MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1153: Talent market, obligor system!

Wasteland after all is not true computer Game, the territory is not function that is constructed by the code. 废土毕竟不是真正的电脑游戏,领地也不是其中一个由代码构筑起来的功能。 The life in inside human, the body had not then gotten farmer from a birth and soldier and merchant and engineer and so on labels. 生活在里面的人类,身上并没有从一出生便被打上‘农民’、‘士兵’、‘商人’、‘工程师’等等标签。 They have the different thoughts, has anybody the independent life that is hard to control. 他们有着不同的思维,有着任何人都难以操控的独立人生。 The nature, designed the perfect territory system to turn into one to be contradictory, and brutal matter. 自然,制定完善的领地制度变成了一件非常矛盾,且残酷的事情。 The big human agglomeration needs some people to go to to become the farmer on own initiative, becomes the soldier, becomes the floor labor force. 偌大的人类聚集地需要有人主动去成为农民,成为士兵,成为底层劳动力。 Perhaps also needs some people to become existence of floor, sacrificed the self- interests. 或许还需要有人成为更底层的存在,牺牲自我的利益。 Su Mo has not thought arranges with the strong method, because passing historical already has proven more than once, the dictatorship will only make the aggregate move toward inevitable demise. 苏摩并没有想过用强硬的手段去安排,因为过往的历史已经不止一次证明过,独裁只会使集合体走向不可避免的灭亡。 Therefore 0.1 have packed finely happy system seemed needs very much. 所以.一个精美包装过的‘美好制度’就显得很有必要了。 It will lead the survivor who is joining unceasingly, is glad to and is glad to enter to these complex low-end industries, becomes an member to shine to give off heat. 它会引领着不断加入的幸存者,甘于且乐于进入到那些纷繁复杂的低端行业中,成为其中的一份子发光发热。 Under perfect condition, this set of complete rewards and punishment rules, so long as can operate, the followed system has also continued to use to Game ended . 理想状态下,这套完整的奖惩规则只要能运行下去,跟随的制度也将一直沿用至游戏结束,或者. Human perishes! 人类灭亡! This system already devised me the status system was gentle, even our Earth modern age was gentle , the modern age light/only belayed the institute to make the worker conduct the back for 30 years. Pulled far, pulled far.” “这套制度已经比我原来构想出来的身份制度柔和多了,甚至乎要比我们地球现代的还要柔和,现代光是一套住所就得让劳动者背上三十年的.咳咳,扯远了,扯远了。” In brief, debt is a relatively gentle view, the resident of its meeting military officer place is divided into several rank.” “总之,欠债是一个相对柔和的说法,它会将领地的居民分成数个级别。” Lowest level is also most, I who owes call it third-level obligor. These people will have the different low-end kinds of work in a factory to choose, but chooses these not to have the kind of work in a factory of risk, faced with going into debt is unable to return completely, even more and more predicaments. Namely regardless of the territory develops what situation, these people must maintain the work forever, otherwise because will go into debt is expelled the territory extra. But can return the high risk kind of work in a factory that goes into debt, we will not provide the reward of correspondence to them parsimoniously, but this partially can have the tax system to guarantee balanced, first does not make many details.” “最底层也是欠的最多的,我将其称为‘三级负债者’。这些人将会有不同的低端工种可以选择,但选择那些没有风险的工种,将面临欠债始终无法完全还上的,甚至越来越多的窘境。即无论领地发展到什么地步,这些人永远要维持工作,否则就会因为欠债超额被赶出领地。而能还上欠债的高风险工种,我们也不会吝啬给他们发放对应的酬劳,但这部份会有税收制度来确保平衡,先不做过多的赘述。” Upward second-level obligor, debt already and income of these people maintained relatively the quite harmonious balanced level, namely, so long as worked hard in the location, can make own go into debt reduces unceasingly, finally was zero. Naturally, this is they do not have any expense in the situation. Once there is a expense, no matter the large quantity is small, will go into debt will only increase as before will not reduce. This will guarantee that unceasingly they have the labor enthusiasm of continuing, the brain always think can bring the wealth industriously, can on good life “再往上的‘二级负债者’,这些人的欠债已经和收入维持到了相对比较和谐的平衡水平,即只要在工位上努力工作,就能让自己的欠债不断缩小,最终为零。当然,这是他们不产生任何消费的情况下。一旦有消费,不管是大额还是小额,欠债依旧只会增加不会减少。这样会不断保证他们有持续的劳动热情,脑子始终认为勤劳可以带来财富,可以过上更好的生活” As for first-level obligor, can this horizontal person basically either be the survivor who the earlier period enters, either has certainly specialized Ability survivor. These person of already had solution debt Ability, even if there is a certain disbursement to spend, can cover it with the income. But I also arrange in order them in the range of obligor, the reason is very simple, according to our present development, these people, so long as does not have the production material, they are unable to satisfy the own desire with the income as before. Perhaps is the security desire, perhaps is the survival desire, so long as they stop, will fall into to the income predicament in as before, reduces second-level, and even third-level.” “至于‘一级负债者’,能到这个水平的人基本上要么是前期进入的幸存者,要么就是具有一定专业能力的幸存者。这些人已经拥有了解决负债的能力,哪怕有一定的支出消费,也能够用收入将其覆盖。而我之所以还将他们列在负债者的范围内,原因很简单,依照我们现在的发展,这些人只要不掌握生产资料,他们依旧无法用收入来满足自己的欲望。或许是安全欲望,或许是生存欲望只要他们停下来,依旧会陷入到收入窘境中,沦落到二级,乃至三级。” Qiao Yuansheng spoke with confidence, in the process linked to stop does not have. 乔院生侃侃而谈,过程中连一下停顿都没有。 Obviously, these system already reorganized in his mind early revises were innumerable. 显然,这些制度早已经在他脑海里整理修改了无数次。 However listens to his these to be seemingly gentle, actually eats the person not to spit the system opinion of bone actually, presents everyone to include Su Mo, somewhat is actually afraid. 然而听着他这些看似平和,实则却吃人不吐骨头的制度言论,在场所有人包括苏摩在内,却都有些不寒而栗。 Brutal. 残酷。 Or 或者说 Plays with the human nature! 玩弄人性! This is one set completely sets up system logically, from the humane most fundamental set off setting. 这是一套完全建立在逻辑上的制度,从人性的最基本面出发设定。 Compares direct plundering, this seemingly gentle debt is more brutal. 相比起直接的掠夺,这种看似平和的欠债更加无情。 It will let one human, can be willing was squeezed, until all values contributes completely. 它会让一个‘人类’,能心甘情愿的被压榨,直至所有价值全部贡献。 Naturally, perhaps should not say that is squeezing. 当然,或许不应该说是压榨。 After all drifts about compared with these in other New Continent places, crosses similar that the similar life is actually in a precarious state as before, can sometimes be squeezed perhaps is a good fortune. 毕竟比起那些飘泊在新大陆其他地方,过着同样的生活却依旧朝不保夕的同类,有些时候能被压榨或许还是一种福气。 At least in level of living, the disparity between both just like the difference of world cloud mud. 至少在生活水平方面,两者之间的差距宛如天地云泥之别。 Debt was again upward, we?” “欠债者再往上呢,难道就是我们这些人了?” Wang Yuanshuai looking pensive pursues asks, what trades is Qiao Yuansheng shaking the head slightly. 王元帅若有所思的追问道,换来的是乔院生的微微摇头。 How possibly “怎么可能” Debt in also has many rank upward.” “欠债者在往上还有很多个级别呢.” „The debt has Lord, the injustice has the head, above of debt naturally is bond, above of bond also has the creditor, above of creditor also has.” Looked at respectful Su Mo, Qiao Yuan lived smiling of embarrasedly. “正所谓债有主,冤有头,欠债者的上面自然是发债者,发债者的上面还有债主,债主的上面还有.”看了一眼正襟危坐的苏摩,乔院生讪讪的笑了笑。 The composed basic system had, the following system can formulate actually again slowly. 组成的基本制度有了,后面的制度倒是可以再慢慢制定。 After all regarding these manufacturer of first batch of rises in the territory, at least now the Su Mo attitude is exceptionally gentle, has not displayed any other ideas. 毕竟对于那些在领地内第一批崛起的工厂主,至少现在苏摩的态度还是异常柔和的,并没有表现出任何其他想法。 But the territory also the fund that needs these people to gather, unceasingly downward development. 而领地也需要这些人带着集合起来的资金,不断往下发展。 While regulation that the present can also do it yourself, so long as ensure the fund of manufacturer used in the rightful position, has not lined one's purse to change secretly the commodity, prepared to travel. 趁现在还能亲力亲为的监管,只要确保工厂主的资金都用在了合适的位置,并没有中饱私囊偷换物资,准备跑路。 In some sense, the manufacturer is actually and manager, is everyone stands in a front. 某种意义上,工厂主其实是和管理者,是和所有人站在一条战线上的。 Eats the advantage class, bears the heaviest class. 既是食利阶层,也是负担最重的阶层。 Because other person are not careful, most went into debt. 因为其他人一个不小心,最多只是欠债更多了一些。 But these people are not careful, must be sent to the hard labor camp, or returns to Earth simply. 但这些人不小心,恐怕就得被送去苦工营,或者干脆送回“地球”喽。 Sounds like very realistic. 听起来是很现实。 However sends off Chen Shen, leaves behind Qiao Yuansheng, for is the test suits the system of Tianyuan territory. 不过送走陈审,留下乔院生,为的就是测试适合天元领地的制度。 Regarding his present decision, in the Su Mo heart naturally is the support. 对于他现在的决定,苏摩心中自然是支持的。 Is certain the limits to be clear except for the range, starts from these rookies slowly, one of the otherwise rubbing made the old people become the obligor, this territory must raise a rumpus. 除了范围一定得界定清楚,从这些新人慢慢开始,否则蹭的一下让老人都成了负债者,这领地恐怕得闹翻天。 Can have the issue of opinion as for the rookie, intertwines this to be true has groundless fears. 至于新人会不会有意见的问题,纠结这个属实是杞人忧天。 Said is not of pleasant to hear, drifted about to roam about such a long time, the survivors looked forward to an aggregate to squeeze itself. 说的不好听点,飘泊流浪了这么长时间,幸存者们巴不得有一个集合体来压榨自己。 So long as can assure the security, so long as can sleep well, day and night work actually does not have the issue. 只要能保证安全,只要能睡个安稳觉,没日没夜的工作其实是没问题的。 This, can from future Ruins that abnormal status system carries out sees. 这点,也能从未来遗迹里那变态的‘身份制度’推行中看出。 Most human regarding status system not too big opinion, even many people think reasonably. 绝大多数人类对于身份制度都没有太大意见,甚至还有不少人认为合理。 They can use several years of work surplus, the receiving in exchange quota of being willing. 他们可以用几年时间的劳动剩余,心甘情愿的换取一个名额。 Even if changes the new place, by similar squeezing, these people did not have the complaint as before. 哪怕换到新的地方,依旧被同样的压榨,这些人也毫无怨言。 After all, this is a ratio rotten Wasteland time. 毕竟,这是一个比烂的废土时代。 Not greatly rotten, rotten, small rotten, is more rotten! 没有大烂,中烂,小烂,只有更烂! Even if the system of Tianyuan territory is brutal, could not compare once Su Mo along roaming dragon Xianjiang downward, in these that saw along the way root hair of big agglomeration. 天元领地的制度哪怕再残酷,也比不上曾经苏摩沿着游龙仙江往下,沿途中看到的那些中大聚集地的一根毛。 As for a smaller middle-and-small agglomeration, that not to mention! 至于更小的中小型聚集地,那更不用说了! Compares that agglomeration that does for day to eat meal exactly continually cannot eat to the full, in the Tianyuan territory, can eat to sate the appetite diligently at least, wears the clothes, has one set of seemingly good real estate, forms the new family. 相比起那种干一天活连吃饭都吃不饱的聚集地,在天元领地,努力起码可以吃饱饭,穿好衣服,拥有一套看似不错的房产,组建新的家庭。 Has the different ideas, was lived the heavy people who this system shocks to leave by Qiao Yuan in abundance. 带着不同的想法,被乔院生这套制度震撼的不轻的众人纷纷离开。 With this system small range test, the effect is first good, said other again.” “先用这个制度小范围测试,效果好,就再说其他的。” Effect is not good, immediately abolishes.” “效果不好,马上废除。” Sits after the desk, Su Mo lifts begins a stroke, added the own name in the authority requisition. 坐在办公桌后,苏摩抬起笔,在权限申请书上添上了自己的名字。 Has this authority book, Qiao Yuan lives to regulate the market price to a certain extent. 拥有这份权限书,乔院生可以在一定程度上调控市场物价。 Naturally, is not definitely good related to the livelihood of the people commodity. 当然,涉及到民生的物资肯定不行。 Probably grain type of hard currency, even if rises an iron coin, will have the influence on the situation in territory. 像是粮食这种硬通货,哪怕上涨一个铁币,都会对领地的局势产生影响。 But other things. For example various commodities that the factory produces, for example the firearms bullet of weapon factory. 但另外一些东西.例如工厂出产的各类商品,例如兵工厂的枪械子弹。 These things can only press the cost price sell in Wasteland, can sell to an exaggerating sky-high price. 这些东西在废土可以只按成本价出售,也可以卖到一个夸张的天价。 They are not the survivor essential items, but is the thing that in the survivor desire the hope obtains. 它们并不是幸存者必需品,但又是幸存者欲望中渴望得到的东西。 Plays the price on these things, affects to have, but still in accepting range. 在这些东西上玩玩价格,影响有,但还在接受范围内。 This I was clear, the feudal lord you could rest assured that I certainly will be careful carefully again careful.” “这我清楚,领主你放心,我一定会小心小心再小心的。” Qiao Yuansheng nods prudently, packages to model to seal the authority book, discrete places in the own handbag. 乔院生慎重点头,将权限书包裹好塑封,谨慎的放在自己的皮包内。 The control reform no doubt is one makes the person beta endorphin explode, crisply to matter of scalp tingles. 操控改革固然是一件让人内啡肽爆炸,爽到头皮发麻的事情。 But the consequence often also is very simple such as one, was mostly crisp is being crisp does not have the person on one's own side crisply. 但后果往往也很简单如一,大多爽着爽着就把自己人给爽没了。 Historically obtained the great success on for example the Shang Yang political reform, making Qin become at that time the most powerful country, but after the fate was actually the corpse was imposed to split by cart, shows in numerous. 就比如商鞅变法在历史上取得了巨大成功,使秦国一跃成为当时最强盛的国家,但下场却是尸身被处以车裂后示于众。 Got down Zhang Juzheng of single whip system, the benefit that harmed the feudal aristocracy, was hated by the aristocrats finally. 下了一条鞭法的张居正,伤害了封建贵族的利益,最终被贵族们怨恨。 Died confiscated family's property shortly after miserably, cancels the title not saying that his son committed suicide, another did not have the good end. 才死了没多久就惨被抄家,取消封号不说,其中他一个儿子自杀,另一个也没有好下场。 Qiao Yuansheng does not want to obtain such fate, although has not thought can return to the matter of Earth, but can alive see that human settles down on Wasteland, truly is he now one of the biggest desires. 乔院生并不想得到这样的下场,虽然没想过能回地球的事情,但能活着看到人类在废土上重新安家,确实是他现在最大的愿望之一。 Then, first even/including three days. 接下来,一连三日。 Left unused for a long time rookie welcome place to start the operation of night and day, about 1800 people were searched and rescued from various territory places, becomes one of the rookies. 闲置了许久的新人迎接处开始了连轴转的运作,约有一千八百人从领地各处被搜救了回来,成为了新人之一。 And, the survivor who the expedition searches and rescues are most, has 1100 people fully. 其中,远征队搜救到的幸存者最多,足有一千一百人。 Even if removes 300 Blue Star indigenous people, about 800 Earth players joined the territory. 哪怕刨除三百名蓝星原住民,也有近八百名地球玩家加入了领地。 Without the exception, the flash that everyone just entered, was forbidden the World Chat speech. 没有例外,所有人刚刚进入的一瞬间,便被禁用掉了世界聊天发言。 The person who therefore is packed with although somewhat overshoots the reception upper limit slightly, has not caused any confusion. 所以尽管涌入的人稍微有些超出接待上限,也没有引起任何混乱。 Wasteland underwent two years of March 9, in the morning. 废土历二年三月 9 日,清晨。 The day since the dawn shortly, in the open area of isolation lodging area front then already is an extremely busy scene, the survivors of many being able to fall asleep caught up with a morning, surrounds to discuss the issue that in the answer collection these are difficult to understand in abundance one after another. 天才蒙蒙亮起没多久,隔离住宿区前方的空地上便已经是一片热闹非凡的景象,不少睡不着的幸存者赶了个早,纷纷围拢成一团又一团讨论答题集上那些难懂的问题。 Although staff already explained more than once, answers the final result not to affect their treatments. 尽管工作人员已经不止一次说明,答题最终的结果并不会影响他们的待遇。 But the plain pure survivors retained the consistent cognition. 但质朴单纯的幸存者们还是保留了一贯认知。 Without limiting everyone discussed that also has not forced everyone unable to encircle discussed in the same place. 既然没有限制大家讨论,也没有强制所有人不能围在一起讨论。 The score is higher, the question that answers are more, naturally is better. 分数越高,解答出来的问题越多,自然是越好的。 Scores the high score, is always no harm. 得高分嘛,总没有什么坏处。 Assigns the right work as for anything, assigns the appropriate route instruction wait/etc, the survivors from the start not toward the heart. 至于什么分配合适的工作,分配合适的路线指导等等,幸存者们压根就没往心底里去。 In their opinion, why regardless of this territory assigns them to go to work, that should be. 在他们看来,无论这处领地分配他们去干什么工作,那都是应该的。 So long as can live safely, even if laborious, this migration is laborious? 只要能安全的活下来,哪怕再辛苦,难道还有这一路迁徙辛苦? Understands the brothers of machinery to have, making me have a look at your machine part answer, here has the answer in chemistry to make you look, relax, I am the chemistry teacher, the answer fidelity!” “懂机械的兄弟有没有,让我看看你的机械部分答案,我这里有化学方面的答案可以让你看,放心,我是个化学老师,答案保真!” Has the mathematical big shot, discussed, this above topic is really interesting.” “有没有数学大佬,讨论讨论,这上面的题目真有意思。” „, You are virulent, but also in research.” “靠,你有毒吧,还研究上了。” „The brothers who first day come together, look here, does everyone inspect again mutually?” “第一天一起来的兄弟们,看这里,大家再互相检查检查?” „.” “.” Is the forest becomes these first batch of arriving person to discuss incessantly, behind next day third day also has plenty of such people. 不止是林成那些第一批到的人在讨论,后面第二天第三天来的也大有人在。 Because three days of time 8000 problems were really terrifying. 由于三天时间八千道题实在是太恐怖了些。 Most people can seriously ponder over a thousand, is the willpower is extraordinary on already. 大多数人能认真思考上千道,就已经是意志力非凡。 Even if copies the answer mutually, in the topic collection still had 1/3 topics to empty. 哪怕是互相抄一抄答案,题集上仍然有三分之一的题目空着。 Without the means. 没办法。 8 : 00 am turned in the answer collection, over and over guaranteed after will not be expelled the territory, journey flying then felt relieved. 早晨 8 点上缴了答题集,再三确保并不会被赶出领地后,程飞这才放下心来。 For three days, news already that can excavate was similar, basically cleared off the custom of this territory. 一连三天,能发掘出来的消息已经差不多了,基本上理清了这处领地的规矩。 Besides must comply with a public security severer stipulation, other aspect and Earth basically almost. 除了要遵守治安方面更加严苛的规定之外,其他方面和地球基本差不多。 Has the similar business environment, has degree of freedom in the certain significance. 拥有同样的营商环境,也拥有一定意义上的自由度。 Taking, this is your initial subsistence funds, a person of two copper coin.” “拿着吧,这是你们的初始生存资金,一人两个铜币。” Does not need to suspect, this will also borrow from your future wages, is to.” “不用怀疑,这也是从你们未来的工资里借出来的,是要还的。” An answer collection, happen to trades two copper coin. 一本答题集,正好换两个铜币。 Corresponds the living materials, probably is one week of meals money. 对应成生活物资,大概是一周的伙食钱。 Was familiar with the revolution pattern of this territory, survivors this time does not have making much ado about nothing that just started. 熟悉了这处领地的运转模式,幸存者们此时也没了刚开始的大惊小怪。 After money, stands around the staff, calmly waits for the following flow arrangement. 拿完钱后,纷纷站在工作人员周围,静静地等待接下来的流程安排。 Today is the third day that you isolate, is last day.” “今天是你们隔离的第三天,也是最后一天。” Critically ill patient is an exception, or has the serious infectious disease must treat some time again.” “重症病人除外啊,或者是有严重感染病的还要再待一段时间。” „After average person today finish breakfast, can go back to pack the baggage. Including your bedding, including your clothing, must pack, when the time comes will send a simple suitcase to have the thing to you.” “普通人今天吃完早饭后,就可以回去收拾行李了。包括你们的被褥,包括你们的衣物,全都要打包起来,到时候会给你发一个简易的行李箱来装东西。” 2 : 00 pm, is this place set, when the time comes will have the staff to lead you to go to the talent market.” “下午 2 点,还是这个地方集合,到时候会有工作人员带你们去人才市场。” Talent market?” “人才市场?” Also the peaceful crowd blasted out the pot immediately. 还安静的人群顿时炸开了锅。 For three days, where most questions that they asked is to make money, how can make money fast. 一连三天,他们问的最多的问题就是去哪里赚钱,怎么能快速赚钱。 These shop owners and staff, talked about this issue each time, the reply work that can unify can make money. 只是那些店主和工作人员,每次谈到这个问题,都会统一的回答工作就能赚钱。 How however to look for the work, these people actually have wide divided opinions. 然而怎么找工作,这些人却众说纷纭。 Some people said that wants the work agency, some people said that the waiting territory arranges, but also some people said oneself start an undertaking well. 有人说要去工作总署,有人说等待领地安排,还有人说自己创业多好。 The different answers, were flustered to the survivor quickly. 不同的答案,都快给幸存者急坏了。 Yes, in the talent market will have the boss to recruit the staff, when the time comes you can speak face-to-face with the boss, two sides agreed, the contract of signing territory approval, will form to have the labor contract of bilateral binding force.” “是的,人才市场上会有老板来招收员工,到时候你们可以和老板进行面谈,两方同意,签订领地认可的合约,就会形成具有双边约束力的劳动合同。” If doesn't have the boss to want?” An old point middle-aged person worries to say. “那如果没有老板要呢?”一个年龄稍大点的中年人担忧道。 Relax, the talent market is only you looks for the work the first place, behind also has many opportunity of looking for the work, even really could not find, but can also assign to work to the territory application, although the pay lowered some and that's the end.” “放心,人才市场只是你们找工作的第一个地方,后面还有很多找工作的机会,甚至实在找不到,还可以向领地申请分配工作,虽然薪酬低了些就是了。”
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