, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!coverZiling the beautifuleyesstare atLu Chen, the corners of the mouthhaveoneto wipe the happy expression, passes on the sound said: „WasIsaid that again.”
盖紫菱美丽的眼睛盯着陆尘,嘴角有一抹浅浅的笑意,传音道:“是我说的,又如何。”coverZilingacknowledgedgracefully, does not straightenartificially.
盖紫菱落落大方的承认了,丝毫不矫揉做作。Lu Chengets angry, said: „Youare playing with fire.”陆尘黑着脸,道:“你在玩火。”Lu Chenhas not thought,isthislittle girlis agitatingin secret, tohetook a customtoexplodingnickname.陆尘万万没想到,是这妞在暗中煽风点火,给他取了个俗到爆的外号。OncoverZiling the beautifulcheekis brimming with the smile, making the surroundingpersonlookdull.
盖紫菱绝美的脸蛋上洋溢着笑容,让周围人都看呆了。No mattercoverZiling the makingsor the appearance, may be calledextremely . Moreover the natural talentis also unusual, reaches the 60 th mountain peak, has the probabilitycomprehends the Saintpotentialcertainlygeneration of evildoer/monstrous talent.
盖紫菱不管是气质还是容貌,都堪称绝顶,而且天资也非同一般,登顶第六十座山峰,是有几率领悟圣势的绝代妖孽。Seasonhoweverandpurplepermanent, Hanheavenand the others, recognizedcoverZiling, the opposite partyfrom the mystical place, rootfootfromupper boundaryday.
The opposite partybelong to an extremelyterrifyingethnic group, Undying Demon Clan.
The talentnaturallydid not have the words saying that reached the 60 th mountain peak, was reasonable.
天赋自然没有话说,登上第六十座山峰,也在情理之中。„Misscover, met”OuyangjadeChangto go forwardonestep, arrived in front ofcoverZiling, smiledwas saying.
“盖小姐,又见面了”欧阳玉嫦上前一步,来到盖紫菱面前,微笑着说道。OuyangYuchangalsoininformed and experienced, coverZiling of understanding, knowsin the experiencefor the good friend , there is nothing unsaid.
欧阳玉嫦也是在历练的时候,认识的盖紫菱,在历练中结识为好友,无话不说。Ouyangfamily'sfirstbeautiful womanOuyangYuchangwiththispurpleclothesfemalestands, each has his good points, to a pleasantfeeling.
欧阳家族第一美女欧阳玉嫦与这位紫衣女子站在一起,各有千秋,到是给人一种赏心悦目的感觉。Is also pondering the Gaisurnamein the mind of appreciation, is, noimpression.
盖紫菱朝欧阳玉嫦点了点头。„Thisyoung ladywas good”at this time, Lu Chenwent forwardonestep, made the infatuatedlookto looktocoverZiling.
The Lu Chenmovement, caused the attention of surroundingperson.陆尘的动作,引起了周围人的注意力。SomepeoplerecognizedLu Chen, is not the defecationelder brother, withis the topevildoer/monstrous talent.
一些人认出了陆尘,不就是拉屎哥吗,同为顶级妖孽。Howeverexperiences the previoustime, 54people of thrownlatrine pit, detainentireseveraldays, somepeople with high aspirationssuspected,is the defecationelder brothertotheirretaliations.
不过经历上一次,五十四人被扔茅坑,关押整整几天,一些有心人怀疑,是拉屎哥对他们的报复。Because ofthese54people, simplydoes not have the commonenemy, butthere is a commonevent, thathas discussed the defecationelder brotherin the presence of everyone.
The previousdefecationelder brotherwarnedthemface to face, did not permitto callhimfor the defecationelder brother, mustshout a Profound Territoryelder brother, butno onewas serious.
上一次拉屎哥当面警告他们,不准称呼他为拉屎哥,要喊玄域一哥,可是没有人当回事。Then, had the massacre.
然后,就发生了惨案。Thereforetheysuspected that is the defecationelder brotherdoes, butdoes not have the evidence.
所以他们怀疑是拉屎哥干的,但是没有证据。Afterthattime, towasno oneis calling the defecationelder brotherthreecharactersin the back.
经过那次,到是没有人在背地里叫拉屎哥三个字了。coverZilinghears the praise of Lu Chen, staresslightly, originallyshethinks that Lu Chenwill begin.
盖紫菱听到陆尘的夸赞,微微一愣,本来她以为陆尘会动手。Because ofaccording toherregarding the Lu Chenattitude, likesbeginningdirectly, happen to after shecomes out, the strengthincreases sharply, tobeing insufficientto fearLu Chen, evenis eager to try, but where alsowantsto have a look atoneself and Lu Chendisparity.
因为按照她对于陆尘的作风,喜欢直接动手,正好她出来后,战力激增,到不至于怕了陆尘,甚至跃跃欲试,还想看看自己与陆尘的差距在哪里。But, whooncethinks that Lu Chenwill praiseher.
可是,谁曾想陆尘会夸赞她。„Overpraised”coverZilingto show a faint smile, smilesdoes not reveal the tooth, accepted with pleasure the praise of Lu Chen.
“过奖了”盖紫菱微微一笑,笑不露齿,欣然接受陆尘的夸赞。„Young ladyappearancestartledis a Celestial, makingmeand othersadore, does not know that the young ladyhas had free time...”Lu Chensaidhere, stopped: „Draws an excrementtogether.”
The surroundingpersonheard a Profound Territoryelder brotherto saylike this, but alsothinks that a Profound Territoryelder brotherfell in lovetothispurpleclothesbeautiful woman, mustlaunch a pursue, after all the gentle and graceful girl, the gentlemanquitegathered together.
周围人听见玄域一哥这样说,还以为玄域一哥对这位紫衣美女一见钟情,要展开一番追求,毕竟窈窕淑女,君子好逑。Purpleclothesfemaletypeis likely extraordinary, talentextremelycertainlyforbeautiful woman, Heaven's Chosenof the same classhas the qualificationspursue, a Profound Territoryelder brother is like Meicloudsnow, reaches the 69 th mountain peak, definitelyhas the qualificationsto pursue the former.
像紫衣女子这种气质出众,天赋绝顶的绝代美女,也只有同级别的天骄才有资格追求,玄域一哥如今与梅霄一样,登顶第六十九座山峰,绝对有资格追求前者。Pūpū pū!
噗噗噗!But, behindProfound TerritoryElder Brothera few words, makingtheirone after anotherspit blood, then, lookincomparablestrangeness.
可是,玄域一哥后面的一句话,令他们一个个吐血,然后,神色无比的怪异。....Draws an excrementtogether?
有空....一起拉个屎?Theirearspresented the auditory hallucination.
他们耳朵出现幻听了吗。Saidthisis a Profound Territoryelder brotherpursues the uniqueway of beautiful woman?
还是说这是玄域一哥追求美女的独特方式?Countlesspeople like struck by lightningby the day, creakies.
无数人如同被天雷劈中,摇摇欲坠。coverZiling the originalcorners of the mouthhave the happy expression, buthears the Lu Chenwords, facestiff in same place, the shining whiteforeheadhas drawntwowisps of heavy lines.
盖紫菱本来嘴角带着浅浅的笑意,可是听到陆尘的话,面部僵硬在原地,莹白的额头划过两缕黑线。coverZiling the innermost feelingsseveralwantto spit blood, Lu Chenthisbastard, there is a demeanor.
盖紫菱内心几欲吐血,陆尘这王八蛋,有没有一点风度。In the mystical place, shealsohas the pursuer, is the Sagedescendant, evenin the judgementdemonpalace, severalSage Kingdescendantsare also pursuingher.
在秘境的时候,她也有追求者,全是圣者后代,甚至裁决魔殿中,几位圣王后代也在追求她。Thesepursuereachare well-manneredtoher, is well-mannered, mild-mannered and cultivated, for fear thatstirs upherto dislike.
这些追求者每一个对她都彬彬有礼,举止得体,温文尔雅,生怕惹得她反感。Butfront, invitingherto have free timeto draw an excrement?
可是面前这位,邀请她有空拉个屎?Generallyso long asis the normalman, howpossiblyto saythiswords.
一般只要是正常的男子,怎么可能说出这种话。HowevercoverZilingthinks that the Lu Chenactions, as well asunderstoodheinAzure Territorysomefacts that creates, for example the narcissismcalledoneselfis the Azure Territoryfirstgraceful, a appearance changingincarnationboldcommendationmain body, thenas if the opposite partycansay the words that was not concerned about face, was reasonable.
不过盖紫菱想到陆尘的所作所为,以及了解他在青域的造成的一些事迹,比如自恋称呼自己为青域第一帅,易容一个化身没脸没皮的称赞本尊,那么似乎对方能说出这么不要脸的话,也在情理之中。PerhapsentireTen Territories, oradds on for ninedays, could not discover the secondresemblesLu Chensofacial skinagain the person of sincerelimit.
恐怕整个十域,亦或者加上九天,再也找不出第二个像陆尘这般脸皮已经厚道极限的人了吧。seasoncorrect/however, purplepermanent, OuyangKuang, TangQianrain, one after anotheralsodull in same place, cannotbelieve that simply the earhears.
The Lu Chenwords, collapsedtheirthreeviews.陆尘的话,把他们的三观都崩坏了。„Haha, Brother Lu, after youpursue the way of beautiful womanmayreallybe unique”awkward silenceseveralseconds, OuyangKuangzoucomes, the racket the shoulder of Lu Chen, thenraises up a thumb.
“哈哈,陆兄,你追求美女的方式可真独特”冷场了几秒之后,欧阳狂走过来,拍拍陆尘的肩膀,然后竖起一个大拇指。„Generallygeneral”Lu Chenreturned toonevery muchmodestly, laterlookstocoverZiling, in the lookhas the doubts, asked: „Does not knowlikeyouattractive the female, is standingdefecation, sitsdefecates, stands upside down.....”
The surroundingsomepeoplehave not borne, smiledto make noisedirectly.
周围有人没忍住,直接笑出声来了。Alsostands upside down. Simply.
This Profound Territoryelder brother is really .... It is not ableto describehimwith the language.
这位玄域一哥实在是....无法用语言形容他了。Canask such strangequestionunexpectedly.
The seasonhoweverwaits for the personlookto be strange, theyunderstoodprobably, Lu Chenmustembarrass the opposite partyintentionally, or the Lu ChennicknameiscoverZilingdisseminating.
季然等人眼神怪异,他们好像明白了过来,陆尘是故意要让对方难堪,亦或者陆尘的外号就是盖紫菱给散播出去的。Lu Chen... thisiscovers the purplewater chestnutin the report.陆尘...这是在报复盖紫菱呢。OncoverZiling the face, does not have the previoussmile, wipesclimbs up the two sidesprofilescrimson, dyeingCheng Hongxia is the same, in a pair of beautifulpupil, is burning the flaminganger, clenches jaws saying: „Lu Chen, your bastard, gets what one deservesfor a lifetimesingle.”
盖紫菱的脸上,已经没有了先前的微笑,一抹绯红爬上两边的侧脸,染成红霞一样,一双美丽的眸子中,燃烧着熊熊的怒火,咬牙切齿道:“陆尘,你这个王八蛋,活该一辈子单身。”coverZilingregrettedsuddenly, whyoneselfmustprovokethisbastard.
盖紫菱突然后悔了,自己为什么要招惹这王八蛋。Had inquiredobviously some facts of thisbastard, after facethick-skinnedunprecedented, does not have the future.
明明都打听过这混蛋的一些事迹了,脸皮厚的前无古人后无来者。But, whyoneself must do againsthim, thisdoes not bring upon oneselfawkwardly.
可是,自己为什么还要与他对着干,这不是自找尴尬吗。coverZilingpledged,laterruns intothisfellow, many hidesfar.
盖紫菱发誓,以后遇到这家伙,有多远躲多远。OuyangYuchangstandssidecoverZiling, shecanfeel the anger on coverZilingsending out, in the heartalsospeechless.
欧阳玉嫦站在盖紫菱身边,她能感受到盖紫菱身上散发出来的怒火,心中也无语至极。Canachieve the talentpinnaclethick, the facial skinalsoto the pinnacle, feared that isalsoonly thenthisperson.
能够做到天赋极致,脸皮也厚到极致,怕是也只有此人了。coverZiling the figureflashes, leftthisplacerapidly, shefearsto treat, Lu Chenthisbastardwill also say the words that anythingshocks everybody, comingto what the eyes don't see the heart isn't troubled about.
盖紫菱身形一闪,迅速离开了此地,她怕待下去,陆尘这王八蛋还会说出什么惊世骇俗的话语,来个眼不见心不烦。Seesdeparture that coverZilingescapesalsoresembles, inLu Chenheartself-satisfiedlight.
见盖紫菱逃也似的离开,陆尘心中得意的轻哼。Remembers the oneselfmotto: So long asheis not awkward, thenawkwardisothers.
想起自己的座右铭:只要他不尴尬,那么尴尬的就是别人。„Dispersed, hasattractivelywhat”sees the surroundingpersonto stare athim, Lu Chensinks the faceto say.
The surroundingpersondisperses instantly.
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