MMISF :: Volume #5

#475: Was missing a large number of people

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! At this moment, Lu Chen is a air/Qi Buddha reveals itself seriously, two Buddha ascends to heaven, whole body pore combustion angry flame. 此刻,陆尘当真是气的一佛出世,二佛升天,全身毛孔都在燃烧愤怒的火焰。 The Azure Territory first graceful, the big fiendish person, is tall Bige calls. 青域第一帅,大魔王,都是高逼格称呼。 Arrives at Profound Territory, unexpectedly blending defecation elder brother. 来到玄域,竟然混成了拉屎哥。 Now, Lu Chen wants to hit the person. 现在,陆尘想打人。 Moreover, really paid the action. 而且,也真的付之行动了。 Lu Chen cannot control the violent temper, spirit strength in within the body howls, pressure same spreads just like the ripples a continuously. 陆尘就控制不住暴脾气,体内的灵力呼啸而出,一缕缕威压宛若涟漪一样扩散。 Lu Chen is powerful, has killed several kings, the strength is astonishing. 陆尘何等强大,前后击毙过几尊王,实力惊人。 Aura that overflows to the surrounding person, like facing the King pressure is the same. 溢出来的气息对周围的人来说,如同面对王者威压一样。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! In an instant, was shaken from his recent dozens people directly spits blood, no suspense flies upside down, in some distant place human bodies the blood is tumbling, in abundance stuffy snort/hum. 刹那间,距离他最近的数十人直接被震得吐血,毫无悬念倒飞出去,更远处一些人体内血液在翻滚,纷纷闷哼一声。 At this moment, originally noisy and excited crowd, as dozens people were shaken the wound by the Lu Chen aura, over a hundred people of aura are not steady, just like basin cold water to water from the top of the head, is completely sober, then looks at Lu Chen with vision with amazement. 这一刻,本来吵闹和激动的人群,随着数十人被陆尘气息震伤,上百人气息不稳,犹如一盆凉水从头顶浇灌,全部清醒,然后用骇然的的目光看着陆尘 This has the qualifications to comprehend the Saint potential the evildoer/monstrous talent, the aura is too powerful, too hold Lie. 这就是有资格领悟圣势的妖孽吗,气息太强大,太盛烈。 In their hearts has an misconception, like facing powerful King. 他们心中有一种错觉,如同面对一尊强大的王者 Scene all of a sudden peaceful, becomes the needle to fall may hear. 场面一下子安静了下来,变得针落可闻。 The Lu Chen face black like the bottom of the pot, the chest was burnt through by the anger quickly, the forehead blue vein braves, roared toward the surrounding crowd: Father not defecation elder brother, the father is a Profound Territory elder brother.” 陆尘脸黑如锅底,胸膛都快被怒火烧穿了,额头青筋直冒,朝周围人群咆哮:“老子不是拉屎哥,老子是玄域一哥。” With this saying exit|to speak, the people understand why finally Lu Chen was angry. 随着这话一出口,众人终于明白陆尘为何生气了。 Truly, defecation elder brother name has big improper. 确实,拉屎哥这个称呼有很大的不妥。 Who is willing to have such a name, particularly existence of evildoer/monstrous talent level. 谁愿意有这么一个称呼,尤其是妖孽级的存在。 Also, does not know that is who passes on, everyone thinks that the opposite party called the defecation elder brother, therefore called like this. 可是,也不知道是谁传出来的,大家以为对方就叫拉屎哥,于是都这样叫。 Lu Chen moves to the shape to trade the shadow, suddenly acts, grasps firmly somebody's collar, directly the opposite party raising, got angry: Title that whose his mother passes on.” 陆尘移形换影,突然出手,一把攥住某人的衣领,直接把对方给提了起来,怒道:“谁他妈传出来的称号。” The pressed firmly between the fingers person was also a dynasty imperial prince, by Lu Chen the release of imposing manner suppression the oneself aura, the Lu Chen eye was actually filled especially cruelly, frightening him was pale, trembled saying: No, does not know, everyone called like this, I, I also called like this.” 被捏住的人好歹也是一位皇朝皇子,却被陆尘的气势压制的释放不出自己的气息,尤其陆尘眼睛充满暴戾,吓得他脸色发白,哆嗦道:“不,不知道,大家都这样叫,我,我也这样叫。” Remember, calling me a Profound Territory elder brother the Lu Chen complexion to be pale, saying one word at a time. “记住,叫我玄域一哥”陆尘脸色铁青,一字一顿的说道。 Profound, a Profound Territory elder brother this dynasty imperial prince, calling out of trembling. “玄,玄域一哥”这位皇朝皇子,哆哆嗦嗦的叫道。 Lu Chen look fierce has swept the crowd, the person who contacts his look, the unnatural moving away line of sight, does not dare to look at each other with it in abundance. 陆尘神色狰狞的扫过人群,接触他眼神的人,纷纷不自然的移开视线,不敢与之对视。 Remembers to father, if who dares to call the defecation elder brother again, the consequence is proud Lu Chen tone ice-cold incomparable threat saying that on the scene unexpectedly no one dares to refute, is taken under the Lu Chen anger. “给老子记住,谁要是再敢叫拉屎哥,后果自负”陆尘语气冰冷无比的威胁道,在场竟无一人敢反驳,全都摄于陆尘的怒火之下。 Now gives the father to roll Lu Chen to roar again. “现在都给老子滚”陆尘再度咆哮一声。 Crash-bang ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ The surroundings person diverges mostly. 呼啦啦,周围人大部分散去。 Presents remaining, only has the Lu Chen familiar person, for example season correct/however, purple permanent, as well as Tang Qian rain, Mei clouds wait/etc. 在场剩下的,就只有陆尘熟悉的人,比如季然,紫恒,以及唐芊雨,梅霄等等。 Tang Qian rain also just knew that the Lu Chen title, a pair of beautiful pupil has the happy expression, she stands in not far away, the figure is slender, in addition the pretty charming cheek, has a character and style. 唐芊雨也是刚刚得知陆尘的称号,一双美眸带着笑意,她站在不远处,身段修长,加上靓丽妩媚的脸蛋,别有一番风情。 Giggle, I thought that this name is good Tang Qian rain not to bear eventually, giggle smiled in side. “咯咯咯,我觉得这个称呼不错”唐芊雨终究还是没忍住,在旁边咯咯的笑了起来。 Young girl, you owes the kiss Lu Chen to turn the head, stares at Tang Qian rain threat to say. “小妞,你欠吻吗”陆尘转头,盯着唐芊雨‘威胁’道。 You .... “你....” Tang Qian rain that originally laughs loudly, hears the Lu Chen words, immediately remembers certain not happy experiences, a fine cheek immediately becomes crimson, in the attractive big eye was full of the bashful anger. 本来捧腹大笑的唐芊雨,听到陆尘的话,立刻想起某些不愉快的经历,一张精致的脸蛋顿时变得绯红,漂亮的大眼睛中充满了羞怒。 Tang Qian rain tender snort/hum: Also is not you takes the consequences for own actions, gets what one deserves.” 唐芊雨娇哼一声:“还不是你自作自受,活该。” Said that white Lu Chen, turned the small waist to leave. 说完白了陆尘一眼,扭着小蛮腰离开了。 This matter, whose I will investigate head Lu Chen to leave behind words, left. “这件事情,我会调查出来谁起的头”陆尘留下一句话语,也离开了。 shit, had this title, his cultivation mood did not have. 玛德,有了这个称号,他连修炼的心情都没有了。 Lu Chen this cultivation, is half a month time. 陆尘这一修炼,就是半个月时间。 In half a month the time, Lu Chen is unable to calm the mind cultivation, defecation elder brother three character evils. 这半个月时间,陆尘一直无法静下心来修炼,都是拉屎哥三个字害的。 Lu Chen arrives at outside, the powerful spiritual sense radiation, covers a surrounding area ten thousand meters place, discovered many people, moreover hears their discussions, the Lu Chen anger rubs flees upward, because they discussed that the topic about oneself, talked certainly about that three characters impressively. 陆尘来到外面,强大的神念辐射而出,笼罩方圆万米之地,发现了很多人,而且听到他们的讨论,陆尘怒火蹭蹭的往上窜,因为他们讨论的,赫然是关于自己的话题,当然也谈到了那三个字。 Although previous oneself threatened them. 虽然上次自己威胁了他们。 However power of gossip, since presented this words and expressions, that is very difficult to change. 但是众口铄金,既然出现了这个词语,那就很难改掉。 On will not say outwardly, will discuss in secret. 明面上不会说,暗中都会讨论。 Therefore, although Lu Chen deterred the opposite party, but could not control them to discuss in secret. 所以,陆尘虽然震慑到了对方,但是控制不住他们在暗中讨论。 Lu Chen is the same like the spirit, stands erect bad in several people of not far away, the look is staring at them. 陆尘如同幽灵一样,矗立在几人的不远处,神色不善的盯着他们。 Youth outstanding of several dynasties are talking happily, why does not know, in the heart raises suddenly the absolutely terrified feeling, seemed observed closely to be the same by what great antiquity beast of prey. 几个皇朝的青年俊杰正在愉快的交谈,不知道为何,忽然间心中升起毛骨悚然的感觉,就仿佛被什么洪荒猛兽盯住一样。 Has turned the head, saw Lu Chen vision icy visits him, several people frighten immediately are pale, the body rustle trembles, like scaring quail. 转过头,就看到陆尘目光冷冰冰的看着他,几人当即吓得脸色发白,身体簌簌发抖,如同吓坏的鹌鹑。 The Lu Chen figure flashes, appears in several people of front. 陆尘身形一闪,出现在几人的面前。 Several people feel a fearful pressure immediately, pressed they cannot breathe. 几人顿时感受到一股可怕的威压,压的他们喘不过气来。 „After this little, Lu Chen that whom called to invent opened the mouth finally. “这个称呼谁发明的”少许后,陆尘终于开口了。 Lu Chen must uncover first to his the person of nickname, must punish mercilessly. 陆尘要揪出第一个给他其外号的人,必须严惩不贷。 „, Is the previous time...” “就,就是上次...” Under the oppression of Lu Chen, several people knew completely, said dynasty a name of Crown Prince all simultaneously, because this Crown Prince said the amusing thing of his entry Ouyang family/home, later some people proposed that called him for the defecation elder brother. 陆尘的压迫下,几人知无不尽,同时说出了一个皇朝的太子的名字,就因为这位太子把他的进入欧阳家的趣事说了出去,之后就有人提议称呼他为拉屎哥。 Therefore, this name produced. 于是,这个称呼就产生了。 After they shake some Crown Prince family property is clear, Lu Chen again coldly spookily looked at their one eyes, later departed. 在他们把某个太子的家底都抖得一清二楚之后,陆尘再度冷幽幽的看了他们一眼,随后离去了。 Several people see Lu Chen to depart, in the heart relaxes. 几人看到陆尘离去,心中才松了一口气。 However suddenly, an absolutely terrified feeling suddenly appears, has not responded with enough time, the nape of the neck suffers the severe pain, at present one black, in abundance stupor in the past. 不过忽然间,一股毛骨悚然的感觉突然出现,还没来得及反应过来,脖颈遭受剧痛,眼前一黑,纷纷昏迷了过去。 The person's shadow appears in them together behind, is proposing several people, ghosts and demons fast departure. 一道人影出现在他们身后,提着几人,鬼魅般的快速离去。 This long time, Ouyang family/home had an important matter, that some imperial princes from major dynasties, the sect successor, vanished suddenly with no reason at all. 这一久,欧阳家发生了一件大事,那就是来自各大皇朝的一些皇子,宗门传人,突然无缘无故的消失了。 The reason is this, it is said the imperial prince of some dynasty, disappeared over two days, the tourmate cannot sit still, hurries reporting Elder, but oneself Elder spiritual sense searches, but also really could not find the person, informs the person of Ouyang family/home, making its help seek, after all the person disappears in Ouyang family. 原因是这样的,据说某皇朝的一位皇子,消失了两天以上,同行的人坐不住,赶忙禀告自家长老,而自家长老神念搜索一圈,还真的找不到人,就告知欧阳家的人,让其帮忙寻找,毕竟人是在欧阳家族里面消失的。 Ouyang family knows this matter, very amazed inexplicable. 欧阳家族得知此事,也十分的惊诧莫名。 Some people are missing in Ouyang family, this is not cracks a joke, who has that big courage to submerge Ouyang family/home, carrying off. 有人在欧阳家族失踪,这不是开玩笑吗,谁有那么大的胆子潜入欧阳家,把人给带走。 2-3 days of time, 20-30 sect people meet with a disaster, matter was even more strange, simultaneously the representative who the high levels of 20-30 influences found Ouyang family, said this matter. 2-3天时间,就有20-30家宗门的人遭殃,事情越发的诡异了,20-30个势力的高层同时找到欧阳家族的代表人物,说了此事。 Ouyang family the family member of comfort missing population, while dumbfounded. 欧阳家族一边安慰失踪人口的家属,一边傻眼。 How to have so many people missing, is in Ouyang family/home, has not cracked a joke. 怎么会有如此多的人失踪,还是在欧阳家里面,没开玩笑吧。 Is missing all of a sudden 20-30 people, spreads among the people, suddenly, everyone is scared, from to endanger. 一下子失踪20-30人,也在众人之间流传开来,一时间,人人恐慌,自危。
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