MMISF :: Volume #5

#477: The son asks you to revenge

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! In the Lu Chen heart even more suspicion is Jiang Caiyan does, the look narrowed the eyes slightly, if this matter is Jiang Caiyan is really done, then must select the color to take a look to her. 陆尘心中越发怀疑是姜彩妍干的,眼神微微眯了起来,如果这件事情真的是姜彩妍做的,那么得给她点颜色瞧瞧。 Opposite Jiang Caiyan detects immediately the line of sight of Lu Chen, lifts the double pupil, with the Lu Chen look to one, her whole body was absolutely terrified, just like to stare to be the same by the wild animal. 对面的姜彩妍立刻察觉到陆尘的视线,抬起双眸,与陆尘的眼神对在了一起,她浑身毛骨悚然,犹如被野兽盯上了一样。 That matter, is you do Lu Chen said suddenly. “那件事情,是你干的吗”陆尘突然说道。 What .” “什么..” Jiang Caiyan gawked staring, being at a loss of face. 姜彩妍愣了愣,一脸的迷惘。 Attire, then installs the Lu Chen corners of the mouth to bring back with me wipes to sneer, that later leaps, stood, walked toward Jiang Caiyan. “装,接着跟我装”陆尘嘴角勾起一抹冷笑,随后腾的一声,站了起来,朝姜彩妍走了过去。 With the Lu Chen movement, the look of surroundings person gathers at the body of Lu Chen completely, does not understand that Lu Chen wants to do. 随着陆尘的动作,周围人的眼神全部聚集在陆尘的身上,不明白陆尘想要干什么。 Little darling follows the Lu Chen figure to flash me, appears in Jiang Caiyan the front instantaneously, a hand presses firmly between the fingers her white arms. “乖乖跟我走一趟”陆尘身形一闪,瞬间出现在姜彩妍的面前,一只手捏住她的皓腕。 The Lu Chen sudden movement, made Jiang Cai beautiful beautiful face changing colors, startled called out: Lu Chen, you want to do.” 陆尘突如其来的动作,令姜彩妍花容失色,惊叫道:“陆尘,你想干什么。” Demonic Path aura blooms continuously from Jiang Caiyan the body, her behind, presents fearful incomparable specters, the pressure terrifying, an eye ice-cold incomparable is staring at Lu Chen, just like the god of death eye. 一缕缕魔道气息从姜彩妍的身体绽放出来,她的身后,出现一尊可怕无比的魔影,威压恐怖,一双眼睛冰冷无比的盯着陆尘,犹如死神的眼睛。 Lu Chen presses firmly between the fingers the hand of opposite party wrist/skill, suddenly transmits the pricking, lets his condition reflective loosening. 陆尘捏住对方手腕的手,忽然传来刺痛感,让他条件反射性的松开。 When he loosens, Jiang Cai the beautiful footsteps tread, are swaying from side to side the tender body, is situated in about ten zhang (3.33 m) suddenly. 在他松开的时候,姜彩妍脚步一踏,扭动着娇躯,瞬息间立于十丈开外。 An eye startled and anger is staring at Lu Chen. 一双眼睛又惊又怒的盯着陆尘 She does not understand that Lu Chen pulls out what insanity, begins to him with no reason at all. 她不明白陆尘抽什么疯,无缘无故对他动手。 Urged you not to begin, the little darling followed me, otherwise met you to probably suffer loss Lu Chen to stare at Jiang Caiyan to say. “劝你别动手,乖乖跟我走一趟,不然等会你可要吃苦头”陆尘盯着姜彩妍说道。 Why Brother Lu is so angry, can sit to chat Ouyang jade Chang to stand calmly to act as the peacemaker, tone quite gentle saying. 陆兄为何如此生气,能心平气和的坐下来聊聊吗”欧阳玉嫦站起来充当和事佬,语气颇为温婉的说道。 Lu Chen has not paid attention to Ouyang Yuchang words closely, the vision is staring at Jiang Caiyan. 陆尘没有理会欧阳玉嫦的话,目光紧紧的盯着姜彩妍。 Jiang Cai beautiful fills the aura of fight, the huge specters lift the palm, searched toward Lu Chen, changes to ten zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously, the demon prestige is torrential, as if must strike Lu Chen cancels from this world. 姜彩妍身上弥漫出战斗的气息,身后一尊巨大的魔影抬起手掌,朝着陆尘探了过来,瞬间化作十丈大小,魔威滔滔,仿佛要一击把陆尘从这个世界抹去。 It seems like you decided to begin, that such as you were willing Lu Chen to show a faint smile, although is smiling, but the tone somewhat was gloomy. “看来你决定动手了,那就如你所愿”陆尘微微一笑,虽然在笑,但是语气却有些阴森森。 Lu Chen stretches out a palm, the sword refers to gathering, the fearful sword potential gathers, during melts in double to refer, in an instant, together fearful sword qi from Lu Chen double refers to erupting, makes the sound of howling, collides with that Demonic Path big hand together. 陆尘伸出一只手掌,剑指并拢,可怕的剑势汇聚过来,融于双指当中,刹那间,一道可怕的剑气陆尘的双指间爆发出来,发出呼啸之音,与那一只魔道大手碰撞在一起。 Merely one instance, the Demonic Path big hand explodes instantaneously broken, changes to the Demonic Path air current to scurry about. 仅仅一个瞬间,魔道大手瞬间爆碎,化作魔道气流四处乱窜。 The surroundings produce intense storm, walks stone -like like the sandstorm. 周围产生一股强烈的风暴,如同风沙走石般。 Roar “吼” Jiang Caiyan behind specters angry roar, the body are enlarging unceasingly, a terrifying pressure sends out from the big specters, making people on the scene feel a pressure. 姜彩妍身后的魔影怒吼一声,身躯在不断地放大,一股恐怖的威压从高大的魔影身上散发出来,让在场人都感受到了一股压力。 Jiang Caiyan after all is the Holy Son level domain outstanding person, battle strength powerful, cultivation technique that particularly displays is together the fearful specters, can sweep away all. 姜彩妍毕竟是圣子级领域的佼佼者,战力强大,尤其是施展出来的功法是一道可怕的魔影,可以横扫一切。 The in the air wind and cloud gathering, air current is flowing continuously, later changes to together the radiant sword light. 空中风云汇聚,一缕缕气流流动着,随后化作一道璀璨的剑光。 The sword light clank called, sword potential melted in in Jianguang a continuously, making the sword light might strengthen, turnover scary chill in the air. 剑光铮铮而鸣,一缕缕剑势融于剑光之中,使得剑光威力增强,吞吐骇人的寒意。 Surrounding various people, can feel terrifying Sword Dao aura. 周围诸人,都能够感受到一股恐怖的剑道气息。 Breeze sword qi sways their bodies continuously time, making the chicken hide the lump to get up. 一缕缕微风般的剑气吹拂他们身体的时候,让鸡皮子疙瘩都起来了。 Lu Chen lifts the palm, pushes horizontally, sees only in the sky that say/way radiant sword light, makes the sound of sword howling, pierces to go toward the specters. 陆尘抬起手掌,横推而出,只见天空中那道璀璨的剑光,发出剑啸之音,朝魔影洞穿而去。 This sword light/only resembled to destroy the hardest defenses together like that easily pierced the specters, then the people saw that big specters body disruption, in sword qi under erupted, an cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, changed into the nihility. 这一道剑光似无坚不摧那般,轻易洞穿了魔影,然后众人就看见那一尊高大的魔影躯体碎裂,在剑气的爆发下,寸寸碎裂,化为虚无。 Tittered “噗嗤” Divergence of specters, making Jiang Caiyan spout a dark red blood. 魔影的散去,令姜彩妍喷出一口殷红的鲜血。 Jiang Caiyan the corners of the mouth belt/bring blood, blooms to wipe the sad touching beautifulness, the whole person creakies. 姜彩妍嘴角带血,绽放出一抹凄美的妖艳,整个人摇摇欲坠。 The Lu Chen figure flashes, appears in her side, hit hard, makes Jiang Cai the beautiful stupor in the past. 陆尘身形一闪,出现在她的旁边,一记重击,令姜彩妍昏迷了过去。 Then, Lu Chen raises Jiang Caiyan, the preparation is leaving. 接着,陆尘提着姜彩妍,准备离开。 The surrounding person sees this scene, is in a daze completely, Jiang Cai the beautiful good and evil is also a well-known Holy Son level, actually does not have the strength of resistance in the hand of Lu Chen. 周围人看到这一幕,全部发愣,姜彩妍好歹也是一位知名的圣子级,竟然在陆尘的手中毫无反抗之力。 Lu Chen this name, they also just listened to Jiang Caiyan to shout. 陆尘这个名字,他们也是刚刚听姜彩妍喊出来的。 In their hearts holds breath cold air, lets the person who the youngster Highest Venerable deep war casualty respects and dreads worthily, this strength was also too powerful. 他们心中倒吸一口凉气,不愧是让少年至尊冥殇都尊重和忌惮的人,这战力也太强大了。 A Holy Son level, during breath by the steamroll, was branched out the victory and defeat. 一位圣子级啊,一个呼吸间就被碾压,分出胜负。 If there is life and death fight, it is estimated that Jiang Caiyan could not insist for one second 要是发生生死战斗的话,估计姜彩妍坚持不了一秒钟时间 Brother Lu...” Ouyang Yuchang stands, blocked the Lu Chen way, asked: Does not know where Miss Jiang offended you, you must make a move to her.” 陆兄...”欧阳玉嫦站起来,挡住了陆尘的去路,问道:“不知姜小姐哪里得罪你了,你要对她出手。” I ask her to ask about a matter Lu Chen opened the mouth and said. “我找她询问一点事情”陆尘开口道 Surrounding person of speechless, asked that a matter asked that it is necessary to do that big movement, hits the stupor. 周围人无语,问一点事情就问咯,有必要搞那么大的动作,把人打昏迷过去吗。 Whiz! 嗖! An old man appears, meanwhile the wisp of fearful Saint prestige fills the air, covers the boundless space. 一个老者出现,同时还有一缕可怕的圣威弥漫出来,笼罩无垠空间。 This old man whole face anxious looks at Lu Chen: Big fiendish person, Holy Daughter has not annoyed you, where you must bring to go.” 这个老者满脸紧张的看着陆尘:“大魔王,圣女又没惹你,你要带到哪里去。” This appears is Sage Boundary that the Saint demon teaches, saw that Lu Chen stuns Holy Daughter Jiang Caiyan, the preparation carries off, braces oneself to say. 这个出现的就是圣魔教的圣境,看到陆尘圣女姜彩妍打昏,准备带走,硬着头皮说道。 Big fiendish person! 大魔王! Profound Territory Heaven's Chosen hears this nickname, strange color of one face. 玄域天骄听到这个外号,都一脸的古怪之色。 Sage Boundary senior who even/including Shengmo teaches, so fear this talent Primordial Spirit Boundary youth. 连圣魔教的圣境前辈,都如此害怕这个才元神境的青年吗。 This matter, first time sees. 这种事情,还是头一次看见。 Looks for your Holy Daughter to ask words Lu Chen very optional saying. “找你们圣女问点话”陆尘很随意的说道。 Does not hurt Sage Boundary nervous asking that she Saint demon teaches. “不伤害她”圣魔教的圣境紧张兮兮的问道。 Un “嗯” Lu Chen cast aside in a hand stupor past Jiang Caiyan, even if this matter is Jiang Caiyan is done, will not kill her, most gives a suffering to eat. 陆尘撇了一眼手中昏迷过去的姜彩妍,就算这件事情是姜彩妍做的,也不会杀了她,最多给点苦头吃吃。 This words, in this Sage Boundary heart relaxes, he also really feared that big fiendish person Lu Chen acts unreasonably. 此话一处,这名圣境心中松了一口气,他还真怕大魔王陆尘乱来。 Although big fiendish person rampant a point, but the good and evil handles matters the principle, aims is to him has person who kills the heart. 大魔王虽然嚣张了一点,不过好歹处事有原则,针对的都是对他有杀心的人。 Therefore, he left. 于是,他离开了。 The surrounding people, can only look helplessly Lu Chen takes away Jiang Caiyan. 周围众人,只能眼睁睁的看着陆尘把姜彩妍带走。 The elders have not prevented, they will not stop. 人家长辈都没有阻止,他们更不会出面阻止了。 Jiang Cai wakes up beautifully leisurely, discovered that oneself was tying hands, moreover Lu Chen sits in the oneself front. 姜彩妍悠悠醒来,发现自己被五花大绑着,而且陆尘就坐在自己的面前。 Jiang Caiyan was frightened beautiful face changing colors, the trembling sound said: Lu Chen, you, you want to do.” 姜彩妍被吓得花容失色,颤声道:“陆尘,你,你想干什么。” Hehe, you said “嘿嘿,你说呢” Lu Chen turns the head, beautiful dark is smiling to Jiang Cai. 陆尘转过头来,对着姜彩妍阴阴一笑。 The mouth of this little girl is very in any case hard, often taunted oneself, happen to can draw support from this matter, struck the opposite party. 反正这妞的嘴巴很硬,经常嘲讽自己,正好可以借助这件事情,敲打敲打对方。 You, you should better not to act unreasonably Jiang Caiyan, although in heart flurried incomparable, but the strong self-stabilization, the stern voice and appearance said: Otherwise, you are waiting for 18 years later the son asks you to revenge.” “你,你最好不要乱来”姜彩妍虽然心中慌乱无比,但是强自镇定,声色俱厉道:“不然,你就等着十八年后儿子找你报仇。” ! 噗! Hears Jiang Caiyan the words, the bonus is the Lu Chen psychological bearing capacity is very powerful , is almost an old blood blowout. 听到姜彩妍的话,饶是陆尘心理承受能力很强大,也几乎是一口老血喷出。 18 years later, the son looks for oneself to revenge, what ghost is this? 十八年后,儿子找自己报仇,这是什么鬼?
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