MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1154: Lively recruitment, good fresh chive!

Hears really no one to choose, but can also be assigned these not to have the technical difficulty work by the territory. 一听到实在没有人挑选,还可以被领地分配去那些没有技术难度的工作。 The bonus is some survivors who have lofty aspirations and high ideals, in heart also relenting atmosphere. 饶是一些拥有雄心壮志的幸存者,心中也不禁松了口大气。 Having to guarantee a minimum with has not guaranteed a minimum truly is two matters. 有保底和没保底确实是两码事。 Although they not the awkward situation that wants to want no one to select by some chance, but the innermost feelings have to acknowledge. 他们虽然不愿意去想万一没人选中的尴尬情况,但内心也不得不承认。 In this strange region, can live is the first important matter. 在这种陌生的地域,能活下来才是第一件大事。 No one dares to treat it lightly. 没有人敢掉以轻心。 The especially those grasped the person of professional skill, compared with these sturdy average people, they were worried that the own life studies not to have the opportunity. 尤其是那些掌握了专业技能的人,比起那些身强力壮的普通人,他们更担心自己的一生所学没有用武之地。 2 : 00 pm, altogether 270 people of packs good own baggage, disturbed arrived at the isolation yard entrance to wait for the next step instruction. 下午 2 点,一共两百七十人打包好了自己的行李,忐忑的来到了隔离点大院门口等待下一步的指示。 Originally should have more people to participate in this talent to select, because finally the infectious diseases of many have not cured completely, therefore delayed the next batch. 本来是应该有更多人参加这场人材选拔的,但最后因为不少人的传染病还没有完全治愈,所以耽搁到了下一批。 Quick, under staff's leadership, more than 200 people of enormous and powerful directly soaring outpost camp big squares. 很快,在工作人员的带领下,两百多号人浩浩荡荡的直奔前哨营地大广场。 Previously here belonged to the prohibited place, the survivors cannot the optional going examination. 此前这里属于被封禁的地方,幸存者们并不能随意的前往查看。 By the present, they are the true experience the core section of this outpost. 到了现在,他们才算是真正的见识到了这座前哨基地的核心地段。 Approximately has several thousand squares. 大约有数千平方。 Although the big square did not have completely constructs, but already spread out the neat floor tile and drainage facility. 大广场虽然还没有完整的建起来,但已经铺上了整齐的地砖和排水设施。 Dozens tents are putting up in the square, is hanging signboard that writes all over the large character. 数十个帐篷正搭设在广场上,挂着一张张写满大字的招牌。 And has tent that the bosses who obtain the recruitment qualifications erect, there are Longteng Village manufacturers to set up the recruitment point here. 其中有获得招聘资格的老板们架设的帐篷,也有龙腾村工厂主设立在这里的招聘点。 Just arrived here survivors and survivors of beforehand harvest tribe is similar, looks at present the vast scene, was really shocked. 刚到这里的幸存者们和之前丰收部落的幸存者差不多,看着眼前浩大的场面,果然惊呆了。 Factory, does here really have the assembly line factory?” “工厂,这里竟然还有流水线工厂?” My God, machine shop, electrical factory, construction materials plant. Haven't I misread?” “我的天呐,机械厂,电子厂,建材厂.我没看错吧?” This, here development took the aphrodisiac, how to become this quickly?” “啊这,这里的发展是吃了春药吗,怎么快成这样?” Do not make much ado about nothing, this period of time. fuck, how does this have the chip factory?” “别这么大惊小怪的,这段时间难道.卧槽,这怎么还有芯片厂?” „Wasn't here Earth player the looting will inherit the heritage of Blue Star person?” “这里的地球玩家不会是洗劫继承了蓝星人的遗产吧?” Square. Big.” “广场.好大哇。” The different people have the different attention directions. 不同的人有不同的注意方向。 Some people saw the advertisement on tent front signboard, immediately a face unbelievable on the spot. 有人看到了帐篷前方招牌上的广告,顿时一脸难以置信的愣在原地。 Some people noticed the vast square construction project, in brain Riima lightened the exaggerating construction cost. 有人注意到了浩大的广场建设规模,脑子里马上闪出夸张的建造成本。 Returns to Genshijidai entire more than one year of Earth human regarding one crowd, the present all as if construct above not the real fantasy. 对于一群回到原始时代整整一年多的地球人类而言,现在的一切仿佛构筑在不真实的幻想之上。 Only feels from the writing, in their brains can fantasize that leaves development that must grow out of nothing present all these, actually needs to pay the big price. 只从文字上感受,他们的脑子里都能幻想出要从无到有的发展到现在这一切,究竟需要付出多大的代价。 There is the second round of recruitment point, your today's destinations not in this.” “那里是第二轮招聘点,你们今天的目的地不在这。” Whatever a survivor kept sighing the half of the day, after the crowd is slightly peaceful, the staff then arrived at the fronts of these rookies, hints them do not stop the footsteps , to continue to walk toward the square deep place. 任由一众幸存者长吁短叹了半天,等到人群稍稍安静下来后,工作人员这才重新走到了这些新人的前排,示意他们不要停下脚步,继续往广场深处走。 There has a construction of similar assembly hall. 那里有一间类似礼堂的建筑。 Although has not constructed completely, but exterior main facility already finished. 虽然还没有完全建设完毕,但外部的主体设施已经全部完工了。 Across isolation strip that preventing the building material falls, people arrive at the assembly hall. 穿过防止建筑材料掉落的隔离带,一众人来到礼堂内部。 , Does not know the rock and roll that suddenly where resounds starts to broadcast. 陡然间,不知道从哪里响起的摇滚乐开始播放。 As if arrived at the bustling streets from the lonely street suddenly, the flash made the person mood rush lively immediately. 仿佛从冷清的街道忽然来到了闹市,一瞬间热闹顿时让人心情澎湃起来。 Saw only the assembly hall structure to be similar to Ancient Rome Arena unexpectedly like that. 只见礼堂内部的构造竟然类似于古罗马斗兽场那般。 The middle is the circular platform that gets down short, stair that all around extends unceasingly upward. 中间是一个矮下去的圆形平台,四周则是不断往上延伸的台阶。 At this time, some many 's shadows glitter on the stair, like watches the fight of beast audience. 此时,正有不少人影在台阶上闪烁,像极了是观看斗兽的观众。 But has not waited for all survivors to enter the stadium, setting out that then some people cannot bear yelled loudly. 但还没等所有幸存者入场,便有人忍不住的起身大声叫喊了起来。 Looks at my, the thorn moon/month chamber of commerce incurs newly, so long as you are willing to choose combat to be a route, so long as you are willing to be widely traveled on Wasteland, the thorn moon/month chamber of commerce absolutely is you best family/home!” “看我这,刺月商会招新啦,只要你愿意选战斗系路线,只要你愿意在废土上走南闯北,刺月商会绝对是你最好的家!” Nonsense, our tough pear chamber of commerce is best, moe newly looks here, we do not need you to go out combat, so long as is responsible for the logistics on the line!” “狗屁,我们木梨商会才是最好的,萌新们看这里,我们不需要你们出去战斗,只要负责后勤就行啦!” Recruits sprouting/moe of five Koritaka to be new, the request can the selecting mechanism apprentice route, the treatment liberally.” “招收五维高的萌新,要求能选择机械学徒路线,待遇从优。” Has the chef, has the chef, looks at my, the firepower weapon shop hires the chef!” “有没有厨师,有没有厨师,看我这,火力武器店招厨师啦!” Go away, does your weapon shop hire the check 8 chefs, disturbing?” “滚,你一个武器店招勾八厨师,捣乱是吧?” Disturbs nm, refuses to accept to select only, father is willing to be balding the firewood is not right to the chef, in the father hand has three quotas, the chef who is willing to come can lead the family member to interview together, welcome to be tied down by care of one's family!” “捣乱nm,不服出去单挑,老子愿意给厨师开顶薪不对,老子手里有三个名额,愿意来的厨师可以带家人一起来面试,欢迎拖家带口!” Grass, I must report to the feudal lord, firepower king this compels to disturb the market!” “草,我要向领主举报,火力王这逼捣乱市场!” „.” “.” Has not waited to sprout/moe to respond that newly exactly had anything, in the auditorium person's shadow already disputed. 还没等萌新们反应过来到底发生了什么,观众席上人影却已经争执了起来。 Without the means that since the half year, the rookie in Tianyuan territory except for harvest tribe that hundred people, almost no one has entered again. 没办法,这半年以来,天元领地的新人除了丰收部落那百人,几乎再没有任何人进入。 Did not say is dead situation, at least competitive already of market soon was in a state of monopoly. 不说是一潭死水,至少市场的竞争已经快要陷入垄断状态了。 By restaurant and catering industry example. 以餐饮行业举例。 The player who first batch choose the chef apprentice route, big market of already training and under territory, brushed to take a broad view at entire Wasteland to calculate the front row the own rank the situation. 头一批选择厨师学徒路线的玩家,已经在领地的培养和偌大的市场下,将自己的等级刷到了放眼整个废土都算前列的地步。 Under the abnormal route Ability addition, food who the average person is eats fortunately. 在变态的路线能力加成之下,普通人做出来的食物自己吃还好。 But wants to attain in the markets and these chef apprentices competes, radically is the not possible matter. 但想要拿到市场上和这些厨师学徒竞争,根本是不可能的事情。 After all even next day pie, so long as hot heat in the hands of these fellows, above should still have one fragrant to the scalp tingles flavor. 毕竟就算是隔天的大饼,只要在那些家伙的手里热一热,上面也会产生出一股让人香到头皮发麻的味道。 How does this struggle? 这怎么争? Is unwilling to give up one continuously to make money the industry. 不甘心就这么放弃掉一个源源不断可以生钱的产业。 At least now, in the hand grips the bosses of large amount of funds to be willing to attempt, look can train the rookie chef to come out, breaks the territory existing monopoly situation. 至少现在,手里攥着大量资金的老板们还是愿意尝试一下,看看能不能培养新人厨师出来,打破领地现有的垄断态势。 „, Saw, they were enthusiasms such.” “咳咳,看到了吧,他们就是这么的热情。” Staff who lead the survivor to enter, embarrassed light coughed. 带领幸存者进入的工作人员,不好意思的轻咳了一声。 Route, you before coming to have been familiar on already?” “路线,想必你们在来之前就已经熟悉过了吧?” Gives human to base as Game kills greatly, many survivors who New Continent and Blue Star person as well as Foreign Race resist just one came ashore from the deep sea migration, then formed the temporary territory impatiently. 作为游戏赋予人类立足新大陆和蓝星人以及异族对抗的大杀器,不少幸存者刚一从深海迁徙上岸,便迫不及待的组建了临时领地。 The goal is very simple, for can obtain a route as soon as possible, catches up raises the rank to have the advantage before others. 目的很简单,为的就是能尽快获得一个路线,赶在其他人之前提升等级占据优势。 But this comes, although the survivor on the scene has not joined the territory of worthless person, but also chatted to gain many valuable information from World Channel. 而这一路过来,在场的幸存者虽然没有加入过散人的领地,但也从世界频道聊天中获取到了不少有价值的信息。 From most basic individual five Attribute, to the route range that Attribute can choose. 从最基础的个人五维属性,到属性能够选择的路线范围。 From the fit and unfit quality of ordinary, rare route, again in contrasts to various civilized routes. 从普通,稀有路线的优劣,再到各文明路线之间的对比。 The territory that at present builds are many, the choice civilized direction is not same, the route type that extends is also different. 目前建立的领地很多,选择的文明方向也不相同,延伸出来的路线种类也不同。 But roughly takes the modern civilization of Tianyuan territory choice as many, only then extremely few territories chose the fantasy route of rare and beautiful flowers, for the time being does not have the too multi-information to blow out. 但大体还是以天元领地选择的现代文明为多,只有极少的领地选择了奇葩的奇幻路线,暂且还没有太多信息爆出。 „The civilization of our territory choice is also the modern sci-tech civilization, therefore the route you should hear.” “我们领地选择的文明也是现代科技文明,所以路线你们应该有所耳闻了。” Like this, I first defer to the request simply introduced to you.” “这样,我先按照要求简单的给你们介绍一下。” combat department: Training Field soldier, boxing fan 战斗系:训练场士兵,拳击爱好者” Survival department: scavenger, agriculture “生存系:拾荒者,农耕者” Scientific research department: Construction apprentice, mechanical apprentice, manual amateur “科研系:建筑学徒,机械学徒,手工爱好者” Life department: Chef apprentice “生活系:厨师学徒” Before that group of players who escaped from the research institute, staying for a month later already met the need. 之前那群从研究所里逃出来的玩家,在呆了一个月后已经满足了需求。 In the past few days metal sigh disaster passed, points accumulated enough, Su Mo then without hesitation joined in its exchange the option. 前些天金属叹息灾难度过,积分攒够,苏摩便毫不犹豫的将其兑换加入到了选项中。 Compares the request almost without, only needs physique 2, sturdy 1 Training Field soldier. 相比起要求几乎于无,只需要体格二,骨力一的训练场士兵。 The boxing fan's request actually requests the highest chef apprentice to be higher than the territory at present, almost sufficed the edge of rare route. 拳击爱好者的要求竟然比领地目前要求最高的厨师学徒还要高,几乎够到了稀有路线的边缘。 Concrete is: 具体为: Route: Boxing fan ( lv1 ) 【路线:拳击爱好者(lv1)】 Choice condition: Physique 4, sturdy 3, natural talent 3, route points 1 【选择条件:体格四,骨力三,天资三,路线点数“一”】 Route addition: Physique + 2, sturdy + 2, near body combat physical strength restores speed + 15】 【路线加成:体格,骨力,近身作战体力恢复速度】 Special addition: Temporarily does not have( lv5 unlocking)】 【特殊加成:暂无(lv5解锁)】 As only request the routes of three Attribute, the boxing fan satisfied the pursue of many close combat headstrong child player. 作为唯一要求的三项属性的路线,拳击爱好者满足了不少近战莽子玩家的追求。 But pitifully the choice condition was really high. 但可惜选择条件实在是太高了。 As the staff introduced, the survivor on the scene you looked at me, I thought you, finally linked one unexpectedly satisfied the condition did not have. 随着工作人员介绍完,在场幸存者你看我,我看你,最终竟然连一个满足条件的都没有。 Sufficiently the proof initially these people who escaped from the research institute, truly was in human quite existence of Excellent. 足以证明当初从研究所里逃出来的那些人,确实是人类中较为优秀的存在。 According to the topic collection that you provide in the morning, our already reviewed the result, instructs you to choose the route to hear me to ask the survivor of name to go forward now, attains to be your individual results.” “根据你们早上提供的题集,我们已经批阅出了结果,来指导你们选择路线现在请听到我叫到名字的幸存者上前,拿到属于你们个人的结果。” Naturally, is only for reference finally, does not take everyone 's only choice, only considers to your choice makes some limited references.” “当然,结果仅供参考,并不作为每个人唯一的选择,只当是给你们的选择做一些有限的参考。” Route that if recommends temporarily also the request of dissatisfied route, can first put aside. Besides the natural talent, several other fat neck already researched and developed the lifting method of correspondence.” “如果推荐的路线暂时还不满足路线的要求,也可以先搁置一下.除了天资之外,其他几项领地都已经研发出了对应的提升方式。” Three points of day is doomed, seven points by fighting. 三分天注定,七分靠打拼。 Physique, sturdy, mental ability, natural talent, health. 体格,骨力,脑力,天资,健康。 Except that the natural talent innate was doomed, can only use Attribute or the promotion promotion. 除了天资是被先天注定,只能使用属性点或者升级提升。 Other four can through the training of correspondence, achieve the Attribute above promotion, satisfies the route condition. 其他四项都能通过对应的训练,来达到属性上面的提升,满足路线条件。 Jin Chengsong “靳成松” Zhao Mang.” “赵莽.” The staff start to defer to the name to call a number, the survivor who was called goes forward to receive the result. 工作人员开始按照名字叫号,被叫到的幸存者上前领取结果。 Quick, the name was forest to become. 很快,名字叫到了林成。 Also in the rear area sizes up the forest of auditorium boss to become, went forward to receive a paper. 还在后方打量观众席老板的林成一顿,上前接过来了一张纸条。 Spreads out, above writes the simple information. 摊开,上面写着简单的信息。 Survivor forest to become ‘幸存者林成’ Is good at the wilderness surviving, is good at using the weapon, excels at short distance combat, suggested to choose: combat department ‘擅长荒野生存,擅长使用武器,擅长中近距离战斗,建议选择:战斗系’ Priority selection: Boxing fan( Attribute enough).’ ‘优先选择:拳击爱好者(属性足够)。’ Alternative: Training Field soldier( choice after inspection package of assignment work)’ ‘备选:训练场士兵(选择通过考核后包分配工作)’ combat department?” 战斗系?” forest Chengleng, smiled bitterly to rub one group the paper in hand. 林成愣了下,苦笑着将手里的纸条揉成了一团。 If not arrive at this territory, perhaps he really will be the same with the result on the paper analyzing. 如果不是来到这处领地,或许他还真会和纸条上分析出来的结果一样。 The choice can enhance the combat strength combat to be a route, guarantees the safety of whole family. 选择能够提升战斗力的战斗系路线,来保证一家人的安全。 But since lived here three days later, forest to become the idea actually had a change. 但自从在这里生活了三天之后,林成的想法却发生了一丝变化。 Here was also too safe! 这里也太安全了! That every day goes on patrol fixedly several holding a spear/gun security guards, the brought security sense makes one feel at ease just like the invincible force generally. 那每天固定巡逻数趟的持枪警卫,带来的安全感宛如天兵一般让人安心。 Combat tank that often will pass through, is looks like Protector God to be the same, making people cannot help but relieved to sleep soundly. 不时会经过的战车,更是像守护神一般,让人不由自主的放心安眠。 That tall wall. 还有那堵高墙。 Can build up such a wall territory, if had the survival crisis, that chooses combat is the route is also useful, does the strategic place come up and enemy fights with bayonets? 能建起这样一堵墙的领地如果都有了生存危机,那选择战斗系路线又有什么用,难道要冲上去和敌人拼刺刀吗? Looked that is still waiting for the news younger sister to side, remembers again also in mother of hospitalization. 看向旁边还在等着消息的妹妹,再想起还在住院的母亲。 The forest became the look to strengthen slowly. 林成眼神慢慢坚定了下来。 Although by his present five Attribute, already sufficed the threshold of choice boxing fan. 尽管以他现在的五维属性,已经够到了选择拳击爱好者的门槛。 But according to the back that group of bosses' performance, he planned chooses one to consider the route of family member. 但根据背后那群老板的表现,他还是打算选一个能照顾家里人的路线。 Did not strive for greatly richly greatly expensively, only strove for being able safe going on living. 不求大富大贵,只求能平安的活下去。 This is the last wish of Mr. Lin, is the matter that the Lin last man should do. 这是林父的遗愿,也是林家最后一个男人应该干的事情。 Hey, this route makes me elect the mechanical apprentice unexpectedly, real false?” “嘿,这路线竟然让我去选机械学徒,真的假的?” I am also thinking combat.” “我还想着出去战斗呢。” journey Feina the paper was walking, walks while the mouth to complain low voice. 程飞拿着纸条走了回来,一边走一边嘴里小声吐槽着。 Because he on Earth is the mechanical engineering undergraduate student? 就因为他在地球上是机械专业的本科生? Was this recommendation choice too also subjective? 这推荐选择也太主观了吧? Chaotic Wasteland, obviously chooses combat is a route, the probability in the future living will be bigger is right. 混乱的废土,明显选择战斗系路线,未来活下来的概率大一些才对。 Yes, this above recommends me to work as the chef apprentice.” “就是,这上面推荐我去当厨师学徒。” I think reasonable as if.” “不过我想了想呢似乎也有道理。” Opened eyes to say lie, forest Chenglian not loyalty did not jump deceived several people. 睁眼说了句瞎话,林成脸不红心不跳的将身边几人都糊弄了过去。 Didn't that staff say? 那工作人员不是说了吗? Will not force them to choose in any case, he on Earth is a chef, when now the chef apprentice does not have the issue. 反正又不会强制他们选择,他在地球上就是厨师,现在当厨师学徒也没问题。 Ok, you should attain the own route recommendation now.” “好了,现在你们应该都拿到自己的路线推荐了。” Please according to my instruction, choose the player of scavenger route to stand in this region, the player of choice manual amateur route please stand in this region.” “请按照我的指示,选择拾荒者路线的玩家请站在这个区域,选择手工爱好者路线的玩家请站在这个区域.” Had not decided that good stand middle, you will lose the opportunity of first round of job fair, participates the second round.” “还没决定好的站中间,你们将失去第一轮招聘会的机会,参与第二轮。” Pointed at the ground by the different color paintbrush good square, the staff is arranged the survivors to stand quickly in turn. 指着地上早就被不同颜色油漆刷好的方框,工作人员很快安排幸存者们依次站好。 Almost without also in the person of hesitating in making a move, after all on the road of migration, everyone on already in the route that the ponder must choose in the future, now naturally cannot, because a small recommendation vacillates. 几乎没有还在举棋不定的人,毕竟在迁徙的路上,大家就已经在思考将来要选择的路线,现在自然不会因为一个小小的推荐而左右摇摆。 Only then few people chose to stand in the middle, prepared first to have a look at the situation to say again. 只有寥寥几人选择站在了中间,准备先看看情况再说。 These people are in the survivor the people in five Attribute slightly high spots, can choose all routes beside boxing fan. 这几人都是幸存者中五维属性稍微高点的人,能选择拳击爱好者之外的所有路线。 Compares in the future the indistinct incomparable development, they are willing to pay attention to the treatment that a wave of different route can obtain. 相比起日后缥缈无比的发展,他们更愿意关注一波不同路线所能获得的待遇。 „, Many fresh chive choice agriculture do, these fellows want to farm?” “哇,好多的新鲜韭菜选择农耕者啊,这些家伙这么想种地吗?” Possibly is agriculture safest, is best to promote, after all this was in present World Channel the most fiery survival is the occupation.” “可能是农耕者最安全,也最好升级吧,毕竟这可是现在世界频道中最火热的生存系职业了。” Pitifully, only then do four people meet the chef apprentice's request?” “可惜,就只有四个人满足厨师学徒的要求吗?” Four people? Good, thinks that initially our more than 10,000 talents had many people to choose this route.” “四个人?不错了,想想当初我们一万多人才有多少人可以选这路线。” To the Elder Brother a face, these four people of I takes three people, just a person makes the breakfast, a person makes the Chinese meal, another person makes the dinner.” “给哥哥一个面子,这四人我要三人,刚好一个人做早餐,一个人做中餐,另外一个人做晚餐.” Go away, the village head said that the free competition, your boy be not thinking here did orders ahead of time.” “滚,村长可是说了啊,自由竞争,你小子别想着在这里搞提前预订。” Yes, if carries out the insider trading, I go to village head there reporting immediately.” “就是,要是搞内幕交易,我马上就去村长那里举报。” „.” “.”
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