MMISF :: Volume #5

#470: two base man

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Other institute is very big, the extraordinary style, has the sound of talking and laughing merrily to spread from inside indistinctly. 别院很大,非凡气派,隐约有谈笑风生的声音从里面传出。 The maidservants stand in the entrance, looks to Lu Chen, said: Young lady in inside, your oneself goes.” 侍女站在门口,看向陆尘,道:“小姐就在里面,你自己进去吧。” In the eyes of maidservant, has meaning of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 侍女的眼中,带着幸灾乐祸的意味。 This person goes to disturb the honored guest who Ouyang family entertains, initiating the honored guest to be discontented, may be very expelled Ouyang family. 此人进去打搅欧阳家族招待的贵客,引发贵客不满,很可能被赶出欧阳家族。 Even afterward, the young lady knows that is she brings intentionally, but by her with young lady's sisters friendship, the young lady most scolded her several. 就算事后,小姐知道是她故意带来的,但是以她跟小姐的姐妹情谊,小姐最多骂她几句。 Lu Chen nodded, later very tranquil walked, pleasant is a spacious incomparable courtyard, the blue brick spreads out on the floor. 陆尘点了点头,随后很平静的走了进去,入眼是一个宽大无比的院子,青砖铺地。 In the middle of this giant courtyard, sits scattered has more than ten people, front of everyone, chocked up the glittering and translucent carving fruit, the liquor water, or tea, one group of people in the exchange of harmony happiness. 这巨大的院子当中,零零散散坐着有十几人,每个人的前面,都摆满了晶莹剔透的水果,酒水,或者茶水,一群人正在其乐融融的交流。 The arrival of Lu Chen, causes one group of people to look. 陆尘的到来,引起一群人看过来。 And several people of vision are quite strange, even clenching jaws hatred. 其中有几人的目光比较怪异,甚至略带了一丝咬牙切齿的恨意。 „, But also very lively Lu Chen face thick-skinned like city wall, probably the ripe same opens the mouth said originally, later looks to Ouyang jade Chang, discontented saying: You act as the master was also too mean-spirited, we ran ten thousand heavy peaks to be informed and experienced far away, finally did not arrange one Room cultivation, but also being probable made me look for you.” “哦,还挺热闹的嘛”陆尘脸皮厚如城墙,像是自来熟一样的开口说道,随后看向欧阳玉嫦,不满的说道:“你们做主人的也太小气了吧,我们大老远的跑来万重峰历练,结果连修炼都不安排一间,还非得让我来找你。” Here is not place that you should come to side, a youth looked that said to Lu Chen cold sound. “这里不是你该来的地方”旁边,一位青年看向陆尘冷声说道。 He listens to the meaning of Lu Chen to understand, this person was the person of ordinary dynasty, this character Ouyang family was impossible to entertain. 他听陆尘的意思就已经明白,此人是普通皇朝的人,这种人物欧阳家族不可能招待。 But their here is the evildoer/monstrous talent meeting that Profound Territory as well as other territories come, an ordinary dynasty youth wanted to participate, simply did not have the qualifications. 而他们这里是玄域以及其他域来的妖孽聚会,一个普通的皇朝青年想要参与进来,根本没资格。 On this day, place that but also without me should not go to Lu Chen restraining complexion, looks to opposite party light saying, in the tone, was full of the insolent meaning. “这天下,还没有我不该去的地方”陆尘收敛脸色,看向对方平淡的说道,语气中,充满了张狂之意。 Meets my palm, if can receive, lets you stay here” sharply this youth look stare at Lu Chen, cold sound opens the mouth. “接我一掌,如果能接下,就让你留在这里”此青年眼神锋锐的盯着陆尘,寒声开口。 Ouyang to/clashes, stops “欧阳冲,住手” Erupts in the youth aura, lifts the palm, wants to act, Ouyang Yuchang opens the mouth to prevent the opposite party at the right moment. 就在青年气息爆发,抬起手掌,想要出手的时候,欧阳玉嫦适时地开口阻止对方。 The youth looked at Ouyang Yuchang one eyes puzzled, but finally snort/hum, without speech. 青年不解的看了欧阳玉嫦一眼,但是最终哼了一声,没有说话。 Originally, runs into this insolent youth, Lu Chen did not mind that to his bone, sees in the situation of acquaintance at the scene, that even. 本来,遇到这种张狂至极的青年,陆尘不介意给他松松骨头,不过在现场看到熟人的情况下,那就算了。 Lu Chen sees a handsome youth, to upright bitterly is staring at him. 陆尘看到一个唇红齿白的青年,对方正恨恨的盯着他。 Young still still “小尚尚” Lu Chen does not seem to looked to come into sight the hatred, warm greeting, then dashing with long hurried strides in the past, ignored the opposition of litigant, puts arms around shoulders, makes a very ripe appearance. 陆尘仿佛没有看到眼中的恨意,热情的打着招呼,然后大步流星的飞奔过去,丝毫不顾当事人的反对,勾肩搭背,做出一副很熟的模样。 Let loose me Ao Shangdi to roar, complexion black like bottom of the pot, discontented struggled. “放开我”敖尚低吼,脸色黑如锅底,不满的挣扎起来。 In the heart air/Qi and anxious, hugs me to do, I and you are very ripe. 心中又气又急,搂着我干什么,我和你很熟吗。 He a little cannot think through, how can also meet the damn old Yin ratio in Profound Territory, does not have the good deed certainly. 他有点想不通,怎么在玄域也能遇到该死的老阴比,准没好事。 Young still still, our two good and evil friendship sworn friends, several years did not see, you did not think me Lu Chen face excited saying. “小尚尚,咱两好歹也交情莫逆,几年不见,难道你一点也不想我”陆尘一脸激动的说道。 Ao still spat blood, the wizard thought you, the wizard and your friendship sworn friend, you harmed me also to harm insufficiently miserably. 敖尚吐血,鬼才想你,鬼才和你交情莫逆,你害我还害得不够惨吗。 this scene, making others look strange, is looking at the two base man probably. 这一幕,令旁人眼神怪异,就好像在看两个基佬。 In Ouyang Yuchang look flashes through an extraordinary splendor, this youth and True Dragon Clan Crown Prince Ao was still very ripe? 欧阳玉嫦眼神中闪过一丝异彩,这个青年和真龙太子敖尚很熟? Previously wanted to clash to Ouyang who Lu Chen acted, sees this scene, the look a little non- nature. 先前想要对陆尘出手的欧阳冲,看到这一幕,眼神有点不自然。 The originally thought opposite party was only the person of ordinary dynasty, now seems like not this, at least dares to put arms around shoulders with Crown Prince Ao still at will. 本以为对方只是普通皇朝的人,现在看来并不是这样,至少敢随意与太子敖尚勾肩搭背。 That anything, Ouyang Yuchang, hurries to give me to make a stool, I must still sit the Lu Chen solemn master to tell that by young still the attitude of maidservant, looks that Ouyang Yuchang said. “那啥,欧阳玉嫦,赶紧给我弄张凳子来,我要挨着小尚尚坐”陆尘俨然一副主人吩咐侍女的态度,看着欧阳玉嫦说道。 Ouyang Yuchang heard the Lu Chen words, the corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, but told a maidservant, prepared the stool and food. 欧阳玉嫦听到陆尘的话,嘴角抽了抽,但还是吩咐身边的一位侍女,准备好凳子和食物。 You let loose me “你放开我” Ao still a face was red, the Lu Chen extremely intimate name made his chicken hide the lump to get up, has not seen such disgusting chatty fellow. 敖尚一张脸通红起来,陆尘极其亲热的称呼让他鸡皮子疙瘩都起来了,就从来没有见过这么肉麻腻歪的家伙。 Ao Shangdi roared, bang, a terrifying energy erupted from his within the body, brings a faint trace dragon prestige, making the surrounding person change the complexion. 敖尚低吼,轰的一声,一股恐怖的能量从他体内爆发出来,带着一丝丝龙威,让周围人都变了变脸色。 The True Dragon clan absolutely is the royalty in monster beast, not only the body and spirit is powerful, but also dragon prestige absorbs the person. 真龙族绝对是妖兽中的皇族,不仅体魄强大,而且龙威摄人。 Ao still had Primordial Spirit Boundary completion boundary, soon entered King Boundary, the person on the scene has not dared saying that won him steadily. 敖尚拥有元神境圆满境界,快要入王境了,在场人还没有敢说稳胜他。 Although, Ao still erupted the aura, but was imprisoned by Lu Chen both hands, to the imprisonment of Lu Chen. 可是,尽管敖尚爆发气息,但是被陆尘双手禁锢住,冲不开陆尘的禁锢。 Ao Shangxiang shouted 'motherfucker', several years of he enhanced so many strengths, entered dragon Zuzu the cultivation four years, the strength increased sharply, originally thought this time, even if cannot win this old Yin ratio steadily, but should be evenly matched. 敖尚想骂娘,几年时间他都提升了那么多实力,进入龙族祖地修炼四年,实力激增,本以为这一次,就算不能稳胜这个老阴比,但应该是势均力敌。 But this old Yin ratio, suppressed him. 可是这个老阴比,还是压制了他。 How to have compared with his True Dragon clan strength also wants abnormal human. 怎么有比他真龙族力量还要变态的人类。 Roar “吼” Ao Shangdi roared, sees only his body to bloom radiant golden light, sacred incomparable, innumerable golden light obviously changed to a golden big dragon, twined around the haughty still body, wanted to shake Lu Chen. 敖尚低吼,只见他身体绽放出璀璨的金光,显的神圣无比,无数的金光化作一条金色的巨龙,缠绕在敖尚的身体周围,想要把陆尘震开。 However, is still useless. 但是,依旧无用。 The Lu Chen both arms catch up, the strength is sincere, sees only has not condensed the formed Gold Dragon phantom, was exploded to the extrusion by the both arms of Lu Chen directly broken. 陆尘双臂发力,力量厚重,只见还没有凝聚成形的金龙虚影,直接被陆尘的双臂给挤压爆碎。 After one minute, Ao still was discouraged, no longer struggled, curses angrily one: Your anomaly.” 一分钟后,敖尚泄气,不再挣扎,怒骂一句:“你个变态。” Young still still, you wanted to defeat me, but must saying that waited for several years Lu Chen to smile. “小尚尚,你想要打败我,还得等几年”陆尘笑眯眯的说道。 However the both arms transmit the feeling of slightly tingling with numbness, making in his heart somewhat surprised, Ao still had very big promotion for these years, presents except for him, should no one be able to win Ao still steadily. 不过双臂传来略微发麻的感觉,让他心中有些吃惊,敖尚这几年有很大的提升,在场除了他,应该没有人能够稳胜敖尚了吧。 The surrounding person sees this scene, is surprised, the strength of this person is so unexpectedly powerful, including symbolizing True Dragon clan Crown Prince Ao still of strength, could not shake off the fetter unexpectedly. 周围人看到这一幕,再次吃惊,此人的实力竟然这么强大,连象征力量的真龙太子敖尚,竟然挣脱不开束缚。 Several years do not see, you that shameless, the natural disposition has not changed side, a beautiful woman cannot tolerate, cold snort/hum a sound said. “几年不见,你还是那么的无耻,本性一点都没有改变”旁边,一位美女看不过去,冷哼一声道。 Lu Chen let loose Ao still, looked to the opposite party, licked the licking lips corner/horn: Young girl, your stature was getting more and more irritable.” 陆尘放开敖尚,看向对方,舔了舔嘴角:“小妞,你的身材越来越火爆了。” You .... “你....” The females are angry, the willow eyebrows want to set upright is staring Lu Chen. 女子大怒,柳眉欲竖的瞪着陆尘 Hehehe, I like you looking that I want to hit me not to be victorious uncomfortable my appearance Lu Chen to smile is very dreadful, under punches very much. “嘿嘿嘿,我就喜欢你看我不爽想打我又打不过我的样子”陆尘笑的很猥琐,也很欠揍。 mysterious “次奥” The females exploded a swearing in the heart, is excessive, does not pay attention to him. 女子在心中爆了一句粗口,偏过头,不理会他。 Profound Territory on the scene Heaven's Chosen sees this scene, in the heart the cold sweat flows backwards. 在场玄域天骄看到这一幕,心中冷汗倒流。 Who coming the person is, is so bold, Holy Daughter that the solemn Saint demon teaches continually dares **. 来人是谁啊,这么奔放,连堂堂圣魔教的圣女都敢**。 Good, just cursed angrily Lu Chen, the Saint demon teaches Holy Daughter Jiang Caiyan. 不错,刚刚怒骂陆尘的,正是圣魔教圣女姜彩妍。 For these years the time, Jiang Caiyan has always been playing an active role in Profound Territory, various places challenged, made the reputation in Profound Territory upper layer Heaven's Chosen. 这几年时间,姜彩妍一直活跃在玄域,各处挑战,在玄域上层天骄中打出了名声。 Profound Territory upper-level Heaven's Chosen dreads Jiang Caiyan very much. 玄域的上层天骄都很忌惮姜彩妍。 Green wool, you how here “绿毛,你怎么在这里” Your this goods, without returning your nine days, how still stop over in Ten Territories “还有你这货,没回你的九天,怎么还在十域逗留” Season however and purple permanent, your two does not inherit the person of father's generation family property in Azure Territory, runs blind wave anything, did not fear that falls from the sky here.” “季然和紫恒,你们两个不在青域继承父辈家产,跑出来瞎浪什么,也不怕陨落在这里。” Qian rain younger sister paper, prepares several Sage King level killers to me, I alone roam about alone and forsaken Profound Territory, needs several killer bodyguards “芊雨妹纸,给我准备几个圣王级杀手,我一个人孤苦伶仃流浪玄域,需要几个杀手保镖” Lu Chen observes the situation for a week, originally ripe greeting, being startled Profound Territory Heaven's Chosen as well as Ouyang Yuchang is dumbfounded. 陆尘环视一周,纷纷自来熟的打着招呼,惊得玄域天骄以及欧阳玉嫦目瞪口呆。
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