MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1155: The choice of rookie, perfect work routine!

270 people, remove beyond 11 people that hesitates in making a move. 两百七十人,刨除掉举棋不定的十一人之外。 The surplus 259 people, had enough 85 to choose requested lowly, addition least agriculture. 剩余两百五十九人,有足足八十五个选择了要求最低,加成最少的农耕者。 Perhaps is in the old players mouth security sense has much to do with. 或许是和老玩家们口中‘安全感’有很大关系。 Perhaps is also fools around together on Wasteland in this year, already feared these pitiful survivors hungrily. 也或许是这一年在废土上厮混,已经饿怕了这些可怜的幸存者。 Even if they can choose these futures seem like that happier route, finally these people also bore the impulsion of starting. 哪怕他们能够选择那些前途看似更加美好的路线,最终这些人也还是忍住了下手的冲动。 The farm is much good, on World Channel the players according to lessons that learn. 种地多好,按照世界频道上玩家们总结出来的经验。 So long as the territory security, the special disaster influence has not maintained the accomplishments of one's ancestors, although the agriculture route player will not be in the lead in the players of other routes, but can also stay at the T1 level absolutely high and low fluctuates. 只要领地安全,没有特殊的天灾影响守成,农耕者路线玩家虽然不会领先于其他路线的玩家,但也绝对能保持在T1水准上下浮动。 If farms to plant to the harvest, or researched and developed the new plant. 而要是种地能种到丰收,或者研发出了新的植物。 . 不得了。 The given empirical value even can over one combat occupation, hold on to the first place position of survival department steadily. 给的经验值甚至能超过一线战斗职业,稳稳坐稳生存系的榜首位置。 Observes this, sits in the auditorium, already successfully sets up well-off agricultural company director Changsha Kang Zui almost smile crookedly. 观察到这一幕,坐在观众席上,已经成功开办“小康农业公司”的董事长沙康嘴都差点笑歪。 Side everyone is staring at the trend of peripheral person, he even wants to stand to laugh again several. 要不是旁边所有人都在盯着周边人的动向,他甚至想站起来再大笑几声。 Although only pulled out 20 quotas in work agency there, can unable to endure other places not to receive these agriculture route players? 尽管在工作总署那里只抽到了二十个名额,可耐不住没有其他地方接收这些农耕者路线玩家啊? Even if currently has few people to wander about destitute in the hands of others, their final homes to return to also certainly are the well-off agricultural companies. 哪怕现在有一部分人流落到了其他人的手中,他们最后的归宿也一定是小康农业公司。 After all is different from other enterprises, but well-off company the territory's first country 毕竟和其他企业不同,小康公司可是领地第一家国 The volume, leads the business! 额,领企! But removes beside 85 agriculture route players, the remaining several route population seem quite average. 而刨除八十五个农耕者路线玩家之外,剩下的几个路线人数就显得比较平均。 What second are many constructs the apprentice route, altogether has 65 people. 第二多的是建筑学徒路线,一共有六十五人。 Places basic to construct the perfect modern age, perhaps chooses to construct the apprentice is not the wise matter. 放在基础建设完善的现代,或许选择建筑学徒并不是什么明智的事情。 But in having a hundred things to do Wasteland, constructing the apprentice is a sweetie pie. 但在百废待兴的废土里,建筑学徒可是个香饽饽。 So long as can participate in the constructions of these main facilities, is only the experience of sharing benefit is a pen big number. 只要能参与到那些大型设施的建设中,光是分润的经验就是笔不小的数字。 Especially saw with own eyes that capital construction already of this place Tianyuan territory is so abnormal, many have naturally not been able to hesitate in the hesitant person, immediately the routing, prepares to join in these big or small general contractors. 尤其是眼见到这处天元领地的基建已经这么变态,不少还在犹豫的人自然不会再犹豫,当即确定路线,准备加入那些大小建筑公司内。 Ranked the third is the manual manual amateur, altogether 59 people. 排在第三的是手工手工爱好者,一共五十九人。 The female who chooses this route is in the majority, after all is in all routes seems like does not need the physical strength only one. 选择这个路线的女性居多,毕竟是所有路线里惟一看起来不需要体力的一项。 But as the compatible highest route, the strength and weakness of manual amateur is obvious. 而作为兼容性最高的路线,手工爱好者的优势和劣势都非常明显。 Promotes in the earlier period difficultly, the specific route duty has not provided the experience, is one step below others everywhere. 难在前期升级,没有特定的路线任务来提供经验,处处低人一等。 What is strong is the late effect, any big or small thing after the manufacture of manual amateur, can attach the demon like the chef apprentice to food, produces the unique results. 强的是后期效果,任何大小东西经过手工爱好者的制造,都能像厨师学徒给食物附魔一样,产生独特的效果。 Ranked the fourth is scavenger, the population altogether 26 people. 排在第四的是拾荒者,人数一共二十六人。 Not route that needs excessively to give unnecessary detail much. 不需要过多赘述的路线。 As having both combat and route of adventure addition, chooses this mostly is not willing ordinary lonewolf. 作为兼具战斗和冒险加成的路线,选择此项的大多都是不甘愿平凡的独狼 Although moves to be tired, but they long for as before has a look outside world. 尽管一路迁徙过来非常累,但他们依旧渴望去看看外面的世界。 The one who is ranked fifth is the mechanical apprentice, the person are less, only has 19 people. 排行第五的是机械学徒,人更少,只有十九人。 Chooses this mostly is the expertise in the person of body, belonging is the machinery is also related on Earth. 选择这项的大多都是专业知识在身的人,属于在地球上也是机械相关。 In without arriving here, before seeing the employment ads of these factories . 在没来到这里,看到那些工厂的招聘广告之前。 In their brains is perhaps same as journey flying, has the different ideas. 他们脑子里或许还和程飞一样,有着不同的想法。 But after determination this territory already has the basic industry disposes, naturally does not need again hesitant anything. 但确定这处领地已经基础工业配置后,自然不需要再犹豫什么。 Elects, was right. 选,就对了。 As for again in the future, is the alone five chef apprentices. 至于再往后,便是孤零零的五名厨师学徒。 Many sons and daughters, seeming like a little are strange. 三男两女,看起来都有点奇怪。 The stature is diminutive, only then one meter seven forest becomes, the left arm is also wrapping the bandage, hangs on the neck. 个子偏矮小只有一米七的林成,左胳膊还包着绷带,挂在脖子上。 Although only injured outside body with the combat of radiation beast, but the time of treatment is late pitifully. 虽然和辐射兽的作战只伤到了外面的皮肉,但可惜治疗的时间晚了点。 According to the most optimistic judgment, after wound healing, will leave behind the huge scar, the probability will also affect the flexibility. 依照最乐观的判断,伤口愈合后也会留下巨大的疤痕,概率还会影响灵活度。 However compared with losing poor life, the arm is injured already is the minimum price. 然而比起丢了小命,胳膊受伤已经是最小的代价。 But 0.1 lame the chef of arm? 只不过.一个瘸了胳膊的厨师? Stands the bosses in auditorium shakes the head secretly , to continue the vision to size up to the remaining four people. 站在观众席的老板们暗暗摇头,继续目光打量向剩下四个人。 Two bald guys seem like should be the two brothers, the skeleton is thick, at least is one meter 85. 两名光头大汉看起来应该是兄弟俩,骨架粗大,至少有一米八五。 Possibly when just passed through, these two can also be counted is the ominous people who the average man does not dare to annoy. 可能在刚刚穿越的时候,这两位还能算作是常人不敢惹的凶人。 But now, thin skinny can summarize their images. 但现在,瘦的皮包骨头很能概括他们的形象。 The loosen dá dá skin already hung in the bone surface, seemed like the wind to blow as if can drop down. 松哒哒的皮肤已经挂在了骨头表面,看起来风一吹似乎就能倒下。 Eye socket that gets sucked into, even if rested several days of time, still had exhausted that cannot dissipate. 深陷下去的眼窝,哪怕是休息了几天时间,仍然有消散不去的疲惫。 How such empty? What sequela serious sickness wasn't? 怎么这么虚?不会是得了什么后遗症严重的病吧? Bosses shake the head again, look to the remaining two females. 一众老板们再度摇头,看向剩下两名女性。 This image actually and other peripheral people compared normally, two people seemed like gentle. 这次形象倒是和周边其他人相比正常了许多,两人看起来都文文静静的。 Looks at the line of sight gathering, one of them also shy lowering the head, pressed firmly between the fingers the lower hem corner with the hand. 望到视线汇聚,其中一人还羞涩的低下了头,用手捏住了衣角。 Another person, actually does not dare to be on the rise to look straight ahead the above person although boldly, does intentionally with ease looks to all around. 另外一人尽管大胆点,却也不敢抬头直视上方的人,故作轻松的看向四周。 Stared in that thin narrow arm mind to suppose, the ambitious bosses somewhat were immediately helpless. 盯着那细窄的胳膊脑海里估摸了一下,野心勃勃的老板们顿时有些无奈。 As the chef, gentle obvious some do not match the occupation. 作为厨师,文文静静明显有些不匹配职业。 These two looked does not seem like will prepare food, should be ten fingers does not moisten spring the lord of water in Earth. 这两人一看就不像是会做饭的,在地球也应该是十指不沾阳春水的主。 Reason that chooses the chef apprentice, perhaps the biggest reason or a Attribute standard, the addition are more. 之所以选择厨师学徒,恐怕最大原因还是属性点达标,加成多一些。 Was counting on these two can haunch the facade in a short time, goes to and in the territory these prepares food dozens years of master craftsman to dispute. 指望着这两人能短时间内撑起门面,去和领地内那些做菜几十年的老师傅较量。 Considers as finished, the feudal lord was not already urges us to the rookie magnanimously, was counting on they were the outstanding person phoenix were very rare.” “算了算了,领主不是已经叮嘱过了我们要对新人大度一点嘛,指望着他们是人中龙凤本来就很难得啦。” Said right, before the people in our territory were the elite who the feudal lord selected all the way, the person who probably the origin camp moved also dares to step New Continent brave at first, where can count on that the following these people came a person are an elite, right?” “说得没错,之前咱们领地的人都是领主一路上挑出来的精英,像是起源营地迁徙过来的人也是最初敢踏上新大陆的勇敢者,哪能指望后面这些人来一个人是一个精英,对吧?” „, This group of person buddies did not snatch with you, you can count on that to not leave the quota is waiting till the next wave, does not want to injure friendliness between everyone purely, making the rookie look at the joke.” “咳咳,这一批人哥们就不和你们抢了哈,你们放心,不是为了留着名额等到下一波,纯粹是不想伤了大家之间的和气,让新人看笑话。” Enemy, the firepower king does not want the person, like this, the Elder Brother gives you a face, does not snatch.” “对头,火力王不是想要人吗,这样,哥哥给你个面子,就不抢了哈。” Hateful, did your old Yin ratios, add the Attribute point on the mouth?” “可恶啊,你们这些老阴比,都把属性点加在嘴上了是吧?” Saw nearby all bosses throw the look that goes to none other than you, a Wu You complexion pain. 一看到旁边所有老板们都投来非你莫属的眼神,吴悠面色不由一苦。 To be honest, sees under this five chefs, he does not want to waste the precious quota to choose. 说实话,看到这下面的五名厨师,他也不想浪费宝贵的名额去选择。 But helpless just already spoke the words ahead of time. 但无奈刚刚已经提前把话说了出去。 If this also same gives up with others, next wave perhaps snatches the person to aim at intensely ruthlessly. 这要是也和其他人一样放弃,下一波的激烈抢人恐怕就要被狠狠针对。 This his mother 这他娘的 Has not thought this, Wu You complexion changes, the look sweeps to sweep off in five people unceasingly. 从没想到这一茬,吴悠面色微变,眼神不断在五人身上扫来扫去。 First, that lame arm definitely has no way to want. 首先,那名瘸胳膊的肯定是没法要的。 What he wants is the short-term can lead the talent who the shop is transforming, does not heal from a wound on several months of big treasure. 他想要的是短期能够带着店铺转型的人才,不是养伤就得几个月的大宝贝。 The remaining that two females, seem like also the non- coincide selection. 剩下那两个女的,看起来也不符合选择。 Although training training refers to erratically can become the qualified chef, but no one dares to take the risk of failure. 虽然调教调教指不定就能成为合格的厨师,但谁也不敢承担失败的风险。 Only was left over two to be greatly bald! 只剩下两个大光头了! But when Wu You intertwines, the staff under stage also announced the following recruitment regulation synchronously. 而就在吴悠纠结的时候,台下的工作人员也同步宣布了接下来的招聘细则。 The way is very simple, first screens, then spoke face-to-face. 方式很简单,先筛选,再面谈。 All bosses' before coming then already and work agency have reported one time, rookie route that must choose. 所有老板在来之前便已经和工作总署报备过一次,要选择的新人路线。 At this time with the rookies chose the route, their materials will naturally enter to the storehouse in treat elect. 这时候随着新人们选好路线,他们的资料自然就会进入到库中待选。 Besides the person few chef apprentices of( are lower than ten people) to assign the face-to-face talk, other routes are the random ballots. 除了人少的厨师学徒(低于十人)可以指定面谈外,其他路线都是随机抽签。 For example an agricultural director of corporations Changsha Kang Xiangyao agriculture route player. 例如农业公司董事长沙康想要一名农耕者路线玩家。 Then can go to the ballot place, randomly pulls out one in the database of agriculture player. 那么就可以前往抽签处,在农耕者玩家的资料库中随机抽出来一名。 Verifies after the staff, two people can go to the independent room face-to-face talk in assembly hall. 经过工作人员审核,两人就可以前往礼堂内的独立房间面谈。 Naturally, disposable can also elect many people also to speak face-to-face, simultaneously signs the contract, this depends on the bosses in quota many that the work agency selects. 当然,一次性也能选多人同时面谈,同时签署合约,这取决于老板们在工作总署抽中的名额多少。 Now. Everyone hears me to call your names, can the following staff go to the assigned location face-to-face talk to work, good luck!” “现在.所有人听到我叫你们的名字,就可以跟着工作人员前往指定地点面谈工作了,祝你们好运!” The concrete pay limit made to be naturally needless to the rookies to say much, this was the matter of boss side. 具体的薪酬限制令自然是不用对新人们多说,这属于老板方的事情。 The deadline of contract is also the standard contract of territory writing up, will not leave behind that any can find the easy way out in the provision. 合约的期限也是领地出具的制式合约,不会在条款上留下任何可以钻的漏洞。 However also no one dares to drill and that's the end, here may not have the fair court to handle the dispute after all. 不过也没人敢钻就是了,毕竟这里可没有公正的法院来处理纠纷。 Once angered the feudal lord, who knows that what pitiful fate will obtain. 一旦惹怒了领主,谁都知道会得到什么样的凄惨下场。 The quick, agriculture route player with the largest number of people was first called, many people left the assembly hall center in the disturbance. 很快,人数最多的农耕者路线玩家先被叫到,不少人在忐忑中离开了礼堂中心。 In the bosses facing these auditoriums, said that is unhurried is false. 面对那些观众席上的老板,说不慌都是假的。 Since already arrived here, no one is naturally willing compared with other person of bad, to think that can in first round be picked. 既然已经来到了这里,自然没人愿意比其他人差,都想能够在第一轮就被选走。 Pitifully only the quota has the strict limit. 只可惜名额还是有着严格的限制。 Roughly after five minutes, the first batch 20 agriculture walked. 约莫五分钟后,第一批出去的二十名农耕者又走了回来。 Some people like some people to worry. 有人欢喜有人愁。 And 14 people by sand Kang Xuanzhong, became first batch of joining well-off agricultural company rookie. 其中有十四人被沙康选中,成为了第一批加入‘小康农业公司’的新人。 Because is in the winter, the agriculture player could not create too many incomes, sand Kang borrows machine-pressed the wave price. 由于是冬天,农耕者玩家创造不了太多的收益,沙康借机压了波价格。 The daily wage naturally limits 13 iron coins to count according to the lowest contract, the monthly salary defers to remove the territory official holiday six days of 24 days to calculate. 日薪自然是按照最低的合约限制13铁币来计,月薪则按照刨除领地公休六天的二十四天计算。 However is even lowest, still made these rookies enough fine, after all every month can gain to enough 312 iron coins. 不过就算是最低,也让这些新人们足够精细了,毕竟每个月都能赚到足足312枚铁币。 Moreover enters the duty, then can enjoy company package of lodgings, every week the happy treatment of half-day paid holiday. 而且一入职,便可以享受公司包住宿,每周半天带薪假期的美好待遇。 Every day removes mean value 5 iron coins that eat meal must spend fixedly, one month basically can accumulate 150 iron coins, equals 15 copper coin. 去掉每天吃饭固定要花的平均值五铁币,一个月基本上可以攒下来一百五十枚铁币,合计十五铜币。 Only takes more than one year probably, they can return debt that was rescued from the snowy mountain. 大概只需要一年多时间,他们就能还上从雪山被救出来的欠债。 Won the hemp! 赢麻了! „Very regrettable, the person who had not just been elected, your material already entered in the second wave of alternative storehouse.” “很遗憾,刚刚没被选上的人,你们的资料已经进入了第二波的备选库中。” Now you can choose to continue to keep this, outside or is goes to prepare the second round of interview.” “现在你们可以选择继续留在这,或者是去外面准备第二轮面试。” Pulled out the material that has not chosen, naturally cannot put to make other bosses choose again. 被抽出来没选上的资料,自然不会再放回去让其他老板们重新选择。 First to protect the rights of rookie, preventing the bosses to join up to kill the low labor cost. 一来是为了保护新人的权益,防止老板们联合起来杀低工价。 Second to maintain the random balance, does not let some boss or the company plunders completely the Excellent talent. 二来是为了维持随机性的平衡,不让某个老板或者公司掠走全部优秀人才。 Moreover also to the rookie some freedoms, lets the place that they can choose to want freely. 三来也是给新人一些自由,让他们能够自由选择想要去的地方。 Many person disappointed departures. 不少人失望的离开。 In auditorium. 观众席上。 Was staring by ten number both eyes light, Wu Youtie the scalp is going forward, aims below bald brothers. 被十数双目光盯着,吴悠铁着头皮上前,指向下方的光头兄弟。 I elect them.” “我选他们俩。” Good.” “好的。” The staff nod, three people were taken to the assembly hall a roughly ten even small room. 工作人员点头,三人被带往了礼堂中一处约莫十平的小房间。 Inside has not repaired, in the ground also has not cleaned the clean cement ash. 里面还没装修,地面上还有没打扫干净的水泥灰。 However at this time no one cared about the environment obviously, can have the wooden chair sits, having a wooden table was away from already is tall equal/match! 不过这种时候显然没人在意环境,能有把木椅坐着,有个木桌隔着就已经算是高配了! Hello, introduced oneself. My name was Wu You, the channel nickname: Long firepower king.” “你们好,自我介绍一下.我叫吴悠,频道昵称:悠悠火力王。” I in the territory, the shop, before was to make the made of iron, wooden weapon, named firepower weapon shop “我在领地内呢,有一家店铺,之前是做铁制,木制武器的,名为火力武器店” Has the staff to supervise in side, Wu You does not dare to tell the lie, said the own situation fast. 有工作人员在旁边监督着,吴悠也不敢说假话,快速将自己的情况说了遍。 Then, opposite bald brothers also introduced themselves under. 说完,对面的光头兄弟也介绍了下自己。 Boss called Jia to be many, Boss called Jia Shao 。 老大叫贾多,老大叫贾少。 Has not passed through beforehand two person one is the street fries the powder, another is the street bakes. 没穿越之前两个人一个是街头炒粉的,另外一个则是街头烧烤的。 Was not the regular chef regular professional training was born, belongs good food practitioner who depends on the strength life. 都不是正规的厨师科班出生,属于是靠着力气生活的美食从业者。 Is the food that in the hand also no unique skill, makes delicious looked purely in addition how much lives ruthlessly. 手上也没什么绝活,做出来的饭好不好吃纯看加的‘狠活’多寡。 This hear, Wu You heart cold half a section at the scene. 这一听完,吴悠当场心凉了半截。 Fries the powder? 炒粉? If this thing placed six months, perhaps also really can hit a stretch of the world in the territory. 这玩意如果放在半年前,在领地或许还真能打出来一片天地来。 But after now the material enriches, wants to gain a footing somewhat to be difficult again. 但现在物质丰富了以后,再想要占据一席之地就有些艰难。 As for baking, talked nonsense. 至于烧烤,就更加扯淡。 Even if there is addition of chef apprentice, unique skill that the flavor is impossible to surpass territory these master craftsmen. 哪怕有着厨师学徒的加成,味道也不可能超过领地那些老师傅的绝活。 The price is low, without profit, but also takes the big piece location. 价格低吧,没有利润可言,还占用大片场地。 The price is high, who eats? 价格高吧,谁吃? However has not waited for Wu You to ask the issue, Jia of opposite sitting many actually takes the lead to ask curiously. 然而还没等吴悠提出问题,对面坐着的贾多却率先好奇发问。 Boss Wu, your weapon shop transformation prepares food with all due respect, perhaps isn't right?” “吴老板,恕我直言您这武器店转型做饭,恐怕不对吧?” „? You said how to be right?” “哦?你说说怎么不对?” „Very simple, we prepare food definitely can only make the money of person on one's own side now is right, but if continues to make the weapon, New Continent outside many people lack this thing, moreover this thing may compared with preparing food to gain too!” “很简单啊,咱们做饭现在肯定只能赚自己人的钱对吧,但要是继续做武器,新大陆外面多少人都缺这东西啊,而且这东西可比做饭赚太多!” Hey! 嘿! When you I don't know this? 你当我不知道这茬吗? Wu You sighed one secretly, somewhat was immediately discouraged. 吴悠心里暗叹一声,顿时有些气馁。 What if he does is the modern guns, that had not said that even if owes also to continue to do. 如果他做的是现代枪支,那没说的,哪怕是亏死也要继续做下去。 So long as can develop the market, the profit is ten times, hundred times of returns. 只要能开拓出市场来,利润将是十倍,百倍的回报。 However changes into the cold weapons, this market appears some limits. 然而换成冷兵器,这市场就显得有些局限。 Where first does not raise the market, how to transport the weapon is a major problem. 先不提市场在哪里,怎么把武器运出去就是一个大问题。 You when I do not want to do, received the hand.” “你就当我不想做了吧,收手了。” Wu You some impatient beckoning with the hand of: Joins my shop, the help shop transforms. In the daily wage can open to you limits the highest 22 iron coins at present, but the premise is the contract must sign for two years.” 吴悠有些不耐烦的摆了摆手:“加入我的店铺,帮助店铺转型。日薪可以给你们开目前限制内最高的22铁币,但前提是合约得签署两年时间。” What do you mean?” Jia less/small complexion changes, looks to nearby staff. “什么意思?”贾少面色微变,看向旁边的工作人员。 After having been explained that two people look at each other one, in the look all are somewhat hesitant. 在得到解释后,两人对视一眼,眼神中皆是有些犹豫。 What's wrong, are 22 iron coins unsatisfied? Is this highest treatment?” “怎么,22铁币还不满意?这可是最高的待遇?” „Are you hesitant board and lodging? This reassurance, eats meal you to use the food to do on the line, is provides food, the lodging words I can also help you solve, does not ask for money.” “你们是犹豫食宿吧?这个放心,吃饭你们自己用食材做就行,算是包吃,住宿的话我也能帮你们解决,不要钱。” Provides food to wrap up? 包吃包住? Two people these hesitated. 两人这一下更犹豫了。 Wu Boss, is not the issue of treatment, is this.” Boss Jia coughed lightly under: We do not want to sign such a long time contract, do you look at lowest a half year of line not?” “吴老板哈,不是待遇的问题,是这个.”老大贾多轻咳了下:“我们不想签署这么长时间的合同,您看最低的半年行不?” A half year?” “半年?” Wu You stares, the complexion is ugly immediately. 吴悠一愣,脸色顿时难看起来。 If is the strength, proposed that perhaps in the half year he will hesitate. 如果是即战力,提出这半年来他或许还会犹豫一下。 But this bald brothers obviously also need to train some time. 但这光头兄弟明显还需要一段时间培养。 What's wrong? Trains to run the individual farming? 怎么?培养完就跑出去单干是吧? „It is not good, deadline here does not accept the discussion, only has two years of this option.” “不行,期限我这里不接受商讨,只有两年这个选项。” That was embarrassed, must disappoint you.” “那就不好意思了,恐怕得让您失望了。” The bald brothers looked at the staff, look that after obtaining the opposite party encourages, is brave the rejection to say. 光头兄弟看了眼工作人员,在得到对方鼓励的眼神后,胆大着拒绝道。 The people use for two years to join a weapon shop to be the chef, obviously does not seem like any good idea. 人用两年时间加入一个武器店当厨师,明显不像是什么好的想法。 Just they saw these bosses the enthusiasm to chef. 刚刚他们可是看到了那些老板们对厨师的热情。 In addition only then five people have the qualifications choice, now waits for a better price is also the way things should be. 再加上只有五个人有资格选择,现在待价而沽也算是人之常情。
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