MPASLUI :: Volume #10

#953: Since is scavenger, ascending an equipment not to have the problem!

Prefab Housing of three supplies villagers momentary rests, constructs in distance chariot not far away. 三座供给村民们临时休息的活动板房,就建在距离战车不远处。 Properly speaking, the red spider caravan must contract this to live. 按理说,红蛛商队是要承包这活的。 But finally equaled under the two sides disbursements, Sean spent a sum of money to give the village this also package simply exactly. 但最后合计了下两边的支出,肖恩干脆花了笔钱将这活也包给了村子。 The daily three meals, one week seven days total are spending 350 business tickets. 连带着每天三顿的伙食,一周七天共计花费三百五十商券。 Although wanted high 150 business tickets compared with the initial budget, the fellow who may be counted direction caravan these wearies went out to work the spent time. 虽然比最初的预算要高了一百五十商券,可算上指挥商队那些惫懒的家伙出去干活所花费的功夫。 Sean even also has the feeling that plants to gain. 肖恩甚至还有种自己赚到的感觉。 In fact, the members of red spider caravan are not in the pure significances works oneself to death to the caravan, can, whatever dispatches of management. 事实上,红蛛商队的成员并不是单纯意义上的给商队卖命,可以任由差遣办事的那种。 These mastered the personnel of a vast amount of knowledge or skill, each is Blue Star Wasteland buried treasure. 这些掌握了大量知识或者技能的人员,每一个都是蓝星废土的宝藏。 Gathered these people to join the caravan, Sean fei many argument, had promised the condition that seduced very much can succeed. 招揽这些人加入商队,肖恩废了不少口舌,又许诺过很诱惑的条件才能得以成功。 In most situations, relations between they and caravan are the equal employment relations. 大多数情况下,他们和商队之间的关系都是平等的雇佣关系。 But can the spend some change this group of comfortable, looked long-term, is actually worth. 而能花点小钱让这伙人舒服着,长远去看,其实是非常值得的。 So long as they can stand at crucial moments, when for example this time surmounts from these mountains, the service vehicle damage place that these engineers every night watch, gives the caravan to have 0% several hundred forward incomes sufficiently. 只要他们能在关键时刻站出来,譬如这次从那些大山里翻越出来时,那些工程师每晚不眠不休的维修车子损坏处,就足以给商队产生百分之几百的正向收益。 Prefab Housing of three links, in these structures with Village of Hope have no big difference. 三座联通的活动板房,和希望村内的那些构造没什么大的区别。 From left to right arranges, the first building for the public activities region, inside has the washing place, as well as separates a simple kitchen. 从左到右排列,第一座板房为公共活动区域,里面有洗漱的地方,以及分隔出来一座简易厨房。 Second and third Prefab Housing is a residential area, inside is putting 50 1.5 * 1.2 single beds, the space somewhat is possibly cramped compared with the red spider chariot, but to getting used to living scavenger even must be more spacious. 第二座和第三座活动板房则为居住区,里面放着五十张1.5*1.2的单人床,空间比起红蛛战车内部可能有些局促,但对住惯了的拾荒者们甚至还要更宽敞一些。 Naturally, cushion on the single bed wanted to be poorer. 当然,单人床上的垫子就要寒酸一些了。 At present the territory making the cotton of ammunition cannot collect, let alone makes some clothing bedding of maintaining warmth. 目前领地连制造弹药的棉花都凑不出来,就更别说制造一些保暖的衣物被褥。 Sean walks from the entrance, glanced right and left to look, finally was the discrete proposition: 肖恩从门口走进来,左顾右盼看了看,最终还是谨慎的提议道: Friend, rained over the two days a little will be cold in the evening, I thought that in your rooms does not have the heating facility probably, when do not let the workers sleep fell ill.” “朋友,这两天下雨晚上可能会有点寒冷,我看你们的屋子内好像没有取暖设施,可别让工人们睡觉时生病了。” Although already outsourceed the daily life of labor completely, this already should not be the place that the caravan worries about. 虽然已经将劳工的生活起居全部外包了出去,这已经不该是商队操心的地方。 But stemming from the consideration of amount of assignment, as well as wants to surpass the reason of relations with Tianyuan Shelter. 但出于对任务量的考量,以及想和天元避难所超好关系的缘故。 In the evening, I will make one move in a heating facility.” “晚上,我会让人搬来一台取暖设施。” „The electric power that but it must use, you found the way to solve.” “但它要使用的电力,就得你们自己想办法来解决了。” The influence that so long as on Blue Star touches on slightly with the civilization, abandons slavery thing extremely, will use various methods to process as far as possible maintains the good own rule. 蓝星上只要和文明沾边的势力,都极为摒弃奴隶制这东西,会尽可能的使用各种手段来处理维护好自己的统治。 The brain insufficient spoliator, the refugee on forcing indication Wasteland will not enter the own team. 就连脑子不够用的掠夺者,都不会强行征兆废土上的流民进入自己的队伍。 They were clear, this restoring the old system and warm strangles the creativity of human directly in invisible, and must take the resistance risk that possibly can have for this reason. 他们清楚,这种复古的制度会将人类的创造力和热情直接扼杀在无形之中,并要为此承担可能会发生的反抗风险。 Contrasts, the person who the choice has a common goal enters the team, must be more cost-effective. 对比起来,挑选一些志同道合的人进入队伍,明显要更加划算一些。 Even if this in Shelter of mole man is also so. 这点哪怕是在地鼠佬的避难所里也是如此。 Naturally, on Blue Star does not have the place to use the slavery, but majority are to the prisoner of defeat, or is the hostile forces personnel who arrest uses, not in conventional discussion ranks. 当然,蓝星上也并不是没有地方使用奴隶制度,但大多数都是对一些战败的囚犯,或者是抓捕到的敌对势力人员使用,不在常规讨论行列。 Sean is widely traveled, in the past had also hit the idea of buying a slave as the caravan floor. 肖恩走南闯北,当年也曾经打过买点奴隶作为商队底层的主意。 However to finally, risk that as well as must prevent by the depressed will of slaves eliminating. 不过到最后,还是被奴隶们的消沉的意志以及要预防的风险给打消了。 Thank Sean the good intention, this may help us be busy.” “感谢肖恩阁下的好意,这可帮我们大忙了。” As for the energy issue, you could rest assured that we can solve!” “至于能源问题,您放心,我们会自己解决的!” Saying, Feng Long was walking hastily, a face pleasantly surprised outstretch right hand two people grasp in the same place. 说着,封龙连忙走了过来,一脸惊喜的伸出右手两人握在一起。 In just, him also prepared to build several stoves in the room, was used to warm up in the evening. 就在刚刚,他还筹划着在房间内搭几个火炉,用来晚上取暖。 If this red spider caravan is willing to deliver the heating facility to come that to be possible too to be crisp. 这要是红蛛商队愿意送个取暖设施过来那可就太爽了。 So long as the belt/bring selects energy stone to come, the supply warms up that certainly to facilitate too many. 只要带点能石过来,供应取暖那肯定是要方便太多。 Today's time already, everyone did not want set off early later.” “今天的时候已经不早了,待会大家就要出发。” As the team leader of red spider caravan, I first gives everyone to tell our job objectives over the following seven days.” “作为红蛛商队的队长,我先来给大家讲述一下我们接下来七天时间的工作目标。” Sean nods, takes out a test tube from the bosom, inside thinks in clear port city that strange moss. 肖恩点了点头,从怀中取出一根试管,里面装着的正是晴港市内那种奇怪的苔藓。 Compared with initially the Su Mo first seeing these windings the blue-purple moss that grew in the building. 比起当初苏摩第一次看到的那些缠绕在大楼上生长的蓝紫色苔藓。 The moss in test tube is the purple red, indistinct also passes a black. 试管内的苔藓呈紫红色,隐隐约约中还透点黑。 This is our goals, the foundation to the systematic name that it gives is: „ Tranquil neutralization moss, we usually to it most commonly used name are: Calm powder. ” “这是我们的目标,基金会对给它赋予的学名为:“平静中和藓”,我们平时对它最常用的称呼为:冷静粉。” Its function is very simple, only then one, that lowers the fierce degree of response.” “它的作用很简单,只有一个,那就是降低反应的剧烈程度。” Newborn tranquil neutralization moss is the pure blue color, the illumination, has the low corrosiveness and low toxicity slightly, after meeting the lifeform , the automatic release the powder will adhere to stick cohere, therefore please as far as possible far away from them.” “初生的平静中和藓为纯蓝色,微微发光,具有低腐蚀性以及低毒性,遇到生物后会自动释放出粉末附着,所以请尽可能的远离它们。” In the tranquil neutralization moss in growth is the blue-purple, the ray is reserved, once contacts the skin to produce the strong corrosion results, should never touch with the hand directly. 处于成长中的平静中和藓为蓝紫色,光芒内敛,一旦接触皮肤会产生强腐蚀效果,切勿用手直接触摸。 But situated in the tranquil neutralization moss of mature period is the color in my hand, the purple red. ” 而处于成熟期的平静中和藓便是我手中的这种颜色,紫红色。” already the first time was was not speaking to the local labor, Sean appeared accomplishes a task with ease. 已经不是第一次对着当地的劳工讲话了,肖恩显得游刃有余。 Although the following labors complexion seems like some indifferently, several are even still smiling while is speaking intimate conversation, when he mentioned the collection tranquil neutralization moss danger that as far as possible possibly can encounter. 尽管下面的劳工们脸色看起来有些“无所谓”,有几个甚至还在一边笑一边说着悄悄话,但他还是尽可能的讲出了采集平静中和藓时可能会遇到的危险。 „The goal that you need to collect is the purple-red neutralization moss, collects its way to be very simple, will only need with pushing to provide to your glass tools it and moss blanket separation, will load in the test tube to bring then.” “你们需要采集的目标便是紫红色的中和藓,采集它的方式很简单,只需要用挤下来会发放给你们的玻璃工具将其和藓毯分离,装入试管中带回来即可。” In this process, the guards of caravan will help you eliminate the peripheral most dangers, mutant beast that for example is close, variant person, spoliator. But you need to guard against possibly the enemy who flees suddenly from some sewer pipe, provides against contingencies.” “这个过程中,商队的护卫会帮你们肃清周边的大部分危险,例如接近的变异兽,变种人,掠夺者。但你们还是需要提防可能从某个下水管道突然窜出来的敌人,以防万一。” Amount of assignment each person every day guarantees a minimum is 20 g, always has 10 g, your same day income will then rise one time.” “每人每天的任务量保底是20g,每多出10g,你们当日的收入便会上涨一倍。” If can surpass 200 g, or collects to present the red high quality tranquil neutralization moss completely, the special reward of caravan will not disappoint you absolutely.” “若是能超出200g,或者采集到完全呈现红色的高品质平静中和藓,商队的特殊奖励绝对不会让你们失望。” After speaking the goal and treatment and drive prize, Sean has not been saying anything, turned around. 讲完目标和待遇以及激励奖后,肖恩没在多说什么,转身走了。 Deputy team chief Joseph of red spider caravan walked, starts to provide to be used to collect the tool of tranquil neutralization moss. 红蛛商队的副队长约瑟走了进来,开始发放用来收集平静中和藓的工具。 An everyone glass spudder, a glass knife, as well as three solid durable macromolecule resin synthesis test tubes. 每人一把玻璃小铲,一把玻璃小刀,以及三个结实耐用的高分子树脂合成试管。 In addition, an installment of bottle cap size, does not know that is used for what use. 除此之外,还有一个瓶盖大小的装置,不知道用来什么用途。 „The calm powder of high quality is not easy to look, generally in the moss blanket center section, you certainly is careful.” “高品质的冷静粉不好找,一般都在藓毯中心部分,你们一定要小心。” If some people are injured, please must lead to come back him as soon as possible, the red spider caravan will be responsible for their treatments.” “如果有人受伤,请务必尽快将他带回来,红蛛商队会负责他们的治疗。” From the present to evening's 8 o'clock, six hours, we must add a bit faster the speed.” “从现在到晚上八点钟,还有六个小时,我们得加快点速度了。” Feng Long nods. 封龙点了点头。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” One hour of relaxation time ended, after scavenger ate dry rations, the physical strength that hurries along to consume quickly restored, starts the set team to prepare set off. 一个小时休息时间结束,拾荒者们吃了点干粮后,赶路消耗的体力很快恢复了过来,开始集合队伍准备出发 Luke of injury is accepting for treating to absent afternoon action two times temporarily. 受了伤的卢克正在接受二次治疗暂时缺席下午的行动。 By the convoy guard deputy team chief Craigie Dahlen responsible security work of red spider caravan. 由红蛛商队的护卫队副队长克雷吉・达伦负责安保工作。 We collect the calm powder today the place in this range, I can lead eight guards first step to sweep the spatial peripheral risk, asking everyone to do not tread beyond this range, otherwise the consequence was proud.” “我们今天收集冷静粉的地点在这个范围内,我会带着八名护卫先一步扫空周边的风险,请各位务必不要踏出这个范围外,否则后果自负。” Put out a 15 cuns (2.5 cm) plate, Dahlen drew a red circle above with the hand. 拿出一个十五寸大小的平板,达伦在上面用手画了个红色的圈。 Ding-dong. 叮咚。 The bottle cap installment that just provided shivered suddenly slightly, the surface of no light sent out the pale-green ray. 刚刚发放的瓶盖装置忽然微微颤抖,无光的表面散发出淡绿色光芒。 Ray for green, is representing your activities in the extent of protection, safe.” “光芒为绿,代表着你们的活动范围在保护范围内,安全。” Ray for yellow, represented your active area already to be close to the warning area, please must be careful.” “光芒为黄,代表着你们的活动区域已经接近了危险区,请务必小心。” Ray for red, please withdraw as soon as possible leaves, returns to the active area that we define.” “光芒为红,请尽快退出离开,回到我们划定的活动区域内。” Now, set off!” “现在,出发!” . 呼. The voice falls, Dahlen nine bird of prey power armor take the lead to run out, is 60 kilometers evolute velocity first step to flush away toward the clear port city at the speed. 话音落下,连带达伦在内的九台猛禽动力甲率先冲出,以时速达到六十公里的机动速度往晴港市先一步冲去。 This they have not covered up the own status time actually again, in the surface of power armor are engraving the symbol of foundation. 这一次他们倒是没再遮遮掩掩自己的身份,动力甲的表面上就镌刻着基金会的标志。 Follows behind these people, Feng Long wields, the scavenger squad like the flock of sheep of leaving the pen, disperses instantly. 跟在这些人后面,封龙手一挥,拾荒者小队如同出栏的羊群,一哄而散。 According to before on the assignment good squad, 50 people was divided into four squads. 按照之前就分配好的小队,五十人共分为四个小队。 The team leader respectively is: The sidenafil, the island country's first male spear/gun, washes dream, air-to-air Daoist 队长分别为:西地那非,岛国第一男枪,淘梦者,空空道人 According to the personality and attitude of team leader is different, the future actions of these teams are not same. 根据队长的性格和作风不同,这些队伍的行动方向也不相同。 The sidenafil leads careless team, pursuing firmly in nine engine armor behind, holds the mentality that few harvests are not rather running risks absolutely. 西地那非带领的“苟”队,牢牢的追在九台动力机甲身后,抱着宁愿少收获也绝对不冒风险的心态。 The island country's first male spear/gun leads just team, then only depends toward the map information in ** beach Shelter that Pingfang goes, obviously stares at other harvests that that side possibly can present. 岛国第一男枪带领的“刚”队,则仅直往地图情报中靠**滩避难所的那片平房区而去,显然是盯上了那边可能会出现的其他收获。 But remaining naughty dream and air-to-air Daoist two teams, are in the village at present standard local tyrant teams. 而剩下的淘梦者和空空道人两队,都是村子内目前标准的“土豪队”。 The former the advantage in the survey equipment is huge, the infrared detectories, as well as does not know biochemistry ingredient analyzer where does. 前者在探测装备上优势巨大,有一台红外探测仪,以及一台不知道从哪里搞来的生物化学成分分析仪。 Because the latter with building up dream iron and steel plant chief test throws the corner moth is the good brothers' reason, obtained the wave of small investment of iron and steel plant, might be called arms on the weaponry as well as various tools the tooth. 后者则因为和炼梦钢铁厂首席试用员扑棱蛾子是好兄弟的缘故,获得了钢铁厂的一波小投资,在武器装备以及各类工具上堪称武装到了牙齿。 The teams in the survey reached the agreement, chooses to go hand in hand, goes to behind outside damage bridge these tall building areas along to explore. 于探测上两队达成了共识,选择结伴而行,前往损毁大桥后方的那些高楼区外沿进行探索。 Quick, four teams are divided into three directions, roughly after more than ten minutes, finally entered the western suburbs edge in clear port city. 很快,四队分为三个方向,约莫十多分钟后终于进入到了晴港市的西郊边缘。 Grass, but also really has a city!” “草,还真特么的有一座城市啊!” Stands outside the light mist the edge, gazes at this to be wrapped in inside steel giant beast. 站在淡淡雾气外沿,注视着这座被包裹在里面的钢铁巨兽。 Holds in the mouth the island country's first male spear/gun of cigarette to be dumbfounded, the smoke on mouth feels nothing on the ground. 叼着卷烟的岛国第一男枪目瞪口呆,嘴上的烟把掉在地上都浑然不觉。 This. 这. Was this entire city passes through? 这是一整个城市穿越过来了? Before the Prefab Housing first contact map information, his already as far as possible this city imagination was huge. 之前在活动板房第一次接触地图情报的时候,他已经尽可能将这座城市想象的庞大了。 But the real stand here, looks at this spiritless ruin of civilization. 但真实的站在这里,看着这座死气沉沉的文明废墟。 This feeling, was still hard with the simple language narration. 这种感觉,仍旧是难以用简单的语言叙述的。 When was different from just passed through frightened like that to Wasteland from Earth, was like that unfamiliar. 不同于从地球上刚穿越到废土时的那般恐惧,那般生疏。 At this time, in the heart has, is only left over the simplest terrified. 此时,心中有的,只剩下最简单的惶恐。 Be careful, is the beautiful place, is hiding more risks.” “小心,越是美丽的地方,就潜藏着越多的风险。” Do not despise each corner, we must imagine here each dark place, is hiding the enemy.” “不要小看每一个角落,我们要想象这里的每一个黑暗地方,都藏着敌人。” Looks in the city ground the innumerable artillery craters, as well as these growth in the strange plant of construction corner. 看着城市地面上无数炮弹坑,以及那些生长在建筑角落的奇怪植物。 The performance of sidenafil is even more discrete, traces the ground to move fights vigorously the trace that armor leaves, while told teammate to collect the information of this ruins city as far as possible. 西地那非的表现愈发谨慎,一边追踪地上动力战甲留下来的痕迹,一边吩咐身边队友尽可能收集着这片废墟城市的信息。 Here, is a buried treasure without a doubt, particularly to scavenger. 这里,是一座毋庸置疑的宝藏,尤其是对拾荒者而言。 Meanwhile, here danger only looked that the attitudes of these convoy guards can know, will not be absolutely simple. 但同时,这里的危险只看那些护卫队的态度就能知道,绝对不会有那么简单。 To promote, obtains the route progress, that must have the life to save the experience. 想要升级,获得路线进度,那也得有命去积攒经验。 Before the adequate intelligence support, his choice was still discrete. 在没有足够的情报支持前,他的选择仍旧非常谨慎。 Here has the trace of massive human live, is very fresh, combat may arrive momentarily.” “这里有大量人类生活的痕迹,很新鲜,战斗可能随时都会到来。” Do not disperse, guaranteed as far as possible can support the teammate.” “不要散开,尽量确保能支援到队友。” Washed dream and team of air-to-air Daoist also entered the clear port city. 淘梦者和空空道人的队伍也进入了晴港市。 Depends on habit that the instrument and forms, they soon then found massive traces in the ground. 靠着仪器和养成的习惯,他们很快便在地面上找到了大量痕迹。 The especially those look that seems like scorch that combat leaves behind, niter smoke that and heavy rain washout will still not have volatilized from now on. 尤其是那些看着像是战斗留下的焦痕,以及大雨冲刷过后仍旧没有挥发的硝烟味。 Did here have a war a short time ago? 这里前不久才发生了一场大战? fuck, does there have a spear/gun?” 卧槽,那里有一把枪?” Walked several steps, the old say/way suddenly eye of beard one bright, saw one hangs the pistol in steel bar slantingly. 才走了几步,山羊胡的老道忽然眼睛一亮,看到了一把斜挂在钢筋上的手枪。 This spear/gun contour is a bit like Gerlach 17, the surface only hoodwinked some water stain, how will some people throw it here? 这枪外形有点像格洛克17,表面只蒙了一些水渍,怎么会有人将它丢在这里? Be careful, fishing law enforcement.” “小心,钓鱼执法。” I understand.” “我懂。” Washing dream, although is much longer, the mouthful had just blown azure beard stubble, but by having the discrete degree does not lose the sidenafil. 淘梦者虽然长得老实,满嘴刚刮过的青色胡茬,但论起谨慎程度一点不输西地那非。 Led the person to inspect in the nearby carefully, determined after this spear/gun was really only the omission here . 带人在附近仔细检查了一遍,确定这把枪真的只是遗漏在这里后。 The old say/way goes forward hastily, takes down from the steel bar the pistol. 老道连忙上前,将手枪从钢筋上取了下来。 Shoves open the magazine, inside bullet really already hit to empty, and in the barrel had the obvious firing trace. 推开弹夹,里面子弹果然已经打空了,并且枪管内有明显的击发痕迹。 These that before , ground discovers a like that the trace in barrel is also very fresh. 一如之前地面上发现的那些,枪管内的痕迹也很新鲜。 It seems like here really in these days, had combat. “看来这里真在这几天,发生了场战斗。” If as expected. Does the nearby look?” “不出意外的话.附近找找?” To comparing to caravan so-called duty, obviously these wild the guns must be more attractive. 对比起商队所谓的任务,明显还是这些“野生”的枪支要更加有吸引力一些。 Compared with conducting the back the vigorous wolf crossbow, the discerning people know, if can find the bullet. 比起背上的大力狼弩,明眼人都知道要是能找到子弹。 This thing at crucial moments, can play the major role. 这玩意在关键时刻,到底能发挥多大作用。 „, Here has the submachine gun, 0.8 rounds of bullets!” “靠,这里有把冲锋枪,还有.八发子弹!” Here has the rifle, hi, how to break off from the middle, is really careless and wasteful use of nature's products.” “这里有把步枪,嗨呀,怎么从中间折断了,真是暴殄天物啊。” Bullet, here found a magazine, inside has 18 rounds of pistol cartridges!” “子弹,我这里找到一个弹夹,里面有十八发手枪子弹!” fuck, was developed, every time found a spear/gun to give 0.35 promotion progress.” 卧槽,发达了,每找到一把枪给0.35的升级进度啊。” Was too crisp, according to this progress gets down, perhaps one week of time enough I rose first-level!” “太爽了,按照这个进度下去,恐怕一周时间都足够我升一级了!” Following having the block investigation of combat trace, more and more combat carry-overs were discovered by scavenger. 顺着有战斗痕迹的街区排查,越来越多的战斗遗留物被拾荒者们发现。 Has various kinds to hit the spatial bullet to lose in the guns of hiding corner, there is ammunition that many scatters is not collected at will. 有各类打空子弹丢在隐蔽角落的枪支,有不少随意散落没被收集起来的弹药。 Has to contaminate the bloodstain to be lost at will in sewer nearby clothing, but also there is not famous equipment that labels the already damage. 有沾染着血迹被随意丢在下水道附近的衣物,还有没有标注已经损坏的不名装置。 Boss, our aren't probably today's duties this thing?” 老大,好像咱们今天的任务不是这东西吧?” Looks that the island country's first male spear/gun uncovers a heavy-caliber shotgun from one -story house, laughs foolishly in door. 看着岛国第一男枪从某个平房里搜出一把大口径散弹枪,愣在房门口傻笑。 scavenger walked, somewhat disturbed points at the waist dry practice manages to ask. 一名拾荒者走了上来,有些忐忑的指着腰间空试管问道。 Fears anything, this duty is not also seven days, today is first owing to him, behind looked for not on the line.” “怕什么,这任务不是还有七天吗,今天先给他欠着,后面多找点不就行了。” Said again we are scavenger, this ascends an equipment. Does not have the problem!” “再说了咱们可是拾荒者,这拾点装备.没毛病吧!”
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