MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1160: The residents rise suddenly, ten thousand diameters contend!

The time in a hurry, the time resembles the arrow, the livelihood like the shuttle. 时光匆匆,光阴还是似箭,日月还是如梭。 Sometimes the time as if crosses very slowly, if by any chance its really past tense, this will discover that it is much quicker. 有时时间仿佛过得很慢,但等它真过去时,这才会发现它快得令人吃惊。 Unknowingly, was searched and rescued from the first group of survivors, already is in January/one month the time passes. 不知不觉中,距离第一批幸存者被搜救回来,已经是一月时间过去。 The time to April, underwent the computation with Earth, roughly when is the end of the year arrives. 时间到了四月,用地球历计算,约莫是年关到来之际。 However does not know that was all Earth player already was used to the Wasteland reason, now on World Channel almost cannot see with the related discussion, fragmentary some were also discussed fast brushing, simply did not have many people to care. 然而不知道是不是所有地球玩家已经习惯了废土的原故,如今就连世界频道上都几乎看不到与之相关的讨论,零星的一些还被快速讨论给刷了下去,根本没有多少人在意。 However on the other hand, regarding most survivors. 然而话说回来,对于大多数幸存者而言。 Truly. 确实。 In continuous exhausted and busy, in these cannot see the end in day after day the practical training and migration, as well as in time and time again dangers and difficulties. 在接连不断的疲惫和忙碌中,在那些日复一日看不到尽头的劳作和迁徙中,以及在一次又一次艰难险阻中。 Also wants to extract the thoughts to remember life on Earth, already was not the Ability range of normal person. 还想要抽出心思来记住地球上的生活,已经不是正常人的能力范围了。 Rather is the peaceful dog, is the disorder person not. 正所谓宁为太平狗,莫作离乱人。 Experienced was close to one -and-a-half years of time, crossed one related to 2 billion people of big migrations. 经历了接近一年半时间,又渡过了一场涉及二十亿人的大迁徙。 In the New Continent every large or small corner, life already of survivor presented the disparity officially. 新大陆的大大小小角落,幸存者的生活已经正式出现了差距。 Northeast bank of New Continent, great tree root sea area. 新大陆东北岸,巨树根海域。 Although with the thorough destruction of three big factions, several tens of thousands of groups of numerous was placed on trial dismisses, before sea area peripheral living environment already not, is so bad. 尽管随着三大帮派的彻底覆灭,数万帮众被审判解散,海域周边的生存环境已经没有之前那么恶劣。 The reason that because the migration tide arrives , the population had the inevitable reduction. 但因为迁徙潮到来的缘故,人数还是产生了不可避免的减少。 Nearly two moon/month, already from 800,000 of peak, dropped less than 300,000 people. 近两月时间,已经从巅峰时期的八十万,一路下降到了不足三十万人。 dried fish brother, catches many people today, looks busily your!” “鲍兄,今儿个又抓到多少人啊,看你这忙的!” Sits in the public security team station that already begins to take shape, sees Paul to get angry, Zhang Long sets out to laugh the regards to say hastily frank. 坐在已经初具规模的治安队驻地内,望见鲍雷黑着脸走回来,张龙连忙起身爽朗大笑问候道。 Since the ancient times, as long as the movement of population frequency high place, cannot get rid of the chaotic fate. 自古以来,但凡人口流动频率高的地方,都摆脱不了治安混乱的下场。 Now near the New Continent this coast big or small relay station, naturally cannot be unconventional. 如今新大陆这海岸边的大小驿站,自然也不能免俗。 Many survivors wanted while touching ripe the terrain before departure, from affable neighbor there supplemented a wave of commodity, even if public security team already enhanced several patrol efforts, cannot solve the problem from the root. 不少幸存者都想要在离开前趁着摸熟了地形,从和蔼可亲的“邻居”那里补充一波物资,哪怕治安队已经加强了好几次巡逻力度,也没能从根源上解决问题。 And with the further deterioration of situation, affable neighbor also revealed the true colors. 并且随着情况的进一步恶化,和蔼可亲的“邻居”们也露出了真面目。 Some many people fish in Jiang Taigong, exhibit a weak appearance, waits for these impulsive people to come to deliver the head/number of people. 有不少人都在姜太公钓鱼,摆出一副疲弱模样,就等着这些冲动的人上门送人头。 In any case is reasonable self-defense, the public security team does not have the means. 反正是‘合理自卫’,治安队也没办法。 Once erupts the battle, the way that now Paul processes was simple, the person who lived grasps completely. 所以一旦爆发争斗,现在鲍雷处理的方式非常简单,活下来的人全部抓了。 old stretch/open?” “老张?” Sees Zhang Long, Paul complexion is more moderate, still concealed today's bad mood difficultly. 望见张龙,鲍雷脸色缓和了些,仍难掩今天的糟糕心情。 Now water dungeon already of public security team expands expands again, but also extra added a reorganization work camp outside, already enough holds detains 2000 people. 如今治安队的水牢已经一扩再扩,还额外在外面加了一个整改劳动营,已经足够容纳关押两千人。 But even so, the vacancy in prison cell in continuous reduction. 但就算如此,牢房内的空位还是在持续不断的减少。 That dozens people that if will stress last night invest, feared condition that must be close to be kept at full strength. 要是将昨晚抓起来的那数十人投入,怕是又要接近满员的状态了。 You know that spring soon came, these fellow already could not bear more and more.” “你知道的,春天快要来了,那些家伙已经越来越忍不住了。” Also yes.” “也是.” Zhang Long sets out, two people grasped starting, simultaneously sighed the sound. 张龙起身,两人握了下手,同时叹气了声。 Winter time, in addition, has not dared to leave to go to New Continent due to the weather to look for the opportunity rashly. 冬天的时候尚且还因为天气原因,不敢贸然动身前往新大陆内部寻找机遇。 But to did not walk close to the spring, that may miss the following spring sowing. 但到了临近春天再不走,那可就赶不及接下来的春播了。 Most survivors only saved a half year of food and material when the deep sea, if this does not have the supplement of next clothing material commodity, perhaps will return to Wasteland one year just to pass through the embarrassed position. 大多数幸存者只在深海里积攒了半年的粮食物资,这要是没有下一料子物资的补充,恐怕又会回到废土一年刚刚穿越时的窘迫境地。 Today I come also almost for this matter. Stayed in the great tree root sea area was so long, we also almost to this/should starting time.” “今天我来也差不多是为了这件事.在巨树根海域呆了这么久,我们也差不多是到了该启程的时候了。” What's wrong, how can walk suddenly?” “咋,怎么突然要走?” Paul was slightly surprised under. 鲍雷微微惊讶了下。 Must say before Chen Shen has not come, between the public security teams and Tundra fleets are also away from First Floor, only dares to probe mutually. 要说陈审没来之前,治安队和苔原船队之间还隔着一层,只敢互相试探。 After then Chen Shen comes the secret to talk Lu Yongyi, barriers between two sides do not immediately have. 那么等到陈审来秘密约谈了陆勇毅之后,两方之间的隔阂顿时全无。 Especially confirmed the back of public security team unexpectedly is the Tianyuan territory that wants to look, human God Su. 尤其是确认了治安队的背后竟然就是自己想要找的天元领地,人类苏神 As the captain, Lu Yongyi also can only sigh people are just the victims of fate. 身为船长,陆勇毅也只能感叹造化弄人。 It looks like has an invisible tie, the destiny throughout is relating Tundra and Tianyuan between. 就像是有一条无形的纽带,命运始终将苔原和天元之间联系着。 Did not calculate suddenly, since broke off after these old fogies, our already prepared for a long time.” “不算突然了,自从和那些老家伙决裂以后,我们已经准备了许久。” Zhang Long responded with a laugh. 张龙笑呵呵回应。 The contradictions between Tundra fleet major factions in the sea on the already potential with water and fire. 苔原船队各大派系之间的矛盾早在海上就已经势同水火。 Now after coming New Continent, the situation is day by day bad, daily some people quarrelled must divide family property. 如今来了新大陆之后,情况是一天比一天糟糕,天天都有人吵着要分家。 But Lu Yongyi not public security relation between teams and Tianyuan territories, good intention told these fellows. 陆勇毅并没有把治安队和天元领地之间的联系,好心的告诉那些家伙。 The nature, the fission was the normal matter. 自然,分裂是再正常不过的事情了。 Wants direct set off to go to that side the territory?” “要直接出发去领地那边吗?” Has this idea, time but actually must have a look at next disaster is anything to say again.” “有这个想法,不过还得看看下一次的灾难究竟是什么再说。” A rumor is smiling, two people went to the restaurant in station to sit. 一路说笑着,两人来到驻地的餐厅坐了下来。 Helping in the kitchen of being sharp-eyed put out from the cabinet hastily has prepared the good meal, suspended half table. 眼尖的帮厨连忙从橱柜里拿出早就准备好的饭菜,摆了半桌。 Just is the point that noon eats meal, Zhang Long does not decline, sat to eat simply together. 刚好是中午吃饭的点,张龙也不推辞,干脆坐下来一起吃了起来。 In some sense, now two sides already are better the whole family, beforehand unfamiliar naturally does not need. 某种意义上,现在两边已经要好成一家人,之前的生疏自然是不必了。 „The ten thousand diameters contend for the first time, how many people does your Tundra that have to participate?” “第一次万径相争,你们苔原那有多少人想参与?” Paul dug up several food, suddenly raised the head to ask. 鲍雷扒了几口饭,忽然抬头问道。 Zhang Long gawked, immediately honest nod: Over 90% this disaster postpones time is because ten thousand diameters contend, we naturally must send people to have a look, but the big probability runs together one round, after all did not have route in addition to hold to clash the list is too difficult.” 张龙愣了下,随即老实的点点头:“九成以上吧这一次的灾难推迟就是因为万径相争,我们自然是要派人进去看看的,但大概率只是陪跑一轮,毕竟没有路线加持想要冲榜太难了。” Actually has route in addition to hold is also no better, battle. Not fair competes.” “其实有路线加持也好不到哪里去,争斗嘛.又不是公平的同台竞技。” Paul hit the food belch, shows some facial expressions of envying: 鲍雷打了个饭嗝,露出有些羡慕的神情: On the other hand, these rewards truly greedy, if the average person can attain, certainly will amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.” “话说回来,那些奖励确实让人眼馋,普通人要是能拿到,一定会一鸣惊人。” Far more than amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, that is a focus of public attention simply.” “何止是一鸣惊人,那简直万众瞩目。” Top Epic route major territories, even if broke the head, still definitely not the person who gives up attaining the reward finally.” “顶级史诗路线啊各大领地就算打破了头,也肯定不会放弃最终拿到奖励的人。” Some of two people sighs, must say that mutually had not fantasized can attain rewards finally is definitely fake. 两人互有感叹,要说没幻想过自己能拿到最终奖励肯定是假的。 Since 14 days ago, Game announced the first round ten thousand diameters contend, postponed next round disaster to arrive. 自从十四天前,游戏公布了第一轮‘万径相争’,推迟了下一轮灾难到来。 Similar discussion sound has not then stopped in various New Continent places. 类似的讨论声便在新大陆各处没停下来过。 As the climaxes of 4.0 editions, no one has thought such rapidness that this battle can come, roughly 70% survivors have not joined the territory to the present, has route in addition to hold. 作为4.0版本的重头戏,谁也没想过这场争斗会来的如此之快,以至于约莫70%的幸存者到现在还没有加入领地,拥有路线加持。 However has not the too big advantage that route in addition holds, sighed like Paul. 不过有路线加持的也没有太大优势,就像鲍雷所感叹的。 Ten thousand diameters contend, is not the fair showdown. 万径相争,并非是公平的对决。 As first round tries the water battle, participant from entry to elimination matching showdown by 1 v 1 the form launches, after eliminating 99% participants will enter 1 vN competition form. 作为第一轮试水争斗,参与者从进入到淘汰正赛的对决都将以‘1v1’的形式展开,直至淘汰掉90%九的参与者后才会进入“1vN”的比赛形式。 In this period, contended two person possibly one are chef apprentice, another is constructs apprentice. 期间,相争的两个人可能一个是‘厨师学徒’,另外一个是‘建筑学徒’。 Competion is also not who may prepare food, who will build the house, selected topic that but draws an item at random. 比拼的也可能不是谁会做菜,谁会盖房子,而是随机抽取出来的选题。 Possibly is within limited time, makes a handwork of meet requirement. 可能是在有限的时间内,做一件满足要求的手工。 Also possibly facing surrounding of enemy, slaughters runs out of the tight encirclement finally. 也可能是面对敌人的包围,一路厮杀最终冲出重围。 Because tries the water experience, in the ten thousand diameters contended with for the first time death are not the true death, Game in the determination will be in danger emigrated the survivor directly, or was when survivor proposed when application triggered directly leaves. 由于是试水体验,第一次万径相争内的死亡并非是真正的死亡,游戏会在判定有生命危险时直接移出幸存者,或者是在幸存者自己提出申请时直接触发离开。 Naturally, in this process may be selected the wound, reward that but compared with possibly succeeds in obtaining. 当然,这个过程中可能会受点伤,但比起可能到手的奖励而言。 Injured, already was at the small great weakest price. 受伤,已经算是以小博大中最微弱的代价了。 This battle, so long as can win the next round, can win the participation prize directly. 此次争斗,只要能赢下一轮,直接就能获得参与奖。 Raises the first-level route rank. 提升一级路线等级。 But does not have the survivor of route not to need to worry, Game will store up the opportunity after obtaining the route automatically triggers. 而没有路线的幸存者也不用着急,游戏会自动储存机会在获得路线后触发。 But from second round of start, the victory will accumulate the victory points each time. 而从第二轮开始,每次胜利则会累积胜利点数。 The points can purchase various goods in ten thousand diameter commercial cities. 点数可以在万径商城中购买各类物品。 Perhaps can apply the gain effect in battle, can carry over the reality Wasteland survival commodity. 或是可以应用在争斗中的增益效果,或是可以带出到现实废土的生存物资。 Comes in many different varieties, more than several thousand over ten thousand types. 种类繁多,不下数千上万种。 And the oddest reward even has end product territory, after the use, may direct obtain the architectural complex that can lay aside same place, inside has a series of may be for the housing, the production, the construction of training. 其中最离谱的奖励甚至有‘成品领地’,使用后可直接原地获得一个可以放置下来的建筑群,里面拥有一系列可供居住,生产,训练的建筑。 The crude degree, returns Game compared with Game simply. 粗暴程度,简直比游戏游戏. Meanwhile, can enter ranking first 1000, will obtain the rank reward of correspondence. 同时,能进入排行榜前一千名,也会获得对应的排行奖励。 Perhaps route experience, route Ability. 或是路线经验,或是路线能力 Formerly ten started, will also obtain the extremely rare special route. 从前十开始,还会获得极为稀有的特殊路线。 The position is higher, the rare degree of route is higher, the maximum degree may achieve Epic Level to leave. 名次越高,路线的稀有程度越高,最高程度可达到史诗级别。 Hey, this Epic route we let us not think, can push in billions people to first ten.” “嘿,这史诗路线咱们还是别多想了,能在几十亿人里挤到前十。” That every kind is skilled, versatilely is every kind good.” “那得是样样精通,样样全能才行。” Zhang Long pounded the lower jaw, mew mew wrote Soviet character with the finger on the desktop quietly. 张龙砸吧了下嘴,悄咪咪的用手指在桌面上写了个‘苏’字。 In his opinion, biggest reward already is scheduled by Su Mo ahead of time, others are just competing remaining. 在他看来,最大的奖励已经苏摩给提前预定了,其他人只不过是在竞争剩下的而已。 „, Not to mention first opens the champagne. This ten thousand diameters contend, but has Foreign Race also to participate.” “咳咳,别提前开香槟啊.这次万径相争可是有异族也参与的。” Paul is actually calm, not blind optimistic. 鲍雷倒是冷静,并没有盲目乐观。 Can use the modern weapon, with unarmed, that is two matters. 能用现代武器,和赤手空拳,那是两码事。 Enters ten thousand diameter battle fields, purchases the item that the item and competition that process provides besides the market , the human anything goods cannot carry. 进入万径争斗场,除了商场内购买的道具以及比拼过程提供的道具外,人类什么物品都不能携带。 If this bumped into body strong body strong Foreign Race, is very difficult to need the physique link to win. 这要是碰上了身强体壮的异族,很难在需要身体素质的环节赢下。 Meanwhile, if can intrude to late elimination is matching the link, Foreign Race will greatly possibly stick together very much together. 同时,如果能闯入到后期的淘汰正赛环节,异族很大可能会抱团在一起。 At that time the disadvantage of human will be without doubt more obvious. 那时候人类的劣势无疑会更加明显。 Ok, walks one step to look at one step, elimination series also three days must start.” “算了,还是走一步看一步吧,淘汰赛还有三天就要开始了。” Can the postponement next disaster arrival be good, at least left enough time to be used for the spring sowing to human.” “能延缓下一次灾难到来还是挺好的,至少留出了足够的时间给人类用来春播。” Right.” Paul stops the chopsticks. “对了.”鲍雷停下筷子。 Relay station peripheral human resources were too sufficient, we plan to open some plantations near the great tree root sea area, the newly-built several factories how, does Tundra have the interest participation again?” “驿站周边的人力资源太充足了,我们计划在巨树根海域附近开辟一些种植园,再新建几座工厂怎么样,苔原有兴趣参与吗?” Plantation?” “种植园?” Tianyuan territory, Tianyuan underground city. 天元领地,天元地下城。 Listens to Qiao Yuansheng to report the great tree root sea area recent development plan, the Su Mo slight nod, is pondering over secretly. 听着乔院生汇报巨树根海域最近的发展计划,苏摩微微点头,暗暗思忖着。 Was counting on spans several thousand kilometers to transport the grain to go to the great tree root sea area from the territory directly, definitely is not realistic. 指望着从领地直接跨越几千公里运粮食去巨树根海域,肯定是不现实的。 To achieve the self-sufficient development, must peripheral imitate the approach of territory in the sea area, starts from the farm. 想要做到自给自足的发展,就必须在海域周边效仿领地的做法,从种地开始。 Can plant gets down simply, wants the complete harvest when the fall harvest is very difficult. 只是能种的下去简单,想要在秋收时完整收获却很难。 The great tree root sea area peripheral environment is intriguing, this absolutely is a challenging duty. 巨树根海域周边环境错综复杂,这绝对是一项具有挑战性的任务。 Makes them do boldly, cannot only depend on the inshore fishing to maintain the livelihood.” “让他们大胆去做吧,总不能只靠近海捕捞维持生计。” Understood.” Qiao Yuansheng lifts the hand to take the hook in the rear dozen of plan, then turns the page to continue to report downward. “明白。”乔院生抬手在计划的后方打上勾,接着又往下翻页继续汇报。 Receives the ten thousand diameters to contend with the influence for the first time, although disaster already was postponed the battle to end will arrive, but mostly survivor already stops the progress of migration now, starts to prepare the following elimination series same place.” “受到第一次万径相争影响,虽然灾难已经被推迟到争斗结束才会到来,但现在大多幸存者已经停止了迁徙的进度,原地开始准备起接下来的淘汰赛。” According to the data of information section collection conformity indicated, this ten thousand diameters contend with the estimate to affect our survivor search and rescue progress over the following two months.” “根据信息部搜集整合的数据表示,此次万径相争预计会影响到我们接下来两个月的幸存者搜救进度。” Two months?” Su Mo frowns: How many people do we draw in now?” “两个月?”苏摩皱了下眉头:“我们现在收拢了多少人了?” „The latest number is 24655 people, is counted our original people, now territory altogether 38553 people.” “最新数字是24655人,算上我们原本的人,现在领地一共38553人。” Sounds the somewhat exaggerating number, adds more than the beforehand old residents. 一个听起来有些夸张的数字,比之前的老居民们加起来还要多。 At present however places moves greatly the high tide the time, appears some excessively to be slightly frail. 然而放在眼下大迁徙正高潮的时候,还是显得有些略过单薄。 After all under the estimate according to beforehand conservative condition, this time finished the beforehand territory population should be able in the winter to achieve about 60,000 people. 毕竟按照之前保守状态下的预估,这次冬天结束之前领地人数应该能达到六万人左右。 Under the optimistic estimate, the population should achieve 70,000, and even 80,000 are not strange. 乐观估计下,人数更应该达到七万,乃至八万也不奇怪。 But pitifully receives this first time ‚the struggles of ten thousand diameter influence, migration stopped the step. 但可惜受到这第一次的‘万径之争’影响,迁徙者们停下了步伐。 What can foresee, when beginning of the spring, the population increased to 50,000 people most on already is the limit. 可以预见的是,等到开春,人数最多增加到五万人就已经是极限了。 „More than 30,000 people, are less than 40,000 “三万多人,不到四万” Su Mo nods slightly, in heart actually not many disappointed meaning. 苏摩微微颔首,心中倒是并无多少失望之意。 Joining of rookie is a double-edged sword, too many flooding into are very in a short time easy to cause the confusion. 新人的加入是一把双刃剑,短时间内太多的涌入很容易造成混乱。 The present speed was just actually good, the rookie who search-and-rescue team each wave band comes back, can go through the complete training process. 现在的速度其实刚刚好,搜救队每一波带回来的新人,都能经过完整的培养过程。 If the population are more, unavoidably will make this process reduce, or is the attendance incomplete situation happened. 要是人数再多一些,难免会让这个过程缩短,或者是照顾不周全的情况发生。 Struggles of before the ten thousand diameter finished this period of time, we happen to have the time to integrate in the old collective this new more than 20,000 people, when the time comes has the rookie to arrive again, even if the population are many some we also to have Ability to deal.” “万径之争结束前的这段时间,我们正好有时间将这新加入的两万多人融入老集体中,到时候再有新人到来,哪怕人数多一些我们也有能力应对。” „This feudal lord you do not need to worry actually, more than 20,000 people, cannot raise a water splash to come.” “这个嘛领主您倒是不用担心,两万多人而已,根本掀不起一点水花来。” Really the specialized matter gives the specialized person to do is relaxed. 果然专业的事交给专业的人干就是轻松。 In the middle has not taken advanced courses in future Ruins, manages several thousand people of person times, Su Mo also often feels the mental effort to be thin and pale, has Gu Tounan Gu Wei the feeling. 之间没有在未来遗迹中进修,管理数千人的人时候,苏摩还时常感到心力憔悴,有种顾头难顾尾的感觉。 But now population, although already compared rose suddenly at that time several times, but pressure aspect nearly did not have. 可现在人数虽然已经相较那时暴涨了数倍,但压力这方面却近乎全无。 Livelihood of the people have Qiao Yuansheng to supervise, various methodical policies promote one after another, promoting the territory to forward. 民生方面有乔院生监督,各项有条不紊的政策陆续推出,推动着领地向前。 Industrial has Wang Yuanshuai to advance, can observe the difficulties of major factories to make the resources to mix timely, development speed fast. 工业方面有王元帅推进,能及时观察到各大工厂的困难做出资源调配,发展速度可谓飞快。 Public security has Li Hu to have full authority and responsibility, already increased over a thousand security guard teams to arm the tooth now, the territory internal environment was also better on several times compared with Earth on. 治安方面有李虎全权负责,已经扩增上千的警卫队伍现在可谓武装到了牙齿,领地内部环境比地球上还要好上数倍。 Military is led by Feng Tianmin, recently already recruited many retired veterans from the rookie, the recruit who as well as wants to enlist in the military, often can notice that they form that conscripts in the territory. 军事方面由封天民率领,最近已经从新人中招纳不少退役老兵,以及一些想要参军的新兵,时常能看到他们在领地内拉练的身影。 In addition, is managing commodity Shen Ke, Chen Kai of processing business environment, is responsible for the information Pei Shao, advancement cooperation Qi Qin. 除此之外,还有管理着物资的沈珂,处理营商环境的陈凯,负责情报的裴邵,推进合作的齐秦. The entire Tianyuan territory is abundance of capable people, at least before achieving in the future Ruins the level of Tianyuan territory. 整个天元领地人才济济,至少在达到未来遗迹中天元领地的水平前。 Su Mo is the least bit was not worried that will develop will run into what need the difficult position that will go into action to solve. 苏摩是半点不担心发展中会遇到什么需要自己出马解决的困境。 If must say that also can only following 如果非要说有,那也只能是接下来的 Ten thousand diameters contend! 万径相争!
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