, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!JiangCaiyanalmostscared, nervousdoes not selectchaoticsaying, had not realizedslightlysaidthese wordsto haveshocking everybodyhow.
姜彩妍几乎是吓坏了,慌不择乱的说道,丝毫没意识到说出来这番话有多么的惊世骇俗。As iflikes a sudden thunderclap, Lu Chenbycrispy outside and tender inside of thunder.
仿佛是五雷轰顶,陆尘被雷的外焦里嫩。„You, you, ifacts unreasonably, Iwas pregnant, 18yearslater, Ilead the sonto look foryou, makingyourfather and sonkill one another”JiangCaiyanto lose color, weak‚threat’said.
“你,你要是乱来,我怀孕了,十八年后,我就带着儿子来找你,让你们父子自相残杀”姜彩妍面无血色,软弱的‘威胁’道。Shewas ledbyLu Chento the secret roominalone, the this solitary onemalewidow, thinkswill facesomedespair, thereforelikesothreatensto say.
她被陆尘单独带到密室里,孤男寡女,自以为会面临某种绝望,于是像这般威胁道。Listened toJiangCaiyan the explanation, Lu Chento understand the child in opposite partymouthto comefinallyfrom where, cannot help butflips the supercilious look, thisfemalehuman brainmade uptowasverymany, even the childbrainmade up.
听了姜彩妍的解释,陆尘总算明白对方口中的孩子从何而来,不由得翻了翻白眼,这女人脑补的到是挺多,连孩子都脑补出来了。Howevercanthisunruly, succuba who the wild natureis difficultto be docilefrighteningthis, in the Lu Chenheartissomewhatis slightly self-satisfied.
不过能把这桀骜不驯,野性难驯的魔女给吓成这样,陆尘心中还是微微有些得意的。Lu Chencoughs, said: „Youmisunderstood, actuallyIleadyouto come, wantsto ask about your matter.”陆尘干咳一声,道:“你误会了,其实我带你过来,想询问你一件事情。”Therefore, Lu Chentakes the nicknametohimothers, it is saidwas a female the matter that gathered in great numbersto create a disturbancesaid.
于是,陆尘把别人给他取外号,据说是一名女子聚众起哄的事情说了出来。JiangCaiyanhears the explanation of Lu Chen, whole persondumbstrucklittle, originallyLu Chenbrings the secret roomoneself, asks aboutthismatter.
姜彩妍听到陆尘的解释,整个人发懵少许,原来陆尘把自己带来密室,是询问这件事情。These days, Lu Chenhad/left‚defecationelder brother’thisnickname, shealsosecretlytitter a long time, butthismatter, is notshedoes, she is not so bored.
这一段时间,陆尘多出了‘拉屎哥’这个外号,她也暗自偷笑了一久,不过这件事情,并不是她干的,她也没有这么无聊。„Reallyis notyou”Lu Chenknits the brows.
“真不是你”陆尘皱了皱眉。JiangCaiyanpupilunafraidwithLu Chenlooking at each other, saidcategorically: „Ipledged, if Igivesyouto go to the nickname, Idie like a dog.”
姜彩妍眸子毫不心虚的与陆尘对视,斩钉截铁道:“我发誓,如果是我给你去外号,我不得好死。”Lu Chenis staring atJiangCaiyan, the opposite partyis unafraid, is high soaring the neck, withoneselflooking at each other.陆尘凝视着姜彩妍,对方一点也不心虚,高高昂着脖子,与自己对视。At this moment, someLu Chendoubts.
It is not thiswoman, is difficultto be inadequateisTangQianrainthatlittle girl.
The outside world, onegroup of peoplehave doubts, does not know that Lu Chentakes awayJiangCaiyanto makeanything, intheyhave doubts, two peopleappearintheirlines of sight.
外界,一群人疑惑,不知道陆尘带走姜彩妍做什么,正在他们疑惑的时候,两人出现在他们的视线中。Lu ChenandJiangCaiyan.
正是陆尘和姜彩妍。Theirlines of sightfallonJiangCaiyan the body, un, the clothesare neat, somewhatblushesbesides the cheekon, cannot seeanything.
他们的视线落在姜彩妍的身上,嗯,衣裳整洁,除了脸蛋上有些红晕之外,看不出什么。„18yearslater, welcomeleads the sonto take revenge”Lu Chento arrive in front of the people, the unexpected happeningsaid such a.
儿子!At this moment, the surroundingspersonis not calm, the complexionbecomesextremelysplendid, is taking a fast look aroundontwo peoplebodiesback and forth.
The innumerablepersonlooksare strange.
The seasonhoweverandpurpleis permanenttwo peopleto look at each otherone, Lu ChenthisfellowgivesothersHoly Daughter.....
季然和紫恒两人对视一眼,陆尘这家伙把人家圣女给....。TangQianraineyepupilis staring atJiangCaiyanstubbornly, wantsto look for the evidencefrom the complexion.
唐芊雨眼眸死死地盯着姜彩妍,想要从脸色寻找证据。OuyangYuchangheartraised, thispersonworksdoes not consider the consequencecompletely, it seems like, latermustleavehisdistant point.
欧阳玉嫦心都提了起来,此人做事完全不考虑后果,看来,以后得离他远点。„Lu Chen, yourbastardspoke irresponsiblyanything”JiangCaiyanto roar, in the heartshamed and air/Qi, thisshameless onetarnishedherreputationbefore the peopleintentionally.
“陆尘,你个王八蛋乱说什么”姜彩妍咆哮道,心中又羞又气,这无耻之徒存心在众人面前败坏她的名声。Saying that Lu Chensmiles: „Thiswas notyouteachesmeto say.”陆尘笑眯眯的说道:“这不是你教我说的吗。”„Holy Daughter, youhad the child” a Sage Boundaryold manto jump, surprisedlooks that JiangCaiyansaid.
“圣女,你有孩子了”一名圣境老头子跳出来,一脸吃惊的看着姜彩妍说道。Thisis the powerhouse who the Saintdemonteaches.
“噗..”JiangCaiyanhearsthissaying, almostspits blood, ill-humoredsaying: „Elder, do not listen tohimto talk nonsense, nomatter.”
“没有吗”On the Sage Boundaryold manfacerevealsto regret, but alsosighs.圣境老头子脸上露出遗憾,还叹了一口气。JiangCaiyanthrowsto seize the regret on ownElderface, the corners of the mouthtwitches, shesuspected the spy who thisElderdo not teach, wantedherreallyto be with the Lu Chenchildto be good.
The Lu Chenvision, fallson the body of TangQianrainagain.陆尘的目光,再次落在唐芊雨的身上。
If notJiangCaiyandoes, then likely wasTangQianrain.
如果不是姜彩妍做的,那么很可能就是唐芊雨了。TangQianrainverykeenthrowingseizes the Lu Chenvision, the lookalertvisitshim.
唐芊雨很敏锐的扑捉到陆尘的目光,眼神戒备的看着他。„YoualsofollowoneLu Chento saythese wordsme”.
“你也跟我走一趟吧”陆尘说出这句话。Lu Chenwantsto carry offTangQianrain, interrogated.陆尘想要带走唐芊雨,审问一番。
The seasonhoweverandpurplepermanentis not calm, passes on the sound saidhastily: „Lu Chen, leavesthis, low-key.”
季然和紫恒不淡定了,连忙传音道:“陆尘,别这样,低调一点。”Lu Chen was also too bold, let off the Saintdemonto teachHoly Daughter, nowaims at the TangQianrain of Yellow Springspalaceto start, Lu ChenthoughtfullYukai a looseleaf.陆尘也太奔放了吧,才放过圣魔教圣女,现在又对准黄泉殿的唐芊雨下手了,难道陆尘想满域开枝散叶。
Can wefirstdecide the matter, atmatter that the considerationhas a child.
The cheek of TangQianrain, all of a suddenbecomesred, the pupilshames and air/Qiis staring atLu Chen.
唐芊雨的脸蛋,一下子变得通红起来,眸子又羞又气的盯着陆尘。Sage Boundary that the Saintdemonteaches is getting angryaboutLu Chen: „Bigfiendish person, youwants is not irresponsibleforHoly Daughter, even ifthismatterarrives atSuterritorymaintherenoisily, you must teach a confessionto the Saintdemon.”
圣魔教的圣境更是对着陆尘怒道:“大魔王,难道你想对圣女不负责,这件事情就算是闹到苏域主那里,你也要给圣魔教一个交代。”At this moment, Sage Boundary that the Saintdemonteachesgot angry, thisbigfiendish personalsowent too far, is carryingin the bowl, looks in the pot.
当当!At this moment, Ouyangfamilyancestorplace, hearstwodings, alleviated the awkwardatmosphere of thisplace.
就在这时,欧阳家族祖地,传来两道钟声,缓解了此地的尴尬气氛。As the dingresounds, the peopleunderstand , two adopted the test of ten thousandheavypeak's60 th peaks, Ouyangfamily/homelifts the clanwithcelebrating.
The outside world, countlesspeoplefeel dizzy, thisten thousandheavypeakexchange conferences, the evildoer/monstrous talent of birth were also too many.
The pastexchange conference, the personcanarrive at the 60 th mountain peak, is good, isthis, has presented45.
以往的交流大会,有一人能够走到第六十座山峰,已经不错了,可是这一届,已经出现四五个了。As the dingresounds, everyonegoesto watchin abundance, which they were adopted the test of 60 th mountain peak, quick, arrived at the 60 th mountain peak the place, discovered that heregatheredseveral thousandpeople, was staring at the 60 th mountain peak that the eyedid not ascend, waited for the personto get down.
随着钟声响起,大家纷纷出去观看,到底是哪两人通过了第六十座山峰的考验,很快,来到第六十座山峰的地方,发现这里聚集了数千人,眼睛直不楞登的盯着第六十座山峰,等着人下来。Quick, a personappearsin the line of sight of people.
很快,一个人出现在众人的视线中。Whatdescending the mountainis an elegant bearingman, heis natural, Yushufaces the wind, isOuyangfamily'sfirsttalentOuyangKuang.
下山的是一个风度翩翩的男子,他潇洒飘逸,玉树临风,正是欧阳家族第一天才欧阳狂。OuyangKuangdescends the mountain, countlesspeoplewalkto think highly, variouspeoplesurrounds the Ouyangcrazynumerousstars.
欧阳狂下山,无数人走过去恭维,诸人把欧阳狂众星环绕。Quick, there isonepersonto get downfrom60mountain peaks.
很快,又有一人从六十座山峰下来。Thisis a young girl of purplewomen's clothing, shehas a perfectfineface, the facial featuresare outstanding, an incomparablyshockingfeeling, the youth who the surroundingscame from the majordynastiesalmostlooksto stay, inheartdarksecretly thought, goodbeautifulfemale.
这是一个紫色衣裙的少女,她有着一张完美精致的面庞,五官出众,给人一种无比惊艳的感觉,周围来自各大皇朝的青年几乎看呆了,心中暗暗道,好美丽的女子。Femaleeyesare extremely beautiful, just likegemsameshining, looks atonemerely, can fall to the enemy.
The femaleswear a purplewomen's clothing, the figureselectshigh, makingsveryoutstanding, compared withitOuyangYuchang, TangQianrain, JiangCai the beautifulthreepeople, is not unexpectedly inferior, even still has hadit.
The opposite partymakingsare too outstanding, a feeling inferiorfeeling.
对方气质太出众,给人一种自惭形秽的感觉。„Whothisfemaleis, the goodoutstandingmakings, have not seencompletely, isotherterritorycomes”
The surroundingpersontalked in whispers.
The femalesare slim and graceful, a pair of beautifulpupilhas sweptin the crowd, finallystayson the body of Lu Chen, shows a faint smile: „Ishouldcall you defecationelder brother, the swordthird son, is the bigfiendish person.”
女子亭亭玉立,一双美眸扫过人群中,最终停留在陆尘的身上,微微一笑:“我该叫你拉屎哥呢,剑三公子呢,还是大魔王呢。”Thissaying, is passes messagetoLu Chen, otherscannot hear.
这话,是对着陆尘传音的,别人听不见。„It seems like, those whotarnishmyreputationisyou”Lu Chenis staring at the opposite party, touches the noseto say.
“看来,败坏我名声的是你”陆尘盯着对方,摸了摸鼻子说道。Thisbeautiful woman, henaturallyis not at present strange, princesscoverZiling of fourSaintmystical placenoTwin cities.
眼前这位美女,他自然不陌生,四圣秘境无双城的公主盖紫菱。FourSaintmystical placescollapse, becausehisbodywithstood the spiritbody of Master, almostcollapse, does not know where came outthesepeople who to run up tofromfourSaintmystical places.
四圣秘境崩溃,他身体因为承受了师父的灵身,差点崩溃,也就不知道从四圣秘境出来的那些人跑到哪里去了。Has not thought that coverZilingalsoarrived atOuyangfamily.
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