MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1161: Chip enable, more complete territory!

The Wasteland winter is with the day, eyeful snow gleams white places and gloomy continuous days. 废土的冬天是地与天,满眼白雪皑皑的地与阴沉联绵天。 Starting from February/two months, finished by May/five months. 从二月开始,到五月结束。 Now is the deep winter season, the temperature in air has dropped to about 25 degrees below zero, bitter cold exceptionally. 如今已是隆冬时节,空气中的温度已然下降至零下二十五度左右,酷寒异常。 Previously burnt down the snow to provide the energy speed generally and a business trip are not quite many, because recently the quantity of population increase were too many, produced a big gap. In order to guarantee that side industrial district heating efficiency, our already drops ten degrees from 18 degrees the heating temperature of residential area temporarily, slows down the consumption in energy, the residents opinion is not generally speaking big.” “先前焚烧积雪提供能量的速度大抵和支出差不太多,但最近因为人口增加的数量太多,还是产生了不小的缺口。为了保证工业区那边的供暖效率,我们已经临时将居住区的供暖温度从十八度下降到了十度,减缓能源方面的消耗,居民们意见总体来说不大。” „The preparation about spring plowing, the tankodrome regarding research and development already of farm machinery to the composition testing stage, can in the first wave of promoting machinery be at present: The revolving ditching machine, a mouse plow, the shovel throws the machine, rotary cultivator, the spike-tooth harrow, the cultivator, the seeder, automatic atomization sprinkler truck total 12 types. The second wave of development mechanical list is: Fixed-point spray irrigation car(riage), cereal combine, cotton picker, soil packer, gutter pipe installation machine “关于春耕的准备,战车厂对于农业机械的研发已经到了组装测试阶段,目前能在第一波推出的机械为:旋转开沟机,鼠道犁,铲抛机,旋耕机,钉齿耙,中耕机,播种机,自动喷雾洒水车等共计十二种。第二波开发机械的名单为:定点喷灌车,谷物联合收获机,采棉机,镇压器,开沟埋管机” Moreover the seed agriculture route player also conducted the manual essence to select while the winter, and conducted greenhouse hybrid training on basic of original crops, the certain extent improved the tolerance of crops in extreme adverse circumstance. Without the special accident happened, autumn the output at least compares the previous time to enhance 15 to about 20.” “另外种子方面农耕者路线玩家也趁着冬天进行了手工精挑,并在原有作物的基础上进行了温室杂交培养,一定程度提高了作物在极端恶劣环境下的耐受性。如果没有特殊的意外发生,秋天我们的产量至少相较上次能提高15到20左右。” Scale, Village of Hope population already breaks through 30,000 people now, had completely increased to expand the mold to promote to town-level basic. Moreover our present already expanded two rounds of building colonies, the space was bigger than several times to continue before, so long as can look for the construction member of construction town basic organization in the rookie, when trained these people, Village of Hope can be changed beyond recognition immediately, accommodated 30,000 people again is not the issue.” “规模方面,现在希望村的人口已经突破了三万人,完全具备了扩增扩模提升到镇级的基础。而且我们现在已经扩建了两轮建筑集群,空间比之前大了数倍不止,只要能在新人中寻找构建镇子基础组织的架构成员,等到培养完这些人,希望村马上就能焕然一新,再容纳三万人也不是问题。” Longteng Village currently also has the resident population more than 5000 people, although compares Village of Hope here population to be short a lot, because of the reason of that side business demand, is on the contrary livelier when the working day. According to latest economic income index showed, the Longteng Village daily spending has always been playing an active role in 20 to 300,000 iron coins, the conductivity is extremely strong.” “龙腾村现在也有常驻人口五千余人,虽然相较希望村这边的人数要少得多,但因为那边营商需求的缘故,反倒在工作日时更加热闹一些。根据最新的经济收入指数显示,龙腾村每天的消费金额始终活跃在二十到三十万铁币之间,流通性极强。” Moreover that side the fish person village also has the small 3000 people, mainly to construct, building materials and other industries are the lord. Right. According to information that the fish person village head sends, spring after arriving, is the season that small fish people reproduce, all smooth, when autumn the small fish person number will turn time.” “另外鱼人村那边也有小三千人,主要以建筑,建材等行业为主。对了.根据鱼人村长送来的信息,春天到来后也是小鱼人们繁殖的季节,一切顺利,等到秋天我们的小鱼人数量又会翻倍。” Economic aspect.” “经济方面.” Temporarily the conference, often is only the discussion of some specific link, soon. 临时召开的会议,往往只是某个具体环节的商议,用不了多长时间。 But every month a routine report, actually related to the entire territory. 但每月一次的例行汇报,却涉及到了整个领地。 Only reorganizes these tedious data, must spend several days of time, let alone formed the complete analysis report. 光是整理那些繁琐的数据,就要花费数天时间,就更别说形成完整的分析报告了。 Reported fully for two hours, Qiao Yuan lived then to stop, drinks water to moisten the throat. 整整汇报了两个多小时,乔院生这才停了下来,喝了口水润润喉咙。 „. Summarizes this month our development, at present truly can describe to good with steady. A lot of fresh blood entered stimulated the original domestic market thoroughly, particularly demanded this aspect, the demand of rookies was big, was only satisfies their enough us to promote an industry to develop.” “.总结我们这个月的发展,目前确实是可以用稳中向好来形容。大量的新鲜血液进入彻底盘活了原有的内部市场,尤其是内需这方面,新人们的需求非常大,光是满足他们就足够我们推动好一阵工业发展。” But the industrial district the post was soon saturated.” Sits Wang Yuanshuai that had not spoken in side, this had free time to interrupt to say the sound: If comes more rookies, the industrial district existing plant scale is not possible to hold, but blindly expansion, is very easy to cause the commodity extrusion problem.” “可是工业区这边岗位快要饱和了。”坐在旁边一直没说话的王元帅,这才有空插嘴进来说了声:“如果来更多新人,工业区现有的工厂规模是不可能容纳的,而盲目扩产的话,很容易造成物资挤压问题。” Without the question of direct reaction Wang Yuanshuai, Qiao Yuansheng will first look at Su Mo after desk, the look inquired under. 没有直接回答王元帅的疑问,乔院生先将目光投向了办公桌后的苏摩,眼神询问了下。 Is a person on one's own side , there is nothing to conceal.” “都是自己人,没有什么好隐瞒的。” The Su Mo counter- bow middle finger knocked under the desktop, brief and to the point saying. 苏摩反弓中指敲了下桌面,言简意赅的说道。 „A week ago, our already opened that black building. Un is you that came to the territory to see at that time, now calculates the time, that side the research institute should already restore all equipment.” “一周前,我们已经打开了那座黑色大楼。嗯就是你来领地当时看到的那座,现在算算时间,研究所那边应该已经修复好所有设备了。” Black building?” Wang Yuanshuai gawked under: Why that is uses.” “黑色大楼?”王元帅愣了下:“那是干什么用的。” Chip.” “芯片。” On laughable Earth some country also issues the ban repeatedly, refusing this type of precise and advanced equipment to flow in Huaxia. 可笑地球上某国还频频发出禁令,严禁这种高精尖设备流入华夏。 Arrived Wasteland, actually under Game mysterious Ability, direct point-to-point delivered to the territory. 到了废土,却在游戏的神奇能力下,直接点对点的送到了领地内。 But when the prompt of unlocking springs, the Su Mo nature first according to the way in future Ruins opening, successfully opens it. 等到可解锁的提示弹出,苏摩自然第一时间按照未来遗迹中打开的方式,将其顺利打开。 Among is not during the production of chip, but is workshops that are used to service various kinds of equipment. 其内并不是芯片的生产间,而是一座用来维修各类设备的车间。 Has the thin-film deposition equipment of damage, chemistry mechanical lapping equipment that also waits for restoring, plasma sculpture equipment. 有损坏的薄膜沉积设备,也有待修复的化学机械研磨设备,等离子刻蚀设备。 Naturally, climax mask aligner naturally must have. 当然,重头戏的‘光刻机’自然是少不了的。 In the future in Ruins the Tianyuan territory spent the huge manpower and resources, searched for enough material and talent, restored these things, in the Wasteland three years in middle ten days opened the first generation chip production. 未来遗迹中天元领地花费了巨大的人力物力,才搜寻到了足够的材料和人才,修复了这些东西,于废土三年中旬开启了第一代的‘芯片’生产。 But now, all was simpler. 而现在,一切简单了许多。 Other equipment excluding mask aligner, the territory currently has restores Ability, the material can also with that decomposition machine from picking in the trash to decompose. 除光刻机以外的其他设备,领地目前就拥有修复能力,材料也能用那台分解机从捡回来的垃圾中分解到。 Therefore after entering the building, Su Mo first then restored the mask aligner of that damage using goods Survival Points. 所以进入大楼后,苏摩第一时间便利用物品生存点修复了那台损坏的光刻机。 The expenditure are many, enough 900 points. 花费不少,足足九百点。 But trades is actually huge span in time, at least saved for a year. 但换来的却是时间上的巨大跨越,至少节省了一年时间。 „Can we make the chip?” “我们能造芯片了?” Wang Yuanshuai stared in a big way the eye stubbornly, stayed on the seat. 王元帅死死瞪大了眼睛,呆在了座位上。 This is one regarding the earthman not strange noun. 这是一个对于地球人丝毫不陌生的名词。 Especially this period of time after the industrial district is influenced by what one sees and hears, the influence of Wang Yuanshuai clearer chip is huge. 尤其是这段时间在工业区耳濡目染之后,王元帅更清楚芯片的影响力到底有多么巨大。 The traditional electronic component needs to make the electric circuit through the manual assembly, but chip these primary devices through manufacture of micro-electronics technology integration to a chip on. 传统的电子元器件需要通过手工组装来制成电路,而芯片则是将这些元器件通过微电子制造技术集成到一个芯片上。 The emergence of this type of micro integrated circuit, enabling the electronic component and smaller volume form realizes at a higher integration rate, thus enhanced the electrical efficiency and performance. 这种微型集成电路的出现,使得电子元器件能够以更高的集成度和更小的体积形式实现,从而提高了电效率和性能。 Does not need to be afraid the cargo backlog, breaknecked to accomplish to finish up, best to be able to change into the chip and accessories all our resources.” “不用害怕货物积压,玩命造就完事了,最好是能将我们所有的资源全都换成芯片以及附属品。” Thinks in Ruins the manpower to be able the car(riage) to be all the rage the Wasteland scene in the future, this type of thing does not worry not to have the sale from the start. 想想未来遗迹中人力能车风靡废土的场面,这种东西压根就不愁没有销路。 So long as can trade the easy-to-use, durable commodity, the resources in survivors absolutely not parsimonious hand. 只要能换到好用,耐用的商品,幸存者们绝对不会吝啬手里的资源。 I understood.” “我明白了。” Then I will be responsible for the expansion plan of factory, at the maximum speed ensure our factory has enough post to hold the rookie.” “接下来我会负责工厂的扩产计划,以最快的速度确保我们的工厂有足够的岗位可以容纳新人。” Wang Yuanshuai accepts good advice readily complied, the gone plan did not need Su Mo this feudal lord to participate again. 王元帅从善如流的应了下来,接下去的计划就不用苏摩这个领主再参与了。 Now already the stage that needed the feudal lord to do it yourself, more only needed to dominate the general orientation then. 现在已经过了需要领主亲力亲为的阶段,更多的只需要把持大方向即可。 Good. 好吧。 Also is a little the reason that Su Mo is loaf. 也有点是苏摩偷懒的缘故。 Packs off two people to go back to discuss, sits in the already changed beyond recognition office, Su Mo satisfied moving chair below movable switch, puts the comfortable position that partly lay down. 送走两人回去讨论,坐在已经焕然一新的办公室内,苏摩惬意的扳动椅子下方的活动开关,放到了半躺的舒适位置。 The thing that this manual amateur player makes also is really good, the use experience in various aspects on the factory goods compared with Earth good be too many, can the waist curve of perfect fitting human, bring the most comfortable experience. 这手工爱好者玩家制造的东西还真是不错,各方面的使用体验都要比地球上的工厂货好太多,能完美的贴合人类的腰部曲线,带来最舒适的体验。 Master, examined your conference to finish, needs to close the initiatively noise reduction function?” “主人,检测到您的会议已结束,需要关闭主动降噪功能吗?” The dice flew from the ceiling slowly, swaying that from the sky flicks said. 小方块从天花板上缓缓飞了下来,在空中一闪一闪的摇晃道。 Pass, this noise reduction time one was long I to be about to fall asleep.” “关吧,这降噪时间一长我都快睡着了。” Good.” “好的。” Zero number, on the positive/direct display screen revealed the pale blue ray. 零号顿了顿,正面的显示屏幕上露出点点淡蓝色光芒。 Next second, just also peaceful office suddenly noisy, din-dong the sound conveys from out of the door. 下一秒,刚刚还安静的办公室忽然吵闹了起来,叮叮咚咚的声音从门外传来。 Probably lively food market, probably a repairing big work site. 像是热闹的菜市场,也像是一处正在装修的大工地。 And has the high-frequency power saw fricative many, the hammer hits sadly bang the sound that sends out in the ground. 其中不乏有高频的电锯摩擦声,还有锤子打在地面上发出的沉闷轰隆声。 The hoop sound that several transport the thing from far to near, makes the intermittent grating friction sound. 几道搬运东西的滚轮声音由远及近,发出阵阵刺耳的摩擦声音。 With suddenly greatly suddenly the small speaking voice, clean that just also the peaceful atmosphere vanished instantaneously. 伴随着忽大忽小的说话声,刚刚还安静的氛围瞬间消失的一干二净。 Presently the decibel is 97 decibels, will be under the noisy environment to affect your sensation Ability to sound for a long time. If the master already processes the official business today, zero number suggested that you go out.” “当前分贝是97分贝,长期处于嘈杂环境下会影响您对声音的感知能力。如果主人今天已经处理完公务的话,零号建议您出门走走呢。” Su Mo said. 苏摩笑着说。 „That yo, when you learn?” “呦,你什么时候学会的这个?” The dice shook shaking. 小方块抖了抖。 After zero number learn/study, this is the intelligent assistant most basic function.” “经过零号的学习,这可是智能助手最基本的功能呢。” Intelligent assistant.” Su Mo took up the teacup on table to sip one gently, mixed the food leaf to break wild tea to have wipes the unique delicate fragrance. “智能助手.”苏摩拿起桌上的茶杯轻轻抿了一口,混合了饭叶碎的野茶带有一抹独特的清香。 Mentioned this, making you study substandard merchandise progress that can conduct individual equipment how?” “说起这个,让你研究可以搭载在个人设备上的副品进度怎么样了?” Has not completed, but has not been the optimized degree that you need.” “唔早就完成了呢,不过还没达到您需要的优化程度。” After having the semiconductor wafer fabrication equipment, the adventurer terminal that in the future in Ruins the adventurer association uses can the scale of mass make finally. 有了芯片制造设备后,未来遗迹中冒险者协会使用的冒险者终端终于可以大批量的规模制造了。 Terminal that although the performance might as well produce from module metaplasia production line, without these mysterious functions. 其性能虽然不如从模块化生产线出产的终端,也没有那些神奇的功能。 But wins in the construction cost is cheap, so long as there is a network to lay down, can achieve the real-time communication. 但胜在造价便宜,只要有网络铺设,就能做到实时通讯。 Naturally, only then the hardware is definitely incorrect, the software that but also needs to improve comes the adaptive function. 当然,只有了硬件是肯定不行的,还需要完善的软件来适配功能。 gets rid of most basic life symptom monitor function, chat function. 抛开最基础的生命体征监测功能,聊天功能。 Su Mo also planned that the adaptive transaction function comes up, substitutes the present tedious barter. 苏摩还打算适配交易功能上去,替代掉现在繁琐的实物交易。 As the territory further develops, after price reasonable inflation . 随着领地进一步发展,物价合理的膨胀后。 Now spends one, frequently must take an iron coin of bag to pay, is not very convenient. 如今消费一笔,动辄就要带上一兜子的铁币才能支付,很是不方便。 Transforms the virtual money transaction it, can reduce the pressure of mint, can facilitate the economic activity. 将其转换成虚拟货币交易,既能减少制币厂的压力,也能方便经济活动。 But the functions in all these software, the nature controls the supervision by zero number intelligence. 而这一切软件方面的功能,自然得靠零号这个智能来操控监督。 Only needs to create one not to need to study the transcription of iteration, saves in the terminal of user. 只需要创造一个不需要学习迭代的副本,存储在使用者的终端中。 Can separate the spatial supervision data accuracy, greatly reduces the possibility of making a mistake. 就能隔空监督数据正确性,大大降低出错的可能。 Your this reminder function is good, can words, gives to add to the substandard merchandise it.” “你这个提醒功能挺不错的,可以的话,也把它给加到副品上。” Receives.” “收到。” Has as already some artificial intelligence that ponders Ability, when facing Su Mo this master, zero number is exceptionally obedient. 作为已经拥有些许思考能力的人工智能,在面对苏摩这个主人时,零号还是异常听话的。 As long as there is a demand, is the unfounded execution. 但凡有需求,都是毫无理由的执行。 Crossed the meeting, until by outside continuously voice noisy when is somewhat annoyed, Su Mo then stands up. 过了会,直到被外面此起彼伏声音吵的有些心烦时,苏摩这才站起身。 Wears the coat, Jiang zero holds in the import bag. 穿上大衣,将零号揣进口袋里。 Opens the door, outside sound enlarged several points instantaneously. 推开门,外面的声音瞬间又放大了几分。 Several young players are squatting in not far away, rubs with the hand is polishing the rough cement floor unceasingly, tries to level. 几个小玩家正蹲在不远处,用手磨不断打磨着粗糙的水泥地面,试图找平。 Ceramic tile of one pile product from the chinaware factory piles in the corner, almost fast reactor to ceiling. 一堆从瓷器厂里出品的瓷砖摞在角落,几乎快堆到天花板。 A month ago compares, the present underground city is one day a change. 和一个多月前相比,现在的地下城内部可谓是一天一个变化。 The player who the mass chose the manual amateur route could not find to brush the position of experience, can only focus on repairing at this matter to the underground city. 大批量选择了手工爱好者路线的玩家找不到刷经验的位置,只能将视线放在了给地下城装修这件事上。 Original steel ground, although solid durable, but above the person steps onto will always have the sound. 原先的钢铁地面,虽然结实耐用,但人走上上面始终还是会有动静。 In addition moves into the people in underground city more than one, sound resonating back and forth, makes the sound greatly. 再加上入驻地下城的人一多,声音共振来回,就使得动静变得更大。 Now, ground already was pasted up the First Floor pugging by the players in the surface layer of steel. 如今,地面已经被玩家们在钢铁的表层糊上了一层隔音层。 Then above of pugging, is the cement solid inundated First Floor. 接着又在隔音层的上面,是水泥结结实实的漫了一层 The cement upward, they also planned pastes on the pattern to be attractive again to the ground, the low-cost ceramic tile promotes the scale. 水泥再往上,他们还打算给地面都贴上花纹漂亮,造价低廉的瓷砖来提升档次。 As person who came from Earth, how in a happier life, before how to build better environment issue . 作为从地球过来的人,在如何更美好的生活,如何打造更好的环境这个问题前。 Does not have the bottom line, the Blue Star mole man or the pats the horse of no request cannot catch up. 毫无底线,毫无要求的蓝星地鼠佬还是拍马都赶不上的。 Meanwhile, to prevent the ceramic tile excessively causes the underground city internal environment deviation serious style. 同时,为了防止瓷砖过多导致地下城内部环境偏向严肃风格。 On the wall the players have not used on the ceramic tile the way of wall, but after pasted on the pugging, blew the thick putty, wall paint that in coating very warm faint yellow and cold white interweave. 墙壁上玩家们没有采用瓷砖上墙的方式,而是贴上了隔音层后,又刮了厚厚的腻子,涂刷上很是温暖的淡黄色与冷白色交织的墙漆。 Wall paint pattern learn/study is not elsewhere, underground city six that System creates. 墙漆花纹学习的也不是别处,正是系统缔造的地下城六层。 That dense honey-comb pattern has the technical future feeling, among the patterns interweaves mutually, just like entering the future world. 那种繁密的蜂巢式花纹极具科技未来感,花纹之间互相交织,宛如进入了未来世界。 Moreover, activity space of original plan now also in the well Luo Mibu repair. 另外,原先规划的活动空间如今也在井罗密布的装修中。 Third Floor will construct a basketball court, four will make a gym, five will have the parliamentary restaurant. 三层会建设一个篮球场,四层会造一个健身房,五层会有议会餐厅。 Grasps idle is also idling principle, at repairing this matter, the player enthusiasm of manual amateur route is higher and higher. 秉持着闲也闲着的原则,在装修这件事上,手工爱好者路线的玩家热情是越来越高。 Even if Su Mo already mew mew flashes through from the side quietly, the young players in several grinding treads had not detected. 哪怕苏摩已经悄咪咪从侧边闪过,几个磨着地面的小玩家也没有察觉。 Still the in high spirits handshake grinding, sought for the prominent place to polish unceasingly back and forth. 仍旧兴高采烈的握着手磨,不断寻找着突出的地方来回打磨。 , is very difficult to imagine, later these manual amateur player ranks were high, will transform what appearance the underground city.” “呼,很难想象,以后这些手工爱好者玩家等级高了,会把地下城改造成什么模样。” The Su Mo initial original intention is only the plan makes the underground city not crude, came at least in the Blue Star mole man, the past that can look at succeeded even. 苏摩最初的本意只是打算让地下城内部没那么简陋,至少在蓝星地鼠佬来了,能看的过去就算是成功。 May after the repair starts, all moved toward out-of-control the road. 可随着装修开始后,一切就走向了“失控”之路。 Considering that this is the young players obtains to experience few ways, Su Mo is not good to order to stop. 考虑到这是小玩家们获得经验为数不多的方式,苏摩也不好下令停止。 Makes them toss about simply, happen to disciplines in the winter ahead of time in this, prepares for the following development. 索性就让他们折腾吧,正好在这个冬天提前磨练磨练,为接下来的发展作准备。 After beginning of the spring the myriad things recover, should they stop? 等到开春万物复苏后,他们应该就会消停吧? Moves sideways First Floor, the plan as First Floor of big market, obtains the complete development now. 闪身上一层,原本就打算作为大市场的一层,如今也得到了完整的开发。 Different from Shelter of mole man, often First Floor as defense level. 不同于地鼠佬的避难所,往往会将第一层作为防御层。 Now with an influence more further great strength, after having the space of territory surrounding to take the cushion . 如今随着势力更进一步的强大,有了领地外围的空间作为缓冲后。 Underground city First Floor actually cannot see too the defense facility. 地下城一层其实是看不到太多防御设施的。 With compartmented that the steel frame builds, now already hangs up the signboard that will soon do business. 一个个用钢架搭起来的隔间,如今已经挂上了即将营业的招牌。 If considering that has the external merchant to purchase to trade, the first stand definitely is the grand underground city. 考虑到如果有外来商人想要购买交易,第一站肯定是宏伟的地下城。 The service industry, or the restaurant and catering industry constructed in this too wastes simply. 将服务型行业,或者餐饮行业建在这简直太浪费了。 Therefore the preliminary scheme is primarily the major factories during demonstrations. 所以初步规划是以各大工厂的“展示间”为主。 In the future, underground city First Floor becomes centralized place that demonstrates Tianyuan territory edge transaction. 未来,地下城一层将成为展示天元领地尖端交易物的集中地方。 The merchants do not even need to go to other territory places to stroll, only needs to stroll here, settled on went to the factory to take the goods again directly on the line. 商人们甚至都不用去领地其他地方闲逛,只需要在这里逛一遍,看中了再去工厂直接拿货就行。
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