MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1162: Changes greatly, at the beginning of hope town/subdues!

Hands and feet, hurries to load a car diligently, southern suburbs that group of mole men are urging! Late must wrangle!” “手脚勤快点,赶紧装车,南郊那伙地鼠佬催着呢!晚了就要扯皮了!” Runs the transportation, wanted is the efficiency! Without the transport team of efficiency, that might as well follows to farm!” “跑运输,要的就是效率!没有效率的运输队,那还不如去跟着种地!” Hurricane motorcade also three vacancies of sides, some people of needs, load a car can leave!” “飓风车队还有三个方的空位,有人需要吗,装完车就能走人!” „.” “.” After making a connection with and transaction channel of southern suburbs mole man, can stabilize the greenhouse farm that produces undoubtedly to become the busiest place in the winter, 78 motorcades gather in the entrance, publishes a detailed explanation the agricultural and subsidiary products to sell in distant markets the clear port city certainly. 打通了和南郊地鼠佬的交易通道后,能在冬天稳定出产的温室农场无疑成为了最忙碌的地方,七八个车队都聚在门口,准备载着农副产品远销晴港市。 The chairman in well-off agricultural company sand Kang stood in not far away, on the face piled up with the smile. 小康农业公司的董事长‘沙康’站在不远处,脸上堆满了笑容。 After the agriculture market was unified by the company, the efficiencies in various aspects have really been raised. 随着农耕市场被公司统一了之后,各方面的效率果然都有所提升。 Naturally, what is most obvious is the economic efficiency. 当然,其中最为明显的还是经济效益。 It is well known, because of the territory environment stable reason, the agriculture route player is not the territory route rank is possibly lowest. 众所周知,因为领地大环境安定的原故,农耕者路线玩家可能不是领地路线等级最低的。 But in income aspect, can absolutely the taking reciprocal without a doubt. 但在收益这方面,绝对可以毋庸置疑的拿下倒数。 Almost every farm is very poor, contracted the farm operator in plantation including these. 几乎每一个种地的都很穷,其中包括那些承包了种植园的农场主。 Although they gained not a poor fund in the previous harvest, but actually puts into the construction of greenhouse at present, as well as in the hybrid cultivation of seed. 他们虽然在上次的收获中赚到了一笔不菲的资金,但眼下却都投入到了温室的建设,以及种子的杂交培育上。 If could not find again earns the income reasonably the way, perhaps the agricultural company must be unable to make ends meet, stops to continue to recruit the plan of agriculture route rookie. 如果再找不到合理赚取收益的方式,农业公司恐怕就得入不敷出,停下继续招收农耕者路线新人的计划。 However, this time of more than half a year, the agriculture route player can make money already to be very extraordinary. 不过话说回来,这才大半年的功夫,农耕者路线玩家能赚钱已经很了不得了。 Stood looked around in the distant place some little time, Su Mo has not passed to disturb similarly, but was calmly is observing. 站在远处张望了好一会,苏摩同样没有过去打扰,而是静静地观察着。 Under the influence of Grand Imperial Flower, the quick vegetable/dish only requires ten days of time from sowing seeds to growing into. 大皇花的影响下,快菜从播种到长成只需要十天时间。 A box of then box, so long as can bring to the southern suburbs, can trade foreign exchange wave after wave for the territory. 一箱接着一箱,只要能带到南郊,就能为领地换回来一波接着一波的外汇。 But the foreign exchange can replace to seem like basic in mole man there, actually incomparably important material. 而外汇又能在地鼠佬那里置换成一些看似基础,却又无比重要的材料。 For example chemical fertilizer. 例如化肥。 The material that although the mole men will not store up the warehouse in takes the transaction, but does not represent them unable to start these all kinds of machines to produce. 地鼠佬们虽然不会将仓库中储存下来的材料拿出来交易,但不代表着他们不能开动那些各式各样的机器进行生产。 Without the hydrogen and nitrogen conducts the response production ammonia gas under the cementite of cost, brings to respond with the acid the ammonia gas again, can produce the promotion soil fertility the nitrogen fertilizer. 将没有成本的氢气和氮气在高温高压下进行反应生产氨气,再将氨气拿来与酸进行反应,就能生产促进土地肥力的氮肥。 In this process of manufacture, will produce a lot of carbon dioxides and greenhouse gas, causes the destruction to the environment, probabilistic will even also create the ammonia poison. 这个制造过程中,会产生大量的二氧化碳和温室气体,对环境造成破坏,概率性甚至还会造成氨中毒。 But the mole man is definitely indifferent, they only care about the cost. 但地鼠佬肯定是无所谓的,他们只在乎成本。 Vegetables one after another transport, trades chemical fertilizer one after another. 一车一车的蔬菜运送过去,换回来一袋又一袋的化肥。 Only needs to wait till spring arrives, spreads its mix crops, the fall harvest then can cause the crop sharp increase. 只需要等到春天到来,将其混合作物播撒下去,秋收便能使得收成剧增。 Continues to walk in the Village of Hope direction, the stream of people started gradually crowded. 继续往希望村的方向走,人流渐渐开始密集了起来。 Some many people were sharp-eyed to recognize his feudal lord, but actually no one dares to walk to say something to smooth things over , side has not alarmed others who worked earnestly. 有不少人都眼尖认出来了他这个领主,但却没有一人敢走上来搭讪,也没有惊动旁边埋头干活的其他人。 Including some Su blow/boast, only dares to stand in the distant place at this time, having the respectful incomparable look to look. 包括一些苏吹,此时都只敢站在远处,带着恭敬无比的眼神看过来。 The reason is actually simple. 原因倒是简单。 A while ago, when the rookies collectively after the examination entered the village life, the status of feudal lord is not naturally able to continue to keep secret. 前段时间,当新人们集体通过审查进入村子生活后,领主的身份自然无法继续保密。 When hears the feudal lord unexpectedly is human God Su, and after participating in the rookie congress seeing Su Mo, truly. 当听闻自家领主竟然是人类苏神,并参与了新人大会真正见到了苏摩后。 Incomparably wild with joy, really the people of many having ulterior motives chose fleeing, wants the Tianyuan territory and human God Su news trades, seeks the latter half of one's life the glory, splendor, riches and honor. 无比狂喜中,果然有不少心怀叵测的人选择了出逃,想要将天元领地以及人类苏神的消息贩卖出去,博取后半生的荣华富贵。 In fact, now God Su and news already of God Su territory at first is not fiery. 事实上,现在苏神苏神领地的消息已经没有最初那么火热了。 But in the black market, was still an exaggerating price, attracts seeking that countless people are advancing uninterruptedly. 但在黑市里,仍旧是一个夸张的价格,吸引着无数人前赴后继的寻找。 Pitifully without exception, these harmful insect even has not only escaped from the territory range, was captured alive completely. 只可惜无一例外,这些“害虫”甚至还没有逃出领地范围,便被全部活捉。 Because offended explicitly banning betrayal crime, under the heavy fine of Li Hu this security guard minister. 由于触犯了明令禁止的‘背叛罪’,在李虎这个警卫部长的重罚下。 Has the small 200 people to punish one as a warning to others at the scene, reduces to the hard labor. 当场有小两百号人被杀鸡儆猴,贬为苦工。 In the following three years, they under brutal squeezing for the crime repayment evil consequence that oneself violate. 接下来的三年时间内,他们将在无情的压榨下为自己犯下的罪行偿还恶果。 Has not received, does not have the treatment. 没有收入,也没有待遇可言。 Everyone will conduct day after day work that side the remote mining area, when until Tianyuan territory powerful to not needing any threat, has the opportunity to be emitted to submit to also the free body. 所有人将在偏远的采矿场那边进行日复一日的劳动,直至天元领地强大到无需任何威胁时,才有机会被放出来归还自由身。 But hence, naturally no one dares to be bold to harass his feudal lord. 而至此以后,自然没有任何人敢再大胆着上来骚扰他这个领主了。 Especially crossed most started that excitation period, after the brain calms down gradually . 尤其是渡过了最开始那段兴奋期,脑子渐渐冷静下来后。 The rookies naturally did not have initial frantic, starts to be used to the present rhythm with the old person same. 新人们自然也没了最初的狂热,开始和老人一样习惯了现在的节奏。 Passes through stream of people most places. 走过人流最多的地方。 The dice trembled trembling in the pocket, the sound of directive property launch, only then neighbor six months can hear. 小方块在兜里颤了颤,指向性发射的声音只有附近半年内能听到。 Master, felt that they are afraid you very much.” “主人,感觉他们都很害怕你呢。” Su Mo looks some reluctantly, blurted out. 苏摩面露些许无奈,脱口而出道。 That is respectable, respects? Also. The fear is is not very normal. Moreover I am not these stars on Earth, needs the fans to hound has the Yuan child to gain.” “那是尊敬,尊敬懂吗?再说.害怕不是也挺正常的。而且我又不是地球上的那些明星,需要粉丝追捧才有元子赚。” Is respectable?” “是尊敬吗?” Zero number is astonished is departing from the pocket, on the screen glitters(). 零号讶异着从兜里飞出,屏幕上闪烁出()。 Records successfully, already this/should kind of mood plan to respectable category.” “记录成功,已经将该类情绪规划至尊敬类别中。” The artificial intelligence could not distinguish clearly the respect and fear was too normal, after all most of the time these two emotionalism were to exchange is not overrated. 人工智能分不清尊敬和害怕太正常了,毕竟大多时候这两种情绪说是互通也不为过。 Regarding the mischievous zero number, Su Mo is also disinclined to explain, walks toward the Village of Hope entrance directly. 对于顽皮的零号,苏摩也懒得解释,径直往希望村门口走去。 Was not right, said that was village already some are not quite appropriate. 不对,说是村子已经有些不太贴切了。 As after the town the population rises suddenly, some original facilities also obtained the demolition reconstruction. 随着镇子内人口暴涨之后,原有的一些设施也得到了拆除改建。 And most direct-viewing is the previous fence is demolished now completely, the narrow main entrance was overhauled to expand. 其中最为直观的便是以前的围墙如今全部被拆除,狭窄的正门被翻修扩建。 As the facade of Tianyuan territory, the Village of Hope present main entrance imitates, if ancient stronghold. 作为天元领地的门面,希望村如今的正门仿若古代的城寨。 About ten meters over, high and low are also enough four meters. 左右十米出头,上下也有足足四米。 In the heavy/thick cast iron gate carves the design that Oreo is face upwarding to roar at the same time, another side carves Moore to thrash the scene that the chest angrily roars. 厚重的铸铁门上一边刻着奥利奥仰天咆哮的图案,另一边则刻着摩尔捶打胸口怒吼的场面。 It is said this is Moore this labor contractor requests personally, after completing, effect unexpectedly accidental/surprised good. 据说这还是摩尔这包工头亲自要求的,建成后效果竟然意外的不错。 Many rookies enter the first stand in village, will come here to look at reverently. 不少新人进入村子的第一站,都会来到这里瞻仰一番。 Moreover these obtained mole man who enters the qualifications, subconscious regarded the punch-in point here. 另外那些获得了进入资格的地鼠佬,也下意识的将这里当成了打卡点。 Stood in the front door middle picture became the mole men of southern suburbs affection collection, thing that now most likes. 一张站在大门中间的照片成了南郊喜爱收藏的地鼠佬们,如今最喜欢的物件。 What is worth mentioning is, searched and rescued in the process to have many Blue Star refugees also to follow to enter the territory. 值得一提的是,搜救过程中有不少蓝星难民也跟着进入了领地。 It looks like one bunch of dawn that in the hope arrives at suddenly. 就像是希望中忽然降临的一束曙光。 Oreo and Moore become many person's new beliefs now, is honoured as dog god and bear god. 奥利奥摩尔如今成为了不少人新的信仰,被尊称为“狗神”、“熊神”。 Sounds like very ignorant approach, does not conform to the cognition of modern people. 听起来是很愚昧的做法,不符合现代人的认知。 But as Su Mo carefully observed, detected that after these people's beliefs can urge unexpectedly the Oreo statue absorbs many energy, then extinguished the idea that intervenes. 但随着苏摩仔细观察了下,发觉这些人的信仰竟然能促使奥利奥雕像吸收更多能量后,便熄灭了出手干预的想法。 Entire good, perhaps these great marvelous sights just need to believe to facilitate. 整挺好,那些伟大的奇观或许正需要信仰才能促成。 But makes the earthman put in order this matter sounds somewhat stupid, but to Blue Star person actually just. 而让地球人去整这种事听起来有些蠢,但对蓝星人来说却刚好不过。 The refugee who thinking, several wild bone villages is just coming goes out from the village front door. 这么想着,刚好有几个荒骨村来的难民从村口大门走出。 In their hands is raising the commodity that is trading, on the face shows the smile of not covering up. 他们手里正提着一些交易回来的物资,脸上露出不加掩饰的笑容。 Good, these mysterious mushrooms really can trade the grain unexpectedly, was really good!” “太好了,那些神奇的蘑菇竟然真能换到粮食,真是太好了!” Desolate Master bear really said right, so long as we refuel to do, the day that before this does not need to pass, that type starves daily in the winter again.” “荒熊村长果然说的没错,只要我们加油干,这个冬天就不用再过之前那种天天挨饿的日子了。” Other general idea/careless, we have not had the official status now, but there is a returned risk.” “别大意,我们现在还没拥有正式的身份,可是有被清退的风险呢。” I may not have the general idea/careless. Just you went shopping, I also received living from Sir there while convenient, so long as is helping process the food including three days, the reward had enough one copper coin!” “我可没有大意.刚刚你们买东西的时候,我还顺带从一位大人那里接到了活,只要连着三天过来帮忙处理食材,报酬有足足一个铜币!” What, your luck was also too good!!?” “什么,你这运气也太好了!!?” Determined after pattern between Blue Star people and Earth players, the two sides naturally cleared the free connection car(riage). 确定了蓝星人和地球玩家之间的模式后,两边自然开通了免费的接驳车。 Every day two, 9 : 00 am set off, 4 : 00 pm returns. 每天两趟,早上 9 点出发,下午 4 点返回。 The single traveling schedule takes one -and-a-half hours, back and forth is three hours. 单趟行程需要一个半小时,来回就是三个小时。 Just started almost not to have the Blue Star person to be willing to waste the time, ran Village of Hope to see the world. 刚开始几乎没有蓝星人愿意浪费时间,跑来希望村见世面。 To them, can work for one hour, that can receive one hour of reward. 对他们而言,能多工作一个小时,那就能多领到一个小时的报酬。 This treatment, who also dares to waste the time?! 这待遇,谁还敢浪费时间啊?! However also has the brain flexible Blue Star person to run Village of Hope to find the opportunity many, just received that person of work is very good example. 然而也不乏有脑子活泛的蓝星人跑来希望村找机会,刚刚接到工作的那人就是很好的例子。 Although receives some black slaves and that's the end. 尽管收入有些黑奴就是了。 Three days, a copper coin. 三天,一个铜币。 Stands is slightly awkward in the Su Mo expression of not far away. 站在不远处的苏摩表情略微尴尬。 Perhaps this money take can only go to the stall to eat meal in Village of Hope, were many did not have. 这点钱拿在希望村内恐怕就只能去地摊上吃顿饭,多了还没有。 But changes mind thinks, if can bring to return to the wild bone village, that may be three -and-a-half jin (0.5 kg) grain really! 但转念一想,要是能带回到荒骨村,那可就是实打实的三斤半粮食! Intaking of enough adult one week of time. 足够成年人一周时间的摄入。 Qiao Yuansheng did that saying that had enough economical trade deficit for the territory, always guarantees to demand and ensure the thing of factory manufacture had the consumer.” “乔院生这么做说是为了领地内有足够的经济逆差,来始终保证内需,确保工厂制造的东西有消费者.” But in fact also to reverse the thought of Blue Star person, lets them as soon as possible the familiar custom.” “但实际上也还是为了扭转蓝星人的思想,让他们尽快熟悉规矩。” Although the approach is somewhat brutal, but Su Mo basically can guess correctly reason that does that. 虽然做法有些残酷,但苏摩基本能猜到这么做的原因。 The Blue Star refugee who searches and rescues from outside, already is used to being of no fixed abode in the passing years, idles about, as well as hostile aggressive. 那些从外面搜救回来的蓝星难民,已经在过往的岁月里习惯了居无定所,游手好闲,以及好勇斗狠。 Has not undergone the education of certain extent, they are unable to understand the work for anything. 没有经过一定程度的教育,他们根本无法理解工作到底是为了什么。 Without eating, does not snatch on line? 没吃的,去抢不就行了? Can snatch from other person of there, can snatch from the mouth of radiation beast. 可以是从其他人那里抢,也可以是从辐射兽的嘴里抢。 If ignores such a group of people enter in the territory, if caused the confusion to trouble. 要是放任这样一群人进入领地内,万一造成混乱可就麻烦了。 Therefore Qiao Yuansheng then suppresses the efficiency that the refugees make money crazily, makes them work hard as far as possible, receiving in exchange eats in this simplest circulation, forms the thinking. 所以乔院生这才疯狂压制难民们赚钱的效率,尽可能的让他们在努力工作,换取吃食这一最简单的循环中,形成思维定势。 When was used to the work receiving in exchange reward, after reward purchase food setting . 等到习惯了工作换取报酬,报酬购买食物这一设定后。 Enhances the reward slowly again, letting them to purchase more things, consistently maintains the steady progression. 再慢慢提高报酬,让他们能购买更多的东西,始终保持稳定发展。 This is actually good. 这其实挺好的。 Compared the past day, the present life truly is very luxurious. 相比起过去的日子,现在的生活确实奢侈无比。 Especially can in the cold winter, eat to the full to put on warmly, before this is, will only present the thing in dream. 尤其是能在寒冷的冬天内,吃饱穿暖,这是以前只会出现在梦里的东西。 When continuously these Blue Star people get out of the way, Su Mo moved sideways to enter in the village. 一直等到这几名蓝星人走开,苏摩闪身进入了村子内。 A month ago compares, what present Village of Hope changes is biggest is basic facility. 和一个多月前相比,现在的希望村变化最大的还是基础设施这一块。 From entering the front door starts, extends at least 700-800 meters straight asphalt road to go nonstop to the logistics transaction place of rearward, the road two sides has the street light of towering to insert in the greenbelt every 30 meters. 从进入大门开始,一条延伸至少700-800米的笔直柏油路直通向后方的后勤交易处,路两边每隔30米都有耸立的路灯插在绿化带内。 Naturally, plans the good greenbelt to look now is bare, alone tree trunk pestle there. 当然,规划好的绿化带现在看着是光秃秃的,只有孤零零的树干杵在那里。 But when spring, after the shoot pulls out, can definitely foresee that full of vitality scene. 但等到春天,嫩芽抽出来后,完全可以预见那副生机勃勃的场面。 Because has not arrived at the point that Longteng Village gets off work, in present Village of Hope the traffic is not big. 由于还没有到龙腾村下班的点,现在的希望村内人流量并不算大。 The road two sides stores have no person, only then the sales clerk is bustling about, is making the preparation for the evening that the stream of people will soon well up. 路两边的商店也没啥人,只有店员在忙碌着,为人流即将涌回的晚上做着准备。 Well, is village this must continue to expand in the winter?” “咦,村子这是要在冬天继续扩建?” In the underground city some people repair in the construction, in the village also has the continuous striking sound. 地下城内有人在施工装修,村子内同样有连绵不绝的敲打声。 Following the fence disassembled place, ground already hit, some constructs the apprentice to work much busily. 顺着围墙被拆开的地方,地基已经打了下去,有不少建筑学徒忙碌的工作着。 Under, records the zero number of complete map and plan replies with the delightful sound. 顿了下,记录着完整地图和规划的零号用悦耳的声音回答道。 According to us that stage concrete machine reverse dismantling research that purchases from the red spider caravan, now research institute already studied the general formula. Although cannot achieve like that conveniently, concrete already that but makes will not come under the low temperature influence.” “根据我们从红蛛商队购买回来的那台混凝土机反向拆解研究,现在研究所已经研究出了大概的配方。虽然不能做到那般方便,但制造出来的混凝土已经不会受到低温影响了。” Is this?” “是这样吗?” Su Mo thought, probably had truly seen this on the technical promotion panel in the past few days. 苏摩想了下,好像确实前些天在科技升级面板上看到过这一项。 That machine that buys from the red spider caravan, the concrete bubble that can produce is very mysterious. 那台从红蛛商队买回来的机器,所能生产的混凝土泡沫很是神奇。 Can the optional molding not say, will not have received the low temperature to affect to solidify the efficiency. 能够随意塑形不说,还不会受到低温影响凝固效率。 The never expected that research institute can decode quickly reverse, the effect is sincere. 没想到研究所这么快就能反向破解出来,效率真不错。 Thinks saved many Survival Points, the research results can also provide points. 一想到省了不少生存点,研究成果还能提供一笔点数。 The Su Mo mood is excellent immediately, is pointing at road two sides one inns that are hanging the business signboard walked. 苏摩心情顿时大好,指着路两边一处挂着营业招牌的馆子就走了进去。 Firepower dining! 火力餐饮! Is this name a little probably strange? 这名字好像有点奇怪? However did not matter, so long as is the food that the chef apprentice makes, even if were the fever stuck delicious. 不过无所谓了,只要是厨师学徒做的饭,哪怕是烧糊了都好吃。 Yo is the feudal lord Sir! You may be come to the place!” “呦是领主大人!您可算是来对地方了!” Stayed Wu You of kitchen had seen Su Mo on street after the shop, when detecting the feudal lord walked unexpectedly toward the own shop, already was glad the mouth to the ear root. 呆在店铺后厨的吴悠早就看到了街上的苏摩,在发觉领主竟然朝着自己的店铺走来时,已经乐得嘴都咧到了耳朵根。 The shop that as long as was patronized by the feudal lord, should say, a group of Su blow/boast will come to taste with. 但凡被领主光顾的店铺,该说不说,都会有一大群苏吹前来品尝同款。 This may compare Chat Channel, went to the village bulletin place payment to have the advertisement the effect much better. 这可比去聊天频道,去村口告示处付费打广告的效果好多了。 Well, your boy I remembers before you, does not open the weapon shop?” “咦,你小子我记得你以前不是开武器店的吗?” Found the familiar face, Su Mo selected with a smile, in the brain had the memory to lighten. 瞧见熟悉的面孔,苏摩笑着点了下头,脑中有记忆闪出。 Store that is allowed to loan as territory's first, the firepower weapon shop seemed is very prosperous six months ago. 作为领地第一家获准贷款的商铺,火力武器店好像半年前还很红火。 One has not paid attention, when changed professions to run to make the dining unexpectedly. 一没注意,什么时候竟然转行跑去做了餐饮。 Harming the feudal lord you are not do not know, before our weapon shop, is to make the bow crossbow red fire after a period of time, which person but currently also has to be willing to buy this thing. As soon as I deliberately considered, changed professions simply the bar.” “害领主您也不是不知道,咱武器店之前是做弓弩红火过一段时间,但现在还有哪个人愿意花钱买这玩意啊.我一寻思,就索性转行成餐饮店了。” Wu You is explaining, while scratched to be used to manufacture the weapon, now becomes the wood/blockhead doltish table of table. 吴悠一边解释着,一边擦了擦原先用来制作武器,如今成为了餐桌的木头大板桌。 You sit, my pours tea to you.” “您坐,我这就给您倒茶。” The wild tea output of the territory west side woods picking are many, after staying behind a number of seeds are used to cultivate, the remaining wholesales to the villagers tasted foods newly in season. 从领地西边树林里采回来的野茶产量不少,留下一批种子用来培育后,剩下的全都批发给了村民尝鲜。 Carried the teacup, Su Mo drank one, put out some steam. 端起茶杯,苏摩喝了一口,吐出些许热气。 Somewhat bitter, after should be , the stubble picks. 有些酸涩,应该是后茬采摘回来的。 But is tasting this flavor, observes the situation environment that in a shop changed greatly. 但品尝着这股味道,环视了一圈店铺内大变样的环境。 After the weapon shop in memory contrasts, somehow, in the Su Mo heart raises a feeling of the people are no longer the same. 在和记忆中的武器店对比后,不知怎的,苏摩心中还是升起一股物是人非的感觉。 The time, is really passes quietly. 时间,真是悄然而逝啊。
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