MPASLUI :: Volume #12

#1156: The condition collects, on the eve of civilized promotion!

Has some sad expressions, Wu You returned the auditorium to sit down. 带着些许忧伤的表情,吴悠又重新回到了观众席坐下。 Nearby person just started somewhat to be strange, but saw after that bald brothers move toward outside unexpectedly directly, immediately shows look suddenly. 旁边的人刚开始还有些奇怪,但看到那光头兄弟竟然径直走向外面后,顿时露出恍然的神色。 Brother, this is you have not had a liking. Did they reject you?” “老哥,这是你没看上.还是他们拒绝你了啊?” „, Naturally is I. Ok, is two years of deadline that I open they did not agree.” “呵,当然是我.算了,是我开出来的两年期限他们不同意。” Wu You also thinks obstinate argumentative two, but thinks immediately oneself may go to second round to compete with these people, the tone was soft immediately. 吴悠还想嘴硬两句,但随即想到自己可能还要去第二轮和这些人竞争,口气顿时软了下来。 Difficult office. 难办了。 Before obtained the quota time, can't he promise this matter to care the rookie from the start. 之前获得名额的时候,他压根就没有把新人会不会答应这件事放在心上。 In his opinion, so long as can start out withstand/top the firewood treatment, these rookie where can not agree? 在他看来,只要能开出顶薪待遇,这些新人哪里会不同意? Moreover the own weapon shop must transform, now joins quite therefore the senior statesman status. 而且自己的武器店可是要转型的,现在加入就相当于是元老身份。 In the future wants the happiness of two side cooperation, Wu You to be even willing to transfer part of stockholder's rights to give the opposite party. 未来只要两方合作的愉快,吴悠甚至愿意转让一部分股权给对方。 Two years truly were too possibly long, the contract that I prepare also only has one year.” “两年可能确实太长了,我准备的合约也只有一年时间。” These rookie possible talents to be not much, but absolutely is the worldly person.” “这些新人可能天赋不咋样,但绝对是人精.” Also right, they can on foot about ten thousand kilometers arrive at our, how possibly is the true average person.” “也对,他们能徒步近万公里来到咱们这,怎么可能是真正的普通人。” I look at us to jointly, such mutual competition, is not quite perhaps wonderful.” “我看咱们还是得联合联合,这么互相竞争下去,恐怕不太妙啊。” How to unite, the village head refuses us jointly to offer a very low price, you lose heart.” “怎么联合,村长可是严禁我们联合杀价的,你还是死了这条心吧。” „.” “.” The interview room stream of people passes in and out, signs the successful proportion to only have about 70%. 面试房人流进进出出,签约成功的比例却只有70%左右。 In this period, that two female chef also settled on by some boss, wants to choose. 期间,那两个女厨师也被某位老板看中,想要选择。 But is like the bald brothers, finally also fails to be elected for some reasons. 但就和光头兄弟一样,最后也因为某些原因堪堪落选。 Too the rare and beautiful flowers, she want to open a bakery in the village unexpectedly, is this matter that now this stage should do?” “太奇葩了,她竟然想在村子里开个面包房,这是现在这个阶段应该干的事情吗?” Perhaps, I thought that this bakery should be competent, happen to also no one competes.” “没准呢,我觉得这面包房应该能干啊,正好也没人竞争。” But she has not contacted the bread, even she thinks that can make the bread with the rice.” “可是她又没接触过面包,甚至她以为用大米就能做面包.” „, This somewhat was odd “靠,这就有些离谱了” Wu You also wants these two female chefs as alternative, but such a hear also loses heart completely. 吴悠本来还想将这两名女厨师作为备选,但这么一听也就完全死了心。 Without means that no matter the second round of competition is then fierce, always suspends on the waste quota the present rottenly is much better. 没办法,甭管接下来第二轮的竞争有多么激烈,总比现在就浪费名额摆烂好得多。 Chooses that bald brothers, is choice these two females, in some sense gambles. 无论是选择那光头兄弟,还是选择这两个女的,某种意义上都是赌博。 He is not a person who likes betting. 恰好,他不是一个喜欢赌的人。 Or at least needs to accept he two years of contract conditions, Wu Youcai is willing to bet to succeed. 或者说,至少要答应他两年的合约条件,吴悠才愿意去赌一下能不能成功。 There did not have lamely the arm, does no one want to try?” “那里不是还有个瘸了胳膊的吗,没人想去试试?” Ok, our face-to-face talk opportunities are not infinite, I want to remain second round to say again.” “算了吧,我们的面谈机会也不是无限的,我想留到第二轮再说。” Also right, a ticket only then three face-to-face talk opportunities, surpass become invalid, the waste is not quite truly good.” “也对,一张票只有三次面谈机会,超过就作废,浪费确实不太好。” In the field is only left over forest to become a person also to stand in the circle of chef apprentice solitarily. 场中只剩下林成一个人还孤伶伶的站在厨师学徒的圈子里。 Properly speaking he should very be anxious. 按理说他应该会很焦急。 However with is different actually, forest to become this time performance that the people imagine can also be counted but actually calmly. 不过和众人想象的倒是有所不同,林成此时的表现倒还能算作镇定。 Although often turns head to look at to passing in and out stream of people, but compared with some peripheral people, the disparity is very obvious. 尽管不时扭头看向进进出出的人流,但和周边一些人相比,差距还是非常明显的。 Can elect him to try?” “要不要选他试试呢?” Sits on the seat, after intertwining for 45 seconds, Wu You resolutely decides to try. 坐在座位上,纠结了四五秒后,吴悠果断决定试一试。 Six tickets, altogether nine opportunities. 六张票,一共九次机会。 Bald brothers here wasted twice, seven times. 光头兄弟这里浪费了两次,还有七次。 If made that two female chef is also failed, perhaps Wu You will also leave the second round the opportunity hesitant. 如果约了那两名女厨师也失败,吴悠或许还会犹豫把机会留到第二轮。 But currently has others to try to save wrong twice, even if wastes not to relate one time. 但现在有其他人试错节省了两次,哪怕浪费一次也没关系。 And what is main is. 并且最主要的是。 Does not sign two years of contract, he is not really able to feel relieved gives the rookie to come the resolute transformation the shop. 不签署两年合约,他实在无法放心的将店铺交给新人来大刀阔斧的转变。 Moreover experienced the failure of bald brothers, regarding the following second round, Wu You not many confidence. 而且经历了光头兄弟的失败,对于接下来的第二轮,吴悠并没有多少信心。 Forest becomes, I want to make him to speak face-to-face.” “林成是吧,我想约他面谈。” The material of chef apprentice only has last, after taking up, Wu Yousao said gently. 厨师学徒的资料只剩下最后一份,拿起后吴悠扫了一眼轻轻道。 The staff nod, go to inform likely the forest of wooden stake to become. 工作人员点头,前往通知像个木桩的林成。 Before long, before two people arrived, in that small room. 不一会,两人又来到了之前那个小房间内。 Sits well mutually, the staff stand in the side. 互相坐定,工作人员站在侧边。 Basically did not have the introduction of change the own status and goal, Wu You look is always taking a look at forest to become. 基本没有变化的介绍了自己的身份和目的,吴悠的眼神始终打量着林成。 The one who makes him somewhat strange is, hearing oneself said that after is the weapon shop recruits the chef . 让他有些奇怪的是,听到自己说是武器店招收厨师后。 This forest to become with the accident/surprise of bald brothers same performance, has not instead revealed the look that wipes to be interested. 这林成并没有和光头兄弟一样表现的意外,反而露出来一抹感兴趣的神色。 Ok, said you.” “好了,说说你吧。” The right to speak transforms, forest Chengxian is sets out to bow slightly, immediately very polite sitting down tells. 话语权转换,林成先是起身微微鞠躬,随即才很有礼貌的坐下娓娓道来。 Compared with bald brothers who the hooligan was born, the forest becomes can calculate that for the time being makes half regular professional training. 比起野路子出生的光头兄弟,林成姑且能算做半个科班。 But said is half. 而之所以说是半个。 Because he is actually a material is the university student of graduation, but after detecting could not find the right work, invested some Eastern School to study decisively. 还是因为他其实是个材料系毕业的大学生,只是在发觉根本找不到合适的工作后,才果断投入了某东方学校学习。 You can cook, but also understands the fast-food?” “你会炒菜,还懂快餐?” Perhaps had the beforehand several people of contrasts, Wu You appears the somewhat obvious accident/surprise. 或许是有了之前几人的对比,吴悠显得有些明显的意外。 „Does here have the pot?” “这里有锅吗?” Pot?” “锅?” „The chef interviews does not need to cook at the scene?” “难道厨师面试不需要当场炒菜的吗?” Some wondering looked at an indoor facility, the forest becomes lifts the right arm to trace the back of the head. 有些纳闷的看了一眼室内的设施,林成抬起右胳膊摸了摸后脑勺。 Eh “额这个” Wu You is somewhat ignorant, nearby staff somewhat are also scared at this time. 吴悠有些懵,旁边的工作人员此时也有些傻眼。 Perhaps the first time is conducted so official talent market double to choose the meeting, they forgot actually chef apprentice route and other are truly different. 或许是第一次举办如此正式的人才市场双选会,他们倒是忘记了厨师学徒这个路线和其他确实有所不同。 This. I make one look to look, under you first wait.” “这样.我去让人找找看,你们先等下。” Considering that the following interview probably needs to prepare food at the scene, staff hurriedly and outside person said several. 考虑到接下来的面试可能都需要当场做菜,工作人员急匆匆的和外面的人说了几句。 The latter leaves, approximately crossed for about 15 minutes. 后者离开,大约过了十五分钟左右。 The dexterous energy stone stove lifted from outside, with has two pots that it comes, a kitchen knife, some common food. 轻巧的能石灶从外面抬了进来,与之而来的还有两口锅,一把菜刀,些许常见的食材。 This is our territory unique top, the operation and electromagnetic oven is similar, you first try.” “这是我们领地特有的灶台,操作和电磁炉差不多,你先试试。” Good.” “好的。” The energy stone stove is researches and develops the high transformation to be able machine the attached product, the interior is actually simpler than the electromagnetic oven, is one gathers the hot installment band to live in energy stone directly, conducts the panel energy stone inside heat again. 能石灶是研发高转换能机的附属产物,内部其实比电磁炉还要简单,直接就是一个聚热装置箍住能石,再将能石里面的热量传导出来到面板。 This time expeditionary force provided the energy stone stove massively, can do the hot soup hot food in the wilderness fast. 这次的远征军就大量配备了能石灶,能在荒郊野外快速搞出来热汤热饭。 Attempted several, after familiar principle of work . 尝试了几下,熟悉工作原理后。 forest to become loosens to hang the bandage on neck slowly, liberated the left hand. 林成缓缓解下挂在脖子上的绷带,将左手解放了出来。 Wait, doesn't your hand have the bone fracture?” Wu You stared in a big way the eye. “等等,你的手没有骨折?”吴悠瞪大了眼睛。 No, but the broken skin moved under the left hand, forest to become is suddenly enlighted: You said that this, this is the doctor makes me tie up, said that is these flesh wounds do not move to be much better.” “没有啊,只是破皮了而已”活动了下左手,林成恍然大悟:“你说这个啊,这是医生让我绑着的,说是那些外伤不要活动好得快。” By “靠” The broken skin tied up a bandage to hang on the neck to be good. 破皮了绑个绷带挂脖子上可还行。 Without realizing in survivor mouth what injury broken skin is, the joy that Wu You the brain cannot constrain at this time. 没意识到幸存者口中的‘破皮’到底是什么样的伤势,吴悠此时满脑子都是压抑不住的喜悦。 Took advantage of a mistake? 难道捡漏了? Compared with the bald brothers and that two females, the forest becomes must be more specialized at present. 比起光头兄弟和那两个女的,眼前林成明显要更加专业。 Moreover his left hand does not have the words of issue, in that these five people optimal choice? 而且他左手也没问题的话,那岂不是这五人中最优的选择? I started.” “我开始了。” The forest becomes from the food pile selects two potato, a azure hot pepper. 林成从食材堆里挑出来两个土豆,一个青辣椒。 As the kitchen knife dances in the air, the thin entire filament starts the rapid prototyping on the cutting board. 随着菜刀飞舞,细整的长丝开始在案板上快速成形。 Gets up to saute the oil, stir-frying of potato thread does not need too long-term stir-frying. 起锅烧油,土豆丝的爆炒并不需要太长时间的煸炒。 After firepower, about ten seconds can have the pot. 火力上来后,大约十秒钟就能出锅。 Aiyu, this quite good.” “哎呦,这一手好不错啊。” Not only Wu You satisfies, nearby staff also frequently nodded, sent out affirmative acclaiming. 不仅仅吴悠满意,旁边的工作人员也频频点头,发出了肯定的赞叹。 Meal that although makes compared with the chef apprentice, now the flavor of this potato thread has not seduced. 尽管比起厨师学徒做出来的菜,现在这盘土豆丝的味道并没有那么诱惑。 But compared the cook of average person well, already incessantly a scale. 但相比起普通人的厨艺,已经好了不止一个档次。 Adept vegetable/dish abundant in tray, forest to become handed over and did bowl of cold food in sauce well, the flavor similarly. 娴熟的将菜盛在盘子内,林成转手又搞了碗凉拌菜,味道同样也不错。 Very good, your cook I affirmed.” “很好,你的厨艺我肯定了。” I give you highest pay 22 iron coins, gives back to you every week a day of vacation, how provides food to wrap up!” “我给你最高的薪酬22铁币,还给你每周一天的假期,包吃包住怎么样!” Only needs you to sign two years of contract, good of cooperation, later I will also give you stock!” “只需要你签署两年的合约,合作的好,后期我还会给你股份!” In the beforehand treatment, Wu You increased a day of paid false naturally. 在之前的待遇上,吴悠又大方的增加了一天带薪假。 Like this is counted the official holiday time of territory, every month the forest achievement only needs 22 days of classes. 这样算上领地的公休时间,每个月林成就只需要上22天的班。 Soon was simply similar to Earth on! 简直和地球上都快要差不多了! . 只是。 Treatment I am very satisfied, but “待遇我很满意,不过” Hears forest to become former half a word, Wu You also somewhat chuckled, but after this comes out . 听到林成的前半句,吴悠还有些窃喜,但这个不过出来之后。 His complexion changes slightly. 他的脸色微微变化。 „Don't you only want to sign for a half year?” “你不会也只想签半年吧?” No, I can definitely accept for two years, even longer is also all right.” Forest to become Mianse anxious, some disturbed say/way. “不,我完全可以接受两年的时间,甚至更长也没事。”林成面色紧张了起来,有些忐忑道。 I have a younger sister, my mother result in the hell flower virus now also in being hospitalized “我还有个妹妹,我母亲得了地狱花病毒现在还在住院” Wu You somewhat understood: „Do you want me to sign together your three?” 吴悠有些懂了:“你是想让我把你们三人都一起签下来?” Yes, even if only gives us the minimum pay to be good.” “是的,哪怕只给我们最低的薪酬都行。” Compared with a person with the high salary, clearly the whole family in appears has to seduce some together. 比起一个人拿高薪,显然一家人在一起更显得有诱惑一些。 Moreover in the first round of interview forest Yin was eliminated a moment ago, made the forest become strengthened again the own choice. 而且刚才第一轮面试中林茵被淘汰,也再度让林成坚定了自己的选择。 Receives in exchange for a chef with three people of opportunities? 用三人的机会换取一名厨师? Wu You frowned to ponder over, in the heart does accounts secretly. 吴悠蹙眉思忖了一阵,心底里暗暗算了笔账。 Actually does not owe. 其实是不亏的。 Before he has not been thinking three quotas can sign the chef smoothly, can succeed is hits on already transports/fortunes greatly. 之前他也没想着三个名额都能顺利签署厨师,能成功一个就已经算是撞大运。 Now confirmed forest to become the arm is all right, the main purpose of trip recruitment is achieved. 现在确认了林成胳膊没事,此行招聘的主要目的达到。 Allow their family to enter the shop is also good, this picks the vegetable/dish, tidying up the health cannot also invite the person? 让他们一家人进入店铺也好,这摘菜,收拾卫生不得还请人吗? Good, your request I complied.” “好,你的要求我答应了。” But like this your pay is the highest 22 iron coins is invariable, what route is your younger sister?” “但这样你的薪酬还是最高的22铁币不变,你妹妹是什么路线?” Manual amateur.” “手工爱好者。” Good, I can open 15 iron coins to her, gives your mother also to open 15 iron coins, without issue?” “好,我可以给她开15铁币,给你母亲也开15铁币,没问题吧?” Does not have the issue, naturally does not have the issue!” “没问题,当然没问题!” forest to become exciting nod. 林成兴奋的点了点头。 Becoming in the Tianyuan territory rookie honorably, the first being employed chef apprentice of birth. 光荣成为了天元领地新人中,诞生的第一名受雇厨师学徒。 In two given name neat signature of contract, Wu Youbeng the complexion completely released finally. 随着合约上的两人的大名工整签署,吴悠绷着的面色终于全然释放了出来。 Ha, Brother forest.” “哈哈哈,林小弟是吧。” Walks, we first go to the second round of signing your younger sister, when brother I gives you reception to give a welcoming dinner in the evening, introduced our territory well.” “走,咱们先去第二轮签约你妹妹,等到晚上老哥我给你接风洗尘,好好介绍介绍咱们领地。” Patted forest to become the shoulder, Wu You stood up the contract admits in the backpack. 拍了拍林成的肩膀,吴悠站起身将合约放进背包内。 The forest becomes somewhat delighted beyond measure similarly: Troubled Angkor, right.” 林成同样有些喜不自胜:“麻烦吴哥了,对了.” You said a moment ago our shop is the cold weapons shop, that. Are inside tool certainly many?” “你刚才说咱们店铺是个冷兵器店,那.里面的工具一定不少吧?” Naturally many.” “当然不少。” Wu You said carelessly: Before for the expansion, I spent the large sum of money to go to the machine shop to subscribe two lathes, high-speed power hammer, Furnace. If this puts the cold war era, kills absolutely greatly.” 吴悠毫不在乎道:“之前为了扩大规模啊,我可是花费重金去机械厂订了两台车床呢,还有高速动力锤,熔炉.这要是放冷兵器时代,绝对是大杀器。” Ok, said these to do, wait/etc I went back to sell to them!” “算了,说这些干啥,等等我回去就给他们全都卖了!” Compared with the following development, some losses that sells off the family belongings are anything. 比起接下来的发展,些许变卖家当的亏损算什么。 Two people go out of the interview room, looks outside is burning the ray of eye, Wu You seemed like already to fantasize the shop successful transition. 两人走出面试房,望着外面灼眼的光芒,吴悠似乎已经幻想到了店铺成功转型。 Weapon shop that soon goes out of business from one, successfully turned into one of the territory most popular restaurants. 从一家快要倒闭的武器店,成功变成了领地最受欢迎的餐馆之一。 In the future with the territory will develop unceasingly, restaurant also in fast expansion. 未来随着领地不断发展,餐馆也在快速的扩张。 That continuous income, as well as enjoys a good reputation in the entire New Continent reputation. 那源源不断的收入,以及享誉整个新大陆的名声。 In the fantasy, the shop gloomy future as if ignited the new ray, dazzling letting person some do not dare to look straight ahead. 在幻想中,店铺黯淡的未来仿佛又燃起了新的光芒,耀眼的让人有些不敢直视。 However. All really so logical development? 然而.一切真会如此顺理成章的发展吗? Tianyuan underground city. 天元地下城。 Sat is monitoring indoor examined job fair, confirmed all after logical conducted. 坐在监控室内查看了招聘会的现场,确认一切都在顺理成章的进行后。 Su Mo relaxes slightly, feels Qiao Yuansheng mentioned that the village head position decision is very correct. 苏摩微微松了口气,顿感将乔院生提到村长位置决定无比正确。 In the future in Ruins already proved this fellow influence is huge. 未来遗迹已经证明了这家伙的‘影响力’到底有多么巨大。 These wonderful ideas, these pierce the humane system. 那些奇思妙想,那些洞穿人性的制度。 Carelessly, then has the possibility, because the show operates causes the excellent aspect to go to the extreme. 一个不慎,便有可能因为骚操作导致大好的局面走向极端。 Naturally, regarding his present's each decision, Su Mo extremely prudent use small range test pattern. 自然,对于他现在的每项决定,苏摩都极为慎重的采用小范围测试模式。 by good fortune, now all these in the control, the effect are good. 幸好,现在这一切还在控制当中,效果还不错。 “唔” Security wall present scale basically already reached the limit, it seems like was also the time completes the promotion condition of Bronze Age.” “警戒墙现在的规模基本上已经达到了极限,看来也是时候完成青铜时代的升级条件了。” Sweeps in the ground to wind such as the security wall of dragon from the monitoring. 从监控中扫过地面上蜿蜒如龙的警戒墙。 Is eight kilometers regarding this length already, achieves three meters five great wall highly. 对于这堵长度已经达到八公里,高度达到三米五的巨壁。 Su Mo satisfied. 苏摩满意极了。 Actually one month ago, other promotion conditions of Bronze Age fully completed on already. 其实早在一个多月之前,青铜时代的其他升级条件就已经全部完成。 Only is left over marvelous sight, because the security wall has not sealed the reason of tail, showed that slowly has not completed. 只剩下奇观这一项因为警戒墙还没有封尾的缘故,才迟迟显示未完成。 But in promotes and waits for directly for a month, causes the great wall in the System in addition holds to have Ability. 而在直接升级和等待一个月,使得巨壁在系统的加持下拥有更多能力之间。 Su Mo chose the latter decisively. 苏摩果断选择了后者。 Now finally quickly to examination achievement time, decides this month of waiting effect how. 现在终于快到检验成果的时候,来决定这一个月的等待到底效果如何。 After Bronze Age, the speed of development should be faster.” “青铜时代过后,发展的速度应该会更快.” „The time does not only wait for the person pitifully, this must arrive at disaster will arrive at next time the time in an instant.” “只可惜时间不等人啊,这转眼间又要到下次灾难到来的时候了。” As the influence is bigger, citizen in territory are more. 随着势力越大,领地内的领民越多。 Develops this thing also even more Su Mo person to decide the speed. 发展这东西也就愈发不由苏摩一个人来决定快慢。 He can do, only then in the right opportunity invests Survival Points into the research and development, promoting the achievement to fall to the ground quickly. 他能做的,只有在合适的机会将生存点投入到研发中,促进成果更快落地。 Most time, can only wait to pass by dry/does day-by-day. 其他大多数时间,都只能干等着一天天过去。 But before this also perhaps is these, civilization that the generation participates in Game, final reason that helpless finally being defeated group extinguishes. 而这也恐怕是那些前代参与游戏的文明,最后无奈落败团灭的最终原因。 The technology development of human, is not one maintains unceasingly the linear process. 人类的技术发展,并不是一个维持不断地线性过程。 Possibly because of some time peace and competition, had massive technical explosions in a short time. 可能会因为某段时间的和平与竞争,短时间内产生大量的技术爆炸。 Also because possibly similar metal sigh disaster, causing the technology to mark even regresses. 也可能因为一场类似‘金属叹息’的灾难,导致技术原地踏步甚至退步。 Even jumps over in the future, when the technology thoroughly restores to the civilized peak. 甚至越往后,当技术彻底恢复到文明巅峰时。 That time innovation could not keep up with the disaster speed, the result of waiting for also only had the group to extinguish one! 那时候的创新跟不上灾难速度,等来的结果也就只剩下团灭一项!
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