MMISF :: Volume #5

#476: Tragedy

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Ouyang family, the Profound Territory first five large clans, 10-20 Sage King powerhouses assumes personal command, the strength terrifying is dreadful. 欧阳家族,玄域前五的大族,10-20位圣王强者坐镇,实力恐怖滔天。 Profound Territory basically no one dares to offend Ouyang family, the successor who also or kidnapped the major dynasties bold, shifted blame to Ouyang the family. 玄域基本上没人敢得罪欧阳家族,亦或者胆大包天劫持各大皇朝的传人,嫁祸给欧阳家族。 But what is funny, unlikely matter, happened obviously. 但滑稽的是,明明不可能发生的事情,偏偏发生了。 The missing population is not 1-2 people, has more than 30 people. 失踪人口不是1-2,足足有三十多人。 Moreover every day the missing population is still rising, Ouyang family's high level is badly battered. 而且每天失踪人口还在上涨,欧阳家族的高层焦头烂额。 Although the missing population back strength is impossible to retaliate Ouyang family, they do not have the strength to retaliate, but if this matter passes to outside, regarding Ouyang family's reputation, absolutely is a huge incomparable blow. 虽然失踪人口背后的实力不可能报复欧阳家族,他们也没有实力报复,但如果这件事情传到外面,对于欧阳家族的名声,绝对是一个巨大无比的打击。 Moreover, they have not known that these missing population died, was kidnapped. 而且,他们还不知道那些失踪人口是死了,还是被绑架了。 Finally, even Ouyang family was also missing several collateral branch disciples. 最后,连欧阳家族也失踪了几个旁系弟子。 this time, Ouyang family's Sage King was alarmed, tyrannical spiritual sense covers the entire family, they do not believe absolutely, some people kidnapped to leave from Ouyang family. 这一次,欧阳家族的圣王都被惊动了,强横的神念笼罩整个家族,他们绝对不相信,有人从欧阳家族把人劫持离开了。 These missing people, absolutely also in Ouyang family. 那些失踪的人,绝对还在欧阳家族里面。 But, this place of looking has looked, where. 可是,该找的地方都找过了,到底在哪里呢。 This matter, creates the huge stir in Ouyang family. 这件事情,在欧阳家族引起巨大的震动。 However quick, these missing population found, moreover place that found, quite made one be able help smiling. 不过很快,那些失踪的人口找到了,而且找到的地方,也颇为的令人忍俊不禁。 That found the missing population in the restroom. 那就是在厕所里找到了失踪人口。 In Ouyang family has many restrooms, some restrooms are quite remote, unmanned patronage. 欧阳家族里面有很多的厕所,其中有些厕所比较偏远,无人光顾。 It is said the youth, goes to the remote restroom solution life important matter, actually the discovery cannot go, barrier covered the restroom. 据说有一个青年,去偏远的厕所解决人生大事,却发现进不去,有一层结界笼罩了厕所。 A restroom, has barrier unexpectedly, obviously is very strange. 一个厕所,居然有结界,显的很奇怪。 This matter reported Ouyang family Sage Boundary. After breaking barrier discovered, inside also has barrier. 这件事情报告了欧阳家族一位圣境。打破结界之后发现,里面还有一层结界 In barrier, discovered the missing population. 结界里面,发现了失踪人口。 The entire its 54 people, all crowd in latrine pit. 整整其其五十四人,全都拥挤在‘茅坑’里面。 The body of everyone, is binding full one gold, does not endure to look straight ahead. 每个人的身上,都裹着满满的一层‘黄金’,不忍直视。 In an instant, the news of missing population finding, spread over Ouyang family. 刹那间,失踪人口找到的消息,传遍欧阳家族。 Countless people catch up, looks on 54 is binding gold youth, just like the drenched chicken, the complete corners of the mouth twitches. 无数人赶来,看着五十四位身上裹着‘黄金’的青年,如同落汤鸡一样,全部嘴角抽搐。 Is away from hundred meters away, can smell the flavor that stinks to high heaven, smokes the nose. 隔着百米远,都能闻到臭气冲天的味道,熏鼻子。 The crowds were speechless, who is so heartless, threw the missing population in the restroom was closing . Moreover, but also arranged two array. 围观群众无语了,谁这么丧尽天良,把失踪人口扔在了厕所里关着,而且,还布置了两层阵法 These youth, cannot break array, can only wait to be discovered. 这些青年,根本打破不了阵法,只能等着被人发现。 But the family members of these missing population, Ouyang family's people seek with spiritual sense, although basically searched the Ouyang family complete range, but the place of restroom type of contamination, evaded on own initiative. 而那些失踪人口的家属,欧阳家族的人用神念寻找,虽然基本上搜索了欧阳家族全部范围,但是厕所这种污秽之地,主动避过。 Therefore, these missing population postponed for several days to be discovered. 于是,这些失踪人口就推迟了几天被发现。 Went too far “太过分了” Yes, these are the youth, was the dynasty imperial prince, the influence successor, now actually throws into the restroom practical joke “是啊,这些都是青年,都是皇朝皇子,势力传人,现在却被人恶作剧扔进了厕所里” „Since this has been I have the excrement to see has most crossed the excrement matter “这是我有屎以来见过最过粪的事情” The increasing number of people hear the news, gathers, at the same time looks at 54 people with the color of sympathetic pitying, wants to smile, but held , the face suppressed red. 越来越多的人听到消息,汇聚过来,一边用同情怜悯之色看着五十四人,又想笑,但是憋住了,脸都憋红了。 But 54 send the excrement plans to be stronger the youth, was surrounded by several thousand people, wishes one could dead immediately. 而五十四个‘发粪图强’的青年,被数千人围观,恨不得立刻死去。 Lose face! 丢脸! this time, lost face to lose sends greatly. 这一次,丢脸丢大发了。 They lose face at the same time, in the heart the anger soars to the heavens, in the heart clenches jaws, curses under some bastard of evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 他们丢脸的同时,心中怒火冲天,心中咬牙切齿,诅咒某个下黑手的王八蛋。 They do not know that who under the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator to them, sobers to lie down in bathing pool, regarding having cleanliness/mysophobia them, immediately wants dead. 他们不知道谁对他们下的黑手,清醒过来就躺在‘浴池’里面,对于有洁癖的他们来说,立刻想死去。 Originally wants to go back to take a bath covertly, then buries this matter in the heart, actually discovered that was surrounded by barrier. 本来想偷偷摸摸的回去洗个澡,然后把这件事情埋藏在心中,却发现被一层结界困住。 Covertly is not then good, but must the bystander discover them, saves them. 这下连偷偷摸摸都不行了,还得外人发现他们,拯救他们。 Endured several days of stinking to high heaven feelings, finally was discovered. 忍受了几天臭气熏天的感觉,终于被发现了。 Although was saved, but they really do not want to live, was surrounded by countless people, obviously, this matter has exposed very much, moreover possibly spreads over Profound Territory. 虽然被拯救,但是他们真的不想活了,被无数人围观,很显然,这件事情已经曝光,而且还可能传遍玄域 They can imagine a scene, where regardless of when the time comes arrives informed and experienced, will point was saying: Look, that Crown Prince, in the Ouyang family's unusual excrement ships on, sends the excrement to plan to be stronger.” 他们可以想象到一个场景,到时候无论走到哪里历练,都会被人指着说:“看,那位太子,在欧阳家族非常的粪发向上,发粪图强。” Finally, their family members catch up, took away them. 最后,还是他们的家属赶过来,带走了他们。 This matter initiates to discuss, making countless people want to smile. 这件事情引发热议,让无数人想笑。 54 people take a bath, change the clean clothes, smears the balm, even so, is hard to cover the stink. 五十四人洗了澡,换上干净的衣服,抹上香膏,纵然如此,也难以掩盖臭味。 Especially arrives at outside, the people evade it less, the good friend who even they are on good terms, visits them with the unusual look, even warned that they leave the distant point. 尤其是走到外面,众人避之不及,甚至连他们交好的好友,都用异样的眼神看着他们,甚至警告他们离远点。 „, I want dead, who damn under hand to me, I, if knows is, I special kill him under a locust tree, a youth crazily with the head hit locust tree , the locust tree direct quilt cover that two people surrounded hitting. “啊,我想死,到底谁他妈的对我下的手,我要是知道是谁,我特么弄死他”一颗槐树下,一名青年正疯狂的用头部撞击槐树,咔嚓一声,两人环抱的槐树直接被头给撞断了。 This youth, is one of the 54 victims, now his friend, family member far away from him, even his maidservant, still to him by far. 这名青年,就是五十四位受害者之一,现在他的朋友,亲人远离他,就算是他的侍女,也离他远远地。 He felt that the mind received the deep injury, wants to hold a suicide. 他感觉心灵受到了深深的伤害,想要抱头自杀。 Ouyang family, the extremely broad rivers, the river water is turbulent, galloping roared 欧阳家族,有一条极其宽广的河流,河水汹涌,奔腾咆哮 Do not block me, do not block me, I did not have the face to live a youth to stand in the riverside want to jump into the river, what a pity was grasped stubbornly. “不要拦着我,不要拦着我,我没脸活了”一名青年站在河边想要跳河,可惜被人死死地抱住。 Obviously , is one of the victims. 很显然,也是受害者之一。 Your highness, can not look on the bright side of thing, you were the dynasty only successor, who you died to inherit the throne behind, an old man closely is hugging him. “殿下,不要想不开啊,你可是皇朝唯一的继承者,你死了谁继承皇位”后面,一个老头子紧紧地抱着他。 I, I special the eating excrement, the stupor woke up, sipped one blurry, I do not want to live this Your Highness Crown Prince to complain tearfully. “我,我特么的吃屎了,昏迷醒来,迷迷糊糊的抿了一口,我不想活了”这位太子殿下哭诉道。 Surroundings, one group of people are dumbfounded, in wind disorderly. 周围,一群人目瞪口呆,在风中凌乱。 Finally, 54 victims are peaceful, gathers together, they pledged, must look for the murderer, but in the mind plundered a starting person, they do not have the common enemy. 最后,五十四位受害者安静下来,聚在一起,他们发誓,要把凶手被找出来,可是脑海中搜刮了一遍下手的人,他们没有共同的敌人啊。 Some person practical joke, place in them the restroom intentionally. 难道是有人故意恶作剧,把他们放在厕所里。 They think it over, does not know that who the enemy is. 他们想来想去,也不知道敌人是谁。 For those some familiar Lu Chen attitudes people, for example season however purple permanent, Tang Qian rain, Jiang Caiyan and the others, had guessed correctly the matter 100% are the hands under Lu Chen. 到是一些熟悉陆尘作风的人,比如季然紫恒,唐芊雨,姜彩妍等人,已经猜到了事情百分之百是陆尘下的手。 After all Lu Chen is called the defecation elder brother by the people, does not retaliate must blame 毕竟陆尘被众人叫做拉屎哥,不报复才怪 However, the Lu Chen retaliation way, making in their hearts coldly hits one to tremble. 不过,陆尘的报复方式,让他们心中冷冷打了一个寒颤。 Ouyang Yuchang, inviting one group of people to judge tea, Lu Chen naturally also in range of invitation. 欧阳玉嫦,邀请一群人品茶,陆尘当然也在邀请的范围内。 Regarding the matter, Lu Chen to is tranquil incomparable, leisurely drinking tea however. 对于外界发生的事情,陆尘到是平静无比,施施然的喝茶。 However at this moment his vision, in Tang Qian rain, Jiang Caiyan, Ouyang Yuchang one by one has actually swept. 不过此刻他的目光,却在唐芊雨,姜彩妍,欧阳玉嫦的身上一一扫过。 Because he knew, the people give he goes to the nickname the time, is head that a female draws out. 因为他得知,众人给他去外号的时候,是一名女子起的头。 At that time the person were too many, whose they have not paid attention to head carefully, in any case was a female. 当时人太多,他们也没有仔细关注谁起的头,反正就是一个女子。 Ouyang Yuchang, lady, should not do to him has nickname bored matter. 欧阳玉嫦,大家闺秀,应该不会做给他起外号这种无聊的事情。 Tang Qian rain, should unable. 唐芊雨,应该也不会。 Jiang Caiyan, will not let off one time to the opportunity that the oneself taunt or starts. 姜彩妍,不会放过一次对自己嘲讽或者下手的机会。 Then .... 那么.... The Lu Chen vision, framed slowly on Jiang Caiyan the body. 陆尘的目光,缓缓定格在了姜彩妍的身上。 Because of this matter, Jiang Caiyan the possibility is biggest. 因为这件事情,姜彩妍的可能性最大。
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