MMISF :: Volume #5

#474: Anger value full Cao

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Lu Chen stands under 61 mountain peak feet at this time, looks up to the upper air, close to summit place. 陆尘此时站在六十一座山峰山脚下面,抬头看向高空,接近山巅的地方。 There has great mountain phantom manifest, each mountain huge incomparable, has the boundless pressure on let fall. 那里有一座座巨山虚影显化出来,每一座山岳都巨大无比,有磅礴的威压垂落下来。 Even if stands at the foot of the hill, felt a fearful pressure. 纵然站在山脚下,也感受到了一股可怕的压力。 The Lu Chen body releases a continuously potential, the pressure that the resistance lets fall, simultaneously the whole person soars, withstand/top the pressure on lift off. 陆尘身体释放出一缕缕势,抵抗垂落下来的威压,同时整个人腾空而起,顶着威压升空。 Arrives at halfway up the mountainside, around his body blooms a sword potential, fuses in the potential of mountain peak comprehension together, changes to the one after another fearful sword glow. 来到半山腰处,他的身体周围绽放出一股剑势,与山峰领悟的势融合在一起,化作一道道可怕的剑芒。 The sword glow shoots up to the sky, brings to crush all sharp meanings, lets great mountain phantom direct scraps in upper air, changes into the nihility. 剑芒冲天而起,带着粉碎一切的锋利之意,让高空中的一座座巨山虚影直接炸碎,化为虚无。 However not real disappearance. 不过并没有真正的消失。 After dispersing, the appearance of the mountain gathers again, forms great mountain phantom, fills the fearful pressure. 在散开之后,山势再度汇聚,形成巨山虚影,弥漫出可怕的威压。 But Lu Chen while the appearance of the mountain has not gathered the time, the body skyrockets, same shoots up to the sky like Great Peng. 陆尘趁着山势还没有聚集的时候,身体扶摇直上,如同大鹏一样冲天而起。 Finally, successfully reaches, similarly, appearance of the mountain gathers a continuously, fuses with other potentials in his body surface. 最后,成功登顶,同样,一缕缕山势汇聚过来,在他的身体表面与其他的势相融合。 Reaches ten thousand heavy peaks unable to draw support from the external force, for example uses magical treasure anything, can only depend on own strength resistance pressure, or release strength smashing appearance of the mountain. 登顶万重峰不能借助外力,比如利用法宝什么的,只能靠自身力量抵抗威压,或者释放力量粉碎山势。 So long as successfully reaches in the mountain peak, dozens over a hundred types of appearances of the mountain that then the mountain peak contains, will branch out one wisp, integrates in the body of person of reaching. 只要成功登顶所在山峰,那么山峰蕴藏的几十上百种山势,都会分出一缕,融入登顶之人的身体里面。 Now, Lu Chen is enjoying meaning of appearance of the mountain to enter the feeling of body the continuously, after little, opens the eye, flashes through together the point. 如今,陆尘就在享受一缕缕山势之意入体的感觉,少许后,睁开眼睛,闪过一道锋芒。 At this time, Lu Chen discovered a difficult problem finally. 这个时候,陆尘终于发现了一个难题。 Actually the reaching mountain peak is not the biggest test, but the biggest test suppresses boundary. 其实登顶山峰并不是最大的考验,而最大的考验是压制境界 He already Primordial Spirit Boundary completion, to break through, now can condense the potential of oneself, breaks into King Boundary. 他早已经元神境圆满,如果想要突破,现在就可以凝聚自己的势,破入王境 However in order to is farther, must suppress oneself body that Primordial Spirit Boundary walks, avoids breaking through King Boundary. 但是为了能够在元神境走的更远,必须压制己身,避免突破王境 Is good because, can suppress the feeling of breakthrough temporarily. 好在,能暂时压制住突破的感觉。 In this mountain peak sensibility as well as cultivation two days, Lu Chen set out, descends the mountain. 在这座山峰感悟以及修炼了两天,陆尘起身,下山。 Quick arrives at the foot of the hill, Lu Chen discovers about the foot kilometer, is standing many crowds. 很快就来到山脚下,陆尘发现山脚千米开外,站着许多的围观群众。 Compared to saying to be weak in the appearance of the mountain pressure that about the kilometer feels, therefore they can watch in the distant place. 在千米开外感受到的山势威压相对于说要弱,所以他们能在远处观看。 Lu Chen heard their discussion, for example the deep war casualty has gotten down, goes to 62, Mei clouds had gotten up 68 th and so on. 陆尘听到了他们的一些讨论,比如冥殇已经下来,前往六十二座了,还有梅霄已经上了第六十八座之类的。 Afterward, heard the defecation elder brother's inscription indistinctly. 随后,隐隐约约又听到了一些拉屎哥的字样。 Lu Chen knits the brows, defecation elder brother anything ghost, but has not paid attention, follows the deep war casualty the footsteps to go. 陆尘皱了皱眉,拉屎哥什么鬼,不过没有理会,跟随冥殇的脚步而去。 The competition of Lu Chen and deep war casualty, attracted watching of many, countless people hear the mountain peak that whom the two evildoer/monstrous talent compete with reach to be many, runs over to watch. 陆尘与冥殇的比试,吸引了很多人的观看,无数人听闻两位妖孽比试谁登顶的山峰多,纷纷跑过来观看。 Let alone they, are Ouyang family's some great people, was attracted, is watching the competition of two evildoer/monstrous talent in secret. 别说他们,就是欧阳家族的一些大人物,也被吸引了,在暗中观看两位妖孽的比试。 These two comprehend the Saint potential, was settled void, an old man narrows the eyes to focus, seemingly sleepy-eyed saying. “这两人领悟圣势,板上钉钉了”虚空中,一个老头子眯着眼,看起来睡眼朦胧的说道。 Their very curious Lu Chen status. 他们很好奇陆尘的身份。 The status of deep war casualty they are know youngster Highest Venerable that the world of mortals comes, rarely has with the generation can compare, carries the Heavenly Venerable bloodlines, comprehending the Saint potential is not difficult. 冥殇的身份他们是知道的,下界而来的一位少年至尊,鲜有同代能够比拟,身负天尊血脉,领悟圣势不难。 However the Lu Chen status is mystical, does not have the elder to come their Ouyang families to report, is a person comes alone. 但是陆尘身份神秘,也没有长辈来他们欧阳家族报备,是独自一个人而来的。 Therefore, they have not known temporarily Lu Chen is what status. 所以,他们暂时还不知道陆尘是什么身份。 However can determine, absolutely is not Profound Territory, as for coming from what territory, was worth elegantly. 不过能够确定,绝对不是玄域的,至于来自何域,就值得考究了。 Lu Chen reaches 62 mountain peaks, is very relaxed, after reaching, found a place to sit cultivation. 陆尘登顶六十二座山峰,也是很轻松的,登顶之后,就找了一处地方坐下来修炼 Rests two days later , to continue the wanderer, in the distant place crowd, some people are waving toward him, Lu Chen heard the defecation elder brother three characters indistinctly. 休息两天后,继续闯荡,远处人群中,有人在朝他挥手,陆尘隐隐约约又听见了拉屎哥三个字。 Why does not know, in the Lu Chen heart has an ominous premonition, probably these three characters are related with him. 不知道为何,陆尘心中有一股不祥的预感,好像这三个字与他有关。 But, oneself has nothing to do with these three characters in any event. 可是,自己无论如何与这三个字无关啊。 Deep war casualty person very show package, certainly is to the name of deep war casualty, un Lu Chen thought aloud in the heart, later threw after the brain. “冥殇此人很骚包,一定是对冥殇的称呼,嗯”陆尘在心中自言自语道,随后就抛在了脑后。 The season however and purple is permanent two people, now already on 50 mountain peaks, two people walks while talked: „The trip comes Wilderness Territory, tested oneself, already Human Sovereign potential, but also is good.” 季然和紫恒两人,如今已经在五十座山峰上下来了,两人边走边交谈:“此行来荒域,测试了一下自己,已经人皇势,还不错。” Un, does not know how Lu Chen, challenged many “嗯,也不知道陆尘怎么样了,挑战到多少了” They, want to attack the Saint potential to be a little difficult, but can go a step further in Human Sovereign potential rank actually. 他们两人,想要冲击圣势有点难,不过倒是可以在人皇势这个等级里面更进一步。 Well! 咦! After two people descend the mountain, discovered some people crazy goes toward the back row mountain peak, they are puzzled, but also in curiosity trend next in the past. 两人下山之后,发现有人疯狂的朝着后排的山峰而去,他们不解,不过也在好奇心的趋势下过去。 Quick, two people understand the reason of matter. 很快,两人就了解到事情的缘由。 Originally the deep war casualty with one person in the gambling stake, who was losing who is the little brother. 原来冥殇在和一人在赌注,谁输了谁做小弟。 Ouyang is crazy two people to guess. “欧阳狂吗”两人猜测道。 However Ouyang Kuang on the 59 th mountain peak, does not have now. 不过欧阳狂如今还在第五十九座山峰上,一直没有下来。 Moreover Ouyang should have self-knowledge crazily, how dares with the deep war casualty gambling stake. 而且欧阳狂应该也有自知之明,怎么敢和冥殇赌注。 Defecation elder brother, what ghost quick, they knew with deep war casualty challenge the alternate name of person. “拉屎哥,什么鬼”很快,他们又得知了与冥殇挑战的人的别称。 Because does not know that person of name, therefore nickname defecation elder brother. 因为不知道那人的名字,所以外号拉屎哥。 They felt like, with the person of deep war casualty gambling stake is Lu Chen. 他们隐隐觉得,与冥殇赌注的人是陆尘 But Lu Chen, how will have such vulgar being said. 可是陆尘,怎么会有这么一个低俗的称为。 Got down, got down “下来了,下来了” Suddenly, some people exclaimed in side, two people fixed the eyes on look, from mountain was not just Lu Chen. 突然间,有人在旁边吼道,两人定睛一看,从山上下来的可不正是陆尘吗。 By Lu Chen also has form together, is an unusual god handsome youth. 陆尘旁边还有一道身影,是一个非常神俊的青年。 Two people are speechless, how Lu Chen has such a title, hears cannot irritate. 两人无语,陆尘怎么有这样一个称号,听到还不得气死啊。 Deep war casualty and defecation elder brother one breath challenged 69 mountain peaks, must go against heaven's will “冥殇与拉屎哥一口气挑战了六十九座山峰,要逆天吗” These two went against heaven's will “这两人都逆天了” Surrounding person of excited saying, felt that seemed like them to reach 69 mountain peaks to be the same. 周围人激动的说道,感觉就好像是他们登顶六十九座山峰了一样。 Lu Chen on the 69 th mountain peak, saw Mei clouds, the opposite party also sobered, saw that Lu Chen and he was impartial, does not have any accident/surprise. 陆尘在第六十九座山峰上,见到了梅霄,对方也清醒了过来,看到陆尘与他持平,没有任何的意外。 Therefore, two people talked several, got down from the 69 th mountain peak. 于是,两人交谈了几句,就从第六十九座山峰下来了。 After ten thousand heavy peaks, I go to pill pledge Lu Chen to walk while was saying to Mei clouds. “万重峰过后,我就去丹盟”陆尘一边走一边对着梅霄说道。 Un “嗯” Mei clouds nod gently, does not have any accident/surprise. 梅霄轻轻点头,没有任何的意外。 Lu Chen, you had to trouble suddenly, Lu Chen received one to send greetings, was season passes message however. 陆尘,你有麻烦了”突然间,陆尘接到一句传音,是季然的传音。 Troublesome? 麻烦? He can have anything to trouble. 他能有什么麻烦。 Lu Chen is puzzled, has not waited for the season however to explain, the surroundings little said also several thousand people surround, one crowd of person excited exclaiming of: Defecation elder brother, you are really great, for the person rising face of our Ten Territories.” 陆尘不解,还没等季然解释,周围少说也有数千人围拢过来,一群人激动的吼道:“拉屎哥,你真了不起,为我们十域的人涨脸。” Lu Chen cannot believe the ear of oneself simply. 陆尘简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 He, is called the defecation elder brother unexpectedly. 他,竟然被叫做拉屎哥。 Previous time he also heard the defecation elder brother three characters, originally thought is to description of deep war casualty, has not thought that is to his description. 上次他也听到了拉屎哥三个字,本以为是对冥殇的形容,没想到是对他的形容。 Wait! 等等! What situation. 什么情况。 Lu Chen thinks suddenly, the previous time was just entering Ouyang home, Ouyang Yuchang entertains him, he stood to say defecated, was difficult to be inadequate with that time matter has the connection. 陆尘忽然想到,上次在刚进入欧阳家,欧阳玉嫦招待他,他站起来说了一句拉屎,难不成与那次的事情有关联。 Truly very big possibility. 确实很大的可能性。 Because these people do not know his name, therefore took a very resounding title to him. 因为这些人并不知道他的名字,所以给他取了一个很响亮的称号。 Defecation elder brother, defecation elder brother, had you had confidence that exceeds deep war casualty youngster Highest Venerable one crowd of youth full of enthusiasm asking. “拉屎哥,拉屎哥,请问你有没有把握胜过冥殇这位少年至尊”一群青年兴致勃勃的问道。 In an instant, Lu Chen anger value all of a sudden full Cao. 刹那间,陆尘的怒气值一下子满槽。
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