, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Lu Chencloses up, senses the potential of body surface, hediscovered that oneselfreaches60mountain peaks, a body surfacepotential is very continuously weak, but more than 6000kinds of potentialsfuse, verypowerful.陆尘闭关,感悟体表的势,他发现自己登顶六十座山峰,体表一缕缕势都很微弱,但是六千多种势融合起来,非常的强大。Heunderstandsnow, every timereaches a mountain peak, will haveextremelyweakpotentialto integrate the body surface a continuously, tobreakintoKing Boundarybuilds the powerfulpotentialto prepare the ground.
The mountain peak that thereforereachesare more, the potential of body surface will also be stronger.
所以登顶的山峰越多,身体表面的势也会越强。Although the potential the rankis distinct, butsamerankpotential, there arehas the weakness.
势虽然等级分明,但是同等级势,也有强有弱。For examplewantsto comprehend the Kingpotential, 30mountain peaksare the foundations, somedaycanarrive at40, somedaycanarrive at45.
比如想要领悟王者势,三十座山峰是基础,有的天才能走到四十座,有的天才能走到四十五座。Theyare close to the Human Sovereignpotential the qualifications, butactuallydid not arrive.
他们接近人皇势的资格,但是却到达不了。Arrives at45mountain peaks the talents, arriving at40mountain peaks the Kingpotential of talentis more powerful.
走到四十五座山峰的天才,要比走到四十座山峰的天才的王者势要强大。Moreover, haltsin a mountain peaknot to have the issueonetime, was not a failurehaltsinthis.
而且,一次止步于某座山峰也没有问题,并不是一次失败就止步于此了。„Hū, does not know that canarrive at81mountain peaks”Lu Chento shout the one breathlightly, in the lookflooded the look that is yearning.
“呼,也不知道能不能走到八十一座山峰”陆尘轻呼一口气,眼神中充斥着向往的神色。News has it that ifwalks81mountain peaks, after comprehending the invinciblepotential, canrealizeto go against heaven's willcuts the brilliant achievement of sovereign.
据传闻,如果走完八十一座山峰,领悟无敌势之后,可以实现逆天斩皇的辉煌战绩。Lu Chenregarding the comprehensioninvinciblepotential, in the heartis eager to try.陆尘对于领悟无敌势,心中跃跃欲试。What a pityhedoes not know, if the idea of oneselfwere knownby the bystander, might be talked intodaydreams.
The person who in the middle ofTen Territoriescomprehends the invinciblepotential, historicallyaddsto only havetwo people, these twoallarestartledYanyan, extremely rareexistence, wantsto achievethis scene, evenupper boundaryyoungsterHighest Venerablecannot achieve.十域当中领悟无敌势的人,历史上加起来只有两人,这两人无一不是惊才艳艳,凤毛麟角般的存在,想要做到这一幕,就算是上界的少年至尊也做不到。These two, are the giantin the upper boundarydaynow, has the extremelyprominentprestige.
这两人,如今在上界天都属于巨头,有着极其显赫的威名。Andonepersonis‚degenerationdemonemperor’, oneartificial‚sworddemon’.
其中一人为‘堕落魔帝’,一人为‘剑魔’。Lu Chencloses uphalf a month, suddenlywas givento awakenby the dingtogether, the dingis very vigorous, even ifin the sensibility of deeplevel, were still awakened.陆尘闭关半个月,突然被一道钟声给惊醒,钟声很浑厚,就算处于深层次的感悟中,也被惊醒了。„MMP”
“MMP”Lu Chenopens the eye, was foul-mouthed, did not haveslightmoodcultivation.陆尘睁开眼睛,骂骂咧咧一句,没有丝毫的心情修炼了。Lu Chensets outto leaveotherinstitute, walkstowardten thousandheavypeaks, discovered that manypeopleencirclein the foot of 60 th mountain peak, their facial expressionexcitement, the salivafliesto discusshorizontally.陆尘起身离开别院,朝着万重峰走去,发现很多人围在第六十座山峰的山脚,他们神情一片激动,唾沫横飞讨论着。„WorthilyisyoungsterHighest Venerable that the upper boundarydaygets down, for half a month, arrivedthisstep, makingOuyangfamilysound the ding, lifts the clanwithcelebrating”
“不愧是上界天下来的少年至尊,半个月而已,就走到了这一步,让欧阳家族敲响钟声,举族同贺”„Un, othersare the upper boundaryday the powerhouse, the backgroundterrifying, the statusis it is said noble, waits for the previous60mountain peaks, is completely elementary operation eo”
“嗯,人家是上界天来的强者,据说背景恐怖,身份高贵,等上六十座山峰,完全是基本操作”Lu Chenjustcameto hearthesediscussions, immediatelyunderstandswas the deepwar casualtyreached the 60 th mountain peak, regarding this, hedid not have the slightaccident/surprise.陆尘刚来就听到这些讨论,立刻明白是冥殇登上了第六十座山峰,对此,他没有丝毫的意外。
The deepwar casualty, canreachabsolutely the 70 th mountain peak, comprehends the Saintpotential, this does not needto makeonequestion.
冥殇,绝对能登顶第七十座山峰,领悟圣势,这是无须令人质疑的。Quick, the blackformgets downfrom the mountain peaktogether, hiswhole bodywinds around the powerfulvigorouspotential, sends outextremelyfearfulconstriction, the eyepupilis tranquil, contains a point, making one not dareto look at each other.
很快,一道黑色的身影从山峰下来,他周身缭绕强大浑厚的势,散发出极其可怕的压迫感,眼眸平静,却蕴藏着一丝锋芒,让人不敢对视。Especiallypressure, madepeopleon the scenefeel the depressionunexpectedly.
尤其是身上的威压,竟然让在场人感受到了压抑感。Althoughis notKing, buthad the Kingpressure.
The deepwar casualtylooked all around, the line of sightthenfallson the body of Lu Chen, the proceedingsteps, cametowardLu Chen, withhisadvance, the peopledispersedtoward the two sides.
The deepwar casualtystandsis being away from the Lu Chen50meters away place, stared atLu Chenlittle, opened the mouth and said: „Ialsoreached the 60 th mountain peak.”
The Lu Cheneyebrowfirst choiceselecting, cannotsetotherwise.陆尘眉头挑了挑,不可置否。
The surroundingpersonsurprise, does not understand that very much the deepwar casualtyspoketowhom, becausearoundLu Chenis standingmanypeople, thesethink that the deepwar casualtyis speakingtothem.
The deepwar casualtycontinues saying: „PrevioustimeIopen the mouthto challengeyou, yourejected, yousaid that two peoplecontend in martial arts others to watchlookedprobablytwomonkeysplay the acrobatics, is inferior tothis, beforebreakingintoKing Boundary, weare more than mountain peak that whosteps, how.”
冥殇继续说道:“上次我开口挑战你,你拒绝了,你说两人比武旁人观看像是看两只猴子耍杂技,不如这样,在破入王境之前,我们就比谁踏上的山峰多,如何。”„Does not haveissue” the Lu Chencorners of the mouthto bring backwipes the interestedsmile.
“没问题”陆尘嘴角勾起一抹饶有兴趣的微笑。Thischallenge, hecomparesto be interested.
这种挑战,他还是比较感兴趣的。„But, mustaddgambling stakeanything, otherwisedoes not havemeaning”paused, Lu Chensupplementsone.
The deepwar casualtylookstoLu Chen, tranquilasking: „Youwantwhatgambling stake.”
冥殇看向陆尘,平静的问道:“你想要什么赌注。”Lu Chenopens mouth, has words on the tip of the tongue, actuallydiscovered that oneselfseemsanythingnot to lack, even if the deepwar casualtyis the upper boundarydaycomes, it is estimated thatgoodthingnot to havehimto be many.陆尘张了张嘴,话到嘴边,却发现自己好像啥都不缺,就算冥殇是上界天来的,估计身上的好东西也没有他多。ThereforeLu Chenopened the mouth and said: „This, iflostwhois a little brother, the wonthatpersonis a big brother, how.”
The deepwar casualtyhears the Lu Chenwords, is somewhat surprised, becausehefinds the personto investigateLu Chen, knows that the opposite partylikeseatingblackblack, will get down the underhanded tricks, originally thoughtthiscompetition, the opposite partywill put out the preciousthingas the competition, whowithoutthinkingis onlylostwhowill belittle brothergambling stake.
冥殇听到陆尘的话,有些意外,因为他找人调查过陆尘,知道对方喜欢黑吃黑,下阴手,本以为这次比试,对方会拿出珍贵的东西作为比试,没想到只是谁输了谁就是小弟这种赌注。„Does not haveissue”
“没问题”Dies youngdeeplynodded.
冥殇点了点头。„Thatanything, Little brother, westart”Lu Chento say.
The deepwar casualtycorners of the mouthpull out: „Has not startedto compete with.”
冥殇嘴角一抽:“还没有开始比试。”Response that Lu Chenis proud: „When the gambling stakestarts, the resulthas been doomed.”陆尘自负的回应道:“在赌注开始的时候,结果已经注定了。”Surroundingperson of speechless, whothispersonis, then the bigtone, actuallysaid that the gambling stakestarts the resultto be doomed, the opposite partyisyoungsterHighest Venerable that the upper boundarydaygets downis also inadequate.
周围人无语,此人是谁啊,那么大的口气,竟然说赌注开始结局就已经注定,难道对方也是上界天下来的少年至尊不成。„Ifirststarted”deepwar casualtyto turn the head, stamped, the vibrationland, like a flying arrowarrow, wenttoward the 61 st mountain peaklater.
“我先开始了”冥殇转头,一脚跺地,震动大地,随后如同一把离弦的箭矢,朝第六十一座山峰而去。Lu Chenlooks that the deepwar casualtydeparts, has not followed close onto go, does not have the timeto stipulatein any case,is unnecessaryworries, butisunhurriedly, slowlyflew.陆尘看着冥殇离去,也没有紧跟而去,反正没有时间规定,不必要着急,而是不慌不忙,慢慢地飞了过去。„Whothispersonis, upper boundaryyoungsterHighest Venerable that directsunexpectedlyattaches great importance to”
“此人是谁,竟然引的上界的少年至尊如此重视”„Does not know,has not seen, it is estimated that the previoustimeding is also thispersoncauses, rather thanOuyangis crazythey”
After Lu Chenwalks, the surroundingstalentstartsto talk in whispers, is staring at the backlow voicediscussion of Lu Chen.
等陆尘走后,周围人才开始窃窃私语起来,盯着陆尘的背影小声的讨论起来。„, Iknow that whohewas”incrowd, suddenlyheard a bigcry.
“他是谁”Suddenly, the vision of surroundingspersonfellonhisbodysuddenly.
骤然间,周围人的目光突然落在了他的身上。Thispersonsaid: „Thisperson of Ido not knowwhatorigin, butenteredOuyangfamilyon the same dayis the person who MissjadeChangentertains, reason thatmademyimpressionprofound, thatwasbecause the same dayhad an amusing thing.”
此人说道:“这人我也不知道什么来历,不过当日进入欧阳家族是玉嫦小姐招待的人,之所以令我印象深刻,那是因为当日发生了一件趣事。”Then, thispersonstandsLu Chen, underglare of the public eyetoOuyangYuchangwheresaid the restroom, amusing thing that hemustdefecatesaying.
然后,此人就把陆尘站起来,在众目睽睽之下对欧阳玉嫦说厕所在哪儿,他要拉屎的趣事给说了出来。„Pū, ha”
The surroundingseruptto laugh wildly the soundinstantaneously, feels the incomparableinterest.
周围瞬间爆发出狂笑声,感觉无比的有趣。Whocanthink, reaches60mountain peaksgeneration of evildoer/monstrous talent, havesuchdirty businesscertainlyunexpectedly.
谁能想到,一个登顶六十座山峰的绝代妖孽,居然有这样的糗事。„Sincedoes not know the name, laterwecalledhim the defecationelder brotherto be good”incrowd, there is a low and deepsoundto resoundtogether.
“既然不知道名字,以后我们就叫他拉屎哥好了”人群中,有一道低沉的声音响起。„Defecationelder brother, thisnameis good, ha”
“拉屎哥,这名字好,哈哈哈”„But, if the opposite partyhearsthisname, hitssaying that what to dowe”somepeopleworry about.
“可是,要是对方听到这名字,打我们怎么办”有人担忧的说道。„Fearsanything, ourso manypeople, heknowwhopasses on, weshoutedtogether, healsodaresto killusto be inadequate”incrowd, thatsay/waylow and deepsoundcontinuesto resound.
The peopleecho.
众人纷纷附和。Meanwhile, in the crowdinfemaleeyesrevealsmeaning that the plotworks, quietdeparturehere, but the Lu Chendefecationelder brother'stitle, actuallyspreadsquietlywith great speedinOuyangfamily.
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