we had the escape route, how should solve and transaction between that Tianyuan Tribes?” “然后呢,我们有了退路,该怎么解决和那天元部落之间的交易?” Transaction?” “交易?” old smiles not to speak, shakes the head gently. 老吕笑而不语,轻轻摇头。 old Liu, you thinks that we were in this situation, but also needs to continue to get down timidly?” “老刘啊,难道你认为咱们到了这个地步,还需要继续唯唯诺诺下去吗?” Outside environment changed, here no longer is safe Blue Star, but went to another strange place, had new rules and competition.” “外面的环境可是变了,这里不再是安全的蓝星,而是来到了另外一处陌生的地方,有了新的规则和竞争。” That night the frontline propaganda of clear port Shelter you also heard, I have the premonition, the situation could have the major change over the following several months!” “那天晚上晴港避难所的喊话你也听到了,我有预感,接下来几个月局势可能要发生重大改变!” Liu Lv said to ask hastily: What relations that and do we make up the commodity to have?” 刘律连忙接话问道:“那和我们补足物资有啥关系?” Has the relations, naturally has the relations!” “有关系,当然有关系!” You think, if erupts such combat again, our only needing lets the spoliator who that group of mysterious person tribe concentrating on work at selected units people camouflage to provoke, you led the person to put down this spoliator, snatched the commodity of their warehouse to be very reasonable?” “你想想要是再爆发这么一场战斗,我们只需要让那伙神秘人部落抓点人伪装成来挑衅的掠夺者,你带人平了这掠夺者,抢了他们仓库的物资很合理吧?” Also can do?” “还能这么干?” Liu Lv brain transferred, at the scene pleasantly surprised stands up from the stool. 刘律脑子转了过来,当场惊喜的从凳子上站起身。 Yes, how I have not thought!” “是啊,我怎么没有想到!” Now the situation calms down is not good to explain the goods and materials, but if the situation thorough is chaotic, even if the sea otter wants to check, is still very difficult to investigate the specific situation!” “现在局势冷静下来是不好解释物资来源,但要是局势彻底乱起来,猎虎就算是想查,也很难查到具体的情况!” Yes.” The old slight nod, is a promising young man appearance. “是也。”老吕微微点头,一副孺子可教也的模样。 Moreover that group of people do not need the cotton, I guessed that their big probability is to be used to make the bullet, may be very also thinking in the situation of soon chaotic snatches some benefits. At this time we only needed to unite them to do several tickets ruthlessly, the commodity storehouse was abundant is only the time issue.” “另外那伙人不是需要棉花吗,我猜测他们大概率是要用来制造子弹的,很可能也想着即将混乱起来的局势里抢到一些利益。这时候我们只需要联合他们狠狠干上几票,物资库丰盈起来只是时间问题而已。” If stingy.” The vision sweeps to out of the window, the old Lu's auspicious expression flashes through wipes ruthlessly spicy. “要是心狠一点.”目光扫向窗外,老吕祥和的表情闪过一抹狠辣。 The remaining words he has not said that but meaning already is self-evident. 剩下的话他没说完,但意思已经不言而喻。 In Pingtan Shelter is not the monolithic bloc, as having the large-scale agglomerations of 60,000 people of daily lives. 平滩避难所内并不是铁板一块,作为有六万人生活起居的大型聚集地。 Here also branches out several factions, has the different beliefs and support. 这里也分出好几个派系,有着不同的信仰和支持。 What enemy best cope? 什么样的敌人最好对付? Naturally is the person of knowing the whole story! 当然是知根知底的人! „After this matter reconsiders, we first found the escape route to say again.” “此事以后再议,我们还是先找好退路再说。” Liu Lv forehead one black, immediately the belt/bring opens the topic, two people finished this dangerous idea obvious. 刘律脑门一黑,马上带开话题,两人心照不宣的结束掉这个危险的想法。 The matter cannot be delayed, how tonight I lead the person first to have a look at six access situations.” “事不宜迟,今晚我就带着人先去看看六层的出入口情况如何。” Next morning. 翌日清晨。 In the morning 6 o'clock just crossed, maintained industrious scavenger then already of biological clock to crawl from the bed for a long time, outside full of energy going out door. 早晨六点钟刚过,长期保持生物钟的勤劳拾荒者们便已经从床上爬了起来,精神抖擞的走出房门外。 Goes to wash the face to the simple washing pond, rinses mouth. 去到简易洗漱池洗把脸,漱漱口。 When all these complete, builds on the pot stove outside door, then already sends out the breakfast the spicy flavor. 等到这一切做完,搭在房门外的锅灶上,便已经散发出早餐的香浓味道。 what flavor. Good. Good fragrance!” “呼什么味道.好.好香!” Rests blurry Sean to open the eye, smelled the dissociation subconsciously in the in the air fragrant flavor, touches to hang in the watch of bedhead looks. 睡得正迷糊的肖恩睁开眼睛,下意识的嗅了嗅游离在空中的香甜味道,摸起挂在床头的手表一看。 Hand just more than half, the minute hand shifts to marking 5. 时针刚刚过半,分针转向标号“五”。 Then in the morning 6 0.2 15. 这才早晨六点二十五。 According to the current management regulations of red spider caravan, from getting out of bed also has one -and-a-half hours. 按照红蛛商队的日常管理条例,距离起床还有一个半小时。 At this time . 这个时候.. Sean rubbed the blurry eye, sits, immediately was scared. 肖恩揉了揉迷糊的眼睛,坐起来,顿时傻眼了。 Sees only usually in rests and dead pig common engineers, at this time does not know that sent what insanity, pushes in the washroom entrance lines up to wait for washing. 只见平日里睡得和死猪一般的工程师们,此时不知道发了什么疯,一个个挤在洗手间门口排队等待洗漱。 After the red spider chariot launches, has four washroom, completely enough 130 people use. 红蛛战车展开后是有四个洗手间的,完全足够一百三十人使用。 But at this time, actually happened crowd? 但此时,竟然发生了拥堵? In 6 : 30 am? 还是在早上 6 点半? Saw ignorant a Sean face compels looks, just washed Luke who walks also to lean on the walking stick, the embarrassed giving a tongue-lashing tooth smiles: Team leader, you awoke.” 见到肖恩一脸懵逼的看过来,刚刚洗漱完走出来的卢克还拄着拐杖,不好意思的呲牙笑了笑:“队长,您醒了。” Wait, what this had?” “等等,这是发生了啥?” Everyone last night rests well, few hates to get out of bed today, look soon arrived has the breakfast the point?” “大伙昨晚睡得好,今天没几个赖床的,这不,快要到吃早饭的点了吗?” Breakfast?” “早饭?” Sean stares, immediately responded, was slanting to look toward out of the window. 肖恩一愣,随即反应过来,斜着头往窗外看去。 Really, in that interim labor is stationed outside the point, already had the caravan members to carry the lunch box to stand in line the team. 果然,在那临时的劳工驻扎点外,已经有商队成员拎着饭盒排上了队。 Looked sketchily the population are many, at least has twenty. 粗略一看人数还不少,至少有二十几个。 Their this was insane, one food, it is necessary is so crazy?!” “他们这是疯了,就一顿饭而已,有必要这么疯狂吗?!” Thinks that days in the mountain, oneself use various condition seductions, these people insisted that must rest 8 : 00 am. 想到在山里那段日子,自己用各种条件诱惑,这些人都坚持要睡到早上 8 点。 Now actually for food, can crawl to get out of bed in six o'clock spontaneously, base and low lines up. 如今却只是为了一顿饭,就能自发在六点钟就爬起床,“卑微”的去排队。 Good. 好吧。 Even if starves to death this morning, dying outside, my Sean must be a model to everyone, the proof. 就算是今天早上饿死,死外边,我肖恩也必须给所有人做个表率,证明. . 呼。 Also mixes with the fragrance and cheers in air transmits together from outside. 又是一道夹杂在空气中的香味和欢呼声从外面传来。 Do not snatch, the breakfast is the hot tofu steamed stuffed bun, everyone has!” “别抢,早餐是麻辣豆腐包子,人人都有!” Mixed vegetable/dish meat gruel, person of one bowl of!” “还有杂菜肉粥,一人一碗哈!” Pungently to the flavor that letting the person forehead sweats, is level how the nutrition meal mixes unable to make. 辛辣到让人额头冒汗的味道,是营养餐怎么调配都做不出来的水准。 Attracted one greedily, Sean considered after two seconds, gets out of bed to wear the clothes silently. 贪婪的吸了一口,肖恩思虑了两秒后,默默起床穿好衣服。 Team leader, is your?” “队长,您这是?” Looks on Sean face back and forth the appearance of facial expression as well as that forcefully suppression of transformation, Lu Ke scratches the head somewhat helplessly. 看着肖恩脸上来回变换的神情以及那一副强行压制的模样,卢克挠挠头有些不知所措。 But next second. 但下一秒. Quickly , helping me line up, leads one to me!” “快,去帮我排队,给我领一份!” „, These people are the lunatics, this big steamed stuffed bun can eat four?” “靠,这些人都是疯子吧,这大个的包子一顿能吃四个?” As for?” “至于吗?” Looks at not far away to squat on the ground, probably the dog gnaws the caravan member who the apple big mouth swallows the steamed stuffed bun generally. 望到不远处蹲在地上,像是狗啃苹果一般大口吞咽包子的商队成员。 The male spear/gun elder brother gawked staring, looks in the hand the steamed stuffed bun of palm of the hand size somewhat to feel helpless. 男枪哥愣了愣,看着手上巴掌大小的包子有些不知所措。 How these people saw that doesn't seem like the appearance that lacks food and clothing? 这些人怎么看也不像是缺吃少穿的模样啊? Their that combat tanks, their attire, their weapons? 他们那战车,他们的装束,他们的武器? As carrying the commodity passes through to the Wasteland indigenous people, is ratio necessity-deficient Earth human how to display pitiful? 作为携带物资穿越到废土的原住民,怎么表现的比物资匮乏的地球人类还要可怜? . 哦。 Day. 天呐。 The time of ponder, saw Sean who finished eating the fourth steamed stuffed bun was still dissatisfied, snatches one from nearby sick person hand. 思考的功夫,看到吃完第四个包子的肖恩仍然不满足,又从旁边的病号手里抢来一个。 This performance, already makes one not know that should conduct to describe with what language. 这表现,已经让人不知道该用什么语言来进行形容了。 You no matter they can eat many, we will not owe in any case, but can also follow to profit at someone's expense. The words saying in these manpower the good thing really to be many, the meat of this mixed vegetable/dish meat gruel heard that synthesizes the meat, the taste of but eating unexpectedly and fish meat is equally delicate. , is really tasty.” “你就甭管他们能吃多少了,反正咱们又不会亏,还能跟着沾点光。话说这些人手里好东西还真不少,这杂菜肉粥的肉听说是合成肉,但吃起来的口感竟然和鱼肉一样细嫩.呼,真好喝。” The vegetarian hunter squats in side does not select food actually, resentment big meat gruel, drunk unusual satisfied. 素食猎人蹲在旁边倒是一点也不挑食,怼了一大口肉粥,喝的异常满足。 For unlocking many cookbooks and patterns, this red spider caravan already provided various raw materials last night as far as possible. 为了解锁更多的菜谱和花样,这红蛛商队昨晚已经尽可能提供了各种原料。 This morning the original menu is the ordinary steamed bun and side dish. 今天早上本来的菜单是普通的馒头和小菜。 But after having the dehydrated vegetable/dish and synthesis meat that they provided, he put in order a steamed stuffed bun and meat gruel simply comes out. 但有了他们提供的脱水菜以及合成肉之后,他索性整了一顿包子和肉粥出来。 Also satisfied person on one's own side the desire of food and drink, but also won opposite party's applause. 既满足了自己人的口腹之欲,还赢得了对方的赞许。 Did not say many, on the Game route panel rubs the experience of rise is best appraisal. 不说多的,游戏路线面板上蹭蹭上涨的经验就是最好的“评价”。 I listened to that Chief Dahlen saying that today we could walk toward the city, real false?” “我听那达伦队长说,今天我们可能要往城区内部走一走,真的假的?” Finished eating the food old and washes dream to walk, squatted down in front of male spear/gun Elder Brother. 吃完饭的老道和淘梦者走了过来,在男枪哥面前蹲下。 As the strength acting in scavenger team, the team combat strength that he leads is to deserve strongest. 作为拾荒者队伍里的实力担当,他率领的队伍战斗力是当之无愧的最强。 Even if people already picked many weapons yesterday, this time to might encounter the danger the time, still did not pose as closed up. 哪怕昨日众人已经捡到了不少武器,此时到了有可能遇到危险的时候,仍然是不自居的靠拢了过来。 Should real, yesterday we had not completed the collection task ; first, is related with our set off time, to there already is in the afternoon, after picking weapon that the city scattered already how much time have not collected. Second, is related with the Xijiao District mature tranquil neutralization moss quantity, this thing should some people collect one round before us, the trace of many place collection is also retaining.” “应该是真的,昨天我们没有完成采集任务,一是和我们出发的时间有关,到了那里已经是下午,捡了捡城区散落的武器后已经没有多少时间来收集。二是和西郊区成熟的平静中和藓数量有关,这东西应该有人在我们之前采集过一轮,不少地方采集的痕迹还保留着。” If the red spider caravan must collect more quantities, can lead us to enter the city inevitably.” “如果红蛛商队要采集到更多的数量,势必会带着我们进入城区内部。” According to us the acquired news, entered the city danger to be possible many light to be yesterday afternoon that several guards yesterday, perhaps is insufficient all-around the protection we?” “根据我们昨日收集到的消息,进入城区内部的危险可不少光是昨天下午那几名护卫,恐怕不足以全方位的保护我们吧?” Cautious naughty dream gave the own viewpoint: Or we and they proposed the proposition, young some people went under the protection, did the remaining people continue to collect in the surrounding?” 谨慎的淘梦者给出了自己的观点:“要不我们和他们提议提议,一小部分人在保护下进去,剩下的人继续在外围搜集?” Improper, this is on the contrary more dangerous.” The old say/way shakes the head the denial: If were yesterday is but actually good, but these guns you also saw, the strength of enemy possibly was above our beforehand judgments by far. In this situation is best everyone to be centralized in the same place, like this encountered the danger to have the biggest assurance.” “不妥,这样反倒更加危险。”老道摇头否定:“如果是昨天倒还好,但那些枪支你们也看到了,敌人的实力可能远远超乎了我们之前的判断。这种情况下最好大家还是集中在一起,这样遇到了危险才有最大的把握。” Said again, yesterday in we collected so many good things in the western suburbs, you do not want to go to the central point to have a look, if there did have is more pleasantly surprised?” “再说了,昨日里我们在西郊都收集到了这么多好东西,你们就不想去中心点看看,万一那里有更多惊喜呢?”
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